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2016 – 2020 Bachelor’s degree in Computer B.S. Engineering

• Kathmandu Engineering College, TU affiliated,
• Kalimati, Kathmandu

2014 - 2016 HSEB

• National School of Sciences,
• Lainchaur, Kathmandu

2013 SLC
• Siddhartha Vanasthali Institute,
• Balaju, Kathmandu

College Projects:
1. Web-app: to buy/sell medicine: Here we made an ecommerce site for any pharmacy that is
looking forward to accepting orders online offering cash on delivery option.
2. Web-app: crime investigation record and prediction of crime location on basis of past records as
major project. MajorProjectFile- this is the source code and data used is from Los Angeles
which is in CSV format so different data cleansing and analysis to get the required output was

Personnel work:
1. Web-app: Blood-donor record system where donor and his/her history of last donated record is
presented. Link is Bloodbank.
2. Web-app: Ecommerce practice with order-summary and free-template taken using Django and the
link is DjEcommercePractise . It is ongoing as payment method isn’t added and filtering of
items as per category is not applied.
3. GitHub: GitHub Dibash, LinkedIn:LinkedIn Dibash
1. Front End: HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery, XML, SCSS, React
3. Backend: Django, Python, Odoo, NodeJS
4. Machine Learning: NumPy, Pandas, Knn and related
5. PaddleOcr, Spinnakersdk, PyQt
6. Version Control: Git, GitHub
7. Problem Solving, Creativity, Teamwork, Decision making, Debugger
8. SEO based web-app

Work Experience:
Worked as full stack developer in Mishraz Lotus Nepal since Bhadra-1, 2078 B.S./ August -17,
2021 A.D.
● Spowerstech: Listing products, clients of companies with well-maintained databases and
redesign of previous systems.
● DNE job: UI design, listing of current job vacancies, searching for a job by title.
● Technovation engineering: UI design, news app connected to projects added, contact us app,
services rendered with details. SEO based with keyboard: technovation engg.
● ASIL: UI design, listing of company profile, products, services, gallery app, contact us app,
online store with login through username and signup with corresponding validators for phone
number, email. SEO based with keyword: asil kathmandu
● Sinortek Foundation: UI design, listing with details of company, team members, products,
services, projects, qa provided, SEO optimized page, searching of products, projects, qa, services
and filtering. Also, a Q & A section where anyone can ask queries by entering first name, last
name, email and a maximum of 4 images can be uploaded which is approved by admin.

All the above projects are hosted by me in Namecheap by creating a python app, SSL certificate
for 3 months for free with cpanel.

Worked as Associate Software Engineer in a framework named as Odoo in Bajra Technologies

since (05/10/2078 - 03/11/2079)B.S i.e (20/12/2021 - 15/02/2023)A.D

● POS: Whole data migration from previous models of related modules to new ones. It is a point of
sale for day-to-day transactions in a restaurant. Bugs fixing and feature addition like giving limit
to a customer to take as credit, decrease of product quantity on other tables if order is taken in a
table. Reducing product quantity on Inventory and returning product fully/partially bug fixing
and configurable.
● Job Portal: Reporting of interview forms submitted in both view and excel report for different
stages and multiple interviewers. Image upload/ handling, dropdown of industry, Ncell data
migration of previously recorded in a form to new systematic survey as application form. Minor
and medium type bug fixes and so on.

● Similarly internal ERP projects such as: Inventory, Time Off, Accounting, Scrum, Payroll,
TimeOff, etc relevant feature addition and bug fixes.

● BOM: Build of materials for products to calculate relative sales price for the price change in
build materials of a product.

● IRD approval and api integration for POS.

● Data migration from a form to well maintained schema of survey for applicant with their CV
and additional information and script to move files in live as per applicant.

● PaddleOCR to livestream(Voaige): Using ocr from paddle ocr,,numpy to get livestream from
FLIR camera that uses Spinnaker SDK and save image per part number, order number which is
customizable to determine if alphanumeric and save in directory with image and text file until
next qr flag and integrate with frontend for pyqt6 and multiple thread implementation.

● Execute low-latency, high-performing through proper database schema, optimized query while
creating view in database, optimized ORM and well tested applications.

● Develop reusable, efficient, testable, and scalable code by proper understanding of requirements
and develop solutions, divide the task to deliver within the timestamp as possible.

● Unit testing, debugging and well documentation of all the projects.

Other projects like freelancing:

● Data migration of sales, inventory, purchase from odoo12 to odoo15 for a guitar shop.

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