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Proceedings of the 17th World Congress

The International Federation of Automatic Control

Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008

A New Terminal Sliding Mode Control for Robotic Manipulators

Dongya Zhao 1,2 , Shaoyuan Li 1∗ , Feng Gao 3

1. Institute of Automation, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, P.R. China
2. College of Mechanical & Electronic Engineering, China University of Petroleum, P.R. China
3. School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, P.R. China.
* Corresponding Author’s E-mail:

Abstract: In this paper, a new terminal sliding mode control approach is developed for robotic
manipulators. Unlike traditional terminal sliding mode control, the proposed approach can make system
states converge to zero in a finite time without requiring explicitly using of system dynamic model.
Theoretical analysis and simulation results are presented to illustrate the proposed approach. The controller
parameter tuning method is also proposed.

Corresponding stability analysis is also presented. In Section

1. INTRODUCTION 5, an illustrative example is performed to demonstrate the
effectiveness of the proposed approach. In Section 6, some
Terminal sliding mode control (TSMC) is a finite time concluding remarks and suggestions for further research are
stability control approach (Hong, Yang, Cheng, and presented.
Spurgeon, 2005; Janardhanan and Bandyopadhyay, 2006). It
offers some superior properties such as better tracking
precision, fast convergence, unsensitivity to system
uncertainty and external disturbance (Feng, Yu, and Man, Some notations, definitions and lemmas which will be
2002; Feng, Han, Wang, and Yu, 2007). Recently, some useful later are introduced in this section.
TSMC approaches were developed for robotic manipulators Definition 1. The fast terminal sliding mode can be described
(Barambones, and Etxebarria, 2002; Feng, Yu, and Man, by the following first order nonlinear differential equation
2002; Man, and Yu, 1997; Tang, 1998; Yu, Yu, Shirinzadeh, (Yu, Yu, Shirinzadeh, and Man, 2005)
and Man, 2005). These methods emphasized different s = x + Λ1 x + Λ 2 sig ( x )
problems for robotic manipulator control with terminal siding
mode. The common characteristic of these approach is where x ∈ Rn , Λ1 = diag ( λ11 ," , λ1n ) ∈ R n× n ,
supposed that the dynamics of robotic manipulator is
composed of nominal part (known part) and unknown part. Λ 2 = diag ( λ21 ," , λ2 n ) ∈ R n× n
, λ1i , λ2i > 0 , γ = q p ,
The nominal part can be compensated in controller design. q, p > 0 are positive odd and q < p < 2q ,
The unknown part is treated as uncertainty. In some T
sig ( x ) = ⎡ x1 sign ( x1 ) ," , xn sign ( xn ) ⎤ .
γ γ γ
situations, it is not an ease job to construct the nominal part ⎣ ⎦
of robotic manipulator dynamics. To carry TSMC design out
Remark 1. The ith element of s can be written as
for a robotic manipulator, approach without explicitly using
si = xi + λ1i xi + λ2i xi sign ( xi )
the system dynamics is indeed a challenging and interesting (2)
problem. The investigation on this problem is motivated by
the following considerations. In terms of application, this According to the definition of finite-time stability (Bhat,
study offers an easy TSMC approach for robot control. In and Bernstein, 1998, 2000), the equilibrium point xi = 0 of
terms of theory, TSMC is an important control problem on its differential equation (2) is globally finite-time sable, i.e., for
own, which has been studied with mode based approach for any given initial condition xi ( 0 ) = x0 , the system state xi
robotic manipulators. The work of this paper extends the
previous results on TSMC. The main results are given on the converges to 0 in a finite time (Yu, Yu, Shirinzadeh, and Man,
construction of a new TSMC controller for robotic 2005)
1− γ
manipulators without requiring the system dynamic mode 1 λ x + λ2i
T= ln 1i 0 (3)
explicitly. λ1i (1 − γ ) λ2i
and stays there forever. The time T is also called as settling
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, time (Bhat, and Bernstein, 1998, 2000), which means xi = 0
basic concepts and some preliminary results are given. In
Section 3, dynamics of robotic manipulators is formulated. In for t ≥ T .
Section 4, the new TSMC design procedure is developed.

978-3-902661-00-5/08/$20.00 © 2008 IFAC 9888 10.3182/20080706-5-KR-1001.1373

17th IFAC World Congress (IFAC'08)
Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008

Lemma 1. Assume a1 > 0 , a2 > 0 and 0 < c < 1 , the has a unique solution. If y ( t ) is a solution of (13) on [t0 , t1 )
following inequality holds (Yu, Yu, Shirinzadeh, and Man, and V ( t ) is a solution of (12) on [t0 , t1 ) with V ( t0 ) ≤ y ( t0 ) ,
then V ( t ) ≤ y ( t ) for t0 ≤ t < t1 .
( a1 + a2 )
≤ a1c + a2c (4)
Lemma 4. Assume that a continuous positive definite
Lemma 2. Suppose a = [ a1 ," , an ] , a = a1 + " + an ,
function V ( t ) satisfies the differential inequality
1 V ( t ) ≤ −αV η ( t ) ∀t ≥ t0 V ( t0 ) ≥ 0 (14)
a = ( a12 + " + an2 ) 2 represent the Euclidean norm, then the
following inequality holds where α > 0 , 0 < η < 1 are constants. Then, for any given t0 ,
a ≤ a (5) V ( t ) satisfies the inequality
V 1−η ( t ) ≤ V 1−η ( t0 ) − α (1 − η )( t − t0 ) t0 ≤ t ≤ t1 (15)
Proof. For n = 1 , it is obvious that expression (5) is satisfied.
For n = 2 , from Lemma 1, the follow inequality can be and
derived V ( t ) = 0 , ∀t ≥ t1 (16)
1 1 1

1 +a 2
2 ) ≤ (a ) + (a )
2 2
2 2
2 (6)
with t1 given by
Therefore V 1−η ( t0 )
t1 = t0 + (17)
α (1 − η )

(a 2
1 +a 2 2
2 ) ≤ a1 + a2 (7)

Assume that for n = k the expression (5) holds, i.e., In this paper, ⋅ denotes norm of vector or matrix. The
1 vector norm is Euclidean norm and the matrix norm is
(a 2
1 + " + ak2 ) 2 ≤ a1 + " + ak (8) corresponding induced norm.


1 1
For general n-link rigid robotic manipulators, the dynamic
(a 2
1 + " + ak2 + ak2+1 ) = ⎡⎣( a12 + " + ak2 ) + ak2+1 ⎤⎦
2 2
(9) equation can be derived in joint space as
M ( q ) q + C ( q, q ) q + G ( q ) = τ (18)
From Lemma 1, the right hand of equation (9) satisfies the
following inequality
1 1 1
where q, q , q ∈ R n are the vector of joint angular position,
⎡( a + " + a
2 2
)+a 2
⎤ ≤ (a +" + a
2 2 2
) + (a )
2 2 2 (10) velocity and acceleration, respectively. M ( q ) ∈ R n× n is
⎣ 1 k k +1 ⎦ 1 k k +1

symmetric and positive definite inertia matrix,

According to the expression (8) and (10), the following
C ( q, q ) ∈ R n× n and C ( q, q ) q ∈ R n is the vector of
inequality can be given
1 centrifugal and Coriolis torques, G ( q ) ∈ R n is the vector of
( a12 + " + ak2 + ak2+1 ) 2 ≤ a1 + " + ak +1 (11)
gravitational torques, τ ∈ R n is the vector of applied joint
By the principle of mathematical induction, the conclusion torque. This dynamic model has the following properties that
can be drawn that the expression (5) is satisfied for any will be used in the controller design (Spong, and Vidyasagar,
positive integer n . □ 1989)
The following results on differential inequalities will be (P1) The matrix M ( q ) satisfies M ( q ) ≤ μm , for constant
used for the stability analysis (Barambones, and Etxebarria,
μm > 0 .
2002; Tang, 1998).
Definition 2. If f (V , t ) is a scalar function of scalars V ( t ) , (P2) The matrix C ( q, q ) satisfies C ( q, q ) ≤ μc q , for
t in some open connected set D ∈ R 2 , then a function V ( t ) constant μc > 0 .
on [t0 , t1 ) is a solution of the differential inequality (P3) The vector G ( q ) satisfies G ( q ) ≤ μ g , for constant

V ( t ) ≤ f (V ( t ) , t ) (12) μg > 0 .
(P4) M ( q ) − 2C ( q, q ) is skew-symmetric.
on [t0 , t1 ) if V ( t ) is continuous on [t0 , t1 ) and its derivative
The purpose of this paper is to develop a new TSMC
on [t0 , t1 ) satisfies (12). scheme for robotic manipulators such that both position and
velocity tracking error converge to zero in a finite time.
Lemma 3. Let f ( y ( t ) , t ) be continuous on an open
connected set D ∈ R 2 and assume that the initial value
problem for the scalar equation
y ( t ) = f ( y ( t ) , t ) , y ( t0 ) = y0 (13) In this section, a new TSMC control approach is proposed
for the tracking control of general n-link rigid robotic

17th IFAC World Congress (IFAC'08)
Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008

Now the new TSMC control law which dose not require
manipulators. The proposed approach can guarantee the the explicit use of the system dynamical model is designed as
system states to reach the pre-described terminal sliding follows
mode in a finite time, then the states converge to equilibrium τ = τ 0 + τ1 (28)
point along the terminal sliding mode in a finite time.
Let q d ( t ) ∈ R n be the desired joint position trajectory of ⎧⎪ τ 0 = K M r + K C q r + K G
⎨ (29)
⎪⎩τ 1 = − Ksig ( s ) − sign ( s ) ⎣⎡ Δ r + Δ q r + Δ ⎦⎤
robotic manipulator. The tracking error e ( t ) ∈ R n is defined

where the K M , K C and K G are positive definite diagonal
e (t ) = q (t ) − qd (t ) (19)
feedforward control gain matrices, which are used to
According to expression (1), the fast terminal sliding mode compensate the effect caused by M ( q ) , C ( q, q ) G ( q ) ,
can be written as respectively. Δ M , Δ C and Δ G are scalars, whose selection
s = e + Λ1e + Λ 2 sig ( e )
will be discussed later. sign ( s ) = ⎡⎣ sign ( s1 ) ," , sign ( sn ) ⎤⎦ in

The time derivative of ith element of sig ( e ) is γ ei (29) is for a saturation control used to compensate for the
γ γ −1
ei .
nonlinear effect caused by the error between the feedforward
Because γ − 1 < 0 , the singularity will occur as ei = 0 . To control gains and modelling parameters, which was used in
avoid the singularity problem, the following definition literature (Slotine and Sastry, 1983) The Ksig ( s )
er ∈ R n is given as
feedback term to guarantee the system states to reach the
γ −1
⎧⎪γ e ei ei ≠ 0 terminal sliding mode in a finite time. K is positive definite
eri = ⎨ i i = 1," , n (21) diagonal feedback control gain matrix, the selection of ρ is
⎪⎩ 0 ei = 0
similar to γ .
Then the time derivative of s can be written as A control gain tuning strategy is proposed as follows. First,
s = 
e + Λ1e + Λ 2 er (22) select the Δ M = 0 , Δ C = 0 and Δ G = 0 , tune the control
Remark 2. Due to the definition of er , the singularity gains K , K M , K C and K G using a trial and error method.
The controller at this time is a normal feedforward/feedback
problem will be avoided in the controller design. This will be
seen in the following of this section. control. Second, gradually increase Δ M , Δ C and Δ G from
The command vector and its time derivative are defined as zero to introduce the saturation control. Finally, the previous
follows tuned gains may need to be changed slightly, utilizing trail
and error method.
r = q d − Λ1e − Λ 2 sig ( e )
(23) Theorem 1. Under assumptions (A1)-(A2), consider the
robotic manipulator dynamic equation (27) subject to the new
r = qd − Λ1e − Λ 2 er (24) TSMC control law (28)-(29). If the following conditions are
The definitions of s and r lead to the following equation
s = q − r (25) ⎧ ΔM ≥ K M − M ( q )

⎪ C
⎨Δ q ≥ K q − C ( q , q )
s = q − r (26) (30)

Applying the definitions of s and r to dynamic equation ⎪⎩ ΔG ≥ K G − G ( q )
(18) yields
Then the position tracking error e ( t ) and velocity tracking
M ( q ) s + C ( q , q ) s = − M ( q ) r − C ( q , q ) r − G ( q ) + τ (27)
error e ( t ) will converge to zero in a finite time.
Without loss of generality, two technical assumptions are
Proof Consider the Lyapunov function candidate
made to pose the problem in a tractable manner.
(A1) The desired joint position trajectory q d ( t ) , the time V = sT Ms (31)
derivatives q d
(t ) and q ( t ) are bounded and smooth

The time derivative of V is

(A2) The joint angular position and velocity q , q are V = sT Ms + sT Ms
measurable. 2
The control objective is to design the torque input τ to Consider closed loop equation (27), one can get
drive the system states to reach the terminal sliding mode in a 1
finite time and restrict the systems states to converge to V = sT ( −Cs − Mr − Cr − G + τ ) + sT Ms
equilibrium point along the terminal sliding mode in a finite
time. According property (P4), the following expression can be
V = sT ( − Mr − Cr − G + τ ) (34)

17th IFAC World Congress (IFAC'08)
Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008

Substitute control law τ 0 into expression (34), the V 1−η ( s )

Tr = (45)
following expression can be derived α (1 − η )
V = sT ⎡⎣( K M − M ) r + ( K C q − C ) r + ( K G − G ) + τ 1 ⎤⎦ (35)
According to the Definition 1, the system states will
converge to zero in a finite time along the fast terminal
V ≤ sT ( K M − M ) r + sT ( K C q − C ) r + sT ( K G − G ) + sT τ 1
sliding mode. This completes the proof. □
≤ sT K M − M r + sT K C q − C r Remark 3 In controller (28)-(29), the sign function sign ( ⋅)
+ sT K G − G + s T τ 1 will cause chattering. To avoid this problem, the function
tanh ( ⋅) can be used to instead of sign ( ⋅) in a practical
Using Lemma 2, there must be
controller implementation.
V ≤ s K M − M r
(37) Remark 4 To accelerate the convergence rate when the
+ s K C q − C r + s K G − G + sT τ 1 system state is far away from the terminal sliding mode, the
control law τ 1 can be designed as
Consider control law τ 1 τ 1 = − K1 sig ( s ) − K 2 s − sign ( s ) ⎡⎣ Δ M r + Δ C q r + Δ G ⎤⎦ (46)

V ≤ s K M − M r + s K C q − C r + s K G − G
− sT Ksig ( s ) − s Δ M r − s Δ C q r − s Δ G
where K1 and K 2 are positive definite diagonal feedback

V ≤ − s Δ M − K M − M ) r control gain matrices. K 2 s can guarantee the fast converge
rate when the system states are far away from terminal
− s Δ C q − K C q − C )r (39) sliding mode.

− s (Δ )
− K G − G − sT Ksig ( s ) 5. AN ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE
G ρ

According to properties (P1)-(P3), one can get the Consider an illustrative example of the two-link rigid
following inequalities robotic manipulator in (Yu, Yu, Shirinzadeh, and Man, 2005)
⎡α11 ( q2 ) α12 ( q2 ) ⎤ ⎡ q1 ⎤ ⎡− β ( q2 ) q1 −2β ( q2 ) q1 ⎤ ⎡ q1 ⎤ ⎡ γ 1 ( q1 , q2 ) ⎤ ⎡τ 1 ⎤
⎧ KM − M ≤ δ M ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥+⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥+⎢ ⎥g =⎢ ⎥
⎪ α (
⎣ 21 2 q ) α q
⎦⎣ 2⎦ ⎣ 0 β ( q ) 
q q
2 ⎦⎣ 2⎦
 γ ( q
⎣ 2 1 2 ⎦ , q ) ⎣τ 2 ⎦
⎪ C
22 2

⎨ K q − C ≤ δ q
(40) where
⎪ α11 ( q2 ) = ( m1 + m2 ) r12 + m2 r22 + 2m2 r1r2 cos ( q2 ) + J1
⎪⎩ KG −G ≤ δ G
α 21 ( q ) = α12 ( q2 ) = m2 r22 + m2 r1r2 cos ( q2 )
where δ > 0 , δ > 0 and δ > 0 are real numbers.
α 22 = m2 r22 + J 2
Under condition (30) and inequalities (40), if the Δ M , Δ C
and Δ G are chosen as β ( q2 ) = m2 r1r2 sin ( q2 )
⎧δ M ≤ Δ M γ 1 ( q1 , q2 ) = ( m1 + m2 ) r1 cos ( q2 ) + m2 r2 cos ( q1 + q2 )
⎪ C
⎨δ ≤ Δ
(41) γ 2 ( q1 , q2 ) = m2 r2 cos ( q1 + q2 )
⎪ δ G ≤ ΔG The parameter values were r1 = 1m , r2 = 0.8m , J1 = 5kgm ,

J 2 = 5km , m1 = 0.5kg and m2 = 1.5kg .
The following inequality can be given
The reference signals were given by
V ≤ − sT Ksig ( s )
q1d = 1.25 − ( 7 / 5 ) e − t + ( 7 / 20 ) e −4t
where q2d = 1.25 + e − t − (1/ 4 ) e −4t
− sT Ksig ( s ) = − ∑ si ki si sign ( si )
ρ ρ
The initial values of the system were selected as
i =1 q1 ( 0 ) = 1.0 , q2 ( 0 ) = 1.5 , q1 ( 0 ) = 0 and q2 ( 0 ) = 0 .
⎛ n 1 ⎞ The control parameters were chosen as
= −∑ ki si ≤ −α ⎜ ∑ msi2 ⎟ ≤ −αV η (43)
ρ +1
i =1 ⎝ i =1 2 ⎠ Λ1 = diag ([ 2.5, 2.5]) , Λ 2 = diag ([1.5,1.5]) , γ= ,
where η = (1 + p ) 2 , α = kmin ( 2 m ) , kmin = min {ki } . K M = diag ([ 0.014, 0.014]) K C = diag ([1.6,1.6])
, ,
By using (42) and (43), one can get
K G = [ 2, 2]
, Δ M = 0.13 , Δ C = 1.8 , Δ G = 2.1 ,
V + αV η ≤ 0 (44)
From Lemma 4, it follows that s will be 0 in a finite time. K1 = diag ([50,50]) , K 2 = diag ([50,50]) , ρ = .
This means that the system states will reach the terminal
sliding mode in a finite time Tr

17th IFAC World Congress (IFAC'08)
Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008

Fig. 1. The angle position tracking of joint 1 Fig. 4. The angle velocity tracking of joint 2

Fig. 2. The angle position tracking of joint 2 Fig. 5. The terminal sliding mode of joint 1 and joint 2

Fig. 3. The angle velocity tracking of joint 1 Fig. 6. The angle position error of joint 1 and joint 2

17th IFAC World Congress (IFAC'08)
Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008

approach to control of real robotic manipulators. A fully

adaptive TSMC for robotic manipulators is under the authors’

This work was supported by the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (60774015 & 60534020), the High
Technology Research and Development Program of China
(2006AA04Z173), the Specialized Research Fund for the
Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China
(20060248001) and the Key Technology and Development
Program of Shanghai Science and Technology Department
Fig. 7. The angle velocity error of joint 1 and joint 2

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6. CONCLUSIONS Mechanical Systems, Machine Elements and
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This paper presents a new TSMC approach for robotic Slotine, J. J. E. and Sastry, S. S. (1983). Tracking control of
manipulators without requiring system dynamic mode nonlinear systems using sliding surfaces with application
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does not require the explicit use of the robotic manipulator Yu, S., Yu, X., Shirinzadeh, B. and Man, Z. (2005).
dynamic model, it can be implemented easily. It should Continuous finite-time control for robotic manipulators
mentioned that sound bench tests need to be conducted by with terminal sliding mode, Automatica, 41(11), 1957-
simulations and lab demonstrations before applying the 1964.


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