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Joinder of separate and distinct offenses in one and the same information/complaint...

1 point

Motion to Quash

Double Jeopardy

Duplicity of offense

None of the choices

The accused may question the legality of his arrest_______ otherwise the said accused could no longer
questioned the same and that the arrest is presumed by the court as valid:

1 point

Before preliminary investigation

Before arraignment

Before conviction

Before trial

It refers to an informal and summary investigation conducted by a public prosecutor in criminal cases
involving a person arrested and detained without the benefit of a warrant of arrest issued by the court
for the purpose of determining whether or not said persons should remain under custody and
correspondingly charged in court...

1 point


cross examination


preliminary investigation

Cardo is a police officer, Hipolito is the offender, Lakas is the victim. From the foregoing situation
supposed that an investigation was conducted for the killing of LAKAS and after more than 6 years of
investigation CARDO discovered that Hipolito is the perpetrator and is already dead, the wife of Lakas
wanted to pursue the criminal case, what advise can you give to wife of LAKAS...

1 point

None of the choices

That the death of HIPOLITO does only partially extinguishes the criminal liability

That the death of HIPOLITO does not result to civil liability

That the death of HIPOLITO absolutely extinguishes the criminal liability


The civil action involves an issue similar or intimately related to the issue raised in the criminal action.

1 point

None of the choices

Double Jeopardy

Duplicity of offense

Prejudicial question

If the crime is committed in the province and the penalty thereof is one that does not require
preliminary investigation the complaint shall be filed…..

1 point

Directly with the appropriate Municipal trial court


In the barangay first for conciliation proceedings

Directly with the appropriate regional trial court

At the prosecutor’s office for inquest proceedings

The public prosecutor shall prosecute, direct and control all criminal actions commenced by a complaint
or information. The private prosecutor (private counsel) may prosecute the case in the event and
provided that: 1. The public prosecutor has heavy work schedule; or 2. There
is lack of public prosecutors; 3. The private prosecutor must be authorized in writing by the
Chief Prosecution Office or Regional State Prosecutor; and such will be subject to the court’s approval.
4. The private prosecutor must be authorized by the court

1 point

2, 3 & 4
1, 2 & 4

1, 2 & 3

1, 3 & 4

1, 2, 3 & 4

Which of the following does not justify arrest without warrant?

1 point

Hot pursuit

Continuing crime

Arrest based on police suspicion


Emergency doctrine

A warrant of arrest shall be executed by the police officer within:

1 point

10 days from its issuance

10 days from notice

10 days after release of the warrant

10 days from receipt


When is warrant of arrest conducted?

1 point

any time of day and night during week days

Any time of day and night including Saturday and Sunday


Any time of day and night during weekends

Any time of day and night excluding sat and Sundays

The right to bail flows from the…

1 point

right against self-incrimination

presumption of innocence

due process clause

equal protection clause

The crime committed is victimless crime, upon service of arrest to the accused, the latter requested the
stoppage of the service of the same after all, the crime committed has no complainant and he is giving
you something in returned, how can you deal with the situation?

1 point

Enforce the warrant but accommodate that request for the first time

Enforce the warrant regardless of the fact that the crime is victimless

Not enforce the warrant since there is tendency that this case will only help in clogging the court

Enforce the warrant but accommodate, the request is just between you and the offender

EXCEPT one are the modes of making an arrest:

1 point

by an actual restraint of the person to be arrested

by using reasonable force

by the submission to the custody of the person making the arrest

by using unreasonable force


Civil liability arising from the offense charged is deemed instituted upon filing of criminal action in court
as provided by rule 111 of the rules of court. In what instance can a civil action for recovery of civil
liability can be separated?

1 point

When the offended party waives the civil action

When the institution of the civil action is made prior to the criminal action

All of the choices


When the offended party reserves his right to institute the civil action

For instance, the provincial or city prosecutor promulgated an unfavorable resolution of the case, where
can be accused file a petition for review of the said resolution?
1 point

office of the president

department of justice

regional trial court

metropolitan trial court

After filing of the complaint or information in court without a preliminary investigation within how many
days an accused person upon knowing the filing of said complaint may ask for preliminary investigation?

1 point

15 days

5 days

30 days

10 days

If the crime charged is unclear, what motion may be filed before the arraignment?

1 point

Motion to dismiss

Motion for new trial

Motion to quash

Bill of particular

In order that a person accused of a crime should be bound to answer the accusation against him. What
should the officer do?

1 point

Wait for the issuance of warrant of arrest

Do the arrest only when requested by the offended party

Arrest the person accused of a crime even without a warrant

Set the court proceedings take its courses and allow the issuance of warrant

What shall a police officer do if he is refused admittance into a building where the person to be arrested
is believed to be in?
1 point

Wait outside until the person to be arrested decides to leave the building

None of the choices

After announcing his authority and purpose, the peace officer may break into any building or enclosure
where the person to be arrested is or is reasonably believed to be

Leave a building and secure a court order to break into the building

Pursuant to section 2 of rule 112 of the rules of court, the following officers are authorized to conduct
preliminary investigation, EXCEPT;

1 point

Regional state prosecutor

Provincial and city prosecutor

Judge of MTC/MCTC/Public attorney’s office


No person under detention by legal process shall be released or transferred except by order of the court
or _____

1 point

When he joins the funeral cortege of his family

When he is admitted to bail


When he temporarily released upon order of the chief of police for cleaning purpose but return in jail at

When he escaped

An individual approached and asked you on how to file a case against another, the act complained of
happened more than 1 week ago, upon initial inquiry, you learned that the act complained of is
punishable with imprisonment of more than 6 years what will be your advice…..

1 point

to proceed with the warrantless arrest and the conduct of inquest proceedings

An individual approached and asked you on how to file a case against another, the act complained of
happened more than 1 week ago, upon initial inquiry, you learned that the act complained of is
punishable with imprisonment of more than 6 years what will be your advice…..
to proceed with the complaint before the police station and request that a warrantless arrest be

✔️to proceed with the filing of the case before the prosecutor’s office for the conduct of preliminary

This kind of warrant of arrest issued by the court while in session against an accused who failed to
appear without justifiable cause...

1 point

General warrant of arrest

Bench warrant of arrest


Order of arrest in a direct contempt

alias warrant of arrest

A complaint or information have the same legal content; however, they differ as to who subscribe to it,
who subscribe an information?

1 point





The crime committed is punishable by imprisonment of 4 years 2 months and less the crime was
committed in the province, where should the complaint be filed in order to initiate the criminal actions?

1 point

At the police station for warrantless arrest and inquest

At the prosecutor office for the conduct of preliminary investigation

May file the information directly with Regional trial court

May file the complaint directly with the Municipal Trial Court

It is dismissal (of a criminal case) without prejudice to the reinstatement thereof before the order or
dismissal becomes final or the subsequent filing of a new information for the offense...

1 point




When making an arrest the arresting officer ________ the warrant of arrest in his possession?

1 point

Need not have


Need to have

May sometime have

Should always have

The following offenses cannot be prosecuted de officio without a complaint first filed by the offended
party, EXCEPT;

1 point




Adultery and concubinage

In adultery or concubinage, the instances where the offended party CANNOT institute criminal
prosecution, EXCEPT

1 point

if he/she charged both accused


if he/she does not include both the guilty parties

if he/she pardoned the offenders

if he/she has consented to the offense

The person is suspected of committing a crime which is punishable by imprisonment of at least 4 years,
2 months and 1 day, the person was subject to warrantless arrest. How will you proceed with the case?

1 point
Exert effort to arrest a person even without a warrant for the commission of a crime

File a direct complaint with the prosecutor’s office for preliminary investigation

File direct complaints with the prosecutor’s office for inquest proceedings

Report to my superior and let them decide what to do with the situation

The following are cases covered by the summary procedure, EXCEPT;

1 point

Violation of rental laws

Where the penalty exceeds six months imprisonment


Where the penalty does not exceed six months

Violations of traffic laws

The goal of Criminal Procedure in the administration of justice is...

1 point

All of the choices


To facilitate the discovery of truth

The promotion of fairness and the protection of the dignity of the individual

To marginalize the burdens of litigation, and to promote the adversary system of adjudication of cases

When is jurisdiction over the person of the accused acquired?

1 point

upon his receipt of summons

Upon his arrest

Upon his voluntary appearance

Any of the choices


The reservation of the right to institute separate civil action shall be made:

1 point

Before the prosecution rested its case

Before arraignment

Before the pretrial conference

Before the prosecution present its evidence


For cases under the Rule on summary procedure, NO warrant shall be issued EXCEPT.

1 point

When the accused escape

When the accused attempt to leave the Philippines without court permission

When the accused jump bail

Where the accused fails to appear when upon being summon


Parent have a beautiful daughter named Cherry, she married her classmate in PCCr without her parents
will, after a couple of year, her husband who was pursuing masteral in criminology left their conjugal
home and cohabited with her childhood sweetheart, because of the wife’s failure to file a case of
concubinage his father a retired police officer filed a case of concubinage against her husband would this
case prosper.

1 point


It depends the court

Yes, because he is retired police


In application for bail under section 8 of this Rule the court must give reasonable notice of the hearing
to the _______or require him to submit his recommendation?

1 point


defense counsel

Offended party


Is the rule that the complaint or information must charge only one offense absolute?
1 point

False, except when there are several accused with different participations in the commission of crime

False, the existing laws prescribe a single punishment for various offenses


False, this is subject to exception

Which of the following will inform the person to be arrested, when an officer making an arrest with

1 point

All of the choices


His authority and the cause of arrest

Cause of arrest and the fact that a warrant has been issued for his arrest

His intention and the cause of arrest

During the presentation of evidence for the defense, the accused testified, during the cross examination,
he was asked question which may point to his guilt on some other crime what is the right that the
accused may invoked…..

1 point

the right to counsel and for objection of such questions

the right to remain silent

the right not to be a witness against himself

the right against self-incrimination


Which is not the right of respondent during preliminary investigation?

1 point

to be present during clarificatory hearing

to examine the evidence submitted by the complainant and copy them at his expense

to examine and cross examine the party and the witness


to submit counter affidavit

It is the loss by the state of the right to prosecute and punish or the termination of the power to
prosecute or punish the offender after the lapse of certain definite period from the commission of the

1 point

Prescription of penalty

Prescription of crime



Which of the following is false?

1 point

Information is filed with the court

Information must be sworn to


A complaint is a sworn statement

A complaint is subscribed by the offended party, any peace officer or other officer charged with the
enforcement of the law violated

The person was arrested without a warrant. His request for preliminary investigation was granted,
however, the conduct of preliminary investigation was not terminated and it already exceeded the
period allowed by the rules, what should the police officer in custody of the detained person do?

1 point

None of the choices

The police should release a person from detention even without the order from the prosecution

The police should not release the person, subject to the receipt of the order of the court

The police should not release the person, otherwise he will be administratively liable

If Archie is resident of Ligao City but he committed the crime in Legazpi City against Joel who is a
resident of Sorsogon City, the case should be filed in…..

1 point

Any prosecutor’s office in Albay

Legazpi where the crime was committed

Sorsogon City where Joel is a resident

Ligao City where Archie is a resident

The presence of the accused during arraignment is indispensable, what police action is indispensable to
serve the purpose of arrest ...

1 point

To wait for the order of the court

To neglect his duty to arrest the accused in the absence of cooperation of the complainant

To move for the issuance of the warrant of arrest


To conduct the arrest of the accused by virtue of warrant of arrest

Another lawyer hired by the accuse is designated as:

1 point

Counsel de parte

Counsel de officio

Private prosecutor

Public prosecutor

The following are legal grounds for detentions, EXCEPT

1 point

Commission of crime

Violent insanity

Suspected of committing a felony under the revised penal code


Ailment requiring compulsory confinement

In filing a complaint or information, how is the real nature of the crime charged determined?

1 point

facts recited in the complaint or information


title of the charge sheet

evidence to be presented
law specifically violated

PEMSgt Pablo saw Amable, his neighbor, quarrelling with his wife. He seized Amable and brought him to
the police station where he was detained for one (1) hour after which he was released upon orders of
the Prosecutor. What crime was committed by PEMSgt Pablo?

1 point

Delaying release

Delay in the Delivery of Detained Person

No crime was committed


Arbitrary detention

Which of the following is a ground for discharge of an accused to be state witness?

1 point

There is absolute necessity for the testimony of the accused

Said accused has not been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude

All of the choices


Said accused does not appear to be the most guilty

The process required to determine probable cause based on direct filing of complaint so that
information may be filed in court is ____________

1 point

Preliminary investigation✔️

Ex parte examination of the complaint

Inquest proceeding

Judicial determination of probable cause

PSMSgt Teves saw Nat picking the pocket of Al. PSMSgt Teves arrested Nat who demanded whether the
officer has a warrant. The officer said none, so Nat demanded that he should be released. PSMSgt Teves
refused. What is the authority of the policeman?

1 point

It is abuse of authority
It is valid because he is a cop

It is not valid because Nat was not caught in the act

It is valid warrantless arrest


When a person arrested without warrant which requires preliminary investigation, the complaint or
information will not need such investigation provided that the public prosecutor has conducted...

1 point

Preliminary examination

Inquest proceedings

Fact finding investigation

Preliminary investigation

Judge Bigo issued a warrant of arrest for the apprehension of Mon who was charged with rape. He was
arrested by the operatives however the arresting officers is not in possession of the said warrant. Mon
questioned the validity of his arrest. Is the challenge in order?

1 point

No, the arresting officer is presumed to have performed his job in a regular manner

Yes, because the Rule requires that the warrant of arrest be shown to the accused when making an

Yes, there is violation of his constitutional right

No, because the warrant of arrest may be shown to him afterward


Under what circumstances arrest can be made even without a warrant?

1 point

When the crime was in fact been committed and there is personal knowledge based on probable cause
that the person to be arrested has committed it

When the person to be arrested is an escapees

When the crime was committed in the presence of the arresting officer

either of the choices


In general, the formal requisites of a complaint or information are the following, EXCEPT:
1 point

It must be in writing

It must be filed in court

It must be in the name of the People of the Phils.

It must be filed with the Prosecutor’s Office


The issuance of warrant of arrest is not necessary in the following cases EXCEPT

1 point

If the offense is penalized by a fine

If the offense carries with it the penalty of imprisonment


If the person to be arrested is already detained

If a warrant of arrest has already been issued

Complaint on cases of unlawful acts in RA 7610 (Special Protection of Children against Child Abuse,
Exploitation and Discrimination Act) may be filed by the following: Offended party; Parents or guardians;
Ascendant or collateral relative within the third degree of consanguinity; to include... 1. Officer,
social worker or representative of a licensed child-caring institution; 2. Officer or
social worker of the Department of Social Welfare and Development; 3. Barangay
chairman; 4. At least three (3) concerned, responsible citizens where the violation occurred
(Sec. 27, RA 7160)

1 point

1, 2 & 3



1, 2, 3 & 4

Which is NOT the duty of arresting officer?

1 point

To arrest the accused

To deliver him to the nearest jail

To deliver him to the nearest police station

To deliver him to judge who issue the warrant

Under the local government code of 1991 what is the condition precedent that must be satisfied before
the institution of a criminal action in court.

1 point

Settlement has been repudiated

Confrontation between parties at the lupon

Certification of no conciliation

All of the choices

What law determines the jurisdiction of the court?

1 point

Statute expressly applicable

Statute in force at the time of its commission

Statute preferred by agreement of the parties

statute in force at the time of the commencement of the action


Petition for suspension of criminal action upon the pendency of a prejudicial question in a civil action
may be avail:

1 point

Before preliminary investigation

Before arraignment

Before plea

Before the prosecution rests

What if the offended party is a corporation, how do you indicate it in the complaint or information?

1 point

Leave it blank as error is merely clerical and can be corrected during trial

Aver that it is legally organized pursuant to SEC rules

State the name of the corporation

Aver it in the charge sheet

EXCEPT ONE determines the jurisdiction in criminal cases?

1 point


Extent of the penalty


Subject matter

Person accused

In a criminal case involving a motor vehicle accident, the driver was recklessly imprudent, but likewise
the injured complainant was guilty of contributory negligence. If you were the police investigator, what
will you do?

1 point

recommends the dismissal of the case

admonish the parties since both of them being at fault

file the appropriate charge


recommends the conviction of the accused

A person asked you for advice on how to file adultery case against his wife which of the following are
allowed by the rules in order to make the filing of adultery case?

1 point

none of the choices

the case of adultery can only be initiated by the complaint of the offended spouse

the case of the adultery is a public offense it can be initiated by the police

the case of adultery can be initiated even without the complaint of the offended spouse

It is that system of criminal procedure which conducted either at the initiative of the public prosecutor
or the offended party and the right to appeal are limited to the defense…..

1 point




The subsequent marriage between the party and the accused, even after the filing of the complaint,
extinguishes the criminal liability of the latter, together with that of the co-principals, accomplices and
accessories. EXCEPT:

1 point

Imputation of the commission of the crimes of concubinage, adultery, seduction, abduction, rape or acts
of lasciviousness and in slander by deed

In multiple rape, in so far as the other accused in the other acts of rape committed by them are

Where the marriage was invalid or contracted in bad faith in order to escape criminal liability;

All of the choices


Evidence adduced in support of the discharge of an accused shall automatically form part of the trial. If
the court denies the motion for discharge of the accused as state witness, his sworn statement shall be
inadmissible in evidence.

1 point


it depends



It is the right of the accused which cannot be waived...

1 point

Right to cross examination

Right to confrontation

Right to be informed of the nature and cause of accusation against him


Right to self-incrimination
Cases where the penalty does not exceed an imprisonment of 6 years regardless of the imposable
amount of fine is within the exclusive original jurisdiction of this court...

1 point

Family Court

Appellate Court

First Level Court


Regional Trial Court

In a criminal case, the People of the Philippines is the ____?

1 point


Offended party



The offender is a police officer with the rank of PLtCol, the crime committed is in violation of the anti-
Graft law. The case shall be under the jurisdiction of the...

1 point

sandigan bayan

regional trial court


office of the ombudsman

metropolitan trial court

The right to bail only accrues when a person is arrested or ____________.

1 point

formally charged in court

all of the choices

deprive of liberty

formally charged before prosecutor office

The right to bail is a matter of right in these cases:

1 point

Falling within the jurisdiction of the first level courts before or after conviction

Falling within the concurrent jurisdiction of the RTC and MTC before or after conviction

Falling within the jurisdiction of the RTC before or after conviction

Falling within the jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan before conviction

In case the offense if committed on board a vessel in the course of the voyage, what place is proper in
instituting a criminal action?

1 point

Residence of the captain of the ship

Place where the vessel registered or the country identified by the flag on the carrier

Place where port of departure was located

✔️Proper court of the first port of entry or the place where the vessel passed during such voyage subject
to generally accepted principles of international law.

In which of the following cases there is a violation of right of the accused against self-incrimination.

1 point

Making the prisoner put his foot in the tracks found in the scene of the crime

All of the choices

Where a woman accused of adultery is ordered to submit her body for examination of competent
doctors to determine whether she is pregnant or not without the use of torture or force.

Compelling a witness in a preliminary investigation to give a specimen of his hand writing


Compulsory blood test analysis

Amendment without leave of court before the accused pleads is allowed by the rules of court under the
following instances EXCEPT;

1 point

Amendment as to form

Amendment that downgrades the nature of the crime

Amendment that reflects typographical error

Amendment as to substance

It is the rule which state that if the inculpatory facts and circumstances are capable of two or more
interpretation, one which is consistent with the innocence of the accused and the other consistent with
his guilt, or they are evenly balanced. The constitutional presumption of innocence should tilt the scale
in favor of the accused and he must be acquitted:

1 point

Pro reo

M’Naghten rule


Presumption of guilt

What power promotes the public welfare by restraining and regulating the use of liberty and property?

1 point


all of the choices

law enforcement

eminent domain

What is the effect of death of the accused in civil action?

1 point

All of the choices


It extinguish the civil liability arising from delict

Independent civil action instituted may be continued against the estate or legal representative of the

If the accused dies before arraignment, the case shall be dismissed without prejudice to any civil action
the offended party may file against the estate of the deceased

When the accused demands from the court to have a copy of prosecution’s evidence but denied by the
court. What right of the accused is violated?

1 point
Right to mode of discovery

✔️Right to have a compulsory process to secure the attendance of witnesses and production of evidence
in his behalf

Right to counsel

Right to inform of the nature and cause of accusation

Which of the following instance will operate as waiver of the right to Preliminary investigation by the

1 point

Failure to claim it before the accused pleaded


If the accused fails to ask for preliminary investigation after being aware for more than five days that the
case had been filed in court

All of the choices

Where the accused posted a bond

Qualifying and inherent aggravating circumstances need to be alleged as they are integral parts of the
crime. If proved, but not alleged, become only generic aggravating circumstances.

1 point



Partially true

Partially false

Donald was convicted of serious physical injuries inflicted on his house help. He appealed but died
during the pendency of his appeal. What is the effect of his death on his civil liability based on quasi
delict or tort?

1 point

Donald civil liability is extinguished by his death

The death of Donald extinguished both criminal and civil liability

all of the choices

His death does not affect his civil liability based on quasi delict or tort
It is the principle of international law which exempts diplomatic representatives from criminal and civil
jurisdiction of foreign courts.

1 point





Within how many days upon the date of execution of a warrant of arrest the person charged with its
execution shall report to the court which issue such warrant when arrest was not been made?

1 point

10 days

5 days

30 days

15 days

In the metropolitan courts (MeTC) or chartered cities court (MTCC) the complaints is filed with the:

1 point

Office of the Ombudsman

Office of the Clerk of Court

Office of the Prosecutor


Office of the Secretary of Justice

Before a complaint is filed in court, there should have been a confrontation between the parties before
the Lupon chairman. The Lupon secretary must certify that no conciliation or settlement was reached,
attested to by the Lupon chairman. The complaint may also be filed if the settlement is repudiated by
the parties, EXCEPT 1. Where the accused is under detention 2. Where a person has
otherwise been deprived of personal liberty calling for habeas corpus proceedings
3. Where actions are coupled with provisional remedies 4. Where the action may be
barred by the statute of limitations

1 point

1, 2 & 3
1, 2, 3 & 4



The offended party, even if a minor, has the right to initiate the prosecution of such offenses
independently of his parents, grandparents or guardian. EXCEPT If the minor is: 1.
Incompetent; or 2. Incapable of doing so 3. Stubborn 4.

1 point

1, 2 & 3

1, 2, 3 & 4



If the police officer effecting the arrest is locked up at the house or building, what does the rule allows a
police officer…

1 point

The police officer may break the door or window in order to free him /herself

The police officers may ask help from citizens

The police officer may call for back up

If the police officer effecting the arrest is locked up at the house or building, what does the rule allows a
police officer…

One goal of the Philippine criminal procedure is to promote the...

1 point

Inquisitorial system of adjudication of cases

Jury system of adjudication of cases

Adversarial or accusatorial system of adjudication of cases


Customary system of adjudication of cases

The accused in criminal proceedings has in his favor the rule that criminal laws should be construed
liberally in his favor because...
1 point

Of the requirement of observance of due process

The accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty


The police are presumed to perform their duty with regularly

The prosecution has the burden of proof

An offense involving violation of RA 9165, as amended by RA 10640, committed by a 17-year-old person

is within the:

1 point

Exclusive jurisdiction of the Drug Court

Exclusive jurisdiction of the First Level Court

Exclusive jurisdiction of the Regional Trial Court

Exclusive jurisdiction of the Family Court


conclusion of evidence

When bail is discretionary?

1 point

Upon conviction by the RTC exceeding 6 yrs but not more than 20 yrs when there is undue risk that he
may commit another crime during the pendency of the appeal

Upon conviction by the RTC exceeding 6 yrs but not more than 20 yrs who is a recidivist

Upon conviction by the RTC not punishable by reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment

Upon conviction by the RTC exceeding 6 yrs but not more than 20 yrs who has is a escapee

In order to determine the veracity of the testimony of the witness against him, the accused has the

1 point

cross examine and confront the witness against him


has the testimony of witness against under oath

testify on his own behalf

secure the presence of his witness against him

If the judge finds probable cause, what will he issue as mentioned in Section 6 of Rule 112

1 point



habeas corpus

warrant of arrest

The crime committed is punishable by imprisonment of at least 4 years, 2 months and 1 day the crime
was committed in Metro Manila or chartered Cities, where should the complaint be filed in order to
initiate the criminal action?

1 point

At the police station for warrantless arrest and inquest proceeding

At the prosecution office for the conduct of preliminary investigation


file the complaint directly with the Municipal trial court

file information directly with the Regional trial court

Who among the following enjoys parliamentary immunity?

1 point



Chief justice of SC

Members of Congress

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