Educational Planning

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College of Education- Graduate Studies

MEM 641- Educational Planning, Organization and Management

Directions: Answer the following questions briefly but concisely focus on real-life situations in
education endeavors.

1. The Strategic Planning Framework consists of the following parts:

1.1 Vision
1.2 Mission
1.3 Objectives
1.4 Key Result Areas
1.5 Performance Indicators
1.6 Strategies and Proposals
1.7 Resources
1.8 Activities and Timeline

Question: define briefly each part and give an example for each:
1.1 Vision > It is an outline what an organization would like to ultimately achieve and
gives purpose to the existence of the organization.
Example: Our school encourages all students to embrace learning, strive for personal
excellence, and improve their emotional, social, and physical well-being.

1.2 Mission > The mission statement is not a strategic objective, but rather the basis on
which the strategic objectives and strategic plan are developed.
Example: To educate all students to the highest levels of academic achievement,
allowing them to reach and expand their potential, and preparing them to be productive,
responsible, ethical, creative, and compassionate members of society.

1.3 Objectives > Are the big-picture goals for the company: they describe what the
company will do to try to fulfill its mission.
Example: Monitored and evaluated learner progress and achievement using learner
attainment data
1.4 Key Results Areas > is a strategic factor either internal to the organization or
external, where strong positive results must be realized for the organization to achieve
its strategic goal(s), and therefore, move toward realizing the organization's longer-term
vision of success.
> Increasingly assist students in learning.
> Assessment

1.5 Performance Indicators > are the elements of your plan that express what you want
to achieve by when. They are the quantifiable, outcome-based statements you'll use to
measure if you're on track to meet your goals or objectives.
Outstanding- Consistently monitored and evaluated learner progress and
learner attainment data.
Very Satisfactory- Frequently monitored and evaluated learner progress and
learner attainment data
Satisfactory- Occasionally monitored and evaluated learner progress and
learner attainment data
Unsatisfactory- Rarely monitored and evaluated learner progress and learner
attainment data
Poor- No acceptable evidence was shown

1.6 Strategies and Proposals > The strategies in the proposal are broad concepts or
approaches to achieve the project objectives. Or it is a plan chosen to bring about a
desired future, such as achievement of a goal or solution to the problem.
1.7 Resources

2. Describe the current reality assessment of your workplace (school or other organization)
using the following template:

SWOT Analysis
Name of Institution/School/Organization:

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

The workforce is There is a lack of Funding for Poor Student
dedicated to targeted learning materials Enrollment
quality, has a advertising to and infrastructure
positive morale, students living
and has a strong outside of the
work ethic. community.

Students' learning An increase in the Training Declining

environments, number of Programs financial support
learning behavioral issues for students
communities, among students
programs, student
organizations, and

Teaching and Some teachers Training Transfer of

non-teaching are not working Programs teachers
personnel are as a team.
committed to their
work and to the
Quality graduate Teachers’ Job promotions Lack of fund
Physical Training
environment and Programs
quality of life

3. Conduct an environmental analysis (external scanning) that focus on opportunities and

threats on the regional, national and international levels


Opportunities Threats Opportunities Threats Opportunities Threats
Technologic Expand The Data The rate of Cut back Create Economic
online Privacy Act change in on state program for recovery
program has been information funding local
tainted. and employee
technology is
(Blended Chat sessions Accessible Unreliabl Competition The
Learning) and other way of e power from other globalizatio
Flexibility forms of learning supply institution n of the
in class distraction regardless of Unstable higher
scheduling location internet education
Pedagogical Uniform connectio market is
Factors reach of n advancing.

Political a desire to Political The \ Constant

Community factions better utilize factions government protests
leaders will expanded the existing expanded continues to against
receive community public the support the ineffective
Political/ leadership members, infrastructure communit economy's and corrupt
Regulatory and value posing a investment y growth. governmen
Factors training. further threat members, Corporate t
to the unit. posing a tax rates are
further low.
threat to
the unit.
Employme Influence of Education Influence The Uncertainty
nt increases other culture system will of other formation of about
improve culture an ecological social and
c Factors
citizenship political

Economic The Ongoing Diversificati Excessive

The project factors such as government maritime on of trade reliance on
could ease dispute
opens up retailers' and one of the
pressure on over
new limited its fiscal claims to investment partners in
opportuniti resources, a accounts by parts of terms of
broadening the South
es in the decline in finances
Economic the tax base China Sea
community. trade sector and raises (over and
competitivenes eliminating China under
graft at the sanctions
s, and a trading
Bureau of risk
general Internal with
decrease in Revenue particular
demand neighborin
g countries)
4. Discuss the relationship between planning and budgeting. Cite examples.
Planning and budgeting are essential for management control. Effective
planning and budgeting require looking at the organization as a system and
understanding the relationship among its components.

Planning consists of developing the objectives (the work required to achieve the
organization's goals), timetables, and performance standards needed to
implement the organization's strategy and assigning individual accountability for
Budgeting involves identifying, prioritizing, acquiring, and allocating the resources
needed to carry out the plan.
Example: Brigada Eskwela (Work Plan)

KRA Activities Timeline Person’s Materials Budget

Responsible ’ Needed
Advocacy Launching of Brigada Eskwela Sept.3, Teachers, Laptop ,Pi Php.500.
and Virtual Presentation 2021 Personnel ctures
Marketing and Principal tarpaulin

Resource Solicitations of different LGU "s Sept.– Teacher’s Bond Php. 300.
Mobilization and NGO"s Oct.2021 and Paper and
Personnel ink

. Construction of hand washing Sept. Personnel Cements Php.8000

Implementati facilities 5, ,2020 and and,
on Installation of footh bath and hand Year round Volunteers faucet and
sanitation areas in offices Year round
Brigada Pagbasa
Gulayan sa Paaralan Sept.3- materials
Regular disenfection of school 18 ,2021
plant and facilities
Conducting webinar on
awarenesscampaign duringcovid-19

. Monitoring Assisting the monitoring and Sept 1- Monitoring Evaluatio Php.500.

and evaluation team of Deped 15 ,2021 Team from n Form
Evaluation Provide checklist of proper Division
implementation of school plan and Year round Office
sanitation (refer to the activities of

5. The pandemic has caused numerous education disruption and challenges to school
administrators, faculty members and students. Propose and discuss at least ten (10)
strategic priorities to form part of a Learning Continuity Plan. Either at elementary, high
school or higher educational level.

10 strategic priorities as part of Learning Continuity Plan for Elementary:

1. During the enrollment period using the Modified Learners Enrollment Survey Form,
we identify the learning modalities of the students in category. Wherein category 1
they are identified as purely online learners with stable internet and own gadget, in
category 2, they are the blended learner’s with limited access to internet, and in
category 3 they are the modular learners without gadget at all.
2. Also, conduct a survey for classification of teachers for technical component. To
identify teachers who are excellent in ICT and with stable internet. To match the
learning modalities of the students.
3. Organized the minimum number of class size (30-40 students/section) to
accommodate the learners’ need.
4. Class programming,
The purely online modality 2 subjects will schedule everyday with 30 minutes
online and the remaining time will synchronous session. Using google classroom and
meet as platforms for synchronous lesson. Messenger chatroom for group chats will
also be used for queries in the asynchronous sessions.
In blended learning synchronous session will schedule alternately. A
combination of online and digitized modules.
Will use google classroom and meet as platforms for synchronous instruction. And
messenger chatroom for group chats will also be used for queries in the asynchronous
To modular learners, use of printed modules for learners. Parents and learners
will be oriented for schedule of submission and retrieval of modules.
5. In the learning platform, each grade level has they’re on drive where modules, LAS
and other teacher’s made materials uploaded for each access to everyone.
6. Assessing the learners by using google forms, written test and different performance
7. Continuous monitoring and feedbacking with the parent to guarantee the effective
8. Remediation: Remedial Program
Synchronous for the non-readers/slow readers and for non-numerates (Online
one on one session)
Asynchronous for non-readers/slow readers and non-numerates (With
parental supervision)
9. Intervention Program
Provision for additional video lessons and simplified activity sheets (Online
one on one session as need arise)
Collaborate with the barangay for learners and parents who don’t
communicate with the school/teachers through:
 Assist teacher in locating learner’s residence
 Distribution and retrieval of follow-up slip
10. Flexible submission and retrieval of learners’ outputs
Reduced number of outputs per subject/ unified outputs across learning areas

Good Luck!

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