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8, AUGUST 2020 3035

Effects of Scaling on Analog FoMs of

UTBB FD-SOI MOS Transistors:
A Detailed Analysis
Mandar S. Bhoir , Graduate Student Member, IEEE, and Nihar R. Mohapatra , Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract — In this article, the combined effect of BOX saturation of the TSi scaling, the future CMOS nodes fully
thickness (TBOX ) and ground-plane (GP) doping (NGP ) on rely on the scaling of TBOX and optimization of GP doping.
channel carrier mobility and analog figures of merit (FoMs) From the last 50 years, technology scaling has been mostly
is investigated. It is reported that the thin BOX along with
higher NGP will limit the electron/hole mobility of ultrathin logic application driven. Although the electrostatics of such
body and BOX fully depleted silicon-on-insulator (UTBB UTBB FD-SOI devices were extensively studied and carefully
FD-SOI) MOS transistors. The physics responsible for this modeled [4], [5], there are limited reports on the effect
observation is discussed in detail. The contrasting behavior of device dimensions on carrier mobility [6]. In particular,
of different GPs, the effect of TBOX scaling, and gate-length the effect of TBOX and GP doping (NGP ) on mobility is still
scaling on device behavior is also analyzed. It is also shown
that in advanced UTBB FD-SOI MOS transistors, a tradeoff unexplored. Arshad et al. [7] had reported degradation of
exists between transistor intrinsic gain, cutoff frequency, transconductance (gm ) for devices with thin BOX and GP.
and non-linearity. In nMOS transistors, the best intrinsic However, physics behind this observation was not discussed.
gain and cut-off frequency can be achieved with ultrathin Note that the mobility is an important parameter for digital
BOX and n-type GP (or with no GP), whereas the best and analog/RF circuits. Therefore, a detailed understanding of
linearity can be achieved with ultrathin BOX and p-type GP
implant. mobility degradation with UTBB FD-SOI device scaling is
necessary for better device design.
Index Terms — Ground plane, mobility, non-linearity, tech- Furthermore, the transistor intrinsic gain and non-linearity
nology scaling, transconductance, ultrathin body and BOX
fully depleted silicon-on-insulator (UTBB FD-SOI). are essential FoM of analog circuits. The communication
systems use different linearization techniques to suppress
I. I NTRODUCTION the unwanted harmonics. However, these circuits are gener-
ally complex and expensive, thereby emphasizing the need
T HE 5G communication technology and Internet-of-
Things (IoT) applications require on-chip low-power
mixed-signal systems. The ultrathin body and BOX fully
for linear transistors. Till date, a few references only have
reported the effect of scaling on the analog performance and
non-linearity of UTBB FD-SOI MOS transistors [7]–[12]. The
depleted silicon-on-insulator (UTBB FD-SOI) MOS transistor,
articles [9], [10] had compared the analog performance para-
a planar device architecture, has emerged as a promising
meters for transistors with and without GP, but the study was
solution for these applications because of its better dc, analog,
limited to a single technology node (constant TSi and TBOX )
and RF figures of merit (FoMs) [1], [2]. With thinner body
and/or for devices with thicker gate dielectrics. The studies
and BOX thicknesses (TSi and TBOX ), the UTBB FD-SOI
[11], [12] had compared the linearity performance of UTBB
MOS transistors provide better gate electrostatic control
FD-SOI and bulk MOS transistors and the impact of back-gate
[i.e., reduced short-channel effects (SCEs)] and lower device
bias on non-linearity, but the impact of technology scaling
parasitics. The high doped ground plane (GP) underneath the
on linearity was missing. Our research group had recently
BOX improves the gate electrostatics, provides cost-effective
reported the effect of TBOX and GP doping on transistor’s non-
multithreshold transistor options, and helps in effective real-
linearity [13]. However, the report was brief and was done
ization of back-gate biasing schemes [3]. However, with
for transistor’s with thicker TSi . To summarize, there are no
Manuscript received May 26, 2020; revised June 11, 2020; accepted systematic studies on the effect of TBOX scaling and GP doping
June 13, 2020. Date of publication June 24, 2020; date of current version (NGP ) on the analog FoMs.
July 23, 2020. This work was supported in part by the Visvesvaraya
Ph.D. Scheme, MeitY, Government of India, and in part by the Horizon In this article, we have shown that the UTBB FD-SOI MOS
2020 ASCENT EU Project (Access to European Nanoelectronics Net- transistor scaling (ultrathin BOX and high NGP ) results in
work) under Project 654384. The review of this article was arranged by degradation of electron/hole mobility and gm . For the first
Editor G. Ghione. (Corresponding author: Mandar S. Bhoir.)
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, time, the exact physics behind this behavior is discussed
IIT Gandhinagar, Gandhinagar 382355, India (e-mail: mandar.bhoir@ in detail with the help of TCAD simulations and device; measurements. The contrasting behavior of n- and p-type GP,
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this article are available
online at the effect of TBOX scaling, and gate-length (L g ) scaling on
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TED.2020.3002878 this mobility degradation is explored in detail. The impact of

0018-9383 © 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
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TBOX scaling and NGP on analog FoMs, viz., gm , output con-

ductance (gds ), and intrinsic gain (gm /gds ), is also investigated.
The second- and third-order harmonic distortions are extracted
from the dc simulations to investigate the linearity behavior.
Finally, an optimized design space for better analog FoMs is
This article is organized as follows. Section II describes
the device details and simulation setup. The mobility-limiting
factors are investigated in Section III. The impact of technol-
ogy scaling on the analog FoMs is discussed in Section IV
followed by conclusion in Section V.


The UTBB FD-SOI MOS transistors used in this article
have effective oxide (top-gate) thickness (EOT) of ∼1 nm
and TSi of 6 nm. The measured devices have TBOX of 25 nm,
whereas the devices used for simulations have TBOX varying
from 100 down to 10 nm. The transistor’s measured/simulated
in this article have L g varying from 20 to 300 nm. However,
we have mainly focused on L g of 100 nm (∼4 × L g,min ) for
analysis of the analog FoMs. The undoped body and substrate Fig. 1. Experimental (symbols) versus simulated (solid lines) transfer
with a GP (of constant doping profile) underneath the BOX characteristics of UTBB FD-SOI nMOS transistor (schematically shown
is used. The study is carried out for both p- and n-type GP above) with Lg = 20 and 300 nm, plotted for different back-gate
bias. Sentuarus TCAD simulator is accurately calibrated by matching
(p-GP and n-GP) implants. simulations with the experimental data.
The Sentaurus TCAD tool suite [14] is accurately cali-
brated with the measurement data from a 20-nm CMOS node
(provided by CEA-LETI). The thickness-dependent mobility
model for thin layer (TL) [6] along with the inversion and
accumulation layer (IAL) unified mobility model is used to
precisely capture the mobility behavior in UTBB devices. The
models to account for quantum mechanical correction, high-
field mobility saturation, and generation–recombination are
also included. Fig. 1 shows the measured and simulated trans-
fer characteristics. As shown, the good agreement between the
measured and simulated data for different values of L g and
back-gate bias (Vbg−s ) confirms the accuracy and scalability
of models used in the TCAD tool. This well-calibrated deck is
then used for the detailed analysis of transistor performances.

III. A DDITIONAL M OBILITY D EGRADATION Fig. 2. (a) Simulated transfer characteristics with (solid lines) and without
(dashed lines) TL and SRS mobility models for Vds of 50 mV and 0.8 V.
A. Limiting Factors Variation of Id with respect to Vov for different values of NGP of (b) p-type
The impact of TL and surface-roughness scattering (SRS) and (c) n-type. In UTBB MOS transistors, Id degrades for higher p-type
GP doping, while it is constant for n-type GP case.
on electron mobility of UTBB FD-SOI nMOS transistors is
checked by disabling the TL and SRS models. Fig. 2(a) shows
the simulated transfer characteristics with and without TL well by the TL and SRS models as verified earlier through
and SRS models. A significant increase in Id (mobility) is excellent matching with the experimental data (see Fig. 1).
observed when these models are not used, thus emphasizing To analyze the impact of NGP , TBOX , L g , Vds on effective
the dominant role of TL and SRS in UTBB devices. For electron mobility (μeff ), and Id , the simulations are performed
thin-body devices with TSi < Tinv (Tinv is the inversion layer by varying one parameter at a time. The results are discussed
thickness in bulk MOS transistors), the inversion charges in detail below.
(electron) are confined to a smaller thickness. This confine-
ment increases the electron–phonon wave function overlap B. Effect of Different GPs on μeff
(increased electron–phonon interactions) resulting in reduced For nMOS transistor with TBOX of 10 nm, the simula-
mobility at lower transverse electric fields [15]. In addition, tions are performed by varying NGP from 1015 (no GP) to
these devices experience significant SRS at higher transverse 1019 cm−3 . The threshold voltage (Vth ) increases with increase
electric field because of increased proximity of electrons to in NGP for p-type GP, while it decreases for n-type GP.
the Si–SiO2 /HfO2 interface [16]. Both the effects are captured Fig. 2(b) and (c) shows Id as a function of overdrive voltage

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Fig. 4. Transverse electric field (ETran ) within the Si body for different
GP transistors biased at different values of Vov . In p-type GP transistors,
Fig. 3. (a) Illustration of source–channel barrier (φSC ) extracted near the higher ETran at body–BOX interface causes electron confinement near
the Si–SiO2 interface. (b) φSC as a function of NGP plotted at the top the top-gate interface.
gate and back interface. The barrier at body–BOX interface is higher for
p-type GP compared with n-type GP transistors.

(Vov = Vgs − Vth ) at Vds of 0.6 V for different GP transistors.

In comparison with no GP transistors, Id reduces with increase
in NGP for p-type, while it is constant (slightly increases) for
n-type GP transistors. This Id degradation for p-type GP can be
attributed to either the increase in source/drain series resistance
(RSD due to depletion in LDD [17]) or to the reduction in
electron mobility. To investigate the exact reason, the same
simulations are performed by disabling TL and SRS models
and the resultant transfer characteristics is shown in Fig. 2(b).
As shown, without these models, there is no change in Id with
NGP variations. This confirms that the TL- and SRS-dependent
mobility degradation (and not the RSD effect) is responsible
Fig. 5. Variation of electron concentration within the Si body extracted
for Id reduction with p-type GP doping. for different values of (a) p-type GP doping, (b) n-type GP doping,
To understand physics behind the contrasting behavior of and (c) Vbg−s . For higher p-type NGP as well as for negative Vbg−s ,
p- and n-type GPs, the source–channel barrier [φSC , as shown electrons are confined near the top-gate interface. Note that the profiles
are extracted along the vertical cut line near the source end for constant
in Fig. 3(a)] at top-gate interface and back (Body-BOX) Id of 150 μA/μm.
interface is extracted for different values of NGP . The data are
plotted in Fig. 3(b). In comparison with no GP transistors, φSC
the Si body [see Fig. 5(b)] and results in negligible variation
increases at back interface and reduces at top-gate interface
of μeff and Id in case of n-type GP transistors [see Fig. 2(c)].
with increase in p-type NGP . On the other hand, φSC is almost
To further augment our understanding, the UTBB FD-SOI
constant at both the interfaces for n-type GP transistors. Note
transistors are simulated and measured for different back-
that this behavior is observed for transistors biased at constant
gate biases (Vbg−s ). As shown in Fig. 5(c), similar electron
Vov or constant Id . To understand the extracted φSC data,
confinement occurs with more negative Vbg−s . Therefore,
the transverse electric field (E Tran ) within Si body (from top
as shown in Fig. 6, μeff reduces for negative Vbg−s (for a
to back interface) is extracted for transistors with different
particular Id ). This experimentally confirms the role of TL
GPs and plotted in Fig. 4. As shown, the p-type GP transistor
and SRS components on mobility degradation. For reader’s
has higher E Tran , whereas n-type/no GP transistor has lower
information, μeff is extracted using the Split-CV technique [18]
(weak) E Tran at the back interface for all Vov values. This is
from the current and capacitance measurements carried out on
because of different work functions of the substrate (φsub ).
long and wide-channel (300 nm × 60 μm) UTBB FD-SOI
This higher E Tran (Si body to substrate) in p-type GP depletes
nMOS transistors.
the silicon close to the back interface resulting in higher
φSC [see Fig. 3(b)]. This results in electron confinement at
the top interface [see Fig. 5(a)]. The higher confinement C. Effects of TBOX Scaling on μeff
and proximity of carriers to the interface increase TL- and To study the impact of TBOX scaling on μeff , simulations
SRS-dependent mobility degradation in p-type GP transistors, are performed with TBOX varying from 100 down to 10 nm for
thus resulting in lower μeff and Id [see Fig. 2(b)]. On the other devices with and without GP. Fig. 7 shows the transfer charac-
hand, the weaker E Tran at the back interface for n-type/no GP teristics at Vds of 0.6 V. As shown, Id reduces with decrease in
transistors results in lower φSC at back interface [see Fig. 3(b)]. TBOX and the reduction is higher for devices with p-type GP.
This facilitates (almost) uniform electron distribution within To investigate further, the electron concentration profiles inside

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Fig. 8. Variation of electron concentration within the Si body with TBOX

Fig. 6. Experimentally extracted μeff as a function of Id plotted for scaling for devices without GP, with p-type GP and n-type GP implant.
different values of Vbg−s . Electron mobility degrades as Vbg−s is swept Higher electron confinement near the top-gate interface is observed in
from 0 to −2 V due to their confinement near the top-gate interface the devices with thin BOX and p-type GP.
[see Fig. 5(c)].

Fig. 7. Variation of Id -Vov as a function of TBOX for devices without GP,

with p-type GP and n-type GP doping. With TBOX scaling, Id reduces and Fig. 9. gm,max degradation with p-GP doping (Δgm,max ) as a function of
it is significant for devices with p-type GP implant. Lg plotted for different values of (a) Vds and (b) S/D contact resistance
(Rcontact ). The TL- and SRS-induced mobility degradation get masked in
shorter Lg due to increased effect of velocity saturation and RSD .
the Si body is extracted and plotted in Fig. 8. With decrease
in TBOX , the electron concentration remains unperturbed for reduces for transistors with shorter L g and higher Vds . This
the devices without GP and with n-type GP, while the devices is because the current in shorter transistors and higher Vds
with p-type GP show considerable electron confinement (near is mainly limited by velocity saturation and RSD . Therefore,
the top-gate interface). Note that E Tran at the back interface the effect of p-type GP on mobility (current) is less in
increases with reduction in TBOX . This causes more depletion shorter transistors and at higher Vds . This argument is further
at the back interface and more confinement of electrons at the verified from gm,max versus L g plot for different values
top interface. The confinement of electrons at the top interface of RSD [see Fig. 9(b)].
increases TL- and SRS-dependent mobility degradation and
this explains higher degradation in Id for the devices with E. Effects of Scaling on Hole Mobility in
p-type GP compared to n-type or without GP (see Fig. 7). pMOS Transistors
To summarize, the advanced UTBB FD-SOI nMOS transis-
Fig. 10 shows gm,max as a function of GP doping (n- and
tors with ultrathin BOX and p-type GP experience additional
p-type GP) for a pMOS transistor with thin BOX. Similar to
mobility degradation because of electron confinement near
nMOS transistors, the holes in pMOS transistors also undergo
the top-gate interface and subsequent TL- and SRS-induced
TL- and SRS-dependent mobility degradation with thinner
mobility degradation. Therefore, these devices exhibit lower
BOX and higher n-type GP doping. Note that the effect of
Id and gm (at the same bias) compared to the devices with
p and n-type GP in pMOS transistors is exactly opposite
thick BOX and/or n-type (or no) GP.
to that of nMOS transistors because of the opposite role of
p-/n-type GP in electron and hole confinement.
D. Effects of Lg and Vds on μeff
We have also studied the effect of L g and Vds on the IV. A NALOG P ERFORMANCE C OMPARISON
mobility limiting factors. Fig. 9(a) shows the gm degradation To investigate the impact of TBOX and NGP on analog perfor-
[gm,max = (gm,max NoGP -gm,max GP )/gm,max NoGP ] with p-type mance, gm and gds are extracted from the transfer and output
GP as a function of L g for Vds of 50 mV and 0.8 V. As shown, characteristics, respectively. For this analysis, the nMOS tran-
gm,max (i.e., TL- and SRS-induced mobility degradation) sistors are biased in the saturation regime (Vds ≥ Vov ).

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Fig. 12. Variation of gm with TBOX for the devices without GP, with
Fig. 10. gm,max degradation (Δgm,max ) as a function of NGP plotted for p-type GP and n-type GP doping. With TBOX scaling, gm reduces and
pMOS transistors with different GPs. Δgm,max increases with NGP for this reduction is significant for devices with p-type GP doping.
transistors with n-GP because of hole confinement.

Fig. 13. Variation of gds as a function of (a) NGP and (b) TBOX plotted
Fig. 11. gm as a function of (a) Id (plotted for different values of NGP ) for different values of Id . With TBOX scaling, gds reduces and lowest gds
and (b) NGP (plotted for different values of Vds ). For higher (p-type) NGP , is observed for devices with thin BOX and n-type/no-GP doping.
gm reduces and flatness of gm –Id curves improves because of higher
TL- and SRS-dependent mobility degradation.

A. gm
Fig. 11(a) shows gm as a function of Id for different GPs
at Vds = 0.6 V for a nMOS transistor with TBOX of 10 nm.
As shown, gm is lower for transistors with p-type GP doping
due to enhanced TL- and SRS-dependent mobility degradation,
while it is almost constant (slightly higher) for n-type GP
doping compared with no GP. At Id = 200 μA/μm, gm
degrades by ∼14% in case of p-type GP compared with
n-type GP. The gm reduction with increase in p-type NGP is
the same for different values of Vds , as shown in Fig. 11(b).
Fig. 12 shows gm as a function of TBOX for nMOS transistors
with and without GP. Comparatively higher gm reduction in
transistors with p-type GP is observed, which is consistent with Fig. 14. DIBL as a function of (a) NGP and (b) TBOX for 100-nm-long
transistors. DIBL reduces with TBOX scaling, and for ultrathin BOX devices
the higher Id degradation as discussed earlier (see Fig. 7). the substrate charge condition (at BOX-substrate interface) influences
Note that this gm reduction for transistors with thin BOX the DIBL behavior.
and p-type GP also results in cutoff frequency degradation,
thereby affecting the RF performance.
devices with ultrathin BOX and n-type/no GP implant. This
observation is the same for all the bias currents. Note that
B. gds in shorter transistors, gds is mainly due to drain-induced
Fig. 13(a) shows gds as a function of NGP for TBOX of 10 nm. barrier lowering (DIBL). Fig. 14 shows the DIBL of a 100-
Fig. 13(b) shows gds as a function of TBOX for transistors nm-long nMOS transistor as a function of NGP and TBOX .
with and without GP. As shown, lower gds is observed for In FD-SOI MOS transistors, the DIBL mainly depends on

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Fig. 16. (a) | gm2 | (i.e., | d 2 Id /dVg2 |) and (b) | gm3 | (i.e., | d3 Id /dV3g |) as a
Fig. 15. Intrinsic gain, gm /gds as a combined function of TBOX and
function of Id extracted for different values of NGP (p-type). gm2 and gm3
NGP for 100-nm-long nMOS transistor. The gain is highest for devices
reduce for higher NGP , especially in lower current regime.
with ultrathin BOX and n-type GP, while the devices with high p-type GP
doping will have optimized gain performance for TBOX ∼ 20 nm.

three factors: 1) drain-to-channel coupling through Si body

(proportional to TSi ); 2) drain-to-channel coupling through the
BOX (proportional to TBOX ); and 3) drain-to-channel cou-
pling through the substrate (depends on charge condition near
the BOX–substrate interface [19]). As shown in Fig. 14(b),
the DIBL reduces with TBOX scaling (100 to ∼20 nm) for
devices with and without GP due to the reduction in fac-
tor 2, but for TBOX < 20 nm (with increased proximity of
substrate to drain), factor 3 dominates [Fig. 14(a)], thereby
increasing DIBL for the ultrathin BOX and p-type GP case
(BOX–substrate interface in the depletion regime). However,
in devices without GP (or n-type GP), the substrate is in
inversion (or near flat band), i.e., lower impact of factor 3.
Hence, the DIBL reduces with TBOX scaling as expected.
To summarize, the gds variations in UTBB FD-SOI transistors
are mainly due to modulation of DIBL with TBOX and NGP .

C. gm /gds Fig. 17. Behavior of HD2 and HD3 with respect to Id for different values
of NGP (p-type). For higher NGP , lower HD2 and HD3, i.e., better linearity
Fig. 15 shows gm /gds as a function of TBOX and NGP . gm and is observed for low-current levels (shown in inset).
gds are extracted for Vds = 0.6 V and Id = 150 μA/μm.
The higher gm and lower gds for devices with ultrathin BOX
and no GP implant result in higher gm /gds . The devices with third-order harmonic distortions can be written as shown in
intermediate p-type NGP (1017 cm−3 ) shows no considerable (1) and (2) [20]. Here, Va of 50 mV is used.
improvement with TBOX scaling. The devices with highly 1  gm2 
doped p-type GP (≥1018 cm−3 ) shows higher intrinsic gain HD2 = Va  (1)
4 gm 
around TBOX ∼ 20 nm but exhibits a gm /gds reduction for  
1 2  gm3 
further TBOX scaling because of sharp gm and gds degradation HD3 = V . (2)
as discussed earlier. On the contrary, a slight improvement in 24 a  g  m
gm /gds is observed with n-type GP compared to no GP because Fig. 17 shows the extracted HD2 and HD3 as a function of
of small improvement in gm as well as gds . Id for different values of NGP (p-type). The HD2 and HD3 for
n-type GP are not shown as they are the same as no GP case.
At lower Id , HD2 and HD3 reduction (i.e., better linearity)
D. Transistor’s Intrinsic Linearity is achieved with increase in NGP (shown in the inset for
To study transistor’s non-linearity, the second- and Id = 150 and 200 μA/μm). This improvement even with
third-order derivatives of Id (gm2 and gm3 ) with respect to Vgs degraded gm is because of improved flatness of gm –Id curves,
are extracted and shown in Fig. 16. For a memory-less circuit i.e., lower gm2 and gm3 , as shown in Fig. 16. In other words,
excited with a sinusoidal signal of amplitude Va , second- and it is the increased impact of TL in low transverse electric field

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