Solution Manual For Absolute C 5th Edition Savitch Mock 013283071X 9780132830713

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Solution Manual for Absolute C++ 5th Edition Savitch Mock

013283071X 9780132830713
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Solution Manual:

Test bank:

Chapter 2 - Flow of Control

These test questions are true-false, fill in the blank, multiple choice, and free form
questions that may require code. The multiple choice questions may have more than one
correct answer. You are required to mark and comment on correct answers.. Mark all of
the correct answers for full credit. The true false questions require an explanation in
addition to the true/false response, and, if false, also require a correction.

True False:

1. The if, while and for statements control only one statement. Answer:


Explanation: The one statement may be a block (statements that are enclosed with
curly braces { }) or a simple statement.

2. Given the declaration

int x = 0;

The following expression causes a divide by zero error:

(x !=0) || (2/x < 1);

Answer: False.

Explanation: The|| operator uses short-circuit evaluation. The first member of this
expression is true; the truth value of the complete expression can be determined
from this; consequently, the second expression is not evaluated. There is no divide-
by-zero error.

3. Suppose we have these declarations,

int x = -1, y = 0, z = 1;

This Boolean expression is correct and it does what the programmer intends.


Answer: False
Page 2

Explanation: Unfortunately, the expression compiles without error and runs. The
< operator associates (groups) left to right, so the expression evaluates as
(x < y) < z
The left hand expression evaluates to true, which, if compared to a numeric type,
converts to 1. When compared to 1, this is false. What the programmer intends,
expressed as mathematacs might is -1 < 0< 1, a result that is clearly true.
4. You want to determine whether time has run out. The following code
correctly implements this.
!time > limit

Answer: False.

Explanation: The expression always evaluates to false. This cannot be what the
programmer intended. The compiler doesn’t catch the problem because the code is
legal, correct C++. Corrected code is !(time > limit)

Code execution proceeds as follows: The operator ! takes a bool argument. It returns
the opposite bool value. The value of time is converted to a bool. The value of time
is certainly nonzero, hence !time is !true, i.e., false. The > compares this result with
a numeric value, limit, (an int or perhaps some kind of floating point). The value on
the left (false) is converted to a 0 value of that type. The value of limit is unlikely to
be a negative number and we are concerned about time running out, so it is unlikely
that time is zero. Consequently, the inequality becomes 0>limit, where limit is
nonzero. This is false.

5. The value of count is 0; limit is 10. Evaluate:

(count == 0)&&(limit < 20)
Answer: true
6. The value of count is 0; limit is 10. Evaluate: count
== 0 && limit < 20
Answer: true

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Page 3

Explanation: The operators == and < have higher precedences than &&, hence the
expressions, count == 0 and limit < 10 are evaluated (to true) then the
&& is executed.
7. The value of count is 0; limit is 10. Evaluate:
(count != 0)||(limit < 20)
Answer: true.
is determined by the second expression. The second expression is true so the ||
expression evaluates to true.
8. In a while loop, the Boolean_Expression is executed before each execution of the
loop body.
Answer: true
9. In a do-while loop, a continue statement terminates the loop.
Answer: False
Explanation: The continue statement causes the Boolean_Expression to
be executed. If true, the body executes, otherwise the loop terminates.
10. A break statement is used in loops only.
Answer: False.
Explanation: In addition to its use in loops, a break statement is used in the
switch statement to transfer control to the next statement after the switch block.
11. When a loop is nested in side another loop, a break or continue statement
terminates or restarts the outermost loop of the nested loop structure.
Answer: False
Explanation: A break or continue terminates or restarts only the innermost loop
containing the break or continue.

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Page 4

Free Form Questions:

1. Assume variables first and second are declared to be double and are
and second to be exchanged if the value of first is not less than second.
// double first, second;
// these have been initialized if (!(first <
double temp = first; first =
second; second = temp;

//assert: first <= second

2. Write multiway if-else statements for which the output is “Alarm: Boiler
Pressure: TOO HIGH” if the value of the variable boiler_pressure is
greater than 1000 (psi), and the output is “Boiler Pressure: TOO LOW” if the value
of boiler_pressure is below 100(psi), otherwise the output is
“Boiler Pressure: within normal limits.”

if (boiler_pressure > 1000)

cout << “Boiler Pressure: TOO LOW\n”;

else if (boiler_pressure < 100)

cout << “Boiler Pressure: TOO LOW\n”;


cout << “Boiler Pressure: within normal limits.\n”;

3. Write multiway if-else statements in which letter grades are assigned based a
numeric grade based on this “ten point” scheme:
if the numeric grade is not less than 90, the letter grade is an A,

if the numeric grade is not less than 80, the letter grade is a B,

©2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ. All Rights Reserved.
Another document from that is
random and unrelated content:
battleship) was located, troops landed on the top of the
fort and pumped a mixture of oil and gasoline into the
ventilators. When ignited, the resulting explosions and
fires destroyed the garrison.


MANILA while overhead a P-38 drops two bombs on
Japanese positions. Bitter fighting took place over the
almost inaccessible ridges and peaks of the Sierra Madre


REPUBLIC P-47’s AND LOCKHEED P-38’s (top and

bottom respectively) drop napalm fire bombs on enemy
positions in the mountains east of Manila. As each bomb
hit the target or ground it would explode and burn
everything over an oval-shaped area of approximately 70
by 150 feet. The bombs were effective in eliminating the
enemy troops in their well-dug-in positions.


hills east of Manila.

8-INCH HOWITZER M1 firing on enemy positions in Ipo

Dam area, May 1945 (top); Filipino guerrillas fighting
against the enemy in Batangas Province with the U.S.
troops (bottom). Some of the guerrillas had been fighting
against the Japanese since the fall of the Philippines in
1942. Weapon in foreground (bottom) is the standard
Japanese gas-operated, air-cooled, heavy machine gun
(Type 92 (1932) 7.7-mm. Hv MG). The feed is a 30-round
strip and may be seen in place, rate of fire 450 rounds per

DIFFICULT TERRAIN. Infantrymen pushing along a

muddy, primitive road (top); a patrol moving through
heavy undergrowth (bottom).

U.S. TROOPS moving through mountainous terrain on

their way to Santa Fé, Luzon.

LIGHT TANK M5 providing cover from Japanese fire for

a wounded infantryman on the road to Baguio (top).
Armor and infantry on a hillside overlooking Baguio; in
the foreground is a 105-mm. howitzer motor carriage M7,
while down the slope of the hill is a 76-mm. gun motor
carriage M18 (bottom). Vehicles, like the foot soldiers,
found the going hard over the rough terrain.


while engineer troops work on the road; in foreground is a
105-mm. howitzer motor carriage M7. Note destroyed
enemy vehicles along road and in stream (top). A
bulldozer and a medium tank help another medium tank
which has struck a road mine (bottom).

MEDIUM TANK M4A1 on a hill overlooking Baguio

(top); soldiers looking at the ruins of the western section
of Baguio (bottom). Baguio was subjected to extensive
bombardment by aircraft and heavy artillery and the
enemy’s defenses around the former summer capital were
reduced. Infantry troops led by tanks that had great
difficulty maneuvering through the mountains entered
Baguio on 27 April with practically no opposition.

155-MM. HOWITZER M1 in Balete Pass shelling enemy

artillery positions, 19 April. During March one division
moved forward ten miles after constructing more than 130
miles of roads and trails. The same problems of terrain
were faced in this advance and it was not until 13 May
that the pass was seized.

P-38’S DROPPING FIRE BOMBS north of Balete Pass.



hiding in a culvert near Aritao on the highway north of
Balete Pass. U.S. forces broke through the Japanese
defenses at Aritao and seized Bayombong to the north
toward the Cagayan Valley on 7 June 1945. After this, the
drive northward was rapid and met with little opposition.


MOUNTAINOUS TERRAIN in northern Luzon. The

Malaya River flows through the valley in the vicinity of
Cervantes, Ilocos Sur Province. (click image to enlarge)


Northern Luzon Guerrilla Force had cleared the
northwestern coast of Luzon and by early June 1945
controlled practically all the territory north of Bontoc and
west of the Cagayan Valley. On 21 June U.S. troops and
guerrillas seized Aparri, and on 23 June a reinforced
parachute battalion was dropped near the town. The
paratroopers moved southward meeting U.S. troops
moving northward.


an enemy position. The drive into the Cagayan Valley
ended the last offensive on Luzon in June 1945. Enemy
pockets of resistance were cleared out and by 15 August,
when hostilities officially ended, the U.S. forces had
reported 40,565 casualties including 7,933 killed. The
Japanese lost over 192,000 killed and approximately
9,700 captured.

60-MM. MORTAR CREW FIRING at enemy positions on

Mindanao. While the fighting was still in progress on
Luzon, other U.S. troops were engaged on other islands in
the Philippine Archipelago. Mopping up was still in
progress on Leyte and Samar; landings were made on
Mindanao, Palawan, Marinduque, Panay, Cebu, Bohol,
Negros, Masbate, Jolo, and Basilan; and other troops were
being prepared for the invasion of Okinawa.


SHELL CASES BEING OPENED in preparation for an

81-mm. mortar attack in the hills of Mindanao (top); light
armored car M8 moving along a river bank on Mindanao
(bottom). During July most of the remaining enemy troops
on Mindanao were driven into the hills and hemmed in,
after which they were relentlessly attacked by aircraft.

TROOPS WADING ASHORE during the invasion of

Cebu island (top) and on the beach after landing (bottom).
During March landings were made on Panay, Cebu, and


infantry and armored troops.


Mactan Island in the southern Philippines, April 1945.

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