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Identity and Access Management

User Guide

Issue 21
Date 2021-09-02


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Issue 21 (2021-09-02) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. i

Identity and Access Management
User Guide Contents


1 Before You Start....................................................................................................................... 1

2 Logging In to HUAWEI CLOUD............................................................................................. 5
3 IAM Users................................................................................................................................ 12
3.1 Creating an IAM User.......................................................................................................................................................... 12
3.2 Assigning Permissions to an IAM User.......................................................................................................................... 15
3.3 Logging In as an IAM User................................................................................................................................................ 15
3.4 Viewing or Modifying IAM User Information..............................................................................................................17
3.5 Deleting an IAM User.......................................................................................................................................................... 19
3.6 Changing the Login Password of an IAM User...........................................................................................................19
3.7 Managing Access Keys for an IAM User....................................................................................................................... 20

4 User Groups and Authorization......................................................................................... 22

4.1 Creating a User Group and Assigning Permissions................................................................................................... 22
4.2 Adding Users to or Removing Users from a User Group........................................................................................ 28
4.3 Viewing or Modifying User Group Information......................................................................................................... 29
4.4 Canceling Permissions of a User Group........................................................................................................................ 32
4.5 Assigning Dependency Roles............................................................................................................................................ 32

5 Permissions............................................................................................................................. 34
5.1 Basic Concepts....................................................................................................................................................................... 34
5.2 Roles.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 35
5.3 Policies...................................................................................................................................................................................... 37
5.3.1 Policy Content..................................................................................................................................................................... 37
5.3.2 Policy Syntax....................................................................................................................................................................... 37
5.3.3 Authentication Process.................................................................................................................................................... 43
5.4 Change to the System-Defined Policy Names............................................................................................................ 44
5.5 Viewing Assignment Records............................................................................................................................................ 49
5.6 Custom Policies...................................................................................................................................................................... 50
5.6.1 Creating a Custom Policy................................................................................................................................................50
5.6.2 Modifying or Deleting a Custom Policy..................................................................................................................... 56
5.6.3 Custom Policy Use Cases................................................................................................................................................ 57
5.6.4 Cloud Services Supported by IAM................................................................................................................................ 59

6 Projects.................................................................................................................................... 61

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Identity and Access Management
User Guide Contents

7 Agencies...................................................................................................................................64
7.1 Account Delegation.............................................................................................................................................................. 64
7.1.1 Delegating Resource Access to Another Account...................................................................................................64
7.1.2 Creating an Agency (by a Delegating Party)........................................................................................................... 65
7.1.3 (Optional) Assigning Permissions to an IAM User (by a Delegated Party).................................................. 67
7.1.4 Switching Roles (by a Delegated Party).................................................................................................................... 69
7.2 Cloud Service Delegation................................................................................................................................................... 70

8 Security Settings.................................................................................................................... 72
8.1 Security Settings Overview................................................................................................................................................ 72
8.2 Basic Information.................................................................................................................................................................. 74
8.3 Critical Operation Protection............................................................................................................................................ 75
8.4 Login Authentication Policy.............................................................................................................................................. 83
8.5 Password Policy..................................................................................................................................................................... 84
8.6 ACL............................................................................................................................................................................................. 86

9 Identity Providers.................................................................................................................. 87
9.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................................................ 87
9.2 SAML-based Federated Identity Authentication........................................................................................................ 89
9.2.1 Configuration of SAML-based Federated Identity Authentication................................................................... 90
9.2.2 Step 1: Create an Identity Provider............................................................................................................................. 92
9.2.3 Step 2: Configure Identity Conversion Rules............................................................................................................ 97
9.2.4 (Optional) Step 3: Configure Login Link in the Enterprise Management System....................................101
9.3 OpenID Connect–based Federated Identity Authentication................................................................................ 101
9.3.1 Configuration of OpenID Connect–based Federated Identity Authentication...........................................101
9.3.2 Step 1: Create an Identity Provider........................................................................................................................... 103
9.3.3 Step 2: Configure Identity Conversion Rules......................................................................................................... 106
9.3.4 (Optional) Step 3: Configure Login Link in the Enterprise Management System....................................110
9.4 Syntax of Identity Conversion Rules............................................................................................................................ 111

10 Custom Identity Broker................................................................................................... 118

10.1 Enabling Custom Identity Broker Access with an Agency..................................................................................118
10.2 Creating a FederationProxyUrl Using an Agency.................................................................................................. 121
10.3 Enabling Custom Identity Broker Access with a Token....................................................................................... 123
10.4 Creating a FederationProxyUrl Using a Token....................................................................................................... 125

11 MFA Authentication and Virtual MFA Device............................................................ 129

11.1 MFA Authentication........................................................................................................................................................ 129
11.2 Virtual MFA Device.......................................................................................................................................................... 130

12 Viewing IAM Operation Records................................................................................... 132

12.1 Enabling CTS...................................................................................................................................................................... 132
12.2 Viewing IAM Audit Logs................................................................................................................................................ 135

13 Quotas................................................................................................................................. 138

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Identity and Access Management
User Guide Contents

14 Change History.................................................................................................................. 140

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Identity and Access Management
User Guide 1 Before You Start

1 Before You Start

Intended Audience
The Identity and Access Management (IAM) service is intended for administrators,
● Account administrator (with full permissions for all services, including IAM)
● IAM users added to the admin group (with full permissions for all services,
including IAM)
● IAM users assigned the Security Administrator role (with permissions to
access IAM)
If you want to view, audit, and track the records of key operations performed on
IAM, enable Cloud Trace Service (CTS). For details, see Enabling CTS.

Accessing the IAM Console

Step 1 Log in to HUAWEI CLOUD and click Console in the upper right corner.

Step 2 On the management console, hover the mouse pointer over the username in the
upper right corner, and choose Identity and Access Management from the drop-
down list.

Issue 21 (2021-09-02) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 1

Identity and Access Management
User Guide 1 Before You Start


An account is created after you successfully register with HUAWEI CLOUD. Your
account has full access permissions for your resources and makes payments for
the use of these resources. You cannot modify or delete your account in IAM, but
you can do so in My Account.
After you log in to your account, you will see a user marked Enterprise
administrator on the Users page of the IAM console.

IAM User
You and other administrators can create IAM users in IAM and assign permissions
for specific resources. As shown in the following figure, James is an IAM user
created by an administrator. IAM users can log in to HUAWEI CLOUD using their
account name, username, and password, and then use resources based on
assigned permissions. IAM users do not own resources and cannot make

Relationship Between an Account and IAM Users

An account and its IAM users share a parent-child relationship. The account owns
the resources and makes payments for the resources used by IAM users. IAM users
are created by an administrator, and only have the permissions granted by the
administrator. The administrator can modify or cancel the IAM users' permissions
at any time. Fees generated by IAM users' use of resources are paid by the

Issue 21 (2021-09-02) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2

Identity and Access Management
User Guide 1 Before You Start

User Group
You can use user groups to assign permissions to IAM users. By default, new IAM
users do not have permissions. To assign permissions to new users, add them to
one or more groups, and grant permissions to these groups. The users then inherit
permissions from the groups to which the users belong, and can perform specific
operations on cloud services.
The default user group admin has all permissions required to use all of the cloud
resources. Users in this group can perform operations on all the resources,
including but not limited to creating user groups and users, modifying
permissions, and managing resources.

Issue 21 (2021-09-02) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 3

Identity and Access Management
User Guide 1 Before You Start

IAM provides common permissions of different services, such as administrator and
read-only permissions, which you can assign to users. By default, new IAM users
do not have permissions. To assign permissions to new users, add them to one or
more groups, and assign permissions policies or roles to these groups. The users
then inherit permissions from the groups to which the users belong, and can
perform specific operations on cloud services.
● Roles: a type of coarse-grained authorization mechanism that defines service-
level permissions based on user responsibilities. There are only a limited
number of roles for granting permissions to users. When using roles to grant
permissions, you also need to assign dependency roles. Roles are not an ideal
choice for fine-grained authorization and secure access control.
● Policies: a type of fine-grained authorization mechanism that defines
permissions required to perform operations on specific cloud resources under
certain conditions. This mechanism allows for more flexible policy-based
authorization and secure access control. For example, you can grant Elastic
Cloud Server (ECS) users only the permissions required for managing a certain
type of ECS resources.
When an IAM user granted only ECS permissions accesses other services, a
message similar to the following will be displayed.

Issue 21 (2021-09-02) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 4

Identity and Access Management
User Guide 2 Logging In to HUAWEI CLOUD

2 Logging In to HUAWEI CLOUD

You can log in to HUAWEI CLOUD using any of the following methods (see Figure
● Account login: Log in with the account that was created when you use
HUAWEI CLOUD for the first time. Your account has full access permissions
for your cloud resources and makes payments for the use of these resources.
To log in to HUAWEI CLOUD using an account, do as follows:
– HUAWEI ID: A HUAWEI ID is a unified identity that you can use to access
all Huawei services.

Currently, HUAWEI CLOUD accounts registered on the HUAWEI CLOUD

International website cannot be upgraded to HUAWEI IDs. To log in to HUAWEI
CLOUD, enter your HUAWEI CLOUD account and password on the HUAWEI ID
login page.
– HUAWEI CLOUD account: Use your HUAWEI CLOUD account to log in. If
this is the first time you use HUAWEI CLOUD, register an account.
– Other accounts: When logging in using a Huawei website account or
Huawei enterprise partner account for the first time, associate these
accounts with an existing or a new HUAWEI CLOUD account. At the next
login, you can directly log in using the Huawei website account or
Huawei enterprise partner account. Alternatively, you can use the
HUAWEI CLOUD account to log in.
● IAM user login: IAM users are created by an administrator to use specific
cloud services.
– IAM user: An account and IAM users share a parent-child relationship.
IAM users can only use specific cloud services based on assigned
● Federated user login: Federated users are registered with an enterprise
identity provider that is created by the administrator in IAM.
– Federated user: You can log in to HUAWEI CLOUD as a federated user if
you have obtained the name of the identity provider, the HUAWEI CLOUD
account used to create this identity provider, and the username and
password for logging in to your enterprise management system.

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Identity and Access Management
User Guide 2 Logging In to HUAWEI CLOUD

Figure 2-1 Logging in to HUAWEI CLOUD using different accounts

Logging In Using a HUAWEI ID

A HUAWEI ID is a unified identity that you can use to access all Huawei services.
When logging in to the HUAWEI CLOUD console using a HUAWEI ID, you can
enter a mobile number, email address, login ID, or HUAWEI CLOUD account name.

Logging In Using Other Accounts

If you already have a Huawei website account or Huawei enterprise partner
account, you can use them to log in to HUAWEI CLOUD without memorizing
additional credentials.
The following procedure describes how to use an account of the Huawei official
website to log in to HUAWEI CLOUD.

Step 1 On the login page, click Huawei Website Account, as shown in the following

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Identity and Access Management
User Guide 2 Logging In to HUAWEI CLOUD

Figure 2-2 Logging in using a Huawei website account

Step 2 Log in using your Huawei website account.

● If this is the first login, you will be requested to bind your Huawei website
account to an existing or a new HUAWEI CLOUD account. To create a new
HUAWEI CLOUD account, enter the account name, mobile number, and
verification code. Click Create and Bind.
● If this is not the first login, you can directly log in using your Huawei website

Next time you log in to the HUAWEI CLOUD console, you can use the name or
mobile number set in Step 2 for the HUAWEI CLOUD account.


Logging In Using a HUAWEI CLOUD Account

If you have a HUAWEI CLOUD account, you can use it to log in to HUAWEI
CLOUD. The account owns resources you purchase, makes payments for the use of
these resources, and has full access permissions for them. You can use the account
to reset user passwords and assign permissions. When using the account to log in
to the HUAWEI CLOUD console, you can choose account/email login or mobile
number login.


If your HUAWEI CLOUD account has been upgraded to a HUAWEI ID, use the HUAWEI ID
to log in. For details, see Logging In Using a HUAWEI ID.

To log in using a HUAWEI CLOUD account, do as follows:

Step 1 On the login page, click HUAWEI CLOUD Account, as shown in Figure 2-3.

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Identity and Access Management
User Guide 2 Logging In to HUAWEI CLOUD

Figure 2-3 Logging in using a HUAWEI CLOUD account

Step 2 Enter your account information and click Log In.

● Account name or email: The account name or the email address associated
with the account.

Account names are case-insensitive.

● Password: The login password of the account. If you have forgotten your
login password, reset it on the login page.
● Mobile number: If you have forgotten the account name, click Mobile
Number Login, and enter the associated mobile number and the login
password to log in.


Logging In as an IAM User

IAM users can be created using your HUAWEI CLOUD account or by an
administrator. Each IAM user has their own identity credentials (password and
access keys) and uses cloud resources based on assigned permissions. IAM users
do not own resources and cannot make payments.
Your account and IAM users share a parent-child relationship.

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Identity and Access Management
User Guide 2 Logging In to HUAWEI CLOUD

Figure 2-4 Account and IAM users

To log in as an IAM user, do as follows:

Step 1 Click IAM User on the login page, and then enter your account name, IAM user
name/email address, and password.

Figure 2-5 Logging in as an IAM user

● Tenant name or HUAWEI CLOUD account name: The name of the account
that was used to create the IAM user, that is, the HUAWEI CLOUD account.
You can obtain the account name from the administrator.
● IAM user name or email address: The username or email address of the IAM
user. You can obtain the username and password from the administrator.

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Identity and Access Management
User Guide 2 Logging In to HUAWEI CLOUD

● IAM user password: The password of the IAM user (not the password of the

Step 2 Click Log In.


Logging In as a Federated User

Federated users are created in an enterprise management system. After the
account administrator creates an identity provider on the IAM console, federated
users can log in to HUAWEI CLOUD and use cloud services based on assigned
permissions. For details, see Introduction.

You can log in to HUAWEI CLOUD as a federated user if you have obtained the
name of your identity provider, the HUAWEI CLOUD account used to create the
identity provider, and the username and password for logging in to your enterprise
management system.

Step 1 On the HUAWEI CLOUD login page, click Federated User, enter the account
name, and select an identity provider.

Figure 2-6 Logging in as a federated user

● HUAWEI CLOUD account name or tenant name: The name of the HUAWEI
CLOUD account used to create the identity provider. You can obtain the
account name from the administrator.
● Identity provider: The name of the identity provider created by the
administrator. You can obtain the identity provider name from the

Step 2 Click Log In. The login page of the enterprise management system is displayed.

Step 3 Enter your username and password for accessing the enterprise management

Issue 21 (2021-09-02) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 10

Identity and Access Management
User Guide 2 Logging In to HUAWEI CLOUD

Step 4 Click the login button.


Issue 21 (2021-09-02) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 11

Identity and Access Management
User Guide 3 IAM Users

3 IAM Users

Creating an IAM User

Assigning Permissions to an IAM User
Logging In as an IAM User
Viewing or Modifying IAM User Information
Deleting an IAM User
Changing the Login Password of an IAM User
Managing Access Keys for an IAM User

3.1 Creating an IAM User

If you are an administrator, you can use IAM to implement fine-grained access
control on HUAWEI CLOUD services, such as Elastic Cloud Server (ECS), Elastic
Volume Service (EVS), and Bare Metal Server (BMS), and their resources. You can
create IAM users and grant them permissions required to perform operations on
specific resources. Each IAM user has their own credentials for logging in to
By default, new IAM users do not have permissions. To assign permissions to
new users, add them to one or more groups, and grant permissions to these
groups. The users then inherit permissions from the groups to which the users
belong, and can perform specific operations on cloud services.


If you delete a user and create a new user with the same name, you need to grant the
required permissions to the new user again.

The default user group admin has all permissions required to use all of the cloud
resources. Users in this group can perform operations on all the resources,
including but not limited to creating user groups and users, modifying
permissions, and managing resources.

Issue 21 (2021-09-02) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 12

Identity and Access Management
User Guide 3 IAM Users

Step 1 Log in to the IAM console as an administrator.

Step 2 On the IAM console, choose Users from the navigation pane, and click Create
User in the upper right corner.

Step 3 Specify the user information on the Create User page. To create more users, click
Add User. You can add a maximum of 10 users at a time.

● You cannot bind the mobile number and email address associated with your account to
IAM users.
● Users who have access to the management console can log in to HUAWEI CLOUD using
their username, email address, or mobile number.
● If users forget their password, they can reset it through email address or mobile number
verification. If no email address or mobile number has been bound to the users, they
need to request the administrator to reset their password.

Step 4 Select an access type and click Next.

● Programmatic access: Select this option to allow the user to access cloud
services using development tools, such as APIs, CLI, and SDKs. You can
generate an access key or set a password for the user.
● Management console access: Select this option to allow the user to access
cloud services using the management console. You can set or generate a
password for the user or request the user to set a password at first login.

– If an IAM user accesses cloud services only by using the management console,
specify the access type as Management console access and the credential type as
– If the user accesses cloud services only through programmatic calls, specify the
access type as Programmatic access and the credential type as Access key.
– If the user needs to use a password as the credential for programmatic access
to certain APIs, specify the access type as Programmatic access and the credential
type as Password.
– If the user needs to perform access key verification when using certain services in
the console, specify the access type as "Programmatic access + Management
console access" and the credential type as "Access Key + Password". For example,
the user needs to perform access key verification when creating a data migration
job in the Cloud Data Migration (CDM) console.

Table 3-1 Setting the credential type and login protection

Credential Type Description

and Login

Access key After you create the user, you can download the access
key (AK/SK) generated for the user.
Each user can have a maximum of two access keys.

Issue 21 (2021-09-02) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 13

Identity and Access Management
User Guide 3 IAM Users

Credential Type Description

and Login

Pass Set now Set a password for the user and determine whether to
wor require the user to reset the password at first login.
d If you are the user, select this option and set a
password for login. You do not need to select Require
password reset at first login.

Automatic The system automatically generates a login password

ally for the user. After the user is created, you can download
generated the EXCEL password file and provide the password to
the user. The user can then use this password for login.
This option is available only when you create a
single user.

Set by A one-time login URL will be emailed to the user. The

user user can click on the link to log in to the console and
set a password.
If you are an administrator setting the password for the
user, select this option and enter an email address and
a mobile number. The user can then set a password by
clicking on the one-time login URL sent over email. The
login URL is valid for seven days.

Logi Enable If login protection is enabled, the user will need to

n (Recomme enter a verification code in addition to the username
Prot nded) and password during login. Enable this function for
ecti account security.
on You can choose from SMS-, email-, and virtual MFA–
based login verification.

Disable If login protection is disabled, you can enable it for the

user by following the instructions provided in Login

Step 5 (Optional) Click Next and add the user to one or more user groups.
● The user will inherit the permissions assigned to the user groups to which the
user belongs.
● You can also create new groups as required.

● If the user will be an administrator, add the user to the default group admin.
● You can add a user to a maximum of 10 user groups.

Step 6 Click Create User.

● If you have specified the access type as Programmatic access in Step 4, you
can download the access key on the Finish page.

Issue 21 (2021-09-02) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 14

Identity and Access Management
User Guide 3 IAM Users

● If you have specified the credential type as "Password > Automatically

generated" in Step 4, you can download the password file on the Finish

Figure 3-1 Users created successfully


3.2 Assigning Permissions to an IAM User

An IAM user obtains permissions from the user groups to which the user belongs.
After you attach policies or roles to a group and add a user to the group, the user
inherits the permissions defined by the policies or roles.
● If you do not add an IAM user to any group, the user will not have
permissions for accessing any cloud services. For details on how to assign
permissions to an IAM user, see Creating a User Group and Assigning
Permissions and Adding Users to or Removing Users from a User Group.
● If you add an IAM user to the default group admin, the user becomes an
administrator and has full permissions to perform all operations on all cloud
● For the permissions of all cloud services, see System Permissions.
● If you add a user to multiple user groups, the user inherits the permissions
that are assigned to all the groups.

3.3 Logging In as an IAM User

You can log in to HUAWEI CLOUD as an IAM user by clicking IAM User on the
login page or by using the IAM user login link.

Method 1: Logging In by Clicking IAM User

Step 1 Click IAM User on the login page, and then enter your account name, IAM user
name/email address, and password.

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Identity and Access Management
User Guide 3 IAM Users

Figure 3-2 Logging in as an IAM user

● Tenant name or HUAWEI CLOUD account name: The name of the account
that was used to create the IAM user, that is, the HUAWEI CLOUD account.
You can obtain the account name from the administrator.
● IAM user name or email address: The username or email address of the IAM
user. You can obtain the username and password from the administrator.
● IAM user password: The password of the IAM user (not the password of the
Step 2 Click Log In.

● If you have not been added to any group, you do not have permissions for accessing any
cloud services. In this case, contact the administrator and request for required
permissions (see Creating a User Group and Assigning Permissions and Adding Users
to or Removing Users from a User Group).
● If you have been added to the default group admin, you have administrator permissions
and you can perform all operations on all cloud services.


Method 2: Logging In Using the IAM User Login Link

You can obtain the IAM user login link from the administrator and then log in
using this link. When you visit the link, the system displays the login page and
automatically populates the account name. You only need to enter your username
and password.

Step 1 Obtain the IAM user login link from the administrator.

Issue 21 (2021-09-02) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 16

Identity and Access Management
User Guide 3 IAM Users

Step 2 Paste the link into the address bar of a browser, press Enter, and enter the IAM
user name/email address and password, and click Log In.


3.4 Viewing or Modifying IAM User Information

As an administrator, you can modify the basic information about an IAM user,
change the security settings of the user and the groups to which the user belongs,
and view or delete the assigned permissions. To view or modify user information,
click Security Settings in the row containing the IAM user.

To change the columns of the user list, click . The Username and Operation
columns are displayed by default, and the Status column cannot be removed. You
can also select Description, Last Login, Created, Access Type, Virtual MFA
Status, Password Age, and Access Key (Status, Age, and AK).

Basic Information
You can view the basic information, including the name, ID, creation time, status,
access type, and description of each IAM user. The username, user ID, and creation
time cannot be modified.
● Status: New IAM users are enabled by default. You can set Status to
Disabled to disable an IAM user. The user is no longer able to log in to
HUAWEI CLOUD through the management console or programmatic access.
● Access Type: Change the access type of the IAM user.

Issue 21 (2021-09-02) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 17

Identity and Access Management
User Guide 3 IAM Users


● Pay attention to the following when you set the access type of an IAM user:
● If the user accesses cloud services only by using the management console,
specify the access type as Management console access and the credential
type as Password.
● If the user accesses cloud services only through programmatic calls, specify
the access type as Programmatic access and the credential type as Access
● If the user needs to use a password as the credential for programmatic
access to certain APIs, specify the access type as Programmatic access and
the credential type as Password.
● If the user needs to perform access key verification when using certain
services in the console, specify the access type as "Programmatic access +
Management console access" and the credential type as "Access Key +
Password". For example, the user needs to perform access key verification
when creating a data migration job in the Cloud Data Migration (CDM)
● If the access type of the user is Programmatic access or "Programmatic access +
Management console access", deselecting Programmatic access will restrict the
user's access to HUAWEI CLOUD. Exercise caution when performing this operation.
● Description: Modify the description of the IAM user.

User Groups
An IAM user inherits permissions from the groups to which the user belongs. To
change the permissions of an IAM user, you need to change the groups to
which the user belongs. To modify the permissions of a user group, see Viewing
or Modifying User Group Information.
Your account belongs to the default group admin, which cannot be changed.
● Click Add to User Groups, and select one or more groups to which the user
will belong. The user then inherits permissions of these groups.
● To cancel the permissions of the user in a user group, click on the right of
the group, and click OK.

Modifying Security Settings

● MFA Authentication: You can change the multi-factor authentication (MFA)
settings of an IAM user on the Security Settings page.
– Change the mobile number or email address of the user.

The mobile number and email address of the IAM user cannot be the same as
those of your account or other IAM users.
– Remove the MFA device from the user. For more information about MFA
authentication and virtual MFA device, see MFA Authentication and
Virtual MFA Device.
● Login Credentials: You can change the login password of the IAM user. For
more information, see Changing the Login Password of an IAM User.
● Login Protection: You can change the login verification method of the IAM
user. Three verification methods are available: virtual MFA device, SMS, and

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Identity and Access Management
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This option is disabled by default. If you enable this option, the user will need
to enter a verification code in addition to the username and password when
logging in to the console.
● Access Keys: You can manage access keys of the IAM user. For more
information, see Managing Access Keys for an IAM User.

Permissions Assigned
View or delete permissions of IAM users. To modify permissions of IAM users, see
User Groups.
To view all permission assignment records under your account, see Viewing
Assignment Records.


Deleting the permissions of an IAM user will delete the permissions assigned to the group
to which the user belongs. All users in the group will no longer have the permissions.
Exercise caution when performing this operation.

3.5 Deleting an IAM User


If an IAM user is deleted, all data of the user will be deleted and cannot be
recovered. Exercise caution when performing this operation. If you only want to
remove an IAM user from a user group, see Adding Users to or Removing Users
from a User Group.

Step 1 Log in to the IAM console. In the navigation pane, choose Users.
Step 2 Click Delete in the row containing the IAM user you want to delete, and click Yes.

3.6 Changing the Login Password of an IAM User

As an administrator, you can reset the password of an IAM user if the user has
forgotten the password and no email address or mobile number has been bound
to the user.
To reset the login password of an IAM user, click Security Settings in the row
containing the user, click next to Login Password in the Login Credentials
area, and select a password type.

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● The Security Settings tab page is used for resetting the password of an IAM user.
● If IAM users remember their passwords, they can change the passwords on the Basic
Information tab page. If you want to change the password of your account, see How
Do I Change My Password?
● Set by user: The user clicks the one-time login URL received by email and sets
a new password.
● Automatically generated: Download the password file and provide the
automatically generated password to the user.
● Set now: Set a new password for the user and provide the password to the

3.7 Managing Access Keys for an IAM User

An access key comprises an access key ID (AK) and secret access key (SK) pair that
is used when HUAWEI CLOUD is accessed using development tools, including APIs,
CLI, and SDKs. Access keys cannot be used to log in to the console. AK is a unique
identifier used in conjunction with SK to sign requests cryptographically, ensuring
that the requests are secret, complete, and correct.
As an administrator, you can manage access keys for IAM users who have
forgotten their access keys and do not have access to the console.
Click Security Settings in the row containing the IAM user, and then create or
delete access keys.


● If a user is authorized to use the console, the user can manage access keys on the My
Credentials page.
● Access keys are identity credentials used to call APIs. The account administrator and
IAM users can only use their own access keys to call APIs.
● Creating an access key
a. Click Create Access Key.

Access keys have unlimited validity, and each user can have a maximum of two access
keys. For security purposes, change the access keys of IAM users periodically.
b. Enter the verification code or password.
c. Click OK. An access key is automatically generated. Download the access
key and provide it to the user.
● Deleting an access key
a. In the access key list, click Delete in the row containing the access key to
be deleted.
b. Enter the verification code or password.
c. Click Yes.
● Enabling/Disabling an access key
New access keys are enabled by default. To disable an access key, perform the
following steps:

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a. In the access key list, click Disable in the row containing the access key
you want to disable.
b. Enter the verification code or password, and click Yes.
The method of enabling an access key is similar to that of disabling an access

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Identity and Access Management
User Guide 4 User Groups and Authorization

4 User Groups and Authorization

Creating a User Group and Assigning Permissions

Adding Users to or Removing Users from a User Group
Viewing or Modifying User Group Information
Canceling Permissions of a User Group
Assigning Dependency Roles

4.1 Creating a User Group and Assigning Permissions

As an administrator, you can create user groups, and grant them permissions by
attaching policies or roles. Users you add to the user groups inherit permissions of
the policies or roles. IAM provides administrator permissions and read-only
permissions for each cloud service, which you can assign to user groups. Users in
the groups can then use cloud services based on the assigned permissions. For
details about the permissions of all cloud services, see System Permissions.

Before creating a user group, complete the following operations:
● Understand the basic concepts of permissions.
● Plan the permissions required for the user group. Table 4-1 shows the
permissions of IAM. For the permissions of other services, see System
● Check whether the roles you will attach to the user group have dependencies.
For more information, see Assigning Dependency Roles.

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Identity and Access Management
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Table 4-1 System-defined roles and policies of IAM

Role/Policy Scope Description

IAM Global Read-only permissions for IAM.


Security Global Administrator permissions for IAM, including

Administrator but not limited to the following:
● Creating, modifying, and deleting IAM
● Creating, modifying, and deleting user
groups, and granting them permissions
● Creating, modifying, and deleting custom
● Creating and modifying projects
● Creating, modifying, and deleting
● Creating, modifying, and deleting identity
● Configuring account security settings
Users who are granted only these
permissions can use the IAM service but
cannot switch roles.

Agent Global Permissions required for switching to a

Operator delegating account to manage its resources.
Users who are granted only these
permissions cannot use the IAM service.

Creating a User Group

Step 1 Log in to the IAM console as an administrator.
Step 2 On the IAM console, choose User Groups from the navigation pane, and click
Create User Group in the upper right corner.

Step 3 Enter a user group name, for example, Developers.

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Step 4 Click OK.


Assigning Permissions to a User Group

To assign permissions to a user group, do as follows:
Step 1 In the user group list, choose Manage Permissions in the row containing the
target user group, for example, Developers.

Step 2 On the Permissions tab page, click Assign.

Step 3 Specify the scope. If you select Region-specific projects, select one or more
projects in the drop-down list.
● Global service project: Services deployed without specifying physical regions
are called global services, such as Object Storage Service (OBS), Content
Delivery Network (CDN), and Tag Management Service (TMS). Permissions
for these services must be assigned in the global service project.
● Region-specific projects: Services deployed in specific regions are called
project-level services. Permissions for these services need to be assigned in
region-specific projects and take effect only for the corresponding regions.
– All projects: Permissions take effect for both the global service project
and region-specific projects, including projects created later.
– Specific projects: Permissions take effect only for the region-specific
projects you select.

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Step 4 Select policies or roles and click OK.


If the permissions you select have dependencies, the system automatically selects all the
dependency permissions. Click View Selected or expand the details area to view the
dependency permissions.


Table 4-2 lists the common permissions. For the complete list of service-specific
permissions, see System Permissions.


● If you add a user to multiple groups, the user will inherit all the permissions that have
been assigned to the groups.
● For more information about permissions management, see Assigning Permissions to
O&M Personnel, Assigning Dependency Roles, and Custom Policy Use Cases.

Table 4-2 Common permissions

Category Policy/Role Name Description Scope

General FullAccess Full permissions for Global

administra services supporting
tion policy-based access

Resource Tenant Administrator All regions

managem Administrator permissions for all
ent services except IAM.

Viewing Tenant Guest Read-only permissions All regions

resources for all resources.

Issue 21 (2021-09-02) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 25

Identity and Access Management
User Guide 4 User Groups and Authorization

Category Policy/Role Name Description Scope

IAM user Security Administrator Global

managem Administrator permissions for IAM.

Accountin BSS Administrator Administrator Specific regions

g permissions for Billing
managem Center, including
ent managing invoices,
orders, contracts, and
renewals, and viewing
This role depends on the
BSS Administrator role
to take effect.

Computing ECS FullAccess Administrator Specific regions

O&M permissions for ECS.

CCE FullAccess Administrator Specific regions

permissions for Cloud
Container Engine

CCI FullAccess Administrator Specific regions

permissions for Cloud
Container Instance

BMS FullAccess Administrator Specific regions

permissions for Bare
Metal Server (BMS).

IMS FullAccess Administrator Specific regions

permissions for Image
Management Service

AutoScaling Administrator Specific regions

FullAccess permissions for Auto
Scaling (AS).

Network VPC FullAccess Administrator Specific regions

O&M permissions for Virtual
Private Cloud (VPC).

ELB FullAccess Administrator Specific regions

permissions for Elastic
Load Balance (ELB).

Database RDS FullAccess Administrator Specific regions

O&M permissions for
Relational Database
Service (RDS).

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Identity and Access Management
User Guide 4 User Groups and Authorization

Category Policy/Role Name Description Scope

DDS FullAccess Administrator Specific regions

permissions for
Document Database
Service (DDS).

DDM FullAccess Administrator Specific regions

permissions for
Distributed Database
Middleware (DDM).

Security Anti-DDoS Administrator Specific regions

O&M Administrator permissions for Anti-

CAD Administrator Administrator Specific regions

permissions for
Advanced Anti-DDoS

WAF Administrator Administrator Specific regions

permissions for Web
Application Firewall

VSS Administrator Administrator Specific regions

permissions for
Vulnerability Scan
Service (VSS).

CGS Administrator Administrator Specific regions

permissions for
Container Guard
Service (CGS).

KMS Administrator Administrator Specific regions

permissions for Key
Management Service
(KMS), which has been
renamed Data
Encryption Workshop

DBSS System Administrator Specific regions

Administrator permissions for
Database Security
Service (DBSS).

SES Administrator Administrator Specific regions

permissions for Security
Expert Service (SES).

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Category Policy/Role Name Description Scope

SC Administrator Administrator Specific regions

permissions for SSL
Certificate Manager

4.2 Adding Users to or Removing Users from a User

A user inherits permissions from the groups to which the user belongs. To change
the permissions of a user, add the user to a new group or remove the user from
an existing group.

Adding Users to a User Group

Step 1 In the user group list, click Manage User in the row containing the target user
group, for example, Developers.

Step 2 In the Manage User dialog box, select the usernames to be added.

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Step 3 Click OK.


Removing Users from a User Group

Step 1 In the user group list, click Manage User in the row containing the target user
group, for example, Developers.
Step 2 In the Selected Users area, click the x icon on the right of the usernames to be
removed and click OK.

Figure 4-1 Removing users from a user group


4.3 Viewing or Modifying User Group Information

Viewing User Group Information
In the user group list, click next to a user group to view its basic information,
assigned permissions, and managed users.

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Identity and Access Management
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Modifying User Group Permissions

View or modify user group permissions.


● Modifying the permissions of a user group affects the permissions of all users in the
user group. Exercise caution when performing this operation.
● Permissions of the default user group admin cannot be modified.

1. Choose User Groups in the navigation pane, click Manage Permissions in the
row that contains the target user group, click the Permissions Assigned tab,
and view the group's permissions.
2. Click Delete in the row that contains the role or policy you want to delete.

Figure 4-2 Deleting an assigned permission

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3. Click Yes.
4. On the Permissions Assigned tab page, click Assign.

Figure 4-3 Assigning permissions to a user group

5. Select a scope and desired permissions, and click OK.

6. Click Back. Then view the group permissions on the Permissions Assigned
tab page.

Figure 4-4 Clicking Back

Modifying User Group Name and Description

In the user group list, click Modify in the row containing the user group whose
name and description you want to modify, and modify the name and description.

If a user group name has been configured in the identity conversion rules of an identity
provider, modifying the user group name will cause the identity conversion rules to fail.
Exercise caution when performing this operation.

Managing Users
1. In the user group list, click Manage User in the row containing the user group
you want to modify.
2. In the Available Users area, select users you want to add to the user group.
3. In the Selected Users area, remove users from the user group.


For the default group admin, you can only manage its users and cannot modify its
description or permissions.

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4.4 Canceling Permissions of a User Group

To cancel certain permissions of a user group, do as follows:

Step 1 Log in to the IAM console. In the navigation pane, choose User Groups.
Step 2 Click the name of the user group to go to the group details page.
Step 3 On the Permissions Assigned tab page, click Delete in the row that contains the
role or policy you want to delete.

Figure 4-5 Canceling permissions

Step 4 In the displayed Remove Policy/Role dialog box, click Yes.


4.5 Assigning Dependency Roles

HUAWEI CLOUD services interwork with each other. Roles of some services take
effect only if they are assigned along with roles of other services.

Step 1 Search for the role that you want to attach to a user group.
Step 2 Select the desired role. The system automatically selects the dependency roles.

Step 3 Click next to the role to view the content.

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For example, the DNS Administrator role contains the Depends parameter which
specifies the dependency roles. When you assign the DNS Administrator role to a
user group, you also need to assign the Tenant Guest and VPC Administrator
roles to the group for the same project.
Step 4 Click OK.


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Identity and Access Management
User Guide 5 Permissions

5 Permissions

Basic Concepts
Change to the System-Defined Policy Names
Viewing Assignment Records
Custom Policies

5.1 Basic Concepts

By default, new IAM users do not have permissions. To assign permissions to new
users, add them to one or more groups, and assign permissions policies or roles to
these groups. The users then inherit permissions from the groups to which the
users belong, and can perform specific operations on cloud services.

Permission Type
You can grant users permissions by using roles and policies.
● Roles: a type of coarse-grained authorization mechanism that defines service-
level permissions based on user responsibilities. There are only a limited
number of roles for granting permissions to users. When using roles to grant
permissions, you also need to assign dependency roles. Roles are not an ideal
choice for fine-grained authorization and secure access control.
● Policies: a type of fine-grained authorization mechanism that defines
permissions required to perform operations on specific cloud resources under
certain conditions. This mechanism allows for more flexible policy-based
authorization and secure access control. For example, you can grant ECS users
only the permissions required for managing a certain type of ECS resources.
IAM supports both system-defined policies and custom policies.

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Identity and Access Management
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System-Defined Policy
A system-defined policy defines the common actions of a cloud service. System-
defined policies can be used to assign permissions to user groups, and cannot be
modified. For details about the system-defined policies of all cloud services,
see System Permissions.
If you need to assign permissions for a specific service to a user group or agency
on the IAM console but cannot find corresponding policies, it indicates that the
service does not support permissions management through IAM. Please submit a
service ticket and request that permissions for the service be made available in

Custom Policy
You can create custom policies using the actions supported by cloud services and
use custom policies to supplement system-defined policies for more refined access
control. You can create custom policies in the visual editor or in JSON view.

5.2 Roles
Roles are a type of coarse-grained authorization mechanism that defines service-
level permissions based on user responsibilities. There are only a limited number
of roles for granting permissions to users.
HUAWEI CLOUD services interwork with each other. Roles of some services take
effect only if they are assigned along with roles of other services. For more
information, see Assigning Dependency Roles.

Role Content
When assigning permissions, select a role and click to view the details of the
role. This section uses the DNS Administrator role as an example to describe the

Figure 5-1 Content of the DNS Administrator role

"Version": "1.0",
"Statement": [
"Action": [

Issue 21 (2021-09-02) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 35

Identity and Access Management
User Guide 5 Permissions

"Effect": "Allow"
"Depends": [
"catalog": "BASE",
"display_name": "Tenant Guest"
"catalog": "VPC",
"display_name": "VPC Administrator"

Parameter Description

Table 5-1 Parameter description

Parameter Description Value

Version Role 1.0, which indicates a role.


Stateme Action Operations Format: "Service name:Resource

nt to be type:Operation".
performed DNS:Zone:*: Permissions for performing
on the all operations on Domain Name Service
service. (DNS) zones.

Effect Determines ● Allow

whether to ● Deny
allow or
deny the If the roles used to grant a user permissions
operations contain both Allow and Deny for the same
defined in action, the Deny takes precedence.
the action.

Depends catalog Name of Service name. Example: BASE and VPC.

the service
to which a

display_n Name of Role name.

ame the NOTE
dependency When you assign the DNS Administrator role
role. to a user group, you also need to assign the
Tenant Guest and VPC Administrator roles to
the group for the same project.
For more information about dependencies, see
System Permissions.

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Identity and Access Management
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5.3 Policies

5.3.1 Policy Content

When you assign permissions to a user group, you can click on the left of a
policy name to view its details. This section uses the system-defined policy IAM
ReadOnlyAccess as an example.

Figure 5-2 Content of the IAM ReadOnlyAccess policy

"Version": "1.1",
"Statement": [
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow"

5.3.2 Policy Syntax

The following uses a custom policy for OBS as an example to describe the syntax.
"Version": "1.1",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Condition": {
"StringEndWithIfExists": {
"g:UserName": [
"Bool": {

Issue 21 (2021-09-02) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 37

Identity and Access Management
User Guide 5 Permissions

"g:MFAPresent": [
"Resource": [

Policy Structure
A policy consists of a version and statements. Each policy can have multiple

Policy Parameters
Policy parameters include Version and Statement, which are described in the
following table. You can create custom policies using the parameters, for different
scenarios. For details, see Custom Policy Use Cases.

Table 5-2 Policy parameters

Parameter Description Value

Version Policy version. 1.1, which indicates a policy.

Issue 21 (2021-09-02) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 38

Identity and Access Management
User Guide 5 Permissions

Parameter Description Value

Statemen Effect Determines ● Allow

t whether to allow ● Deny
or deny the
operations If the policies used to grant a user
defined in the permissions contain both Allow and
action. Deny for the same action, the Deny
takes precedence.

Action Operations to be Format: "Service name:Resource

performed on the type:Operation". Wildcard
service. characters (*) are supported,
indicating all options.
Permissions for listing all OBS
View all actions of the service in
its API Reference, for example,
Supported Actions of OBS.

Condition Conditions Format: "Condition operator:

determine when a {Condition key:[Value 1,Value 2]}"
policy takes Example:
effect. A condition
consists of a StringEndWithIfExists":
condition key {"g:UserName":
and an operator. ["specialCharactor"]}: The
statement is valid for users whose
names end with specialCharactor.

Resource Resources on Format: Service

which the policy name:Region:Account ID:Resource
takes effect. type:Resource path. Wildcard
characters (*) are supported.
● obs:*:*:bucket:*: All OBS
● obs:*:*:object:my-bucket/my-
object/*: All objects in the my-
object directory of the my-
bucket bucket.

● Condition key
A condition key is a key in the Condition element of a statement. There are
global and service-level condition keys.
– Global condition keys (starting with g:) apply to all operations. IAM
provides common global condition keys and special global condition

Issue 21 (2021-09-02) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 39

Identity and Access Management
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▪ Common global condition keys: During authentication, cloud services

do not need to provide user identity information. Instead, IAM
automatically abstracts user information and authenticates users. For
details, see Common global condition keys.

▪ Special global condition keys: Cloud services need to bind actions to

special global condition keys, and provide user identity information
corresponding to the global condition keys during authentication. For
details, see Special global condition keys.
– Service-level condition keys (starting with a service name abbreviation,
for example, obs:) apply only to operations on the specified service. For
details, see the user guide of the corresponding cloud service, for
example, OBS Request Conditions.

Table 5-3 Common global condition keys

Global Type Description

g:CurrentTi Time Time when an authentication request is received.

me The time is expressed in the format defined by ISO
8601, for example, 2012-11-11T23:59:59Z.

g:DomainN String HUAWEI CLOUD account name.


g:MFAPrese Boolean Indicates whether to obtain a token through MFA

nt authentication.

g:MFAAge Number Validity period of a token obtained through MFA

authentication. This condition must be used
together with g:MFAPresent.

g:ProjectNa String Project name.


g:ServiceNa String Service name.


g:UserId String IAM user ID.

g:UserName String IAM user name.

Table 5-4 Special global condition keys

Global Type Description

g:SourceIp IP IP address of the user sending a request.


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User Guide 5 Permissions

Global Type Description


g:SourceVpc String VPC ID of the user sending a request.

g:SourceVpc String VPC endpoint ID of the user sending a request.


g:TagKeys String Resource tag key.

g:ResourceT String Resource tag value.


● Operator
An operator (see Operators), a condition key, and a condition value together
constitute a complete condition statement. A policy takes effect only when its
request conditions are met. The operator suffix IfExists indicates that a policy
takes effect if a request value is empty or meets the specified condition. For
example, if the operator StringEqualsIfExists is selected for a policy, the
policy takes effect if a request value is empty or equal to the specified
condition value.

Table 5-5 Operators (String operators are not case-sensitive unless otherwise

Operator Type Description

StringEquals String (Case-sensitive) The request value is the

same as the condition value.

StringNotEquals String (Case-sensitive) The request value is

different from the condition value.

StringEqualsIgno String The request value is the same as the

reCase condition value.

StringNotEqualsI String The request value is different from the

gnoreCase condition value.

StringLike String The request value contains the condition


StringNotLike String The request value does not contain the

condition value.

StringStartWith String The request value starts with the condition


StringEndWith String The request value ends with the condition


StringNotStartWi String The request value does not start with the
th condition value.

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Operator Type Description

StringNotEndWit String The request value does not end with the
h condition value.

StringEqualsAny String (Case-sensitive) The request value is the

Of same as any of the configured condition

StringNotEquals String (Case-sensitive) The request value is

AnyOf different from all of the configured
condition values.

StringEqualsIgno String The request value is the same as any of the

reCaseAnyOf configured condition values.

StringNotEqualsI String The request value is different from all of the

gnoreCaseAnyOf configured condition values.

StringLikeAnyOf String The request value contains any of the

configured condition values.

StringNotLikeAn String The request value does not contain any of

yOf the configured condition values.

StringStartWithA String The request value starts with any of the

nyOf configured condition values.

StringEndWithAn String The request value ends with any of the

yOf configured condition values.

StringNotStartWi String The request value does not start with any of
thAnyOf the configured condition values.

StringNotEndWit String The request value does not end with any of
hAnyOf the configured condition values.

NumberEquals Number The request value is equal to the condition


NumberNotEqua Number The request value is not equal to the

ls condition value.

NumberLessThan Number The request value is less than the condition


NumberLessThan Number The request value is less than or equal to

Equals the condition value.

NumberGreaterT Number The request value is greater than the

han condition value.

NumberGreaterT Number The request value is greater than or equal to

hanEquals the condition value.

NumberEqualsA Number The request value is equal to any of the

nyOf configured condition values.

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Operator Type Description

NumberNotEqua Number The request value is not equal to any of the

lsAnyOf configured condition values.

DateLessThan Time The request value is earlier than the

condition value.

DateLessThanEq Time The request value is earlier than or equal to

uals the condition value.

DateGreaterThan Time The request value is later than the condition


DateGreaterThan Time The request value is later than or equal to

Equals the condition value.

Bool Boolean The request value is equal to the condition


IpAddress IP The request value is within the IP address

address range set in the condition value.

NotIpAddress IP The request value is beyond the IP address

address range set in the condition value.

IsNullOrEmpty Null The request value is null or an empty string.

IsNull Null The request value is null.

IsNotNull Null The request value is not null.

5.3.3 Authentication Process

When a user initiates an access request, the system authenticates the request
based on the actions in the policies that have been attached to the group to which
the user belongs. The following diagram shows the authentication process.

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Figure 5-3 Authentication process

1. A user initiates an access request.

2. The system looks for a Deny among the applicable actions of the policies
from which the user gets permissions. If the system finds an applicable Deny,
it returns a decision of Deny, and the authentication ends.
3. If no Deny is found applicable, the system looks for an Allow that would apply
to the request. If the system finds an applicable Allow, it returns a decision of
Allow, and the authentication ends.
4. If no Allow is found applicable, the system returns a decision of Deny, and the
authentication ends.

5.4 Change to the System-Defined Policy Names

All the system-defined policies (previously called "fine-grained policies") have
been renamed and the new names are effective from Feb 6, 2020 22:30:00 GMT
+08:00. This change does not affect services.

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Table 5-6 Existing and new system-defined policy names

Service Existing New

AOM AOM Admin AOM FullAccess

AOM Viewer AOM ReadOnlyAccess

APM APM Admin APM FullAccess

APM Viewer APM ReadOnlyAccess

Auto Scaling AutoScaling Admin AutoScaling FullAccess

AutoScaling Viewer AutoScaling


BMS BMS Admin BMS FullAccess

BMS User BMS CommonOperations

BMS Viewer BMS ReadOnlyAccess

BSS EnterpriseProject_BSS_Ad EnterpriseProject BSS

ministrator FullAccess

CBR CBR Admin CBR FullAccess

CBR User CBR BackupsAndVaults-


CBR Viewer CBR ReadOnlyAccess

CCE CCE Admin CCE FullAccess

CCE Viewer CCE ReadOnlyAccess

CCI CCI Admin CCI FullAccess

CCI Viewer CCI ReadOnlyAccess

CDM CDM Admin CDM FullAccess

CDM Operator CDM FullAccessExcep-


CDM Viewer CDM ReadOnlyAccess




Configuration Operator DomainConfigureAccess

CDN Domain Viewer CDN


CDN Logs Viewer CDN


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Identity and Access Management
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Service Existing New

CDN Refresh And CDN RefreshAndPrehea-

Preheat Operator tAccess

CDN Statistics Viewer CDN StatisticsReadOn-


CES CES Admin CES FullAccess

CES Viewer CES ReadOnlyAccess

CS CS Admin CS FullAccess

CS Viewer CS ReadOnlyAccess

CS User CS CommonOperations

CSE CSE Admin CSE FullAccess

CSE Viewer CSE ReadOnlyAccess

DCS DCS Admin DCS FullAccess

DCS Viewer DCS ReadOnlyAccess

DCS User DCS UseAccess

DDM DDM Admin DDM FullAccess

DDM Viewer DDM ReadOnlyAccess



DDS DDS Admin DDS FullAccess

DDS DBA DDS ManageAccess

DDS Viewer DDS ReadOnlyAccess

DLF DLF Admin DLF FullAccess

DLF Developer DLF Development

DLF Operator DLF OperationAndMain-


DLF Viewer DLF ReadOnlyAccess

DMS DMS Admin DMS FullAccess

DMS Viewer DMS ReadOnlyAccess

DMS User DMS UseAccess

DNS DNS Admin DNS FullAccess

DNS Viewer DNS ReadOnlyAccess

DSS DSS Admin DSS FullAccess

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Service Existing New

DSS Viewer DSS ReadOnlyAccess

DWS DWS Admin DWS FullAccess

DWS Viewer DWS ReadOnlyAccess

ECS ECS Admin ECS FullAccess

ECS Viewer ECS ReadOnlyAccess

ECS User ECS CommonOperations

ELB ELB Admin ELB FullAccess

ELB Viewer ELB ReadOnlyAccess

EPS EPS Admin EPS FullAccess

EPS Viewer EPS ReadOnlyAccess

EVS EVS Admin EVS FullAccess

EVS Viewer EVS ReadOnlyAccess

GES GES Admin GES FullAccess

GES Viewer GES ReadOnlyAccess

GES User GES Development

ICITY iCity Admin iCity FullAccess

iCity Viewer iCity ReadOnlyAccess

IMS IMS Admin IMS FullAccess

IMS Viewer IMS ReadOnlyAccess

Image Recognition Image Recognition User Image Recognition


KMS DEW Keypair Admin DEW KeypairFullAccess

DEW Keypair Viewer DEW


KMS CMK Admin KMS CMKFullAccess

LTS LTS Admin LTS FullAccess

LTS Viewer LTS ReadOnlyAccess

MRS MRS Admin MRS FullAccess

MRS Viewer MRS ReadOnlyAccess

MRS User MRS CommonOperations

ModelArts ModelArts Admin ModelArts FullAccess

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Identity and Access Management
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Service Existing New

ModelArts User ModelArts


Moderation Moderation User Moderation FullAccess

NAT NAT Admin NAT FullAccess

NAT Viewer NAT ReadOnlyAccess

OBS OBS Operator OBS OperateAccess

OBS Viewer OBS ReadOnlyAccess

RDS RDS Admin RDS FullAccess

RDS DBA RDS ManageAccess

RDS Viewer RDS ReadOnlyAccess

RES RES Admin RES FullAccess

RES Viewer RES ReadOnlyAccess

ROMA Connect ROMA Admin ROMA FullAccess

ROMA Viewer ROMA ReadOnlyAccess

SCM SCM Admin SCM FullAccess

SCM Viewer SCM ReadOnlyAccess

SCM Viewer SCM ReadOnlyAccess

SFS SFS Admin SFS FullAccess

SFS Viewer SFS ReadOnlyAccess

SFS Turbo SFS Turbo Administrator SFS Turbo FullAccess

SFS Turbo Viewer SFS Turbo


ServiceStage ServiceStage Admin ServiceStage FullAccess

ServiceStage Developer ServiceStage


ServiceStage Viewer ServiceStage


VPC VPC Admin VPC FullAccess

VPC Viewer VPC ReadOnlyAccess

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5.5 Viewing Assignment Records

View all permission assignment records under your account on the Permissions >
Assignment page. You can filter records by policy/role name, principal type (user,
user group, agency), principal, or project.
● Enterprise Project function enabled: View assignment records by IAM or
enterprise project.

Figure 5-4 Enterprise Project function enabled

● Enterprise Project function not enabled: View assignment records by IAM

project. To enable the Enterprise Project function, see Enabling the
Enterprise Project Function.

Figure 5-5 Enterprise Project function not enabled

Viewing Assignment Records by IAM Project

When viewing assignment records by IAM project, select the following filter
● Policy/Role name:
To view the assignment records of a policy or role, select Policy/Role name,
and enter a name. For details about the permissions of all cloud services, see
System Permissions.
● Username/User group name/Agency name:
To view the IAM project permissions assigned to a specific IAM user, user
group, or agency, select Username, User group name, or Agency name, and
enter a name.

Permissions for IAM projects are granted to user groups. The IAM project permissions
assigned to an IAM user are the permissions of the group to which the user belongs.
● IAM project/Enterprise project: Specify a permission scope. If you select
Enterprise project and enter a project name, the enterprise project view is
displayed. To view assignment records of IAM project permissions, select the
following options:

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Identity and Access Management
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– Global service: View permission assignment records of all global services.

– All projects: View permission assignment records of all projects, that is,
the global service project and all region-specific projects (including
projects created later).
– Region-specific project: View permission assignment records of a default
project or subproject, such as ap-southeast-1.
● Principal type: Type of objects that are assigned permissions. There are three
principal types: user, user group, and agency. In the IAM project view, filter
records by user group or agency. If you select User, no records will be

Viewing Assignment Records by Enterprise Project

When viewing assignment records by enterprise project, select the following filter

● Policy/Role name:
To view the assignment records of a policy or role, select Policy/Role name,
and enter a name. For details about the cloud service permissions supported
by enterprise projects, see System Permissions.
● Username/User group name/Agency name:
To view the enterprise project permissions assigned to a specific IAM user or
user group, select Username or User group name, and enter a name.

● Enterprise projects do not support agencies.

● Permissions for enterprise projects are granted to IAM users. When you view the
enterprise project permissions assigned to a user, the permissions of both the user
and the group to which the user belongs are displayed.
● IAM project/Enterprise project: Specify a permission scope. If you select IAM
project and enter a project name, the IAM project view is displayed.
To view the permission assignment records of a specific enterprise project,
select Enterprise project, and enter a project name.
● Principal type: Type of objects that are assigned permissions. There are three
principal types: user, user group, and agency. In the enterprise project view,
filter records by user or user group. If you select Agency, no records will be

5.6 Custom Policies

5.6.1 Creating a Custom Policy

You can create custom policies to supplement system-defined policies and
implement more refined access control.

You can create custom policies in either of the following ways:

● Visual editor: Select a cloud service, specify actions and resources, and add
request conditions. You do not need to have knowledge of JSON syntax.

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Identity and Access Management
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● JSON: Create a policy in the JSON format from scratch or based on an existing

Creating a Custom Policy in the Visual Editor

Step 1 Log in to the IAM console.
Step 2 On the IAM console, choose Permissions > Policies/Roles from the navigation
pane, and click Create Custom Policy in the upper right corner.

Step 3 Enter a policy name.

Step 4 Select a scope based on the type of services related to this policy. For more
information about service types, see System Permissions.
● Global services: Select this option if the services to which the policy is related
must be deployed in the Global region. When creating custom policies for
globally deployed services, specify the scope as Global services. Custom
policies of this scope must be attached to user groups for the global service
● Project-level services: Select this option if the services to which the policy is
related must be deployed in specific regions. When creating custom policies
for regionally deployed services, specify the scope as Project-level services.
Custom policies of this scope must be attached to user groups for specific
projects except the global service project.
For example, when creating a custom policy containing the action
evs:volumes:create for EVS, specify the scope as Project-level services.


A custom policy can contain actions of multiple services that are globally accessible or
accessible through region-specific projects. To define permissions required to access both
global and project-level services, create two custom policies and specify the scope as
Global services and Project-level services respectively.

Step 5 Select Visual editor.

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Identity and Access Management
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Step 6 Set the policy content.

1. Select Allow or Deny.
2. Select a cloud service.

Only one cloud service can be selected for each permission block. To configure
permissions for multiple cloud services, click Add Permissions, or switch to the JSON
view (see Creating a Custom Policy in JSON View).
3. Select actions.
4. (Optional) Select all resources, or select specific resources by specifying their
Cloud services that allow authorization for specific resources include: Object
Storage Service (OBS), Intelligent EdgeFabric (IEF), Data Lake Insight (DLI),
Graph Engine Service (GES), FunctionGraph, Distributed Message Service
(DMS), IoT Device Access (IoTDA), Key Management Service (KMS),
Autonomous Driving Cloud Service (Octopus), and Data Warehouse Service
(DWS). For details, see Cloud Services Supported by IAM.

Table 5-7 Resource type

Paramet Description

Specific Permissions for specific resources. For example, to define

permissions for buckets whose names start with TestBucket,
specify the bucket resource path as
– Specifying bucket resources
Format: "OBS:*:*:bucket:Bucket name".
For bucket resources, IAM automatically generates the prefix of the
resource path: obs:*:*:bucket:. For the path of a specific bucket, add the
bucket name to the end. You can also use a wildcard character (*) to
indicate any bucket. For example, obs:*:*:bucket:* indicates any OBS
– Specifying object resources
Format: "OBS:*:*:object:Bucket name or object name".
For object resources, IAM automatically generates the prefix of the
resource path: obs:*:*:object:. For the path of a specific object, add the
bucket name/object name to the end of the resource path. You can also
use a wildcard character (*) to indicate any object in a bucket. For
example, obs:*:*:object:my-bucket/my-object/* indicates any object in
the my-object directory of the my-bucket bucket.

All Permissions for all resources.

5. (Optional) Add request conditions by specifying condition keys, operators, and


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Table 5-8 Condition parameters

Name Description

Condition A key in the Condition element of a statement. There are

Key global and service-level condition keys. Global condition keys
(starting with g:) are available for operations of all services,
whereas service-level condition keys (starting with a service
abbreviation name such as obs:) are available only for
operations of the corresponding service. For details, see the
user guide of the corresponding cloud service, for example,
OBS Request Conditions.

Operator Used together with a condition key and condition value to

form a complete condition statement.

Value Used together with a condition key and an operator that

requires a keyword, to form a complete condition statement.

Figure 5-6 Adding a request condition

Table 5-9 Global condition keys

Global Condition Key Type Description

g:CurrentTime Time Time when an authentication request is

received. The time is expressed in the
format defined by ISO 8601, for example,

g:DomainName Strin HUAWEI CLOUD account name.


g:MFAPresent Bool Indicates whether to obtain a token

ean through MFA authentication.

g:MFAAge Num Validity period of a token obtained

ber through MFA authentication. This
condition must be used together with

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Global Condition Key Type Description

g:ProjectName Strin Project name.


g:ServiceName Strin Service name.


g:UserId Strin IAM user ID.


g:UserName Strin IAM user name.


Step 7 (Optional) Switch to the JSON view and modify the policy content in the JSON

If the modified policy content is incorrect, check and modify the content again, or click
Reset to cancel the modifications.

Step 8 (Optional) To add another permission block for the policy, click Add Permissions.
Alternatively, click the plus (+) icon on the right of an existing permission block to
clone its permissions.

Step 9 (Optional) Enter a brief description for the policy.

Step 10 Click OK.

Step 11 Attach the policy to a user group. Users in the group then inherit the permissions
defined in this policy.

You can attach custom policies to a user group in the same way as you attach system-
defined policies. For details, see Creating a User Group and Assigning Permissions.


Creating a Custom Policy in JSON View

Step 1 Log in to the IAM console.

Step 2 On the IAM console, choose Permissions from the navigation pane, and click
Create Custom Policy in the upper right corner.

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Step 3 Enter a policy name.

Step 4 Select a scope based on the type of services related to this policy. For more
information about service types, see System Permissions.
● Global services: Select this option if the services to which the policy is related
must be deployed in the Global region. When creating custom policies for
globally deployed services, specify the scope as Global services. Custom
policies of this scope must be attached to user groups for the global service
● Project-level services: Select this option if the services to which the policy is
related must be deployed in specific regions. When creating custom policies
for regionally deployed services, specify the scope as Project-level services.
Custom policies of this scope must be attached to user groups for specific
projects except the global service project.
For example, when creating a custom policy containing the action
evs:volumes:create for EVS, specify the scope as Project-level services.


A custom policy can contain actions of multiple services that are globally accessible or
accessible through region-specific projects. To define permissions required to access both
global and project-level services, create two custom policies and specify the scope as
Global services and Project-level services respectively.

Step 5 Select JSON.

Step 6 (Optional) Click Select Existing Policy/Role, and select a policy or role to use
them as a template, for example, EVS FullAccess.
Step 7 Click OK.
Step 8 Modify the statement in the template.
● Effect: Set it to Allow or Deny.
● Action: Enter the actions listed in the API actions table (see Figure 5-7) of
the EVS service, for example, evs:volumes:create.

Figure 5-7 API actions

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– The version of each custom policy is fixed at 1.1.

– For details about the API actions supported by each service, see System

Step 9 (Optional) Enter a brief description for the policy.

Step 10 Click OK. If the policy list is displayed, the policy is created successfully. If a
message indicating incorrect policy content is displayed, modify the policy.
Step 11 Attach the policy to a user group. Users in the group then inherit the permissions
defined in this policy.

You can attach custom policies to a user group in the same way as you attach system-
defined policies. For details, see Creating a User Group and Assigning Permissions.


5.6.2 Modifying or Deleting a Custom Policy

You can modify or delete custom policies.

Modifying a Custom Policy

● Modifying the policy content
a. In the navigation pane of the IAM console, choose Permissions.
b. In the row containing the custom policy you want to modify, click
c. Modify the policy content by following the procedure in Creating a
Custom Policy in the Visual Editor.
● Modifying the policy name and content
a. In the navigation pane of the IAM console, choose Permissions.
b. Click the name of the custom policy to go to the policy details page.
c. Modify the policy name and description.
d. Click Modify Policy Content and then modify the content by following
the procedure in Creating a Custom Policy in the Visual Editor.
e. Click OK to save the modifications.

Deleting a Custom Policy


Only custom policies that are not attached to any user groups or agencies can be deleted. If
a custom policy has been attached to certain user groups or agencies, detach the policy and
then delete it.

1. In the navigation pane of the IAM console, choose Permissions. Then select
Custom policy from the filter criteria drop-down list.
2. In the row containing the custom policy you want to delete, click Delete.
3. Click Yes.

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5.6.3 Custom Policy Use Cases

Using a Custom Policy Along with Full-Permission System-Defined Policies
Use the following method to assign permissions of the FullAccess policy to a user
but also forbid the user from accessing CTS. Create a custom policy for denying
access to Billing Center, and attach the two policies to the group to which the user
belongs. Then, the user will be able to perform all operations on all services except
Example policy denying access to CTS:
"Version": "1.1",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Deny",
"Action": [


● Action: Operations to be performed. Each action must be defined in the format "Service
name:Resource type:Operation".
For example, cts:*:* refers to permissions for performing all operations on all resource
types of CTS.
● Effect: Determines whether to deny or allow the operation.

Using a Custom Policy Along with a System-Defined Policy

● Use the following method to assign permissions of the BMS FullAccess policy
to a user but also forbid the user from creating BMSs. Create a custom policy
containing the bms:servers:create action, for denying BMS creation, and
attach both policies to the group to which the user belongs. Then, the user
will be able to perform all operations on BMS except creating BMSs.
Example policy denying BMS creation:
"Version": "1.1",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Deny",
"Action": [
● Use the following method to assign permissions of the OBS ReadOnlyAccess
policy to all IAM users but also forbid certain users from viewing specific
resources, for example, forbidding users whose names start with TestUser
from viewing buckets whose names start with TestBucket. Create a custom
policy for denying the operation, and attach both the OBS ReadOnlyAccess
policy and the custom policy to the groups to which the users belong. Then,
the users will be able to view only buckets whose names do not start with

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Identity and Access Management
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Example policy forbidding users whose names start with TestUser from
viewing buckets whose names start with TestBucket:
"Version": "1.1",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Deny",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringStartWith": {
"g:UserName": [


Currently, only certain cloud services (such as OBS) support resource-based authorization.
For services that do not support this function, you cannot create custom policies containing
resource types.

Using Only a Custom Policy

To grant a user permissions for accessing specific services, you can create a custom
policy and attach only the custom policy to the group to which the user belongs.
● The following is an example policy that allows access only to ECS, EVS, VPC,
ELB, and Application Operations Management (AOM).
"Version": "1.1",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow"
"Action": [

● The following is an example policy that allows only IAM users whose names
start with TestUser to delete all objects in the my-object directory of the
bucket my-bucket.
"Version": "1.1",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [

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Identity and Access Management
User Guide 5 Permissions

"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringStartWith": {
"g:UserName": [

● The following is an example policy that allows access to all services except
"Version": "1.1",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow"
"Action": [
"Action": [
"Effect": "Deny"

5.6.4 Cloud Services Supported by IAM

If you want to grant an IAM user permissions for specific resources, create a
custom policy that contains permissions for the resources, and assign the policy
to the user. The user then only has the permissions for the specified resources. For
example, to grant an IAM user permissions for buckets whose names start with
TestBucket, create a custom policy, specify the resource path as
OBS:*:*:bucket:TestBucket*, and assign the policy to the user.

The following table lists the cloud services that support resource-level
authorization and the supported resource types.

Table 5-10 Cloud services that support resource-level authorization and the
supported resource types

Service Resource Type Resource Name

Object Storage Service bucket Bucket

object Object

Intelligent EdgeFabric product Product

node Edge node

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Service Resource Type Resource Name

group Edge node group

deployment Deployment

batchjob Batch job

application Application template

appVersion Application template


IEFInstance IEF instance

Data Lake Insight (DLI) queue DLI queue

database DLI database

table DLI table

column DLI column

datasourceauth DLI security


jobs DLI job

Graph Engine Service graphName GES graph name

backupName GES backup name

FunctionGraph function Function

trigger Trigger

Distributed Message rabbitmq RabbitMQ instance

Service (DMS)
kafka Kafka instance

Data Encryption KeyId Key ID

Workshop (DEW)

Data Warehouse cluster Cluster

Service (DWS)

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Identity and Access Management
User Guide 6 Projects

6 Projects

You can use projects to group and isolate resources (including compute, storage,
and network resources) across physical regions. A default project is provided for
each region, and you can create subprojects under each default project. You can
grant permissions to users for accessing resources in specific projects.

For more refined access control, create subprojects under a project and purchase
resources in the subprojects. IAM users can be assigned permissions to access only
specific resources in the subprojects.

IAM projects are different from enterprise projects. For more information, see
Differences Between IAM Projects and Enterprise Projects.

Figure 6-1 Project isolation


● Resources cannot be transferred across IAM projects.

● You cannot create projects in IAM after enabling the Enterprise Project function.

Creating a Project
Step 1 On the IAM console, choose Projects from the navigation pane, and click Create

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Identity and Access Management
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Step 2 Select a region in which you want to create a subproject.

Step 3 Enter a project name.


● The project name will be in the format "Name of the default project for the selected
region_Custom project name". The name of default projects cannot be modified.
● The project name can only contain letters, digits, hyphens (-), and underscores (_). The
total length of the project name cannot exceed 64 characters.

Step 4 (Optional) Enter a description for the project.

Step 5 Click OK.


Granting a User Group Permissions for a Project

You can assign permissions based on projects. For more refined permissions
control, you can grant a user group access to resources in a specific subproject.

Step 1 In the user group list, click Manage Permissions in the row containing the user

Step 2 On the Permissions Assigned tab page, click Assign above the permission list.

Step 3 Specify the authorization scope. If you select Region-specific projects, select one
or more projects in the drop-down list.

Step 4 Select policies or roles and click OK.

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For more information about permissions assignment, see Creating a User Group and
Assigning Permissions.


Switching Regions or Projects

Step 1 Log in to the HUAWEI CLOUD management console.
Step 2 Switch to a region or project in which you have been authorized to access cloud


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Identity and Access Management
User Guide 7 Agencies

7 Agencies

Account Delegation
Cloud Service Delegation

7.1 Account Delegation

7.1.1 Delegating Resource Access to Another Account

The agency function enables you to delegate another HUAWEI CLOUD account to
implement O&M on your resources based on assigned permissions.


You can delegate resource access only to HUAWEI CLOUD accounts. The accounts can then
delegate access to IAM users under them.

The following is the procedure for delegating access to resources in one account to
another account. Account A is the delegating party and account B is the delegated
Step 1 Account A creates an agency in IAM to delegate resource access to account B.

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Identity and Access Management
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Step 2 (Optional) Account B assigns permissions to an IAM user to manage specific

resources for account A.
1. Create a user group, and grant it permissions required to manage account A's
2. Create a user and add the user to the user group.

Step 3 Account B or the authorized user manages account A's resources.

1. Log in to your own HUAWEI CLOUD account and switch the role to account
2. Switch to region A and manage account A's resources in this region.


7.1.2 Creating an Agency (by a Delegating Party)

By creating an agency, you can share your resources with another account, or
delegate an individual or team to manage your resources. You do not need to
share your security credentials (the password and access keys) with the delegated
party. Instead, the delegated party can log in with its own account credentials and
then switches the role to your account and manage your resources.

Before creating an agency, complete the following operations:
● Understand the basic concepts of permissions.

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Identity and Access Management
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● Determine the system permissions to be assigned to the agency, and check

whether the permissions have dependencies. For more details, see Assigning
Dependency Roles.

Step 1 Log in to the IAM console.
Step 2 On the IAM console, choose Agencies from the navigation pane, and click Create
Agency in the upper right corner.
Step 3 Enter an agency name.

Figure 7-1 Setting the agency name

Step 4 Specify the agency type as Account, and enter the name of a HUAWEI CLOUD

● Account: Share resources with another account or delegate an individual or team to

manage your resources. You can specify the delegated account only as a HUAWEI
CLOUD account, and you cannot specify it as a federated user or IAM user.
● Cloud service: Delegate a specific service to access other services. For more information,
see Cloud Service Delegation.

Step 5 Set the validity period and enter a description for the agency.
Step 6 Click Next.
Step 7 Set the authorization scope, and select the permissions you want to grant to the

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Identity and Access Management
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● Assigning permissions to an agency is similar to assigning permissions to a user group.

The two operations differ only in the number of available permissions. For details about
how to assign permissions to a user group, see Assigning Permissions to a User Group.
● Agencies cannot be assigned the Security Administrator role. For account security,
grant only the permissions required to agencies according to your business

Step 8 Click OK.


After creating an agency, provide your account name, agency name, agency ID, and agency
permissions to the delegated party. The delegated party can then switch the role to your
account and manage specific resources.


Related Operations
● Modifying an agency
To modify the permissions, validity period, and description of an agency, click
Modify in the row containing the agency.
● Deleting an agency
To delete an agency, click Delete in the row containing the agency and click

After you delete an agency, all permissions granted to the delegated account will be

7.1.3 (Optional) Assigning Permissions to an IAM User (by a

Delegated Party)
When a trust relationship is established between another account and your
account, you become a delegated party. By default, only your account and the
members of the admin group can manage resources for the delegating party. To
authorize IAM users to manage these resources, assign permissions to the users.
You can authorize an IAM user to manage resources for all delegating parties. To
authorize a user to manage resources for a specific delegating party, create fine-
grained policies and use them to grant the user specific permissions.

● A trust relationship has been established between another account and your
● You have obtained the name of the delegating account and the name and ID
of the created agency.

Step 1 Create a custom policy.

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Identity and Access Management
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This step is used to create a policy containing permissions required to manage resources for
a specific agency. If you want to authorize an IAM user to manage resources for all
agencies, go to Step 2.

1. On the Permissions page, click Create Custom Policy.

2. Enter a policy name.
3. Select Global services for Scope.
4. Select JSON for Policy View.
5. In the Policy Content area, enter the following content:
"Version": "1.1",
"Statement": [
"Action": [
"Resource": {
"uri": [
"Effect": "Allow"


– Replace b36b1258b5dc41a4aa8255508xxx... with the agency ID obtained from a

delegating party. Do not make any other changes.
– For more information about permissions, see Permissions.
6. Click OK.

Step 2 Create a user group and grant permissions to it.

1. On the User Groups page, click Create User Group.
2. Enter a user group name.
3. Click OK.
4. In the row containing the user group, click Manage Permissions.
5. On the Permissions Assigned tab page, click Assign above the permission
6. Select the policy created in Step 1 or the Agent Operator role.

– Custom policy: Allows a user to manage resources only for a specific agency.
– Agent Operator role: Allows a user to manage resources for all agencies.
7. Click OK.

Step 3 Create an IAM user and add the user to the user group.
1. On the Users page, click Create User.
2. On the Create User page, enter a username.
3. For the access type, select Management console access and Set by user.

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4. Enable login protection and click Next.

5. Select the user group created in Step 2 and click Create User.

After the permissions assignment is complete, the IAM user can switch to the account
of the delegating party and manage specific resources under the account.


Related Operations
The delegated account or the authorized IAM users can switch their roles to the
delegating account to view and use its resources.

7.1.4 Switching Roles (by a Delegated Party)

When an account establishes a trust relationship between itself and your account,
you become a delegated party. You and all the users you have authorized can
switch to the delegating account and manage resources under the account based
on assigned permissions.

● A trust relationship has been established between another account and your
● You have obtained the name of the delegating account and the agency name.

Step 1 Log in to the HUAWEI CLOUD console using your account or log in as the IAM
user created in Step 3 of (Optional) Assigning Permissions to an IAM User (by
a Delegated Party).

The IAM user created in Step 3 of (Optional) Assigning Permissions to an IAM User (by
a Delegated Party) can switch roles to manage resources for the delegating party.

Step 2 Hover the mouse pointer over the username in the upper right corner and choose
Switch Role.

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Step 3 On the Switch Role page, enter the account name of the delegating party.

If an agency other than the agencies created by the delegating party is displayed, it
indicates that you do not have access permissions. Select the correct agency in the Agency
Name drop-down list.

Step 4 Click OK to switch to the delegating account.


Follow-Up Procedure
To return to your own account, hover the mouse pointer over the username in the
upper right corner, choose Switch Role, and select your account.

7.2 Cloud Service Delegation

HUAWEI CLOUD services interwork with each other, and some cloud services are
dependent on other services. To delegate a cloud service to access other services
and perform resource O&M, create an agency for the service.
IAM provides two methods to create a cloud service agency:
1. Creating a cloud service agency on the IAM console
Take a Graph Engine Service (GES) agency as an example. The agency allows
GES to call other cloud services, for example, to bind your EIP to the primary
load balancer when a failover occurs.

2. Automatically creating a cloud service agency to use certain resources

The following takes Scalable File Service (SFS) as an example to describe the
procedure for automatically creating a cloud service agency:
a. Go to the SFS console.
b. On the Create File System page, enable static data encryption.
c. A dialog box is displayed requesting you to confirm the creation of an SFS
agency. After you click OK, the system automatically creates an SFS
agency with KMS CMKFullAccess permissions for the current project.
With the agency, SFS can obtain KMS keys for encrypting or decrypting
file systems.
d. You can view the agency in the agency list on the IAM console.

Creating a Cloud Service Agency on the IAM Console

Step 1 Log in to the IAM console.
Step 2 On the IAM console, choose Agencies from the navigation pane, and click Create

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Step 3 Enter an agency name.

Figure 7-2 Setting the agency name

Step 4 Select the Cloud service agency type, and then select a service.

Step 5 Select a validity period.

Step 6 (Optional) Enter a description for the agency. For example, "GES agency granted
the KMS Administrator role".

Step 7 Click Next.

Step 8 Set Scope to Global service project, select Tenant Administrator, and click OK.

Step 9 On the agency details page, click the Permissions Assigned tab, click Assign, set
Scope to Region-specific projects, select a project, and then select the Tenant
Administrator role.

Step 10 Click OK.


Related Operations
● Modifying an agency
To change the permissions of a cloud service agency, click Modify in the row
containing the agency.

● You can change the cloud service, validity period, description, and permissions of
cloud service agencies, but you cannot change the agency name and type.
● Modifying the permissions may affect the usage of certain functions of cloud
services. Exercise caution when performing this operation.
● Deleting an agency
To delete an agency, click Delete in the row containing the agency and click

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Identity and Access Management
User Guide 8 Security Settings

8 Security Settings

Security Settings Overview

Basic Information
Critical Operation Protection
Login Authentication Policy
Password Policy

8.1 Security Settings Overview

You can configure the Basic Information, Critical Operation Protection, Login
Authentication Policy, Password Policy, and ACL on the Security Settings page.
This section describes who can use the Security Settings page and how you can
access this page.

Intended Audience
Table 8-1 lists the intended audience of different functions provided on the
Security Settings page and their access permissions for the functions.

Table 8-1 Intended audience

Function Intended Audience

Basic ● IAM users: Full access

Informati ● Account: To change the basic information, see Basic
on Information.

Critical ● Administrator: Full access

Operation ● IAM users: No access

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Function Intended Audience

Login ● Administrator: Full access

Authentic ● IAM users: Read-only access

Password ● Administrator: Full access

Policy ● IAM users: Read-only access

ACL ● Administrator: Full access

● IAM users: No access

Accessing the Security Settings Page

● You and all IAM users created using your account can access the Security
Settings page from the management console.
a. Log in to HUAWEI CLOUD and click Console in the upper right corner.

b. On the management console, hover the mouse pointer over the

username in the upper right corner, and choose Security Settings from
the drop-down list.

● As an administrator, you can also access the Security Settings page from
the IAM console.
a. Log in to HUAWEI CLOUD and click Console in the upper right corner.

b. On the management console, hover the mouse pointer over the

username in the upper right corner, and choose Identity and Access
Management from the drop-down list.

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c. On the IAM console, choose Security Settings from the navigation pane.

8.2 Basic Information

IAM users have full access to this page. As the account administrator, you can
change your login password, mobile number, and email address by referring to
Basic Information.


● A mobile number or an email address can be bound only to one user.

● Each user can bind only one mobile number, email address, and virtual MFA device.

Changing the Login Password, Mobile Number, and Email Address

The methods for changing the login password, mobile number, and email address
are similar. To change the login password, do as follows:

Step 1 Go to the Security Settings page.

Step 2 Click the Basic Information tab, and click Change next to Login Password.

Step 3 Select email address or mobile number verification, and enter the verification

The two verification modes are available only if you have bound an email address and a
mobile number.

Step 4 Enter the old password and new password, and enter the new password again.

● The password cannot be the username or the username spelled backwards. For
example, if the username is A12345, the password cannot be A12345, a12345, 54321A,
or 54321a.
● To prevent password cracking, the administrator can configure the password policy to
define password requirements, such as minimum password length. For details, see
Password Policy.

Step 5 Click OK.

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You can associate only one mobile number, email address, and virtual MFA device with your
user account.


8.3 Critical Operation Protection

Only an administrator can configure critical operation protection, and IAM users
can only view the configurations. If an IAM user needs to modify the
configurations, the user can request the administrator to perform the modification
or grant the required permissions.


Federated users do not need to verify their identity when performing critical operations.

Virtual MFA Device

An MFA device generates 6-digit verification codes in compliance with the Time-
based One-time Password Algorithm (TOTP) standard. MFA devices can be
hardware- or software-based. Currently, only software-based virtual MFA devices
are supported, and they are application programs running on smart devices such
as mobile phones.

The following procedure details how to bind a virtual MFA device. To learn how to
unbind or remove a virtual MFA device, see Virtual MFA Device.


Before binding a virtual MFA device, ensure that you have installed an MFA application
(such as an authenticator app) on your mobile device.

Step 1 Go to the Security Settings page.

Step 2 Click the Critical Operations tab, and click Bind next to Virtual MFA Device.

Step 3 Set up the MFA application by scanning the QR code or manually entering the
secret key.

You can bind a virtual MFA device to your account by scanning the QR code or
entering the secret key.

● Scanning the QR code

Open the MFA application on your mobile phone, and use the application to
scan the QR code displayed on the Bind Virtual MFA Device page. Your
account is then added to the application.
● Manually entering the secret key
Open the MFA application on your mobile phone, click the plus sign + on the
application, and choose to manually enter the secret key. Enter your account
name and secret key. If you are an IAM user, enter your username and secret

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The manual entry function is time-based. Ensure that automatic time setup has been
enabled on your mobile phone.

Step 4 View the verification code on the MFA application. The code is automatically
updated every 30 seconds.

Step 5 On the Bind Virtual MFA Device page, enter two consecutive verification codes
and click OK.


Login Protection
After login protection is enabled, you and IAM users created using your account
will need to enter a verification code in addition to the username and password
during login. Enable this function for account security.

For the account, only the account administrator can enable login protection for it.
For IAM users, both the account administrator and other administrators can
enable this feature for the users.

● (Administrator) Enabling login protection for an IAM user

To enable login protection for an IAM user, go to the Users page, click
Security Settings in the row that contains the IAM user, click next to
Verification Method, and select a verification method from SMS, email, or
virtual MFA device.

After you enable login protection, IAM users need to perform identity verification
when they access HUAWEI CLOUD using the management console. The setting does
not apply if IAM users use programmatic access.
● Enabling login protection for your HUAWEI CLOUD account
Go to the Security Settings page, and click the Critical Operations tab. Click
Enable next to Login Protection, select a verification method, enter the
verification code, and click OK.

Operation Protection
● Enabling operation protection

After operation protection is enabled, you and IAM users created using your
account need to enter a verification code when performing a critical operation,
such as deleting an ECS. This function is enabled by default. To ensure resource
security, keep it enabled.

Step 1 Go to the Security Settings page as an administrator.

Step 2 Click the Critical Operations tab on the Security Settings page, click Enable next
to Operation Protection, select Enable, and click OK.

Step 3 Select Enable and then select Self-verification or Verification by another


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If you select Verification by another person, complete verification to ensure that

the verification method is available.
● Self-verification: You or IAM users themselves perform verification when
performing a critical operation.
● Verification by another person: The specified person completes verification
when you or IAM users perform a critical operation. Only SMS and email
verification is supported.

Step 4 Click OK.


● Disabling operation protection

If operation protection is disabled, you and IAM users created using your account
do not need to enter a verification code when performing a critical operation.

Step 1 Go to the Security Settings page as an administrator.

Step 2 Click the Critical Operations tab on the Security Settings page, and click Change
next to Operation Protection.

Step 3 Select Disable, click OK, and enter a verification code.

● Self-verification: The administrator who wants to disable operation
protection completes the verification. SMS, email, and virtual MFA verification
is supported.
● Verification by another person: The specified person completes the
verification. Only SMS and email verification is supported.

Step 4 Click OK.



● Each cloud service has its own critical operations.

● When IAM users created using your account perform a critical operation, they will be
prompted to choose a verification method from email, SMS, and virtual MFA device.
● If a user is only associated with a mobile number, only SMS verification will be
● If a user is only associated with an email address, only email verification will be
● If a user is not associated with an email address, mobile number, or virtual MFA
device, the user will need to associate an email address, mobile number, or virtual
MFA device with their account before the user can perform any critical operations.
● Email or SMS verification codes may not be received due to communication errors. You
are advised to use a virtual MFA device.
● You can change the mobile number or email address in My Account and change the
virtual MFA device on the Security Settings page of the IAM console.
● If operation protection is enabled, IAM users need to enter a verification code when
performing a critical operation. The verification code is sent to the mobile number or
email address bound to the IAM users.

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Identity and Access Management
User Guide 8 Security Settings

Access Key Management

● Enabling access key management
After access key management is enabled, only the administrator can create,
enable, disable, or delete access keys of IAM users. This function is disabled by
default. For security purposes, enable this function.
To enable access key management, click the Critical Operations tab on the
Security Settings page, and click next to Access Key Management.
● Disabling access key management
After access key management is disabled, all IAM users can create, enable,
disable, or delete their own access keys.
To disable access key management, click the Critical Operations tab on the
Security Settings page, and click next to Access Key Management.

Critical Operations
The following tables list the critical operations of each cloud service that require
identity verification.

Table 8-2 Critical operations of cloud services

Service Service Critical Operation


Compute Elastic Cloud ● Stopping, restarting, or deleting an ECS

Server (ECS) ● Resetting the password for logging in to an
● Detaching a disk
● Unbinding an EIP

Bare Metal Server ● Stopping or restarting a BMS

(BMS) ● Resetting the BMS password
● Detaching a disk
● Unbinding an EIP

Auto Scaling (AS) ● Deleting an AS group

Storage Object Storage ● Deleting a bucket

Service (OBS) ● Creating, editing, or deleting a bucket
● Configuring an object policy
● Creating, editing, or deleting a bucket ACL
● Configuring access logging
● Configuring URL validation
● Creating or editing a bucket inventory

Elastic Volume ● Deleting an EVS disk

Service (EVS)

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Identity and Access Management
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Service Service Critical Operation


Content Delivery ● Configuring the service termination policy

Network (CDN)

Containers Cloud Container ● Deleting a cluster

Engine (CCE)

Network Domain Name ● Modifying, suspending, or deleting a

Service (DNS) domain name
● Modifying, disabling, or deleting a record
● Modifying or deleting a PTR record
● Deleting a custom line

Virtual Private ● Unbinding an EIP

Cloud (VPC) ● Deleting a VPC peering connection
● Security group operations
– Deleting an inbound or outbound rule
– Modifying an inbound or outbound rule
– Deleting inbound or outbound rules

Elastic Load ● Classic load balancers

Balance (ELB) – Deleting a load balancer
– Deleting a listener
– Deleting a certificate
– Disabling a load balancer
● Shared load balancers
– Deleting a load balancer
– Deleting a listener
– Deleting a certificate
– Removing a backend server
– Unbinding an EIP
– Unbind a public or private IPv4 address
– Unbinding an IPv6 address
– Removing from IPv6 shared bandwidth

Elastic IP (EIP) ● Deleting a shared bandwidth

● Releasing or unbinding an EIP
● Releasing or unbinding EIPs

Virtual Private ● Deleting a VPN connection

Network (VPN) ● Unsubscribing from a yearly/monthly VPN

Direct Connect ● Deleting a virtual interface

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Identity and Access Management
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Service Service Critical Operation


Security & SSL Certificate ● Deleting a certificate

Complianc Manager (SCM) ● Revoking a certificate

Managem Identity and ● Disabling operation protection

ent & Access ● Disabling login protection
Governanc Management
e (IAM) ● Changing the mobile number
● Changing the email address
● Changing the login password
● Changing the login authentication method

Cloud Trace ● Disabling a system tracker

Service (CTS)

Log Tank Service ● Deleting a log stream or log group

(LTS) ● Uninstalling the ICAgent

Applicatio Distributed Cache ● Resetting the password of a DCS instance

n Service (DCS) ● Deleting a DCS instance
● Clearing DCS instance data

Dedicated Dedicated ● Deleting a disk

Cloud Distributed
Storage Service

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Identity and Access Management
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Service Service Critical Operation


Database Relational ● Resetting the administrator password

Database Service ● Rebooting, deleting, or restoring DB
(RDS) instances
● Deleting a database backup
● Restoring the current DB instance from a
backup file
● Restoring an existing DB instance from a
backup file
● Restoring the current DB instance to a
point in time
● Restoring an existing DB instance to a point
in time
● Restoring a table to a specified point in
● Switching between primary and standby DB
● Changing the database port
● Deleting a database account
● Deleting a database
● Resetting the password of a database
● Changing a floating IP address
● Unbinding an EIP
● Enabling or disabling one-click alarm

Document ● Resetting the password

Database Service ● Restarting or deleting a DB instance
● Restarting a node
● Switching the primary and secondary nodes
of a replica set
● Deleting a security group rule
● Enabling IP addresses of shard and config
● Restoring the current DB instance from a
● Restoring an existing DB instance from a
● Changing a yearly/monthly instance to pay-
● Enabling or disabling one-click alarm

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Identity and Access Management
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Service Service Critical Operation


Enterprise Data Warehouse ● Scaling out or resizing a cluster

Intelligenc Service (DWS) ● Restarting a cluster
● Repairing a node
● Resetting the password

MapReduce ● Clusters
Service (MRS) – Deleting a cluster
– Changing a pay-per-use cluster to
yearly/monthly billing
– Stopping all components
– Synchronizing cluster configurations
● Nodes
– Stopping all roles
– Isolating a host
– Canceling isolation of a host
● Components
– Disabling a service
– Restarting a service
– Performing a rolling service restart
– Stopping a role instance
– Restarting a role instance
– Performing a rolling instance restart
– Recommissioning a role instance
– Decommissioning a role instance
– Saving service configurations
● Patches
– Installing a patch
– Uninstalling a patch
– Rolling back a patch

Cloud Message&SMS ● Deleting a signature

Communic ● Deleting a template
● Obtaining an app_secret
● Binding a mobile number or email address
to a HUAWEI CLOUD account
● Configuring an IP address whitelist
● Renewing a package

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Identity and Access Management
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Service Service Critical Operation


DevCloud ProjectMan ● Deleting a project

● Deleting a project member
● Modifying member information
● Modifying or deleting permissions
● Modifying basic project information
● Deleting a work item

8.4 Login Authentication Policy

The Login Authentication Policy tab of the Security Settings page provides the
Session Timeout, Account Lockout, Account Disabling, Recent Login
Information, and Custom Information settings.
Only the administrator can configure the login authentication policy, and IAM
users can only view the configurations. If an IAM user needs to modify the
configurations, the user can request the administrator to perform the modification
or grant the required permissions.

Session Timeout
Set the session timeout that will apply if you or users created using your account
do not perform any operations within a specific period.
The timeout ranges from 15 minutes to 24 hours, and the default timeout is 1

Account Lockout
Set a duration to lock users out if a specific number of unsuccessful login attempts
are reached within a certain period.
You can set the time for resetting the account lockout counter, maximum number
of unsuccessful login attempts, and account lock duration.
● Time for resetting the account lockout counter: The value ranges from 15 to
60 minutes, and the default value is 15 minutes.
● Maximum number of unsuccessful login attempts: The value ranges from 3 to
10, and the default value is 5.
● Lockout duration: The value ranges from 15 to 30 minutes, and the default
value is 15 minutes.

Account Disabling
Set a validity period to disable IAM users if they have not accessed HUAWEI
CLOUD using the console or APIs within a certain period.
This option is disabled by default. The validity period ranges from 1 to 240 days.

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If you enable this option, the setting will take effect only for IAM users
created using your account. If an IAM user is disabled, the user can request the
administrator to enable their account again.

Recent Login Information

Configure whether you want the system to display the previous login information
after you log in. If incorrect login information is displayed on the Login
Verification page, change your password immediately.
This option is disabled by default and can be enabled by the administrator.

Custom Information
Set custom information that will be displayed upon successful login. For example,
enter the word Welcome.
No information is displayed by default, and the administrator can set custom
information that will be displayed.

You and all the IAM users created using your account will see the same
information upon successful login.

8.5 Password Policy

The Password Policy tab of the Security Settings page provides the Password
Composition & Reuse, Password Expiration, and Minimum Password Age
Only the administrator can configure the password policy, and IAM users can only
view the configurations. If an IAM user needs to modify the configurations, the

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user can request the administrator to perform the modification or grant the
required permissions.
You can configure the password policy to ensure that IAM users create strong
passwords and rotate them periodically. In the password policy, you can define
password requirements, such as minimum password length, whether to allow
consecutive identical characters in a password, and whether to allow previously
used passwords.

Password Composition & Reuse

● Ensure that the password contains at least 2 to 4 of the following character
types: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, and special characters. By
default, the password must contain at least 2 of these character types.
● Set the minimum number of characters that a password must contain. The
value ranges from 6 to 32, and the default value is 6.
● (Optional) Enable the Restrict consecutive identical characters option and
set the maximum number of times that a character is allowed to be
consecutively present in a password. For example, value 1 indicates that
consecutive identical characters are not allowed in a password.
● (Optional) Enable the Disallow previously used passwords option and set
the number of previously used passwords that are not allowed. For example,
value 3 indicates that the user cannot set the last three passwords that the
user has previously used, when the user sets the new password.
The changes take effect for new IAM users you will create later and your existing
IAM users who will change their passwords.

Password Expiration
Set a validity period for passwords so that users change their passwords
periodically. The users will be prompted to change their passwords 15 days before
password expiration. Expired passwords cannot be used to log in to HUAWEI
This option is disabled by default. The validity period ranges from 1 to 180 days.
The changes will take effect immediately for your account and all IAM users under
your account.

Minimum Password Age

To prevent password loss due to frequent password changes, you can set a
minimum period after which users are allowed to make a password change.
This option is disabled by default. If you enable this option, you can set a period
from 0 to 1440 minutes.
The changes will take effect immediately for your account and all IAM users under
your account.

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8.6 ACL
The ACL tab of the Security Settings page provides the IP Address Ranges, IPv4
CIDR Blocks, and VPC Endpoints settings for allowing user access only from
specified IP address ranges, IPv4 CIDR blocks, or VPC endpoints.
Only the administrator can configure the ACL, and IAM users cannot configure
the ACL. If an IAM user needs to configure the ACL, the user can request the
administrator to perform the configuration or grant the required permissions.
Access type:
● Console Access (recommended): The ACL will take effect only for IAM users
who are created using your account and have access to the console.
● API Access: The ACL will take effect for IAM users under your account two
hours after you complete the configuration, and controls the users' API access
through API Gateway. This function is available only for certain accounts.


You can configure a maximum of 200 access control items.

IP Address Ranges
Specify IP address ranges from to to allow access to
HUAWEI CLOUD. The default value is– If this parameter is
left blank or the default value is used, your IAM users can access the HUAWEI
CLOUD console from anywhere.

IPv4 CIDR Blocks

Specify IPv4 CIDR blocks to allow access to HUAWEI CLOUD. For example,

VPC Endpoints
Specify VPC endpoints, such as 0ccad098-b8f4-495a-9b10-613e2a5exxxx, to
allow API-based access to HUAWEI CLOUD.


● User access is allowed if any of IP Address Ranges, IPv4 CIDR Blocks, and VPC
Endpoints is met.
● To restore IP Address Ranges to the default settings (– and
clear the settings in IPv4 CIDR Blocks and VPC Endpoints, click Restore Defaults.

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Identity and Access Management
User Guide 9 Identity Providers

9 Identity Providers

SAML-based Federated Identity Authentication
OpenID Connect–based Federated Identity Authentication
Syntax of Identity Conversion Rules

9.1 Introduction
HUAWEI CLOUD provides the identity provider function to implement federated
identity authentication based on Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) or
OpenID Connect. This function allows users in your enterprise management
system to access HUAWEI CLOUD through single sign-on (SSO).
IAM supports two types of federated identity authentication:
● Web SSO: Browsers are used as the communication media. This
authentication type enables common users to access HUAWEI CLOUD using
browsers. You can implement SSO by using either of the following methods:
– Configure a login link in the enterprise management system. Users in
your enterprise can use the link to log in to HUAWEI CLOUD from the
enterprise management system.
– Provide the federated user login link to users in your enterprise. They
can log in to HUAWEI CLOUD using their accounts and passwords in the
enterprise management system.
● API calling: Development tools (such as OpenStack Client and ShibbolethECP
Client) are used as the communication media. This authentication type
enables enterprise users and common users to access HUAWEI CLOUD by
calling APIs.
This chapter describes how to access HUAWEI CLOUD through web SSO login. For
details about how to access HUAWEI CLOUD by calling APIs, see Federated
Identity Authentication Management.

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Identity and Access Management
User Guide 9 Identity Providers

Basic Concepts
● Identity Provider (IdP)
An identity provider collects and stores user identity information, such as
usernames and passwords, and authenticates users during login. For federated
identity authentication between an enterprise and HUAWEI CLOUD, the
identity authentication system of the enterprise is an identity provider and is
also called "enterprise IdP". Popular third-party IdPs include Microsoft Active
Directory (AD FS) and Shibboleth.
● Service Provider (SP)
A service provider establishes a trust relationship between an IdP and itself,
and uses the user information provided by the IdP to provide services. For
federated identity authentication between an enterprise and HUAWEI CLOUD,
HUAWEI CLOUD is a service provider.
● Federated identity authentication
Federated identity authentication is a process in which a trust relationship is
established between an IdP and SP to implement SSO.
● Single sign-on (SSO)
SSO is an access type that allows users to access a trusted SP after logging in
to the enterprise IdP. For example, after a trust relationship is established
between an enterprise management system and HUAWEI CLOUD, users in the
enterprise management system can use their existing accounts and passwords
to access HUAWEI CLOUD through the login link in the enterprise
management system.
● SAML 2.0
SAML 2.0 is an XML-based protocol that uses securityTokens containing
assertions to pass information about an end user between an IdP and an SP. It
is an open standard ratified by the Organization for the Advancement of
Structured Information Standards (OASIS) and is being used by many IdPs.
For more information about this standard, see SAML 2.0 Technical Overview.
HUAWEI CLOUD implements federated identity authentication in compliance
with SAML 2.0. To successfully federate existing users to HUAWEI CLOUD,
ensure that your enterprise IdP is compatible with this protocol.
● OpenID Connect
OpenID Connect is a simple identity layer on top of the Open Authorization
2.0 (OAuth 2.0) protocol. IAM implements federated identity authentication in
compliance with OpenID Connect 1.0. To successfully federate existing users
to HUAWEI CLOUD, ensure that your enterprise IdP is compatible with this
protocol. For more information about OpenID Connect, see Welcome to
OpenID Connect.
● OAuth 2.0
OAuth 2.0 is an open authorization protocol. The authorization framework of
this protocol allows third-party applications to obtain access permissions.

Advantages of Federated Identity Authentication

● Easy user management
As an administrator, you only need to create users in your enterprise
management system. The users can use their own accounts to access both the
enterprise management system and HUAWEI CLOUD.

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● Simplified operations
Users can log in to HUAWEI CLOUD through the enterprise management

Figure 9-1 Advantages of federated identity authentication

● To implement federated identity authentication, ensure that your enterprise
IdP server and HUAWEI CLOUD use Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) time in the
same time zone.
● Federated users are virtual identities that your enterprise IdP maps to
HUAWEI CLOUD. The identity information of federated users is stored in the
enterprise IdP, so their access to HUAWEI CLOUD has the following
– Federated users cannot perform verification when performing critical
operations. The critical operation protection settings do not apply to
federated users.
– Federated users cannot create access keys with unlimited validity, but
they can obtain temporary access credentials (access keys and
securityTokens) using user or agency tokens. For details, see Obtaining a
Temporary Access Key and SecurityToken.
If a federated user needs an access key with unlimited validity, the user
can contact the account administrator or an IAM user to create one. An
access key contains the permissions granted to a user, so it is
recommended that the federated user request an IAM user in the same
group to create an access key.

9.2 SAML-based Federated Identity Authentication

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9.2.1 Configuration of SAML-based Federated Identity

This section describes the process and configuration of SAML-based federated
identity authentication between an enterprise IdP and HUAWEI CLOUD.


Ensure that your enterprise IdP supports SAML 2.0.

Configuring Federated Identity Authentication

To implement federated identity authentication between an enterprise
management system and HUAWEI CLOUD, complete the following configuration:
1. Establish a trust relationship and create an identity provider: Exchange the
metadata files of the enterprise IdP and HUAWEI CLOUD (see Figure 9-2).

Figure 9-2 Metadata file exchange model

2. Configure identity conversion rules: Map the users, user groups, and
permissions in the enterprise IdP to HUAWEI CLOUD (see Figure 9-3).

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Figure 9-3 User identity conversion model

3. Configure a login link: Configure a login link (see Figure 9-4) in the
enterprise management system to allow users to access HUAWEI CLOUD
through SSO.

Figure 9-4 SSO login model

Process of Federated Identity Authentication

Figure 9-5 shows the interaction between an enterprise management system and
HUAWEI CLOUD after a user initiates an SSO request.

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Figure 9-5 Process of federated identity authentication


To view interactive requests and assertions with a better experience, you are advised to use
Google Chrome and install the SAML Message Decoder plug-in.

As shown in Figure 9-5, the process of federated identity authentication is as


1. A user uses a browser to open the login link of the identity provider, and then
the browser sends an SSO request to HUAWEI CLOUD.
2. HUAWEI CLOUD searches for a metadata file based on the login link, and
sends a SAML request to the browser.
3. The browser forwards the SAML request to the enterprise IdP.
4. The user enters their username and password on the login page displayed in
the enterprise IdP. After the enterprise IdP authenticates the user's identity, it
constructs a SAML assertion containing the user information, and sends the
assertion to the browser as a SAML response.
5. The browser responds and forwards the SAML response to HUAWEI CLOUD.
6. HUAWEI CLOUD parses the assertion in the SAML response, and issues a
token to the user after identifying the group to which the user is mapped,
according to the configured identity conversion rules.
7. If the login is successful, the user accesses HUAWEI CLOUD successfully.

The assertion must carry a signature; otherwise, the login will fail.

9.2.2 Step 1: Create an Identity Provider

To establish a trust relationship between an enterprise IdP and HUAWEI CLOUD,
upload the metadata file of HUAWEI CLOUD to the enterprise IdP, and then create
an identity provider and upload the metadata file of the enterprise IdP on the IAM

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You have registered an account in HUAWEI CLOUD as an enterprise administrator,
and have created user groups and granted them permissions in IAM. For details,
see Creating a User Group and Assigning Permissions.


The user groups created in IAM will be used to assign permissions to enterprise IdP users
mapped to HUAWEI CLOUD.

Establishing a Trust Relationship Between the Enterprise IdP and HUAWEI

The metadata file of HUAWEI CLOUD needs to be configured in the enterprise IdP
to establish a trust relationship between the two systems.

Step 1 Download the metadata file of HUAWEI CLOUD.

Download the metadata file at

metadata.xml (Google Chrome is recommended), and save the file as SP-

Step 2 Upload the metadata file to the enterprise IdP server. For details about how to
upload the metadata file, see the documentation of your enterprise IdP.

Step 3 Obtain the metadata file of the enterprise IdP. For details about how to obtain the
metadata file, see the documentation of your enterprise IdP.


Creating an Identity Provider in HUAWEI CLOUD

Create an identity provider and configure the metadata file in IAM.

Step 1 Log in to the IAM console, choose Identity Providers from the navigation pane,
and click Create Identity Provider in the upper right corner.

Step 2 Specify the name, protocol, status, and description of the identity provider.

The identity provider name must be unique under your account.

Step 3 Click OK.


Configuring the Metadata File of the Identity Provider

Configure the metadata file of the enterprise IdP in HUAWEI CLOUD. You can
upload or manually edit metadata configurations in IAM. For a metadata file
larger than 500 KB, manually configure the metadata. If the metadata has
changed, upload the latest metadata file or edit the existing metadata to ensure
that the federated users can log in to HUAWEI CLOUD successfully.

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For details about how to obtain the metadata file, see the documentation of the enterprise

● Upload a metadata file.

a. Click Modify in the row containing the identity provider.
b. Click Select File and select the metadata file you have obtained.

Figure 9-6 Uploading a metadata file

c. Click Upload. The metadata extracted from the uploaded file is displayed.
Click OK.

▪ If the uploaded metadata file contains multiple identity providers,

select the identity provider you want to use from the Entity ID drop-
down list.

▪ If a message is displayed indicating that no entity ID is specified or

the signing certificate has expired, check the metadata file and
upload it again, or configure the metadata manually.
d. Click OK.
● Manually configure metadata.
a. Click Manually configure.
b. In the Configure Metadata dialog box, set the metadata parameters,
such as the entity ID, signing certificate, and SingleSignOnService.
Parameter Man Description

Entity ID Yes The unique identifier of an identity

provider. Enter the value of entityID
displayed in the enterprise IdP's metadata
If the metadata file contains multiple
identity providers, choose the one you want
to use.

Protocol Yes The SAML protocol is used for federated

identity authentication between an
enterprise IdP and SP.
The system automatically generates a
value after you select the protocol.

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Parameter Man Description


NameIdFormat No Enter the value of NameIdFormat

displayed in the metadata file.
This parameter indicates the username and
ID format used for communication
between the identity provider and
federated users.
If you configure multiple values,
HUAWEI CLOUD uses the first value by

Signing Certificate Yes Enter the value of <X509Certificate>

displayed in the metadata file.
A signing certificate is a public key
certificate used for signature verification.
For security purposes, enter a public key
containing no less than 2048 bits. The
signing certificate is used during federated
identity authentication to ensure that
assertions are credible and complete.
If you configure multiple values,
HUAWEI CLOUD uses the first value by

SingleSignOnSer- Yes Enter the value of SingleSignOnService

vice displayed in the metadata file.
This parameter defines how SAML requests
are sent during the SSO process. The
SingleSignOnService parameter in the
metadata file must support HTTP Redirect
If you configure multiple values,
HUAWEI CLOUD uses the first value by

SingleLogoutSer- No Enter the value of SingleLogoutService

vice displayed in the metadata file.
This parameter indicates the address to
which federated users will be redirected
after logging out their sessions. The
SingleLogoutService parameter in the
metadata file must support HTTP Redirect
If you configure multiple values,
HUAWEI CLOUD uses the first value by

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The following example shows the metadata file of an enterprise IdP and
the metadata information that needs to be completed during manual

Figure 9-7 Metadata file of an enterprise IdP

Figure 9-8 Manually configuring metadata

c. Click OK.

Logging In as a Federated User

Step 1 Click the login link displayed on the identity provider details page and check if the
login page of the enterprise IdP server is displayed.
1. On the Identity Providers page, click View in the Operation column of the
identity provider. Copy the login link displayed on the identity provider details
page and visit the link using a browser.
2. If the login page is not displayed, check the metadata file and configurations
of the enterprise IdP server.
Step 2 Enter the username and password of a user that was created in the enterprise IdP.
● If the login is successful, add the login link to the enterprise management

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● If the login fails, check the username and password.


Federated users only have read permissions for HUAWEI CLOUD by default. To assign
permissions to federated users, configure identity conversion rules for the identity provider.
For more information, see Step 2: Configure Identity Conversion Rules.


Related Operations
● Viewing identity provider information: In the identity provider list, click View
in the row containing the identity provider, and view its basic information,
metadata, and identity conversion rules.

To modify the configurations of an identity provider, click Modify at the bottom of the
details page.
● Modifying an identity provider: In the identity provider list, click Modify in the
row containing the identity provider, and then change its status and modify
the description, metadata, and identity conversion rules.
● Deleting an identity provider: In the identity provider list, click Delete in the
row containing the identity provider, and click Yes.

Follow-Up Procedure
● In the Identity Conversion Rules area, configure identity conversion rules to
map enterprise management system users to IAM user groups and grant the
users permissions. For details, see Step 2: Configure Identity Conversion
● Configure the enterprise management system to allow users to access
HUAWEI CLOUD through SSO. For details, see (Optional) Step 3: Configure
Login Link in the Enterprise Management System.

9.2.3 Step 2: Configure Identity Conversion Rules

Federated users are named FederationUser by default in HUAWEI CLOUD. These
users can only log in to HUAWEI CLOUD and they do not have any other
permissions. You can configure identity conversion rules on the IAM console to
achieve the following:
● Display enterprise management system users with different names in
● Grant enterprise management system users permissions to use HUAWEI
CLOUD resources by mapping these users to IAM user groups. Ensure that you
have created the required user groups. For details, see Creating a User Group
and Assigning Permissions.

● Modifications to identity conversion rules will take effect only after federated users log
in again.
● To modify the permissions of a user, modify the permissions of the user group to which
the user belongs. Then restart the enterprise IdP for the modifications to take effect.

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An identity provider has been created, and the login link of the identity provider is
accessible. (For details about how to create and verify an identity provider, see
Step 1: Create an Identity Provider.)

If you configure identity conversion rules by clicking Create Rule, IAM converts
the rule parameters to the JSON format. Alternatively, you can click Edit Rule to
configure rules in the JSON format. For details, see Syntax of Identity Conversion
● Creating a Rule
a. Choose Identity Providers from the navigation pane.
b. In the identity provider list, click Modify in the row containing the
identity provider.
c. In the Identity Conversion Rules area, click Create Rule. Then, configure
the rule in the Create Rule dialog box.

Figure 9-9 Clicking Create Rule

Figure 9-10 Creating a rule

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Table 9-1 Parameter description

Parame Description Remarks

Userna Username of To distinguish federated users from HUAWEI

me federated CLOUD users, it is recommended that you
users to be set the username to "FederationUser-
displayed in IdP_XXX". IdP indicates an identity provider
HUAWEI name, for example, AD FS and Shibboleth.
CLOUD. XXX indicates a custom name.
● Each federated user name must be unique
under the identity provider. Identical federated
user names under the same identity provider
will be identified as the same IAM user in
● The username can only contain letters, digits,
spaces, hyphens (-), underscores (_), and
periods (.). It cannot start with a digit.

User User groups The federated users will inherit permissions

Group to which the from the groups to which they belong.
users will
belong in

Rule Conditions Federated users who do not meet these

Conditio that a conditions cannot access HUAWEI CLOUD.
ns federated You can create a maximum of 10 conditions
user must for an identity conversion rule.
meet to The Attribute and Value parameters are
obtain used for the enterprise identity provider to
permissions transfer user information to HUAWEI
from the CLOUD through SAML assertions. The
selected user Condition parameter can be set to empty,
groups. any_one_of, or not_any_of. For details
about these parameters, see Syntax of
Identity Conversion Rules.
● An identity conversion rule can have multiple
conditions. It takes effect only if all of the
conditions are met.
● An identity provider can have multiple identity
conversion rules. If a federated user does not
meet any of the rules, the user will not be
allowed to access HUAWEI CLOUD.

For example, set an identity conversion rule for administrators in the

enterprise management system.

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▪ Username: FederationUser-IdP_admin

▪ User group: admin

▪ Rule condition: _NAMEID_ (attribute), any_one_of (condition), and

000000001 (value).
Only the user with ID 000000001 is mapped to IAM user
FederationUser-IdP_admin and inherits permissions from the admin
user group.
d. In the Create Rule dialog box, click OK.
e. On the Modify Identity Provider page, click OK.
● Editing a Rule
a. Log in to HUAWEI CLOUD as an administrator, and go to the IAM
console. Then, choose Identity Providers from the navigation pane.
b. In the identity provider list, click Modify in the row containing the
identity provider.
c. In the Identity Conversion Rules area, click Edit Rule. Then configure
the rule in the Edit Rule dialog box.
d. Edit the identity conversion rule in the JSON format. For details, see
Syntax of Identity Conversion Rules.
e. Click Validate to verify the syntax of the rule.
f. If the rule is correct, click OK in the Edit Rule dialog box, and click OK on
the Modify Identity Provider page.
If a message indicating that the JSON file is incomplete is displayed,
modify the statement or click Cancel to cancel the modifications.

Verifying Federated User Permissions

After configuring identity conversion rules, verify the permissions of federated

Step 1 Log in to HUAWEI CLOUD as a federated user, such as user ID1.

On the Identity Providers page of the IAM console, click View in the row
containing the identity provider. Copy the login link displayed on the identity
provider details page, open the link using a browser, and then enter the username
and password used in the enterprise management system.
Step 2 Check that the federated user has the permissions assigned to the user group to
which the user belongs.
For example, an identity conversion rule has defined full permissions for all cloud
services for federated user ID1 in the admin user group. On the management
console, select any cloud service, and check if you can access the service.


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Related Operations
Viewing identity conversion rules: Click View Rule on the Modify Identity
Provider page. The identity conversion rules are displayed in the JSON format. For
details about the JSON format, see Syntax of Identity Conversion Rules.

9.2.4 (Optional) Step 3: Configure Login Link in the Enterprise

Management System
Configure the login link of the identity provider in the enterprise management
system so that enterprise users can use this link to access HUAWEI CLOUD.


If no login link has been configured in your enterprise management system, federated users
in your enterprise can log in to HUAWEI CLOUD through the HUAWEI CLOUD login page.
For details, see Logging In as a Federated User.

● An identity provider has been created, and the login link of the identity
provider is accessible. (For details about how to create and verify an identity
provider, see Step 1: Create an Identity Provider.)
● The login link of the identity provider has already been configured in the
enterprise management system for logging in to HUAWEI CLOUD.

Step 1 Log in to the IAM console, and choose Identity Providers from the navigation
Step 2 Click View in the row containing the identity provider.
Step 3 Click Copy next to the login link.
Step 4 Add the following statement to the page file of the enterprise management
<a href="<Login link>"> HUAWEI CLOUD Login </a>

Step 5 Log in to the enterprise management system, and then click the configured
HUAWEI CLOUD login link to access HUAWEI CLOUD.


9.3 OpenID Connect–based Federated Identity


9.3.1 Configuration of OpenID Connect–based Federated

Identity Authentication
This section describes the process and configuration of OpenID Connect–based
federated identity authentication between an enterprise IdP and HUAWEI CLOUD.

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Configuring Federated Identity Authentication

To implement federated identity authentication between an enterprise
management system and HUAWEI CLOUD, complete the following configuration:
1. Establish a trust relationship and create an identity provider: Create
OAuth 2.0 credentials in the enterprise IdP, and create an identity provider in
2. Configure identity conversion rules: Map the users, user groups, and their
permissions in the enterprise IdP to HUAWEI CLOUD.
3. Configure a login link: Configure a login link in the enterprise management
system to allow users to access HUAWEI CLOUD through SSO.

Process of Federated Identity Authentication

Figure 9-11 shows the interaction between an enterprise management system
and HUAWEI CLOUD after a user initiates an SSO request.

Figure 9-11 Process of federated identity authentication

The process of federated identity authentication is as follows:

1. A user uses a browser to open the login link obtained from IAM, and then the
browser sends an SSO request to HUAWEI CLOUD.
2. HUAWEI CLOUD searches for identity provider configurations based on the
login link, and sends an OpenID Connect authorization request to the
3. The browser forwards the authorization request to the enterprise IdP.
4. The user enters their username and password on the login page displayed in
the enterprise IdP. After the enterprise IdP authenticates the user's identity, it
constructs an ID token containing the user information, and sends the ID
token to the browser as an OpenID Connect authorization response.
5. The browser responds and forwards the authorization response to HUAWEI

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6. HUAWEI CLOUD parses the ID token in the authorization response, and issues
a token to the user after identifying the group to which the user is mapped,
according to the configured identity conversion rules.
7. If the login is successful, the user accesses HUAWEI CLOUD successfully.

9.3.2 Step 1: Create an Identity Provider

To establish a trust relationship between an enterprise IdP and HUAWEI CLOUD,
create an identity provider and configure authorization information on the IAM
console, and set the user redirect URLs and create OAuth 2.0 credentials in the
enterprise IdP.

You have registered an account in HUAWEI CLOUD as an enterprise administrator,
and have created user groups and granted them permissions in IAM. For details,
see Creating a User Group and Assigning Permissions.


The user groups created in IAM will be used to assign permissions to enterprise IdP users
mapped to HUAWEI CLOUD.

Creating OAuth 2.0 Credentials in the Enterprise IdP

Step 1 Set redirect URLs and in the enterprise IdP so that
users can be redirected to the OpenID Connect identity provider in HUAWEI

Step 2 Obtain OAuth 2.0 credentials of the enterprise IdP.


The configurations vary depending on the enterprise IdP. For details about the required
configurations, see the documentation of the enterprise IdP.


Creating an Identity Provider in HUAWEI CLOUD

Create an identity provider and configure authorization information in IAM.

Step 1 Log in to the IAM console, choose Identity Providers from the navigation pane,
and click Create Identity Provider in the upper right corner.

Step 2 Enter an identity provider name, select OpenID Connect and Enabled, and click

The identity provider name must be unique under your account.


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Configuring Authorization Information in HUAWEI CLOUD

Step 1 Click Modify in the Operation column of the row containing the identity provider
you want to modify.
Step 2 Select an access type.

Table 9-2 Access type description

Access Type Description

Programmatic access ● Programmatic access: Federated users can use

and management development tools (including APIs, CLI, and SDKs)
console access that support key authentication to access HUAWEI
● Management console access: Federated users can
log in to the HUAWEI CLOUD console by using their
own usernames and passwords.
Select this access type if you want users to access

Programmatic access Federated users can only use development tools

(including APIs, CLI, and SDKs) that support key
authentication to access HUAWEI CLOUD.

Step 3 Specify the configuration information.

Table 9-3 Configuration information

Parameter Description

Identity Provider URL of the OpenID Connect identity provider.

URL Specify this parameter as the value of issuer in the
Openid-configuration indicates a URL defined in OpenID Connect,
containing configurations of an enterprise IdP. The URL format is
https://{base URL}/.well-known/openid-configuration, where
base URL is defined by the enterprise IdP. For example, the
Openid-configuration of Google is https://

Client ID ID of a client registered with the OpenID Connect identity

provider. The client ID is an OAuth 2.0 credential created
in the enterprise IdP.

Authorization Authorization endpoint of the OpenID Connect identity

Endpoint provider. Specify this parameter as the value of
authorization_endpoint in Openid-configuration.
This parameter is required only if you set Access Type to
Programmatic access and management console access.

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Parameter Description

Scopes Scopes of authorization requests. openid is selected by

This parameter is required only if you set Access Type to
Programmatic access and management console access.
Enumerated values:
● openid
● email
● profile

Response Type Response type of authorization requests. The default value

is id_token.
This parameter is required only if you set Access Type to
Programmatic access and management console access.

Response Mode Response mode of authorization requests. The options

include form_post and fragment. form_post is
● form_post: If this mode is selected, set the redirect URL
to in
the enterprise IdP.
● fragment: If this mode is selected, set the redirect URL
in the enterprise IdP.
This parameter is required only if you set Access Type to
Programmatic access and management console access.

Signing Key Public key used to sign the ID token of the OpenID Connect
identity provider. For account security purposes, change
the signing key periodically.

Step 4 Click OK.


Logging In as a Federated User

Step 1 Click the login link displayed on the identity provider details page and check if the
login page of the enterprise IdP server is displayed.
1. On the Identity Providers page, click Modify in the Operation column of the
identity provider.
2. Copy the login link displayed on the Modify Identity Provider page and visit
the link using a browser.
3. If the enterprise IdP login page is not displayed, check the configurations of
the identity provider and the enterprise IdP server.

Step 2 Enter the username and password of a user that was created in the enterprise
management system.

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● If the login is successful, add the login link to the enterprise management
● If the login fails, check the username and password.

Federated users only have read permissions for HUAWEI CLOUD by default. To assign
permissions to federated users, configure identity conversion rules for the identity provider.
For more information, see Step 2: Configure Identity Conversion Rules.


Related Operations
● Viewing identity provider information: In the identity provider list, click View
in the row containing the identity provider, and view its basic information,
metadata, and identity conversion rules.

To modify the configurations of an identity provider, click Modify at the bottom of the
details page.
● Modifying an identity provider: In the identity provider list, click Modify in the
row containing the identity provider, and then change its status and modify
the description, metadata, and identity conversion rules.
● Deleting an identity provider: In the identity provider list, click Delete in the
row containing the identity provider, and click Yes.

Follow-Up Procedure
● Configure identity conversion rules to map enterprise IdP users to IAM user
groups and grant the users permissions. For details, see Step 2: Configure
Identity Conversion Rules.
● Configure the enterprise management system to allow users to access
HUAWEI CLOUD through SSO. For details, see (Optional) Step 3: Configure
Login Link in the Enterprise Management System.

9.3.3 Step 2: Configure Identity Conversion Rules

Federated users are named FederationUser by default in HUAWEI CLOUD. These
users can only log in to HUAWEI CLOUD and they do not have any other
permissions. You can configure identity conversion rules on the IAM console to
achieve the following:
● Display enterprise management system users with different names in
● Grant enterprise management system users permissions to use HUAWEI
CLOUD resources by mapping these users to IAM user groups. Ensure that you
have created the required user groups. For details, see Creating a User Group
and Assigning Permissions.

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● Modifications to identity conversion rules will take effect only after federated users log
in again.
● To modify the permissions of a user, modify the permissions of the user group to which
the user belongs. Then restart the enterprise IdP for the modifications to take effect.

An identity provider has been created, and the login link of the identity provider is
accessible. (For details about how to create and verify an identity provider, see
Step 1: Create an Identity Provider.)

If you configure identity conversion rules by clicking Create Rule, IAM converts
the rule parameters to the JSON format. Alternatively, you can click Edit Rule to
configure rules in the JSON format. For details, see Syntax of Identity Conversion
● Creating a Rule
a. Choose Identity Providers from the navigation pane.
b. In the identity provider list, click Modify in the row containing the
identity provider.
c. In the Identity Conversion Rules area, click Create Rule. Then, configure
the rule in the Create Rule dialog box.

Figure 9-12 Create Rule

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Figure 9-13 Setting the rule parameters

Table 9-4 Parameter description

Parame Description Remarks

Userna Username of To distinguish federated users from HUAWEI

me federated CLOUD users, it is recommended that you
users to be set the username to "FederationUser-
displayed in IdP_XXX". IdP indicates an identity provider
HUAWEI name, for example, AD FS and Shibboleth.
CLOUD. XXX indicates a custom name.
● Each federated user name must be unique
under the identity provider. Identical federated
user names under the same identity provider
will be identified as the same IAM user in
● The username can only contain letters, digits,
spaces, hyphens (-), underscores (_), and
periods (.). It cannot start with a digit.

User User groups The federated users will inherit permissions

Group to which the from the groups to which they belong.
users will
belong in

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Identity and Access Management
User Guide 9 Identity Providers

Parame Description Remarks


Rule Conditions Federated users who do not meet these

Conditio that a conditions cannot access HUAWEI CLOUD.
ns federated You can create a maximum of 10 conditions
user must for an identity conversion rule.
meet to NOTE
obtain ● An identity conversion rule can have multiple
permissions conditions. It takes effect only if all of the
from the conditions are met.
selected user ● An identity provider can have multiple identity
groups. conversion rules. If a federated user does not
meet any of the rules, the user will not be
allowed to access HUAWEI CLOUD.

For example, set an identity conversion rule for administrators in the

enterprise management system.

▪ Username: FederationUser-IdP_admin

▪ User group: admin

▪ Rule condition: _NAMEID_ (attribute), any_one_of (condition), and

000000001 (value).
Only the user with ID 000000001 is mapped to IAM user
FederationUser-IdP_admin and inherits permissions from the admin
user group.
d. In the Create Rule dialog box, click OK.
e. On the Modify Identity Provider page, click OK.
● Editing a Rule
a. Log in to HUAWEI CLOUD as an administrator, and go to the IAM
console. Then, choose Identity Providers from the navigation pane.
b. In the identity provider list, click Modify in the row containing the
identity provider.
c. In the Identity Conversion Rules area, click Edit Rule. Then configure
the rule in the Edit Rule dialog box.
d. Edit the identity conversion rule in the JSON format. For details, see
Syntax of Identity Conversion Rules.
e. Click Validate to verify the syntax of the rule.
f. If the rule is correct, click OK in the Edit Rule dialog box, and click OK on
the Modify Identity Provider page.
If a message indicating that the JSON file is incomplete is displayed,
modify the statement or click Cancel to cancel the modifications.

Verifying Federated User Permissions

After configuring identity conversion rules, verify the permissions of federated

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Identity and Access Management
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Step 1 Log in to HUAWEI CLOUD as a federated user, such as user ID1.

On the Identity Providers page of the IAM console, click View in the row
containing the identity provider. Copy the login link displayed on the identity
provider details page, open the link using a browser, and then enter the username
and password used in the enterprise management system.

Step 2 Check that the federated user has the permissions assigned to the user group to
which the user belongs.

For example, an identity conversion rule has defined full permissions for all cloud
services for federated user ID1 in the admin user group. On the management
console, select any cloud service, and check if you can access the service.


Related Operations
Viewing identity conversion rules: Click View Rule on the Modify Identity
Provider page. The identity conversion rules are displayed in the JSON format. For
details about the JSON format, see Syntax of Identity Conversion Rules.

9.3.4 (Optional) Step 3: Configure Login Link in the Enterprise

Management System
Configure the login link of the identity provider in the enterprise management
system so that enterprise users can use this link to access HUAWEI CLOUD.


If no login link has been configured in your enterprise management system, federated users
in your enterprise can log in to HUAWEI CLOUD through the HUAWEI CLOUD login page.
For details, see Logging In as a Federated User.

● An identity provider has been created, and the login link of the identity
provider is accessible. (For details about how to create and verify an identity
provider, see Step 1: Create an Identity Provider.)
● The login link of the identity provider has already been configured in the
enterprise management system for logging in to HUAWEI CLOUD.

Step 1 Log in to the IAM console, and choose Identity Providers from the navigation

Step 2 Click View in the row containing the identity provider.

Step 3 Click Copy next to the login link.

Step 4 Add the following statement to the page file of the enterprise management
<a href="<Login link>"> HUAWEI CLOUD Login </a>

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Identity and Access Management
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Step 5 Log in to the enterprise management system, and then click the configured
HUAWEI CLOUD login link to access HUAWEI CLOUD.


9.4 Syntax of Identity Conversion Rules

An identity conversion rule is a JSON object which can be modified. The following
is an example JSON object:
"local": [
"<user> or <group> or <groups>"
"remote": [

Parameter description:
● local: Identity information of a federated user mapped to IAM. The value of
this field can contain placeholders, such as {0...n}. The attributes {0} and {1}
represent the first and second remote attributes of the user information,
● remote: Information about a federated user of the identity provider. This field
is an expression consisting of assertion attributes and operators. The value of
this field is determined by the assertion.
– condition: Conditions for the identity conversion rule to take effect. The
following three types of conditions are supported:

▪ empty: The rule is matched to all claims containing the attribute

type. This condition does not need to be specified. The condition
result is the argument that is passed as input.

▪ any_one_of: The rule is matched only if any of the specified strings

appear in the attribute type. The condition result is Boolean, not the
argument that is passed as input.

▪ not_any_of: The rule is not matched if any of the specified strings

appear in the attribute type. The condition result is Boolean, not the
argument that is passed as input.


The user information mapped to IAM can only contain letters, digits, spaces,
hyphens (-), underscores (_), and periods (.), and cannot start with a digit.

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Identity and Access Management
User Guide 9 Identity Providers

Examples of the empty Condition

The empty condition returns character strings to replace the local attributes
● In the following example, the username of a federated user will be "the value
of the first remote attribute+space+the value of the second remote attribute"
in IAM, that is, FirstName LastName. The group to which the user belongs is
the value of the third remote attribute Group. This attribute has only one
"local": [
"user": {
"name": "{0} {1}"
"group": {
"name": "{2}"
"remote": [
"type": "FirstName"
"type": "LastName"
"type": "Group"
If the following assertion (simplified for easy understanding) is received, the
username of the federated user will be John Smith and the user will only
belong to the admin group.
{FirstName: John}
{LastName: Smith}
{Group: admin}
● If a federated user will belong to multiple user groups in IAM, the identity
conversion rule can be configured as follows:
In the following example, the username of a federated user will be "the value
of the first remote attribute+space+the value of the second remote attribute"
in IAM, that is, FirstName LastName. The groups to which the user belongs
are the value of the third remote attribute Groups.
"local": [
"user": {
"name": "{0} {1}"
"groups": "{2}"
"remote": [

Issue 21 (2021-09-02) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 112

Identity and Access Management
User Guide 9 Identity Providers

"type": "FirstName"
"type": "LastName"
"type": "Groups"
If the following assertion is received, the username of the federated user will
be John Smith and the user will belong to the admin and manager groups.
{FirstName: John}
{LastName: Smith}
{Groups: [admin, manager]}

Examples of the "any one of" and "not any of" Conditions
Unlike the empty condition, the any one of and not any of conditions return
Boolean values. These values will not be used to replace the local attributes. In the
following example, only {0} will be replaced by the returned value of the first
empty condition in the remote block. The value of group is fixed as admin.
● The username of the federated user in IAM is the value of the first remote
attribute, that is, UserName. The federated user belongs to the admin group.
This rule takes effect only for users who are members of the idp_admin
group in the identity provider.
"local": [
"user": {
"name": "{0}"
"group": {
"name": "admin"
"remote": [
"type": "UserName"
"type": "Groups",
"any_one_of": [
● If a federated user will belong to multiple user groups in IAM, the identity
conversion rule can be configured as follows:
The username of the federated user in IAM is the value of the first remote
attribute, that is, UserName. The federated user belongs to the admin and
manager groups. This rule takes effect only for users who are members of the
idp_admin group in the identity provider.

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Identity and Access Management
User Guide 9 Identity Providers

"local": [
"user": {
"name": "{0}"
"groups": "[\"admin\",\"manager\"]"
"remote": [
"type": "UserName"
"type": "Groups",
"any_one_of": [
– The following assertion indicates that the federated user John Smith is a
member of the idp_admin group. Therefore, the user can access HUAWEI
{UserName: John Smith}
{Groups: [idp_user, idp_admin, idp_agency]}
– The following assertion indicates that the federated user John Smith is
not a member of the idp_admin group. Therefore, the rule does not take
effect for the user and the user cannot access HUAWEI CLOUD.
{UserName: John Smith}
{Groups: [idp_user, idp_agency]}

Example Condition Containing a Regular Expression

You can add "regex": true to a condition to calculate results using a regular
This rule takes effect for any user whose username ends with The
username of each applicable federated user is UserName in IAM and the user
belongs to the admin group.
"local": [
"user": {
"name": "{0}"
"group": {
"name": "admin"
"remote": [
"type": "UserName"
"type": "Groups",
"any_one_of": [

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Identity and Access Management
User Guide 9 Identity Providers

"regex": true

Examples of Combined Conditions

Multiple conditions can be combined using the logical operator AND.
This rule takes effect only for the federated users who do not belong to the
idp_user or idp_agent user group in the identity provider. The username of each
applicable federated user is UserName in IAM and the user belongs to the admin
"local": [
"user": {
"name": "{0}"
"group": {
"name": "admin"
"remote": [
"type": "UserName"
"type": "Groups",
"not_any_of": [
"type": "Groups",
"not_any_of": [

The preceding rule is equivalent to the following:

"local": [
"user": {
"name": "{0}"
"group": {
"name": "admin"
"remote": [
"type": "UserName"

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Identity and Access Management
User Guide 9 Identity Providers

"type": "Groups",
"not_any_of": [

Examples of Combined Rules

If multiple rules are combined, the methods for matching usernames and user
groups are different.

The name of a federated user will be the username matched in the first rule that
takes effect, and the user will belong to all groups matched in all rules that take
effect. A federated user can log in only if at least one rule takes effect to match
the username. For easy understanding, username and user group rules can be
configured separately.

In the following example, the rules take effect for users in the idp_admin group.
The username of each applicable federated user is UserName in IAM and the user
belongs to the admin group.
"local": [
"user": {
"name": "{0}"
"remote": [
"type": "UserName"
"local": [
"group": {
"name": "admin"
"remote": [
"type": "Groups",
"any_one_of": [

The following assertion indicates that user John Smith is a member of the
idp_admin group in the identity provider and therefore meets the rules. The
username of this user will be John Smith in IAM, and the user will belong to the
admin group.

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Identity and Access Management
User Guide 9 Identity Providers

{UserName: John Smith}

{Groups: [idp_user, idp_admin, idp_agency]}

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Identity and Access Management
User Guide 10 Custom Identity Broker

10 Custom Identity Broker

Enabling Custom Identity Broker Access with an Agency

Creating a FederationProxyUrl Using an Agency
Enabling Custom Identity Broker Access with a Token
Creating a FederationProxyUrl Using a Token

10.1 Enabling Custom Identity Broker Access with an

If the IdP of your enterprise is not compatible with SAML or OpenID Connect, you
can create a custom identity broker to enable access to HUAWEI CLOUD. You can
write and run code to generate a login URL. Users in your enterprise can then use
the URL to log in to HUAWEI CLOUD. The users will be authenticated by your
enterprise IdP.


If your enterprise IdP is compatible with SAML or OpenID Connect, configure federated
identity authentication to enable users in your enterprise to access HUAWEI CLOUD
through SSO.

● Your enterprise has an enterprise management system.
● You have registered an account (for example, DomainA) in HUAWEI CLOUD
as an enterprise administrator and has created a user group (for example,
GroupC) and assigned it the Agent Operator role. (For details, see Creating
a User Group and Assigning Permissions.)

Step 1 Use the DomainA account to create an IAM user (for example, UserB) and add
the user to GroupC by following the instructions in Adding Users to a User

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Ensure that the IAM user can programmatically access HUAWEI CLOUD services. For
details about how to change the access type, see Viewing or Modifying IAM User

Step 2 Configure the access key (recommended) or username and password of UserB in
the configuration file of your enterprise IdP so that the user can obtain a token for
calling APIs. For account security, encrypt the password and access key before you
store them.
Step 3 In the navigation pane of the IAM console, choose Agencies. Then, click Create
Agency in the upper right corner.
Step 4 Set agency parameters.
For example, set the agency name to testagency, agency type to Account, and
delegated account to DomainA. Set the validity period and click Next.

Figure 10-1 Creating an agency

Step 5 Set the authorization scope, and select the permissions you want to grant to the
Step 6 In the enterprise IdP, create a user group named testagency (same as the name
of the agency created in Step 4), add local users to the group, and grant the users
permissions to log in to HUAWEI CLOUD through a custom identity broker. For
details, see the documentation of the enterprise IdP.
Step 7 After a user logs in to the enterprise management system, the user can access the
custom identity broker of the enterprise IdP by selecting an agency from the
agency list. The user can obtain the agency from the security administrator or root
user. For details, see the documentation of the enterprise management system.

The agencies of the identity broker must exist in HUAWEI CLOUD and have the same
names as some user groups created in the enterprise IdP.

Step 8 The custom identity broker uses the token of userB to call the API POST /
v3.0/OS-CREDENTIAL/securitytokens used to obtain a temporary securityToken.

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Identity and Access Management
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For details, see Obtaining a Temporary Access Key and SecurityToken Through
an Agency.

When obtaining a securityToken with an agency, set the parameter in

the request body.

Step 9 The custom identity broker uses the temporary access key, securityToken, and
global domain name of IAM ( to call the API POST /
v3.0/OS-AUTH/securitytoken/logintokens for obtaining a loginToken. The value
of X-Subject-LoginToken in the response header is a loginToken. For details, see
Obtaining a LoginToken.

● To obtain a loginToken by calling the API POST /v3.0/OS-AUTH/securitytoken/

logintokens, use the global domain name ( of IAM.
● A loginToken is issued to a user to log in through a custom identity broker and contains
identity and session information about the user. A loginToken is valid for 10 minutes by
default. LoginTokens are required for authentication when users log in to a service
console using the FederationProxyUrl.
● You can set the validity period of a loginToken by calling the API POST /v3.0/OS-AUTH/
securitytoken/logintokens. The validity period ranges from 10 minutes to 12 hours. If
the value you have specified is greater than the remaining validity period of the
temporary securityToken, the remaining validity period of the temporary securityToken
is used.

Step 10 The custom identity broker generates a FederationProxyUrl and returns it to the
browser through Location. The FederationProxyUrl will be in the following format:


Table 10-1 Parameter description

Parameter Description

idp_login_url Login URL of the enterprise management system.

service Access address of a HUAWEI CLOUD service.

logintoken LoginToken of the custom identity broker.

For details about how to create a FederationProxyUrl, view the example provided
in Creating a FederationProxyUrl Using an Agency.

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Identity and Access Management
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The FederationProxyUrl contains the loginToken that has been obtained from IAM, and is

Step 11 If the loginToken is authenticated successfully, federated users will be

automatically redirected to the HUAWEI CLOUD service address specified in the
service parameter.
If the loginToken fails to be authenticated, the users will be redirected to the
address specified in idp_login_url.


10.2 Creating a FederationProxyUrl Using an Agency

This section provides example code used to programmatically create a
FederationProxyUrl using an agency for logging in to HUAWEI CLOUD services.

Example Code Using Java

The following Java code shows how to create a FederationProxyUrl that gives
federated users direct access to the HUAWEI CLOUD console.
import java.util.Collections;
import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.auth.GlobalCredentials;
import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.exception.ClientRequestException;
import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.exception.ServerResponseException;
import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.http.HttpConfig;
import com.huaweicloud.sdk.iam.v3.IamClient;
import com.huaweicloud.sdk.iam.v3.model.*;

// Use the global domain name to obtain a loginToken.

String endpoint = "";

// Configure client attributes.

HttpConfig config = HttpConfig.getDefaultHttpConfig()

// Use the domain ID (account ID), AK, and SK of userB to initialize the specified IAM client
"{Service}Client". For details about how to create userB, see section "Creating an IAM User".
IamClient iamClient = IamClient.newBuilder().withCredential(new GlobalCredentials()

Call the API used to obtain a temporary access key and securityToken with an agency.
The default validity period of an access key and securityToken is 900 seconds, that is, 15 minutes. The value
ranges from 15 minutes to 24 hours. In this example, the validity period is set to 3600 seconds, that is, 1
When you obtain a loginToken with a specified validity period, ensure that the validity period of the
loginToken is not greater than the remaining validity period of the securityToken.
IdentityAssumerole identityAssumerole = new IdentityAssumerole().

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AgencyAuth agencyAuth = new AgencyAuth().withIdentity(new

CreateTemporaryAccessKeyByAgencyRequestBody createTemporaryAccessKeyByAgencyRequestBody = new
CreateTemporaryAccessKeyByAgencyResponse createTemporaryAccessKeyByAgencyResponse =
Credential credential = createTemporaryAccessKeyByAgencyResponse.getCredential();

Obtain a loginToken.
LoginTokens are issued to users to log in through custom identity brokers. Each loginToken contains identity
and session information of a user.
To log in to a cloud service console using a custom identity broker URL, call this API to obtain a loginToken
for authentication.
The default validity period of a loginToken is 600 seconds, that is, 10 minutes. The value ranges from 10
minutes to 12 hours. In this example, the validity period is set to 1800 seconds, that is, half an hour.
Ensure that the validity period of the loginToken is not greater than the remaining validity period of the
When obtaining a securityToken with an agency, set the parameter in the request body.
CreateLoginTokenRequestBody createLoginTokenRequestBody = new CreateLoginTokenRequestBody().
withAuth(new LoginTokenAuth().withSecuritytoken(new LoginTokenSecurityToken().
CreateLoginTokenResponse createLoginTokenResponse = iamClient.createLoginToken(new
String loginToken = createLoginTokenResponse.getXSubjectLoginToken();

// Login URL of the custom identity broker

String authURL = "";
// Login URL of an enterprise management system.
String enterpriseSystemLoginURL = "";
// HUAWEI CLOUD service address to access.
String targetConsoleURL = "";

// Create a FederationProxyUrl and return it to the browser through Location.

String FederationProxyUrl = authURL + "?idp_login_url=" +
URLEncoder.encode(enterpriseSystemLoginURL, "UTF-8") +
"&service=" + URLEncoder.encode(targetConsoleURL, "UTF-8") +
"&logintoken=" +URLEncoder.encode(loginToken, "UTF-8");

Example Code Using Python

The following Python code shows how to create a FederationProxyUrl that gives
federated users direct access to the HUAWEI CLOUD console.
from huaweicloudsdkcore.auth.credentials import GlobalCredentials
from huaweicloudsdkcore.http.http_config import HttpConfig
from huaweicloudsdkiam.v3 import *

import urllib

# Use the global domain name to obtain a loginToken.

endpoint = ""

# Configure client attributes.

config = HttpConfig.get_default_config()
config.ignore_ssl_verification = True
config.proxy_protocol = "https"
config.proxy_host = ""
config.proxy_port = 8080
credentials = GlobalCredentials(ak, sk, domain_id)

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# Use the domain ID (account ID), AK, and SK of userB to initialize the specified IAM client
"{Service}Client". For details about how to create userB, see section "Creating an IAM User".
client = IamClient().new_builder(IamClient) \
.with_http_config(config) \
.with_credentials(credentials) \
.with_endpoint(endpoint) \

# CreateTemporaryAccessKeyByAgency
# Call the API used to obtain a temporary access key and securityToken with an agency.
# The default validity period of an access key and securityToken is 900 seconds, that is, 15 minutes. The
value ranges from 15 minutes to 24 hours. In this example, the validity period is set to 3600 seconds, that
is, 1 hour.
# When you obtain a loginToken with a specified validity period, ensure that the validity period of the
loginToken is not greater than the remaining validity period of the securityToken.
# When obtaining a securityToken with an agency, set the parameter in the request
assume_role_session_user = AssumeroleSessionuser(name="ExternalUser")
identity_assume_role = IdentityAssumerole(agency_name="testagency",
identity_methods = ["assume_role"]
body = CreateTemporaryAccessKeyByAgencyRequestBody(
AgencyAuth(AgencyAuthIdentity(methods=identity_methods, assume_role=identity_assume_role)))
request = CreateTemporaryAccessKeyByAgencyRequest(body)
create_temporary_access_key_by_agency_response = client.create_temporary_access_key_by_agency(request)
credential = create_temporary_access_key_by_agency_response.credential

# CreateLoginToken
# Obtain a loginToken.
# The default validity period of a loginToken is 600 seconds, that is, 10 minutes. The value ranges from 10
minutes to 12 hours. In this example, the validity period is set to 1800 seconds, that is, half an hour.
# Ensure that the validity period of the loginToken is not greater than the remaining validity period of the
login_token_security_token = LoginTokenSecurityToken(access=credential.access, secret=credential.secret,
id=credential.securitytoken, duration_seconds=1800)
body = CreateLoginTokenRequestBody(LoginTokenAuth(login_token_security_token))
request = CreateLoginTokenRequest(body)
create_login_token_response = client.create_login_token(request)
login_token = create_login_token_response.x_subject_login_token

# Obtain a custom identity broker URL.

auth_URL = ""
# Login URL of an enterprise management system.
enterprise_system_login_URL = ""
# HUAWEI CLOUD service address to access.
target_console_URL = ""

# Create a FederationProxyUrl and return it to the browser through Location.

FederationProxyUrl = auth_URL + "?idp_login_url=" + urllib.parse.quote(
enterprise_system_login_URL) + "&service=" + urllib.parse.quote(
target_console_URL) + "&logintoken=" + urllib.parse.quote(login_token)

10.3 Enabling Custom Identity Broker Access with a

If the IdP of your enterprise is not compatible with SAML or OpenID Connect, you
can create a custom identity broker to enable access to HUAWEI CLOUD. You can
write and run code to generate a login URL. Users in your enterprise can then use
the URL to log in to HUAWEI CLOUD. The users will be authenticated by your
enterprise IdP.

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Identity and Access Management
User Guide 10 Custom Identity Broker


If your enterprise IdP is compatible with SAML or OpenID Connect, configure federated
identity authentication to enable users in your enterprise to access HUAWEI CLOUD
through SSO.

● Your enterprise has an enterprise management system.
● You have registered an account (for example, DomainA) in HUAWEI CLOUD
as an enterprise administrator.

Step 1 Use the DomainA account to create an IAM user (for example, UserB) by
following the instructions in Creating an IAM User.
Step 2 (Optional) Add UserB to a user group (for example, GroupC) and grant
permissions to the user group by following the instructions in Creating a User
Group and Assigning Permissions.
Step 3 Configure the access key (recommended) or username and password of UserB in
the configuration file of your enterprise IdP so that the user can obtain a user
token. For account security, encrypt the password and access key before you store
Step 4 Log in to the enterprise management system, access the custom identity broker by
selecting a common user from the user list. For details, see the documentation of
the enterprise management system. For this example, select user UserB created in

The user list of the custom broker is the same as the IAM user list under your HUAWEI
CLOUD account. To align these IAM users with the user accounts in your enterprise,
configure the IAM users' access keys (recommended) or usernames and passwords in the
configuration file of the enterprise IdP.

Step 5 The custom identity broker uses the token of userB to call the API POST /
v3.0/OS-CREDENTIAL/securitytokens used to obtain a temporary access key and
securityToken. For details, see Obtaining a Temporary Access Key and
SecurityToken Through a Token.
Step 6 The custom identity broker uses the temporary access key, securityToken, and
global domain name of IAM ( to call the API POST /
v3.0/OS-AUTH/securitytoken/logintokens for obtaining a loginToken. The value
of X-Subject-LoginToken in the response header is a loginToken. For details, see
Obtaining a LoginToken.

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Identity and Access Management
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● To obtain a loginToken by calling the API POST /v3.0/OS-AUTH/securitytoken/

logintokens, use the global domain name ( of IAM.
● A loginToken is issued to a user to log in through a custom identity broker and contains
identity and session information about the user. A loginToken is valid for 10 minutes by
● You can set the validity period of a loginToken by calling the API POST /v3.0/OS-AUTH/
securitytoken/logintokens. The validity period ranges from 10 minutes to 12 hours. If
the value you have specified is greater than the remaining validity period of the
temporary securityToken, the remaining validity period of the temporary securityToken
is used.

Step 7 The custom identity broker generates a FederationProxyUrl and returns it to the
browser through Location.


Table 10-2 Parameter description

Parameter Description

idp_login_url Login URL of the enterprise management system.

service Access address of a HUAWEI CLOUD service.

logintoken LoginToken of the custom identity broker.

For details about how to create a FederationProxyUrl, view the example provided
in Creating a FederationProxyUrl Using a Token.


The FederationProxyUrl contains the loginToken that has been obtained from IAM, and the
value of each parameter in the FederationProxyUrl is encoded using URLEncode.

Step 8 If the loginToken is authenticated successfully, you will be automatically redirected

to the HUAWEI CLOUD service address specified in the service parameter.

If the loginToken fails to be authenticated, you will be redirected to the address

specified in idp_login_url.


10.4 Creating a FederationProxyUrl Using a Token

This section provides example code used to programmatically create a
FederationProxyUrl using a token for logging in to HUAWEI CLOUD services.

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Identity and Access Management
User Guide 10 Custom Identity Broker

Example Code Using Java

The following Java code shows how to create a FederationProxyUrl that gives
federated users direct access to the HUAWEI CLOUD console.
import java.util.Collections;
import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.auth.GlobalCredentials;
import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.http.HttpConfig;
import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.exception.*;
import com.huaweicloud.sdk.iam.v3.IamClient;
import com.huaweicloud.sdk.iam.v3.model.*;

// Use the global domain name to obtain a loginToken.

String endpoint = "";

// Configure client attributes.

HttpConfig config = HttpConfig.getDefaultHttpConfig()

// Use the domain ID (account ID), AK, and SK of userB to initialize the specified IAM client
"{Service}Client". For details about how to create userB, see section "Creating an IAM User".
IamClient iamClient = IamClient.newBuilder().withCredential(new GlobalCredentials()

Call the API used to obtain a temporary access key and securityToken with a token.
The default validity period of an access key and securityToken is 900 seconds, that is, 15 minutes. The value
ranges from 15 minutes to 24 hours. In this example, the validity period is set to 3600 seconds, that is, 1
When you obtain a loginToken with a specified validity period, ensure that the validity period of the
loginToken is not greater than the remaining validity period of the securityToken.
TokenAuthIdentity tokenAuthIdentity = new
en"))).withToken(new IdentityToken().withDurationSeconds(3600));
CreateTemporaryAccessKeyByTokenRequestBody createTemporaryAccessKeyByTokenRequestBody = new
CreateTemporaryAccessKeyByTokenResponse createTemporaryAccessKeyByTokenResponse =
Credential credential = createTemporaryAccessKeyByTokenResponse.getCredential();

Obtain a loginToken.
LoginTokens are issued to users to log in through custom identity brokers. Each loginToken contains identity
and session information of a user.
To log in to a cloud service console using a custom identity broker URL, call this API to obtain a loginToken
for authentication.
The default validity period of a loginToken is 600 seconds, that is, 10 minutes. The value ranges from 10
minutes to 12 hours. In this example, the validity period is set to 1800 seconds, that is, half an hour.
Ensure that the validity period of the loginToken is not greater than the remaining validity period of the
CreateLoginTokenRequestBody createLoginTokenRequestBody = new CreateLoginTokenRequestBody().
withAuth(new LoginTokenAuth().withSecuritytoken(new LoginTokenSecurityToken().
CreateLoginTokenResponse createLoginTokenResponse = iamClient.createLoginToken(new

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Identity and Access Management
User Guide 10 Custom Identity Broker

String loginToken = createLoginTokenResponse.getXSubjectLoginToken();

// Obtain a custom identity broker URL.

String authURL = "";
// Login URL of an enterprise management system.
String enterpriseSystemLoginURL = "";
// HUAWEI CLOUD service address to access.
String targetConsoleURL = "";

// Create a FederationProxyUrl and return it to the browser through Location.

String FederationProxyUrl = authURL + "?idp_login_url=" +
URLEncoder.encode(enterpriseSystemLoginURL, "UTF-8") +
"&service=" + URLEncoder.encode(targetConsoleURL, "UTF-8") +
"&logintoken=" +URLEncoder.encode(loginToken, "UTF-8");

Example Code Using Python

The following Python code shows how to create a FederationProxyUrl that gives
federated users direct access to the HUAWEI CLOUD console.
from huaweicloudsdkcore.auth.credentials import GlobalCredentials
from huaweicloudsdkcore.http.http_config import HttpConfig
from huaweicloudsdkiam.v3 import *

import urllib

# Use the global domain name to obtain a loginToken.

endpoint = ""

# Configure client attributes.

config = HttpConfig.get_default_config()
config.ignore_ssl_verification = True
config.proxy_protocol = "https"
config.proxy_host = ""
config.proxy_port = 8080
credentials = GlobalCredentials(ak, sk, domain_id)

# Use the domain ID (account ID), AK, and SK of userB to initialize the specified IAM client
"{Service}Client". For details about how to create userB, see section "Creating an IAM User".
client = IamClient().new_builder(IamClient) \
.with_http_config(config) \
.with_credentials(credentials) \
.with_endpoint(endpoint) \

# CreateTemporaryAccessKeyByToken
# Call the API used to obtain a temporary access key and securityToken with a token.
# The default validity period of an access key and securityToken is 900 seconds, that is, 15 minutes. The
value ranges from 15 minutes to 24 hours. In this example, the validity period is set to 3600 seconds, that
is, 1 hour.
# When you obtain a loginToken with a specified validity period, ensure that the validity period of the
loginToken is not greater than the remaining validity period of the securityToken.
identity_methods = ["token"]
identity_token = IdentityToken(duration_seconds=3600)
body = CreateTemporaryAccessKeyByTokenRequestBody(
TokenAuth(TokenAuthIdentity(methods=identity_methods, token=identity_token)))
request = CreateTemporaryAccessKeyByTokenRequest(body)
create_temporary_access_key_by_token_response = client.create_temporary_access_key_by_token(request)
credential = create_temporary_access_key_by_token_response.credential

# CreateLoginToken
# Obtain a loginToken.
# LoginTokens are issued to users to log in through custom identity brokers. Each loginToken contains
identity and session information of a user.
# To log in to a cloud service console using a custom identity broker URL, call this API to obtain a
loginToken for authentication.
# The default validity period of a loginToken is 600 seconds, that is, 10 minutes. The value ranges from 10
minutes to 12 hours. In this example, the validity period is set to 1800 seconds, that is, half an hour.
# Ensure that the validity period of the loginToken is not greater than the remaining validity period of the

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Identity and Access Management
User Guide 10 Custom Identity Broker

login_token_security_token = LoginTokenSecurityToken(access=credential.access, secret=credential.secret,
id=credential.securitytoken, duration_seconds=1800)
body = CreateLoginTokenRequestBody(LoginTokenAuth(login_token_security_token))
request = CreateLoginTokenRequest(body)
create_login_token_response = client.create_login_token(request)
login_token = create_login_token_response.x_subject_login_token

# Login URL of the custom identity broker

auth_URL = ""
# Login URL of an enterprise management system.
enterprise_system_login_URL = ""
# HUAWEI CLOUD service address to access.
target_console_URL = ""

# Create a FederationProxyUrl and return it to the browser through Location.

FederationProxyUrl = auth_URL + "?idp_login_url=" + urllib.parse.quote(
enterprise_system_login_URL) + "&service=" + urllib.parse.quote(
target_console_URL) + "&logintoken=" + urllib.parse.quote(login_token)

Issue 21 (2021-09-02) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 128

Identity and Access Management
User Guide 11 MFA Authentication and Virtual MFA Device

11 MFA Authentication and Virtual

MFA Device

MFA Authentication
Virtual MFA Device

11.1 MFA Authentication

What Is MFA Authentication?
MFA authentication provides an additional layer of protection on top of the
username and password. If you enable MFA authentication, users need to enter
the username and password as well as a verification code before they can log in
to the console.
MFA authentication can also be enabled to verify a user's identity before the user
is allowed to perform critical operations.

MFA Authentication Methods

MFA authentication can be performed through SMS, email, and virtual MFA

Application Scenarios
MFA authentication is suitable for login protection and critical operation
● Login protection: When you or an IAM under your account logs in to the
console, you and the user need to enter a verification code in addition to the
username and password.
● Operation protection: When you or an IAM under your account attempts to
perform a critical operation, such as deleting an ECS resource, you and the
user need to enter a verification code to proceed.
For more information about login protection and critical operation protection, see
Critical Operation Protection.

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Identity and Access Management
User Guide 11 MFA Authentication and Virtual MFA Device

11.2 Virtual MFA Device

This section describes how to bind and unbind a virtual MFA device. If the bound
virtual MFA device of an IAM user is deleted or the mobile phone on which it runs
is unavailable, you can remove the virtual MFA device for the IAM user.

What Is a Virtual MFA Device?

An MFA device generates 6-digit verification codes in compliance with the Time-
based One-time Password Algorithm (TOTP) standard. MFA devices can be
hardware- or software-based. Currently, software-based virtual MFA devices are
supported. They are application programs running on smart devices such as
mobile phones.

Binding a Virtual MFA Device

Before binding a virtual MFA device, ensure that you have installed an MFA
application (such as an authenticator app) on your mobile device.

Step 1 Go to the Security Settings page.

Step 2 Click the Critical Operations tab, and click Bind next to Virtual MFA Device.

Step 3 Set up the MFA application by scanning the QR code or manually entering the
secret key.

You can bind a virtual MFA device to your account by scanning the QR code or
entering the secret key.

● Scanning the QR code

Open the MFA application on your mobile phone, and use the application to
scan the QR code displayed on the Bind Virtual MFA Device page. Your
account is then added to the application.
● Manually entering the secret key
Open the MFA application on your mobile phone, click the plus sign + on the
application, and choose to manually enter the secret key. Enter your account
name and secret key. If you are an IAM user, enter your username and secret

The manual entry function is time-based. Ensure that automatic time setup has been
enabled on your mobile phone.

Step 4 View the verification code on the MFA application. The code is automatically
updated every 30 seconds.

Step 5 On the Bind Virtual MFA Device page, enter two consecutive verification codes
and click OK.


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Identity and Access Management
User Guide 11 MFA Authentication and Virtual MFA Device

Obtaining MFA Verification Codes

If virtual MFA–based login protection or operation protection is enabled, you need
to enter an MFA verification code when you log in to the console or performing a
critical operation.

Open the MFA application on your smart device, view the verification code
displayed next to your account, and then enter the code on the console.

Unbinding a Virtual MFA Device

You can unbind the virtual MFA device as long as the mobile phone used to bind
the virtual MFA device is available and the virtual MFA device is still installed on
your phone.

● IAM user: If the mobile phone of an IAM user is unavailable or the virtual
MFA device has been deleted from the phone, the user can request the
administrator to remove the virtual MFA device.
● Account administrator: If the mobile phone associated with the account is
unavailable or the virtual MFA device has been deleted from the phone, the
account administrator can contact customer service to remove the virtual
MFA device.

Step 1 Go to the Security Settings page.

Step 2 Click the Critical Operations tab, and click Unbind next to Virtual MFA Device.

Step 3 On the Unbind Virtual MFA Device page, enter a verification code generated by
the MFA application.

Step 4 Click OK.


Removing the Virtual MFA Device

As the account administrator, if your mobile phone is unavailable or the virtual
MFA device has been deleted from your phone, contact customer service to
remove the virtual MFA device.

If the mobile phone of an IAM user is unavailable or the virtual MFA device has
been deleted from the user's phone, as an administrator, you can remove the
virtual MFA device by performing the following procedure:

Step 1 Log in to the IAM console.

Step 2 On the Users page, click Security Settings in the row containing the user for
whom you want to remove the bound virtual MFA device.

Step 3 On the Security Settings tab page, click Remove next to Virtual MFA Device.

Step 4 Click Yes.


Issue 21 (2021-09-02) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 131

Identity and Access Management
User Guide 12 Viewing IAM Operation Records

12 Viewing IAM Operation Records

Enabling CTS
Viewing IAM Audit Logs

12.1 Enabling CTS

CTS records operations performed on cloud resources in your account. The
operation logs can be used to perform security analysis, track resource changes,
perform compliance audits, and locate faults.
It is recommended that you enable the CTS service to record key IAM operations,
such as creating and deleting users.

Step 1 Log in to the management console.
Step 2 If you log in to HUAWEI CLOUD using an account, go to 3. If you log in as an IAM
user, request the administrator to grant you the following permissions:
● Security Administrator
● CTS FullAccess
For details, see Assigning Permissions to an IAM User.
Step 3 Choose Service List > Management & Governance > Cloud Trace Service.

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Identity and Access Management
User Guide 12 Viewing IAM Operation Records

Step 4 On the displayed authorization page, click Enable and Authorize.


● When using CTS, you must have the required permissions for relevant operations, but do
not need to be granted the Security Administrator role again.
● After you enable CTS, the system automatically creates two trackers to record
management traces, that is, operations (such as creation, login, and deletion) performed
on all cloud resources.
– In the current region, a tracker is created to record management traces of all
project-level services deployed in this region.
– In the CN-Hong Kong region, a tracker is created to record management traces of
all global services, such as IAM.


CTS records all operations performed on IAM, such as creating users and user
groups. Table 12-1 shows the IAM operations that can be recorded by CTS.

Table 12-1 IAM operations that can be recorded by CTS

Operation Resource Type Trace Name

Login user login

Logout user logout

Changing the user changePassword

password at
first login (by
an IAM user)

Resetting the user updateUserPwd


Creating a user user createUser

Modifying user user updateUser


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Identity and Access Management
User Guide 12 Viewing IAM Operation Records

Operation Resource Type Trace Name

Deleting a user user deleteUser

Adding users to userGroup addUserToGroup and updateUser

a user group

Removing users userGroup removeUserFromGroup and updateUser

from a user

Changing the user modifyUserEmail

email address

Changing the user modifyUserMobile

mobile number

Creating an user addCredential

access key

Deleting an user deleteCredential

access key

Disabling or user changeCredentialStatus

enabling an
access key

Modifying an user updateCredential

access key

Changing the user modifyUserPassword


Setting a user setPasswordByAdmin

password for a
user (by the

Creating a user userGroup createUserGroup


Modifying a userGroup updateUserGroup

user group

Deleting a user userGroup deleteUserGroup


Creating a project createProject


Modifying a project updateProject


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Identity and Access Management
User Guide 12 Viewing IAM Operation Records

Operation Resource Type Trace Name

Creating an agency createAgency


Modifying an agency updateAgency


Deleting an agency deleteAgency


Registering an identityProvider createIdentityProvider


Modifying an identityProvider updateIdentityProvider


Deleting an identityProvider deleteIdentityProvider


Updating an identityProvider updateMetaConfigure

conversion rule

Updating the identityProvider updateMetaConfigure and

identity uploadMetadataFile

Updating the domain updateSecurityPolicies


Modifying the domain updatePasswordPolicies

password policy

Modifying the domain updateACLPolicies


Obtaining an unscopedOS- createUnscopedOS-FederationToken

unscoped token FederationToken
in enhanced
client or proxy
(ECP) mode

12.2 Viewing IAM Audit Logs

After CTS is enabled, it records key operations performed on IAM and other
supported services. CTS retains operation records for the last 7 days.

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Identity and Access Management
User Guide 12 Viewing IAM Operation Records

Step 1 On the IAM console, perform an operation, such as creating a user named CTS-
Step 2 Log in to the CTS console and view the operation records of IAM.


IAM is a global service, and the operations on IAM will be recorded by CTS under the CN-
Hong Kong project by default. On the CTS console, switch to the CN-Hong Kong region
and then view IAM operation records.

Step 3 Click next to a trace to view its basic information.

Step 4 Click View Trace on the right of a trace to view the trace structure.

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Identity and Access Management
User Guide 12 Viewing IAM Operation Records


Issue 21 (2021-09-02) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 137

Identity and Access Management
User Guide 13 Quotas

13 Quotas

What Is a Quota?
A quota is a limit on the quantity or capacity of a certain type of service resources
that a user can use. For example, the maximum number of IAM users or user
groups that you can create.

If the current resource quota cannot meet your service requirements, you can
apply for a higher quota.

How Do I View My Quotas?

1. Log in to the management console.

2. Click in the upper left corner and select a region and project.
3. In the upper right corner of the page, choose Resources > My Quotas.
The Service Quota page is displayed.

Figure 13-1 My Quotas

4. On the Service Quota page, view the used and total quotas of each type of
If the quota cannot meet your service requirements, increase the quota.

How Do I Increase My Quota?

1. Log in to the management console.

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Identity and Access Management
User Guide 13 Quotas

2. In the upper right corner of the page, choose Resources > My Quotas.
The Service Quota page is displayed.

Figure 13-2 My Quotas

3. Click Increase Quota.

4. On the Create Service Ticket page, set the parameters.
In the Problem Description area, enter the required quota and the reason for
the quota adjustment.
5. Read the agreements and confirm that you agree to them, and then click

Issue 21 (2021-09-02) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 139

Identity and Access Management
User Guide 14 Change History

14 Change History

Table 14-1 Change history

Released On Description

2021-09-02 This issue is the twenty-first official release, which

incorporates the following changes:
● Added section Viewing Assignment Records.
● Added section Permissions Assigned.
● Modified section Viewing or Modifying User
Group Information.

2021-04-22 This issue is the twentieth official release, which

incorporates the following change:
Added section Quotas.

2021-04-16 This issue is the nineteenth official release, which

incorporates the following change:
Added section Logging In as a Federated User.

2021-03-27 This issue is the eighteenth official release, which

incorporates the following change:
Updated Logging In to HUAWEI CLOUD based on
the new feature of HUAWEI ID login.

2021-03-24 This issue is the seventeenth official release, which

incorporates the following change:
Added section Cloud Services Supported by IAM.

2020-12-30 This issue is the sixteenth official release, which

incorporates the following changes:
Updated the document based on changes in the
login page, security settings function, and UI strings.

Issue 21 (2021-09-02) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 140

Identity and Access Management
User Guide 14 Change History

Released On Description

2020-11-26 This issue is the fifteenth official release, which

incorporates the following change:
Modified section Security Settings based on console

2020-11-05 This issue is the fourteenth official release, which

incorporates the following changes:
● Adjusted the structure of Identity Providers.
● Added section Configuration of OpenID
Connect–based Federated Identity

2020-10-26 This issue is the thirteenth official release, which

incorporates the following change:
Updated the screenshots of the login page based on
the change to the login method.

2020-09-11 This issue is the twelfth official release, which

incorporates the following change:
Modified section IAM Users based on console

2020-08-18 This issue is the eleventh official release, which

incorporates the following change:
Added section Logging In to HUAWEI CLOUD.

2020-04-20 This issue is the tenth official release, which

incorporates the following changes:
Added descriptions about removing users in Adding
Users to or Removing Users from a User Group.
Added section Canceling Permissions of a User

2020-03-30 This issue is the ninth official release, which

incorporates the following change:
Deleted descriptions of open beta testing for policy-
based access control. This function is currently in
commercial use.

2020-02-10 This issue is the eighth official release, which

incorporates the following changes:
Added section Change to the System-Defined
Policy Names.
Modified section Creating a User Group and
Assigning Permissions based on policy name

Issue 21 (2021-09-02) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 141

Identity and Access Management
User Guide 14 Change History

Released On Description

2020-01-20 This issue is the seventh official release, which

incorporates the following changes:
Modified the following sections based on console
User Groups and Authorization and Permissions

2019-11-20 This issue is the sixth official release, which

incorporates the following changes:
Added VPC Endpoints in ACL.
Added Enabling/Disabling an access key in
Managing Access Keys for an IAM User.

2019-10-15 This issue is the fifth official release, which

incorporates the following changes:
Added section Modifying or Deleting a Custom
Added descriptions about creating custom policies in
the visual editor in Creating a Custom Policy.
Added descriptions about the syntax for policies used
to assign resource- and condition-level permissions
in Policies and Custom Policy Use Cases.

2019-09-29 This issue is the fourth official release, which

incorporates the following change:
Added section Custom Identity Broker.

2019-06-11 This issue is the third official release, which

incorporates the following change:
Optimized chapters Before You Start, IAM Users,
User Groups and Authorization, Permissions,
Projects, Security Settings, and Viewing IAM
Operation Records.

2018-02-13 This issue is the second official release, which

incorporates the following change:
Added a table that describes agency types in

2017-12-30 This issue is the first official release.

Issue 21 (2021-09-02) Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 142

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