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CCCH9052 Arts, Science and Artifacts in Chinese Cultural Heritage

Semester 1, 2023 – 24
Guidelines for In-class Presentation

Students will work in groups of 4 to present on a key aspect of the course: historical, cultural,
scientific or a combination of all these interdisciplinary components.

(1) The forensics of jade and the symbolic meanings of jade in China
(2) Chinese pottery and porcelain from origins to mastery
(3) Compare and contrast the production and usage of bronze in different civilisations

Presentation File
Only one member of each group will need to submit the presentation file on behalf of the
whole group. Upload your presentation in either ppt, pptx or pdf format (Prezi is NOT
allowed) through Moodle on the day before your presentation day by 23:55 (e.g., Sunday
23:55 if your group will present on Monday). No change is allowed after your submission.
The idea is to ensure fairness among students who will be presenting at different time slots.

The presentation will be held in the tutorial during the week of October 30 (i.e., Week 10).
Each group will present your topic in 12 minutes, followed by a 3-minute Q&A session. In
view of the tight time constraint, your presentation may be cut off if it exceeds 12 minutes,
and this may affect your presentation grade. We would like to hear the voice from each of
you, so share the presentation equally amongst yourselves. We would like to hear YOUR
presentation rather than a presentation from YouTube or other videos. If showing videos
really helps your presentation, please confine them to no more than one minute in total.

Other points to note

1. Please bring your own computers to the tutorial classrooms.
2. Formal dressing is not necessary for the presentation – you will not be assessed on
3. You are allowed to use note cards or use your smart phones as note cards during your
presentation. However, note that it may not be an effective way to communicate with
your audiences if you keep looking at the notes.
4. Please indicate clearly in the last page of your presentation file the workload
distribution and responsible contribution by each student. Your specific input will be
asked if necessary.

Weight and Marking Rubric

The entire presentation activity counts 25% towards your final course grade. Please read the
corresponding grade descriptor on our Moodle.
Academic Integrity
Plagiarism is unacceptable in any instance. Below are links to two documents provided by
HKU regarding plagiarism. They provide clear and concise descriptions of why plagiarism is
a problem, what constitutes plagiarism and how you can avoid it. Should we detect any case
of plagiarism, the offender will be given a score of zero for the offending assignment and the
Dean of the offender’s Faculty will be duly notified.

What is Plagiarism?

Plagiarism and How to Avoid It.

Submission of your assignments through Turnitin software helps you know if you have made
any mistakes with regard to plagiarism. After submission through the Turnitin link on the
Course Moodle Homepage, your article will be forwarded to the website for
checking plagiarism against a variety of sources such as journal articles and online
paragraphs. Please note that the similarity percentage reported by does not tell
us the full story. A high similarity percentage may result from properly cited phrases in your
article and thus is acceptable, while directly copying a short paragraph from other sources
will not be tolerated even though the similarity percentage is small.

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