Discrete Math Syllabus 2023 - 2024

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ASD Core Values

Excellence * Respect * Integrity * Compassion * Responsibility

Discrete Mathematics and Applications

Mrs. Maya Vadas mvadas@asdubai.org

Prerequisites: Algebra 2

Material Requirements:
1 notebook or iPad equipped with an iPad pen and with Notability app installed
Folder/Binder (How you organize yourself is up to you, but you must stay organized)
Graphing calculator TI-84 Plus
pencils (mechanical pencils are the best)
eraser (Staedler are the best)
pens (red, blue, black)

More information on these standards can be found at:
For extra practice, consider visiting:
- student access codes will be given at the beginning of the year.


The content of Discrete Mathematics includes the mathematics of making social decisions, management
methodology, analysis of data, basic statistics, making projections of future trends, basic probability and
financial decision-making. In line with its objectives, the approach of this course will be problem solving
and applications, with students encouraged to make conjectures about methods of solution. This course will
make students aware of a variety of techniques for approaching and solving real-world problems; students
will also develop the ability to apply these techniques to new problems. Furthermore, group work will be
utilized to develop students’ ability to work with others. Different types of projects and explorations will be
offered to enrich and broaden the learning. Finally, students should acquire a sense of the utility and value
of mathematics beyond the classroom.


Standards Based Grading is an approach in which students demonstrate mastery of clearly defined
learning objectives, as outlined in the course curriculum, through multiple opportunities for
● It involves communicating students' academic progress based on specific criteria for
each subject area, emphasizing timely completion of assignments and providing
feedback to support their learning and performance.
● Students are expected to reflect on their progress of identified learning outcomes
and implement relevant feedback.

Course Strands, Standards and Weighting

Strands and Weighting Standards/Units Assessment
Concepts and Procedures The Mathematics of Election
70% Management Science
Growth, Shape and Form
Students can explain and apply
mathematical concepts and carry out
mathematical procedures with End of Unit Assessment for Each
precision and accuracy. Standard

Problem Solving and Modeling


Students can solve a range of authentic

and real-world problems by the use of
problem-solving strategies and
mathematical models.
Reasoning and Communication

Students can effectively use

mathematical language and clearly
construct viable arguments to support
their own reasoning and to critique the
reasoning of others.
At the end of the year, the instructor will review a student’s year-long grades to determine a student’s highest
consistent performance throughout the year. This will factor into the holistic, aggregate grade a student earns at
the end of the course. If a student’s learning journey shows exemplary learning behaviors, he or she will not be
“punished” for early mistakes. Mistakes are a part of learning!

Topics to be Covered

Semester 1 Semester 2
Topic 1 - Social Choice Topic 3 - Growth, Shape and Form
● The Mathematics of Election ● Population Growth Models
● The Mathematics of Power ● Financial Mathematics
● The Mathematics of Sharing ● The Mathematics of Symmetry
● The Mathematics of Apportionment ● Fractal Geometry
Topic 2 - Management Science ● The Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio
● The Mathematics of Getting Around *Topic 4 - Statistics
● The Mathematics of Touring ● Census, Surveys, Pols and Studies
● The Mathematics of Networks ● Graphs, Charts and Numbers
● The Mathematics of Scheduling ● Probabilities, Odds and Expectations
● The Mathematics of Normality

We will have a comprehensive exam at the end of the year. The content of this exam will be determined later in the year.


If students miss a scheduled assessment...

What this means for students:

● Due dates for assessments, presentations, performance tasks, and projects are considered final when scheduled by a
classroom teacher.
● Students are expected to be present for all assigned summative assessments.
● Students are allowed to make up one summative assessment per course per semester. A second occurrence results in
an F.
● Students may be allowed to make up additional missed summative assessments in the case of a family emergency or
by providing a doctor’s note.
● Students deemed to have skipped an assessment will not be allowed a makeup which will result in an F.
● When absences are planned or three assessments are occurring on a single day, students will be responsible for
informing teachers at the earliest possible time, but no later than 24 hours in advance.
● Students are responsible for rescheduling and taking the assessment within one week (with the Assessment
Coordinator) of their return to the missed class.
● If students do not take the assessment within one week the F will remain

Reassessment of Standards

There will be no retakes on summative assessments. All formative assessments provide opportunities to practice your work
and improve your results.


EXHIBITING DEPTH Learner provides compelling evidence demonstrating depth of understanding of

A targeted concepts, knowledge and/or skills as indicated by the stated learning

ACHIEVING Learner provides sufficient evidence to demonstrate the targeted concepts,

B knowledge and/or skills as indicated by the stated learning outcome.

APPROACHING Learner provides partial evidence to demonstrate the concepts, knowledge and/or
C skills as indicated by the stated learning outcome. Additional focus and practice
are needed to achieve and solidify the learning outcome.

BEGINNING Learner provides insufficient evidence to demonstrate the concepts, knowledge

D and/or skills as indicated by the stated learning outcome. Additional focus and
practice are needed to develop foundational skills.

NO EVIDENCE PROVIDED Learner did not provide evidence on a particular learning outcome.

NOT ASSESSED Learner was not assessed on a particular learning outcome.rner was not assessed
NA on a particular learning outcome.


The student:
Positive ● Identifies strengths and weaknesses as a learner
Learning ● Seeks/accepts challenge and copes well with change
Attitude ● Demonstrates independence
● Demonstrates persistence in pursuit of excellence
● Demonstrates problem solving skills

The student:
Organization ● Respects timelines
and ● Uses time efficiently
Time Management ● Follows guidelines
● Completes work with care/conscientiousness
● Demonstrates organization and self-management

The student:
Collaboration ● Participates enthusiastically
and ● Listens actively
Participation ● Respects group goals
● Works to resolve conflict

4 Consistently
Scale 3 Frequently
2 Occasionally
1 Rarely

Are you Acting with Academic Integrity?

Yes, I am No, I’m not
What it looks like... What it looks like...
● Doing problems independently and ● Copying answers from a provided answer
Homework making any correction in another source, tutor, or peer

● Doing problems independently ● Leaving the room during a test

without the use of any outside aid, ● Looking at peer test papers
including, but not limited to: ● Receiving information from students who have
information about the assessment from previously taken the test
In Class
another student, notes, tutor, cell ● Sharing information from the test with others
Assessment phone, calculator (if non-calculator), ● Putting formulas/notes on anything accessed
smartwatch during a test (calculator, water bottle, etc)
● Accessing technology at any point during a test

● Doing your work independently ● Sharing your assessment with anyone else
Performance ● Asking your teacher for clarification ● Copying your work from anyone else
Assessments ● Citing sources (in-text citations, ● Not citing where you got your ideas from
works cited) ● Enlisting the help of a peer/tutor

Homework Expectations
● You will have homework every class. Completing your homework EVERY class and
completing EVERY question is the key to being a solid student in Math. Do not let a day go
by without doing the work which has been assigned AND if you don’t understand... ask for
● You will turn in your completed homework on Google Classroom. We will discuss the
procedure for this at the beginning of the school year.
● The assignment should be completed neatly and corrections should be made to help you
learn from your mistakes.
● If you are absent, you will be expected to get the homework from the Schoology page and
complete it.

Student Expectations
● Students have a choice in how they want to take notes and keep class work (either digital or
in a notebook) but it must always be organized and easily accessible
● The ASD student handbook will be followed. Tardiness and absenteeism should be kept to a
minimum as the content is challenging and rigorously paced. Consequences of tardiness will
coincide with those listed in the student handbook.
● All work is the responsibility of the student. Study guides are posted in Schoology and it is
the student's responsibility to be up-to-date and on task.
● The five core values; excellence, respect, integrity, compassion and responsibility will be
displayed at all times.
● Students will be respectful and honest with each other as well as the teacher.
● Students will commit themselves to learning the topics, when more understanding is
required, they will seek help from either fellow students and/or the teacher. WIN time is
available for students who want extra help outside of class.
● Laptops will only be used in an appropriate manner and students will remain on task at all
● Cell phones will stay in bags or in the basket provided in the classroom depending on
teacher preference.


● We will start most class periods with a time to ask questions from the previous lesson. This is
a great time to clarify concepts not yet understood.
● W.I.N sessions are a great time to get individual help. I will be available during Thursday’s
W.I.N time. If you need me on another day, please communicate with me so we can discuss
time options. I will be glad to give you a hand whenever you need it.
● I hope that answers some of your questions. I'm looking forward to working with each one
of you this year.

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