Clemente Penna

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Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Sociais
Rio de Janeiro, RJ — Brazil
+55-48-99900-2156 (Cell, WhatsApp)

PhD in History (2018), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil / Brown University, USA
Prof. Dr. Manolo Garcia Florentino

Master Degree, (2005).=, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil

Advisor Prof. a Dr. Beatriz G. Manigonian

BA History (2001) State University of Santa Catarina

CNPq Fellow, PIBIC

Portuguese (native); English (spoken, written). Spanish (spoken, written)

English to Portuguese:
Bostrom, Nick. 2014. Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies. First edition. Oxford: Oxford
University Press. Published in Brazil by Darkside Books, 2017.

Cowling, Camillia. Conceiving Freedom: Women of Color, Gender, and the Abolition of Slavery in
Havana and Rio de Janeiro, The University of North Caroline Press. Published in Brazil by Editora
da Unicamp, 2018.

Bérubé, Michael, The Secret Life of Stories: From Don Quixote to Harry Potter, How
Understanding Intellectual Disability Transforms the Way We Read, NYU Press, forthcoming,
DarkSide Books, 2019.

Stratigakos, Despina. 2015. Hitler at Home. New Haven ; London: Yale University Press.
Forthcoming, Darkside Books, 2019.

Francine M. Netter,Medicine's Michelangelo: The Life & Art of Frank H. Netter, MD:
Quinnipiac University Press, forthcoming, Darkside Books, 2019.

Robert B. Baer, The Perfect Kill: 21 Laws for Assassins: A Plume books, forthcoming,
Darkside Books, 2020.

Website translation and localization:

Mexican Airline; Argentinean Ariline; Chinese e-commerce; Vacation homes website; Automotive
Diagnostic & Analysis System (Autel; Football team website; photo editing app

2013 to 2018 — Assistant Professor at University Study Abroad Consortium at Federal University
of Santa Cataria.
Courses: Brazilian History and Latin American Political History.

2005 to present day – Researcher at Lab for the Study of Social and Cultura History of Labor and
Center for Global History Studies at Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil

2001 to 2005 — Assistant Professor at the Department of E-Learning – Universidade do Estado de

Santa Catarina.

Project Consulting
UNESCO, IBICT. Project 003/2016 (


2016 — Fellow at the Center for the Study of Slavery and Justice at Brown University, conducting
the project “Commercial legislation and the interconnections between credit and slaveproperty in
nineteenth century Rio de Janeiro.” Financial agency — Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de
Pessoa de Nível Superior, CAPES, Brasil
2002 – 2004 — Research grant for the project “Escravidão, liberdade e os arranjos de trabalho na
Ilha de Santa Catarina nas últimas décadas de escravidão (1850 – 1888)” Financial agency —
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoa de Nível Superior, CAPES, Brasil

2001 – 2002 — Research grant for the project “A escravidão africana na Ilha de Santa Catarina na
Década da Abolição” Financial agency — Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e
Tecnológico, CNPq.

Seguindo os passos de Howard Phillips em Providence. IN: H. P. Lovecraft: Medo Clássico,
Volume 1. Darkside Books – Rio de Janeiro, 2017.


Crédito e escravidão na praça do Rio de Janeiro, 1830-1840. In: 8o Encontro Escravidão e
Liberdade no Brasil Meridional, 2017, Porto Alegre. Anais do 8o Encontro Escravidão e Liberdade
no Brasil Meridional, 2017.

A propriedade escrava e o mercado de crédito privado na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, 1830-1850. In:
XXIX Simpósio Nacional e História, 2017, Brasília, DF. Anais do XXIX Simpósio Nacional de
História - contra os preconceitos: história e democracia, 2017.

“As relações ‘informais’ de crédito entre os trabalhadores urbanos na cidade do Rio de Janeiro,
1830-1880.” IN: IV Seminário Internacional Mundos do Trabalho, Manaus/AM, Brasil, November

“Comprar, vender e emprestar: o mercado informal de crédito na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, 1830-
1880” - 7 o . Encontro “Escravidão e Liberdade no Brasil Meridional” - Curitiba/PR, Brazil - 13 a
16 de maio de 2015.

“As redes de crédito privado na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, 1820-1880” - XXVIII Simpósio
Nacional de História Florinaópolis/SC, Brazil – 27 a 31 de julho de 2015.

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