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2022 – 2023 Academic Year / Fall Semester

Course Code: Arch.524

Course Hours: Monday 14.40-17.30
Course Name: Modernism in Architecture
Instructor: Prof. Dr. Aykut Karaman


Nature of the Course: Theoretical. Students will be doing researches about movements of modernism in
architecture and design, writing , presenting a term paper at the end of semester. Flipped
learning method will be applied

Course content: The course discusses modernism as reflected in architecture and design movements
emerging in the beginning of the 20 th century. As a reaction to traditional, historical, ideas
and styles and ornamentation modernism emphasized function , simplicity and rationality
It created new forms of expression , new aesthetic and technology.

Course objectives: To explore the intellectual sources of the movement along with the general
characteristics of the architecture and designs .To make comperative analyses
on the architects and designers and their works to reach to the conclusions that would
open up new perspectives for future trends.

Course Schedule

Week 1 Modernism.Inroduction

Week 2 Modernism in Architecture and Design

Week 3 Early Modernism

Week 4 Bauhaus Modenism

Week 5 International Style

Week 6 Organic Achitecture

Week 7 Art Deco

Week 8 Brutalism
Week 9 Post Modernism

Week 10 Neo Futurism

Week 11 High -Tech Architecture

Week 12 Deconstruction

Week 13 Computational Architecture

Week 14 Coclusions

Submissions and dates are subject to change. The changes will be announced.

Reading List:

Benevolo, L. History of Modern Architecture.The M.I.T.Press .1971

Hourakhsh, A.N., R.Rahbarianyazd. Stylistic Approach to Contemporary Architecture.
Alanya Municipality 2019
Jencks,C. The Language of Post -Modern Architecture.Academy Editions , London.1977
Jenks, C. Modern Movements in Architeture.Anchor Books Edition.London.1973
Frampton, K. Modern Architecture.A Critical History.Oxford University Press.Thames and Hudson
Pevsner,N. Pioneers of Modern Design. Penguin Books. 1974
Conrads,U. Programs and manifestoes o 20th -century architecture.The MIT Press, Cambridge MA.1977

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