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Goldenville School of Montessori, Inc.


San Ildefonso, Bulacan

A Position Paper about the proposed

SOGIE Equality Bill

Submitted by:

Gian Josh R. Espiritu

Cassandra Lhouie Mei Ramos

Hanna Redolozo Pendis

Geron De Guzman

Trixie Esteves

Submitted to:

Mrs. Cherry Pastrana Bolima, LPT

October 2023
“When I was in high school, they would push me, punch me, follow

me, and call me ‘gay’ ‘faggot’ things like that.” said by a 19-year-old

homosexual student from Olongapo City. A survey was conducted by the

Rainbow Rights Project and Metro Manila Pride in 2019 that showed 62%

out of 400 LGBT youth have experienced discrimination and abuse. Also,

according to CDC’s National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey,

44% of lesbians and 61% of bisexual women experience rape, physical

violence, or stalking by an intimate partner, compared to 35% of straight

women. In comparison, 26% of gay men and 37% of bisexual men experience

rape, physical violence, or stalking by an intimate partner, compared

to 29% of straight men On January 26, 2000, a bill was filed in the

Philippines House of Representatives, the SOGIE Equality Bill. According

to Senate Bill No. 689, the SOGIE Equality Bill is an act prohibiting

discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity

or expression (SOGIE) and providing penalties thereof.

Let’s discuss the misconceptions made by the community on the bill

and also discuss what is inside the bill based on its provisions. First,

Filipinos thought that the SOGIE Bill would give “special treatment” to

the LGBT community, but in reality, it does not, the SOGIE Equality Bill

seeks equality, it is in the provision of the bill: it aims for equality,

acceptance, and to avoid discrimination to all individuals no matter

what their SOGIE is. The proposed bill aims to eliminate the hate and

discrimination against all individuals, not only homosexuals but also

heterosexuals. The bill also seeks to create a safe, equal, and

reasonable environment for everyone regardless of their sexual

orientation and gender identity or expression.

The next one is about same-sex marriage, they think that passing

this bill would make passage to the approval of a same-sex marriage bill.

This misconception is inaccurate. “If you look at the bill, it does not

contain any provision for same-sex marriage.” Said by Atty. Lawyer Kenjie

Aman. This bill’s purpose is only to promote equality and not for same-

sex marriage, The Senate that is in favor of this bill is not in favor

of the same-sex marriage act because they think that it is an act of

disrespect to the beliefs of the religions, even the former Vice

President Leni Robredo is not in favor of same-sex marriage, but only

same-sex union.

The bill is not useless or redundant just like what Senate President

Sotto said an anti-discrimination bill on people [in general] might be

approved. But, if focused on gays, which the SOGIE bill is, and religious

and academic freedom impeded; plus smuggling of same-sex marriage? Then

there is no chance. He thinks of the bill as a “pambabastos” to them

because they are straight, he thinks that the bill will only step on his

ego or manliness, but in fact, he includes those individuals who will

benefit from the SOGIE Equality Bill, the SOGIE Equality bill is a bill

that includes individuals regardless of their sexual orientation and

gender identity, so in that sense, every individual is included because

they have their sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGIE) or in

tagalog is “oryentasyong sekswal at pagkakakilanlang kasarian”.

A survey of “The Global Divide Homosexuality” by the Pew Research

Center gathered data that showed 73% of adult Filipinos agreed that

homosexuality should be accepted by society. Considering all this, I can

conclude that the SOGIE Equality Bill is a bill that should be passed,

it is a bill for equality, a bill to eliminate discrimination, inequality,

and other misconceptions. A bill that wants to create a safe, equal, and

reasonable environment for everyone regardless of their sexual

orientation and gender identity or expression.

Works Cited

Foundation, H. (n.d.). Sexual Assault and the LGBTQ Community.

Retrieved from Human Rights Campaign.

Rey, A. (2019). Sotoo says the SOGIE bill has 'no chance; of passing

Senate. Retrieved from Rappler:




SOGIESC. (2023). Retrieved from Amnesty International:




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