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mind Slays cI~ar. you can (hink. and you ha,'" tOlal a~'<.."eSS 10 YUllr " .... ati""

" . S .... klng Iidp Son\t'ti"'~'S. Ihe solution to a prob l~," lit'S o"(Sid~ of
us. When your le,·el of rises ahove Ihe manageable level. one of Ihe
faslesl :mrl rn,,.1 .. ffecllv .. ways \0 reduc .. Ihat level and 1..1 go "ff.. ar is 10
tell sorn~one aboul YOllr f<'ar Often Ihp result IS an immedialp reduclion in
your fpar. Tal king aboul your fear is like openUlg Ihe basement door and
kiting out Ihe r..""",,,,e. barking dol\'! belov... Althou.o;h Ihe sound may bc
lerrifying when you cannot,..... Ih .. cauS<' of il, just ol'e!Oing up th .. door
and I~tting the Cau"" of U'e I~rror ~", .. rge inlo dayli ~h l has (10" im n",diale
effect of taking away ils power to frighten . SU'hlenly. YOll see Ihal they are
JUSI rlogs wagging Iheir t.ail~. dem:mrling food and a ,,·all;: nlll'<irle.
The Iwo besl !"<' for ""eking help oll\.'lide of yourself are·

I. Talking 10 a fri~"d or fan,ily men'b<:r_ Renoe,nbcr 10 find SOn',·..",e

you can trust to actually lislen. il is i'''pu'lm'' thai you can si "'ply .. ~.
pres.~ your fear "ilhou! interruplion. corre.;tlon. helpful ad'·ice, and
judgment, Once you have e~pressed your fear. leI your own words .....
veroerale in your ear so Ihal yuu can hear yourself. If you can hear
yout'S<'lf. YOll will be ablc to assess the rt'alny of YOllr siluation much
more objecliwly Ihan when you wert' worrying abolll it sikntly Wilh
a more obj~'Ctiv~ I<~ke on Ihe fear. YOII Can asst""" Uw cause and the
1l<)S.~ible steps you can take I." s"lve the problem.

~ . Working with a prof.....'i,mal ~ou"selor-&"n .. lim .... for '''''1'

g'N)(1 rea·
son.'!. you may "ot wam tu reveal your fears 10 someone you know.
Or YOll may ha,·~ already tried to lalk out your fears wit!toul success
Or the cau"" of your fcars may lit- 100 d{'{'j) or hidden for you to d
wtlh you"",lf. If you ha'·c 1l"..on",,'OIiS ""boleu", at work. YOIl will find
I.hal nonnal S(ral~gil'S Iu It-( go uf yO lOr f~ars du "o( j'dp. This is Ihe
lin'" 10 wurk wilh a proresl;ional 10 "n Co'·er Ih~ SOllrc~ or your fea""
'>T your i"'~hilily to leI them go. Find a professional cuutl." ,I"f wh" has
a trac k record of getting rapidly 10 the root of a problem and resolving
il equally rap,dly, ralher than commit you 10 long·tenn tlterapy with no
end in Sigllt.

I have worked wilh a faJr number of traders who were ""e",,·helmed with
fcar "lid aru:iCly, R..gardlcss of how their problems ,,·illt fear b<'gan, o'·er
lime Ih ..y all begin 10 " xlK'rience the same kind of COruK'QUenc""" Loss of

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