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TEST YOUR CONCEPTS Wave Motion and Sound (EREN (Seana eee 1. Define frequency, 2. What is music and what is noise? 3, What is the relation between frequency and time period of a wave? 4. How are different musical notes produced in stringed inseruments, in miasical instruments having stretched membranes and in musical instruments of blow type? 5. What is sounc 6. The S.1. unit of frequency is 7. Among solids, liquids and gases, in which medium is the velocity of sound the maximum and in which medium is the velocity of sound the minimum? 8. Compressions and rarefactions are formed in 9. Name some musical instruments that produce sound by vibration of stretched strings, by vibration of stretched membranes and vibration of air columns 10. In transverse waves, the particles of the medium vibrate to the direction of propagation of the wave, 11. Define a wave. 12. Sound cannot travel in 13. Define time period. 14. The speed of the bob of an oscillating simple pendu- Jum is maximum at its position. 15. Define a transverse wave and a longitudinal wave. 16. The time period of a pendulum is directly propor- tional to 17. Define a crest and a trough. ‘The instrument that produces sound by a vibrating membrane is called 18. 19. Define amplitude of a vibrating body. 20. The positions of maximum displacement of particle from the mean position of a transverse wave is called 21. Define the wavelength of a transverse wave, 22. The propagation of a disturbance due to vibratory motion of the particles of a medium is 23. Define the wavelength of a longitudinal wave. 24, Ifthe time period in second for 20 oscillations noted down in an experiment are 38.6, 40.0, 41.5, 42.8, and 39.4, the average time period of a given simple pendulum is s 28. Define a compression and a rarefaction. 26. A liquid contained in a ‘U'-tube, when disturbed, executes _ motion. 27. State the laws of simple pendulum, 28. A loaded spring produces waves, 29. How does sound propagate? 30. The amplitude of the pendulum is measured from position to position Rms okt 31. Distinguish between transverse and longitudinal 32. 1£5 waves are produced in half second of time, what is the frequency of the wave? 33. The frequency of a wave is 200 Hz and its wave- length is 60 m. Find its velocity. 34, Explain the formation of transverse waves ina string Describe briefly an experiment to prove the first law of simple pendulum. 35. 36, The distance between a crest and an immediate trough in a transverse wave is 20 m, Find its wavelength. 37. Find the ratio of time periods of two pendula whose lengths are in the ratio 1: 4 38. Explain longitudinal nature of sound waves in air, 39. Describe briefly an experiment to prove the second Jaw of simple pendulum, 40. The distance between the Ist crest and the 3rd crest ina trans rse Wave is 10 m., Find its wavelength, ibe’ tr 4 4 ) = Ay uw =) (<] uw Vv ra Vv 4 o a 41, The adjacent figure shows a displacement vs distance graph of a wave. If the velocity of the wave is 14m 1 calculate its g 5 § i Distance fm) Oa () wavelength, (ii) frequency and (ii) amplitude of the wave. 42. Explain why the loudness of a sound note varies wig, the distance from the source of sound. 43. Describe briefly an experiment t© prove the thin law of simple pendulum. 44. The distance between the 2nd compression and the 3rd compression in a longitudinal wave is 200 om, Find the wavelength of the wave. 45. A sound wave travels from kerosene to glass. Wh, changes occur in the velocity, frequency and wave. length of the sound wave? Explain. 46. Explain the formation of longitudinal waves in along | 49. Describe string instruments in detail. spring 47, Show through an experiment that sound cannot travel through vacuum. 48. Describe an experiment to show that vibrating bod- ies produce sound. For Answer key, Hints and Explanations, please scan the QR code: CONCEPT APPLICATION 50. Explain through an example that velocity of sound i ‘more in solids as compared to that in air. Directions for questions 1 t0 7: State whether the following statements are true or false. 1. If the period of a simple pendulum is 2 s, then its frequency is 0.5 Hz. 2. The velocity of sound is the highest in gases. 3. Ifa pendulum clock loses time, then the length of the pendulum should be appropriately decreased. 4, Ina transverse wave, the distance between two suc- cessive troughs is */>, 5. The distance between the point of suspension of the pendulum and the bottom of the bob is the length of a simple pendulum. 6. The ripples in water waves are created due to the translatory motion of particles. 7. Velocity of wave propagation is the product of its wavelength and time period. Directions for questions 8 to 14: Fill in the blanks. 8. Ifthe time period ofa wave is 1 millisecond, and the velocity ofthe wave is 330 m s~!, chen its wavelength is cm. 9. The value of acceleration due to gravity increases we move from equator to poles. For a given simple pendulum, a constant time period can be achieved by its length correspondingly. 10. Ifthe time periods of two pendulums are 2 sand 4s then the ratio of their lengths is 11. The instruments that produce sound by vibrating strings are called 12. A sound wave travels with a speed of 330 m st in air. Ifthe wavelength of the wave is 330 em, then the frequency of the wave is 13. If 4 waves are produced in 2 s, then the time period of the wave is 14, If the wavelength of the wave is 24 em, then the distance between the first compression and the third subsequent rarefaction in a longitudinal wave is om, Directions for question 15: Match the entries in Column A with the appropriate entries in Column B. 15. Cerne am A. Time period ofa ( ) (a) Wavelength simple pendulum B. The position () (b) Product of of maximum frequency and displacement of wavelength 2 particle ina ‘transverse wave in downward direction. C. Reciprocal of — () (6). String time period instrument D. Distance ©) @ Maximum between two displacement successive troughs or crests Longitudinal E. Tabla ©) @ Kons ‘in -()Andependent copay an (f) of mass of the a bob c, Velocity ofa ©) @ Frequency 5 ©) gy Percussion H. Clarinet Ce iene I. Amplitude (.) @ Trough Reed type J. Mandolin () @ ey Directions for questions 16 to 45: For each of the questions, four choices have been provided. Select the correct alternative. 16. The time period of a simple pendulum can be increased by (@) increasing the mass of the bob. (b) increasing the size of the bob. 17. 18, 19. 20. a. 22, 23. 24, Wave Motion and Sot (©) increasing the length of the simple pendulum, (@) increasing the amplitude of oscillations of the bob, Which of the following statements is ruc? (@) Sound travels faster in iron than in water. (6) Sound can travel through inert gases. (© Sound travels in the form of compressions and rarefactions in ait. (@) All the above Which of the following are mechanical waves? (@) Sound () Light (0) Radio (@) All the above Both sound and light waves can be propagated through (@) vacuum () air (©) Both (a) and (b) (@) None of the above ‘When a disturbance is created in a medium, the par- ticles in the medium perform (@) non-periodic motion (0) circular motion (© tanslatory motion (@ periodic motion Ifthe time between two successive compressions of a wave is 5 seconds, then the time taken to complete 4 successive compressions is _ (@) 5 seconds (b) 10 seconds (©) 2.5seconds — (@) 15 seconds In a transverse wave, the time interval between Ist crest and 11th crest is 50 s, then the time period of the wave is @ 5s (© 20s () 105 @ 2s Ina tsunami the shock waves originating in the ocean bed propagate (@) as transverse waves only. (b) as longitudinal waves only. (©) as both transverse and longitudinal waves. (@) Neither as transverse nor as longitudinal waves. If the distance between two successive crests of a wave is 12 cm, then the distance between two suc cessive troughs is @) 24cm (© 12cm (b) 6cm @) 4m : “ i ERA Chopters 25. The loudness of sound of the bell in the bell jar experiment gradually decreases with {@) decrease in the quantity of air (b) increase in the quantity of air (€) increase in the atmospheric pressure (@ None of the above 26. The bob of an oscillating simple pendulum arrives at one of the extreme positions 100 times in 200 s. Then, the time period of the pendulum is (@) 25 &) 20 @15 @ 10 27. Instruments capable of producing musical notes is/ @) viok (b) oboe (© cello (a) All the above 28. Which of the following statements is incorrect? (@) Sound travels faster in summer than in winter. (©) Sound travels in a straight line (©) Sound travels faster in vacuum than in air (@) Sound travels in the form of longitudinal mechanical waves. 29, Among the following statements, ‘A: A simple pendulum of a given length and at a given place has a constant time period. B: A simple pendulum with constant time period can be used as a time measuring device. (@) Only Ais true (b) Only B is true (©) Both A and B are true (@) Both A and B are false If the distance between two successive compressions of a sound wave is 16 cm, then the distance between 30. a compression and the next rarefaction is (@) 16cm (6) 32cm (© 4em @ 8m 31, In a simple pendulum experiment, the time in sec ‘onds taken for 20 oscillations is noted in 5 trials as 39.2, 38.4, 40.8, 41.4, 40.2, then the average fre quency is (a) 05s (b) 251 © 2s (d) 0.557! 32. As the acceleration due to gravity increases, the time period of the simple pendulum (a) increases (©) decreases (©) remains same (@) first increases and then decreases, 33. The time in seconds taken for 20 oscillations noted down in an simple pendulum experiment are 386, 40.0, 41.5, 42.8, and 39.4, the time period of the given simple pendulum is__s. (a) 2.5, (b) 2.2 (©) 20 @ 10.1 34. Write down the steps to verify the third law of sim. ple pendulum in a proper sequence. (A) Set the pendulum into ostillation and determine the time taken for 20 oscillations. (B) Determine the square of the time period (7) (© Change the length of the simple pendulum and repeat the experiment. (©) Determine ¢ he time period of oscillation (7). ) Determine the | ength of the pendulum. (P) Note the value of V = in each case. T @) ADBCEF (© EABCFD () EADBCF @ EFABDC 35. mpressions and rarefactions are formed in (a) stationary transverse wave (b) sound wave (©) light wave (@) water wave 36. Water waves are waves, @) transverse (©) longitudinal (©) electromagnetic (@) Both (b) and (c) 37. Longitudinal waves can propagate @) ina metal but not in a gas. () in a gas but not in a metal (6) neither in a metal nor in a gas (@) both ina metal and in a gas. 38. Transverse mechanical waves faves can propagate (2) both ina gas and ina meal (b) in a gas but not in a metal (© ina metal but not in aga. (@) neither in a gas nor in a metal 39. The time taken by a vibrating body to move from fone extreme position to the other extreme position is O.1 s. If the distance between adjacent crests is 2 m, write the steps to determine the wave velocity in proper sequence, (A) Determine the frequency of the wave (f) ___ Wave Motion and Sound (EFA 42, Assertion (A): A child produces a higher pitched sound compared to that of an adult. Reason (R): Pitch depends on the frequency of sound (@) Aand R are correct and R isthe correct explana~ tion of A (b) A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A. (6) Ais correct but R is not correct. (@) Both A and R are not correct. (B) Note down the wavelength (2) 43. Assertion (A): Sound cannot be propagated on the (©) Note down the time period (7) moon, (D) Determine the velocity of the wave as =a aed Reason (R): Sound requitesa medium to propagate. @ ABCD @acAD (@) AandR are correct and Ris the correct explana- j DABG oes tion of A and Rare correct but R is not the correct {@) sound cannot travel through vacuum, Tes (© Ais correct but R is not correct, (6) sound can travel trough secaum, (@) Both A and Rare not correct. (4) velocity of sound is least in gases 44, Two tuning forks A and B of frequencies 41. Following are down the steps of an experiment to | 200 Hz and 400 Hz are vibrated simultaneously. prove that medium is required for the propagation of | ‘Then. the ratio of time taken by the sound produced found waves, Arrange these steps in proper sequence, | PY Aand B to tavel 660 m and 990 ma, respectively (A) Conder sg prethan cud conmeced | 28% #—— oc of he sound in a= 30 a vacuum pump and a closed lid tea Aye (1:2 : B) Suspend an electric bell 2s ° ta (©) Evacuate the jar by using a vaccum pump. 43. Two pendulums A and B of length 9 m and 16 m, Switch on the electric bell et . oe « respectively are made to oscillate on the Earth’s sur- (©) Observe that the intensity of the sound is less | face then the ratio oftheir frequency is when the jar is evacuated. @) 3:4 (F) This proves that medium is required for the ® Oe propagation of ound. © 16:9 @ 4:3 @ FEDABC () ABDECF (0 ABDCEF (@ ABCDEF 46. The distance between a compression and the next | frequency ofthe note emitted is 48 Hz. If the veloc- rarefaction of a sound wave is 12.5 em. Ifthe sound | ity of sound in air is 336 m st, find its wavelength svaves can travel 750m in 3, then find the number | and number of holes on the disc of waves produced in one second. roi 48. Two astronauts go to the surface of the moon and 47. W disc siren with certain number of holes rotates uniformly 270 times in one and half minute. The would speak to each other. Explain how they could achieve this me i = n w =) ce] wu Vv - ce) 9 4 cs EERBD Chopter5 49. A wave of time period 10 ms travels with a velocity of 1.5. ms“! Ifthe time period of another wave is 6 ms, find its velocity and ako find the ratio of their velocities. (Assume that the wavelength of the two waves is same). 30. A sound wave of frequency 660 Hz incidents nor- mally on a perfectly reflecting object. If the speed of sound in air is 330 m 5, what is the shortest distance from the wall at which the wave parti- cles have (2) the maximum and (b) the minimum displacement? 51. 1£500 sound waves are produced in one minute, then find the time taken by a vibrating particle to move from its mean position to the immediate rarefaction. . For the range of frequencies of sound 11 kHz to 11 MHz, find the range of wavelengths of sound at 0°C, given the velocity of sound in air as 330 ms“! at 0°C. - A tuning fork is excited first in air and then in water. In which case is the amplitude more? Explain. A sound wave travelling in air is made to propagate through a liquid such that the velocity of sound is quadrupled. If the frequency of the sound wave is constant, find the change in the wavelength of the sound wave. 55. A sound wave travels 60 m in the time taken to pro- duce 50 waves. Find the wavelength of the sound ‘wave in centimetres. What would be the time period of a seconds pen dulum constructed on the Earth if it is taken to the surface of the moon. The acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the moon is 1/6 Ges - Ifthe percentage decrease in the length of a simple pendulum is 10%, then find the percentage decrease in its time period. 58. The frequency of a sound wave is 200 Hz and its wavelength is 150 cm. What is the distance travelled by a sound wave in the time taken to produce ty, waves? “The time period of a simple pendulum is gives Ze T=2n g where ‘fis the length of the pendulum and ‘fs 59. acceleration due to gravity at that place. (@) Express ‘g in terms of T. (&) What is the length of the seconds penduliz: (Take g = 10 ms). ‘The wavelength ofa sound wave travelling in 2 wis becomes one third when it propagates through x: If the frequency of the wave remains constant, tix find the decrease in the velocity of the wave. 60. 61. The oscillation of a simple pendulum is graphical, represented as follows. Determine the (@) time period (b) frequency (©) amplitude leplacoment time 62. Find the ratio of time periods of two pendula whose lengths are in the ratio 1 : 4 Find the ratio of frequency of two pendula who Jengths are in the ratio 1 : 4. 63. 64. Find the ratio of lengths of two pendula whose ime periods are in the ratio 1: 4. 65. x The distance between the 1st crest and the 3 crestin, a transverse wave is 10 m. Find its wavelength. 66. A stone is dropped from the top of a tower and it hits the ground at 1 = 3.5 s. If the veloc ity of sound in air is 300 m s“, find the time taken to hear the sound by a person on the top of 67. “Sound travels in rocks in the form of both longitu nal and transverse waves, but in air, sound travels on in the form of longitudinal waves’. Explain 68. How does the time period T of a simple pendulut the tower, from the instant the body is dropped. @=10ms%) vary with altitude? Discuss, 69. The length of the seconds pendulum is first increased by 10 em and then decreased by 5 cm. If the time period is determined in each case, find their ratio. (Take ¢= 10m 52, x2= 10) 70. Two iron rods of length of 2,2 m and 0.8 m of uni- ea densities are suspended from their ends and made to oscillate, Find the tim ds of the tws ime periods of the two rods. Which rod gains time as compared to the time period of seconds pendulum? 1 The time period of a pendulum on the surface of the moon is 5s. If itis a seconds pendulum on earth and the acceleration due to gravity on the Earth is 9.8 m 8, find the acceleration due to gravity on the sur face of the moon, cand 72. Two pendula of the same length oscillate with ampli- tudes of 3 cm and 5 cm, respectively. The average time period noted for 3 trials forthe first pendulum is found to be 2 s; what will be the average time period for the second pendulum? 73. Ifthe length of a seconds pendulum is first decreased by 10 cm and its time period is determined and then increased by 20 cm and the time period is once again determined, find the ratio of the time periods in owo cases. (Take g = 9.8 ms?) 74. When a string fixed between two ends is plucked, a ‘wave propagates along the string and reflects at the other end. Find the distance of maximum and mini- mum displacement of the particle in a wave from its first end, given that the velocity of wave propagation is 330 ms“! and the frequency of vibration is 1320 Hz, 78. The velocity of sound increases by 75% when it enters a liquid from air. Find the percentage increase in its wavelength. Wave Motion and Sound (XT 76. The ratio of loudness of sound produced by two sources is 2: 3, What is the ratio of amplitude of their vibrations? 77. Sound waves travel from air to water. The velocity of the sound waves in ai is 332 m s~! and wavelength is 2m. Ifthe wavelength of the sound waves in water is £850 cm, find its velocity in water. 78. A sound wave of frequency 660 Hz incidents nor- mally on a perfectly reflecting surface. Ifthe speed of sound in air is 330 m ~!, what is the time taken by a particle in the medium to complete one vibration? Determine the wave length of the wave. 79. The velocity of sound waves in a metal is found co be 1400 m s-!, When they travel from metal to air its velocity changes to 340 m s“!. If the wavelength of sound waves in air is 200 m, find its wavelength in the metal. 80. The adjacent figure shows a displacement vs distance graph of a wave. If the velocity of the wave is 14 m st, calculate its (b) frequency and @) wavelength, (©) amplitude of the wave Displacement (em) HD ChopterS CONCEPT APPLICATION evel 1 | | Explanation for questions 31 (945: 2 [ae ro} 39.2438.4440,8441.4440.2 bes 5 e 4 Time taken for one oscillation = 22 = 2s 4 2

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