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NAME: ____________________________________

GRADE 8 / SECTION: _____________________

Quarter I – Week 5
Current and Voltage


Science - Grade 8
Contextualized Learning Activity Sheets (CLAS)
Quarter I - Week 5: Current and Voltage
First Edition, 2021

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Lesson 1

Current and Voltage

MELC: Infer the relationship between current and voltage. (S8FE-Ih-30)

1. Explain how electric current flows in a circuit.
2. Differentiate electric charge, current, voltage and resistance.
3. Describe how voltage and resistance affect electric current.

Let’s Try
Directions: Write the letter of the best answer on the space provided before the number.

____ 1. What causes resistance?

A. Protons colliding with ions in the insulator.
B. Protons colliding with ions in the conductor.
C. Electrons colliding with ions in the insulator.
D. Electrons colliding with ions in the conductor.

____ 2. Why can birds sit on a power line?

A. Because bird’s feet are insulated so current is not conducted through them.
B. Because the wire is in the air and air has infinite resistance so no current flows
through the wire.
C. Because birds have minimal resistance compared to household electronics, so
current is diverted to the houses instead.
D. Because both feet are on the same voltage line, so there is no potential difference,
so current does not flow through the bird.

____ 3. When does a current flow in a circuit?

A. A switch is closed C. There is no voltage
B. A switch is opened D. The switch is either open or closed

____ 4. Which of the following statements describes electric current?

A. Electrons moving around C. The opposition to the flow of electrons
B. The rate of flow of charge D. The work done on each coulomb of charge

____ 5. A basic electric circuit is made up of what components?

A. A load, a resistor, and a conductive path for current
B. A conductive path for current, a battery, and a copper wire
C. A voltage source, a load, and a conductive path for current
D. A voltage source, a conductive path for current, and a battery

____ 6. What relationship exists between current and voltage when resistance is kept
A. Equal C. Directly proportional
B. Complementary D. Inversely proportional

____ 7. If the resistance is increased, which of the following will happen?

A. The current will decrease. C. The voltage will decrease.
B. The current will increase. D. The voltage will increase.
____ 8. If both sides of a light bulb are at the same voltage, what happens to the light bulb?
A. There is no light.
B. The bulb will explode.
C. It glows very brightly.
D. The brightness of the light will vary over time.

____ 9. If the voltage is increased in a certain circuit, what will happen to the current?
A. The current will decrease. C. The current will keep constant.
B. The current will increase. D. The current cannot be determined.

____ 10. What will happen to the total voltage and to the total current respectively if the
number of batteries increases?
A. Decreases, decreases C. Increases, increases
B. Decreases, increases D. Increases, decreases

Let’s Explore and Discover

In your Grade 7 lesson, you learned about electricity, its sources and uses,
what materials make good conductors of electricity; what makes up an electric circuit;
and how electrical energy is transferred or transformed into other forms of energy. You
learned that a circuit is any arrangement of a source of energy (battery), connecting
wires, and a load (e.g. bulbs). You also learned that a complete or a closed circuit
provides a path for electrical charges to flow.

A large current means a faster rate of flow.

Electric current is the movement of charged particles
in a specific direction. Current is represented by letter I
and its quantity is measured using the device called
ammeter. The unit, ampere (A), is named after Andre-
Marie Ampere, a French physicist who made important
contributions to the theory of electricity and magnetism.

Voltage, which is also known as electromotive

force (emf) or potential difference (pd), is the electric
pressure that causes current to flow. The symbol for
voltage is capital letter V. The unit, volts (V), is named
after the Italian physicist Alessandro Volta who invented ALESSANDRO VOLTA
the voltaic pile in 1800, the forerunner of what we now ITALIAN PHYSICIST
(18 FEBRUARY 1745- 5 MARCH 1827)
call the dry cells. A voltmeter is an instrument used to
measure voltage. (Source:, Alessandro
Volta I Biography, Facts, & Invention
accessed July 13, 2021,
A circuit is not only about voltage and current. hy/Alessandro-Volta.)
There is another component which is the load. The load,
in this case, is the bulb. The load in a circuit converts electricity into light, heat, or
mechanical motion. If two bulbs were used in the circuit, would there be a change in
the circuit current? What relationship will exist between the current and resistance
when the voltage is kept constant?
(Source: Pia C. Campo et al., Science Grade 8 Learner's Module, Pasig City:
Department of Education, 2016, 53-55.)

Electric current is the flow of electrons through a
complete circuit of conductors. It is used to power everything
from our lights to our trains. An electron traveling through the
wires and loads of the external circuit encounters resistance.
Resistance is the hindrance to the flow of charge.
The symbol for resistance is capital letter R. The unit,
ohms (Ω) is named after the German physicist Georg Simon
Ohm (1787-1854) who discovered the relationship between
voltage, current and resistance known as Ohm’s law. It is
stated as, current is directly proportional to the voltage and
inversely proportional to the resistance.
In equation form, it is given as: I=V/R.
What does Ohm’s law show? GEORG SIMON OHM
(March 16,1787 - July 6,1854)
What do the different arrangements of Ohm’s law show
(Source:, Georg
about the links between current, voltage and resistance? Ohm I Biography, Facts, &
Invention accessed July 13, 2021,
As voltage increases, the current increases. Voltage and
current are proportional, while the resistance remains constant. raphy/Georg-Ohm.)

V= I x R
Voltage and current are proportional, so the resistance of a material is constant, if
the temperature does not change.

R= V/I
If voltage is constant, then current decreases as resistance increases.


(Source: “GCSE Additional Physics,”, accessed July 13, 2021,

To find the missing value in a real-world Ohm’s Law equation, just cover the letter
representing the missing value in the triangle and use the remaining two values to calculate
for that missing value.


V = voltage

I = current

R = resistance

What are the relationships between current, voltage, and resistance?

Two types of relationship:

Direct proportion or directly proportional is a relationship where both quantities

has the same or equal value.

Inverse proportion or inversely proportional is a relationship where two quantities

has opposite or do not have the same value.

Based on Ohm’s Law:

● Current is directly proportional to voltage. As the voltage increases, the current

also increases.

● Current is inversely proportional with resistance. As current decreases the

resistance increases or when the resistance increases the current decreases.

● Voltage is directly proportional to resistance. As the voltage increases, the

resistance also increases.


You may notice that the symbols for several of the SI units (International
System of Units) in this CLAS are capitalized, such as the volt (V) and the ampere (A),
as opposed to the ones you have been using (m, kg). It is a tradition to use a capital
letter when the unit is named after a person. In these cases, the units were named
after Alessandro Volta and André-Marie Ampère.
The unit for resistance was also named after Georg Simon Ohm. The symbol
Ω is used to represent the Greek letter omega. These rules are important to follow
since the lower and uppercase letters may represent different units, such as the tonne
(t) and the tesla (T). The one exception is that it is acceptable to use L for litres since
the letter ‘l’ is often confused for the number ‘1’!

(Source: “Current Electricity,”, accessed July 13, 2021,

Let’s Practice


Directions: Fill in the table to complete the concept on electricity.

Properties of Electrical Quantities

eriodic table.
Quantities Unit Symbol SI Unit Measuring Device Inventor(Scientist)





The human body is an electric conductor and so

it has resistance. Salt solutions inside the body make it
an electric conductor. The resistance of the wet inner
layer of the skin is lower than that of the dry outer layer.
At 10-20V, we do not usually feel the effect of
current because our body is protected by an outer dry
layer of skin. However, when the skin is wet, the effect
is felt!
Do not stand in water with live wires! You might
get electrocuted since water and your body are electrical
Question: Why should you not touch any electrical devices when you are in contact
with water?

(Source: “Q & A: The Human Bodyǎ€TMS Resistance I Department of Physics,”, accessed July 13, 2021,

Let’s Do More


Directions: Use the words inside the box to fill in the gaps. Use each word once only.

more voltage resistance

less current force

increases decreases same

1. The flow of electrons round a circuit is called the _____________.

2. Voltage is the _____________ that pushes the current round the circuit.
3. If you increase the voltage, _____________ current will flow.
4. If you increase the _____________, _____________ current will flow.
5. When the resistance _____________, the current decreases.


The Relationship of Voltage and Current

Directions: Read and analyze the following selection below, then answer the guide

How are you going to relate the voltage and current to the food delivery in a small town?

Ariana, Catherine and Ruth are classmates in the same school. One Saturday
morning, Ariana, and Catherine plan to visit Ruth to do their homework in Physics. The
topic of their assignment is all about the relationship that exists between voltage and
current. The three of them love to eat malunggay pan de sal for their snacks so they
decided to go to Ruth’s house where they placed an order from their favorite bakery.

After 5 minutes the food rider came to Ruth’s house to deliver the ordered
malunggay pan de sal. Another customer named David also called for food delivery with
the same flavor of bread unfortunately, the supply from the bakery run out of stocks. No
more delivery to be made for David.

Guide Questions:

1. Underline the term inside the parentheses that represents the following:

A. Food rider ( Voltage, Source )

B. Bakery ( Electric Circuit, Source )
C. Town/City ( Voltage, Electric Circuit )

2. Based on this story, how are you going to relate the flow of voltage and current to
the delivery of food from the bakery to the customers in that small town?


Let’s Sum It Up
Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct, if false change the underlined word/s
to make the statement correct.


1. Current is represented by “I” and its quantity is

measured using the device called ammeter.
2. Alessandro Volta discover the Ohm’s Law.

3. Resistance is the difference in potential energy of

charged particles.
4. Resistance has a unit ohm with a unit symbol of A.

5. Current is inversely proportional to voltage. As the

voltage increases, the current also increases.
6. Current is in direct proportion with resistance. As
current decreases the resistance increases.
7. Voltage can be solved by multiplying current and
8. The formula to solve Current is I= R/V.

9. The statement how hard it is for electrons to flow

refers to resistance.
10. If voltage is constant, then current decreases as
resistance increases.

Let’s Assess
Directions: Write the letter of the best answer on the space provided before the number.

____ 1. What relationship exists between current and voltage when resistance is kept
A. Equal C. Directly proportional
B. Complementary D. Inversely proportional

____ 2. If the resistance is increased, which of the following will happen?

A. The current will decrease. C. The voltage will decrease.
B. The current will increase. D. The voltage will increase.

____ 3. If both sides of a light bulb are at the same voltage, what happens to the light bulb?
A. There is no light.
B. The bulb will explode.
C. It glows very brightly.
D. The brightness of the light will vary over time.

____ 4. If the voltage is increased in a certain circuit, what is its relationship against
A. The current will decrease. C. The current will keep constant.
B. The current will increase. D. The current cannot be determined.
____5. What will happen to the total voltage and to the total current respectively if the
number of batteries increases?
A. Decreases, decreases C. Increases, increases
B. Decreases, increases D. Increases, decreases

____ 6. What causes resistance?

A. Protons colliding with ions in the insulator.
B. Protons colliding with ions in the conductor.
C. Electrons colliding with ions in the insulator.
D. Electrons colliding with ions in the conductor.

____ 7. Why can birds sit on a power line?

A. Because bird’s feet are insulated so current is not conducted through them.
B. Because the wire is in the air and air has infinite resistance so no current flows
through the wire.
C. Because birds have minimal resistance compared to household electronics, so
current is diverted to the houses instead.
D. Because both feet are on the same voltage line, so there is no potential
difference, so current does not flow through the bird.

____ 8. When does a current flow in a circuit?

A. A switch is closed. C. There is no voltage.
B. A switch is opened. D. The switch is either open or closed.

____ 9. Which of the following statements describes electric current?

A. Electrons moving around. C. The opposition to the flow of electrons.
B. The rate of flow of charge. D. The work done on each coulomb of charge.

____ 10. A basic electric circuit is made up of what components?

A. A load, a resistor, and a conductive path for current.
B. A conductive path for current, a battery, and a copper wire.
C. A voltage source, a load, and a conductive path for current.
D. A voltage source, a conductive path for current, and a battery.

Answer Key
Let’s Try
1. D 3. A 5. C 7. A 9. B
2. D 4. B 6. A 8. A 10.C

Let’s Practice Let’s Do More

Quantities Unit SI Unit Measuring Inventor 1. circuit 2. force

Symbol Device
Current I Ampere Ammeter Andre-Marie Ampere 3. more 4. force, more
Voltage V Volt Voltmeter Alessandro Volta
5. increases
Resistance Ω Ohm Ohm George Simon Ohm

1. A. Voltage
Why should you not touch any electrical device when you are in B. Source
contact with water? C. Electric Circuit
Answer: If there is a small current leak in the appliance your 2. Food is our necessity. The food represents
wet hands increase your conductivity to the appliance up to a current; the food rider/ motorbike represents
point where you might feel an electric shock. Dry hands have a voltage while the town/city (road) represents
high resistivity, whereas wet hands do not, the resistance is the electric circuit. If there is an enough supply
much lower. of food, the supply of current is higher same as
the voltage but if the amount of food is not
enough the current becomes lesser same as the
Let’s Sum it Up voltage.

1. True 6. decreases
2. Georg Simon Ohm 7. True
Let’s Assess
3. Voltage 8. I= V/R 1. A 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. C
4. Ω 9. True 6. D 7. D 8. A 9. B 10. C
5. directly proportional 10. True


Campo, Pia C., Maria Helen D. Catalan, Letisha V. Catris, Marlene B. Ferido, Ian Kendrich
C. Fontanilla, and Jacqueline Rose M. Gutierrez. Science Grade 8 Learner's Module.
Pasig City, Philippines: Department of Education, 2016.

Utoh, Abdul Ben Radjack M., Grade 8 Contextualized Learning Instruction Kit 2020, Quarter
1 Week 6 Module. Puerto Princesa City, Philippines: Department of Education, 2020.

Websites “Current Electricity.” Accessed July 13, 2021, “Q & A: The Human Bodyǎ€TMS Resistance I Department of Physics.”

Accessed July 13, 2021,



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