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REVIEWER FO COURSE AUDIT approval of the court, can Arman and

Bening claim the defense of relative in

event that Culas is attack.
1.The more accurate English translation
of dolo is…
8. Joel attempt to kill his companion
2.What is the nature of criminal law… Attack using poison then Joel went to
his room to get something then the maid
SUBSTANTIVE accidentally given the poison to Attack
3.five group of persons, two filipino, one but it has no effect, what is the crime
Iranian, two Malaysian commit misprison committed....
of treason in the philippines who among IMPOSSIBLE CRIME OF MURDER
the aforementioned are liable.
9. Alpha and Bravo are political rivals,
ONLY THE FILIPINO one-night Mr Alpha dream he was
4.If an accused is convicted of estafa planned to kill by Bravo, then when he
with 11 counts and adjudge to the wake up, suddenly he get his cal. .45
penalty is 1 year, applying 3 fold rule in pistol and went to Bravo's house, he
law, how many years should be saw the latter Bravo and fired but
imposed… missed. Then grafling and Bravo got the
gun and after that Alpha run away but
3 shoot to death by Bravo is there any
5.Taiwanese who forged or counterfeit self-defense
the Philippine money bills and NO
introduced to the Philippines. If you are
the crime prober. Is he liable for violation 10. Army killed Navy to conceal the
of RPC crime Army put Navy in Nipa hut and
burned the latter what crime committed
6. Arnie with intent to kill Bobby which
he found sleep in nipa hut and burned 11. A 16-year-old child stabbed their
the Nipa hut for the purpose of killing neighbor to death and say pasalamat ka
Bobby unknown to Arnie that Bobby was hindi kita pinuruhan the act of a child is
dead 3 hours ago. Is Arnie liable for with
impossible crime...
12. The law imposing penalty and the
7. Arman and Bening are married for 20 law has a limit, just like in the holy bible
years but still childish, they adopt Culas Psalm 90:10 general average of men is
to complete their family, upon the
70 years. In RPC the maximum year crime, imprudence and negligence
that a convict shall serve in prison not constitute only with…
more than
40 YEARS criminal law, a person who did not
13. Malefactors who conspired to do an act which specified by law, such
commit felony act is called…
14. Which of the following Latin maxim. crime is committed without
circumstances does not affect criminal criminal intent...
Supposed Borja, a public officer who
15. Which of the following is very entered Don Emilio's house. Above the
important in determining whether the door indicated sign of No entry but never
structure of fact is felonious mind the dog beware to owner. He is
liable for...
16. Libel is a crime against
Intelligence is an element of felony to
prove otherwise, is to prove that the
17. The penalty of prison mayor is 6 accused is in...
years and 1 day to 12 years in
indeterminate sentence law, is it
possible for the court to impose the
prison mayor for 5 years and I day to 12 Felony is not committed by omission,
years... only overt act .this statement is...
NO ANS: False, felony is an act or
omission punishable by law
18. In criminal law, a person who did not
do an act which is specified by law, such From the foregoing situation, suppose
act is called that the crime committed by Hipolito is is
punishable by grave offense, for Cardo
to be liable for the arbitrary detention
19. Amy is student of Bogi a professor, Hipolito should be delivered to the
Bogi propose to marry Amy. Is there a proper judicial authority for period of...
crime committed if any
ANS: more than 36 hours
From the foregoing situation, suppose
20.imprudence and negligence is not a that the crime committed by Hipolito is
crime. It is just a means of committing under the law punishable by light
offense. For Cardo to be liable for the
crime of arbitrary detention Hipolito 3. That the mistake must be without fault
should be delivered to proper judicial or carelessness of the accused
authority within the period of...
ANS: 1, 2, 3
ANS: more than 12 hours
When in the commission of the crime
Cardo is a police officer, Hipolito is a the exercise of freedom is absent, which
private person, Cardo arrested Hipolito of the following is the applicable
without a warrant for the crime. From the modifying circumstances...
foregoing situation, suppose that the
ANS: exempting
crime committed by Hipolito is under the
law punishable by less grave offense, Which of the following is not arbitrary
for Cardo to be liable for arbitrary detention under the RPC...
detention, Hipolito should be delivered
to the proper judicial authority within the ANS: arbitrary detention - Art 269
period of... The killing of a spouse or a daughter
ANS: More than 18 hours who is minor or under circumstances as
provided under Article 247 RPC...
What is this phase in the commission of
the crime which do not stop the ANS: Parricide
commission of the crime because of Preparatory act is the development of
spontaneous desistance by the crime, in punishing preparatory act's...
presence of the police until he performs
all the acts of execution that would ANS: are overt act in the attempted
produce the felony... stage of a specific crime

ANS: Objective What is the modifying circumstances

that lower the penalty imposed upon the
Durant deprived Harden of his liberty, convicted offender...
Durant is a public officer, Harden is a
government employee also, the ANS: Mitigating
investigation revealed that the Pinuno is the Philippine Ambassador
deprivation of liberty is without legal deployed to the Republic of Japan.
ground, what crime is committed by Suppose in the foregoing situation,
Durant... Pinuno committed a crime in connection
ANS: Arbitrary detention with the performance of his official
function inside the Philippine embassy
Which of the following are the elements will he be criminally liable under the
of mistake of facts... criminal law of Philippines...
1. The act done would have been lawful ANS: Yes under extra territorial
had the fact been the accused believed application characteristic of our
them to be criminal law
2. That the intention of the accused in From the foregoing situation, suppose
performing the act is lawful that while being escorted to attend the
trial of his case for the crime of murder, ANS: That the death of HIPOLITO
HIPOLITO escaped after 30 years absolutely extinguishes the criminal
chance upon Hipolito and arrested the liability
latter for the crime of murder did the
From the foregoing situation, suppose
crime prescribed...
that Hipolito killed Oligario, the latter is
ANS: No because the case has been niece of Hipolito. The age of Oligario is
filed already and HIPOLITO escaped less than 12 years old. What is the crime
committed by Hipolito….
SITUATION: Cardo is a police officer,
Hipolito is the offender ANS: Murder
From the foregoing situation, suppose From the foregoing situation, suppose
that while being escorted to attend the that Hipolito killed Oligario, the latter is
trial of his case for the crime of murder, related by blood to Hipolito the age of
HIPOLITO escaped, after more than 20 Hipolito is less than 12 years of age…
years chanced upon HIPOLITO and
ANS: Parricide
arrested the latter for the crime of
murder by officer Cardo. Did the penalty SITUATION: Hipolito is the offender,
prescribe for the crime of murder... Oligario is the victim
ANS: No, because Hipolito was not From the foregoing situation, suppose
yet convicted of a crime that Hipolito killed Oligario, Hipolito is
uncle of Oligario, Oligario is more than
From the foregoing situation, suppose
12 years of age, what is the crime
that Lakas killed GANDA and the latter
committed by HIPOLITO…
is his illegitimate daughter and GANDA's
age is merely less than 3 days old what ANS: Murder
crime is committed by LAKAS...
What is the crime committed by a
ANS: Infanticide person who shall have a carnal
knowledge with a woman without the
SITUATION: Cardo is a police officer,
consent of the latter…
Hipolito is the offender, Lakas is the
victim ANS: Rape
From the foregoing situation supposed Who appears to be offended party in
that an investigation was conducted for criminal case…
The killing of LAKAS and after more
than 6 years of investigation CARDO ANS: The people of the Philippines
discovered that Hipolito is the Which of the following public officer
perpetrator and is already dead, the wife cannot be liable for the crime of arbitrary
of Lakas wanted to pursue the criminal detention…
case, what advise can you give to wife
of LAKAS... ANS: Chief finance officers of the city
Robbery with homicide is committed
when the…
ANS: Crime of homicide is committed What is this theory in criminal law
on occasion of robbery wherein the exercise of free will is
recognized however the person still
James deprived Tatum of his liberty
commit a crime contrary to his volition…
James is police officer Tatum is a
government employee also. The ANS: classical
investigation revealed that the
A person committed the crime of rape as
deprivation is with legal ground although
amended he/she is committing
the same is without warrant of arrest
when will James considered to have ANS: felony
been committed arbitrary detention.
A father who killed daughter under
ANS: The moment Tatum is not circumstances provided by article 247 of
delivered to proper judicial authority the revised penal code is…
within applicable reglementary period
ANS: liable for the penalty of destiero
Violation of penal laws, that forbids, or
commands is… When the killing of a person is attended
by circumstances as stated under article
ANS: Felony 248 of the revised penal code. It is…
The criminal liability in arbitrary ANS: murder
detention attached the moment that the
person is… What is the meaning of carnal
knowledge in the crime rape…
ANS: detained by public officer
without warrant ANS: coition

PSSgt Ace enter the house of another, In the commission of the crime, the
there is no signage prohibiting the entry accused did not stop because of
thereto. Ace entered the house spontaneous desistance until he perform
surreptitiously; Ace may be liable for the all acts of execution but does not
crime of violation of domicile if the owner produce felony. The commission of the
of the house discovered Ace inside the crime is in the stage…
house… ANS: frustrated
ANS: and once requested to leave From the foregoing situation, suppose
refused to do so that ambassador Pinuno committed an
Piracy as defined under article 122 of act which under the law of Japan is
the revised penal code can be considered as penal law can the
committed only… Government of Japan prosecute
ANS: in the high sea
ANS: Yes under the extra territoriality
The following is the meaning of corpus characteristics of japan criminal law
delicti, EXCEPT…
From the foregoing situation supposed
ANS: the order to produce the body that Pinuno is a Japanese ambassador
of Japan to the Philippines, outside the interest) or any act prejudicial to
performance of his public office. Pinuno public welfare
committed an act which is punishable
What is the gravamen of the offense of
under Philippine law the characteristic of
illegal assembly under Art. 146, RPC…
criminal law to be applied is…
ANS: Generality
ANS: Mere gathering of men for
SITUATION: Pinuno is Philippine unlawful purpose in violation of RPC
ambassador based in Japan. or Special Laws
1048 Parliamentary immunity includes
protection from…
From the foregoing situation, suppose
that while in the performance of his ANS: Civil and criminal liability
office. Pinuno committed an act
Violation of Art. 143, RPC or Acts
punishable under the Philippine law. The
tending to prevent meeting of the
characteristic of criminal law to be
assembly and similar bodies is
applied is…
committed when any person prevents a
ANS: Extra territoriality projected meeting or actual meeting of
any of the following, EXCEPT…
When a Filipino kills a Chinese on board
a vessel bearing the flag of Mexico while ANS: Barangay Council
the vessel is in Philippine waters may
The following are the punishable acts in
the criminal law of the Philippine apply…
inciting to sedition (Art. 142, RPC)
ANS: Yes, the Philippine criminal law EXCEPT…
is applicable
ANS: Furnishing false evidence,
An act or omission punishable by the forged signature or spurious
RPC is called… evidence (punishable act in
ANS: Felony
The following are the distinction of
How is direct assault committed…
rebellion and coup d’etat, EXCEPT…
ANS: Both ‘A’ and ‘B’
ANS: In rebellion, the objective is to
What is the gravamen of the offense of destabilize or immobilize or paralyze
illegal association under Art. 147, the existing government; in coup
RPC… d’etat, the objective is to overthrow
the government and establish their
ANS: Forming of an organization, or own
association, corporation, for the
purpose of criminal activities This crime is committed by rising
prohibited by the RPC or Special publicly and taking arms against the
Laws against public moral (public government for removing from
allegiance to said government or its
laws, the territory of the Philippines or It refers to the natural or juridical
any part thereof, or any body of land, persons injured or the holder of the
naval or other armed forces, or depriving injured right…
the Chief Executive or the Legislature,
ANS: Passive subject
wholly or partially, of any of their powers
or prerogatives… It refers to the natural person who is the
subject of a crime because of the highly
ANS: Rebellion
personal nature of the criminal
The following are the elements of responsibility…
Treason EXCEPT…
ANS: Active subject
ANS: Offender is a Filipino citizen
The following are accessories,
The following are crimes against EXCEPT…
national security and the law of nations
ANS: Those who take part to its
commission by harboring, concealing
ANS: Rebellion or assisting in the escape of the
Special time allowance given to
prisoners who opted to stay in prison Which of the following statement is not
during calamity or catastrophe is… correct with respect to principal…
ANS: 2/5 of the period of his ANS: A lookout who was not part of
sentence. the conspiracy but participated after
the decision was reached
The offender who evade the service of
sentence on the occasion of disorders, Which of the following are not criminally
conflagrations, earthquake, or other liable for light felonies…
calamities who gave himself up to
ANS: Accessories
authorities within 48 hours following the
issuance of a proclamation announcing Intoxication is mitigating if…
the passing away of the
abovementioned calamities shall be ANS: All of the choices
entitled deduction of sentence The following are alternative
equivalent to… circumstances EXCEPT…
ANS: 1/5 of the period of his sentence ANS: Gender
Which of the following is compound When the culprit delighted in making his
crime… victim suffer slowly and gradually,
ANS: Throwing hand grenade, killing causing unnecessary moral and physical
and seriously wounding a number of pain in the consummation of the criminal
persons act, the aggravating circumstance in this
case is…
ANS: Cruelty
A circumstance which adds disgrace to injuries is found guilty of said crimes a
the material injury caused by the crime third time or oftener…
akin to the adage “adding insult to the
ANS: Habitual delinquency
A form of habituality wherein the
ANS: Ignominy
offender has been previously punished
An aggravating circumstance in which for an offense to which the law attaches
the offender commits any crimes against an equal or greater penalty for two or
the person, employing means, methods, more crimes to which it attaches a
or forms in the execution thereof which lighter penalty…
tend directly and especially ensure its
ANS: Reiteracion
execution, without risk to himself arising
from the defense of offended party… A form of habituality wherein one who at
the time of trial for one crime, shall have
ANS: Treachery
been previously convicted by final
This aggravating circumstance defines judgment of another crime embrace in
as cunning or intellectual trickery or the same title of the code…
chicanery resorted to by the accused to
ANS: Recidivism
carry out his evil design…
The following are the different forms of
ANS: Craft
habituality, EXCEPT…
The following are elements of evident
ANS: None of the choices
premeditation EXCEPT…
Under the following, an aggravating
ANS: Stubborn adherence to a
circumstance of nighttime can be
decision to commit a crime
appreciated, EXCEPT…
The aggravating circumstance of price,
ANS: The place where the crime was
reward or promise affects the…
committed was poorly illuminated
ANS: Both offeror and acceptor
The aggravating circumstances of age,
A form of habituality wherein the sex, rank, dwelling are considered in the
offender has been previously convicted following crimes, EXCEPT…
by final judgment and before beginning
ANS: Crimes against property
to serve such sentence, or while serving
the same he committed a felony… This aggravating circumstance cannot
be offset by any mitigating
ANS: Quasi-recidivism
circumstance, and it changes the nature
A form of habituality wherein offender of the crime…
within a period of ten years from date of
ANS: Qualifying
his release or last conviction of the
crimes of falsification, robbery, estafa, This kind of aggravating circumstance
theft, serious or less serious physical can be offset by ordinary mitigating
circumstance and increase the penalty
to maximum penalty prescribed in the A police officer failed to deliver the
law… person arrested to judicial authorities
within the prescribe time as stated under
ANS: Generic
Article 125, RPC for being stranded to a
The nature of minority as a mitigating remote island. Under the circumstance
circumstance is… the police officer is…

ANS: Either ‘A’ or ‘B’ ANS: Exempt from criminal liability

because of insuperable cause
Which of the following is not correct with
respect to ordinary mitigating The following are elements of irresistible
circumstance… force EXCEPT…

ANS: Mitigating circumstance is ANS: Threat will cause fear of an evil

always considered no matter what greater than or at least equal to that
penalty is imposed which the accused was required to
Mitigating circumstance which applies to
a specific felony like concealment of The following are exempting
dishonor in the case of abortion by the circumstances EXCEPT…
pregnant woman herself…
ANS: A person over 15 but under 18
ANS: Specific acted with discernment

Mitigating circumstance whereby the The following are the elements of state
penalty prescribed whether divisible or of necessity EXCEPT…
indivisible is lowered by one or more
ANS: The civil liability will only be
granted if there is another person
ANS: Privileged benefited by the avoidance

Mitigating circumstance whereby the The following are the elements of

penalty is lowered to the minimum defense of relatives EXCEPT…
period prescribe by law…
ANS: The person defending has no
ANS: Ordinary part in provocation

The following are the classification of The following statements are correct
mitigating circumstances EXCEPT… with respect to unlawful aggression,
ANS: Generic
ANS: Unlawful aggression must at
The following are mitigating least be threatening even if the
circumstances EXCEPT… danger to life is not imminent
ANS: Under 15 years of age, or over Which of the following is not included in
15 years of age but under 18 years self-defense…
and acted without discernment
ANS: Defense of property
The following are the requisites of self- committed within the limits of Philippine
defense EXCEPT… territory...
ANS: The person depending is not TERRITORIAL
induced by revenge, resentment or
Characteristic of penal law which means
other evil motives
that generally law should only be applied
The following are justifying after its effectivity onwards unless
circumstances EXCEPT… favorable to the accuse...
Less grave felonies are those which the What is the rational against the
law punishes with the penalties which in retroactivity of laws...
their maximum period are…
Lex prospicit, non respicit
ANS: Correctional.
This philosophy of CJS states that the
The following are elements of culpable purpose of penalty is retribution - "an
felonies EXCEPT… eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth." In
view of the voluntariness of the act or
ANS: Intent
omission of the offender, he should be
It makes an act or omission criminal given the penalty he deserved...
which when committed was not yet so...
Classical or juristic
Ex post facto law
Which of the following statement is
The following are ex post facto law as correct with respect to perverse act not
conceived by the 1987 Philippine punishable under the law...
Constitution, EXCEPT...
Philippines is a civil law country,
Statutes that makes an act not hence penal laws are enacted. As
punishable as crime when such act such, no matter how heinous an act,
was an offense when committed it is not considered a crime unless
there is a law that punishes it.
The following are the characteristics of
penal law EXCEPT... What is the rule in the interpretation of
penal laws in relation to the accused's
Venue culpability...
This characteristic of penal law states
that it is binding on all persons who
resides or sojourn in the Philippines It should be interpreted liberally in
whether citizen or not.... favor of the accused and against the
This cha racteristic of penal law states
that law is applicable to all crimes A Classification of felonies which are
always consummated because the
offender cannot perform the act Intent
necessary for their execution without
The following statements are correct,
consummating the offense...
Formal felonies
Homicide cannot be committed
The following are the characteristics of without criminal intent.
"mala prohibita" EXCEPT...
It is an absolutory cause which states
Penalty is determined on the degree that there is misapprehension of fact on
of participation of the offender the part of the person who caused injury
to another who did not act with criminal
The sources of criminal law are the
following, EXCEPT...
Mistake of facts
Common law crimes
A felony is when the offender
The branch of the government which
commences the commission of a felony
has the power to define and punish
directly by overt acts, and does not
perform all the acts of execution which
Legislative would produce the felony by reason of
some cause or accident other than his
The Revised Penal Code took effect own spontaneous desistance...
on... A.
January 1, 1932
Which of the following is the
The Revised Penal Code is otherwise classification of felony according to
known as... stage of execution...
R.A 3815 Grave felonies, less grave felonies,
As a general rule, offense committed and light felonies
aboard a foreign vessel while on Which of the following is not correct with
Philippine waters are triable before our respect to desistance
court, except when the crimes merely
affect things within the vessel or when It is an act which negative criminal
they only refer to the internal liability of the offender when made
management thereof. This is called... during the attempted and frustrated
English rule
Light felonies are punishable only when
Acts or omission punishable by law are they have been consummated, EXCEPT
called... when...
Felonies committed against persons and
The following are elements of intentional property
felonies, EXCEPT
In light felonies, the following are Violation of Art. 143, RPC or Acts
punishable... tending to prevent meeting of the
assembly and similar bodies is
Principal and accomplice only
committed when any person prevents a
Pol, a private person, punch a priest projected meeting or actual meeting of
while the priest was going only for any of the following, EXCEPT
maligning the relative of Pol. What crime
is commited
Parliamentary immunity includes
Offending religious feeling (Art. 133)
protection from
Which of the following is not correct in
Civil and criminal liability
relation to conspiracy
What is the gravamen of the offense of
Direct proof of previous agreement is
illegal assembly under Art. 146, RPC
essental to eshtablish conspiracy
Forming of an organization, or
This crime is committed by rising
association, corporation, for the
publicly and taking arms against the
purpose of criminal activities
govemment for removing from
prohibited by the RPC or Special
allegiance to said government or its
Laws against public moral (public
laws, the territory of the Philippines or
interest) or any act prejudicial to
any part thereof, or any body of land,
public welfare
naval or other armed forces, or depriving
the Chief Executive or the Legislature, How is direct assault committed...
wholly or partially, of any of their powers
Both 'A' and 'B'
or prerogatives
Any public officer vested with jurisdiction
recognized by law and clothed with
The following are the punishable acts in authority in law, whether individually or
inciting to sedition (Art. 142, RPC) as a member of boards or corporation of
EXCEPT body....
Furnishing false evidence, forged Person in authority
signature or spurious evidence
Any person who, by direct provision of
(punishable act in Terrorism)
law, by election or appointment by
The following are the distinction of competent authority is charged with the
rebellion and coup d' etat, EXCEPT... maintenance of order and the protection
of security of life and property
In rebellion, the objective is to
destabilize or immobilize or paralyze Agent of a person in authority
the existing govemment in coup
Mere pushing of 'agent of person in
d'etat, the objective is to overthrow
authority constitutes the crime of...
the government and establish their
own No crime committed
Mere pushing of 'person in authority' Charivari
constitutes the crime of...
Creating noise and annoyance may
Direct assault bring about what offenses...
When the offended is a civilian who Both 'A' and 'B'
comes to aid an agent of person in
Offender discharges a firearm in a public
authority, what crime is committed...
place but the firearm is not pointed to a
Direct assault particular person, what crime is
When the offended is a civilian who
comes to aid an agent of person in Alarms and scandals
authority, what crime is committed
If the firearm was directed to a person
Indirect assault and he was hit and injured but there was
no intent to kill, what crime was
Enforcer accosted traffic violator.
However, traffic violator refused to hand
over his license and boxed enforcer Physical injury
several times suffering serious physical
If the firearm was directed to a particular
injury. A bystander came to an aid of
person who was not hit if intent to kill
enforcer which angered the violator and
was not proved, what crime was
also boxed the bystander suffering slight
physical injury. What crime or crimes
is/are committed... Illegal discharge of firearms
Direct assault with serious physical If the firearm was directed to a person
injury and indirect assault and he was not hit but intent to kill was
proved, what crime was committed
Enforcer accosted traffic violator.
However, traffic violator refused to hand Attempted homicide
over his license. A bystander came to an
aid of enforcer which angered the If the firearm is not discharged but
violator and boxed the bystander several merely pointed to another, what is the
times suffering serious physical injury. crime committed...
What crime or crimes is/are committed... Threat
Serious physical injury Where a jail or prison officer who was off
Tumults and disturbance of public order duty took out a prisoner from jail or
under Art. 153 is committed by at least... prison for 6 months, replacing him with
another prisoner, what is the crime
Four persons committed...
It is a mock serenade where the Delivery of prisoner from jail
offender actually disturbs the peace by
using cans, pans, utensils, etc...
This document is one authorized and RA 9165
regulated by laws for use and
A 17 years old woman, with
documentation in trade transactions..
discernment, engaged habitually in seru
Commercial intercourse or lascivious conduct for
money or profit, what is the come
It is committed by a person who, being
under oath and required to tel as the
truth of certain matter at hearing before Neither 'A' or 'B'
a competent aborty, shall deny the truth
Under RA 9165, Schools Heads,
or say something contrary to t
Supervisors, and teachers shall be
False testimony deemed 'persons in authority vested
with the power to apprehend anest, or
In falsification of public document...
cause the apprehension or arrest of any
person who shall violate the a They shall
be considered persons in authority it....
Damage or intent to cause damage is
an essential element All of the choices
The following are the elements of illegal
possession of prohibited or regulated
The following are the elements of illegal drugs, EXCEPT
use of uniforms or insign EXCEPT...
None of the above
The insignia, uniform or dress is
genuine The following are the elements of sale of
legal drugs EXCEPT
Which of the following is correct with
respect to the distinction of false The mere delivery of the thing sold
testimony and perjury... even though there is no payment for
such sale
Both false testimony and perjury has
the same elements under the Code Status offense' refers to....

The following are the purposes of using Offenses not punishable when
fictitious name (Art. 178) EXCEPT... committed by adult, but purishade
when committed by minor
Conceal identity
Which of the following crime is
Mr. Macho Gwapito, for money or profit, malfeasance...
habitually indulge in sexual intercourse
or lascivious conduct, what is the crime Direct bribery and indirect bribery
It is the doing of something by public
The Comprehensive Dangerous Drug officers which in the wrist place should
Act of 2002 is otherwise known as... not be done because it is wrong...
Malfeasance reclusion perpetua in consideration of
any offer, promise, git or present is liable
It is the omission to an act by public
officer which he should perform but does
not do so... Qualified bribery
Which of the following is nonfeasance... The following are the elements of
malversation (Art. 217, RPC), EXCEPT
Dereliction of duty in the prosecution
of offense Public funds or property had been
diverted to any public use over than
Offender makes offers or promises or
that provides for by law or ordinance
gives gifts to a public oficer under the
circumstances that makes public officer
liable under the law, the crime
Which of the following constitutes
committed is...
evasion through negligence.
Corruption of public officials
Offender is a public officer in charge
When the public officer will do an act, with the conveyance or custody of
either constituting a crime or does not prisoner, either detention prisoner or
constitute a crime, in consideration of a prisoner by final judgment, such
what he will receive or ran from what he prisoner escapes through his
should do because of what he receives, negligence
the crime committed is...
Direct bribery
The crime of infidelity in the custody of
It is the performance of an act which the prisoners may be commuted through...
public officer may perform at the
Both 'A' and 'B'
mistakenly does so...
In the crime of open disobedience (Art.
231), the offender is...
Public officer who accept gifts offered to
Judicial or legislative officer\
him by reason of his ofice s liable for...
Prisoners under the Revised Penal
Indirect bribery
Code are viewed as...
The crime of illegal exaction (Art. 213,
Chattels or tangible movable
paragraph 2) is commited by
personal property.
All of the choices
A clerk of court who was in custody of
Any public officer entrusted for prosecutor's evidence (mark money)
enforcement of law refrains from took it for payment of her lunch, what is
aresting or prosecuting offender who the crime commited
has committed a crime punishable by
Infidelity in custody of documents where he was, what is/are the crime's
Sheriff Ruiz, without any legal
justification openly refuses to execute Homicide and Arson
the judgment of the court for demolition
How many circumstances are needed to
in which he is duty bound to obey what
qualify the killing to murder...
is the crime committed...
Only one is needed, the others
Open disobedience
present will be regarded as gene
Abuses of chastity is committed if the jail aggravating circumstances
warden makes immoral advances or
Out of joke, Bogoy burned the house of
solicitation to the following person,
Weny which reached to the latter's
killing. What is/are the crime's
Wife of prisoner committed.
Abuse of chastity under Art. 245 can be Homicide resulting from reckless
committed by... imprudence
Neither 'A' or 'B' A free-for-all fight occurred in a Bar.
After the fight, the waiter was found
Xyron, legally married to Yayo, having
dead but the killer is never known. What
surprised the latter in the act of
is the crime commited.
committing sexual intercourse with
another person, inflicted serious Tumultuous affray
physical injuries on both of them. Is
What is the rule on intent to kill when the
Xyron liable for serious physical injury
victim dies...
Yes, but the imposable penalty is
If victim dies, intent to kill is general
only destierro
criminal intent which is presumed
Ronnie in killing the victim burned the
Xiony in order to conceal dishonor, killed
latter's house which also burned other
her less than 3-day old clay What is the
houses adjacent to the victim's house.
crime committed...
What is/are the crimes committed...
Lucy, gave birth to a pre-mature baby
A mother of new born ask her brother to
having an intra-uterine life of less than
kill the child who is more than 3 days old
seven months. In order to conceal
which the latter did. What crimes is/are
dishonor she killed it within 24 hours
after separation from the womb. What
Parricide and Murder crime is committed
Tano in order to conceal the killing of Abortion
Dolfo burned the house of the latter
Peter a lad of 18 years of age had
sexual intercourse with consent of Berta
who is under 16 years of age, what is If the sequence of the act is rape,
the crime committed.. . homicide, and then robbery, what crimes
are committed...
No crime committed
Rape, homicide, and robbery
In Threat, if the wrong threatened
amounts to a crime which may or may False keys constitutes...
not be accompanied by any condition,
Any keys other than those intended
the crime committed is.
by the owner for use in the lock
Grave threat
It is the taking of personal property of
An indiscriminate highway robbery of
another with intent to gain, by means of
four robbers constitutes the crime of
violence, against or intimidation to any
person, or using force upon anything... Brigandage
Robbery It is the taking of personal property
belonging to another one with to gain
Archie intentionally cut-off the finger of
without the consent of the owner
apprehended pick pocket. What is the
crime committed... Theft
Serious physical injury A security guard, instead of protecting
the property of his employer took the
Robber killed the owner of the house,
crime committed is...
rape the doughter of the ener raped also
the maid and killed the gardaner What is Qualified theft
the crime committed...
It is the taking of possession of real
Robbery with homicide property by means of violence or
Intimidation belonging to another.
Is there a crime of Robbery with Double
Homicide Occupation of real property or
usurpation of real nights in property
None, such crime does not exist in
our statute Xandro, in order to avoid payment of his
legal debt, abscond or cons his property
Is there a crime of Robbery with Double
to the prejudice of his creditor. What
crime is committed
Neither 'A' or 'B
Culpable insolvency
Robber raped the owner of the house,
What is juridical possession...
the doughter and the maid What the
crime committed. Possession in which the possessor
may be held liable for the f money or
Robbery with rape
property is misappropriated
The following are categories of Arson should serve successive service of
EXCEPT.... sertorion by serving first the penalty of...
Serious Arson Reclusion perpetua
Owner burned his own property, but the The accused in criminal proceedings
fire spread to other properties and a has in his favor the rule that criminol
person was died, the crime committed laws should be construed liberally in his
is... favor because...
Arson the accused is presumed innocent
until proven guilty
Malicious mischief is committed by
means of Our criminal law may be applied
extraterritorially which means that...
Those accused of crimes may be
Murder/homicide has already been
arrested even outside of the
consummated and the house was
Philippine territory
burned to conceal the crime, the crime
committed is... Our criminal law may be applied
extraterritorially which means that...
Arson and murderhomicide
Those accused of crime may be
The enticing of a woman to unlawful
arrested even outside of the
sexual intercourse by use of marriage or
Philippine territory
by other means of persuasion without
the use of force it is The accused with lewd designed
brought the woman who is a minor in
secluded place but with the consent of
What is the crime committed if the the latter. The accused is liable for the
offender kiled a person whose age is crime of..
less than 12 years of age...
Consented abduction
Murder if not attended by
The constitutional limitation of ex post
circumstances under article 246
facto law in the criminal law simply
Juana, a 17-year-old student, was means that our criminal shall be
abducted by Juan with lowd design on applied...
his part. What is the crime committed...
Forcible abduction
When a Filipino kills a Chinese on board
Jake was convicted for several crimes, a vessel bearing the flag of Mexico while
homicide the penalty imposed is the vessel is in Philippine waters may
minimum of 6 years I day to 8 years, the criminal law of the Philippine apply...
physical injuries the penalty is 4 years
Yes, the Philippine criminal law is
and 1 day to 6 years and parcide the
penalty is reclusion perpetua. Jake
In the commission of the crime, the
accused did not stop because of
What does the constitution provide in so
spontaneous desistance until he perform
far as the search and seizure is
all acts of execution but does not
produce felony. The commission of the
Search should be conducted when crime is in the stage...
there is a warrant
The constitutional limitation of bill of
For attempted stage to exist, one of the
attainder in the enactment of criminal
requirements is that there must be an
laws simply means that our criminal law
overt act, overt act in attempted stage
Impose the penalty only after due
Physical act indicating the intention
hearing and trial
of the accused to commit a specific
From the foregoing situation supposed crime
that Pinuno is a Japanese ambassador
What is the meaning of carnal
of Japan to the Philippines, outside the
knowledge in the crime rape...
performance of his public office. Pinuno
committed an act which is punishable coition
under Philippine law the characteristic of
When the killing of a person is attended
criminal law to be applied is...
by circumstances as stated under article
Generality 248 of the revised penal code. It is...
From the foregoing situation, suppose murder
that ambassador Pinuno committed an
A father who killed daughter under
act which under the law of Japan is
circumstances provided by article 247 of
considered as penal law can the
the revised penal code is...
Government of Japan prosecute
Pinuno... liable for the penalty of destiero
Yes under the extra territoriality These are instances when the accused
characteristic of Japan criminal law may be the proximate cause of the injury
of the victim, however, the accused may
SITUATION: Pinuno is Philippine
not be responsible for the consequences
ambassador based in Japan. From the
of his felonious act if there is attributable
foregoing situation, suppose that while
to him... cause not
in the performance of his office. Pinuno
committed an act punishable under the efficient intervening
Philippine law. The characteristic of
criminal law to be applied is... A person committed the crime of rape as
amended he/she is committing a A.
Extra territoriality felony
What is this theory in criminal law PSSgt Ace enter the house of another,
wherein the exercise of free will is there is no signage prohibiting the entry
recognized however the person still thereto. Ace entered the house
commit a crime contrary to his volition... surreptitiously, Ace may be liable for the
crime of violation of domicile if the owner
of the house discovered Ace inside the
A police officer enter the house of house...
another, there is no implied or express
and once requested to leave refused
prohibition for anyone to enter without
to do so
permission of the owner. The entry of
the police officer is without the consent Violation of penal laws, that forbids, or
of the owner, may the officer be liable if commands is...
suppose he enter the house...
No because there is no express or
Which of the following is exemplified the
implied prohibition to enter
concept of continuing crime...
The following is the meaning of corpus
Harden steal the chicken of Curry,
delicti, EXCEPT...
while it took the chicken of Ganda
the order to produce the body and that of Lakas
Piracy as defined under article 122 of James deprived Tatum of his liberty
the revised penal code can be James is police officer Tatum is a
committed only... government employee also. The
investigation revealed that the
in the high sea
deprivation is with legal ground although
Jake committed an act which at the time the same is without warrant of arrest
of its commission is not a crime when will James considered to have
however, a new law was passed been committed arbitrary detention...
punishing said act of Jake the new law
The moment Tatum is not delivered
to proper judicial authority within
not applicable as it will violate applicable reglementary period
prospective application of criminal
Robbery with homicide is committed
when the...
The criminal liability in arbitrary
Crime of homicide is committed on
detention attached the moment that the
occasion of robbery
person is...
What is the crime committed by a
detained by public officer without
person who shall have a carnal
knowledge with a woman without the
consent of the latter...
Which of the following public officer supposed that an investigation was
cannot be liable for the crime of arbitrary conducted for the killing of LAKAS and
detention... afterre than 6 years of investigation
CARDO discovered that Hipolito is the
Chief finance officers of the city
be petrator and is already dead, the wife
of Lakas wanted to pursue the
criminalse, what advise can you give to
SITUATION: Hipolito is the offender, wife of LAKAS...
Oligario is the victim From the foregoing
situation, suppose that Hipolito killed That the death of HIPOLITO
Oligario, Hipolito is uncle of Oligario, absolutely extinguishes the criminal
Oligario is more than 12 years of age, liability
what is the crime committed by
SITUATION: Cardo is a police officer,
Hipolito is the offender From the
Murder foregoing situation, suppose that while
being escorted to attend the trial of his
Who appears to be offended party in case for the crime of murder, HIPOLITO
criminal case... escaped, after more than 20 years
The people of the Philippines chanced upon HIPOLITO and rested the
latter for the crime of murder by officer
From the foregoing situation, suppose Cardo. Did the penalty prescribe for the
that Hipolito killed Oligario, the latter is crime of murder...
related by blood to Hipolito the age of
Hipolito is less than 12 years of age... No, because Hipolito was not yet
convicted of a crime
From the foregoing situation, suppose
From the foregoing situation, suppose that after conviction of the crime of
that Lakas killed GANDA and the latter murder while being escorted for
is his illegitimate daughter and GANDA's transport to the New Bilibid Prison,
age is merely less than 3 days old what HIPOLITO escaped and went to the US
crime is committed by LAKAS... wherein the Philippines has extradition,
Infanticide after more than 30 years CARDO
chanced upon HIPOLITO and arrested
From the foregoing situation, suppose the latter so that he may serve his
that Hipolito killed Oligario, the latter is prescribed sentence for murder. Did the
niece of Hipolito. The age of Oligario is penalty for the crime prescribed...
less than 12 years old. What is the crime
committed by Hipolito... Yes because the prescription of
penalty for the crime of murder is 20
Murder years Philippines has extradition
SITUATION: Cardo is a police officer, treaty with USA
Hipolito is the offender, Lakas is the
victim From the foregoing situation
What is the modifying circumstances all the acts of execution that would
that lower the penalty imposed upon the produce the felony
convicted offender...
Durant deprived Harden of his liberty,
Preparatory act is the development of Durant is a public officer, Harden is a
crime, in punishing preparatory act's... government employee also, the
investigation revealed that the
are overt act in the attempted stage
deprivation of liberty is without legal
of a specific crime
ground, what crime is committed by
Pinuno is the Philippine Ambassador Durant...
deployed to the Republic of Japan.
Arbitrary detention
Suppose in the foregoing situation,
Pinuno committed a crime in connection
with the performance of his official
From the foregoing situation, suppose
function inside the Philippine embassy
that the crime committed by Hipolito is
will he be criminally liable under the
under the law punishable by light
criminal law of Philippines....
offense. For Cardo to be liable for the
Yes under extra territorial application crime of arbitra detention Hipolito should
characteristic of our criminal law be delivered to A proper judicial
authority with the period of....
Which of the following is not arbitrary
detention under the RPC... within 12 hours
arbitrary detention - Art 269 Felony is not committed by omission,
only overt act this statement is...
Cardo is a police officer, Hipolito is a
private person, Cardo arrested Hipolito False, felony is an act or omission
without a warrant for the crime. From the punishable by law
foregoing situation, suppose that the
From the foregoing situation, suppose
crime committed by Hipolito is under the
that the crime committed by Hipolito is is
law punishable by less grave offense,
punishable by grave offense, for Cardo
for Cardo to be liable for arbitrary
to be liable for the arbitrary detention
detention, Hipolito should be delivered
to the proper judicial authority within the Hipore should be delivered to the
period of... proper judicial authority for period of
more than 36 hours
More than 18 hours
Intelligence is an element of felony to
What is this phase in the commission of
prove otherwise, is to prove that the
the crime which do not stop the
accused is in Deprive of cognition when
commission of the crime because of
the crime was committed
spontaneous desistance by the
presence of the police until he performs Latin maxim. crime is committed without
criminal intent....
Mallum prohibitum
Which of the following crimes is malum
in se Offenses penalized by revised
penal code
Supposed Borja, a public officer who
entered Don Emilio's house. Above the
door indicated sign of No entry but never
mind the dog beware to owner. He is
liable for....
Violation of domicile

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