Sliding Mode Control System Design For Chemical Processes

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逢 甲 大 學

化 學 工 程 學 系
博 士 論 文

Sliding Mode Control System Design
for Chemical Processes

研 究 生:彭世典

中 華 民 國 九 十 三 年 十 一 月


This thesis would not have been possible without the assistance from many people

who gave their support in different ways. To them I would like to convey my heartfelt

gratitude and sincere appreciation.

It is difficult to overstate my gratitude to my Ph.D. advisor, Dr. Chyi-Tsong Chen.

With his enthusiasm, and his great efforts to explain things simply and clearly, he helped

to make process control fun for me. Throughout my thesis-writing period, he provided

encouragement, good teaching, and lots of good ideas. I would have been lost without

him. I would also like to acknowledge the members of my thesis committee: Drs.

Hsiao-Ping Huang, Cheng-Ching Yu, Cheng-Liang Chen, Chi-Tsung Huang, I-Lung

Chien, Chyi-Tsong Chen, Shyh-Hong Hwang, Yi-Shyong Chou and Chueh-Ting Chang. I

am grateful to them for their advice, suggestions and critical review of the draft of this


I would like to thank my fellow graduate students who offered many valuable

discussions and a helping hand in time of need: Mr. Ching-Kuo Wu, Mr. Cheng-Tien Hsu,

Mr. Nan-Chieh Wen, Mr. Yu-Jung Li, Mr. Ying-Chih Lo, Mrs. Chia-Chi Li and Mrs.

Fang-Yu Hu. I would also like to thank the members of the staff and faculty of the

Chemical Engineering Department at Feng Chia University. I am grateful to them for

providing an atmosphere conducive to advanced learning and critical thinking. To two

exceptional friends, Ms. Ling-Yu Chen and Ms. Hsiao-Chun Huang, I extend my warmest

of heartfelt appreciation. Their friendship helped me to cope with the rigors of life as a

graduate student, and made it possible to experience aspects of life other than my work.
Lastly, and most importantly, I wish to thank my parents, Mr. Sung-Tsung Peng and Mrs.

Chun-Yueh Yang, and my brother, Mr. Shih-Chiang Peng, for being there when I needed

them, and for their love.

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This thesis considers the sliding mode control of chemical processes. For handling

with diversified process dynamics such as nonlinearity, uncertainties, inverse response

and/or time-delay, four sliding mode control schemes are proposed. Firstly, with the

integration of an optimal sliding surface and a delay-ahead predictor, a novel and

systematic sliding mode control system design methodology based on an identified

SOPDT model is proposed for uncertain chemical processes with moderate nonlinearity.

The convergence property of the closed-loop system is guaranteed theoretically by means

of satisfying a sliding condition. Furthermore, the decentralized sliding mode control

scheme for multivariable processes is also explored. The second part develops a

predictor-based sliding mode control scheme for nonlinear uncertain input-delay

chemical processes. A Lyapunov-based approach is employed to guarantee both the

robust stability and performance of the closed-loop system. Subsequently, in the third part,

a sliding mode control scheme is explored for nonlinear, non-minimum phase, uncertain

processes in the presence of input-delay. The proposed scheme, which integrates a

time-advanced nonlinear predictor and a statically equivalent output map, is able to

compensate the process’s input-delay and to circumvent the negative effect of inverse

response. In order to release the constraints and assumptions on process uncertainties for

the sliding mode control system design, in the fourth part a nonlinear control scheme that

incorporates a sliding mode controller and a neural fuzzy strategy is proposed for the

regulation control of nonlinear chemical processes whose dynamics are imprecisely

known. Extensive simulation results reveal that the proposed sliding mode control system

design methodologies are applicable and promising for the regulation control of chemical

processes in the presence of diversified process dynamics.

iv 逢甲大學 e-Thesys (93 學年度)



1. Introduction ................................................................................................................ 1

2. Design of a Sliding Mode Control System Based on an Identified SOPDT Model 7

2.1. A Sliding Mode Control Technique ....................................................................... 8

2.1.1. Predictor Design Based on an Identified SOPDT Model ............................. 8

2.1.2. Sliding Mode Controller Design Based on SOPDT Model .......................... 10

2.1.3. An Optimal Sliding Function Design ............................................................ 12

2.1.4. Practical Implementation .............................................................................. 13

2.1.5. Extension to Non-Minimum Phase Processes .............................................. 15

2.1.6. Implementation Based on an Identified FOPDT Model ............................... 15

2.2. Multivariable Process Control Using Decentralized Sliding Mode Controllers.... 17

2.3. Simulation Studies ................................................................................................. 20

2.4. Summary ................................................................................................................ 29

3. Design of a Sliding Mode Control System for Nonlinear, Uncertain, Input-Delay

Chemical Processes ................................................................................................. 45

3.1. A Predictor-Based Sliding Mode Control Scheme for Nonlinear, Uncertain,

Input-Delay Processes ............................................................................................ 46

3.1.1. Control System Configuration and System Description .............................. 46

3.1.2. Design of a Sliding Mode Controller ........................................................... 48

3.1.3. A Nonlinear Predictor and the Robustness of the Predictor-Based Sliding

Mode Control Scheme ................................................................................... 50

3.2. A Case Study: Regulation of a Nonlinear Uncertain Input-Delay Chemical Process

................................................................................................................................. 55

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3.2.1. The Role of the Nonlinear Predictor ............................................................. 58

3.2.2. The Presence of Extra Disturbances ............................................................. 59

3.2.3. Parameter Variations and Modeling Error in Input-Delay ........................... 60

3.3. Summary ................................................................................................................ 60

4. A Sliding Mode Control Scheme for Non-Minimum Phase, Nonlinear, Uncertain,

Input-Delay Chemical Processes ............................................................................ 66

4.1. A Predictor-Based Sliding Mode Control Scheme for Nonlinear, Uncertain,

Non-Minimum Phase, Input-Delay Processes ........................................................ 67

4.1.1. Control System Configuration and System Description ............................... 67

4.1.2. Design of a Statically Equivalent Output Map (SEOM) ............................... 69 The Design of he (x) : an Auxiliary Output Design Method Using

Zero Assignment Technique .............................................................. 69 Synthesis of a Statically Equivalent Output Map (SEOM), hs (x) , for

Use under Process Uncertainties ....................................................... 73

4.1.3. Design of a Predictor-Based Sliding Mode Controller ................................. 75 Design of a Sliding Mode Controller ................................................ 76 A Nonlinear Predictor and the Robustness of the Predictor-Based

Sliding Mode Control Scheme ........................................................... 79

4.2. A Case Study: Regulation Control of a Van de Vusse Reactor in the Presence of

Input-Delay, Inverse Response and Process’s Uncertainties .................................. 82

4.2.1. The Role of the Nonlinear Predictor ............................................................. 88

4.2.2. The Presence of Extra Disturbances ............................................................. 89

4.2.3. Parameter Uncertainties ................................................................................ 90

4.2.4. Implementation with a Sliding Observer ...................................................... 90

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4.3. Summary ................................................................................................................ 92

5. A Sliding Mode Control Scheme for Imprecisely Known Chemical Processes ... 102

5.1. System Description and Problem Statement ......................................................... 103

5.2. The Control System Structure ............................................................................... 104

5.3. The Control System Design ...................................................................................105

5.3.1. Robust Sliding Mode Controller Design ......................................................106 Feedback Linearization and a Transformed Uncertain System ........106 Sliding Mode Controller Design ...................................................... 108

5.3.2. An Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Technique ..........................................................110 The Neural Fuzzy Controller ............................................................110 An MNN-Based Estimator ................................................................114

5.3.3. Sliding Observer Design ...............................................................................116

5.3.4. Integration of the SMC and NFC ................................................................. 117

5.4. A Case Study: The Regulation Control of a Nonlinear Uncertain CSTR ..............118

5.4.1. The Influence of Sliding Observer Poles ......................................................124

5.4.2. The Effect of Boundary Layer Thickness on System Performance ..............124

5.4.3. Comparison with a PIDSMC Control Scheme .............................................125

5.4.4. The Presence of Extra Disturbances .............................................................126

5.4.5. The Presence of Measurement Offset and Noise ..........................................127

5.5. Summary ................................................................................................................128

6. Conclusions and Future Prospects ...........................................................................135

References .......................................................................................................................138

Appendix A. Proof of the Sliding Condition ............................................................... 145

Appendix B. Proof of Theorem 3.1 .............................................................................. 146

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Appendix C. Stability Analysis of Using the SMC ..................................................... 149

Appendix D. Design of Observer Gains for the Nonlinear CSTR ............................ 150

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Figure 2.1. A schematic diagram of the proposed sliding mode control system ............. 14

Figure 2.2. Closed-loop system performance of Example 2.1 ........................................ 31

Figure 2.3. Closed-loop system performance of Example 2.1 in the presence of parameter

uncertainties: steady state gain: +50%, each of time constant and dead-time:

-50% .............................................................................................................. 32

Figure 2.4. Closed-loop system performance of Example 2.2 ........................................ 33

Figure 2.5. Closed-loop system performance of Example 2.2 in the presence of

plant/model mismatch .................................................................................... 34

Figure 2.6. Closed-loop system performance of Example 2.3 ........................................ 35

Figure 2.7. Closed-loop system performance of Example 2.3 in the presence of

plant/model mismatch .................................................................................... 36

Figure 2.8. Closed-loop system performance of the Van de Vusse reactor ...................... 37

Figure 2.9. Closed-loop system performance of the Van de Vusse reactor in the presence

of +50% parameter variations ........................................................................ 38

Figure 2.10. Closed-loop system performance of the Van de Vusse reactor in the presence

of -50% parameter variations ......................................................................... 39

Figure 2.11. A multi-loop SMC decentralized control system for 2 × 2 process systems

........................................................................................................................ 40

Figure 2.12. Control performance of the proposed approach with and without static

decouplers ...................................................................................................... 41

Figure 2.13. Performance comparison of the proposed approach with existing

decentralized control techniques .................................................................... 42

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Figure 2.14. Performance comparison of the proposed approach with existing

decentralized control techniques under plant parameter variations ( K : +25% ,

τ : −25% and θ : +50% ) ............................................................................. 43

Figure 2.15. Control performance of the proposed approach in the face of extra

disturbances ................................................................................................... 44

Figure 3.1. Schematic diagram of the proposed sliding mode control system for nonlinear

uncertain input-delay processes ..................................................................... 47

Figure 3.2. System performance comparison of the proposed strategy with and without

the use of a nonlinear predictor ..................................................................... 62

Figure 3.3. Closed-loop system performance in face of unmodeled side reaction,

measuring error and unmeasured disturbances .............................................. 63

Figure 3.4. Closed-loop system performance in face of process parameter variations ... 64

Figure 3.5. Closed-loop system performance under modeling error in input delays ...... 65

Figure 4.1. Schematic diagram of the proposed predictor-based SMC scheme .............. 68

Figure 4.2. An algorithm for searching the appropriate ε ij ’s ......................................... 74

Figure 4.3. Open-loop simulation under process parameter variations ........................... 94

Figure 4.4. Open-loop simulations using SEOM with designed values of λ s ’s ............ 95

Figure 4.5. Closed-loop system performance comparisons ............................................. 96

Figure 4.6. Closed-loop system performance in the face with unmodeled side reaction,

measuring error and extra disturbances ......................................................... 97

Figure 4.7. Closed-loop system performance in the presence of parameter uncertainties

........................................................................................................................ 98

Figure 4.8. Schematic diagram of the sliding mode control system along with a sliding

observer ......................................................................................................... 99

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Figure 4.9. System response under sliding observer with observer poles of p1 = p 2 = −4

for the case of existing unmodeled side reaction and measuring error ......... 100

Figure 4.10. Closed-loop system performance with time-delay variations .................... 101

Figure 5.1. Schematic diagram of the proposed nonlinear control system ..................... 105

Figure 5.2. The structure of a neural fuzzy controller ..................................................... 111

Figure 5.3. System response of the CSTR under the use of a sliding observer with

observer poles of p1 = p 2 = −2 for the case of existing unmodeled side

reaction and measuring error .........................................................................129

Figure 5.4. System response of the CSTR under the use of a sliding observer with

observer poles of p1 = p 2 = −4 for the case of existing unmodeled side

reaction and measuring error .........................................................................130

Figure 5.5. The effects of boundary layer thickness of the switching function on system

performance .................................................................................................. 131

Figure 5.6. Comparison with a PIDSMC control scheme with different tuning constants

....................................................................................................................... 132

Figure 5.7. System performance comparison of the proposed strategy with the PIDSMC

method in the presence of the unmodeled side reaction, measuring error and

extra unmeasured disturbances ..................................................................... 133

Figure 5.8. System performance of the proposed scheme in the face of unmodeled side

reaction, measuring error, unmatched uncertainties and measurement

disturbances .................................................................................................. 134

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Table 2.1. Controller settings of the proposed approach and comparative methods for

Example 2.5 ....................................................................................................... 27

Table 4.1. Model parameters and operating conditions ................................................... 84

Table 5.1. The initial linking weights for the nonlinear uncertain CSTR (7 segments) 122

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a defined as a = 1 τ

a (⋅), aˆ (⋅) nonlinear functions, defined as Eq. (3.6), Eq. (4.17) and Eq. (5.5)

∆a (⋅), ∆aˆ (⋅) nonlinear functions, defined as Eq. (3.7), Eq. (4.18) and Eq. (5.11)

a~ shape parameter of the activated function in the output layer of the MNN

a1 defined as a1 = 1 τ 2

a1∗ defined as a1∗ = q12 q 22

a2 defined as a 2 = 2ζ τ

aij center parameter of the Gaussian function

A(ξ ,η ) upper bound function

Ac defined in Eq. (3.25) and Eq. (4.36)

b defined as b = K τ

b1 defined as b1 = K τ 2

b(⋅), bˆ(⋅) nonlinear functions, defined as Eq. (3.8), Eq. (4.19) and Eq. (5.6)

bmin , bˆmin defined as Eq. (3.17) and Eq. (4.28)

b̂s defined in Eq. (3.28) and Eq. (4.39)

∆b(⋅), ∆bˆ(⋅) nonlinear functions, defined as Eq. (3.9), Eq. (4.20) and Eq. (5.12)

bij width parameter of the Gaussian function

B(ξ, η) upper bound function

Ba heat of reaction

Βc defined in Eq. (3.26) and Eq. (4.37)

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c sliding coefficient vector

c1 , c 2 , ci sliding coefficients

CA concentration of the species A

C Af concentration of A in the feeding stream

C AF feed concentration of species A

C As , C Ad effluent concentrations of component A at steady state

C A0 concentration of A in the feed stream

CB concentration of the species B

C Bs , C Bd effluent concentrations of component B at steady state

CC concentration of the species C

CP specific heat of the reaction mixture

Da Damökhler number

Da1 , Da 2 , Da3 system parameters

Dij decoupling gain

d1 , d 2 , d 3 unmeasured disturbances

d s (δ ) switching function
d ( s) disturbance

d (x ∗ , u, t ) lumped uncertainty of the process

d max (x ∗ , t ) upper bound function of d (x ∗ , u, t )

d max (xˆ (t + θ | t ), t ) upper bound function of d (xˆ (t + θ | t ), t )

d (x ∗ , t ) defined as d (x ∗ , t ) = c 2 d max (x ∗ , t )

d (xˆ (t + θ | t ), t ) defined as d (xˆ (t + θ | t ), t ) = c 2 d max (xˆ (t + θ | t ), t )

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E objective function, E ≡ (δ (ξ )) 2
~ ~ 1 ~
E objective function, E ≡ (δ − δ ) 2

e f , eg model uncertainties

F inlet flow rate

Fs inlet flow rate at steady state

f max , fˆmax defined as Eq. (3.16) and Eq. (4.27)

fˆs defined in Eq. (3.27) and Eq. (4.38)

∆f (⋅) uncertainty

∆g(⋅) uncertainty

G p (s ) , Gij (s ) transfer functions

h(x) actual process output

he (x) defined in Eq. (4.4)

hs ( x ) statically equivalent output map (SEOM)

∆H i reaction heat

k , kˆ adaptive gain
k sampling number

k1 , k 2 , k 3 , k i 0 rate constants

k̂ 01 , k̂ 02 , k̂ 03 switching gains

k i (T ) rate coefficient

K steady state gain

K steady state gain matrix

K3 scaling factor

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N BF molar feed rate of species B

p positive root of the quadratic polynomial

p1 , p 2 sliding observer poles

P (s) defined in Eq. (4.8)

Pd ( s ) defined in Eq. (4.10)

q(⋅), qˆ (⋅) defined as Eq. (3.10), Eq. (4.21) and Eq. (5.7)

⎡q q12 ⎤
Q positive definite, symmetric matrix, defined as Q = ⎢ 11
⎣ q 21 q 22 ⎥⎦

Q j (s) defined in Eq. (4.9)

− Qs cooling rate per unit volume

q11∗ defined as q11∗ = q11 − q122 q22

t time

ts beginning time of the sliding motion

T0 feed temperature

Td steady-state temperature

u control input

us , ud control input at steady state

um dilution rate

u NFC NFC output, u NFC = K 3u ∗

uSMC SMC output

u input hard constraint

u~ first part of SMC’s output, defined in Eq. (5.20)

∆u second part of SMC’s output, defined in Eq. (5.21)

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V reactor volume

v(⋅), vˆ(⋅) sliding mode control law

v auxiliary variable, defined in Eq. (2.11)

w characteristic index

~ ,w
w ~ weighting parameters
2 ij 3i

wυ linking weight

w(x ∗ , u, t ) lumped uncertainty

wmax (x ∗ , t ) upper bound function of w(x ∗ , u, t )

w (xˆ (t + θ | t ), t ) defined as w (xˆ (t + θ | t ), t ) = c 2 wmax (xˆ (t + θ | t ), t )

x actual plant’s state vector

x∗ state vector of the prediction model

x state vector of the nominal model

x̂ corrected time-advanced predictive state vector

x state vector of the sliding observer

( (
x2 , x3 error between the measured output and the estimated output value

x1d , x 2 d , x3d steady state values

y, yˆ system output
y model output

ye auxiliary locally minimum phase process output

ys statically equivalent output map (SEOM)

z 0j desired zero

z ij zero

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Greek Symbols

α pre-specified positive constant

α1 , α 2 pre-specified parameters

β , β ob boundary layer thicknesses

βr , βs momentum parameters

δ (⋅), δˆ(⋅) sliding functions

δ MNN output

δ estimated sliding function

δa heat transfer coefficient

∆i uncertainty

εj constant weight

φ(⋅), φˆ (⋅) defined as Eq. (3.11), Eq. (4.22) and Eq. (5.13)

ϕ activated energy

γ parameter

γ~ tuning parameter

η r ,η s learning (tuning) rates

η, ηˆ transformed state vectors

κ characteristic index

λs tuning parameter

Λ gain matrix

θ time-delay

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θ estimated time-delay
~ ~
θ 2i , θ 3 bias parameters

ρ characteristic index

ρs density

Σ sliding surface (switching manifold)

τ natural period of oscillation

ξ, ξˆ transformed state vectors

Ψ j (x) defined in Eq. (4.5)

ψ boundary layer thickness of switching function

ζ damping coefficient

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Conventional control theory is well suited for applications where the process can be

reasonably described in advance. However, when the plant’s dynamics is hard to

characterize precisely or is subject to environmental uncertainties, one may encounter

difficulties in applying the conventional controller design methodologies. Despite of the

difficulty in achieving high control performance, the fine-tuning of controller parameters

is a tedious task that always requires experts with knowledge both in control theory and

process information. Therefore, in recent years the control of systems with complex,

unknown and uncertain dynamics has become a topic of considerable importance in the

literature and the design of robust control systems has received considerable attention

from control community. Among the developed model-based control strategies for robust

process control, sliding mode control plays an important role because it not only

stabilizes certain and uncertain systems but also provides the capability of disturbance

rejection and insensitivity to parameter variations (Utkin, 1992). Basically, the sliding

mode control (SMC) design is composed of two stages. The first stage is to define a

sliding surface on which the process’s dynamics is restricted. Subsequently, the second

stage is to design a feedback control law such that any process’s trajectory outside the

sliding surface is driven to reach the surface in a finite time and keep on it, which

therefore makes the closed-loop SMC system to be robust to matched uncertainties and

external disturbances. Due to the significant fact that the sliding mode control theory has

the ability of dealing with process uncertainties, much effort has been concentrated on the

design of various sliding mode control systems for handling with diversified process

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To control uncertain nonlinear processes, the combination use of differential

geometric approach and sliding mode strategy has been proven to be a promising way to

the robust control and many advanced SMC schemes have been developed (Sira-Ramirez,

1992; Slotine and Hendrick, 1993; Colantonio et al., 1995; Li et al., 1995; Chen and Dai,

2001). Sira-Ramirez (1992) proposed a discontinuously dynamical sliding mode

controller for the regulation of chemical processes, which is designed on the basis of

transforming the original nonlinear system into a Fliess’s local generalized observability

canonical form. Slotine and Hendrick (1993) combined the sliding mode theory with

recursive construction of a closed-loop Lyapunov function to develop a systematic design

methodology for feedback linearizable, nonlinear uncertain systems. Colantonio et al.

(1995) proposed the use of nonlinear estimation along with a second-order sliding mode

for an open-loop unstable nonlinear CSTR. With incorporating the feedback linearization

technique and a deterministic approach, Li et al. (1995) presented a sliding mode type

robust controller with parameters being related to the bounds of uncertainties. By means

of the sliding mode control strategy and an adaptive state feedback technique, Chen and

Dai (2001) proposed a hybrid nonlinear controller for the regulation of a nonlinear CSTR

whose uncertainties satisfy the so-called generalized matching condition.

Apart from the sliding mode control design for uncertain processes, some researchers

have conveyed the concepts of SMC to the design of various robust control schemes for

uncertain processes in the presence of time-delay (Shyu and Yan, 1993; Hu et al., 1998;

Roh and Oh, 1999; Camacho and Smith, 2000; Hu et al., 2000; Roh and Oh, 2000; Chou

and Cheng, 2001; Li and Yurkovich, 2001; Camacho et al., 2003). Shyu and Yan (1993)

proposed a specific sliding mode control strategy for the robust stabilizing control of

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uncertain linear systems with state-delay. Using the linear matrix inequality technique,

Hu et al. (2000) adopted a sliding mode control method to handle a class of uncertain

time-delay systems. Chou and Cheng (2001) proposed an adaptive variable structure

control strategy to stabilize a class of perturbed time-varying delay systems. Their

method does not require the upper bound of perturbations and the performance of the

system can be obtained by pre-specifying a set of suitable eigenvalues. Although the

aforementioned approaches have potential to deal with uncertainties and state-delay, in

their work the issue of input-delay was not considered as a whole. To deal with

input-delays, Hu et al. (1998) investigated a transformation that maps the original system

into a system without delay, and based on which a realizable sliding mode control law is

synthesized to assure the asymptotic stability of the control system. Camacho and Smith

(2000) proposed a method for synthesizing a sliding mode controller based on the first

order plus dead time (FOPDT) model. Their approaches resulted in a fixed structure

controller with a set of tuning equations being formulated as a function of the model’s

characteristic parameters. With a state predictor-based structure for time-delay

compensation, Roh and Oh (1999; 2000) presented a sliding mode controller for

uncertain linear input-delay process in the presence of unknown nonlinear parameter

perturbations. Li and Yurkovich (2001) applied a linear transformation technique to

convert the delay system into a delay-free one whose spectra embeds all unstable poles of

the original system within the given stability margin, and based on this delay-free system

a sliding mode controller was constructed for uncertain time-delay processes. More

recently, Camacho et al. (2003) developed an internal model sliding mode controller for

chemical processes described by FOPDT model.

It is well known that processes with inverse response, often called the non-minimum

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phase processes in the literature, are inevitably encountered in process industries. In

general, an inverse response means that the initial response is in a direction opposite to its

final response during a dynamic testing. It can cause by competing effects of two

dynamics (McMillian, 1983) or from processes with parallel structure (Marlin, 2000).

Typical examples are multicomponent distillation for components with intermediate

volatility (Waller and Nygardas, 1975), the bottoms composition response to boil-up

changes in certain distillation columns (Luyben, 1969), and the Van de Vusse reactor

under some special operating conditions (Van de Vusse, 1964), etc. The processes in the

presence of non-minimum phase behavior can cause classical linear feedback controllers

to run into trouble because the correction made initially would be in the wrong direction.

In fact, it also restricts application of some powerful nonlinear control strategies such as

feedback linearization control (Isidori, 1995) and sliding mode control (Utkin et al., 1999)

to achieve high performance and even leads to instability. To deal with this complicated

control problem with sliding mode strategy, Spurgeon and Lu (1997) introduced a higher

order sliding mode and based on which the non-minimum phase characteristics can then

be curbed by using a second control policy. Based on approximating the non-minimum

phase process by a FOPDT model, Camacho et al. (1999) proposed a method for

synthesizing a sliding mode controller to the chemical processes with inverse response.

By means of the center manifold theory and on the equivalent control concept, Bonivento

et al. (2001) presented the design of an output feedback sliding mode regulator which is

able to achieve the asymptotic tracking of a reference trajectory for nonlinear systems

having inverse response. Shkolnikov and Shtessel (2002) considered the sliding mode

control strategy for asymptotic output tracking of a class of causal non-minimum phase

uncertain nonlinear processes. Using their technique, a nonlinear feedback linearizable

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plant model is presented in the normal form with internal dynamics being expanded in

power series, which is similar to that used in Gopalswamy and Hedrick (1993). Herrmann

et al. (2003) applied an observer-based sliding mode control strategy to a benzene

production HDA plant, which is a typical nonlinear non-minimum phase processes. In

their method, the performance in the sliding mode is determined by a linear stable

sub-manifold of the linear closed-loop control system.

This thesis considers the problem of the robust stabilization of chemical processes

subject to the diversified dynamics such as nonlinearity, uncertainties, time-delay and

inverse response. Alternative but practical sliding mode control schemes are to be

explored and developed in order to achieve the asymptotic stability and the robustness of

the closed-loop system when facing with diversified process dynamics. With the aid of

the state predictor as well as an optimal sliding surface, a simple SMC scheme is

developed for the regulation control of chemical processes which are characterized by a

second order plus dead time (SOPDT) model. Furthermore, we propose the

predictor-based SMC scheme for handling with nonlinear uncertain input-delay processes

and further extend to the non-minimum phase ones by means of using a statically

equivalent output map (SEOM) technique. For releasing the constraints and assumptions

on process uncertainties, the combination of the model-based sliding mode controller (Da

and Song, 1998) with an intelligent neural fuzzy technique (Chen and Peng, 1999) is

proposed to deal with the complex control problem of imprecisely known processes.

The remainder of this thesis is organized as follows. With the integration of an

identified SOPDT model, an optimal sliding surface and a delay-ahead predictor, Chapter

2 presents a novel and systematic sliding mode control system design methodology. The

convergence property of the closed-loop system is guaranteed theoretically by means of

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satisfying a sliding condition and the control system performance is examined with some

typical chemical processes. In Chapter 3, a sliding mode control strategy with the

incorporation of a prediction scheme is proposed for nonlinear uncertain input-delay

chemical processes. A Lyapunov-based approach is employed to guarantee both the

robust stability and performance of the closed-loop system. Subsequently, in Chapter 4, a

sliding mode control scheme is developed for nonlinear, non-minimum phase, uncertain

chemical processes in the presence of input-delay. The proposed scheme, which integrates

a time-advanced nonlinear predictor and a SEOM, is able to compensate the process’s

input-delay and to circumvent the negative effect of inverse response. Furthermore, the

potential use of a sliding observer along with the proposed scheme is also investigated

therein. Moreover, Chapter 5 will investigate the regulation control of nonlinear chemical

processes whose dynamics are imprecisely known. A nonlinear control scheme that

incorporates a sliding mode controller and a neural fuzzy strategy is proposed to deal with

this kind of processes. For practical implementation, the incorporation of a sliding

observer for estimating unmeasurable states will be taken into account in this chapter.

Finally, in Chapter 6, the conclusion remarks and future prospects would be drawn.

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This chapter develops a simple and novel sliding mode control system for the

regulation of chemical processes. Based on an identified SOPDT model, a delay-ahead

predictor is constructed for state estimation and a correction term from the measured

process output is incorporated to enhance the prediction accuracy of the process states.

With the integration of the state predictor and a designed optimal sliding surface, a novel

yet simple sliding mode controller that is able to account for plant uncertainties can be

easily synthesized and implemented in an output feedback control configuration. The

robust stability as well as the system behavior of the closed-loop system is analyzed

through the satisfaction of a sliding condition. In this chapter the presented scheme is

further extended to one that is able to deal with the process having inverse response.

Moreover, in the same design framework, the control application to the FOPDT system is

included as a special case. For multivariable process control, a decentralized sliding mode

control scheme is proposed and explored in this chapter. The effectiveness and

applicability of the proposed scheme is examined and tested extensively with some

typical chemical processes. Also, the performance comparisons with some existing

sliding mode control techniques are included as a rigorous base for evaluation.

The organization of this chapter follows naturally in four sections. In Section 2.1, the

predictor design, sliding mode controller design methodology as well as an optimal

sliding surface design is presented. For extension to non-minimum phase processes and

FOPDT systems, some simple yet effective strategies for use with the proposed scheme

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are introduced. Section 2.2 introduces a decentralized sliding mode control scheme for

multivariable process control. Subsequently, Section 2.3 performs extensive simulations

and comparisons to verify the control capability and effectiveness of the proposed scheme.

Finally, in Section 2.4 summary remarks are made.

2.1. A Sliding Mode Control Technique

In this section, we will present a SOPDT model-based sliding mode control scheme

for the nonlinear regulation of chemical processes. Additionally, we are going to show

subsequently how the technique developed for an identified SOPDT model can be applied

to processes described by a FOPDT model and how to extend it to the control of a

non-minimum phase process.

2.1.1. Predictor Design Based on an Identified SOPDT Model

Consider an identified, stable SOPDT model as follows:

~ K
G( s) = e −θ s (2.1)
τ s + 2ζτs + 1
2 2

where K , τ , ζ and θ are, respectively, the steady state gain, natural period of

oscillation, damping coefficient and the input-delay of the process. For handling with the

input-delay and hence facilitating the design of a sliding mode control system, we shall

first consider the development of a delay-ahead predictor on the basis of the SOPDT

model, Eq. (2.1). To begin with, we convert the SOPDT model into an equivalent state

space model as:

x&1 (t ) = ~
x 2 (t ) (2.2a)

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x& 2 (t ) = −a1 ~
x1 (t ) − a 2 ~
x 2 (t ) + b1u(t − θ ) (2.2b)

y (t ) = ~
x1 (t ) (2.2c)

where a1 = 1 τ 2 , a 2 = 2ζ τ and b1 = K τ 2 ; ~
x1 and ~
x 2 are the states, and ~
y and

u represent, respectively, the model output and the control input. By removing the

time-delay from Eq. (2.2), a corresponding delay-ahead prediction model is constructed

as follows:

x&1∗ (t ) = x 2∗ (t ) (2.3a)

x& 2∗ (t ) = − a1 x1∗ (t ) − a 2 x 2∗ (t ) + b1u(t ) (2.3b)

y ∗ (t ) = x1∗ (t ) (2.3c)

To improve the accuracy of state prediction, especially in face with modeling errors and

unmeasured disturbances, the following corrections

xˆ1 (t + θ t ) = x1∗ (t ) + y (t ) − ~
x1 (t ) (2.4a)


xˆ 2 (t + θ t ) = x 2∗ (t ) (2.4b)

are suggested for practical implementation, where y (t ) is the actual process output and

xˆ i (t + θ t ), i = 1 and 2 are the predicted outputs at time t + θ based on the information

available at time t . By comparing Eqs. (2.2) and (2.3), it follows that x ∗ (t ) = ~

x (t + θ ) if

the predictor is initialized as x ∗ (0) = ~

x (θ ) . This initialization can be achieved at steady

state because in this case ~

x (θ ) = ~
x (0) . Hence, in the absence of plant/model mismatch, it

can be obtained from Eq. (2.2) that y (t ) = ~

x1 (t ) . Together with the output correction, Eq.

(2.4), we arrive at the estimated plant state one time delay ahead, i.e.

xˆ (t + θ t ) = ~
x (t + θ ). This means that the presented prediction model, which is delay free,

can facilitate the design of a sliding mode controller based on the SOPDT model. Also, it

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is noted that the present predictor is quite different from that of Roh and Oh (1999) since

in their work merely an open-loop estimator is used which does not include any

correction from measured process output for the state prediction.

2.1.2. Sliding Mode Controller Design Based on SOPDT Model

Having characterized the prediction model, we shall present in this subsection a

design methodology for a delay-ahead sliding mode controller. To begin with, let’s

consider the following uncertain model

x&1∗ (t ) = x 2∗ (t ) (2.5a)

x& 2∗ (t ) = −a1 x1∗ (t ) − a 2 x 2∗ (t ) + b1u (t ) + d (x ∗ , u, t ) (2.5b)

where d (x ∗ , u, t ) is the lumped uncertainty of the process to be taken into consideration

for the robust design of a sliding mode controller. It is assumed that the uncertainty

d (x ∗ , u, t ) is bounded and its upper bound function, d max (⋅) can be estimated as

d (x ∗ , u, t ) ≤ d max (x ∗ , t ) (2.6)

Next, let’s choose a sliding function as follows:

δ = c1 x1∗ (t ) + c 2 x 2∗ (t ) (2.7)

where c1 and c2 are the sliding coefficients to be designed later. On the basis of this

sliding function, the following theorem presents a sliding mode controller for the

considered uncertain model, Eq. (2.5).

Theorem 2.1. The control law

u (t ) = b1−1 [a1 x1∗ (t ) + (a 2 − c 2−1c1 ) x 2∗ (t )] − (b1c 2 ) −1 (α + d (x ∗ , t ))sign (δ ) (2.8)

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1 d 2
using the uncertain system of (2.5) to satisfy the sliding condition of δ ≤ −α δ ,
2 dt
where α is the pre-specified positive constant that determines the system performance

and d (x ∗ , t ) = c 2 d max (x ∗ , t ) .

Proof. See Appendix A.

It is worth mentioning that the present sliding mode control law, which is designed to

satisfy the sliding condition, is able to deal with process uncertainties and can hence

provide robust control. In essence, the present controller design methodology is a kind of

deterministic approach of which only the uncertainty bounds are used and the resulting

closed-loop system behavior determined by the sliding function is deterministic in nature.

Basically, the fundamental idea behind the use of the zero level set of the auxiliary output,

denoted by Σ = {x ∗ δ = 0}, as a sliding surface (switching manifold) is to force the

controlled motion to adopt Σ as an integrated manifold. When the system trajectory is

outside the manifold, the strategy forces the states toward the designed sliding surface.

Upon reaching Σ fast switching takes place in the immediate vicinity of Σ , which tries

to keep the trajectory constrained to Σ . To eliminate the undesirable switching

(chattering phenomena) of the manipulated variable, it is practical to replace the sign

function in (2.8) by the following saturation function:

⎧δ β, if δ β <1
sat(δ β ) = ⎨ (2.9)
⎩sign(δ β ), if δ β ≥1

where β > 0 represents the boundary layer thickness. Essentially, the proposed sliding

mode controller consists chiefly of four parameters α , β , c1 and c 2 . The features of

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these parameters are addressed as follows. The parameter α relates to closed-loop

system performance. The larger value of α , the faster system response while at the

expense of a larger control input. The parameter β is introduced to eliminate the input

chattering. Usually, the selection of β represents the tradeoff between control precision

and the extent of input chattering. The coefficients in the sliding function, c1 and c 2 ,

can be viewed as the weighting factors for the states. Their values can affect the state

trajectories and in turn the system performance. In order to achieve optimal performance,

we shall explore in the following subsection how to design an optimal sliding function for

practical applications.

2.1.3. An Optimal Sliding Function Design

Let’s introduce a performance index as follows (Edwards and Spurgeon, 1998):

J = ∫ x ∗ (t ) Q x ∗ (t )dt

where x ∗ (t ) ≡ [ x1∗ (t ) x 2∗ (t )]T , t s is the beginning time of the sliding motion, and

⎡q q12 ⎤
Q = ⎢ 11 is a positive definite, symmetric matrix, i.e. q12 = q 21 and
⎣ q 21 q 22 ⎥⎦

q11 q22 − q122 > 0 . Also, let an auxiliary variable, v , be given by

q12 ∗
v = x 2∗ (t ) + x1 (t ) (2.11)
q 22
The performance function can thus be rewritten as
J = ∫ (q11∗ x1∗2 (t ) + q 22 v 2 (t ))dt (2.12)

where q11∗ = q11 − q122 q22 . Then, with the definition of v , in Eq. (2.11), we have

x&1∗ (t ) = − a1∗ x1∗ (t ) + v (2.13)

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where a1∗ = q12 q 22 . The optimal control law for the above dynamic equation with the

performance index of (2.12) is given by (Sage and White, 1985)

p ∗
v =− x1 (t ) (2.14)
q 22

where p is the positive root of the quadratic polynomial p 2 + 2a1∗ q22 p − q22 q11

= 0, i.e.

p = − q12 + q11 q 22 . With the substitution of Eq. (2.11) into the above optimal solution, it

is concluded that a set of optimal sliding coefficients, c1 and c 2 , can be given by

c1 = p + q12 and c 2 = q22 . Notice that, though the optimal sliding function designed on

the basis of minimizing the quadratic performance index in Eq. (2.10) is only one of

many options (Edwards and Spurgeon, 1998), the present approach is quite simple and is

rather suitable for the design of an effective sliding mode controller for SOPDT


2.1.4. Practical Implementation

By means of the output corrections, Eq. (2.4), the proposed sliding mode control law

in Eq. (2.8) can be implemented with the replacement of x * (t ) by its time-advanced

predictive states xˆ (t + θ | t ) . Thus, the control law is now formulated as

u(t ) = b1−1[a1 xˆ1 (t + θ | t ) + (a2 − c2−1c1 ) xˆ 2 (t + θ | t )]

− (b c ) −1 (α + d (xˆ (t + θ | t ), t ))sat(δˆ β )
1 2

where the sliding function δˆ and d (xˆ (t + θ | t ), t ) are, respectively, given by

δˆ = c1 xˆ1 (t + θ | t ) + c2 xˆ 2 (t + θ | t ) (2.16)


d (xˆ (t + θ | t ), t ) = c 2 d max (xˆ (t + θ | t ), t ) (2.17)

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Remark 2.1. If a parametric uncertain model of the form

x&1∗ (t ) = x 2∗ (t ) (2.18a)

x& 2∗ (t ) = −a1 (1 ± ∆ 1 ) x1∗ (t ) − a 2 (1 ± ∆ 2 ) x 2∗ (t ) + b1 (1 ± ∆ 3 )u (t ) (2.18b)

where 0 ≤ ∆ i ≤ 1 , i = 1, 2 and 3 is considered, the upper bound function of

d (xˆ (t + θ | t ), t ) can be calculated as

d max (xˆ (t + θ | t ), t ) = ∆ 1 a1 xˆ1 (t + θ | t ) + ∆ 2 a 2 xˆ 2 (t + θ | t ) + ∆ 3 b1 u (2.19)

It should be noted that the hard input constraint of u (t ) ≤ u has been included in the

derivation of d max in Eq. (2.19). Figure 2.1 depicts the schematic diagram of the

proposed sliding mode control system, where a nominal process model, a prediction

model, an optimal sliding surface and the proposed sliding controller are integrated for

the regulation of a time-delay chemical process.

Figure 2.1. A schematic diagram of the proposed sliding mode control system.

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2.1.5. Extension to Non-Minimum Phase Processes

In this subsection, we will present a simple strategy such that the proposed sliding

mode control system can be applied directly to deal with the difficult control problem of

non-minimum phase processes. To proceed, one can firstly identify and model this kind

of processes by means of a SOPDT model with a right-half-plane zero. For example, we

can apply the identification method of Park et al. (1998) to give a model of the form
~ − b s + b1 −θ s
G( s) = 2 2 e (2.20)
s + a2 s + a1

Next, by using the equivalent time-delay concept of Sung and Lee (1996),

exp( −θ equivalent s ) ≅ 1 − θ equivalent s (2.21)

one can transform the above non-minimum phase model into the standard SOPDT model


b1 − (θ + ) s
G ( s) = 2 e b1 (2.22)
s + a 2 s + a1

This therefore makes the proposed sliding mode control scheme applicable to

non-minimum phase processes. It should be mentioned that, though the time-delay

equivalence can introduce extra model error, these additional model uncertainties can be

easily handle by the sliding mode control law with an appropriate increment of the upper

bound function d max . An illustrative simulation example will be induced in the

simulation section to make this point clear.

2.1.6. Implementation Based on an Identified FOPDT Model

This subsection discusses how the proposed scheme can be applied to processes that

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are simply described by a FOPDT model:

~ K
G( s) = e −θ s (2.23)
τ s +1
Commencing with Eq. (2.23) and following the proposed design procedure, we can

formulate a corresponding delay-ahead prediction model as follows:

x&1∗ (t ) = x 2∗ (t ) (2.24a)

x& 2∗ (t ) = − ax 2∗ (t ) + bu(t ) (2.24b)

y ∗ (t ) = x 2∗ (t ) (2.24c)

where a = 1 τ and b = K τ . Similarly, to account for uncertainties in the controller

design, the following uncertain model

x&1∗ (t ) = x 2∗ (t ) (2.25a)

x& 2∗ (t ) = −ax 2∗ (t ) + bu (t ) + w(x ∗ , u, t ) (2.25b)

is considered, where w(x ∗ , u, t ) is the lumped uncertainty of the process satisfying

w(x ∗ , u, t ) ≤ wmax (x ∗ , t ) (2.26)

Using the design technique as stated in subsection 2.1.4, the following sliding mode

control law

u(t ) = (bc2 ) −1 [( ac2 − c1 ) xˆ 2 (t + θ | t ) − (α + w ( xˆ (t + θ | t ), t ))sat (δˆ β )] (2.27)


w (xˆ (t + θ | t ), t ) = c 2 wmax (xˆ (t + θ | t ), t ) (2.28)

can be synthesized for FOPDT processes to ensure the sliding condition of δ δ& ≤ −α δ .

Remark 2.2. As the following parametric uncertain model of the form

x&1∗ (t ) = x 2∗ (t ) (2.29a)

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~ ~ ~
x& 2∗ (t ) = −a(1 ± ∆1 ) x2∗ (t ) + b(1 ± ∆ 2 )u (t ) , 0 ≤ ∆ i ≤ 1 , i = 1, 2 (2.29b)

is considered, we have

~ ~
w(x ∗ , u, t ) = m ∆ 1 ax 2∗ (t ) ± ∆ 2 bu (t ) (2.30)

~ ~
wmax (xˆ (t + θ | t ), t ) = ∆1 a xˆ 2 (t + θ | t ) + ∆ 2 b u (2.31)

where u is the input hard constraint.

2.2. Multivariable Process Control Using Decentralized Sliding Mode Controllers

A majority of industrial processes are multi-input/multi-output (MIMO) systems.

Owing to the complication and interaction between loops, the control of MIMO systems

presents a great challenge. In this section, we shall extend the developed single-loop

sliding mode control system to multivariable case through the use of a decentralized

control configuration. Let us consider an n × n multivariable process system being

modeled by a transfer function of the form

⎡ y1 ( s ) ⎤ ⎡G11 ( s ) G12 ( s ) L G1n ( s ) ⎤ ⎡ u1 ( s ) ⎤

⎢ y ( s ) ⎥ ⎢G ( s ) G ( s ) L G2 n ( s )⎥⎥ ⎢⎢u 2 ( s ) ⎥⎥
⎢ 2 ⎥ = ⎢ 21 22
⎢ M ⎥ ⎢ M M O M ⎥⎢ M ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥
⎣ y n ( s )⎦ ⎣Gn1 ( s ) Gn 2 ( s ) L Gnn ( s ) ⎦ ⎣u n ( s )⎦

where Gij (s ) represents the transfer function relating manipulated variable u j to

controlled variable y i . In this paper, Gij (s ) is assumed to be given by either a SOPDT

K ij −θ ij s K ij −θ ij s
or FOPDT model, i.e., Gij ( s ) = e or Gij ( s ) = e . It
τ s + 2ζ ijτ ij s + 1
τ ij s + 1

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should be noted that existing identification techniques such as in Choi et al. (2000) or

Wang et al. (2000) can be applied to model an MIMO process using SOPDT or FOPDT

models for Gij (s ) .

To design decentralized sliding mode controllers for the considered multivariable

process, the first thing should be decided is to determine which controlled variable should

be controlled by what manipulated variable. The “variable pairing” problem can be

answered by relative gain array (RGA) method (Bristol, 1966), which has the advantage

of being easy to calculate and requires only the steady state gains information. In practice,

some alternative guidelines for loop pairing can be found else where, for example Yu and

Luyben (1986), Luyben et al. (1990). For the sake of presentation, we let the loop pairing

result be: y i is controlled by u i , i = 1,2,K, n. The sliding mode decentralized control

system requires n separated sliding mode controllers. Motivated by the single-loop

sliding mode control system design methodology presented in the previous sections, in

loop i ( i = 1,2,K, n ), the sliding mode controller can be designed mainly based on the

transfer function of Gii (s ) and the influences by Gij (s ) ( j = 1,2,K, n , j ≠ i ) through

other loops are considered as disturbances that affect this loop. In this sense, the transfer

function for loop i can be represented as

y i ( s ) = Gii ( s )u i ( s ) + ∑G
j =1,i
ij ( s )u j ( s ), i = 1,2,L , n (2.33)

where j = 1, i denotes j starting from 1 and j ≠ i . If Gii (s ) is a SOPDT model, a

corresponding delay-ahead uncertain model can thus be formulated as

x&1∗i (t ) = x 2∗i (t ) (2.34a)

x& 2∗i (t ) = − a1i x1∗i (t ) − a 2i x 2∗i (t ) + b1i u i (t ) + d i (x ∗ , u, t ) (2.34b)

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where d i (x ∗ , u, t ) is the lumped uncertainties arising from the second term of Eq. (2.33)

in the right hand side. Assume that d i (x ∗ , u, t ) is bounded and can be estimated as

d i (x ∗ , u, t ) ≤ d i , max (x ∗ , t ) (2.35)

Then, according to the design technique presented in the previous section, we have the

i -th control law as follows:

u~i (t) = b1−i1[a1i xˆ1i (t + θii | t) + (a2i − c2−i1c1i )xˆ2i (t + θii | t)]− (b1i c2i ) −1 (αi + di (xˆ (t + θii | t),t))sat(δˆi βi )


where a1i = 1 τ ii2 , a 2i = 2ζ ii τ ii and b1i = K ii τ ii2 . Notice that xˆ (t + θ | t ) is the

estimated time-advanced states and δˆi = c1i xˆ1i (t + θ ii | t ) + c 2i xˆ 2i (t + θ ii | t ) . On the other

hand, if Gii (s ) is a FOPDT model, the i -th sliding mode control law can be simply

given by

u~i (t ) = (bi c2i ) −1[(ai c 2i − c1i ) xˆ 2i (t + θ ii | t ) − (α i + wi (xˆ (t + θ ii | t ), t ))sat (δˆi β i )] (2.37)

where wi ,max (⋅) is the upper bound of wi (⋅) and wi (⋅) is the lumped uncertainty in the

corresponding delay-ahead uncertain model of

x&1∗i (t ) = x2∗i (t ) (2.38a)

x& 2∗i (t ) = − ai x 2∗i (t ) + bi u i (t ) + wi (x ∗ , u, t ) (2.38b)

where ai = 1 τ ii and bi = K ii τ ii .

As the multivariable process is diagonal, each of the n separated sliding mode

controllers acts simply as the case of single-loop control since loops are independent. In

such a case, the stability of the closed-loop system is determined by the stability

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characteristics of the individual feedback control loops. However, as for interacting

multivariable processes the existence of interaction disturbances between loops may

affect the stability of the entire multivariable control system to some certain extent.

Accordingly, the need has arisen for methods that will provide a decoupling of

disturbances caused by interacting loops and thus enhances the stability. Several

decoupling methods (McAvoy, 1979; Weber and Gaitonde, 1985; Waller and Finnerman,

1987; Perng and Ju, 1994; Wang et al., 2000; Gilbert et al., 2003) are available in the

literature. Among them, a practical solution to multivariable process control without the

need of a perfect dynamic model is the use of the static decoupling technique (McAvoy,

1979). With the static decoupling technique, the decoupling gain Dij ( i ≠ j ) is simply

given as follows:
Gij ( s ) K ij
Dij = − lim =− (2.39)
s →0 Gii ( s ) K ii
Basically, the use of static decouplers gives some substantial advantages: (1) only the

steady state gains rather than complete dynamic models are required; (2) the static

decouplers are merely constants so that they are always physical realizable and easily

implemented. This provides a decentralized sliding mode control system for interacting

multivariable processes. Some design details are introduced through an illustrative


2.3. Simulation Studies

To verify the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed approach, we apply it to

some typical chemical processes, including a FOPDT process, a second-order process

with long dead-time, a high order process, a non-minimum phase process and a

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multivariable chemical process. The performance comparisons with some existing sliding

mode control strategies are included as a rigorous base for evaluation. In the following

simulation studies, we consider the input constraints of u(t ) ≤ 1 for the illustrated

Examples 2.1-2.3 and 2.5, while for the non-minimum phase nonlinear process of

Example 2.4 the control input is assumed to be constrained by u(t ) ≤ 0.3 . Besides, for

output regulation the parameters of the proposed sliding mode controller are set to be

α = 0.1 and β = 0.4 for the illustrative Examples 2.1-2.4. Those design parameters for

Example 2.5 are listed in Table 2.1. Unless stated otherwise, parameter variations of up to

± 25% are considered for the design of the sliding mode controller.

Example 2.1. A FOPDT process

As many of chemical processes can be modeled by a FOPDT model, the first example

is to examine the output regulating ability of the proposed sliding mode control scheme

in dealing with this kind of processes. We look at the process

G p ( s) = e −8 s (2.40)
4s + 1
With c1 = 0.001 and c2 = 0.1 , the control system performance is shown in Figure 2.2.

In this figure, the sliding mode strategy of Camacho et al. (2003), which is also

developed based on the FOPDT model, as well as the sliding mode scheme of Roh and

Oh (1999) are included therein as a rigorous base for comparison. From Figure 2.2, it can

be seen that the proposed scheme gives excellent control performance. Also observed is

that, though the sliding mode control of Camacho et al. (2003) is able to produce smooth

control input for this large dead-time process, their output regulation process after delay

time ( t = 8 ) is relatively slow as compared with the proposed scheme. This is because

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that the method of Camacho et al. (2003) simply applies first-order Taylor series

approximation for the delay term and the tuning of the sliding controller’s parameters is

relatively conservative in order to handle with process uncertainties. On the other hand,

Roh and Oh (1999) has a similar output response as that of Camacho et al. (2003), but

presents a highly oscillatory control input, which is undesirable.

To test the ability of handling with plant/model mismatch, we assume that the plant
1.5 − 4 s
dynamics vary to G p ( s ) = e while the process model remains unchanged. Also,
2s + 1
it is assumed that the plant variations are unknown to the controller. With this

plant/model mismatch, Figure 2.3 shows that the scheme of Camacho et al. (2003) gives

a slower response, while Roh and Oh (1999) is still oscillatory in the control input. In

contrast, the proposed scheme is very robust and the control performance is much better,

even though the actual uncertainties ( ± 50% ) are larger than that ± 25% considered in

the design stage.

Example 2.2. A second-order with long dead-time process

This example uses the process:

G p ( s) = e −5 s (2.41)
9 s + 2.4 s + 1

⎡0.03 0⎤
Let Q = ⎢ , we arrive at the optimal sliding coefficients as c1 = 0.2449 and
⎣ 0 2⎥⎦
c 2 = 2 . Having these design information, one can easily implement a sliding mode

control system for this process since the SOPDT model can be directly applied to the

controller design. Figure 2.4 depicts the output regulation results and the produced

control inputs. Therein, the performance of the proposed scheme with arbitrary sliding

coefficients is also included for comparison. From this figure, it is shown again that the

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proposed scheme can provide a smoother and faster control performance as compared

with both the schemes of Camacho et al. (2003) and Roh and Oh (1999). It is also shown

that the optimal sliding surface for the sliding controller apparently results in a better

performance than the arbitrary one. Also observed is that Roh and Oh (1999) still has

oscillatory control input due to its inherent controller form. To verify the ability of

handling with process uncertainties, we assume that the identified process model remains
unchanged, while the dynamics of the actual plant vary to G p ( s ) = e −6 s .
11s + 2 s + 1

Figure 2.5 illustrates the system performance in response to this large plant/model

mismatch. The simulation results show clearly that the proposed scheme is very robust in

the presence of plant uncertainties, while both the un-retuned sliding mode controllers of

Camacho et al. (2003) and Roh and Oh (1999) result in relatively large oscillations and

therefore give rise to a longer settling time.

Example 2.3. A high-order dead-time process

To apply the proposed scheme to the higher order process:

G p ( s) = e −2 s (2.42)
s + 5s + 10s + 10s 2 + 5s + 1
5 4 3

we first convey a system identification technique to get a SOPDT model. By using the

technique of Park et al. (1998), the SOPDT model parameters are identified as
⎡0.3 0 ⎤
a1 = 0.2291 , a 2 = 0.8465 , b1 = 0.2291 and θ = 3.3 . Let Q = ⎢ ⎥ for this
⎣ 0 1.2⎦
process, a set of optimal sliding coefficients of c1 = 0.6 and c 2 = 1.2 is obtained.

From the simulation results shown in Figure 2.6, it is observed that the closed-loop

control performance by the proposed approach is smoother than both the methods of

Camacho et al. (2003) and Roh and Oh (1999). To further evaluate the ability of handling

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process uncertainties, we assume that the process dynamics change to

G p ( s) = e − 2.5 s (2.43)
s + 3s + 12 s + 9 s + 6s + 1
5 4 3 2

but the identified model remains unchanged. The control performance in response to this

plant/model mismatch is depicted in Figure 2.7. The excellent performance obtained by

the presented approach is attributed to the contribution of the incorporated closed-loop

state estimator, which is able to provide more accurate states for feedback control. Based

on these simulation results, it is again corroborated that the proposed scheme is more

effective and robust in face with process uncertainties.

Example 2.4. Control of a non-minimum phase nonlinear process

This example considers the control of a Van de Vusse reactor (Van de Vusse, 1964) in

which the following reactions are taking place

A ⎯⎯→
B ⎯⎯→

2A ⎯⎯→

The process dynamics of this reaction system are described by

d x1 (t )
= −(u s + k1 + 2k 3 C As ) x1 (t ) − k 3 x12 (t ) + (C Af − C As − x1 (t ))u (t − θˆ) (2.44a)
d x 2 (t )
= k1 x1 (t ) − (u s + k 2 ) x 2 (t ) − ( x 2 (t ) + C Bs )u (t − θˆ) (2.44b)
where C As and C Bs denote the effluent concentrations of components A and B at

steady state, respectively. The state variables x1 (t ) and x 2 (t ) are deviation variables

defined, respectively, by x1 (t ) = C A (t ) − C As and x2 (t ) = C B (t ) − C Bs ; u(t ) is the

manipulated variable given by u(t ) = F (t ) V − us , where us = Fs V . This reactor

system possesses input-delay of 1 min. The concentration of A in the feeding stream,

denoted by C Af , is equal to 10 mol/L. The reactor volume, V , is 7 L and the rate

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constants are k1 = 0.8333 min −1 , k 2 = 1.6667 min −1 , and k 3 = 0.1667 L ⋅ mol −1 ⋅ min −1 ,

respectively. It is assumed that the process is at steady state with Fs = 4.0 L min ,

C As = 3.0 mol L , and C Bs = 1.117 mol L initially. The control objective is to regulate

the concentration of B, x2 , by manipulating the dilution rate u .

An open loop test shows that this process exhibits the undesirable inverse response.

Therefore, to apply the proposed scheme to this non-minimum phase process, we first

identify the process model as in the form of Eq. (2.20). By applying the identification

technique of Park et al. (1998) around the normal operating condition, we have the model

parameters as follows: a1 = 18.2149 , a 2 = 10.6375 , b1 = 9.1785, b2 = 1.2259 and

θ = 1.0956. This thus gives an equivalent SOPDT model as

G p ( s) = e −1.2292 s (2.45)
s + 10.6375 s + 18.2149

Now, by considering a larger parameter variation, ± 30% in this case (i.e. ∆ i = 0.3 ,
⎡40 0 ⎤
i = 1,2,3 ), and let Q = ⎢ ⎥ , a sliding mode control system for this non-minimum
⎣ 0 0.01⎦
phase system based on the obtained equivalent model, Eq. (2.45) is constructed. To verify

the regulation ability of the proposed strategy, we assume that the system states are

perturbed to move away from their steady values initially. In this case study, we let

x1 (0) = −2.0 and x2 (0) = −0.3 . From Figure 2.8, it can be seen that the closed-loop

regulation control performance by the proposed scheme is faster than the method of

Camacho et al. (2003). When the obtained equivalent SOPDT model is used, the method

of Roh and Oh (1999) can be applied. As can be examined, the control system

performance of Roh and Oh (1999) is similar to the proposed method, while their control

input is still chattering. For the case that the process parameters C Af , k1 , k 2 , k 3 and

the time-delay vary by +50 % from their nominal values, the method of Camacho et al.

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(2003) becomes oscillatory and Roh and Oh (1999) is still chattering, see Figure 2.9. On

the other hand, as -50 % parameter variations occur, the simulation results shown in

Figure 2.10 reveal that the method of Camacho et al. (2003) with un-retuned parameters

fails to control this highly nonlinear process. A reason for this is that in their scheme only

the process output error is used for output feedback control and there is no information

regarding to state variations for use in the controller. In contrast, the proposed sliding

mode control strategy is still very robust despite of the influence of these significant plant


Example 2.5. A 2 × 2 distillation column process

The process from Wood and Berry (1973) is:

⎡ 12.8e − s 18.9e −3s ⎤

⎡ y1 ( s ) ⎤ ⎢16.7 s + 1 21s + 1 ⎥ ⎡ u1 ( s ) ⎤
⎢ y ( s )⎥ = ⎢ 6.6e −7 s 19.4e −3 s ⎥ ⎢u ( s )⎥ (2.46)
⎣ 2 ⎦ ⎢ ⎥⎣ 2 ⎦
⎢⎣10.9s + 1 14.4 s + 1⎥⎦

The open-loop steady state gain matrix is given by

⎡12.8 18.9⎤
K=⎢ ⎥ (2.47)
⎣ 6.6 19.4⎦
To decide the best pairing of controlled and manipulated variables, we calculate the

relative gain array (Bristol, 1966) from the gain matrix as follows:
⎡ 2.01 − 1.01⎤
Λ=⎢ ⎥ (2.48)
⎣− 1.01 2.01 ⎦
This relative gain array indicates that the 2 × 2 system has strong loop interactions and

further suggests that the best control pairing should be: y1 is controlled by u1 ; and y 2

is controlled by u 2 (Luyben and Luyben, 1997). Having determined the variable pairing

issue, the next question to be answered is the setting of the static decouplers. According

to Eq. (2.39), the static decouplers gains are set to be D21 = −0.34 and D12 = −1.48 .

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To implement the decentralized sliding mode controllers, we simply apply the

estimated upper bound values of w1,max = 1 and w2,max = 1 instead of using their

accurate formulas. Figure 2.11 depicts the schematic diagram of the 2× 2 decentralized

sliding mode control system. The simulation results shown in Figure 2.12 demonstrate

the benefits of incorporating the static decouplers, where significantly smoother control

inputs and better control performance were obtained. The performance comparisons with

decentralized PI controllers tuned with Sequential (Fang et al., 1994) and BLT methods

(Luyben, 1986) as well as the sliding mode controllers of Camacho and Rojas (2000) are

depicted in Figure 2.13. These comparisons were performed using the parameters listed

in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1. Controller settings of the proposed approach and comparative methods for

Example 2.5.

The proposed Camacho and BLT (Luyben,
(Fang et al.,
approach Rojas (2000) 1986)
loop1 loop2 loop 1 loop 2 loop1 loop2 loop1 loop2
c1 0 0 λ1 1.0599 0.4028 kc 0.61 0.09 0.375 0.075
c2 1.0 1.0 λ0 0.1 0.02 ki 0.065 0.016 0.0452 0.0032
α 0.5 0.5 µ11 2.01
PI controller: Gc ( s ) = k c + k i s
β 5 5 µ 22 2.01

From Figure 2.13, it is clear to observe that the proposed decentralized sliding mode

controllers are able to produce more suitable control inputs such that the regulation time

is relatively short. Figure 2.14 compares the control system performance in response to

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the following plant uncertainties: time delays +50%, time constants -25% and the steady

state gains +25%. The existence of steady state gain uncertainties implies that the static

decouplers designed are incapable of fully eliminate the actual loop interactions.

Fortunately, due to the designed decentralized sliding mode controllers having the ability

to accommodate these uncertainties, the control performance is still very robust. In

contrast, as shown in Figure 2.14, the control performance of decentralized PI controllers

tuned by Sequential method becomes unstable when facing with such a large plant


To demonstrate further, we assume that there exists a feed disturbance to this

distillation column. In the presence of such a disturbance, the process becomes

⎡ 12.8e − s 18.9e −3 s ⎤ ⎡ 3.8e −8.1s ⎤

⎡ y1 ( s ) ⎤ ⎢16.7 s + 1 21s + 1 ⎥ ⎡ u1 ( s ) ⎤ ⎢14.9s + 1⎥ )
⎢ y ( s )⎥ = ⎢ 6.6e −7 s 19.4e −3 s ⎥ ⎢u ( s )⎥ + ⎢ 4.9e −3.4 s ⎥ d ( s ) (2.49)
⎣ 2 ⎦ ⎢ ⎥⎣ 2 ⎦ ⎢ ⎥
⎢⎣10.9s + 1 14.4s + 1⎥⎦ ⎢⎣13.2s + 1⎥⎦
For simulation, we let d ( s ) = 1 s entering into the system after time 50. To

accommodate the extra disturbance, the maximum uncertainties bounds wi ,max of the

controllers should be increased. Also, the boundary layer parameter β is decreased in

order to provide a more aggressive but precise control. With slightly increasing wi ,max ,

i = 1 and 2 , to 1.2 and using the controller parameters as those mentioned above except

for β = 0.02 , we plot the simulation results in Figure 2.15. From this figure, it is evident

that the present decentralized sliding mode control scheme appears to be an effective and

powerful approach to the robust control of multivariable processes.

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2.4. Summary

This chapter has presented a simple, systematic and novel model-based control

system for the nonlinear regulation of chemical processes. Based on a SOPDT model, a

delay-ahead predictor, and a designed optimal sliding surface, an effective and applicable

sliding mode control scheme has been developed. With satisfying a sliding condition, the

stability of the closed-loop system as well as the control performance is guaranteed

theoretically. To broaden the application scope of the proposed scheme, we have

extended it to the control of non-minimum phase, FOPDT, and multivariable processes.

Simulation results reveal that the proposed sliding mode control strategy is effective and

promising in the regulation control of uncertain chemical processes. Besides, the

proposed scheme has been shown to be superior in performance than several existing

sliding mode strategies. It is worth mentioning that, from practical point of view, the

presented sliding mode control scheme for use in the field of chemical process control

presents advantages, such as (1) it can make use of a previously available process model

(FOPDT or SOPDT models); (2) the process model used for controller design does not

need to be very precise since it has a great capability in dealing with process uncertainties;

(3) the input hard constraint can be treated directly in the design stage when using a

parametric process models; (4) the present design methodology is a deterministic

approach where the only assumption on uncertainties is that they are bounded; (5) the

proposed state estimation which includes process output information has great benefit

especially in the presence of plant/model mismatch; (6) it is simple, robust, and widely

applicable for time-delay chemical processes as compared with conventional strategies.

Due to its significant advantages and good performance, the proposed sliding mode

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control scheme provides a simple yet robust approach to the nonlinear regulation control

of chemical processes.

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Figure 2.2. Closed-loop system performance of Example 2.1. ─ the proposed

approach; ---- Camacho et al. (2003); ······· Roh and Oh (1999).

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Figure 2.3. Closed-loop system performance of Example 2.1 in the presence of parameter

uncertainties: steady state gain: +50%, each of time constant and dead-time: -50%. ─
the proposed approach; ---- Camacho et al. (2003); ······· Roh and Oh (1999).

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Figure 2.4. Closed-loop system performance of Example 2.2. ─ the proposed

approach with an optimal sliding coefficients ( c1 = 0.2449, c 2 = 2 ); · · the proposed

approach with arbitrary sliding coefficients ( c1 = 0.5, c 2 = 1.5 ); ---- Camacho et al.

(2003); ······· Roh and Oh (1999).

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Figure 2.5. Closed-loop system performance of Example 2.2 in the presence of

plant/model mismatch. ─ the proposed approach; ---- Camacho et al. (2003); ·······

Roh and Oh (1999).

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Figure 2.6. Closed-loop system performance of Example 2.3. ─ the proposed

approach; ---- Camacho et al. (2003); ······· Roh and Oh (1999).

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Figure 2.7. Closed-loop system performance of Example 2.3 in the presence of

plant/model mismatch. ─ the proposed approach; ---- Camacho et al. (2003); ·······

Roh and Oh (1999).

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Figure 2.8. Closed-loop system performance of the Van de Vusse reactor. ─ the

proposed approach; ---- Camacho et al. (2003); ······· Roh and Oh (1999).

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Figure 2.9. Closed-loop system performance of the Van de Vusse reactor in the presence

of +50% parameter variations. ─ the proposed approach; ---- Camacho et al.

(2003); ······· Roh and Oh (1999).

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Figure 2.10. Closed-loop system performance of the Van de Vusse reactor in the presence

of -50% parameter variations. ─ the proposed approach; ---- Camacho et al.

(2003); ······· Roh and Oh (1999).

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Figure 2.11. A multi-loop SMC decentralized control system for 2 × 2 process systems.

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Figure 2.12. Control performance of the proposed approach with and without static

decouplers. ─ with static decouplers; ---- without static decouplers.

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Figure 2.13. Performance comparison of the proposed approach with existing

decentralized control techniques. ─ the proposed approach; ---- Camacho and

Rojas (2000); ······· Sequential (Fang et al.,1994); · · BLT (Luyben, 1986).

- 42 - 逢甲大學 e-Thesys (93 學年度)


Figure 2.14. Performance comparison of the proposed approach with existing

decentralized control techniques under plant parameter variations ( K : +25% , τ : −25%

and θ : +50% ). ─ the proposed approach; ---- Camacho and Rojas (2000); ·······

Sequential (Fang et al.,1994); · · BLT (Luyben, 1986).

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Figure 2.15. Control performance of the proposed approach in the face of extra


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In this chapter, we attempt to combine a nonlinear predictor with a sliding mode

controller to develop a predictor-based sliding mode scheme for a class of nonlinear

chemical processes in the presence of simultaneous uncertainties and input-delay. The

idea is based on compensating the input-delay by a time-advanced nonlinear predictor

and then designed a robust sliding mode controller to handle with the process

uncertainties. More precisely, under the predictor-based configuration, a gain adaptive

sliding mode control strategy of Chen and Dai (2001) is extended to one that has the

ability to deal with nonlinear uncertain time-delay processes. The present methodology

consolidates the techniques of the time-advanced nonlinear predictor, the differential

geometric feedback linearization and the sliding mode control strategy. No statistical

properties of the uncertainties are assumed or used, making the present scheme very easy

to implement and widely applicable.

This chapter is organized as follows. In Section 3.1, a predictor-based sliding mode

control scheme for nonlinear uncertain input-delay processes is presented. The design

ideas and concepts of the nonlinear predictor as well as the sliding mode controller are

introduced. To demonstrate the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed scheme,

subsequently Section 3.2 performs a case study on the regulation control of a nonlinear

uncertain input-delay CSTR in the presence of unmodeled side reaction, measuring error,

parameter variations, and extra matched and unmatched disturbances. Finally, in Section

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3.3 summary remarks are drawn.

3.1. A Predictor-Based Sliding Mode Control Scheme for Nonlinear, Uncertain,

Input-Delay Processes

3.1.1. Control System Configuration and System Description

Consider a single-input/single-output (SISO) nonlinear input-delay process whose

dynamics are modeled by the following uncertain equations:

x& (t ) = (f (x ) + ∆f (x )) + (g( x ) + ∆g( x )) u(t − θ ) (3.1a)

y (t ) = h( x ) (3.1b)

where x(t ) ∈ R n , u(t ) ∈ R , y (t ) ∈ R and θ ∈ ([0, ∞ ), R ) are state vector, control input,

system output and the time-delay respectively; f (⋅) , g(⋅) , ∆f (⋅) and ∆g(⋅) are smooth

vector fields on an open set U ∈ R n and h(⋅) a smooth function on U . For system

description, we let the Lie derivative of a smooth function h(x) along a vector field

g(x) be defined as:

∂h(x) n
Lg h(x) = g ( x) = ∑ g i ( x) (3.2)
∂x i =1 ∂x i

In terms of Lie derivative, the relative degree of the system (3.1) is defined as

ρ = min{m : Lg Lmf −1 h(x) ≠ 0} (3.3)

Similarly, let κ = min m : L∆f Lmf −1 h(x) ≠ 0 } and w = min{m : L∆g Lmf −1 h(x) ≠ 0} be the

relative degrees of the uncertainties ∆f and ∆g , respectively. Also, in the chapter we

assume that the uncertainties satisfy the so-called generalized matching condition

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(Behtash, 1990), i.e., w ≥ ρ = κ . Without loss of generality, the origin x = 0 is

assumed to be a uniformly asymptotically stable equilibrium point of the unforced

nominal system and h(x ) vanishes at that equilibrium point. In other words, f (0) = 0

and h(0) = 0 . This means that y represents the tracking error. Notably, a given model

could be easily rewritten in this form by defining appropriate deviation variables. Besides,

we also assume that the system possesses the property of internal stability. In other words,

the nominal system of system (3.1) is assumed to be hyperbolically minimum phase, i.e.,

the corresponding zero dynamics are exponentially stable (Behtash, 1990; Li et al., 1995).

To control this kind of nonlinear, uncertain, time-delay processes, we propose a

predictor-based sliding mode control system configuration as shown in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1. Schematic diagram of the proposed sliding mode control system for nonlinear

uncertain input-delay processes.

The proposed scheme is constructed based on the input/output linearization, a nonlinear

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predictor and a sliding mode controller. In the control scheme, the use of the nonlinear

predictor is to provide time-advanced predictive states. Based on these predictive

time-advanced states, the sliding mode controller is designed for attenuating the negative

effect of process uncertainties.

To introduce the whole sliding mode control system, we shall first present a sliding

mode controller design methodology and then presents a nonlinear predictor design

method in order for compensating the input-delay and to achieve robustness of the whole

control system.

3.1.2. Design of a Sliding Mode Controller

Based on the input-output linearization technique of Isidori (1989), there exists a local

coordinate transformation as follows:

[ξ T
, ηT ]
= T( x )
= [h(x), L h(x),L , L ρ −1
h(x),η1 (x),L ,η n − ρ ( x) ]
f f

where η j satisfies Lgη j ( x ) = 0 for 1 ≤ j ≤ n − ρ . Using the above coordinate

transformation, system can be transformed to the following normal form

ξ&i = ξ i +1 , i = 1, 2, L , ρ − 1 (3.5a)

ξ&ρ = [b(ξ, η) + ∆b(ξ, η)] + [a (ξ, η) + ∆a(ξ, η)] u (t − θ ) (3.5b)

η& = q(ξ, η) + φ(ξ, η) (3.5c)

y = ξ1 (3.5d)

where a(ξ, η) , ∆a(ξ, η) , b(ξ, η) , ∆b(ξ, η) , q(ξ, η) and φi (ξ, η) are given,

respectively, by

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a (ξ, η) = Lg Lρf −1 h o T −1 (ξ, η) (3.6)

∆a (ξ, η) = L∆g Lρf −1 h o T −1 (ξ, η) (3.7)

b(ξ, η) = Lρf h o T −1 (ξ, η) (3.8)

∆b(ξ, η) = L∆f Lρf −1 h o T −1 (ξ, η) (3.9)

qi (ξ, η) = Lf Tρ + i (x), i = 1, 2, L, n − ρ (3.10)

φi (ξ, η) = L∆f Tρ +i (x) + L∆g Tρ +i (x) u (t − θ ) , i = 1, 2,K , n − ρ (3.11)


x = T −1 (ξ, η) (3.12)

Since the process is of internal stability, the following state feedback control law:
v(t ) − b(ξ, η)
u (t − θ ) = (3.13)
a(ξ, η)
can be applied, where all the quantities in the right-hand side are at time t . To give the

current control inputs, the control law of Eq. (3.13) is rewritten as

v(t + θ ) − b(ξ (t + θ ), η(t + θ ))
u (t ) = (3.14)
a(ξ (t + θ ), η(t + θ ))
It is clear that for robust control the transformed input to the controller, v(t + θ ) , should

be carefully designed to meet some certain desirable robustness and system performance.

Herein, we modify the robust SMC approach of Chen and Dai (2001) to give v(t + θ ) as

v (t + θ ) = −kδ (t + θ ) − sat (δ (t + θ ) β )[bmin

( f max + δ (t + θ ) )] (3.15)

where the adaptive gain k is tuned by k& = γ~(δ (t + θ )) 2 ( γ~ > 0 ); f max , bmin , δ (t + θ )

and sat (δ (t + θ ) β ) are given, respectively, by

b(ξ (t + θ ), η(t + θ ))
f max = sup ∆b(ξ (t + θ ), η(t + θ )) − ∆a (ξ (t + θ ), η(t + θ )) (3.16)
( ξ , η )∈T (U ) a (ξ (t + θ ), η(t + θ ))

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∆a (ξ (t + θ ), η(t + θ ))
bmin = 1 − sup (3.17)
( ξ , η )∈T (U ) a (ξ (t + θ ), η(t + θ ))
δ (t + θ ) = c T ξ (t + θ ) = ∑ ci ξ i (t + θ ) , cρ = 1 (3.18)
i =1


⎧ δ (t + θ ) β , if δ (t + θ ) β < 1
sat(δ (t + θ ) β ) = ⎨ (3.19)
⎩sign(δ (t + θ ) β ), if δ (t + θ ) β ≥ 1

In the control law, β is the user-specified boundary layer thickness used to eliminate the

input chattering, and coefficients ci in δ (t + θ ) are chosen such that the polynomial

P (λ ) = λρ −1 + c ρ −1λρ −2 + L + c2 λ + c1 has all roots in the open left-half complex plane.

The use of the hybrid control law for v(t + θ ) possesses the following advantages (Chen

and Dai, 2001): (1) it gains benefits from both the adaptive state feedback and sliding

mode strategy; (2) the construction of the hybrid nonlinear controller is very simple and

straightforward; (3) it does not depend on explicit Lyapunov functions and does not make

use of the structure information on uncertainties.

At this stage, the SMC control law (3.14) for input-delay processes has been

constructed. However, as can be seen from the control law, this controller can not be

directly implemented without having the predictive states. Therefore, in the next

subsection we shall introduce a nonlinear predictor to obtain time-advanced predictive


3.1.3. A Nonlinear Predictor and the Robustness of the Predictor-Based Sliding

Mode Control Scheme

To compensate the time-delay of the process and therefore estimate the process’s

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time-advanced states, we suggest the use of the following nonlinear predictor:

x& ∗ (t ) = f ( x ∗ (t )) + g( x ∗ (t ))u(t ) (3.20a)

~ ~
x& (t ) = f ( ~
x (t )) + g( ~
x (t ))u(t − θ ) (3.20b)

xˆ (t + θ | t ) = x(t ) + x ∗ (t ) − ~
x (t ) (3.20c)

where x ∗ (t ) , ~
x (t ) and x(t ) ∈ R n denote, respectively, the model state vector, the
nominal state vector, and the actual plant’s state vector; θ ≥ 0 is the estimated
time-delay in the manipulated input and xˆ (t + θ | t ) ∈ R n represents the corrected

time-advanced predictive state vector. By comparing Eqs. (3.20a) with (3.20b), it follows

~ ~
that x ∗ (t ) = ~
x (t + θ ) if the predictor is initialized as x ∗ (0) = ~
x (θ ) . This initialization

can be achieved at steady state because in this case ~
x (θ ) = ~
x (0) (Henson and Seborg,

1994). As a result, in the absence of plant/model mismatch the prediction model yields

~ ~
the plant state vector one time delay ahead, i.e. xˆ (t + θ | t ) = x(t + θ ) if θ = θ . Also, it

is worth mentioning that the nonlinear predictor of Eq. (3.20) is quite different from the

open-loop predictor of Kravaris and Wright (1989) since the actual process output is

feeding back for the correction of the estimated states. With the introduction of the

nonlinear predictor, the transformed system (3.5) can be represented as

ξˆi = ξˆi +1 , i = 1, 2, L , ρ − 1 (3.21a)

& ~
ξˆρ = [bˆ(ξˆ , ηˆ ) + ∆bˆ(ξˆ , ηˆ )] + [aˆ (ξˆ , ηˆ ) + ∆aˆ (ξˆ , ηˆ )] u (t − θ ) (3.21b)

ηˆ& = qˆ (ξˆ , ηˆ ) + φˆ (ξˆ , ηˆ ) (3.21c)

yˆ = ξˆ1 (3.21d)

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where ξ̂ , η̂ , â , ∆â , b̂ , ∆b̂ , q̂ and φ̂ are defined similarly as those in ξ , η , a ,

∆a , b , ∆b , q and φ , respectively. Besides, the current input u(t ) is modified from

Eq. (3.14) to be computed by

~ ~ ~
vˆ(t + θ | t ) − bˆ(ξˆ (t + θ | t ), ηˆ (t + θ | t ))
u (t ) = ~ ~ (3.22)
aˆ (ξˆ (t + θ | t ), ηˆ (t + θ | t ))

of which the future input vˆ(t + θ | t ) is calculated as

~ ~ ~ ~
vˆ(t + θ | t ) = −kˆδˆ(t + θ | t ) − sat (δˆ(t + θ | t ) β )[bˆmin
( fˆmax + δˆ(t + θ | t ) )] (3.23)

& ~ ~
where the adaptive gain k̂ is tuned by kˆ = γ~(δˆ(t + θ | t )) 2 ( γ~ > 0 ); δˆ(t + θ | t ) , fˆmax ,

and b̂min are given, similarly as δ (t + θ ) , f max and bmin .

With the incorporation of the nonlinear predictor and the insertion of the control law

(3.22), the resultant closed-loop system can be formulated as follows:

ξˆ = A c ξˆ + B c [vˆ + bˆs−1 ( fˆs + c T ξˆ )] (3.24a)

ηˆ& = qˆ (ξˆ , ηˆ ) + φˆ (ξˆ , ηˆ ) (3.24b)

x& ∗ = f ( x ∗ ) + g( x ∗ )u(t ) (3.24c)

~ ~
x& = f ( ~
x ) + g( ~
x )u ( t − θ ) (3.24d)


⎡ 0 1 0 0 K 0 0⎤
⎢ 0 0 1 0 K 0 0⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ M M M M O M M ⎥
Ac = ⎢ ⎥ (3.25)
⎢ 0 0 0 0 K 1 0⎥
⎢ 0 0 0 0 K 0 1⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢⎣− c1 − c2 − c3 − c4 K − cρ −1 − 1⎥⎦

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Bc = ⎢ ⎥ (3.26)
⎢ ⎥
⎣b̂s ⎦

bˆ(ξˆ , ηˆ )
fˆs := fˆs (ξˆ , ηˆ ) = ∆bˆ(ξˆ , ηˆ ) − ∆aˆ (ξˆ , ηˆ ) (3.27)
aˆ (ξˆ , ηˆ )


∆aˆ (ξˆ , ηˆ )
bˆs := bˆs (ξˆ , ηˆ ) = 1 + (3.28)
aˆ (ξˆ , ηˆ )

The robust stability and desired behavior of the closed-loop system are described in

the following theorem.

Theorem 3.1. Suppose that the uncertain input-delay system (3.1) is subject to the control

law (3.22) and the stable nonlinear predictor (3.20). If bˆmin > 0 , then the closed-loop

system (3.24) possesses the following properties.

(P3.1) Uniform stability: Let η = [ξˆ T , ηˆ T ]T and η0 = [ξˆ T0 , ηˆ T0 ]T . For each d ≥ d , given

any η(⋅) : [t0 , ∞) → R n , and η(t 0 ) = η0 of the closed-loop system (3.24), there

exists a constant ϑ ( d ) > 0 such that η0 ≤ ϑ (d ) implies that η(t ) ≤ d for

all t ≥ t0 .

(P3.2) Uniform boundedness: Given any r > 0 and any η(⋅) : [t0 , t1 ) → R n and

η(t 0 ) = η0 of the closed-loop system (3.24) with η0 ≤ r , there exists a constant

d ( r ) > 0 such that η(t ) ≤ d (r ) for all t ∈ [t0 , t1 ) .

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(P3.3) Uniform ultimate boundedness: For each d ≥ d and r > 0 , given any

η(⋅) : [t0 , ∞) → R n and η(t 0 ) = η0 of the closed-loop system (3.24) with

η0 ≤ r , there exists a finite time t ( d , r ) ≥ 0 such that η(t ) ≤ d for all

t ≥ t0 + t ( d , r ) .

Proof: See Appendix B.

Inherently, the SMC control law in Eq. (3.23) consists of two parts. The first part is

the adaptive term for preserving the nominal performance and the second part containing

the uncertainty measures is to force the system’s trajectory back to the sliding surface

δˆ = 0 despite the influence of the uncertainties. Unlike the classical sliding mode design,

the present sliding mode control law, novelty due to the introduction of an adaptive term

is able to guarantee the stability properties of both the states ξ and η . Besides, the

adaptive version makes the sliding mode controller quite different from that of Li et al.

(1995), where the controller is a combination of a high-gain linear state feedback and a

sliding mode. Therefore, in the implementation of Li’s controller, a pre-specified high

gain is always unavoidable in order for guaranteeing both the robust stability and

performance. In contrast, based on a simple tuning rule, the feedback gain of the

presented sliding mode controller is adaptively adjusted to an optimal value according to

the magnitude of the sliding function (an index for measuring how far is the current

system output to the desired one). This effort is apparently more practical, without the

need of using a pre-specified, high gain feedback. Therefore, it is more suitable for the

robust control of an uncertain, time-delay chemical processes.

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Essentially, the sliding mode control law in Eq. (3.23) consists chiefly of the four

parameters: c , γ~ , k̂ (0) and β . The features of these parameters are addressed as

follows. The coefficient vector, c , can be viewed as the weighting factor for the state

vector ξ̂ . The parameter γ~ is a positive constant related to the tuning rate of the

adaptive gain. In the light of the tuning rule kˆ = γ~δˆ 2 , a non-negative initial setting of k̂ ,

k̂ (0) , is sufficient to guarantee the negative feedback. Notice again that the parameter β

is introduced to eliminate the input chattering. In practice, one will need to choose β by

simulation experiments. The choice of β represents the trade-off between the extent of

chattering and control precision.

3.2. A Case Study: Regulation of a Nonlinear Uncertain Input-Delay Chemical


To examine the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed approach, in this

section we apply it to the regulation control of a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR)

in the presence of input-delay. The dynamic behavior of this CSTR is described by the

following equations (Ray, 1981)

⎛ x 2 (t ) + x 2 d ⎞
x&1 (t ) = − x1 (t ) + Da (1 − x1 (t ) − x1d ) exp⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ 1 + ( x 2 (t ) + x 2 d ) ϕ ⎠ (3.29a)
⎛ x2d ⎞
− Da (1 − x1d ) exp⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ 1 + x 2d ϕ ⎠

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⎛ x 2 (t ) + x 2 d ⎞
x& 2 (t ) = −(1 + δ a ) x 2 (t ) + Ba Da(1 − x1 (t ) − x1d ) exp⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ 1 + ( x 2 (t ) + x 2 d ) ϕ ⎠
⎛ x2d ⎞
− Ba Da(1 − x1d ) exp⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + δ a u (t − θ )
⎝ 1 + x2d ϕ ⎠

y (t ) = x 2 (t ) (3.29c)

where all variables are in their deviation form. Rewrite the above equation into the

standard form as system (3.1), we have

⎡ f (x(t ))⎤
f (x(t )) = ⎢ 1 ⎥
⎣ f 2 (x(t))⎦
⎡ ⎛ x2 (t) + x2d ⎞ ⎛ x2 d ⎞ ⎤
⎢ − x1 (t ) + Da(1 − x1 (t ) − x1d ) exp⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ − Da(1 − x1d ) exp⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎥
⎢ ⎝ 1 + ( x2 (t ) + x2d ) ϕ ⎠ ⎝ 1 + x2 d ϕ ⎠ ⎥
⎢ ⎛ x2 (t) + x2d ⎞ ⎛ x2d ⎞⎥
⎢− (1 + δ a ) x2 (t ) + Ba Da(1 − x1 (t ) − x1d ) exp⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ − Ba Da(1 − x1d ) exp⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎥
⎢⎣ ⎝ 1 + ( x2 (t ) + x2d ) ϕ ⎠ ⎝ 1 + x2d ϕ ⎠⎥⎦


g ( x (t )) = ⎢ ⎥ (3.31)
⎣δ a ⎦


h( x(t )) = x 2 (t ) (3.32)

Assume that in this reaction system there exist an unmodeled first-order side reaction and

a measuring error. Under such a situation, the model uncertainties can be represented by

⎡ 0 ⎤
∆f ( x (t )) = ⎢ ⎥ (3.33)
⎣ − e f x1 (t )⎦


∆g( x (t )) = ⎢ ⎥ (3.34)
⎣eg ⎦

The values for the various model constants are as follows:

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Da = 0.072 , ϕ = 20 , Ba = 8 , δ a = 0.3 , θ = 0.5 , 0.1 ≤ e f ≤ 0.3 , e g = 0.1 and

ud = 0 . Also, the steady state values of the system states are given as: x1d = 0.144 ,

x 2 d = 0.886 . The control objective is to maintain x 2 as close as possible to its steady

state value by adjusting the control input u . Furthermore, it is easy to verify that the

relative degrees for f , ∆f and ∆g are of ρ = κ = w = 1 , which is apparently a

proper subset of generalized matching condition. For SMC design, let’s choose a

coordinate transformation of

ˆ = [ξˆ ηˆ ]T = [ xˆ
T xˆ1 ]T (3.35)
1 2

Using this transformation, we have the transformed system as

& ~
ξˆ1 = (bˆ(ξˆ , ηˆ ) + ∆bˆ(ξˆ , ηˆ )) + (aˆ (ξˆ , ηˆ ) + ∆aˆ (ξˆ , ηˆ )) u (t − θ ) (3.36)


aˆ (ξˆ , ηˆ ) = δ a (3.37)

bˆ(ξˆ , ηˆ ) = f 2 (xˆ ) (3.38)

∆aˆ (ξˆ , ηˆ ) = e g (3.39)


∆bˆ(ξˆ , ηˆ ) = −e f xˆ1 (t ) (3.40)

Now, it can be verified that the zero dynamics of the nominal system

⎛ ⎛ x2d ⎞⎞
ηˆ& = qˆ (0, ηˆ ) = −ηˆ ⎜⎜1 + Da exp⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎟
⎟ (3.41)
⎝ ⎝ 1 + x2d ϕ ⎠ ⎠

is exponentially stable. This means that the internal stability is guaranteed and thus the

proposed SMC design methodology can be utilized. Based on Eqs. (3.22) and (3.23), we

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have the following control law for this uncertain input-delay CSTR as
~ ~ ~ ~
− kˆδˆ(t + θ | t ) − sat (δˆ (t + θ | t ) β )[bˆmin
( fˆmax + δˆ (t + θ | t ) )] − f 2 (xˆ (t + θ | t ))
u (t ) = (3.42)

To implement the control law, the values of fˆmax and b̂min should be determined. Based

on the values of e f = e 0f ± τ , τ = 0.1 and e 0f = 0.2 , and e g = 0.1 , we have

∆aˆ (ξˆ , ηˆ ) eg
bˆmin = 1 − sup = 1− = 0.6667 > 0 (3.43)
( ξˆ , ηˆ )∈T ˆ (ξˆ , ηˆ )
ˆ (U ) a δa

On the other hand, since aˆ (ξˆ , ηˆ ) , ∆aˆ (ξˆ , ηˆ ) , bˆ(ξˆ , ηˆ ) and ∆bˆ(ξˆ , ηˆ ) are state dependent,

one can only estimates possible maximum bound roughly. For this case, we set

fˆmax = 0.5 . The other controller parameters are set as c1 = 1 , kˆ(0) = 1 , γ~ = 1 , and

β = 0.05 . In order to verify the regulation ability of the proposed strategy, we suppose

that the system states are perturbed to move away from their steady states to be

x1 (0) = 0.4 and x 2 (0) = 0.8 initially. Having the previous preparations, we are ready to

investigate the following important issues.

3.2.1. The Role of the Nonlinear Predictor

The role of the incorporated nonlinear predictor is examined first. In this case, we
assume that the estimated input-delay coincides with the actual one, that is θ = θ = 0.5 .

Figure 3.2 depicts the simulation results of using the proposed SMC control law with and

without the incorporation of the nonlinear predictor. As can be seen from this figure, the

sliding mode control can be fail once the nonlinear predictor is not included in the control

system, mainly due to the negative effect of the input-delay on state feedback. Once the

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nonlinear predictor has been incorporated as that shown in Figure 3.1, the produced

control input results in an excellent control performance despite of the existence of

input-delay and process uncertainties. These simulation results clearly reveal that the

nonlinear predictor plays an important role in the proposed SMC control scheme when

handling with nonlinear uncertain input-delay processes. Also, as shown in the previous

section, the incorporation of the nonlinear predictor with the proposed SMC control law

has been proven to be able to possess certain desired robust performance and stability for

the closed-loop system as stated in Theorem 3.1.

3.2.2. The Presence of Extra Disturbances

To have a further evaluation of the control scheme, we impose extra disturbances on

the feeding of the reactant and the reactor temperature. The extra unmeasured

disturbances introduce significantly additional modeling error to process, which leads the

uncertainty vector ∆f to be

⎡ d1 ⎤
∆f ( x (t )) = ⎢ ⎥ (3.44)
⎣ − e f x1 (t ) + d 2 ⎦

It can be verified that, though the uncertainties do not satisfies the matching condition,

the generalized matching condition is still valid and thus the proposed control scheme

remains applicable. For simulation, we let d1 = 0.05 and d 2 = 0.2 , and the unmeasured

disturbance enters into the system after time of 20 min. With increasing fˆmax to 0.7 and

using the controller parameters as those mentioned above, we plot the simulation results

in Figure 3.3. From this figure, it is clearly revealed that the proposed predictor-based

sliding mode control strategy is able to provide robust control without having abrupt

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control actions and vigorous control moves in the control loop even though extra

unknown dynamics are imposed.

3.2.3. Parameter Variations and Modeling Error in Input-Delay

To explore the plant uncertainties on the essential behavior of the control system, we

assume that the values of the Damkhler number, Da , the activated energy, ϕ , and heat

of reaction, Ba , have ± 25% variation from their nominal values while these

parameter values in the model remain unchanged. In designing SMC to deal with these

parameter variations, the value of fˆmax is set as 0.7 for accommodating these

exceptional uncertainties. The closed-loop system performance is shown in Figures 3.4,

demonstrating that the proposed scheme is robust despite of the presence of the parameter

variations. Furthermore, the simulation results shown in Figure 3.5 reveal that the

proposed observer-based SMC control scheme is robust to modeling error in input delays.

3.3. Summary

In this chapter, we have presented a predictor-based sliding mode control system for

the regulation of nonlinear uncertain chemical processes in the presence of input-delay.

The main idea of the present approach is to combine a prediction scheme for

time-advanced state estimation and a sliding mode control technique for robust control.

The robust stability and system performance of the whole system have been guaranteed

theoretically by the Lyapunov-based approach. For demonstration, the effectiveness and

applicability of the proposed nonlinear control strategy has been examined through the

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regulation control of a nonlinear CSTR in the presence of process nonlinearity, uncertain

behavior, input-delay and diversified extra disturbances. Extensive simulation results

reveal that the proposed sliding mode control scheme appears to be a robust and powerful

approach to the regulation control of uncertain, nonlinear time-delay chemical processes.

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Figure 3.2. System performance comparison of the proposed strategy with and without

the use of a nonlinear predictor. ― with the use of a nonlinear predictor; ····· without the
use of a nonlinear predictor.

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Figure 3.3. Closed-loop system performance in face of unmodeled side reaction,

measuring error and unmeasured disturbances. Initial conditions: ― x1 (0) = 0.4 ,

x 2 (0) = 0.8 ; ---- x1 (0) = 0.3 , x 2 (0) = −0.3 .

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Figure 3.4. Closed-loop system performance in face of process parameter variations.

― Da , ϕ , Ba : +25% variations; ---- Da , ϕ , Ba : -25% variations.

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Figure 3.5. Closed-loop system performance under modeling error in input delays. ―no

error; ---- +10% error; ······· -10% error.

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As has been reviewed in Chapter 1, although the established sliding mode control

(SMC) strategies have many successful application in handling with diversified process

dynamics, the sliding mode control of nonlinear processes that possess simultaneously the

dynamics behavior of uncertainties, input-delay and inverse response has not ever been

addressed in the literature. However, in chemical industry it is very common to encounter

with this kind of processes. For example, a Van de Vusse reactor operated in a certain

condition could exhibit an inverse response behavior, arising from dynamics competition

(Van de Vusse, 1964; Kravaris et al., 1998; Chen and Lee, 2002). Besides, the

complexities of the consecutive and side reactions inside the reactor can present

uncertainties in the formulated model. In addition, significant time-delay would exist if

there is long mass transport through pipe line. To tackle with these dynamics

simultaneously, this chapter attempts to develop a novel sliding mode control scheme

through making use of a statically equivalent output map (SEOM) and a time-advanced

nonlinear predictor. The main idea is to reap the benefit of both the SEOM and the

nonlinear predictor; the SEOM is used for eliminating the undesirable inverse response

and the time-advanced predictor for curbing the negative effect of input-delay. The

synergistic integration of SEOM and nonlinear predictor provides a new direction toward

the robust control of complex processes, which therefore facilitates the design of an

effective sliding mode control system. Furthermore, the convergence properties of the

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proposed sliding mode control scheme are guaranteed by utilizing the Lyapunov stability


This chapter is organized in three sections. In Section 4.1, a predictor-based sliding

mode control scheme which integrates an auxiliary output, the input-output feedback

linearization technique, a nonlinear predictor and a sliding mode controller is proposed

for the robust control of nonlinear, uncertain, non-minimum phase, input-delay processes.

To demonstrate the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed scheme, extensive

simulations for the SMC control of a Van de Vusse reactor is performed in Section 4.2.

Some important issues regarding the application of the proposed SMC scheme were

investigated. The potential use of a sliding observer for estimating the unmeasurable

states is also included therein. Finally, in Section 4.3 summary remarks are made.

4.1. A Predictor-Based Sliding Mode Control Scheme for Nonlinear, Uncertain,

Non-Minimum Phase, Input-Delay Processes

4.1.1. Control System Configuration and System Description

Consider a single-input/single-output non-minimum phase nonlinear input-delay

process whose dynamics are modeled by the following uncertain equations:

x& (t ) = (f (x) + ∆f (x)) + (g(x) + ∆g(x)) u (t − θ ) (4.1a)

y (t ) = h(x) (4.1b)

where x(t ) ∈ R n , u(t ) ∈ R , y (t ) ∈ R and θ ∈ ([0, ∞), R ) are state vector, control input,

system output and the time-delay respectively; f (⋅) , g(⋅) , ∆f (⋅) and ∆g(⋅) are smooth

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vector fields on an open set U ∈ R n and h(⋅) a smooth function on U . Without loss of

generality, we assume that the origin x = 0 is a uniformly asymptotically stable

equilibrium point of the unforced nominal system and h(x ) vanishes at that equilibrium

point. In other words, f (0) = 0 and h(0) = 0 . This means that y represents the

tracking error. It should be noted that a given model could be easily rewritten in this form

by defining appropriate deviation variables.

The system under consideration is assumed to be a non-minimum phase one, i.e., it

has unstable zero dynamics in the sense defined in Byrnes and Isidori (1985). To control

this kind of time-delay, non-minimum phase processes, in this chapter we propose a

predictor-based sliding mode control system configuration as shown in Figure 4.1.

Figure 4.1. Schematic diagram of the proposed predictor-based SMC scheme.

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The proposed nonlinear scheme is mainly constructed on the basis of using the

input/output linearization, a synthesized auxiliary output for compensating the inverse

response, a nonlinear predictor for providing time-advanced predictive states and a

sliding mode controller to achieve robust control performance. For clear presentation, we

describe the whole control scheme through individual parts.

4.1.2. Design of a Statically Equivalent Output Map (SEOM)

To compensate the undesirable inverse response such that a sliding mode scheme can

be applied, in the proposed scheme the auxiliary output hs (x) should be statically

equivalent to the original output h(x) , i.e., hs (x) should have the same static gain as

the actual process output h(x) and make an u − y s system in the minimum phase

despite of the influence of process uncertainties. Before embarking on the design of a

statically equivalent output map (SEOM), hs (x), for nonlinear uncertain processes, we

first review a zero-assignment method and discuss how to design he (x) . The Design of he (x) : an Auxiliary Output Design Method Using Zero

Assignment Technique

Consider the following nonlinear non-minimum phase input-delay system

x& (t ) = f (x) + g(x) u (t − θ ) (4.2a)

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y (t ) = h(x) (4.2b)

which is the nominal model of Eq. (4.1). Apparently, system (4.2) is also a non-minimum

phase one. The following Lemma presents a design methodology for the construction of a

minimum phase system that is statically equivalent to Eq. (4.2).

Lemma 4.1. Let (x s , us ) be a reference equilibrium point. Suppose that

⎡ ∂f (x s ) ∂g (x s ) ⎤
⎢ ∂x + u s ∂x ⎥ and g(x s ) form a controllable pair and g n (x) is nonzero. Then,
⎣ ⎦
there exists an auxiliary locally minimum phase process as follows:

x& (t ) = f (x) + g(x) u (t − θ ) (4.3a)

y e (t ) = he (x) (4.3b)

where he (⋅) can be formulated by (Kravaris et al., 1998)

n −1
he (x) = h(x) + ∑ ε j (x)Ψ j (x) (4.4)
j =1

of which

⎡ f ( x) g j ( x) ⎤
Ψ j (x) = det ⎢ j ⎥ , j = 1, 2, K , n − 1 (4.5)
⎣ f n ( x) g n ( x) ⎦

are functions vanishing on the equilibrium curve and ε j (x), j = 1, 2, K, n − 1 , are

functions being chosen such that he (x) is statically equivalent to h(x) .

Proof. Please refer to the paper of Kravaris et al. (1998).

Eq. (4.4) presents a general class of statically equivalent outputs, since the function

ε j (x) is completely arbitrary. To ease the design, we consider the subclass of Eq. (4.4)

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n −1
with constant weights ε j , i.e., he (x) = h(x) + ∑ ε j Ψ j (x) . The selection of ε j can be
j =1

completed by using the zero-placement technique as that described in the next lemma.

Lemma 4.2. Let ( x s , u s ) be a reference equilibrium point, and z j be the desired zeros

for he (x) at ( x s , u s ) , then ε j can be obtained by solving the following polynomial

n −1
~ ~ ~
P ( s) + ∑ ε j Q j ( s) = P d ( s) (4.6)
j =1

or from the solution of the explicit form

⎡ q~11 q~21 L q~n −1,1 ⎤ ⎡ ε 1 ⎤ ⎡ ~ p1d − ~p1 ⎤

⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ M M O M ⎥ ⎢ M ⎥⎥ = ⎢ M ⎥ (4.7)
⎢⎣q~1,n −1 ~
q 2,n −1 L q~n −1,n −1 ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ε n −1 ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ ~
p nd−1 − ~
p n −1 ⎥⎦


~ ∂h(x s ) ⎡ ⎛ ∂f (x s ) ∂g(x s ) ⎞⎤
P ( s) = Adj⎢ sI − ⎜ + us ⎟ g(x s )
∂x ⎣ ⎝ ∂x ∂x ⎠⎥⎦ (4.8)
=~ p +~ p s +L+ ~
0 1p s n −1 n −1

~ ∂Ψ j (x s ) ⎡ ⎛ ∂f (x s ) ∂g(x s ) ⎞⎤
Q j (s) = Adj⎢ sI − ⎜ + us ⎟ g(x s )
∂x ⎣ ⎝ ∂x ∂x ⎠⎥⎦ (4.9)
= q~ j ,1 s + L + q~ j , n −1 s n −1 , j = 1, 2,K, n − 1


n −1 ⎛
~ s ⎞
P d (s) = ~
p 0 ∏ ⎜1 − ⎟ = ~p0 + ~
p1d s + L + ~
p nd−1 s n −1 (4.10)

j =1 ⎝

zj ⎠

Proof. By considering the zero polynomials of h(x) and Ψ j (x) along with the process

dynamics and by setting appropriate zeros, it can be easily shown that Eq. (4.6) holds.

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~ ~
Remark 4.1. In Lemma 4.2, P ( s ) and Q j ( s ) are zero polynomials corresponding to

h(x) and Ψ j (x) respectively, and Pd ( s ) for he (x) is the desirable zero polynomial.

Since the columns [q~ j1 , q~ j 2 , K , q~ j ,n −1 ] T is linear independent, the adjustable weight ε j

can be obtained by zero assignment. If the desired zeros z j ’s are chosen to locate in LHP,

then the obtained ε j can make he (x) minimum phase and statically equivalent to

h(x) . It is also noted here that the constant term in Q j ( s ) will have to equal to zero

because Ψ j (x) vanishes at every steady-state.

Actually, the presented zero-placement technique for the design of a statically

equivalent minimum phase output is based on the model of the process. If process model

is perfect, the designed auxiliary output, he (x) , can be statically equivalent to the actual

process output, h(x) , and thus makes u − y e system minimum phase. However, as the

process model is not so perfect or the process is subject to model uncertainties, the

minimum phase behavior would not be ensured perfectly. In other words, if the controller

is designed on the basis of the auxiliary output, he (x) , the closed-loop system may

hardly guarantee zero offset performance when facing with process uncertainties. To

overcome this deficiency, in the next subsection we will propose a new algorithm for

ε -redesign and then present a modified synthetic output that is suitable for the robust

controller design of nonlinear non-minimum phase processes having uncertainties.

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化工程序之滑動模式控制系統設計 Synthesis of a Statically Equivalent Output Map (SEOM), hs (x) , for Use

under Process Uncertainties

The purpose of this subsection is two folds. The first one is to ensure the minimum

phase behavior under the influence of process uncertainties and the other one is to

guarantee the statically equivalent output property of y s . To meet the first goal, a new

algorithm for the redesign of ε j is proposed. The idea is based on shifting the desired

zeros to make the constructed minimum output invariant despite the influence of the

process uncertainties. The design procedure is depicted in Figure 4.2 and is summarized

as follows:

Initialization: Choose the desired zeros, z 0j ∈ LHP , at the reflections of the RHP

zeros with respect to the imaginary axis. Also, set ∆z j > 0 for zero shifting.

Let i = 1 and z ij = z 0j .

Step 1: Set P d ( s ) based on the zeros z ij . Calculate ε ij , j = 1,2, K , n − 1 , from Eq.

(4.7) and then construct hei (x) according to Eq. (4.4).

Step 2: Check whether hei (x) is minimum phase or not under process uncertainties

by Monte Carlo simulations. If yes, stop. Otherwise, go next step.

Step 3: Shifting the desired zeros by z ij+1 = z ij − ∆z j , then set i = i + 1 and go back

to step 1.

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Figure 4.2. An algorithm for searching the appropriate ε ij ’s.

Once the design procedure has converged, a minimum phase output map for the

original uncertain process can be constructed. However, the obtained output map, though

is minimum phase, may not assure that the output is statically equivalent to the actual

output because of the influence of process uncertainties. To achieve the statically

equivalent property for the second goal, we suggest the following auxiliary output for

output feedback control:

y s ≡ hs (x) = y + ( y e − y )e − λst (4.11)

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where y e = he (x) , y = h(x) and λ s > 0 is the tuning constant. The role of λ s in this

auxiliary output map is to make a smooth transition from the minimum phase one to

actual process output. Actually, the selection of λ s depends on the process dynamic

characteristics. From Eq. (4.11), it is clear that, for small t , y s is approximately equal

to the minimum phase output map, y e . Notice that y e is simply designed on the basis

of process’s nominal model. While for a larger t , y s is approaching to the actual

process output. This effort ensures that lim y s = y . That is, y s appears to be a statically
t →∞

equivalent output map (SEOM) to the actual process output, which ensures offset-free

and minimum phase behavior despite of the influence of process uncertainties. Having

constructed the SEOM, y s , we are ready to present a predictor-based sliding mode

controller design methodology for non-minimum phase, nonlinear, uncertain, input-delay


4.1.3. Design of a Predictor-Based Sliding Mode Controller

Based on the synthesized auxiliary output y s , the nonlinear uncertain input-delay

model used for SMC controller design is given by

x& (t ) = (f (x) + ∆f (x)) + (g(x) + ∆g(x)) u (t − θ ) (4.12a)

y s (t ) = hs (x) (4.12b)

It should be noted here that, based on the constructed SEOM hs (x) , the present system is

minimum phase under uncertainties and the auxiliary output y s is statically equivalent

to the actual process output y . Let the Lie derivative of a smooth function hs (x) along

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a vector field g(x) be represented by

∂hs (x) n
∂h (x)
Lg hs (x) = g ( x) = ∑ s g i ( x) (4.13)
∂x i =1 ∂xi

In terms of Lie derivative, the relative degree of the system (4.12) is defined as

ρ = min{m : Lg Lmf −1 hs (x) ≠ 0} (4.14)

{ }
Similarly, let κ = min m : L∆f Lmf −1 hs (x) ≠ 0 and w = min{m : L∆g Lmf −1 hs (x) ≠ 0} be the

relative degrees of the uncertainties ∆f and ∆g , respectively. Also, in the chapter, we

assume the uncertainties satisfy the generalized matching condition, i.e., w ≥ ρ = κ

(Behtash, 1990). Under the above-mentioned assumptions, we shall first present a sliding

mode controller design methodology and then propose a nonlinear predictor design

method in order for compensating the input-delay and to achieve robust stability and

performance of the whole closed-loop control system. Design of a Sliding Mode Controller

Based on the input-output linearization technique of Isidori (1989), there exists a local

coordinate transformation as follows:

(ξ T
, ηT )
= T( x )
= hs (x), Lf hs (x),L, Lρf −1 hs (x),η1 (x),L ,η n − ρ (x) )

By applying this coordinate transformation, one can transfer the nonlinear uncertain

system to its normal form as

ξ&i = ξ i +1 , i = 1, 2, L , ρ − 1 (4.16a)

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ξ&ρ = [b(ξ, η) + ∆b(ξ, η)] + [a (ξ, η) + ∆a(ξ, η)] u (t − θ ) (4.16b)

η& = q(ξ, η) + φ(ξ, η) (4.16c)

y s = ξ1 (4.16d)

where a(ξ, η) , ∆a(ξ, η) , b(ξ, η) , ∆b(ξ, η) , q(ξ, η) and φ(ξ, η) are given,

respectively, by

a(ξ, η) = Lg Lρf −1 hs o T −1 (ξ, η) (4.17)

∆a (ξ, η) = L∆g Lρf −1 hs o T −1 (ξ, η) (4.18)

b(ξ, η) = Lρf hs o T −1 (ξ, η) (4.19)

∆b(ξ, η) = L∆f Lρf −1 hs o T −1 (ξ, η) (4.20)

qi (ξ, η) = Lf Tρ + i (x), i = 1, 2, L, n − ρ (4.21)

φi (ξ, η) = L∆f Tρ +i (x) + L∆g Tρ +i (x) u (t − θ ) , i = 1, 2,K , n − ρ (4.22)


x = T −1 (ξ, η) (4.23)

Notice that the symbol o denotes a composition function operator. Since the process is

of internal stability, the following state feedback control law:

v(t ) − b(ξ, η)
u (t − θ ) = (4.24)
a(ξ, η)
can be applied, where all the quantities in the right-hand side are at time t . To give the

current control inputs, the control law of Eq. (4.24) is rewritten as

v(t + θ ) − b(ξ (t + θ ), η(t + θ ))
u (t ) = (4.25)
a(ξ (t + θ ), η(t + θ ))
It is clear that for robust control the transformed input to the controller, v(t + θ ) , should

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be carefully designed to meet some certain desirable robustness and system performance.

In this chapter, we modify from the SMC approach of Chen and Dai (2001) to give

v(t + θ ) as

v (t + θ ) = −kδ (t + θ ) − sat (δ (t + θ ) β )[bmin

( f max + δ (t + θ ) )] (4.26)

where the adaptive gain k is tuned by k& = γ~(δ (t + θ )) 2 ( γ~ > 0 ); f max , bmin , δ (t + θ )

and sat (δ (t + θ ) β ) are given, respectively, by

b(ξ (t + θ ), η(t + θ ))
f max = sup ∆b(ξ (t + θ ), η(t + θ )) − ∆a (ξ (t + θ ), η(t + θ )) (4.27)
( ξ , η )∈T (U ) a (ξ (t + θ ), η(t + θ ))
∆a (ξ (t + θ ), η(t + θ ))
bmin = 1 − sup (4.28)
( ξ , η )∈T (U ) a (ξ (t + θ ), η(t + θ ))
δ (t + θ ) = c T ξ (t + θ ) = ∑ ci ξ i (t + θ ) , cρ = 1 (4.29)
i =1


⎧ δ (t + θ ) β , if δ (t + θ ) β < 1
sat(δ (t + θ ) β ) = ⎨ (4.30)
⎩sign(δ (t + θ ) β ), if δ (t + θ ) β ≥ 1

In the control law, β is the user-specified boundary layer thickness used to eliminate the

input chattering, and coefficients ci in δ (t + θ ) are chosen such that the polynomial

Γ(λ ) = λ ρ −1 + c ρ −1λ ρ − 2 + L + c 2 λ + c1 has all roots in the open left-half complex plane.

At this stage, the sliding mode control law (4.25) for input-delay processes has been

constructed. However, in the light of the control law, this controller can not be directly

implemented without having the predictive states. Therefore, in the next subsection we

shall introduce a nonlinear predictor to obtain time-advanced predictive states.

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化工程序之滑動模式控制系統設計 A Nonlinear Predictor and the Robustness of the Predictor-Based Sliding

Mode Control Scheme

To compensate the time-delay of the process and therefore estimate the process’s

time-advanced states, in this chapter we suggest the use of the following nonlinear


x& ∗ (t ) = f ( x ∗ (t )) + g( x ∗ (t ))u(t ) (4.31a)

~ ~
x& (t ) = f ( ~
x (t )) + g( ~
x (t ))u(t − θ ) (4.31b)

xˆ (t + θ | t ) = x(t ) + x ∗ (t ) − ~
x (t ) (4.31c)

where x ∗ (t ) , ~
x (t ) and x(t ) ∈ R n denote, respectively, the model state vector, the
nominal state vector, and the actual plant’s state vector; θ ≥ 0 is the estimated
time-delay in the manipulated input and xˆ (t + θ | t ) ∈ R n represents the corrected

time-advanced predictive state vector. By comparing Eqs. (4.31a) with (4.31b), it follows

~ ~
that x ∗ (t ) = ~
x (t + θ ) if the predictor is initialized as x ∗ (0) = ~
x (θ ) . This initialization

can be achieved at steady state because in this case ~
x (θ ) = ~
x (0) . As a result, in the

absence of plant/model mismatch the prediction model yields the plant state vector one

~ ~
time-delay ahead, i.e. xˆ (t + θ | t ) = x(t + θ ) if θ = θ . With the introduction of the

nonlinear predictor, the transformed system (4.16) can be represented as

ξˆi = ξˆi +1 , i = 1, 2, L , ρ − 1 (4.32a)

& ~
ξˆρ = [bˆ(ξˆ , ηˆ ) + ∆bˆ(ξˆ , ηˆ )] + [aˆ (ξˆ , ηˆ ) + ∆aˆ (ξˆ , ηˆ )] u (t − θ ) (4.32b)

η&ˆ = qˆ (ξˆ , ηˆ ) + φˆ (ξˆ , ηˆ ) (4.32c)

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yˆ s = ξˆ1 (4.32d)

where ξ̂ , η̂ , â , ∆â , b̂ , ∆b̂ , q̂ and φ̂ are defined similarly as those in ξ , η , a ,

∆a , b , ∆b , q and φ , respectively. Besides, based on the estimated states the current

input u(t ) can be computed by

~ ~ ~
vˆ(t + θ | t ) − bˆ(ξˆ (t + θ | t ), ηˆ (t + θ | t ))
u (t ) = ~ ~ (4.33)
aˆ (ξˆ (t + θ | t ), ηˆ (t + θ | t ))

where the input vˆ(t + θ | t ) is calculated as

~ ~ ~ ~
vˆ(t + θ | t ) = −kˆδˆ(t + θ | t ) − sat (δˆ(t + θ | t ) β )[bˆmin
( fˆmax + δˆ(t + θ | t ) )] (4.34)

& ~ ~
of which the adaptive gain k̂ is tuned by kˆ = γ~(δˆ(t + θ | t )) 2 ( γ~ > 0 ); δˆ(t + θ | t ) ,

fˆmax , and b̂min are given, similarly as those of δ (t + θ ) , f max and bmin .

With the incorporation of the nonlinear predictor and the insertion of the control law

(4.33), the resultant closed-loop system can be formulated as follows:

ξˆ = A c ξˆ + B c [vˆ + bˆs−1 ( fˆs + c T ξˆ )] (4.35a)

η&ˆ = qˆ (ξˆ , ηˆ ) + φˆ (ξˆ , ηˆ ) (4.35b)

x& ∗ = f ( x ∗ ) + g( x ∗ )u(t ) (4.35c)

~ ~
x& = f ( ~
x ) + g( ~
x )u ( t − θ ) (4.35d)


⎡ 0 1 0 0 K 0 0⎤
⎢ 0 0 1 0 K 0 0⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ M M M M O M M ⎥
Ac = ⎢ ⎥ (4.36)
⎢ 0 0 0 0 K 1 0⎥
⎢ 0 0 0 0 K 0 1⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢⎣− c1 − c2 − c3 − c4 K − cρ −1 − 1⎥⎦

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Bc = ⎢ ⎥ (4.37)
⎢ ⎥
⎣b̂s ⎦

bˆ(ξˆ , ηˆ )
fˆs := fˆs (ξˆ , ηˆ ) = ∆bˆ(ξˆ , ηˆ ) − ∆aˆ (ξˆ , ηˆ ) (4.38)
aˆ (ξˆ , ηˆ )


∆aˆ (ξˆ , ηˆ )
bˆs := bˆs (ξˆ , ηˆ ) = 1 + (4.39)
aˆ (ξˆ , ηˆ )

The robust stability and desired behavior of the closed-loop system are described in

the following theorem.

Theorem 4.1. Suppose that the uncertain input-delay system (4.12) is subject to the

control law (4.33) and the stable nonlinear predictor (4.31). If bˆmin > 0 , then the

closed-loop system (4.35) possesses the following properties.

(P4.1) Uniform stability: Let η = [ξˆ T , ηˆ T ]T and η0 = [ξˆ T0 , ηˆ T0 ]T . For each d ≥ d , given

any η(⋅) : [t0 , ∞) → R n , and η(t 0 ) = η0 of the closed-loop system (4.35), there

exists a constant ϑ ( d ) > 0 such that η0 ≤ ϑ (d ) implies that η(t ) ≤ d for all

t ≥ t0 .

(P4.2) Uniform boundedness: Given any r > 0 and any η(⋅) : [t 0 , t1 ) → R n and

η(t 0 ) = η0 of the closed-loop system (4.35) with η0 ≤ r , there exists a constant

d ( r ) > 0 such that η(t ) ≤ d (r ) for all t ∈ [t0 , t1 ) .

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(P4.3) Uniform ultimate boundedness: For each d ≥ d and r > 0 , given any

η(⋅) : [t0 , ∞) → R n and η(t 0 ) = η0 of the closed-loop system (4.35) with η0 ≤ r ,

there exists a finite time t ( d , r ) ≥ 0 such that η(t ) ≤ d for all t ≥ t0 + t ( d , r ) .

Proof. The proof is the same as Theorem 3.1.

4.2. A Case Study: Regulation Control of a Van de Vusse Reactor in the Presence of

Input-Delay, Inverse Response and Process’s Uncertainties

The purpose of this section is to demonstrate the design procedure of the proposed

sliding mode control scheme and evaluate its performance through a chemical

engineering example. The process under consideration is a nonisothermal Van de Vusse

reactor in which the following series/parallel reactions (Van de Vusse, 1964; Kantor, 1986)

are taking place:

A ⎯⎯→
B ⎯⎯→
C (4.40a)

2 A ⎯⎯→
D (4.40b)

where A is the reactant, B the desired product, and C and D are unwanted

by-products. An industrial example is the production of cyclopentenol ( B ) from

cyclopentadiene ( A ) by acid-catalyzed electrophilic addition of water in dilute solution,

where cyclopentanediol ( C ) and dicyclopentadiene ( D ) are produced as side products

(Engell and Klatt, 1993). The reaction rates of A and B are assumed to be

rA = − k1 (T )C A − k 3 (T )C A2 (4.41)

rB = k1 (T )C A − k 2 (T )C B (4.42)

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where the rate coefficients k i (T ) are given by Arrhenius expressions:

k i (T ) = k i 0 exp( − Ei RT ) (4.43)

In the rate equations, C A and C B denote, respectively, the concentrations of the

species A and B inside the reactor. During operation, the volume of this reactor, V ,

is assumed to be constant. Besides, the feed stream consisting of pure A is fed to this

reactor at an inlet flow rate F . The concentration of A in the feed stream is

C A0 = 5 gmol ⋅ L−1 and the feed temperature is T0 = 403.15 K. By means of the material

balances for species A and B and the energy balance for the reactor, the process

dynamics can be modeled as follows:

dC A (t )
= −k1 (T (t ))C A (t ) − k 3 (T (t ))C A2 (t ) + (C A0 − C A (t ))u m (t − θ ) (4.44a)
dC B (t )
= k1 (T (t ))C A (t ) − k 2 (T (t ))C B (t ) − C B (t )u m (t − θ ) (4.44b)
dT (t ) 1
= [(−∆H 1 )k1 (T (t ))C A (t ) + (−∆H 2 )k 2 (T (t ))C B (t )
dt ρ sCP (4.44c)
+ (−∆H 3 )k 3 (T (t ))C (t ) + Qs ] + (T0 − T (t ))u m (t − θ )

where T is the reactor temperature, um = F V denotes the dilution rate, θ represents

the time-delay, ∆H i , ρ s and C P are the reaction heat, density and specific heat of the

reaction mixture, respectively, and − Qs the cooling rate per unit volume. In Table 4.1,

we list the values for the model parameter constants and operation conditions.

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Table 4.1. Model parameters and operating conditions.

E 2 R = 9758.3 K
k10 = 1.287 ⋅ 1012 h −1 C P = 3.01 kJ ( kg ⋅ K ) −1
E3 R = 8560 K
k 20 = 1.287 ⋅ 1012 h −1 ρ s = 0.9342 kg ⋅ L−1
∆H 1 = 4.2 kJ ⋅ mol

k 30 = 9.043 ⋅ 10 9 L( mol ⋅ h ) −1 ∆H 2 = −11 kJ ⋅ mol −1 Qs = −451.509 kJ( L ⋅ h ) −1

E1 R = 9758.3 K ∆H 3 = −41.85 kJ ⋅ mol −1 θ = 0.01 hr

The control objective is to maintain the process output C B as close as possible to the set

point (steady-state value) by adjusting the dilution rate, um = F V . In this case, the given

steady-state values are C Ad = 1.25 mol ⋅ L−1 , C Bd = 0.90 mol ⋅ L−1 and Td = 407.15 K ,

which corresponds to the dilution rate of ud = 19.5218 hr −1 . By linearizing this process

model around the reference steady-state, it exhibits locally asymptotically stable and

locally non-minimum phase owing to no RHP pole (-96.518 and − 33.141 ± 9.8118 i )

and the presence of a RHP zero (-11.1673 and +122.6824). Since this chemical reactor

presents non-minimum phase behavior around the reference steady-state, the

conventional feedback linearizing controllers cannot be directly applied to this nonlinear

process to achieve stable control.

To apply the proposed sliding mode control scheme to this Van de Vusse reactor, we

first define the deviation variables: x1 = C A − C Ad , x2 = C B − C Bd , x3 = T − Td ,

u = um − ud and let x1d = C Ad , x 2 d = C Bd , x3d = Td , x10 = C A0 and x30 = T0 , and

then rewrite the process model in its deviation form as follows:

x&1 (t ) = − k1 ( x3 (t ) + x3d ) ⋅ ( x1 (t ) + x1d ) − k 3 ( x3 (t ) + x3d ) ⋅ ( x1 (t ) + x1d ) 2 + k1 ( x3d ) ⋅ x1d

+ k 3 ( x3d ) ⋅ x12d − x1 (t ) ⋅ ud + ( x10 − x1d − x1 (t )) ⋅ u(t − θ )

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x& 2 (t ) = k1 ( x3 (t ) + x3d ) ⋅ ( x1 (t ) + x1d ) − k 2 ( x3 (t ) + x3d ) ⋅ ( x 2 (t ) + x 2 d ) − k1 ( x3d ) ⋅ x1d

+ k 2 ( x3d ) ⋅ x 2 d − x 2 (t ) ⋅ ud − ( x 2 d + x 2 (t )) ⋅ u(t − θ )

x& 3 (t ) = [ − ∆H 1k1 ( x3 (t ) + x3d ) ⋅ ( x1 (t ) + x1d ) − ∆H 2 k 2 ( x 3 (t ) + x3d ) ⋅ ( x 2 (t ) + x 2 d )
ρ sCP
− ∆H 3 k 3 ( x3 (t ) + x 3d ) ⋅ ( x1 (t ) + x1d ) 2 + ∆H 1k1 ( x3d ) ⋅ x1d + ∆H 2 k 2 ( x 3d ) ⋅ x 2 d
+ ∆H 3 k 3 ( x 3d ) ⋅ x12d ] − x 3 (t ) ⋅ ud + ( x 30 − x 3d − x 3 (t )) ⋅ u(t − θ )


y (t ) = x2 (t ) (4.45d)

It is further assumed that in this reaction system there exists an unmodeled first-order side

reaction from A and an error in the measurement of the inlet flow rate, F . Under such

a situation, the process is described by the following uncertain model:

x& (t ) = (f (x(t )) + ∆f (x(t ))) + (g(x(t )) + ∆g(x(t ))) u (t − θ ) (4.46a)

y (t ) = h(x(t )) (4.46b)


⎡ f1 (x(t )) ⎤
f (x(t )) = ⎢⎢ f 2 (x(t ))⎥⎥ =
⎢⎣ f 3 (x(t )) ⎥⎦
⎡ ⎤
⎢− k ( x (t ) + x ) ⋅ ( x (t ) + x ) − k ( x (t ) + x ) ⋅ ( x (t ) + x ) 2 + k ( x ) ⋅ x ⎥
⎢ 1 3 3d 1 1d 3 3 3d 1 1d 1 3d 1d ⎥
⎢+ k 3 ( x3d ) ⋅ x1d − x1 (t ) ⋅ u d
2 ⎥
⎢ ⎥ (4.47)
⎢k1 ( x3 (t ) + x3d ) ⋅ ( x1 (t ) + x1d ) − k 2 ( x3 (t ) + x3d ) ⋅ ( x 2 (t ) + x 2 d ) − k1 ( x3d ) ⋅ x1d ⎥
⎢+ k ( x ) ⋅ x − x (t ) ⋅ u ⎥
⎢ 2 3d 2d 2 d

⎢ 1 ⎥
⎢ ρ C [− ∆H 1 k1 ( x3 (t ) + x3d ) ⋅ ( x1 (t ) + x1d ) − ∆H 2 k 2 ( x3 (t ) + x3d ) ⋅ ( x 2 (t ) + x 2 d )⎥
⎢ s P ⎥
⎢− ∆H 3 k 3 ( x3 (t ) + x3d ) ⋅ ( x1 (t ) + x1d ) 2 + ∆H 1 k1 ( x3d ) ⋅ x1d + ∆H 2 k 2 ( x3d ) ⋅ x 2 d ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎣⎢+ ∆H 3 k 3 ( x3d ) ⋅ x1d ] − x3 (t ) ⋅ u d

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⎡ x10 − x1d − x1 (t ) ⎤
g (x(t )) = ⎢⎢ − x 2 d − x 2 (t ) ⎥⎥ (4.48)
⎢⎣ x30 − x3d − x3 (t )⎥⎦

⎡− e f x1 (t )⎤
∆f (x(t )) = ⎢⎢ 0 ⎥
⎥ (4.49)
⎢⎣ 0 ⎥⎦

∆g (x(t )) = e g ⎢⎢1⎥⎥ (4.50)


h(x(t )) = x 2 (t ) (4.51)

of which 0.1 ≤ e f ≤ 0.3 and 0.2 ≤ e g ≤ 0.4 . To construct a statically equivalent output

map (SEOM) for the proposed SMC scheme, we calculate Ψ1 and Ψ2 from the

process model as

Ψ1 (xˆ ) = [−k1 ( xˆ 3 + x3d ) ⋅ ( xˆ1 + x1d ) − k 3 ( xˆ 3 + x3d ) ⋅ ( xˆ1 + x1d ) 2 + k1 ( x3d ) ⋅ x1d + k 3 ( x3d ) ⋅ x12d
− xˆ1 ⋅ u d ]( x30 − x3d − xˆ 3 ) − { [−∆H 1 k1 ( xˆ 3 + x3d ) ⋅ ( xˆ1 + x1d ) − ∆H 2 k 2 ( xˆ 3 + x3d )
ρ s CP
⋅ ( xˆ 2 + x2d ) − ∆H 3 k 3 ( xˆ 3 + x3d ) ⋅ ( xˆ1 + x1d ) 2 + ∆H 1 k1 ( x3d ) ⋅ x1d + ∆H 2 k 2 ( x3d ) ⋅ x2d
+ ∆H 3 k 3 ( x3d ) ⋅ x12d ] − xˆ 3 ⋅ u d }( x10 − x1d − xˆ1 )


Ψ2 (xˆ ) = [k1 ( xˆ 3 + x3d ) ⋅ ( xˆ1 + x1d ) − k 2 ( xˆ 3 + x3d ) ⋅ ( xˆ 2 + x 2d ) − k1 ( x3d ) ⋅ x1d + k 2 ( x3d ) ⋅ x 2d

− xˆ 2 ⋅ u d ]( x30 − x3d − xˆ 3 ) − { [−∆H 1 k1 ( xˆ 3 + x3d ) ⋅ ( xˆ1 + x1d ) − ∆H 2 k 2 ( xˆ 3 + x3d )
ρ s CP
⋅ ( xˆ 2 + x2d ) − ∆H 3 k 3 ( xˆ 3 + x3d ) ⋅ ( xˆ1 + x1d ) 2 + ∆H 1 k1 ( x3d ) ⋅ x1d + ∆H 2 k 2 ( x3d ) ⋅ x2d
+ ∆H 3 k 3 ( x3d ) ⋅ x12d ] − xˆ 3 ⋅ u d }(− x 2d − xˆ 2 )


The zeros polynomial for the process output, i.e., the numerator polynomial of the

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transfer function of the linear approximation of the process dynamics, is calculated as

P ( s ) = −0.9s 2 + 100.3636s + 1233.0296 . Subsequently, we also obtain the zeros

polynomials of Ψ1 and Ψ2 , respectively, as follows:

Q1 ( s ) = −654.7228s 2 − 173130.6147 s (4.53a)

Q2 ( s ) = −535.3284s 2 + 33842.4452s (4.53b)

Based on the aforementioned information and process model, an auxiliary output is

synthesized as

y e = he (xˆ ) = xˆ 2 + ε 1 Ψ1 (xˆ ) + ε 2 Ψ2 (xˆ ) (4.54)

It should be mentioned again that the zeros polynomial around the given steady state, i.e.

~ ~ ~ ~
P ( s ) + ε 1Q1 ( s ) + ε 2 Q2 ( s ) , can be made equal to the given polynomial P d ( s ) by

appropriately adjusting the weight parameters ε1 and ε2 . Let

z 0 = [− 11.1673 − 122.6824] and ∆z = [0.2 2] , and following the proposed searching

algorithm, we have ε 1 = −6.2415 ⋅ 10 −4 and ε 2 = −2.5991 ⋅ 10 −3 . The open-loop

simulations shown in Figure 4.3 reveal that the obtained weights of ε 1 and ε 2 are able

to make y e the minimum phase under the uncertainty variations. However, this figure

also discloses that the synthesized output y e is still unable to be statically equivalent to

the actual process output, where there exist significant output errors. Therefore, for

statically output equivalence it is desirable to design a SEOM, y s , for this Van de Vusse

reactor. Now, by using the auxiliary output of y s designed based on Eq. (4.11), we

simulate the open-loop system response with various designed values of λ s . From Figure

4.4, it is obvious to observe that the constructed auxiliary output y s constitutes a

statically equivalent output for the actual process despite of the influence of process

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uncertainties. Also observed is that the parameter λ s controls the transition behavior of

y s . The larger the values of λ s , the faster transition response of y s .

Based on the constructed SEOM, y s , it is easily verified that the characteristic

indexes for f , ∆f and ∆g are to be ρ = κ = w = 1 , which satisfy the condition of

w ≥ ρ = κ . To implement the sliding mode controller, the value of fˆmax and b̂min

should be predetermined. With the values of e f = e 0f ± τ and e g = e g0 ± τ , where

τ = 0 .1 , e 0f = 0.2 and e g0 = 0.3 , we use the estimated maximum bound values of

fˆmax = 7 and bˆmin = 0.3 for the sliding mode controller. The other parameters are set as

c1 = 1.0 , kˆ(0) = 1.0 , γ~ = 1.0 , λ s = 0.3 and β = 0.01 . In order to verify the

regulation ability of the proposed strategy, we suppose that the system states are

perturbing to move away from their steady states as x1 (0) = −0.7 , x 2 (0) = −0.2 and

x3 (0) = 1.0 initially. Up to this point, we are ready to investigate the following important

issues regarding the application of the proposed scheme.

4.2.1. The Role of the Nonlinear Predictor

The role of the incorporated nonlinear predictor is examined first. In this case, we
assume that the estimated input-delay coincides with the actual one, that is θ = θ = 0.01 .

The comparisons of the proposed sliding mode control law with and without the

incorporation of the nonlinear predictor are shown in Figure 4.5. From this figure, it is

evident to observe that the sliding mode control can be fail if the nonlinear predictor is

not included in the control system, mainly due to the negative effect of the input-delay on

state feedback. Once the nonlinear predictor is incorporated as that shown in Figure 4.1,

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the produced control input is able to drive the process output to the setpoint, and therefore

an excellent control performance is achieved despite of the existence of input-delay and

process uncertainties. These simulation results obviously reveal that the nonlinear

time-advanced predictor plays an important role in the proposed SMC control scheme.

4.2.2. The Presence of Extra Disturbances

To evaluate the disturbance rejection ability by the proposed control strategy, we

assume that the process is encountered with not only unmodeled side reaction and

measuring error but also extra unmeasured disturbances. The extra disturbances introduce

significantly additional modeling errors, which leads the uncertainty vector ∆f to be of

⎡− e f x1 ⎤
∆f (x) = ⎢⎢ d1 ⎥⎥ (4.55)
⎢⎣ d 2 ⎥⎦

where d1 = 0.5 and d 2 = 2 . For SMC design, the value of bˆmin = 0.3 is still suitable

for this case, but fˆmax should be increased in order for accommodating this extra

disturbances. With increasing fˆmax to 10 and using the other controller parameters as

those mentioned before, we plot the closed-loop system performance in Figure 4.6. From

this figure, it is clear to observe that the SMC control system simply using y e results in

a small offset on the steady state. The reason for this is that the design of y e is simply

on the base of process’s nominal model and does not take the influence of uncertainties

into consideration, which therefore has insufficient capability in handling with extra

process uncertainties and disturbances. In contrast, with using the modified synthetic

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output, y s , for the controller design, the sliding mode control system is capable of

driving the process output gradually to achieve zero offset performance even though

diversified and extra uncertainties are imposed on this chemical reactor. These simulation

results corroborate again that the incorporation of the SEOM, y s , in the proposed

predictor-based SMC scheme appears to be an effective way of handling with

non-minimum phase uncertain processes.

4.2.3. Parameter Uncertainties

Due to its intrinsic nonlinearity, the static and dynamic behavior of the Van de Vusse

reactor is a strong function of kinetic parameters. When the kinetic parameters change

and/or the model is not so accurate to present the actual process, there is considerable

discrepancy between the actual process and the process model. To explore the plant

uncertainties on the essential behavior of the control system, we assume that each of the

process’s kinetic parameters k i 0 , i = 1, 2, 3 , has ± 25% variation from its nominal value

while these parameter values in the model remain unchanged. In designing SMC to deal

with these parameter variations, the value of fˆmax is set as 10 for accommodating these

exceptional uncertainties. The closed-loop system performance as well as the produced

control input is shown in Figure 4.7, demonstrating clearly that the proposed scheme is

robust despite of the existing parameter variations.

4.2.4. Implementation with a Sliding Observer

In practice, the on-line measurement of all states is often not possible. Therefore, for

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nonlinear process control the estimation of the unmeasurable states is always

unavoidably for practical implementation. To deal with this situation, we propose the use

of a sliding observer for estimating the states of this chemical process. In this case, we

assume that only the process output x2 is measured, i.e. the states, x1 and x3 , are

unmeasured. Following the design methodology of Wang et al. (1997), a nonlinear

sliding observer is constructed based on the nominal system and the output measurement

x 2 as follows:

x&1 (t ) = − k1 ( x3 (t ) + x3d ) ⋅ ( x1 (t ) + x1d ) − k 3 ( x3 (t ) + x3d ) ⋅ ( x1 (t ) + x1d ) 2 + k1 ( x3d ) ⋅ x1d

~ (
+ k ( x ) ⋅ x 2 − x (t ) ⋅ u + ( x − x − x (t )) ⋅ u(t − θ ) + kˆ sat ( x (t ) β )
3 3d 1d 1 d 10 1d 1 01 2 ob


x& 2 (t ) = k1 ( x3 (t ) + x3d ) ⋅ ( x1 (t ) + x1d ) − k 2 ( x3 (t ) + x3d ) ⋅ ( x 2 (t ) + x 2 d ) − k1 ( x3d ) ⋅ x1d

~ ( (4.56b)
+ k ( x ) ⋅ x − x (t ) ⋅ u − ( x + x (t )) ⋅ u(t − θ ) + kˆ sat ( x (t ) β )
2 3d 2d 2 d 2d 2 02 2 ob

x& 3 (t ) = [ − ∆H 1k1 ( x3 (t ) + x3d ) ⋅ ( x1 (t ) + x1d ) − ∆H 2 k 2 ( x3 (t ) + x3d ) ⋅ ( x2 (t ) + x 2 d )
ρ sCP
− ∆H 3k 3 ( x3 (t ) + x3d ) ⋅ ( x1 (t ) + x1d ) 2 + ∆H 1k1 ( x3d ) ⋅ x1d + ∆H 2 k 2 ( x3d ) ⋅ x 2 d
~ (
+ ∆H 3k 3 ( x3d ) ⋅ x12d ] − x3 (t ) ⋅ ud + ( x30 − x3d − x3 (t )) ⋅ u (t − θ ) + kˆ03sat ( x 2 (t ) β ob )

where x2 = x 2 − x2 denotes the error between the measured output x 2 and the

estimated output value x2 . The boundary layer thickness of the observer, β ob , and the

switching gain, k̂ 02 , are set as β ob = 0.05 and kˆ02 = 2 , respectively. With the desired

observer poles of p1 = p 2 = −4 and following the design procedure of Wang et al.

(1997), we have the remaining gains as kˆ01 = −2.9132 and kˆ03 = 6.1208 . Along with

the incorporation of the sliding observer, the correction term (4.31c) in the nonlinear

predictor can be modified by the following equation

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xˆ (t + θ | t ) = x(t ) + x ∗ (t ) − ~
x (t ) (4.57)

Figure 4.8 depicts the schematic diagram of the proposed sliding mode control scheme

for this Van de Vusse reactor with the sliding observer being incorporated for state

estimation. For simulation studies, we set the initial conditions of the true states as

x(0) = [− 0.7 − 0.2 1]T and the estimated states x(0) = [− 0.5 − 0.2 1.3]T for the

sliding observer. The sliding observer performance is shown in Figure 4.9. Simulation

results reveal that the proposed scheme with sliding observer is an effective and

applicable approach to the control of nonlinear chemical processes, which provides

excellent control performance without the need of full state measurements. Additionally,

in practice the presence of the modeling error in input-delays is usually inevitable. It is

therefore of great interest to investigate the capability of the proposed sliding mode

control scheme in handling with time-delay errors. For simulation, we assume that the
estimated input-delay, θ , does not coincide with the actual one, θ . From Figure 4.10 it

is clear to observe that the proposed observer-based SMC scheme still provides robust

control even though a relatively large modeling error in input-delays is encountered.

4.3. Summary

This chapter has presented a novel and systematic sliding mode control scheme for

the robust regulation control of nonlinear uncertain chemical processes in the presence of

simultaneously the non-minimum phase behavior and input-delay. The main idea of the

present approach is to reap the benefits of the statically equivalent output (SEOM),

nonlinear state predictor and a sliding mode control strategy. To overcome the negative

effect of inverse response behavior and eliminate the steady state offset, a new algorithm

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has been proposed such that the designed auxiliary output can be statically equivalent to

the actual output and makes the resultant system minimum phase despite the influence of

the process uncertainties. With the incorporation of the constructed statically equivalent

output map as well as a time-advanced nonlinear predictor, a predictor-based SMC

scheme is easily established to tackle with the difficult control problem of uncertain

non-minimum phase input-delay chemical processes. The convergence properties of the

proposed sliding mode control scheme are guaranteed by the Lyapunov stability theorem.

For demonstration, the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed robust control

strategy has been illustrated through the control of a Van de Vusse reactor in the presence

of input-delay, non-minimum phase behavior, and diversified uncertainties such as

unmodeled side reaction, measurement error, parameter variations, and/or extra

unmeasured disturbances. For practical implementation, the potential use of a sliding

observer along with the proposed scheme has also been investigated in this work.

Extensive simulation results reveal that the proposed sliding mode control scheme

appears to be a robust and powerful approach to the regulation control of chemical

processes in the presence of simultaneously the process uncertainties, inverse response

and input-delay.

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Figure 4.3. Open-loop simulation under process parameter variations. ─e f = 0.3 ,

e g = 0.4 ; ---- e f ---

= 0.1 , e g = 0.4 ; · · e f = 0.3 , e g = 0.2 ; ······· e f = 0.1 , e g = 0.2 .

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Figure 4.4. Open-loop simulations using SEOM with designed values of λ s ’s. ─
y ; ······· y s ( λ s = 5 ); ---- y ( λ
s s ---
= 15 ); · · y s ( λ s = 30 ).

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Figure 4.5. Closed-loop system performance comparisons. ─ with the use of a

nonlinear predictor; ---- without the use of a nonlinear predictor.

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Figure 4.6. Closed-loop system performance in the face with unmodeled side reaction,

measuring error and extra disturbances. ─SMC designed based on ys ; ----SMC

designed based on y e .

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Figure 4.7. Closed-loop system performance in the presence of parameter uncertainties.

─k 10 , k 20 , k 30 : -25% variation; ---- k 10 , k 20 , k 30 : +25% variation.

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Figure 4.8. Schematic diagram of the sliding mode control system along with a sliding


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Figure 4.9. System response under sliding observer with observer poles of p1 = p 2 = −4

for the case of existing unmodeled side reaction and measuring error.

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Figure 4.10. Closed-loop system performance with time-delay variations. ─ no

variation; -----50% variation; ·······+50% variation.

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This chapter considers the regulation control of nonlinear chemical processes whose

dynamics are imprecisely known. A nonlinear control scheme that incorporates a sliding

mode controller and a neural fuzzy strategy is proposed to deal with this kind of

processes. The sliding mode controller designed on the base of a previously known

process model is implemented to keep system’s trajectory around the desired manifold.

For extra and/or unknown dynamics that can not be captured before the SMC design

stage, an intelligent scheme of utilizing a neural fuzzy strategy is then used to provide an

adaptive ability to accommodate the perturbation, which therefore is able to force the

system output back to and maintain in the desired set point. The combination of the

model-based SMC with the intelligent neural fuzzy technique presents the following

advantages: (1) it can make use of a previously available process model; (2) the nominal

closed-loop control system can be guaranteed theoretically; (3) the imprecisely known

dynamics and extra uncertainties can be handled through the intelligent approach, and

therefore is able to achieve robust control system performance despite of existing

uncertainties; (4) the chattering phenomena of the conventional SMC can be attenuated

with the incorporation of the intelligent neural fuzzy technique; (5) the present approach

is widely applicable, which bears many types of system uncertainties.

The organization of this chapter follows naturally in five sections. In Section 5.1, the

control system and problem have been introduced. Following this, Section 5.2 presents

the control system structure. The related issues on the design of the SMC and an adaptive

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neural fuzzy algorithm are explored in Section 5.3. In addition, the potential use of a

sliding observer along with the proposed scheme is also investigated as a whole. To

demonstrate the effectiveness and the applicability of the proposed scheme, Section 5.4

performs a case study on the regulation control of a nonlinear uncertain CSTR with the

presence of unmodeled side reaction, measuring noise, and extra matched and unmatched

disturbances. Finally, in Section 5.5 summary remarks are made.

5.1. System Description and Problem Statement

Consider a single-input/single-output (SISO) nonlinear process whose dynamics are

imprecisely known but with its nominal system’s dynamics being modeled by the

following nonlinear uncertain equations

x& = (f (x ) + ∆f (x )) + (g( x ) + ∆g( x )) u (5.1a)

y = h(x ) (5.1b)

where x ∈ R n , u ∈ R , y ∈ R are state variables, system input and output respectively;

f (⋅) , g(⋅) , ∆f (⋅) and ∆g(⋅) are smooth vector fields on an open set U ∈ R n ; h(⋅) is a

smooth function on U . The process model in Eq. (5.1), which may not include system’s

unknown dynamics and extra uncertainties imposed, is formulated for the purpose of

designing a main sliding mode control loop. Before proceeding to the sliding mode

controller design, let’s consider the nominal system of the uncertain model (5.1) as


x& = f (x ) + g(x )u (5.2a)

y = h(x ) (5.2b)

Without loss of generality, we assume that the origin x = 0 is an uniformly

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asymptotically stable equilibrium point of the unforced nominal system and h(x )

vanishes at that equilibrium point. In other words, f (0) = 0 and h(0) = 0 . This means

that y represents the tracking error. Here, it should be noted that a given model could

easily be written in this form by defining appropriate deviation variables. Also, it is

important to emphasis again that the process model in Eq. (5.1), though is an uncertain

model, still can not represent all type of processes uncertainties. Therefore, in the

following sections we shall first design a SMC on the basis of the process model and then

incorporate a NFC to deal with extra uncertainties that can not previously modeled in the

considered model form, Eq. (5.1).

5.2. The Control System Structure

The proposed control scheme is shown in Figure 5.1, where the sliding mode

controller (SMC) is recommended for use as the main feedback controller due to that the

SMC has the capability of dealing with some pre-considered process uncertainties. When

the process output is reaching to its desired value or is perturbing to move away from the

set point by the influence of imprecisely known dynamics and/or extra uncertainties to

some certain extent, an intelligent strategy of using an adaptive neural fuzzy controller

(NFC) will gradually join in the control in order to avoid the chattering behavior that may

arise from using the SMC as well as to accommodate extra uncertainties. For identifying

the input-output dynamic behavior of a plant and therefore to provide a reference signal

for on-line tuning of the NFC, a feedforward MNN-based estimator (Chen and Chang,

1996) with a back-propagation algorithm is implemented. In addition, for smooth

transition from the SMC to the NFC, a switching function d s (δ ) is introduced to judge

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the output weight between the SMC and NFC. For completeness, in what follows we

describe the proposed control scheme through individual parts.

Figure 5.1. Schematic diagram of the proposed nonlinear control system.

5.3. The Control System Design

Based on the previous preparations, we are ready to design a control system for

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nonlinear uncertain systems of interest. To proceed, we shall first investigate the

applicability of the sliding mode controller (SMC) with input-output feedback

linearization technique. Second, the intelligent control techniques including neural fuzzy

controller (NFC) and MNN-based estimator are introduced. Third, the overall control

system which integrates above techniques will be explored as a whole. Subsequently, for

practical implementation the incorporation of a sliding observer is also investigated.

5.3.1. Robust Sliding Mode Controller Design

Before designing a sliding mode controller, we shall briefly describe the major

aspects of input-output feedback linearization and the properties of zero dynamics, which

are essential to the design of sliding mode controller for the nonlinear uncertain system

described by Eq. (5.1). Feedback Linearization and a Transformed Uncertain System

Throughout this chapter, we assume the nominal model has strong relative degree

ρ < ∞ in U . Based on such an assumption, there exists a local coordinate

transformation as follows:

[ξ T
, ηT ]
= T( x )
= h(x), Lf h(x),L , Lρf −1 h(x),η1 (x),L ,η n − ρ (x) ]

where η j satisfies Lgη j ( x ) = 0 for 1 ≤ j ≤ n − ρ . In the new coordinates, the nominal

system (5.2) can be expressed in the following normal form

ξ&i = ξ i +1 , i = 1, 2, L , ρ − 1 (5.4a)

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ξ&ρ = b(ξ, η) + a (ξ, η) u (5.4b)

η& = q(ξ, η) (5.4c)

y = ξ1 (5.4d)


a (ξ, η) = Lg Lρf −1 h o T −1 (ξ, η) (5.5)

b(ξ, η) = Lρf h o T −1 (ξ, η) (5.6)

q i (ξ, η) = Lf Tρ + i (x), i = 1, 2, L, n − ρ (5.7)


x = T −1 (ξ, η) (5.8)

Notice that the symbol o denotes a composition function operator. The internal

dynamics η can not be observed from the system output. Since we are interest in

achieving stable tracking, it is therefore required that η remains bounded for bounded

ξ . Actually, ξ can be considered as an external input vector with respect to the

dynamics of η whose boundedness entirely depends on the vector field q(ξ, η) . When

a control strategy is applied, the stability properties of the zero dynamics

η& = q(0, η) (5.9)

play an important role to determine whether the state η remains bounded (Henson and

Seborg, 1991). A sufficient condition for the bounded-input bounded-state stability of the

dynamics of η is the exponential stability of the zero dynamics. In this chapter, we

assume that the zero dynamics of η is exponentially stable and the nominal closed-loop

system is internally stable. Actually, this assumption is very natural because we can not

expect robustness properties except that the nominal system is internally stable.

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Now, by applying the coordinate transformation ξ T , ηT [ ]

= T(x) defined in (5.3) to

system (5.1), we have

ξ&i = ξ i +1 , i = 1, 2, L , ρ − 1 (5.10a)

ξ&ρ = [b(ξ, η) + ∆b(ξ, η)] + [a (ξ, η) + ∆a (ξ, η)] u (5.10b)

η& = q(ξ, η) + φ(ξ, η) (5.10c)

where a(ξ, η) , b(ξ, η) and q(ξ, η) are defined in Eqs. (5.5), (5.6) and (5.7)

respectively, and the system uncertainties are given by

∆a (ξ, η) = L∆g Lρf −1 h o T −1 (ξ, η) (5.11)

∆b(ξ, η) = L∆f Lρf −1 h o T −1 (ξ, η) (5.12)


φi (ξ, η) = L∆f Tρ +i ( x) + L∆g Tρ +i ( x) u , i = 1, 2,K, n − ρ (5.13)

In the following, we will focus on the design of the sliding mode controller according to

the transformed model (5.10). Sliding Mode Controller Design

Let the hard constraint of the control input be

u ≤u (5.14)

and therefore the upper bound functions of ∆b(ξ, η) and ∆a(ξ, η)u can be estimated,

respectively, as

∆ b(ξ, η) ≤ B(ξ, η) (5.15)

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∆a (ξ, η) ⋅ u = ∆ a (ξ, η) ⋅ u ≤ A(ξ, η) (5.16)

Next, let’s choose a sliding function for the transformed system (5.10) as
ρ −1
δ (ξ ) = ∑ ci ξ i + ξ ρ (5.17)
i =1

where the sliding coefficient ci (> 0) should be set to satisfy a Hurwitz polynomial

λρ −1 + c ρ −1λρ −2 + L + c2 λ + c1 . Clearly, if the dynamics were forced to evolve on the

surface δ = 0 , then all the states ξ i , i = 1, 2, K , ρ , would converge to zero, i.e. there is

no tracking error.

Due to that the internal dynamics η is assumed stable, a sliding mode control law

can be given by (Da and Song, 1998)

u SMC = u~ + ∆u
1 ⎧ ⎡ ρ −1 ⎤ ⎫ (5.18)
= ⎨ ⎢− ∑ ci ξ i +1 − b(ξ, η)⎥ + [− ( B (ξ, η) + A(ξ, η) + γ )sign (δ )]⎬
a (ξ, η) ⎩ ⎣ i =1 ⎦ ⎭

where γ > 0 and sign (δ ) are defined as follows:

⎧1 , δ > 0

sign (δ ) = ⎨0 , δ = 0 (5.19)
⎪− 1 ,δ < 0

The control law inherently contains two parts. The first part
1 ⎡ ρ −1 ⎤
u~ = ⎢ − ∑ ci ξ i +1 − b(ξ, η)⎥ (5.20)
a (ξ, η) ⎣ i =1 ⎦
is the steady state one that ensures to preserve the nominal performance. The second part
∆u = [− ( B(ξ, η) + A(ξ, η) + γ ) sign (δ )] (5.21)
a (ξ, η)
containing the uncertainty measures is to force the system’s trajectory back to the sliding

surface δ = 0 despite the influence of the considered uncertainties. The stability

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analysis is given in Appendix C, showing clearly that the sliding condition of δδ& ≤ −γ δ

is satisfied by the sliding mode control law. That is, with the control law, the system

trajectory will be asymptotically stable and have the desired system performance under

the condition that the process can be represented exactly by model (5.1). However, it

should be mentioned again that we are concerned with the control of imprecisely known

processes. In order to ensure the closed-loop system performance in the presence of

imprecisely known dynamics and extra uncertainties, an adaptive NFC is incorporated in

the control scheme. The following subsection describes the design procedure of an NFC

and its learning rules.

5.3.2. An Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Technique

The adaptive neural fuzzy technique (Chen and Peng, 1999), adopted in this article, is

implemented by two portions. One is a neural fuzzy controller (NFC) to be used as an

adaptive feedback controller, and the other is an estimator for identifying the input-output

dynamic behavior of an imprecisely known process which therefore provides a reference

signal for on-line tuning of the NFC. The Neural Fuzzy Controller

Figure 5.2 depicts the structure of the neural fuzzy controller.

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Figure 5.2. The structure of a neural fuzzy controller.

Clearly, the NFC, is a four-layer feedforward connectionist network, which integrates the

basic elements and functions of a conventional fuzzy logic controller (membership

functions, fuzzy logic rules, fuzzification, defuzzification, fuzzy implication) into a

connectionist structure. With a learning algorithm (to be designed later), the NFC has

distributed ability to learn the membership functions and fuzzy logic rules. Let each input

has n terms for fuzzy partition, i.e. each input has n membership functions, then the

input-output relations between layers are stated as follows:

Layer 1: Input layer

The input units in this layer are the transformed values of δ and δ& , M 1 and M 2 ,

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which are obtained through the mappings of M 1 = (1 − exp(−α 1δ )) /(1 + exp(−α 1δ )) and

M 2 = (1 − exp(−α 2δ&)) /(1 + exp(−α 2δ&)), respectively, where α1 and α2 are the

pre-specified parameters governing the slope of the hyperbolic tangent function. This

effort ensures the universe of discourse to lie in the range of [-1, 1] and therefore can

facilitate the design of the neural fuzzy control scheme. For clear presentation, we depict

the input layer by

Input units: I i(1) = M i , i = 1, 2 (5.22)

Output units: Oij(1) = I i(1) , i = 1, 2; j = 1, 2, L , n (5.23)

Layer 2: Linguistic term layer

This layer transforms the signals from the input layer by Gaussian function as a

membership function to determine the relative contribution of the observed signals. The

input-output relationships of this layer are

(Oij(1) − aij ) 2
Input units: I ij( 2 ) = − , i = 1, 2; j = 1, 2, L , n (5.24)

Output units: Oij( 2 ) = µ Aij = exp( I ij( 2 ) ), i = 1, 2; j = 1, 2, L, n (5.25)

where aij and bij are, respectively, the center and the width parameters of the Gaussian


Layer 3: Rule layer

Layer 3 implements the links relating preconditions to consequences, which gives

Input units: I (( 3j −) 1) n +l = O1( 2j ) O2( 2l ) , j = 1, 2, L , n; l = 1, 2, L , n (5.26)

Output units: Oi( 3) = µi = I i( 3) , i = 1, 2, L , m ( = n 2 ) (5.27)

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Layer 4: Output layer

This layer performs centroid defuzzification to obtain the inference output, i.e.
Input unit: I ( 4) = ∑O(p3) wp (5.28)

I ( 4)
Output unit: O ( 4)
=u = *
p =1
( 3)

In addition, from Figure 5.2, the output of the NFC is amplified by a scaling factor K 3 ,

so we have u NFC = K 3 u ∗ . The determination of the scaling factor K 3 can be done by

inspection of the closed-loop system performance, which represents a compromise

between better control performance and larger control input (Chen and Peng, 1999). It is

obvious that NFC presented above is equivalent to a simplified fuzzy inference system,

where layers 1 and 2 correspond to the antecedent part of the fuzzy control rules, and the

layers 3 and 4 correspond to the conclusion part.

Based on the structure of the NFC, a learning algorithm derived on the basis of
minimizing the error function of E = (δ (ξ )) 2 is represented as follows:

) ) ∂E )
wυ (k + 1) = wυ (k ) − η r + β r ∆wυ (k ) (5.30)
∂ wυ

) ) ∂E )
aij (k + 1) = aij (k ) − η r + β r ∆aij (k ) (5.31)
∂ aij


) ) ∂E )
bij (k + 1) = bij (k ) − η r + β r ∆bij (k ) (5.32)
∂ bij

for υ = 1, 2, L , m , i = 1, 2 and j = 1, 2, L, n , where ∆χ (k ) is defined by

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) ) ) ∂E ∂E ∂E
∆χ (k ) ≡ χ (k ) − χ (k − 1) . In these updating rules, the gradients , and
∂ wυ ∂aij ∂bij

can be obtained by

( 3)
∂E ∂ E ∂δ ∂ u * ∂ δ Oj
= = δ (5.33)
∂ wυ ∂ δ ∂ u * ∂ wυ ∂ u * m ( 3)
p =1

⎧ ∂ δ 2(O1(1j ) − a1 j )O1( 2j ) n ⎛ m m ⎞
⎪δ ∑ O 2 l ⎜ ( j −1) n + l ∑
( 2)
⎜ w O ( 3)
− ∑ O p(3) w p ⎟⎟, i = 1
∂ E ⎪⎪ ∂ u b1 j (∑ p =1 O p )
∗ 2 m ( 3) 2 p
l =1 ⎝ p =1 p =1 ⎠
=⎨ (5.34)
∂ ai j ⎪ ∂ δ 2(O2(1j) − a 2 j )O2( 2j ) n ⎛ m m ⎞
⎪ ∂ u ∗ b 2 ( m O ( 3) ) 2 ∑ O1l ⎜ ( l −1) n + j ∑
( 2)
⎜ w O ( 3)
− ∑ O p(3) w p ⎟⎟, i = 2
2 j ∑ p =1 p
⎪⎩ l =1 ⎝ p =1 p =1 ⎠


⎧ ∂ δ 2(O1(1j ) − a1 j ) 2 O1( 2j ) n ⎛ m m ⎞
⎪δ ∑ O2 l ⎜ ( j −1) n + l ∑ p
( 2)
⎜ w O ( 3)
− ∑ O p(3) w p ⎟⎟, i = 1
∂ E ⎪ ∂ u b1 j (∑ p =1 O p )
∗ 3 m ( 3) 2
l =1 ⎝ p =1 p =1 ⎠
=⎨ (5.35)
∂ bi j ⎪ ∂ δ 2(O2(1j) − a 2 j ) 2 O2( 2j ) n ⎛ m m ⎞
⎪ ∂ u ∗ b 3 ( m O ( 3) ) 2 ∑ O ⎜

( 2)
w − + ∑ O ( 3)
− ∑ O ( 3)
w ⎟, i = 2

2 j ∑ p =1 p
1l( l 1) n j p p p

l =1 ⎝ p =1 p =1 ⎠

for υ = 1, 2, L , m and j = 1, 2, L, n . For detail description and derivation, please refer

to the paper of Chen and Peng (1999). The only unknown in the learning algorithm of the

NFC is ∂δ / ∂u * , which can be obtained using the technique discussed in the following

subsection. An MNN-Based Estimator

In order to estimate the value of ∂δ / ∂u * , a three-layer feedforward MNN model is

adopted as follows (Chen and Chang, 1996):

⎧⎪δ (k − j + 1), 1 ≤ j ≤ q
Input layer: S1 j = ⎨ ) (5.36)
⎪⎩u NFC (k − j + q + 1), q + 1 ≤ j ≤ m1

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~ S + θ~ ,
Hidden layer: net 2i = ∑ w 2 ij 1 j 2i i = 1, 2, L, m2 (5.37)
j =1
− net2 i
1− e
S 2i = − net2 i
, i = 1, 2, L, m2 (5.38)
1+ e
~ S + θ~ ,
Output layer: net 3 = ∑ w3i 2 i 3 (5.39)
i =1

~ a~ (1 − e − net3 )
δ = (5.40)
1 + e − net3
where m1 and m2 are, respectively, the numbers of input and hidden layer nodes, and

~ ~ 1 ~
δ is the MNN output. Based on minimizing the error function of E = (δ − δ ) 2 , we
have the updating rules for the MNN as follows (Chen and Peng, 1999):

~ (k) + 1) = w
~ (k) ) + η (δ − δ~ )δ w
~ ~ )
w 2 ij 2 ij s 3 3i δ 2 i S1 j + β s ∆w2 ij ( k ) (5.41)

~ (k) + 1) = w
w ~ (k) ) + η (δ − δ~ )δ S + β ∆w
~ (k) ) (5.42)
3i 3i s 3 2i s 3i

~ ) ~ ) ~
~ δ + β ∆θ (k ) ~ )
θ 2i (k + 1) = θ 2i (k ) + η s (δ − δ )δ 3 w3i 2 i s 2i (5.43)

~ ) ~ ) ~ ~ )
θ 3 (k + 1) = θ 3 (k ) + η s (δ − δ )δ 3 + β s ∆θ 3 (k ) (5.44)

) ) ~ δ )
a (k + 1) = a (k ) + η s (δ − δ ) ~ + β s ∆a~ (k )
~ ~ (5.45)
where δ 2i and δ 3 are given by

δ 2i = (1 − S 2i )(1 + S 2i ) (5.46)

~ ~
1 ~⎛ δ ⎞⎛ δ ⎞
δ3 = a ⎜⎜1 − ~ ⎟⎟⎜⎜1 + ~ ⎟⎟ (5.47)
2 ⎝ a ⎠⎝ a⎠

Once the MNN has been trained to emulate the sliding function, we have δ ≈ δ . This

means that ∂δ / ∂u * can be approximated by ∂δ / ∂u * . Consequently, by using the

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input-output relationships of the MNN, we obtain the required gradient information for

the NFC as follows:

~ ~ ⎛ ∂ net 3 ∂ S 2i ∂ net 2i ∂ S1,q +1 ⎞

∂δ ∂δ ∂δ m2
≈ =
∂ u * ∂ u * ∂ net 3
∑ ⎜⎜ ∂ S * ⎟

i =1 ⎝ 2i ∂ net 2i ∂ S1, q +1 ∂ u ⎠ (5.48)
~ δ w
= δ3 K3 ∑ w ~
3i 2 i 2 ,i , q +1
i =1

5.3.3. Sliding Observer Design

It is often not possible to obtain all states of a chemical process via on-line

measurements. Therefore, for nonlinear process control the estimation of the

unmeasurable states is always unavoidable for practical implementation. In this chapter,

we propose the use of a sliding observer (Wang et al., 1997) for estimating the states of

nonlinear chemical processes such that the proposed SMC and NFC control strategies can

be implemented without full state measurements. Also, the design of the nonlinear

observer can be done simply on the basis of the nominal system (system model) and the

output measurement. In essence, this sliding observer behaves like a reduced order

observer, and it can guarantee to have a bounded error norm when facing with modeling

errors. In addition, the sliding observer possesses many advantages such as simple

structure and less restrictive in the design and construction, no requirement of canonical

transformation, and there is no need of extensive computations during its implementation.

Furthermore, the achievement of desired observer performance is gained

straightforwardly by allocating the observer poles. This chapter will demonstrate the

observer design procedure through illustrative example. For theoretical details, please

refer to Wang et al. (1997).

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5.3.4. Integration of the SMC and NFC

To integrate the SMC with an NFC, the following switching function

⎧ 1 , if δ ≥ ψ

d s (δ ) = ⎨ δ (5.49)
⎪ ψ , if δ < ψ

is adopted to judge the output weight between these two controllers for smooth transition,

where ψ ( > 0 ) is the boundary layer thickness. Based on d s (δ ) , we can generate the

control input for imprecisely known process by

u = (1 − d s (δ )) u NFC + d s (δ ) ∆u + u~ (5.50)

where u is the control input, u NFC is the output of the NFC, u~ and ∆u are the

outputs of the SMC, defined in Eqs. (5.20) and (5.21) respectively. Here, it is emphasized

again that the SMC terms, u~ and ∆u , can be formulated simply on the base of the

previously known process model, Eq. (5.1), while u NFC is obtained through on-line

learning. Also, from Eq. (5.50), it is clear to understand that the SMC can dominantly

govern the control system as the system trajectory is far away from the sliding surface.

When the system trajectory reaches into the boundary layer of the switching function, the

NFC will gradually take over the control in order to avoid the chattering behavior that

may arise from using the SMC (5.18). In addition, with the presented learning algorithms,

the NFC can provide an adaptive ability of eliminating the influences causing by extra

uncertainties. Once the influencing uncertainties give rise to a bad situation where the

system trajectory moves away from the sliding boundary, the SMC will again dominate to

force the system trajectory back to the sliding surface and to ensure the stability of the

overall control system. This integration of techniques from these two fields reaps the

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benefits of both model-based and intelligent systems and therefore is able to handle with

imprecisely known processes.

5.4. A Case Study: The Regulation Control of a Nonlinear Uncertain CSTR

In this section, the design procedure and the control performance of the proposed

scheme is demonstrated through a well-mixed continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) in

which the following isothermal, liquid-phase, multi-component chemical reaction


is being carried out. The control objective is to maintain the desired concentration of CC

as close as possible to its steady state value by adjusting the molar flow rate of B . The

dynamics of the CSTR is given by the following mathematical model (Chen and Dai,

) ) ) )
x&1 = 1 − x1 − Da1 x1 + Da 2 x 22 (5.51a)

) ) ) ) ) )
x& 2 = Da1 x1 − x 2 − Da 2 x 22 − Da3 x 22 + u (5.51b)

) ) )
x& 3 = Da3 x 22 − x3 (5.51c)
) )
y = x3 (5.51d)
) )
where xi , i = 1, 2, 3 are dimensionless concentrations defined by x1 = C A C AF ,
) )
x 2 = C B C BF and x3 = C C C AF of which C AF indicates the feed concentration of

species A , and Ci the concentration of species i ( i = A, B or C ) in the CSTR. The

dimensionless input u is defined by N BF FC AF , where N BF represents the molar

feeding rate of species B and F is the volumetric flow rate. Based on the deviation
) ) ) )
variables, x1 = x1 − x1d , x 2 = x 2 − x 2 d , x3 = x3 − x3d and u = u − u d , where xid ,

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i = 1,2,3 , and ud are steady states, we have the model equations as

x&1 = −(1 + Da1 ) x1 + 2 Da 2 x 2 d x2 + Da 2 x 22 (5.52a)

x& 2 = Da1 x1 − (1 + 2 Da 2 x 2 d + 2 Da 3 x 2 d ) x 2 − ( Da 2 + Da 3 ) x 22 + u (5.52b)

x& 3 = Da 3 x 22 + 2 Da 3 x 2 d x 2 − x3 (5.52c)

y = x3 (5.52d)

To rewrite the above equation into the standard form as Eq. (5.2), we denote the nominal

system (system model) as follows:

x& = f (x ) + g(x )u (5.53a)

y = h(x ) (5.53b)


⎡ f1 ⎤ ⎡ − (1 + Da1 ) x1 + 2 Da 2 x 2 d x 2 + Da 2 x22 ⎤
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ 2⎥
f ( x ) = f 2 = ⎢ Da1 x1 − (1 + 2 Da 2 x 2 d + 2 Da3 x 2 d ) x 2 − ( Da 2 + Da3 ) x 2 ⎥ (5.54)
⎢ ⎥
⎢⎣ f 3 ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ Da3 x 22 + 2 Da3 x 2 d x2 − x3 ⎥

⎡ 0⎤
g ( x ) = ⎢1⎥ (5.55)
⎢ ⎥


h( x ) = x3 (5.56)

Assume that in this reaction system there exist first-order side reaction from B and an

error in measuring the molar feeding rate of B . Under such a situation, the process

model can be represented by

x& = (f (x ) + ∆f (x )) + (g( x ) + ∆g( x )) u (5.57a)

y = h(x ) (5.57b)

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where the model uncertainties are given by

⎡ 0 ⎤
∆f (x) = ⎢⎢− e f x 2 ⎥⎥ (5.58)
⎢⎣ 0 ⎥⎦


∆g ( x ) = ⎢ e g ⎥ (5.59)
⎢ ⎥
⎢⎣ 0 ⎥⎦

The values for the various constants are as follows (Kravaris and Palanki, 1988):

Da1 = 3.0 , Da2 = 0.5 , Da3 = 1.0 ,

0.04 ≤ e f ≤ 0.06 , eg = 0.3 and ud = 1.0

The steady state values of the states are: x1d = 0.3467 , x2 d = 0.8796 and

x 3d = 0.8796. For SMC design, we first apply the following coordinate transformation,

T = [ξ1 ξ 2 η ]T = [ x3 Da3 x 22 + 2 Da3 x 2 d x2 − x3 x1 ]T (5.60)

to process model (5.57) and then obtain the transformed system as follows:

ξ&1 = ξ 2 (5.61a)

ξ&2 = (b(ξ, η) + ∆b(ξ, η)) + (a(ξ, η) + ∆a(ξ, η)) u (5.61b)


a(ξ, η) = 2 Da3 ( x 2 + x 2 d ) (5.62)

b(ξ, η) = 2 Da3 ( x 2 + x 2 d ) f 2 − f 3 (5.63)

∆a(ξ, η) = 2e g Da3 ( x 2 + x 2 d ) (5.64)


∆b(ξ, η) = −2e f Da3 x 2 ( x 2 + x 2 d ) (5.65)

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Here, it is easy to verify that the zero dynamics of the nominal system

η& = q(0, η) = −(1 + Da1 )η (5.66)

is exponentially stable. This means that the internal stability is guaranteed and the

proposed SMC design methodology can be utilized. To implement the SMC, the upper

bounds, B(ξ, η) and A(ξ, η) , should be predetermined. Based on the values of

e f = e 0f ± τ , τ = 0.01 and e 0f = 0.05 , and e g = 0.3 , the upper bound functions,

B(ξ, η) and A(ξ, η) , are given by:

B (ξ, η) = 2 Da3 (e 0f + 0.01)( x 22 + x 2 d x 2 ) (5.67)


A(ξ, η) = 2e g Da3 ( x 2 + x 2 d )u (5.68)

For the later simulation studies, the parameters of the SMC for this case are set as

c = [100 1] , γ = 50 and the hard input constraint for this CSTR is − 5 ≤ u ≤ 5 , i.e.

u = 5 . The structure of the NFC is arbitrarily chosen to be of 2-14-49-1, and the initial

linking weights w j (0) suggested are those listed in Table 5.1 (Chen and Peng, 1999).

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Table 5.1. The initial linking weights for the nonlinear uncertain CSTR (7 segments).

M1 partitions

negative ← → positive



NB −1 −1 2 2 1 1
− − − − 0
( w1 ) ( w8 ) 3 3 3 3
→ negative

NM 2 2 1 1 1
− − − − 0
( w2 ) 3 3 3 3 3

NS 2 2 1 1 1 1
− − − − 0
3 3 3 3 3 3

ZO 2 1 1 1 1 2
− − − 0
3 3 3 3 3 3

PS 1 1 1 1 2 2
− −
positive ←

3 3 3 3 3 3

PM 1 1 1 2 2 1
− 0
3 3 3 3 3 ( w48 )

PB 1 1 2 2 1 1
3 3 3 3 ( w42 ) ( w49 )

In addition, the initial membership function parameters are chosen normally as

⎡ 2 1 1 2 ⎤
[ai1 (0), ai 2 (0), L, ai 7 (0)] = ⎢⎣ − 1,− 3 ,− 3 ,0, 3 , 3 ,1⎥⎦ and bij (0) =0.25, for i = 1, 2 and

j = 1, 2, ⋅ ⋅⋅, 7 to cover the universe of discourse [-1, 1] uniformly. The structure of the

MNN is selected to be of 4-5-1, that is, q = 2 , m1 = 4 and m2 = 5 . The initial values

~ , w
of the MNN parameters, w ~ , θ~ and θ~ , are given randomly in the range
2 ij 3i 2i 3

of –0.01 and 0.01, and the initial shape parameter of the activated function in the output

layer is chosen as a~(0) = 1 , which is of the same shape as the activated function used in

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the hidden layer. The learning rate η s of 0.3 is set for the MNN-based estimator and the

momentum parameters are set to β r = 0 and β s = 0.01 for the NFC and the

MNN-based estimator respectively. Furthermore, the NFC parameters used are

(α1 , α2 ) = [1, 0.01] , K 3 = 0.5 and ηr = 0.5. For sliding observer design, we assume that

only the process output x3 is measured, i.e. the states x1 and x 2 are unmeasurable.

Following the design methodology of Wang et al. (1997), a sliding observer for this

nonlinear process is constructed based on the nominal model and the output measurement

x3 as follows:

x&1 = −(1 + Da1 ) x1 + 2 Da 2 x 2 d x 2 + Da 2 x 22 + kˆ01sat ( x3 β ob ) (5.69a)

x& 2 = Da1 x1 − (1 + 2 Da 2 x 2 d + 2 Da3 x 2 d ) x 2 − ( Da 2 + Da3 ) x 22 + u + kˆ02 sat ( x3 β ob ) (5.69b)

x& 3 = Da3 x 22 + 2 Da3 x 2 d x 2 − x3 + kˆ03 sat ( x3 β ob ) (5.69c)
where x3 = x3 − x3 denotes the error between the measured output x3 and the

estimated output value x3 . The observer boundary layer thickness, β ob , and the

switching gain, k̂ 03 , are set as β ob = 0.01 and kˆ03 = 2 respectively. The design of the

remaining gains, k̂ 01 and k̂ 02 , is given in Appendix D by assigning the observer poles.

With the incorporation of the sliding observer, the whole control law can be expressed

as follows:

u (t ) = (1 − d s (δ ))u NFC + d s (δ )∆u + u~ (5.70)

where u NFC is generated by NFC with δ in the updating rules being replaced by the

estimated δ of

δ = c1 x3 + c 2 ( Da3 x 22 + 2 Da3 x 2 d x 2 − x3 ) (5.71)

and ∆u and u~ , from SMC are, respectively, given based on process model as

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∆u =
[ ]
− 2 Da3 (e 0f + 0.01)( x 22 + x 2 d x 2 + 2e g Da3 ( x 2 + x 2 d )u + γ sign (δ )
2 Da3 ( x 2 + x 2 d )


− c1 ( Da3 x 22 + 2 Da3 x 2 d x 2 − x3 ) + Da3 x 22 + 2 Da3 x 2 d x 2 − x3 −

u~ =
2 Da3 ( x 2 + x 2 d ) Da1 x1 − (1 + 2 Da 2 x 2 d + 2 Da3 x 2 d ) x 2 − ( Da 2 + Da3 ) x 22 ] (5.73)
2 Da3 ( x 2 + x 2 d )

Having the previous preparations, we are ready to investigate the following issues.

5.4.1. The Influence of Sliding Observer Poles

For the later simulation studies, we set the initial conditions of the true states

x(0) = [0.5 0.5 0.5]T and the estimated states of x(0) = [0.55 0.45 0.5]T . Figures

5.3 and 5.4 depict the closed-loop system responses when the sliding observer with

designed poles is implemented. From the comparison of these two figures, it is apparent

to recognize that the location of the poles affects the accuracy of the state estimation and,

in turn, the produced control input. However, the system performance by using the

proposed nonlinear scheme is still very robust. Based on the above simulation results, it is

evident that the proposed scheme with sliding observer appears to be an effective and

applicable approach to the control of nonlinear uncertain processes, which provides

excellent control performance without the need of full state measurements.

5.4.2. The Effect of Boundary Layer Thickness on System Performance

With the observer poles of p1 = p2 = −4 and those controller parameters mentioned

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previously, the effect of the boundary layer thickness ψ of the switching function on

system performance is depicted in Figure 5.5. From this figure, it can be seen that the

produced control input appears chattering as the boundary thickness ψ is set too small,

for example ψ = 0.1 . This is because that the transition from SMC to NFC is too slow,

causing chattering control input around the sliding surface. As the value of ψ is further

increased, the chattering phenomenon can be eliminated. However, as the value of ψ is

set too large, for example ψ = 15 , a relative slow transient response was obtained due to

that the model-free intelligent strategy with on-line tuning rule dominantly governs the

control system. Furthermore, it is observed that the control system can be considerably

slow by merely applying the adaptive NFC control scheme since it is started up randomly.

Based on the above simulation results, it is evident that with a suitable boundary

thickness value the incorporation of the SMC and NFC present significant advantage for

nonlinear process control. Also, from the above simulation results, it is concluded that the

boundary layer thickness ψ = 3 of the switching function is appropriate for the control

of this nonlinear uncertain CSTR.

5.4.3. Comparison with a PIDSMC Control Scheme

Recently, Li et al. (2001) proposed a PID-based sliding mode control system

(PIDSMC) for chemical processes. The PIDSMC control system consists of three

components: a compensation of process nonlinearity, a linear feedback of state tracking

errors, and a PID control of the sliding surface for the purpose of eliminating the

high-frequency chattering. Besides, an adaptive strategy is utilized to tune the PID

parameters online in order to control the process states onto a sliding surface. The

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applicability of the PIDSMC control scheme is mainly based on the assumption of the

existence of a set of PID parameters that satisfy the reachability condition. With the initial

PID parameters of K p = 6 , K i = 0.2 , K d = 0.5 and λ = 2 , the PIDSMC control

system performance is shown in Figure 5.6. From this figure, it is clearly to observe that

the PID tuning constants, γ 1 and γ 2 , can affect the system performance significantly.

The increment of the constants gives rise to a fast initial response while at the expense of

high oscillatory control input. To obtain smooth control input, the slow tuning of the PID

parameters should be applied. However, this can result in a relative slow regulation

process. In contrast, the proposed scheme which combines the techniques of the SMC and

NFC can have a good balance and high performance during the whole regulation control

process. Apparently, the produced control input by the proposed scheme is more

aggressive and the corresponding control performance is much better.

5.4.4. The Presence of Extra Disturbances

To evaluate the ability of handling imprecisely known dynamics further, we impose

extra disturbances on the feeding of the reactants. The extra unmeasured disturbances

introduce significantly additional modeling errors, which induces the uncertainty vector

∆f to be

⎡ d1 ⎤
∆f = − e f x 2 + d 2 ⎥
⎢ (5.74)
⎢ ⎥
⎢⎣ d3 ⎥⎦

These uncertainties impose extra model discrepancy on control system and can make

many of the existing algorithms fail to be applied, for example (Kravaris and Palanki,

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1988). In the later simulations, we assume that d 1 = 0.1 , d 2 = 0.02 and d 3 = 0.05 are

entering into system after time of 5. It is also noted that these extra disturbances are

assumed unmeasurable and unknown to the control system. With the controller

parameters remained unchanged, the closed-loop response to these disturbances was

shown in Figure 5.7. From this figure, it is clear to show that the control input is soon

adjusted to accommodate the unknown disturbances and therefore results in excellent

disturbance rejection performance. Besides, it is obviously revealed from the simulation

results that the proposed control strategy is able to provide robust control without having

abrupt control actions and vigorous control moves in the control loop, even though extra

unknown dynamics are imposed. On the contrary, the PIDSMC scheme seems unable to

handle with the extra uncertainties well, which obviously presents a significant offset.

The obtained simulation result implies that the assumption of the existence of a set of

PIDSMC parameters that satisfy the reachability condition is not assured for this case.

5.4.5. The Presence of Measurement Offset and Noise

To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme to a large extent, we

further suppose that the CSTR exists not only the unmodeled side reaction and measuring

error but also the unmatched uncertainties including measurement disturbance and noise.

The magnitude of the measurement step disturbance is 0.1 entering into the control

system after time of 2.5. Also, the measurement noise in the process output is simulated

by adding zero mean random numbers with standard deviation of 0.003. Figure 5.8

depicts the simulation results with different initial conditions of the system state when

facing with measurement disturbance and noise. From this figure, it is evident that the

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proposed scheme has excellent control capability of handling imprecisely known

processes despite of existing simultaneously several kinds of uncertainties.

5.5. Summary

In this chapter, a nonlinear control strategy that combines a model-based SMC and an

adaptive NFC technique has been proposed for the control of an imprecisely known

process. The convergence property of the model-based SMC is guaranteed to satisfy the

sliding condition, which enhances the SMC to provide the great ability in dealing with

some certain model uncertainties. For extra uncertainties and/or unknown process

dynamics that cannot be captured before the SMC design stage, the NFC with on-line

tuning rules is incorporated in order to accommodate these negative effects and to

achieve high control performance. The present approach that reaps the benefits of both

the SMC and the NFC is widely applicable for imprecisely known process since it is not

subject to any type of process uncertainties. Furthermore, the smooth transition from

SMC to NFC has the advantage of eliminating the chattering phenomena of a

conventional SMC, which thus avoids producing rigorous control action and, in turn,

leads to excellent control performance. Besides, for practical implementation the potential

use of a sliding observer along with the SMC and NFC has been investigated as a whole.

Extensive simulation results reveal that the proposed nonlinear control strategy is

effective and applicable for the control of imprecisely known processes, which provides

robust control without having abrupt control moves and without the need of full state


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Figure 5.3. System response of the CSTR under the use of a sliding observer with

observer poles of p1 = p 2 = −2 for the case of existing unmodeled side reaction and

measuring error.

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Figure 5.4. System response of the CSTR under the use of a sliding observer with

observer poles of p1 = p 2 = −4 for the case of existing unmodeled side reaction and

measuring error.

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Figure 5.5. The effects of boundary layer thickness of the switching function on system


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Figure 5.6. Comparison with a PIDSMC control scheme with different tuning constants.

─ the proposed strategy; -·-·-PIDSMC ( γ 1 = γ 2 = 0.01 ); ----PIDSMC

( γ 1 = γ 2 = 0.1 ); ·······PIDSMC ( γ 1 = γ 2 = 0.2 ).

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Figure 5.7. System performance comparison of the proposed strategy with the PIDSMC

method in the presence of the unmodeled side reaction, measuring error and extra

unmeasured disturbances. ─the proposed strategy; ----PIDSMC ( γ 1 = γ 2 = 0.1 ).

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Figure 5.8. System performance of the proposed scheme in the face of unmodeled side

reaction, measuring error, unmatched uncertainties and measurement disturbances. ─

x(0) = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] ; ---- x(0) = [0.6533, − 0.5, 0] .

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This thesis has devoted to the development of sliding mode control schemes for the

regulation control of chemical processes having diversified process dynamics. For the

control of linear or simple nonlinear chemical processes, Chapter 2 has presented a novel

and systematic sliding mode control system design methodology, which integrates an

identified SOPDT model, an optimal sliding surface and a delay-ahead predictor. The

convergence property of the closed-loop system is guaranteed theoretically by means of

satisfying a sliding condition and the control system performance is examined with some

typical chemical processes. Besides, with the concept of delay equivalent, the proposed

sliding mode control scheme can be utilized directly to the regulation control of a

non-minimum phase process. As a special case the proposed scheme is further extended

to the control of chemical processes whose dynamics are simply described by a FOPDT

model. In addition, the decentralized sliding mode control scheme for multivariable

processes is also explored.

In Chapter 3, we combine a nonlinear predictor with a sliding mode controller to

develop a predictor-based sliding mode scheme for a class of nonlinear chemical

processes in the presence of simultaneous uncertainties and input-delay. The idea is based

on compensating the input-delay by a time-advanced nonlinear predictor and then

designed a robust sliding mode controller to handle with the process uncertainties.

Besides, A Lyapunov-based approach is employed to guarantee both the robust stability

and performance of the closed-loop system.

Generally, nonlinear chemical processes which possess simultaneously the dynamics

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behavior of uncertainties, input-delay and inverse response can exhibit extremely

difficulty in the control system design. To tackle with this difficulty, Chapter 4 develops a

novel sliding mode control scheme by the integration of a statically equivalent output

map (SEOM) and a time-advanced nonlinear predictor; the SEOM is used for eliminating

the undesirable inverse response, while a predictor is adopted for curbing the negative

effect of input-delay. This integration reaps the benefits of both techniques and therefore

facilitates the design of a sliding mode controller. Besides, to guarantee the convergence

properties of the whole SMC control scheme, a Lyapunov-based technique is utilized for


For handling with chemical processes having imprecisely known dynamics, Chapter 5

combines the model-based sliding mode controller with an intelligent neural fuzzy

technique to deal with this complex control problem. A previously developed process

model is used to design a nominal SMC loop, while those dynamics that are not captured

in the model is suggested to be handled with the enhancement of an adaptive neural fuzzy

technique. The control system performances of the proposed approaches have been

demonstrated by some typical chemical processes in this chapter. Extensive simulation

results reveal that the proposed design methodologies appear to be effective and

promising for the regulation control of chemical processes whose process dynamics are

imprecisely known.

Finally, it should be mentioned that, though this thesis has presented several practical

SMC schemes for chemical processes with diversified dynamic behaviors, it is still

unable to encompass all kind of problems arose from chemical process control. Therefore,

some suggestion and recommendations for future work are summarized as follows. The

proposed nonlinear sliding mode control strategies developed for

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single-input/single-output nonlinear chemical processes may have to extend to the

multi-input/multi-output nonlinear cases. Besides, it is worth mentioning that the sliding

mode control system design methodology presented in Chapter 4 gives rise to a nonlinear

model-based controller but the design specifications are local, around a given operation

condition. In order to impose more general global design specifications, state-dependent

weights ε j (x) for the SEOM should be used. The use of state-dependent weights will

also allow constructing statically equivalent outputs of higher relative order. Therefore,

how to design the state-dependent weights ε j (x) becomes an essential problem that

needs further investigation. Additionally, the combination of intelligent techniques with

the sliding mode control using diversified configurations is worth further exploring since

the process model is not always perfect. Besides, the practical implementation of the

proposed SMC schemes in actual chemical processes would be an interesting issue that

deserves for future study.

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By taking time derivative of the sliding function (2.7) and inserting the control law of

(2.8), we have

δ& = c1 x&1∗ (t ) + c 2 x& 2∗ (t )

= c1 x 2∗ (t ) + c 2 {−a1 x1∗ (t ) − a 2 x 2∗ (t ) + b1 [b1−1 ( a1 x1∗ (t )
+ ( a 2 − c 2−1c1 ) x 2∗ (t )) − (b1c 2 ) −1 (α + d (x ∗ , t ))sign (δ )] + d ( x ∗ , t )}
= −(α + d ( x ∗ , t ))sign (δ ) + c 2 d (x ∗ , t )

Further, through the verification of

1 d
δ 2
= δ ⋅ δ& = − α δ − d ( x ∗ , t ) δ + δ c 2 d ( x ∗ , t )
2 dt
⎛ δ c 2 d ( x ∗ , t ) ⎞⎟
= − α δ − d ( x ∗ , t ) δ ⎜⎜ 1 −
⎝ δ d ( x ∗ , t ) ⎟⎠ (A2)
⎛ δ c 2 d ( x ∗ , t ) ⎞⎟
= − α δ − d ( x ∗ , t ) δ ⎜⎜ 1 −
⎝ δ c 2 d max ( x ∗ , t ) ⎟⎠
≤ −α δ

it is concluded that the sliding condition is satisfied.

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Since the system is assumed to be internally stable, the nominal system of Eq. (3.1)

possesses the property of hyperbolically minimum phase, i.e., the corresponding zero

dynamics are exponentially stable (Behtash, 1990; Li et al., 1995). Besides, for internal

stability, the function qˆ (ξˆ , ηˆ ) is assumed to be Lipschitz in ξ̂ uniformly in η̂ , i.e.

qˆ (ξˆ , ηˆ ) − qˆ (0, ηˆ ) ≤ L ξˆ (B1)

where L is called a Lipschitz constant of qˆ (ξˆ , ηˆ ) . Under the condition of Eq. (B1) and

using a converse theorem of Lyapunov (Hahn, 1967), there exists a Lyapunov function

V0 ( ηˆ ) which satisfies the following inequalities:

2 2
σ 1 ηˆ ≤ V0 ( ηˆ ) ≤ σ 2 ηˆ (B2)

∂V0 2
qˆ (0, ηˆ ) ≤ −λ1 ηˆ (B3)
∂ηˆ T

≤ λ 2 ηˆ (B4)

where σ 1 , σ 2 , λ1 and λ2 are positive constants. To include the effects of

uncertainties on the dynamics of η̂ , we also make the supposition on φˆ (ξˆ , ηˆ ) as

φˆ (ξˆ , ηˆ ) ≤ l1 ( ξˆ + ηˆ ) + l 2 (B5)

for all (ξˆ , ηˆ ) ∈ Tˆ (U ) , where l1 and l2 are positive constants. Now, let’s consider the

Lyapunov candidate as

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V (ξˆ , ηˆ ) = µ1V1 (ξˆ ) + µ 0V0 ( ηˆ ) (B6)

~ ~
where V1 (ξˆ ) = 1 2 δˆ 2 + γ 2k 2 and k ≡ kˆ − k ∗ with k ∗ being the desired steady state

feedback gain; µ1 and µ 0 are positive constants to be specified later. It should be

noted that the first part in the right hand side of V1 (ξˆ ) corresponds to the classic sliding

condition and the second part is introduced for constructing a tuning rule for the feedback

gain. Furthermore, the term V0 ( ηˆ ) in Eq. (B6) is added for ensuring the stability of the

internal dynamics. The time derivative of V is given by

V& (ξˆ , ηˆ ) = µ1V&1 (ξˆ ) + µ0V&0 (ηˆ )

= µ1 (ξˆ T ccT A c ξˆ + bˆs δˆ{bˆs−1 ( fˆs + cT ξˆ ) − sat(δˆ β )[bˆmin
( fˆmax + δˆ )]}
~ & ∂V
+ bˆs k (−δˆ 2 + kˆbˆs−1γ ) − bˆs k ∗δˆ 2 ) + µ0 T0 (qˆ (0, ηˆ ) + qˆ (ξˆ , ηˆ ) − qˆ (0, ηˆ ) + φˆ (ξˆ, ηˆ ))
∂V ∂V ∂V
≤ µ1 (−ξˆ T Qξˆ − bˆs k ∗δˆ 2 ) + µ 0 ( T0 qˆ (0, ηˆ ) + T0 × qˆ (ξˆ, ηˆ ) − qˆ (0, ηˆ ) + T0 × φˆ (ξˆ , ηˆ ) )
∂ηˆ ∂ηˆ ∂ηˆ
≤ µ1 (−ξˆ T Qξˆ − bˆs k ∗δˆ 2 ) − (µ 0 λ1 − µ0 λ2 l1 ) × ηˆ + (µ 0 λ2 L + µ0 λ2 l1 ) ηˆ ξˆ + µ 0 λ2 l 2 ηˆ

2 1 ˆ2
≤ −µ1λmin (Q) ξˆ − (e1 − e22 ) ηˆ +
ξ + µ 0 λ2 l 2 ηˆ
1 2
= −[µ1λmin (Q) − ] ξˆ − (e1 − e22 ) ηˆ + µ 0 λ2 l 2 ηˆ


& bˆ
where the gain tuning rule kˆ = s δˆ 2 = γ~δˆ 2 with γ~ > 0 and a non-negative value of

k̂ (0) has been applied in the above derivation. In Eq. (B7), Q ≡ −cc T A c is a positive

definite matrix, λmin (Q) denotes the minimum eigenvalue of Q , and

e1 = µ0 (λ1 − λ2 l1 ) and e2 = µ0 λ2 ( L + l1 ) are set with the inequality of

1 2
e2 ηˆ ξˆ ≤ ξˆ + e22 ηˆ . Since l1 < λ1 λ2 , we can appropriately chose µ 0 and µ1

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such that all the square terms in Eq. (B7) are negative. Finally, by letting η = [ξˆ T , ηˆ T ]T ,

one can rewrite the above inequality as

V& ( η) ≤ −c1 η + c 2 η (B8)

where c1 = min{µ1λmin (Q) − , e1 − e22 } and c2 = µ 0 λ2 l2 . The time derivative V& is

strictly negative for a sufficient large η . Noticing that from Eqs. (B2)-(B4), and (B6)

and following a similar procedure of Li et al. (1995), the closed-loop system properties

(P3.1), (P3.2) and (P3.3) can follow upon using standard arguments in the literature

(Corless and Leitmann, 1981; Li et al., 1995) by taking

⎧ 0, if r ≤ ( r2 r1 )1 2 d

t (d , r ) = ⎨ r2 r 2 − r12 r2−1d 2 (B9)
, if otherwise
⎪ c r r −1d 2 − c r 1 2 r −1 2 d
⎩ 112 2 2 1 2

⎧( r r )1 2 R, if r ≤ R
d (r) = ⎨ 2 1 1 2 (B10)
⎩ ( r2 r1 ) r, if r > R

d = ( r2 r1 )1 2 R (B11)


ϑ (d ) = R (B12)

where r1 = min{µ1λmin (Q), µ0σ 1} , r2 = max{µ1λmax (Q), µ0σ 2 } , R = c2 c1 and

λmax (Q) denotes the maximum eigenvalue of Q . This completes the proof.

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Taking time derivative of the sliding function, we have

ρ −1
δ& = ∑ ci ξ i +1 + ξ&ρ (C1)
i =1

The substitution of Eq. (5.10b) into the above equation gives

ρ −1
δ& = ∑ ci ξ i +1 + [b(ξ, η) + ∆b(ξ, η)] + [a(ξ, η) + ∆a (ξ, η)]u SMC (C2)
i =1

Then, by inserting the control law (5.18) and using the above equation, we have

⎧ ρ −1 ⎫
δ ⋅ δ& = δ ⋅ ⎨∑ ci ξ i +1 + [b(ξ, η) + ∆b(ξ, η)] + [a(ξ, η) + ∆a(ξ, η)]uSMC ⎬
⎩ i =1 ⎭
ρ −1
⎧ 1 ⎫
⎪∑ ci ξ i +1 + [b(ξ, η) + ∆b(ξ, η)] + a(ξ, η) ⋅ a (ξ, η) ⎪
⎪ i =1 ⎪
= δ ⋅ ⎨ ρ -1 ⎬
⎪⎡(− c ξ − b(ξ, η)) + (−( B(ξ, η) + A(ξ, η) + γ )sign (δ ))⎤ + ∆a(ξ, η)u ⎪
⎪⎩⎢⎣ ∑ i =1
i i +1 ⎥

= δ ⋅ [∆b(ξ, η) − ( B(ξ, η) + A(ξ, η) + γ )sign (δ ) + ∆a(ξ, η)uSMC ]
≤ δ ⋅ [B(ξ, η) + A(ξ, η) − ( B(ξ, η) + A(ξ, η) + γ )]
= −γ δ < 0


Obviously, with the proposed sliding mode control scheme the sliding condition is


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Following the procedure of Wang et al. (1997), the switching gains of the observer

(5.69) can be obtained as follows:

Step 1: Pre-set a value for the switching gain k̂ 03 .

Step 2: Calculate

⎡ ∂f1 ∂f1 ⎤
⎢ ∂x ∂x2 ⎥ ⎡ − 4 0.8796 ⎤
Ar ≡ ⎢ 1 ⎥ =⎢ ⎥
⎢ ∂f 2 ∂f 2 ⎥ ⎣ 3 − 3.6388⎦
⎢⎣ ∂x1 ∂x2 ⎥⎦ x =0

⎡ ∂f ∂f 3 ⎤
Cr ≡ ⎢ 3 = [0 1.7592]
⎣ ∂x1 ∂x2 ⎥⎦ x =0

⎡0.6895 0.5684⎤
P1 ≡ CTr A Tr CTr ]
0 ⎥⎦

⎡1 0⎤ ⎡ 1 0⎤
R r ≡ ⎢~ ⎥ =⎢
⎣a 2 1⎦ ⎣7.6388 1⎥⎦

where a~2 is determined from

det(λI − A r ) = λ2 + a~2 λ + a~3

Step 3: Let the observer poles be p1 and p2 . Then, calculate α~2 and α~3 from

(λ − p1 )(λ − p 2 ) = λ2 + α~2 λ + α~3

i.e. α~2 = −( p1 + p 2 ) and α~3 = p1 p 2

Step 4: Denote a r ≡ [a~2 a~3 ] and b r ≡ [α~2 α~3 ] , then the remaining gains, k̂ 01

and k̂ 02 , are obtained by

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⎡ kˆ01 ⎤ ˆ T −1
⎢ ˆ ⎥ = k 03 P1 R r (b r − a r )

⎣⎢k 02 ⎦⎥

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