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The Amharic (Amro Amarigna) script is
the only pure literature of the African in Africa.
As a matter of fact, it is one of the main evidences
to support the claim that ETHIOPIA has been the
fountain of civilization in Africa. There is no rea-
son why the ETHIOPIAN language can not be
taught to every Black person in the world for a
wealth of historical material of Black man is
found only in this language.
The Amharic alphabet (Feedel fDl) has,
so far, been used only in ETHIOPIA; but there are
many languages within ETHIOPIA that use the
alphabet. The origin of the Feedel fDl, how-
ever, still remains obscure and requires further
research. Gi’iz g[z, one of the Ancient languages
that uses the Feedel fDl, is now classically anti-
quated, and other ETHIOPIAN languages that had
previously not used the Feedel fDl are now us-
ing it. The Feedel fDl itself has changed only
slightly, just enough to accommodate the addi-
tional sounds for the different languages. The
ETHIOPIAN alphabet (Feedel fDl) has been THE VOICE OF ETHIOPIA
able to do this because of the simplicity of its na- OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE
ture; it is a phonetic alphabet. ETHIOPIAN WORLD FEDERATION, INC.
We have in the Amharic alphabet (Feedel FORWARD TO AFRICA
fDl) every conceivable sound in any language.
Therefore, the persons who have learned how to “IT IS BETTER TO LIVE FREE
pronounce the Amharic letters will have acquired THAN DIE IN SLAVERY”
a power in the lingual and labial production of A PAPER FOR THE VAST UNIVERSAL
words in any language, thus making it easy for the BLACK COMMONWEALTH
process of learning other languages. AND FRIENDS OF ETHIOPIA
Those who wish to learn the language EVERYWHERE
should try to learn to write and recognize these
26 Court Street, Suite 1902
characters by continuous practice. After these
Brooklyn, New York 11242 USA
characters are learned, a great part of the language
Www.EWF1937.Org /
is accomplished.
The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated, ARTICLE VI
is a not-for-profit membership organization, incor- ARTICLE II—MEMBERSHIP
porated on August 25, 1937 in the State of New ESTABLISHMENT OF LOCALS
York, United States of America and registered by Section 1. The membership shall comprise the
Section 1. (a). Any twenty-five (25) persons or
the Internal Revenue Services as a 501 (C) 4 BLACK PEOPLES of the world (Matthew 10:6).
more, desirous of forming a local, shall apply to
(civic- league, social welfare) tax exempt corpora- Sec. 2. APPLICATION: Application for mem- the Executive Council for a charter.
tion and with the Ethiopian Civil and Local authori- bership shall be in writing.
ties, the African Union, as well as the UNO. The (b). The fee for this charter shall be Ten ($10.00)
E.W.F., Inc., came into being originally because of Sec. 3. Rejection. The Ethiopian World Federa- Dollars. (Same note applies as ART. 2 SEC. 5)
Italy’s blatant act of aggression (attack) against tion, Incorporated. shall have the right to reject
Ethiopia in October of 1935. any application for membership without giving Sec. 2. The officers of each local of the Ethiopian
reasons. World Federation, Incorporated, shall be:
EWF PREAMBLE President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-
Sec. 4. Joining fee. The Ethiopian World Federa-
Presidents, Treasurer, Financial Secretary,
We, the Black Peoples of the World, in order to tion, Incorporated, shall have the right to a fix a
Recording-Corresponding Secretary, Chaplain,
effect Unity, Solidarity, Liberty, Freedom and Self- joining fee. There shall be a joining fee of One
determination, to secure Justice and maintain the Dollar (U.S. $ 1.00). However, The Ethiopian
Integrity of Ethiopia, which is our divine heritage, World Federation, Incorporated, through its Ex- Sec. 3. Each local shall establish an Executive
do hereby establish and ordain this Constitution for ecutive Council, shall have the right to grant spe- Committee. This Executive Committee shall be
the Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated. cial dispensation to certain areas and to adjust this composed of the President, First Vice-President,
fee to suit the conditions thereof, provided, Second Vice-President, Treasurer,
ARTICLE I (In brief) however, that in no area the amount effected by Financial Secretary, Recording-Corresponding
the dispensation shall exceed One Dollar (U.S. Secretary, Chaplain, Sergeant-at-Arms
NAMES, AIMS AND OBJECTS $1.00). and the three (3) other members elected by the
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be local.
Sec. 5. Dues: The Ethiopian World Federation,
the Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated. ARTICLE XI
Incorporated, shall have the right to establish
membership dues. The membership dues shall be OBSERVANCE OF NATIONAL HOLIDAYS
Sec. 2. The aims and objects of the Ethiopian ten cents (U.S. $.10) per week. These dues shall
World Federation, Incorporated, shall be: Section 1. Observance of National Holidays:
be remitted to the Headquarters. (Membership are
The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated,
encouraged to give according to today’s ‘dollar
(a). To promote love and good-will among Ethio- value’. For example, $1 then, $10 now and $0.10
shall observe with appropriate ceremonies the fol-
pians at home and abroad and thereby to main- then, at least $1.00 now.—Transitional Exec. lowing holidays: MsQl Meskel, YQdmw
tain the integrity and sovereignty of Ethiopia, to Cmte.) ;yL .ls lDt Qn Qedamawee Hayle
disseminate the ancient Ethiopian culture among its Silassae’s Birth Day, Constitution Day, and
Sec. 6. Unfinancial Members: Any member who any other HolyDay that shall be declared.
members, to correct abuses, relieve oppression and
is twelve weeks in arrears in the payment of dues
carve for ourselves and our posterity, a destiny *Preparations during Iyobelu—Jubilee for the
shall be unfinancial in the organization.
comparable with our idea of perfect manhood and Ethiopian Millennium 2007, Holy Sukkot
God's purpose in creating us; that we may not only (Tabernacles—Zech. 14:16), and International
save ourselves from annihilation, but carve for our- and Special Conventions are TBA as Legal &
selves a place in the Sun: in this endeavor, we de- Constitutional order is restored and renewed in
termine to seek peace and pursue it (Psalm 34:14), accordance with our Divine Heritage (Isaiah
for it is the will of God for man. 58:12; Amos 9:11)

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