Radiowaves, Microwaves and Infrared

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Sr. N Basis Radiowave Microwave Infrared wave °. These are ‘These are These are omni- 1. | Direction unidirectional in | unidirectional directional in nature. nature. in nature. ‘At low frequency, | Atlow frequency, they can penetrate | they can penetrate | They cannot through solid through solid penetrate 2. |Penetration | objects and walls __| objects and walls. | through any but high frequency | at high frequency, | solid object they bounce ofthe | they cannot and walls. obstacle. penetrate Frequency 3, | Frequency Frequency range:3 | Frequency range: | range: 300 * [range KHz to 1GHz. 1GHzto 300 GHz. | GHz to 400 GHz. These offers poor | These offers ‘These offers. 4. |Security security. medium security. | high security. 5. [Attenuation | Attenuationis high. | Mttenuation ie Attenuation is variable. low. Some frequencies There is no Some frequencies _| in the microwaves need of Government | inthe radio-waves _| require 6. government License require government | government license to use license to use these. | license to use these waves. these. Setup andusage | Setup andusage | Usage Cost is. 7. |UsageCost | coctig moderate. | costis high. very less. These are used in ‘These are used in Communicatio 8. long distance long distance n communication. communication

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