International Financial Management 12th Edition Madura 1133947832 9781133947837 Test Bank

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Test bank for International Financial Management

12th Edition Madura 1133947832 9781133947837

Solution Manual:


Test bank:

Chapter 2—International Flow of Funds

1. Recently, the U.S. experienced an annual balance of trade representing a .

a. large surplus (exceeding $100 billion)
b. small surplus
c. level of zero
d. deficit
ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Easy OBJ: INFM.MADU.15.02.02
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

2. A high home inflation rate relative to other countries would the home country's current account
balance, other things equal. A high growth in the home income level relative to other countries would
the home country's current account balance, other things equal.
a. increase; increase
b. increase; decrease
c. decrease; decrease
d. decrease; increase
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate OBJ: INFM.MADU.15.02.03
KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

3. If a country's government imposes a tariff on imported goods, that country's current account
balance will likely (assuming no retaliation by other governments).
a. decrease
b. increase
c. remain unaffected
d. either A or C are possible
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate OBJ: INFM.MADU.15.02.03
KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

4. purchases more U.S. exports than the other countries listed here.
a. Italy
b. Spain
c. Mexico
d. Canada
ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Easy OBJ: INFM.MADU.15.02.02
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

5. An increase in the current account deficit will place pressure on the home currency value,
other things equal.
a. upward
b. downward
c. no
d. upward or downward (depending on the size of the deficit)
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Easy OBJ: INFM.MADU.15.02.03
KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

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permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.
6. If the home currency begins to appreciate against other currencies, this should the current
account balance, other things equal (assume that substitutes are readily available in the countries,
and that the prices charged by firms remain the same).
a. increase
b. have no impact on
c. reduce
d. all of the above are equally possible
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate OBJ: INFM.MADU.15.02.03
KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

7. The International Financial Corporation was established to:

a. enhance development solely in Asia through grants.
b. enhance economic development through non-subsidized loans (at market interest rates).
c. enhance economic development through low-interest rate loans (below-market rates).
d. enhance economic development of the private sector through investment in stock
of corporations.
ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Easy OBJ: INFM.MADU.15.02.05
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

8. The World Bank was established to:

a. enhance development solely in Asia through grants.
b. enhance economic development through non-subsidized loans (at market interest rates).
c. enhance economic development through low-interest rate loans (below-market rates).
d. enhance economic development of the private sector through investment in stock
of corporations.
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Easy OBJ: INFM.MADU.15.02.05
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

9. The International Development Association was established to:

a. enhance development solely in Asia through grants.
b. enhance economic development through non-subsidized loans (at market interest rates).
c. enhance economic development through low-interest rate loans (below-market rates).
d. enhance economic development of the private sector through investment in stock
of corporations.
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Easy OBJ: INFM.MADU.15.02.05
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

10. Which of the following would likely have the least direct influence on a country's current account?
a. inflation.
b. national income.
c. exchange rates.
d. tariffs.
e. a tax on income earned from foreign stocks.
ANS: E PTS: 1 DIF: Easy OBJ: INFM.MADU.15.02.03

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permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

11. The "J curve" effect describes:

a. the continuous long-term inverse relationship between a country's current account
balance and the country's growth in gross national product.
b. the short-run tendency for a country's balance of trade to deteriorate even while
its currency is depreciating.
c. the tendency for exporters to initially reduce the price of goods when their own
currency appreciates.
d. the reaction of a country's currency to initially depreciate after the country's inflation
rate declines.
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Easy OBJ: INFM.MADU.15.02.03
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

12. An increase in the use of quotas is expected to:

a. reduce the country's current account balance, if other governments do not retaliate.
b. increase the country's current account balance, if other governments do not retaliate.
c. have no impact on the country's current account balance unless other
governments retaliate.
d. increase the volume of a country's trade with other countries.
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate OBJ: INFM.MADU.15.02.03
KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

13. The U.S. typically has a balance of trade surplus in its trade with .
a. China
b. Japan
c. A and B
d. none of the above
ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Easy OBJ: INFM.MADU.15.02.02
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

14. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) increased restrictions on:
a. trade between Canada and Mexico.
b. trade between Canada and the U.S.
c. direct foreign investment in Mexico by U.S. firms.
d. none of the above.
ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Easy OBJ: INFM.MADU.15.02.02
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

15. According to the text, international trade (exports plus imports combined) as a percentage of GDP is:
a. higher in the U.S. than in European countries.
b. lower in the U.S. than in European countries.
c. higher in the U.S. than in about half the European countries, and lower in the U.S. than the
d. about the same in the U.S. as in European countries.
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Easy OBJ: INFM.MADU.15.02.02

© 2015 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part, except for use as
permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

16. The direct foreign investment positions by U.S. firms have generally over time. Restrictions
by governments on direct foreign investment have generally over time.
a. increased; increased
b. increased; decreased
c. decreased; decreased
d. decreased; increased
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Moderate OBJ: INFM.MADU.15.02.02
KEY: Bloom's: Comprehension

17. Which of the following countries purchases the largest amount of exports by U.S. firms?
a. Mexico
b. Japan
c. Canada
d. France
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Easy OBJ: INFM.MADU.15.02.02
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

18. The primary component of the current account is the:

a. balance of trade.
b. balance of money market flows.
c. balance of capital market flows.
d. unilateral transfers.
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Easy OBJ: INFM.MADU.15.02.01
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

19. As a result of the European Union, restrictions on exports between were reduced or eliminated.
a. member countries and the U.S.
b. member countries
c. member countries and European non-members
d. none of the above
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Easy OBJ: INFM.MADU.15.02.01
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

20. Over the last several years, international trade has generally:
a. increased for most major countries.
b. decreased for most major countries.
c. stayed about constant for most major countries.
d. increased for about half the major countries and decreased for the others.
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Easy OBJ: INFM.MADU.15.02.01
KEY: Bloom's: Knowledge

21. Which is not a concern about the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)?

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permitted in a license distributed with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.
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Phyllarthron, 497.
Phyllis, 523.
Phyllobotryum, 370.
Phylloclinium, 370.
Phyllocomos, 120.
Phyllocosmus, 292.
Phylloctenium, 497.
Phyllodes, 148.
Phyllopodium, 493.
Phyllorhachis, 80.
Phyllosma, 297.
Phylloxylon, 270.
Phymaspermum, 580.
Physacanthus, 506.
Physalis, 483.
Physaloides, 483.
Physanthyllis, 260.
Physedra, 539.
Physena, 372.
Physocaulis, 406.
Physospermum , 407.
Physostigma, 277.
Physotrichia, 410.
Phytolacca, 188.
PHYTOLACCACEAE, 9, 12, 14, 187.
Piaranthus, 454.
Picconia, 426.
Picnomon, 551.
Picralima, 437.
Picralima, 440.
Picridium, 547.
Picris, 546.
Pierreodendron, 300.
Pierrina, 358.
Pilea, 169.
Pilogyne, 537.
Pilostyles, 177.
Pimenta, 392.
Pimpinella, 412.
PINACEAE, 1, 10, pl. 2.
Pinardia, 566.
Pinus, 71.
Piper, 161, pl. 27.
Piper, 161.
PIPERACEAE, 7, 161, pl. /> Piptadenia, 247.
Piptatherum, 95.
Piptolaena, 439.
Piptostigma, 204.
Pipturus, 170.
Pircunia, 188.
Piriqueta, 374.
Pirus, 240.
Pisonia, 186, pl. 42.
Pisosperma, 537.
Pistacia, 326.
Pistaciopsis, 337.
Pistia, 115.
Pistorinia, 233.
Pisum, 261, 269.
Pithecolobium, 248.
PITTOSPORACEAE, 24, 53, 235, pl. 61.
Pittosporum, 235, pl. 61.
Pituranthos, 413.
Placodiscus, 338.
Placopoda, 532.
Placus, 557.
Pladaroxylon, 576.
Plagioscyphus, 337.
Plagiosiphon, 253, 256.
Plagiostyles, 321, 610.
Plagius, 566.
PLANTAGINACEAE, 50, 55, 56, 58, 60, 61, 62, 515, pl. 143.
Plantago, 516, pl. 143.
PLATANACEAE, 41, 64, 238.
Platanthera, 153.
Platanthera, 151, 153.
Platanus, 238.
Platostoma, 473.
Platycalyx, 416.
Platycapnos, 212.
Platycarpha, 549.
Platycelephium, 259.
Platycoryne, 152.
Platykeleba, 447.
Platylepis, 155.
Platylophus, 235.
Platymitium, 332.
Platysepalum, 288.
Platytinospora, 201.
Plecospermum, 165.
Plectaneia, 440.
Plectranthus, 474, 475, pl. 134.
Plectranthus, 474, 475.
Plectronia, 519.
Pleiocarpa, 438.
Pleioceras, 433.
Pleiomeris, 418.
Pleiospora, 265.
Pleiostemon, 323.
Pleiotaxis, 553.
Pleuroblepharis, 509.
Pleurocoffea, 520.
Pleuropterantha, 183.
Pleurostelma, 448.
Pleurostelma, 442.
Pleurostylia, 331.
Plinthus, 189.
Plocama, 524.
Plocandra, 432.
Pluchea, 557, 559.
Pluchea, 559.
Plukenetia, 313.
Plukenetia, 610.
PLUMBAGINACEAE, 50, 420, pl. 123.
Plumbago, 420.
Plumeria, 440.
Plumiera, 440.
Poa, 105.
Poa, 105.
Poagrostis, 97.
Podalyria, 257.
Podandria, 152.
Podanthes, 455.
Podocarpus, 70.
Podococcus, 113.
Podogynium, 253.
Podonosma, 465.
Podorungia, 510.
Podospermum, 545.
Podostelma, 446.
Podostemon, 231.
Podostemon, 231.
PODOSTEMONACEAE, 10, 13, 230, pl. 57.
Podranea, 496.
Poecilostachys, 94, 104.
Poga, 387.
Poggea, 369.
Poggeophyton, 316.
Pogonarthria, 93.
Pogonia, 155.
Pogonostigma, 272.
Pogostemon, 476.
Poinciana, 250.
Poivrea, 390.
Polanisia, 215, pl. 54.
Polemannia, 410.
Polia, 194.
Pollia, 122.
Pollichia, 193.
Pollichia, 466.
Pollinia, 86.
Polpoda, 188.
Polyadoa, 440.
Polyalthia, 206.
Polycardia, 330.
Polycarena, 492.
Polycarpaea, 194, pl. 45.
Polycarpia, 194.
Polycarpon, 194.
Polycephalium, 333.
Polyceratocarpus, 204.
Polycline, 553.
Polycnemum, 182.
Polygala, 309.
POLYGALACEAE, 19, 28, 51, 55, 59, 308, pl. 78.
POLYGONACEAE, 8, 177, pl. 39.
Polygonum, 179.
Polygonum, 178.
Polypogon, 87.
Polyscias, 401.
Polyspatha, 122.
Polysphaeria, 517.
Polystachya, 156.
Polystachya, 160.
Polystemonanthus, 256.
Polyxena, 127.
Pongamia, 287.
Popowia, 205.
Populina, 513.
Populus, 161.
Porana, 459.
Porphyranthus, 289.
Porphyrostemma, 559.
Portulaca, 190.
PORTULACACEAE, 18, 22, 35, 44, 52, 65, 190, pl. 44.
Portulacaria, 191.
Posidonia, 74.
Poskea, 463.
Potameia, 210.
Potamogeton, 74, pl. 4.
Potamophila, 80.
Potentilla, 242.
Poterium, 241.
Poterium, 241.
Pothos, 115.
Pouchetia, 526.
Poupartia, 329.
Pouzolzia, 170.
Prageluria, 453.
Prasium, 471.
Preauxia, 566.
Premna, 470.
Prenanthes, 547.
Preslia, 480.
Pretrea, 499.
Pretreothamnus, 499.
Preussiella, 396.
Prevostea, 460.
Priestleya, 263, 271.
Primula, 420.
PRIMULACEAE, 22, 52, 65, 419, pl. 122.
Pringlea, 220.
Printzia, 559.
Prionachne, 92, 98.
Prionanthium, 92.
Prionium, 124, pl. 17.
Priotropis, 263.
Prismatocarpus, 543.
Priva, 469.
Probletostemon, 528.
Prockiopsis, 368.
Procris, 169.
Prolongea, 566.
Prosopis, 246.
Prosopostelma, 447.
Protarum, 116.
Protea, 171.
PROTEACEAE, 9, 10, 19, 50, 51, 170, pl. 33.
Protium, 302.
Protomegabaria, 611.
Protorhus, 328.
Prunella, 477.
Prunus, 242.
Psamma, 96.
Psammotropha, 189.
Psathura, 524.
Psednotrichia, 572.
Pseudagrostistachys, 610.
Pseudarthria, 280.
Pseuderanthemum, 509.
Pseudobaeckea, 237.
Pseudobarleria, 505.
Pseudoblepharis, 509.
Pseudobromus, 96.
Pseudocadia, 258.
Pseudocalyx, 503.
Pseudocedrela, 303.
Pseudocinchona, 531.
Pseudogaltonia, 128.
Pseudohydrosme, 118.
Pseudolachnostylis, 323.
Pseudoprosopis, 247.
Pseudopteris, 339.
Pseudosopubia, 486.
Pseudospondias, 328.
Pseudotragia, 315, 610.
Psiadia, 567.
Psidium, 392.
Psilanthus, 517.
Psilostachys, 184.
Psilotrichum, 184.
Psiloxylon, 391.
Psilurus, 90.
Psophocarpus, 272, 276.
Psoralea, 262, 263, 265, 268, 272, 274, 275, 281, 282, 288.
Psorospermum, 361.
Psychine, 227.
Psychotria, 525.
Psychotria, 525.
Ptaeroxylon, 302.
Pteleopsis, 390.
Ptelidium, 331.
Pteranthus, 192.
Pterocarpus, 273, 286, 289.
Pterocaulon, 555.
Pterocelastrus, 330.
Pterocephalus, 535.
Pterodiscus, 499.
Pteroglossaspis, 157.
Pterolobium, 250.
Pteronia, 572.
Pteropetalum, 214.
Pterorhachis, 304.
Pterota, 296.
Pterotaberna, 439.
Pterotheca, 546.
Pterothrix, 562.
Pterygocarpus, 454.
Pterygodium, 150.
Pterygota, 354.
Ptilotrichum, 219.
Ptychopetalum, 174.
Ptychotis, 414.
Ptychotis, 413.
Puelia, 88.
Pueraria, 276.
Pulicaria, 560.
Punica, 386.
PUNICACEAE, 49, 386.
Pupalia, 185.
Pusactha, 247.
Putoria, 523.
Putterlickia, 330.
Pycnanthus, 208, pl. 49.
Pycnobotrya, 434.
Pycnocoma, 313.
Pycnocomon, 534.
Pycnocycla, 405.
Pycnoneurum, 449.
Pycnosphaera, 431.
Pycnostachys, 474.
Pycnostylis, 202.
Pycreus, 109.
Pygeum, 242.
Pynaertia, 303, 609, 611.
Pyramidocarpus, 368.
Pyrenacantha, 333.
Pyrethrum, 566.
Pyrostria, 519.
Pyrus, 239, 240.

Quamoclit, 462.
Quartinia, 384.
Quassia, 300.
Quassia, 300.
Quercus, 163.
Queria, 194.
Quisqualis, 390.
Quivisia, 305.
Quivisianthe, 305.

Radamaea, 487.
Radinocion, 158.
Radiola, 291.
Radlkofera, 337.
Raffenaldia, 222.
RAFFLESIACEAE, 16, 17, 44, 177.
Rafnia, 264.
Raimannia, 611.
Rameya, 202.
Randia, 528.
Randia, 529.
Randonia, 229.
RANUNCULACEAEA, 14, 23, 40, 41, 42, 197, pl. 46.
Ranunculus, 198.
Rapanea, 418.
Raphanistrocarpus, 540.
Raphanocarpus, 540.
Raphanopsis, 178.
Raphanus, 222.
Raphia, 111, pl. 10. 11.
Raphiacme, 443, 444.
Raphidiocystis, 538.
Raphidophora, 115.
Raphionacme, 443.
Raphispermum, 487.
Rapistrella, 224.
Rapistrum, 224.
Rapistrum, 221.
Rapona, 458.
Raspalia, 237, pl. 63.
Ratonia, 340.
Rautanenia, 76.
Rauwolfia, 438.
Ravenala, 145.
Ravenea, 114.
Ravensara, 209.
Rawsonia, 368.
Reaumuria, 364.
Reboudia, 221.
Reichardia, 547.
Reinwardtia, 291.
Relhania, 555.
Remirea, 108.
Remusatia, 116.
Renealmia, 147.
Renschia, 478.
Requienia, 272.
Reseda, 229.
RESEDACEAE, 11, 25, 41, 42, 228, pl. 55.
Restio, 120, pl. 13.
RESTIONACEAE, 3, 119, pl. 13.
Retama, 266.
Retzia, 428.
Reutera, 412.
Rhabdia, 463.
Rhabdostigma, 517.
Rhabdotheca, 547.
Rhadamanthus, 128.
Rhagadiolus, 548.
RHAMNACEAE, 12, 17, 18, 27, 45, 343, pl. 88.
Rhamnus, 344.
Rhamphicarpa, 485.
Rhanterium, 554.
Rhaphanistrocarpus, 540.
Rhaphanocarpus, 540.
Rhaphanus, 222, 224.
Rhaphidanthe, 424.
Rhaphidiocystis, 538.
Rhaphidorhynchus, 158.
Rhaphidospora, 513.
Rhaphiostyles, 334.
Rhaphispermum, 487.
Rhaponticum, 550.
Rhaptonema, 203.
Rhaptopetalum, 358, pl. 95.
Rheedia, 362.
Rhektophyllum, 117.
Rhetinolepis, 577.
Rhigiocarya, 202.
Rhigiophyllum, 543.
Rhigozum, 495.
Rhinacanthus, 514.
Rhinopteryx, 306.
Rhipsalis, 379.
Rhizophora, 388.
RHIZOPHORACEAE, 32, 33 44, 45, 47, 387, pl. 112.
Rhodochlaena, 348.
Rhodoclada, 360.
Rhodocodon, 127.
Rhodocolea, 497.
Rhodolaena, 348.
Rhodorrhiza, 460.
Rhodosepala, 394.
Rhoeo, 123.
Rhoicissus, 346.
Rhoiocarpus, 172.
Rhombonema, 447.
Rhopalocarpus, 372.
Rhopalopilia, 173.
Rhus, 327.
Rhyacophila, 384.
Rhynchelytrum, 82.
Rhynchocalyx, 385.
Rhynchocarpa, 538.
Rhynchosia, 272, 279, 282.
Rhynchosia, 278.
Rhynchospora, 108.
Rhynchostigma, 453.
Rhynchotropis, 262, 272.
Rhynea, 556.
Rhyssolobium, 452.
Rhytachne, 85.
Rhyticarpus, 414.
Rhytidachne, 85.
Rhytiglossa, 512.
Ribes, 234.
Richardia, 117, 521.
Richardsonia, 521.
Ricinodendron, 317.
Ricinus, 313.
Ricotia, 226, 227.
Ridolfia, 413.
Rindera, 467.
Rinorea, 367, pl. 103.
Riocreuxia, 456.
Ritchiea, 215.
Rivea, 461.
Rivea, 461.
Rivina, 187.
Robbairea, 194.
Robinia, 268, 287.
Rochea, 233.
Rochelia, 464.
Rochonia, 573.
Roëlla, 543.
Roemeria, 213.
Roeperocharis, 151.
Roettlera, 501.
Rogeria, 499.
Romulea, 141.
Ropalandria, 200.
Ropalocarpus, 372.
Roridula, 359.
Roripa, 223.
Rosa, 240.
ROSACEAE, 9, 10, 14, 18, 20, 21, 27, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 239, pl.
Roscheria, 113.
Rosenia, 555.
Rosmarinus, 471.
Rotala, 384.
Rotantha, 385.
Rothia, 274.
Rottboellia, 85.
Rottboellia, 85.
Roubieva, 182.
Roupellia, 434.
Rourea, 244.
Rourea, 244.
Roureopsis, 608.
Roussea, 234.
Rousseauxia, 397.
Royena, 424.
Rubia, 521.
RUBIACEAE, 17, 54, 65, 66, 67, 516, pl. 144.
Rubus, 242.
Ruckeria, 567, 574.
Ruelingia, 356.
Ruellia, 507.
Ruelliola, 506.
Ruelliopsis, 507.
Ruizia, 357.
Rumex, 178.
Rungia, 513.
Ruppia, 74.
Ruscus, 130.
Ruspolia, 509.
Russelia, 492.
Ruta, 295.
RUTACEAE, 11, 21, 28, 30, 31, 32, 34, 37, 38, 40, 42, 295. pl. 73.
Ruthea, 413.
Rutidea, 519.
Ruttya, 511.
Ruttya, 500.
Rynchospora, 108.
Rytidocarpus, 224.
Rytilix, 607.

Sabicea, 530.
Sabina, 71.
Saccharum, 86.
Saccidium, 153.
Sacciolepis, 82.
Saccocalyx, 479.
Saccoglottis, 292.
Saccolabium, 158.
Saccolabium, 158.
Sacleuxia, 442.
Sageretia, 344.
Sagina, 195.
Sagittaria, 76.
Sagus, 111.
Saintpaulia, 501.
Sakersia, 395.
Salacia, 332, pl. 83.
Salaxis, 416.
Saldania, 609.
Saldinia, 524.
SALICACEAE, 7, 161, pl. 28.
Salicornia, 181.
Salix, 161, pl. 28.
Salsola, 179.
Salvadora, 332.
SALVADORACEAE, 18, 30, 50, 332.
Salvia, 476.
Salviacanthus, 512.
Samadera, 300.
Samara, 418.
Sambucus, 533.
Samolus, 419.
Sandersonia, 130.
Sanguisorba, 241.
Sanicula, 403.
Sanseverinia, 134.
Sansevieria, 134.
SANTALACEAE, 8, 16, 172, pl. 35.
Santalina, 526.
Santaloides, 608.
Santiria, 302.
Santiriopsis, 302.
Santulina, 578.
SAPINDACEAE, 9, 12, 13, 18, 26, 28, 31, 32, 40, 335, pl. 85.
SAPINDACEAE, 335, 342.
Sapindus, 337, 340.
Sapindus, 338, 339, 340.
Sapium, 318.
Sapium, 610.
Saponaria, 196.
Saponaria, 196.
Sapota, 423.
SAPOTACEAE, 54, 60, 421, pl. 124.
Sarcocapnos, 212.
Sarcocaulon, 290.
Sarcocephalus, 525.
Sarcochlaena, 347.
Sarcocolla, 380, pl. 108.
Sarcocolla, 380.
Sarcocyphula, 447.
Sarcolaena, 347.
Sarcophrynium, 148.
Sarcophyte, 176.
Sarcopoterium, 241.
Sarcostemma, 447, 448.
Sarothamnus, 266.
Satanocrater, 505.
Satureia, 479.
Satureia, 479.
Satyridium, 151.
Satyrium, 151.
Sauromatum, 118.
Sauvagesia, 359.
Savia, 319, 320.
Savignya, 227.
Saviniona, 352.
Saxifraga, 233.
SAXIFRAGACEAE, 16, 36, 39, 44, 45, 49, 62, 68, 233, pl. 60.
Scabiosa, 535.
Scabiosa, 534, 535.
Scaevola, 544.
Scaligeria, 407.
Scandix, 405.
Scaphopetalum, 356.
Schanginia, 179.
Schaueria, 515.
Schefflera, 400.
Schefflerodendron, 288.
Schepperia, 214.
Schimpera, 225.
Schinus, 328.
Schinziella, 431.
Schismatoclada, 531.
Schismus, 104.
Schistostephium, 578, 579.
Schizobasis, 126.
Schizochilus, 153.
Schizochlaena, 348.
Schizodium, 151.
Schizoglossum, 451.
Schizoglossum, 450.
Schizogyne, 560.
Schizolaena, 348.
Schizostachyum, 88.
Schizostephanus, 449.
Schizostylis, 143.
Schizozygia, 439.
Schlechterella, 442.
Schlechteria, 218, 225.
Schlechterina, 375.
Schmidelia, 336.
Schmidtia, 100.
Schoberia, 179.
Schoenefeldia, 91.
Schoenlandia, 124.
Schoenodendron, 106.
Schoenoplectus, 110.
Schoenoxiphium, 107.
Schoenus, 107.
Schoenus, 108.
Schotia, 254, 256.
Schouwia, 227.
Schranckia, 245.
Schrebera, 426, pl. 126.
Schrebera, 331.
Schubea, 311.
Schultesia, 430.
Schumanniophyton, 529.
Schwabea, 514.
Schwarzkopffia, 153.
Schweinfurthia, 490.
Schwenkia, 481.
Sciadopanax, 401.
Sciadophyllum, 400.
Sciaphila, 79.
Scilla, 127.
Scirpus, 110.
Scirpus, 108.
SCITAMINEAE, 145, 146, 147, 148.
Scleranthus, 192.
Scleria, 106.
Scleria, 106.
Sclerocarpus, 582.
Sclerocarya, 329.
Sclerocephalus, 193.
Sclerochiton, 509.
Sclerochiton, 509.
Sclerochloa, 105.
Sclerodactylon, 607.
Sclerodictyon, 436.
Sclerolaena, 348.
Scleropoa, 105.
Sclerosciadium, 408.
Sclerosperma, 113.
Scolopia, 371.
Scolymus, 545.
Scoparia, 488.
Scopularia, 153.
Scorodophloeus, 253.
Scorpiurus, 260.
Scorzonera, 545.
Scottellia, 368.
Scrophularia, 491.
SCROPHULARIACEAE, 50, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 62, 483, pl. 136.
Scutellaria, 472.
Scutia, 344.
Scyphocephalium, 207.
Scyphochlamys, 519.
Scyphogyne, 416.
Scyphosyce, 167.
Scytanthus, 510.
SCYTOPETALACEAE, 33, 38, 62, 63, 68, 357, pl. 95.
Scytopetalum, 358.
Scytophyllum, 330.
Sebaea, 430.
Sebaea, 430.
Sebastiania, 318.
Sebastiania, 610.
Secale, 91.
Secamone, 451.
Secamone, 453.
Secamonopsis, 451.
Sechium, 536.
Securidaca, 308, pl. 78.
Securidaca, 260.
Securigera, 260.
Securinega, 323.
Securinega, 323.
Seddera, 459.
Sedum, 232.
Seemannaralia, 400.
Seetzenia, 294.
Seidelia, 315.
Seidlitzia, 608.
SELAGINEAE, 483, 502.
Selago, 489.
Selinopsis, 412.
Selinum, 409.
Semele, 130.
Semonvillea, 188.
Sempervivum, 232.
Senebiera, 226.
Senecio, 576.
Senecio, 572.
Senra, 352.
Serapias, 152.
Sericocoma, 184, 185.
Sericocoma, 184, 185, 186.
Sericocomopsis, 185.
Sericocomopsis, 185.
Sericorema, 186.
Sericostachys, 185.
Sericostoma, 465.
Seriola, 545.
Serissa, 522.
Serjania, 336.
Serpicula, 399.
Serratula, 550.
Serruria, 171.
Sersalisia, 422, 423.
Sesamothamnus, 498.
Sesamum, 499, pl. 138.
Sesbania, 267, 270.
Seseli, 410, 411.
Seseli, 414.
Sesuvium, 189.
Setaria, 81.
Sevada, 179.
Seychellaria, 79.
Seymeria, 487.
Sherardia, 521.
Sherbournia, 527.
Shutereia, 460.
Shuteria, 279.
Sibangea, 322.
Sibthorpia, 488.
Sicyos, 536.
Sida, 351.
Sideritis, 477.
Sideroxylon, 423.
Sideroxylon, 422.
Siegesbeckia, 582.
Sigmatosiphon, 498.
Silene, 196.
Silybum, 551.
SIMARUBACEAE, 28, 29, 40, 41, 42, 299, pl. 74.
Simarubopsis, 609.
Simbuleta, 491.
Simethis, 132.
Simochilus, 416.
Sinapidendron, 224.
Sinapis, 221, 224.
Siphocodon, 542.
Siphocolea, 497.
Siphomeris, 523.
Siphonantha, 470.
Siphonia, 314.
Siphonochilus, 607.
Siphonoglossa, 512.
Siphonoglossa, 512.
Sison, 413.
Sisymbrium, 224.
Sisymbrium, 217, 218, 223.
Sisyndite, 294.
Sisyranthus, 456.
Sisyrinchium, 144.
Sium, 412.
Smeathmannia, 370.
Smelophyllum, 339.
Smilax, 131.
Smithia, 269, 284, 286.
Smodingium, 328.
Smyrnium, 407.
Socotora, 442.
Socotranthus, 444.
SOLANACEAE, 57, 58, 59, 62, 481, pl. 135.
Solanum, 483.
Solenanthus, 466.
Solenixora, 520.
Solenostemma, 446.
Solenostemon, 475.
Solidago, 573.
Soliva, 566.
Somalia, 507.
Sonchus, 547.
Sonneratia, 385.
Sophora, 258, 259.
Sopubia, 486.
Sorbus, 240.
Sorghum, 87.
Sorindeia, 327.
Sorocephalus, 171.
Soulamea, 300.
Soyauxia, 369.
Spallanzania, 530.
Sparaxis, 142.
Sparganium, 73.
Sparganophorus, 569.
Sparmannia, 350.
Spartina, 81.
Spartium, 266.
Spartocytisus, 266.
Spatalla, 171.
Spatallopsis, 171.
Spathionema, 261.
Spathodea, 495.
Spathulopetalum, 612.
Specularia, 543.
Speirostyla, 349.
Spergula, 194.
Spergularia, 194.
Spermacoce, 522.
Spermacoce, 522.
Spermacoceoides, 522.
Sphacele, 475.
Sphacophyllum, 554.
Sphaeralcea, 352.
Sphaeranthus, 558.
Sphaerocephalus, 549.
Sphaerocodon, 456.
Sphaerocoma, 193.
Sphaeroma, 352.
Sphaerosepalum, 366.
Sphaerosicyos, 540.
Sphaerostylis, 312.
Sphaerothylax, 231.
Sphedamnocarpus, 307.
Sphedamnocarpus, 307.
Sphenandra, 492.
Sphenocentrum, 202.
Sphenoclea, 542.
Sphenogyne, 580.
Sphenopus, 102.
Sphenostylis, 278.
Spilanthes, 582.
Spinacia, 181.
Spiraeea, 241.
Spiranthes, 155.
Spirodela, 119.
Spiropetalum, 244.
Spirospermum, 201.
Spirostachys, 610.
Spitzelia, 546.
Spondianthus, 328, 611.
Spondias, 328.
Spondias, 328, 329.
Spondiopsis, 328.
Sponia, 164.
Sporobolus, 95.
Staavia, 237.
Staberoha, 120.
Stachyanthus, 333.
Stachyothyrus, 250.
Stachys, 479.
Stachytarpheta, 468.
Stadmannia, 338.
Staehelina, 551.
Stangeria, 69.
Stapelia, 455.
Stapfiola, 93.
Staphylosyce, 539.
Staphysora, 322, 611.
Stathmostelma, 449.
Statice, 421.
Staudtia, 207.
Staurogyne, 503.
Stearodendron, 361.
Steirodiscus, 565.
Stellaria, 194.
Stellularia, 485.
Stemodia, 494.
Stemodiacra, 494.
Stemodiopsis, 495.
Stemonocoleus, 252.
Stenadenium, 310.
Stenandriopsis, 509.
Stenanthera, 204.
Stenocline, 562, 563.
Stenoglottis, 153.
Stenolirion, 138.
Stenolobium, 496.
Stenonia, 319.
Stenophragma, 218.
Stenosemis, 409.
Stenostelma, 450.
Stenotaphrum, 80.
Stephania, 200.
Stephanocoma, 548.
Stephanodaphne, 381.
Stephanolepis, 570.
Stephanorossia, 611.
Stephanostegia, 441.
Stephanostema, 433.
Stephanotis, 453.
Stephegyne, 530.
Sterculia, 354.
Sterculia, 354.
STERCULIACEAE, 13, 14, 19, 20, 26, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40,
42, 51, 61, 62, 63, 354, pl. 94.
Stereochlaena, 81.
Stereospermum, 496.
Sternbergia, 137.
Stevensonia, 113.
Stiburus, 103.
Stichorchis, 156.
Stictocardia, 461.
Stilbe, 468.
Stillingia, 318.
Stilpnogyne, 575.
Stilpnophytum, 579.
Stipa, 95.
Stipularia, 530.
Stironeurum, 423.
Stizolobium, 268.
Stobaea, 548.
Stoebe, 562.
Stolidia, 174.
Stomatostemma, 445.
Stomotechium, 466.
Streblocarpus, 214.
Strelitzia, 145, pl. 23.
Strephonema, 389.
Streptanthera, 142.
Streptocarpus, 501, pl. 140.
Streptogyne, 92, 101.
Streptopetalum, 374.
Striga, 485.
Strigina, 485.
Strobilanthes, 506.
Strobilanthopsis, 506.
Strombosia, 174.
Strombosiopsis, 174.
Strongylodon, 280, 281.
Strophanthus, 434.
Strumaria, 136.
Struthiola, 381.
Strychnopsis, 203.
Strychnos, 429.
Stuhlmannia, 253.
Stupa, 95.
Styasasia, 510.
Stylapterus, 380.
Stylarthropus, 505.
Stylidium, 389.
Stylochiton, 115.
Stylocoryne, 528.
Stylosanthes, 268.
Suaeda, 179.
Subularia, 228.
Succisa, 535.
Succowia, 226.
Suffrenia, 384.
Suregada, 318.
Suriana, 299.
Sutera, 493.
Sutera, 492, 493.
Sutherlandia, 287.
Swartzia, 249.
Sweertia, 430.
Swietenia, 393.
Swynnertonia, 452.
Sylitra, 271, 275.
Symmeria, 178.
Symphonia, 362.
Symphostemon, 474.
Symphyochlamys, 353.
Symphytonema, 443.
Symphytosiphon, 304.
Symphytum, 465.
Sympieza, 416.
Symplectochilus, 513.
Synadenium, 310.
Synaptolepis, 381.
Syncephalum, 562.
Synchodendron, 556.
Synchoriste, 510.
Synclisia, 202.
Syncolostemon, 473.
Syndesmanthus 416.
Synedrella, 581.
Syngonanthus, 121.
Synnema, 504.
Synnotia, 142.
Synsepalum, 423.
Syntherisma, 82.
Syntriandrium, 200.
Syringodea, 140.
Syrrheonema, 202.
Syzygium, 392.

Tabebuia, 497.
Tabernaemontana, 437, 439, 440.
Tabernanthe, 436.
Tacazzea, 443, pl. 130.
Tacazzea, 442, 444, 445.
Tacca, 139.
TACCACEAE, 6, 139.
Tachiadenus, 430.
Taenosapium, 318.
Tagetes, 584.
Talinella, 190.
Talinum, 191, pl. 44.
Talisiopsis, 342.
TAMARICACEAE, 22, 25, 364, pl. 101.
Tamarindus, 256.
Tamarix, 364, pl. 101.
Tamatavia, 528.
Tambourissa, 209.
Tamnus, 140.
Tamus, 140.
Tanacetum, 566, 578.
Tanghinia, 437.
Tannodia, 312, 610.
Tannodia, 610.
Tanulepis, 443.
Tapeinanthus, 135.
Tapeinostelma, 457.
Tapura, 309.
Taraxacum, 546.
Tarchonanthus, 556.
Tardavel, 522.
Tarenna, 526, 528.
Tavaresia, 454.
Taverniera, 271, 281.
TAXACEAE, 1, 70.
Taxus, 70.
Teclea, 297.
Tecmarsis, 557.
Tecoma, 495, 496.
Tecomaria, 495.
Tectona, 470.
Teedia, 492.
Teesdalia, 228.
Telanthera, 183.
Telephium, 194.
Telfairia, 536.
Teline, 266.
Telosma, 453.
Temnolepis, 582.
Temnopteryx, 530.
Tenagocharis, 77.
Tenaris, 457.
Tenaris, 457.
Tephrosia, 272, 273, 275, 276, 282, 284, 287.
Tephrothamnus, 264.
Teramnus, 267.
Terminalia, 391.
Tessmannia, 256.
Testudinaria, 140.
Tetracarpidium, 312.
Tetracera, 358, pl. 96.
Tetrachaete, 84.
Tetrachne, 93.
Tetrachne, 93.
Tetraclinis, 71.
Tetraclis, 424.
Tetradenia, 476.
Tetradiclis, 293.
Tetragonia, 190.
Tetragonolobus, 260.
Tetranthera, 210.
Tetraphyllaster, 395.
Tetrapleura, 246.
Tetrapogon, 92.
Tetraria, 107.
Tetraria, 108.
Tetraspidium, 485.
Tetrastemma, 205.
Tetrastigma, 529.
Tetrataxis, 385.
Tetratelia, 215.
Teucrium, 471.
Thalassia, 78.
Thalia, 148.
Thalictrum, 198.
Thaminophyllum, 580.
Thamnea, 236.
Thamnochortus, 120.
Thamnochortus, 120.
Thamnosma, 295.
Thamnus, 416.
Thapsia, 404.
Thapsia, 404.
Thaumatococcus, 148.
Thea, 360.
THEACEAE, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 63, 360, pl. 98.
Thecacoris, 320, 322, 611.
Thecacoris, 611.
Thelepogon, 86.
Theligonum, 187.
Themeda, 87.
Theobroma, 356.
Theodora, 254.
Thesidium, 172.
Thesium, 172.
Thespesia, 353.
Thespesocarpus, 425.
Thevetia, 437.
Thiegemella, 421.
Thiegemopanax, 401.
Thismia, 150.
Thlaspi, 228.
Thomandersia, 510.
Thomassetia, 360.
Thonnera, 205.
Thonningia, 176.
Thoracosperma, 416.
Thoracostachyum, 107.
Thorncroftia, 612.
Thrincia, 546.
Thuarea, 80.
Thunbergia, 503.
Thunbergia, 503.
Thunbergianthus, 486.
Thylachium, 213.
Thymelaea, 383.
THYMELAEACEAE, 10, 12, 19, 29, 51, 380, pl. 109.

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