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CHAPTERS 36 - 40
SEPTEMBER 16, 2022
For Today


Reading and Questions


How is your relationship like

with your mom?
For Today


Reading and Questions

CHAPTER 36: High School

1. How is Olivia different from Via?

2. What was Via’s friendship with Miranda and

Ella like? How do you think are things
different now?
CHAPTER 36: High School

1. How is Olivia different from Via?

2. What was Via’s friendship with Miranda and

Ella like? How do you think are things
different now?
CHAPTER 37: Major Tom

1. What is Miranda’s relationship like with


2. Why was Via hurt?

CHAPTER 37: Major Tom

1. What is Miranda’s relationship like with


2. Why was Via hurt?

CHAPTER 38: After School

1. Why didn’t Via ride with Miranda? How did

she get home?

2. What did Auggie do that surprised Via? Why

were they in such an awful mood?
CHAPTER 38: After School

1. Why didn’t Via ride with Miranda? How did

she get home?

2. What did Auggie do that surprised Via? Why

were they in such an awful mood?
CHAPTER 38: The Padawan Bites the Dust

1. How did Via feel about Auggie cutting his

Padawan braid?

2. In your opinion, how does Via feel about mom

focusing more on Auggie?
CHAPTER 38: The Padawan Bites the Dust

1. How did Via feel about Auggie cutting his

Padawan braid?

2. In your opinion, how does Via feel about mom

focusing more on Auggie?
CHAPTER 38: An Apparition at the Door

1. Who was standing outside Auggie’s door?

What was she doing there?

2. What did Via wonder about? What does this

tell us about how Via sees her relationship
with her mother?
For Today


Reading and Questions

Writing Activity: Capitalization
Punctuation Marks

How is Via’s relationship with her mother like? Cite instances in the story to illustrate
your point.
For Today


Reading and Questions


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