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The climate and environment are in danger because of global warming.

The UN set 17 goals for sustainable development. There are 3 goals that discuss
climate change, which are, Goal 13(Climate action), goal 14 ( Life below water) and goal
15 (Life on Land).They are all linked together and they have an impact on the climate
and environment.
. In this text, I will discuss these three goals and why I believe they are important, their
link together, and how people can help with climate change in their daily lives.

Goal 13: Climate Action

Goal 13, Climate Action, is the most important goal because of the negative
consequences of climate change. It talks about taking action to reduce climate change
like, reducing carbon Emissions and its effect. Climate action can positively affect life
below water (in the sea and river). It can retain and fix the damage done to sea life
because of climate change.

Goal 14: Life Below Water

Goal 14, Life Below Water, explains the importance of protecting and restoring Life

under the water. Oceans, covering over 70% of the Earth's surface, are linked to climate

change and life on land. The pollution, overfishing, and climate change, affect food

security. To support this goal, individuals can reduce their plastic use, choose

sustainable seafood choices, and engage in beach clean-ups and help with marine


Goal 15: Life on Land

Goal 15, Life on Land, focuses on conserving terrestrial ecosystems and halting land

degradation. Land ecosystems sequester carbon, preserve biodiversity, and provide

resources for human survival. Deforestation, habitat loss, and unsustainable land use

exacerbate climate change and biodiversity loss. People can contribute by supporting

reforestation initiatives, reducing their ecological footprint, and promoting sustainable

agriculture and land-use practices in their communities.


In conclusion, Goal 13, Climate Action, Goal 14, Life Below Water, and Goal 15, Life on

Land, are intricately linked in addressing the complex challenges posed by

environmental degradation and climate change. The degradation of one directly impacts

the others, and their interconnectedness highlights the importance of a holistic

approach. Individuals can contribute by making conscious choices in their daily lives,

such as reducing carbon emissions, supporting marine conservation, and promoting

sustainable land use. These actions collectively lead us toward a more sustainable and

resilient planet, preserving the environment for current and future generations.

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