SAP Business Partner Configuration

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Bsiness Pastner heatin (Perso)

DCeate Customey Accoumt Grep


- Fiarial canilng
Accocnt Reciwvabla and
Customey Accounta
Maxten data

De7une Account Gyops with Senen Cayea

a) Crete Ncembe Ranses fo Customey Account and

to he ceslom Accoeunt Group.

SPRO ’ SAP Reference IMG

Financial hecaustig
Account Reciavatde and Accourts Paygab
- Customer Accoeuni
Mater tata

Parpanato tor Cveotung Cantmes Mastes Data

Creata unbses Ranges tor Gustom Accouns
Make hz
Nunber rage Exlmal.
to maintain 2ame nunbe

for Cuatomer and Businue Partoe thes pleae

renembr ond Creale Bame numbe at

Beninee Partney Lenl well, and maak this

Numbey Rong Gztenal.
* Ascigo Nenber Rongs tb Cntomay Aeeount Grops

hesigo above
mumbey ranga Createt
Carlier to goe Cutoney Accaunt Group.
Define Buainess Partner Rales ond Grouping
Pats i
SPRO SAP Reference IMG
-Cross - Arplicatig Conprmente
SAP Busines Patnet
Busines Paatner

Busineks Parthet Roes

Detine B0 Rola
SAP Standard BP Roles CrTe

Customet Cempong Coda olata
Customer Sale Ore data
BP General dt
BP Role Greupings
+ Grecle
BP Rel Group d sig
sandard Quetonigd

4) Define Nunber Ranges ad Asc ioo Number

Rangae to BP Roe
- Cross - Applicatim Component
SAP Buiness Partne
Buiinu Partner

Basic sic settin#

Number Rong and Grouping
Defue Nanbe
- Cveato Nenb hat have
Some otenal as Nuumbey Crealed

Cuslomey Aceounle. and mate ian ic

as tatermal

* Debune Grouping and Asigo Number

above reatod Number
Rore t BP eol Cmeatod
6) Catomer 1ntegalen with Businese hitne


SPRO SAP Referunc IM

- Cross - Applicalion Componend
Mastey data Sgochvonigelioo
Castam /Vender Irtgalis

- Setin tafo Cus tomr Tntgaro

* Define BP Role tr Diectioo Cutormey to BP
Assiga Be Roles
Cstomr Aceount emoups reate 4 eanln

6) Assig Ces bomer Account Gyoup an ed fo BP

Role Gooup

Path -

SPRO SAP Rekerena

Cross - Arplica tiro Coponent
Masley Data Syetnigatrn
- Gustemer vendor Brnteratan
- TBusineas Patner cettig
stings for Castornsr mlgatiy
-Fuld Acigmt te Gutomuy btin.

* Define Numbes Asmant for Diectin BP t

Bame numben ou wart.
7) Cyeate T-Code BP ).

Here Can Create BP Person ar

Organigtio Group
Yo can choose BP Ro Group heve
Ceati BP

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