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Frontieri Consult


Ideas, Pragmatic
Solutions and
Frontieri Consult
Frontieri Consult
Frontieri Consult
Who We Are
Frontieri Consult PLC is one of the leading research and consulting firm in Ethiopia
established in 2008 by a dynamic group of Ethiopian professionals. With its
headquarters in Addis Ababa, it has branch offices in Berlin, Germany (since 2019),
Juba, South Sudan (since 2022), Nairobi, Kenya (since 2023), and Kampala,
Uganda (Since 2023) and is gearing to further expand its reach to other regions in
Africa, the Mid-East, and Europe as well. As a company fully owned by Ethiopians and
equipped with pragmatic approaches, Frontieri focuses on delivering tailor- made
solutions and quality services in research and policy analysis, impact evaluation,
capacity development, technology innovation, and strategy across various sectors.
Frontieri has established collaboration with national and international firms and is
implementing research and consulting projects jointly.

Frontieri possesses solid credentials to undertake impactful consultancy assignments

from various prominent agencies, like the World Bank, AfDB, UNICEF, FCDO, UNOPS,
UNDP, GIZ, UNFPA, USAID, etc. In the process, it has built its reputation, and with
its highly qualified and experienced experts, it has demonstrated its capability
to undertake assignments jointly with local as well as external associate firms in
different regions of the World.

In our 15 years of experience, we have worked on numerous local and international

projects, and built a proven track record in effectively delivering 200+ assignments in
different thematic areas with the highest standards of quality and values.
Most of the time, we get client feedback of 5 out of 5, top scores for our excellent
services, from international agencies. Our implementation efficiency has earned us
the respect and trust of our esteemed clients.
Frontieri Consult

To inspire the sphere of thought towards sustainable
development by partnering with decision-makers to
come up with practical solutions that tackle complex
development challenges.

We strive to bring out positive change in development
through innovative thinking, practical solutions and

Core Values
l Clients satisfaction
l Pursue excellence
l Maintain client confidence
l Observe high ethical standards
l Knowledge-sharing
l Social impact
l Partnership
Frontieri Consult

Innovative Ideas, Pragmatic Solutions, and Empowerment.

Frontieri Consult

Our Services

Research, Monitoring,
Evaluation & Learning

Survey Management & Program Design &

Data Analysis Implementation

Private Sector
Frontieri Consult
Sectoral Coverage
Frontieri Consult

Focus Areas
O ver the last three years alone, Frontieri has undertaken over 50 assignments on different
sectors with various reputable multilateral development banks/bilateral agencies,
international organizations, UN agencies, and government entities, and currently has 20+
ongoing projects. Some of the services and projects completed in the past three years are
listed below:


Rigorous Policy-oriented Research on Issues Related to Agricultural Growth and Productivity

Delivering Analytical Reports on Agriculture and Rural Development

Consulting and Advisory Roles on Agriculture and Rural Development

Social, Economic and Environmental Assessments Related to Agriculture and Rural Development

Result-Based Monitoring and Evaluation on Agriculture and Rural Development

Producing Quality Completion Reports on Different Developmental Programs.


• Mid-term Assessment for Livestock and Fisheries • Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemics on
Sector Development Project, for Ministry of agriculture food security in Ethiopia, for FAO;
Agriculture and Natural resource (MoANR); • Sustainable Land Management Program-SLMP II
• Agricultural Labor as a Constraint for Women Borrowers Completion Report and Project Case
Farmers: Time Use, Management and Markets High Story Documentation, for Ministry of Agriculture
Frequency Survey Data Collection, for the World and Natural Resource (MoANR);
Bank Group; • Agricultural Growth Program Survey and
• Impact Evaluation of the Nutrition Component of Establishing of Baseline Data for Impact
the Second Agricultural Growth Project (AGP2), for Evaluation, for MoANR;
the World Bank Group; • Situation Analysis of Agribusiness, Agro-Industry
• Baseline Survey, for Drought Resilience & and Allied Industries in the four IAIPs, RTCs (and
Sustainable Livelihood Program (DRSLP) related AC PZs) and Gender Analysis of the Agro-
• Participatory Small Scale Irrigation Development Industrial Sector with Gender Action Points in
Program (PASIDP) with, Impact Assessment Report Ethiopia, for UNIDO;
and Project Completion Report (PCR), for Ministry of • Impact Study for Rural Financial Intermediation
Agriculture and Natural Resources (MoANR); Program II (RUFIP II), for Development Bank of
• Baseline study on the implementation of the Ethiopia; and
Regional Pastoral Livelihoods Resilience Project • Enterprise Resilience and Agricultural Input Access
(RPLRP), for Ministry of Peace; During COVID-19 for RTI.
Frontieri Consult
Social Security Programs and Services

Fair Enjoyment of Basic Social Services

Social Norms and Values

Development Safety Net in Rural and Urban Areas

Employment Opportunities, Living Condition, and Legal Protection and

Support for Citizens Exposed to Violence and Oppression

Operational Research on Different Components of Social Protection


• Preliminary Assessment and Rapid Evaluation of the • Ethiopia Urban Productive Safety Net Project (UPSNP): Third
Refugee and Host Integration through Safety Net Round Proxy Means Test (PMT)Verification, for Federal
(RHISN) Under the Ethiopian Urban Productive Safety Urban Job Creation and Food Security Agency;
Net and Jobs Project (UPSNJP), for the World Bank • Productive Safety Nets Project Evaluation of Community-
Group; Based Childcare in Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net
• Baseline and follow up Surveys for the PWs, PDS, and Program Household Listing Survey, for the World Bank
Livelihood Impact Evaluation, for Federal Urban Job Group;
Creation and Food Security Agency; • Baseline Study for the Development Response to
• Second Round Impact Evaluation of the Ethiopian Displacement Impacts Project (DRDIP I) Implementation
Urban Productive Safety Net Program, for Federal Baseline & End-line Data for the Development Response to
Urban Job Creation and Food Security Agency; Displacement Impacts Project (DRDIP I) Implementation,
• UPSNJP Readiness and Performance Criteria for Ministry of Agriculture and Natural resource (MoANR)
Assessment and Verification, for Federal Urban Job and the World Bank Group;
Creation and Food Security Agency; • Estimating the Economic Costs of Intimate Partners’
• Ethiopian Rural Productive Safety Net Program Violence (IPV) against women in Ethiopia, for UN Women;
(ERPSNP) National Spot Check, for the World Bank • Study of Socio-Economic Characteristics of Mobile
Group; Populations in Ethiopia, for the World Bank Group;
• Impact Evaluation of PSNP and CBHI Linkages: • Understanding Migration in PSNP Areas Study, for the World
Quantitative and Qualitative Component of a Bank Group;
Longitudinal Study to Assess the Impacts of PSNP • Qualifications and Employment Perspectives for Refugees
and CBHI Linkages on Client Households, for UNICEF and Host Communities in Ethiopia Programme (QEP) -
Ethiopia; Tracer Study, for GIZ.
Frontieri Consult


Improving Educational Program Development and Implementation

Improving Efficiency and Effectiveness of Education Systems

Enhancing Human and Institutional Capacity of Educational Institutions

Technical Support on Early-childhood, Primary, Secondary, Non-formal Adult, TVET, and Higher Education

Policy and Program Development; Program Monitoring and Evaluation; Curriculum and Textbook Development;
School Improvement; Teacher Education, and Learning Assessment

Gender responsive education, out of school children, and education of children with special educational needs

Developing Training Modules and Data Collection Tools Based on

Clients’ Request


• The Effect of War on Teaching and Learning • Qualitative Research Study on Rural Youth
Process in Northern Ethiopia, for Education Employment in Ethiopia, for the World Bank Group;
Development Trust (Ed Dev Trust); • School Improvement and School Grants Program
• Survey and Analysis of the Existing Situation Evaluation, for the World Bank Group;
of the General Education Sector in terms of • Assessment of current and future soft skills
Students Learning Outcome and Enrolments for desired by the private sector from TVET and
Education Development Trust (Ed Dev Trust); Higher Education graduates and current gaps
• Diagnostic of Inclusive Education Resource observed in TVET & higher education graduates in
Center Pilots in Ethiopia for the World Bank terms of their mastery of those skills, for GIZ;
Group; • Baseline Study for Realizing Aspiration of Youth
• General Education Quality Improvement in Ethiopia through Employment (RAYEE), for SNV
Program II (GEQIP II) Comprehensive Evaluation Ethiopia
(Exit Evaluation) for Ministry of Education; • Global Education Policy Dashboard: Data
• Teacher Demand and Supply Gap in Ethiopia: Collection in Ethiopia, for the World Bank Group;
Scope, Factors and Possible Remedies, for British and
Council; • Woreda-Based School Assessment, for UNICEF
• Qualitative research on employment of rural Ethiopia.
migrants in urban areas in Ethiopia, for the World
Bank Group;
Frontieri Consult
Studies on Economic Development, Employment, and Job Creation

Conducting studies on implementation status of sector review Projects

Conducting Comprehensive Evaluation on Different Developmental Programs

Making Major Policy Recommendations


• Ethiopia Sub-National Investment Climate: Business • Ethiopia Trade Logistics Project Baseline
– Investment Registration & Licensing Process- Collection, for the World Bank Group;
mapping and Baseline Collection, for the World • Effectiveness of Financial Transparency
Bank Group; and Accountability (FTA) initiatives and
• Baseline Data Collection and Analysis in the four Impact Assessment on Budget Literacy
pilot IAIP regions of Oromia, Amhara, SNNP and Training (BLT) under Promotion of Basic
Tigray, for UNIDO; Service (PBS) Program in Ethiopia, for MoFEC
• Conduct Macro-Country Diagnostic Refresh, Sector/ • Innovation in Delivery of Better Basic
Sub Sector Diagnostics Refresh and Establishing Services: Challenges and Opportunities, for
Baseline Snapshot, for MasterCard Foundation; Ethiopia for MoFEC
• Assessment of the State of Poverty in Addis • Global Value Chains (GVCs) survey in
Ababa City, for Municipality of Addis Ababa City Ethiopia, for the World Bank Group.
Frontieri Consult

Result Based Monitoring Activities on Different Public Health, Water & Sanitation Areas

Operational Research on Different Public Health, Water & Sanitation Areas and Related Interventions

Analyzing How the Access to Drinking Water and Sanitation Services is Evolving

Assessing the Climate Change Effects on Public Health

Investigating how Ethiopia is Managing the SDGs Related to Health, Water & Sanitation Within Agreed Targets &
Time Frame

Analyzing Coverage and Trends of Key Indicators for Reproductive Health, Maternal and Child Health, and
Nutrition in Urban & Rural Area, So as to Assess Health Equity Issues in Different Geographic Settings

Coming Up With Fresh and Innovative Policy Solutions in Rural and Urban Settings, With Special Focus on
Agrarian, Pastoralist and Urban Settings

Conducting other Health, Water & Sanitation Related Research Works Based on the Client
Interest and RFP.


• Global Sanitation Fund – Ethiopia Programme Social and Gender Norms Underpinning Harmful
Outcome Survey, for UNOPS; Gender-Based Violence, Child Marriage and FGM
• Baseline Survey for the National Campaign for within Ethiopia, for UNICEF Ethiopia;
Promoting Knowledge, Attitude, and Behavioral • Validating the Global Framework to Measure
Change in Population and Reproductive Health and Evaluate Changes in Social Norms in FGM
in Ethiopia (SHaPE Phase 2), for Target Groups Programming, for UNICEF Ethiopia;
in Two Cities and Five Regions for Yonsei Global • Baseline Assessment Survey for Phase II PVSD
Health Center Ethiopia Office, KOICA; Project in Afar, SNNP, Somali, Oromia, and Tigray
• Baseline survey of the UNICEF UNFPA joint Regions and Final Evaluation of Phase II Passive
programme (JP) phase III on HIV prevention, Vaccine Storage Devices (PVSD) Project in the
sexual reproductive health and violence same region after a year, for UNICEF Ethiopia;
response among most-at-risk adolescents and • Evaluation of Community based Management
youth in Ethiopia, for UNFPA Ethiopia; of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) / Infant and
• Formative Research on Successful Strategies to Young Child Feeding (IYCF) Monitoring Activity in
End FGM, Including Strategies to Increase Service Ethiopia, for UNICEF Ethiopia;
Seeking Behaviour and Strengthen Provision of • Outcome Evaluation of Community Led Total
Care, and Transform Harmful Inequitable Gender Sanitation and Hygiene (CLTSH) In Ethiopia, for
Norms in Ethiopia, for UNICEF Ethiopia; UNICEF Ethiopia;
• Conduct Health Facility Baseline Survey • Ethiopia’s Six Health Accounts (HA VI) Survey
on Prevention & Management of Health of Health Service Utilization and Expenditures
Complication of Female Genital Mutilation, for among People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV), for
UNICEF Ethiopia; Abt Associate Inc;
• Applying a Human-Centered Design approach • Final Evaluation of the Born-on Time project, for
to Design Community Conversations that Shift World Vision.
Frontieri Consult
Environmental and Energy Related Studies

Climate Change & Green Energy Related Studies

Social, Economic, & EIA Studies Related to Environment & Energy

Results-Based Monitoring & Evaluation Pertaining to Environment & Energy

Formulate Environment and and Energy Related Policies


• Baseline Study of Selected Socio- Ethiopia, for the World Bank Group;
ecological Landscapes in the Horn of • Baseline Study to Assess the Potential
Africa Region, for Horn of Africa Regional of Energy Efficiency in Households in
Environment Centre and Network Addis Ababa and other Major Cities of
• Baseline and Feasibility study on forestry Ethiopia, for Africa Development Bank;
and livelihoods in REDD+ Investment, for • Baseline Study for the Implementation
UNDP; of Improved Cook Stove and Solar
• Support Ethiopia’s efforts to integrate Project in Tigray and SNNP Regional
Digital Climate Advisory Services (DCAS) States, for GIZ;
into the national e-extension service, for • Ex-post Evaluation of the Lighting for
The Global Center on Adaptation (GCA); Africa/ Ethiopia Project, for the World
• Desert Locust Response in the HoA, for Bank Group; and
the World Bank Group; • Productive Use Survey, for RMI.
• Household Survey: Multi- Tier
Measurement of Energy Access in
Frontieri Consult

Rigorous policy-oriented Research on Issues Related to Private Sector Development

Consulting and Advisory Roles for Policy makers and Funders to Engage with the
Private Sector and Identify Partnership Opportunities

Result-Based Monitoring and Evaluation of Private Sector Development Programs

Advice on Investment Climate Reforms and Formulation of Policy Recommendations

Which are Aimed at Encouraging the Private Sector.

Analysis of Market Systems and Value Chains to Understand Constraints to Private

Sector Development

Capacity Building and & Training


• Baseline Study of Private Sector • Ethiopia Sub-National Investment

Development in Ethiopia (PSD-E) for GIZ; Climate: Business-Investment
• Feasibility Study of Jigjiga Quarantine Registration and Licensing Process-
Center for Private Sector Participation, for mapping and Baseline Collection, for
the World Bank Group; the World Bank Group;
• Global Value Chains (GVCs) Survey in • National Corruption Perception Survey,
Ethiopia for the World Bank Group; for UNDP; and
• Baseline Data Collection, for The • Baseline Survey, Skills Need
Habesha Breweries Project – Ethiopia, for Assessment and Organization of
the World Bank Group; Workshops, for Federal Government of
• Luna Livestock and Out-Grower Ethiopia, and TVET Agency.
development project Baseline
Assessment, for the World Bank Group;
Frontieri Consult
Provide Financial Sector Support

Offer Training Services on International Standards and Reporting

Conduct Studies on Value Chains and Supply Chains Development

Develop Innovate Business Relations

Provide Entrepreneurship Development Support

Provide Investment Advisory Services

Make Public-Private Partnerships Related Policies


• Capacity-building measures for selected • Support UNICEF and MoLSA in Annual

(regional) Job Creation Agencies, for GIZ; Social Protection Sector Review
• Labour Market Need Assessment and and Development of Costed Social
Tracer Study, for Holeta Polytechnic Protection Action Plans for Five
College; Regions and Two City Administrations,
• Developing Monitoring and Evaluation for UNICEF Ethiopia; and
System Study for RUFIP II Programme, for • Revision of Strategic Plan for
Development Bank of Ethiopia; Community Care Structures and
• Support GIZ in Monitoring and Evaluation Developing Guidelines with Action
of Special Initiative on Training and Job Plans for Strengthening CCS in Line
Creation project, for GIZ; with National Social Protection Policy,
for MoLSA.
Frontieri Consult

Our Survey Management

& Data Analytics Wing
Extraordinary Teams, Mastery
Industry-Standard Data Tools

For over 15 years, Frontieri has offered a full range of quantitative and qualitative
data collection and management services to our clients using state-of-the-art and
innovative quantitative and qualitative research software, such as SurveyCTO, Survey
Solutions, ODK, Atlas.ti, and Nvivo etc... In fact, we have exclusively been using CAPI and
mobile data collection in our research projects since 2013, putting the highest focus
on quality assurance. Frontieri has continuously been building its capabilities in its
assets of survey equipment, including Android tablets, computers, GPS, audio recorders,
anthropometric instruments, EA maps, and has its own training facilities. The CAPI
software we are using for survey is capable to capture Global Positioning System (GPS)
coordinates. Our survey and data analytics team give the following services to our
valued clients:

Survey Design Quantitative Data Collection

Questionnaire Design, Testing Large scale Household

and Translation Survey

Construct Sampling Frame School Survey

Sample size Estimation Health Facility Survey

Sample Selection Enterprise Survey

Opinion Survey
Frontieri Consult
Qualitative Data Collection Mapping and Listing

Focus Group Discussion Sampling Frame Construction

Key Informant Interview

Mapping Enumeration Area

In-depth Interview
Listing Households Within
Enumeration Area

Case Study

Design and Sample Treatment

and Control Units for Impact
Transcription & Translation Evaluation Studies

Coding & Analyzing

Record GPS Coordinate

Produce Qualitative Report

Frontieri Consult

Why Frontieri
n addition to the business
competitive approach/
strategy, which most of our
clients require, we differ
from others for the following
approaches that make our
company stand out in many

We work with an
international network
of experts, partners, and
associates around the

Integrated Approach
We respond to social,
gender equality and
climate change effects
in all our projects and
include them in our

We offer innovative
solutions and services to
our clients by addressing
new challenges in the
age of digitalization.
Frontieri Consult
Frontieri Consult

Our People
Frontieri is composed of highly qualified, experienced and competent
professionals in various disciplines, which include senior development
economists, education specialists, agricultural economists, livelihood
specialists with an experience of over 20 years in realization of major
evaluation projects domestically and internationally, as well as Senior
Survey and Data Processing Specialists.

Frontier i
is proud of
its veteran
and highly

Full Time Staffs

Associate Staffs/Consultants
Male Field Staff

Female Field Staff
Frontieri Consult
Key Clients
Frontieri Consult

Giving Back to the Community

As part of its corporate social Accordingly, Frontieri offers a
responsibility (CSR), Frontieri scholarship opportunity every
strongly believes in giving back year for Ethiopian PhD students
to the community. We have who have completed their
bigger and brighter internship course work and are ready
program that provides to start their PhD research
professional services and offers projects. The Partially Funded
a wealth of opportunities to Scholarship initiative aims to
bright graduates. This initiative support Ethiopian PhD students
provides an opportunity of by breaking down barriers,
practical working environment & opening doors, and offering
hands-on experience in research access to coaching, mentoring,
and evaluation works for both and technical assistance. The
graduate and undergraduate scholarship opportunity covers
students. It is designed specifically financial assistance; office space,
to help them in their transition equipment, and other supports
from school to the world of work. needed for field data collection,
As the world of higher education and technical assistance.
continues to change, we ask
ourselves how we can offer
scholarship programs, through Additionally, Frontieri
which students could fund their
has recently planned
studies and make the program
more impactful for students to
to give a variety of
complete their education and trainings on range
benefit our country. of topics to different
universities across
Frontieri Consult
Frontieri was found to be dependable and professional.
I hereby acknowledge that they have completed
the assignment and submitted all deliverables
with high quality.

Lucian Pop
Senior Social Protection Specialist

HoA-REC&N is pleased with the work done and we

proudly recommend Frontieri to lead other similar
assignments in the regions.

Mekuriya Aregaw (PHD)

Executive director, Horn of Africa Regional
Environment center & network

We have observed that BDS has the experience,

facility, capable personnel in research and consultancy area
who are enthusiastic about their client’s diverse interest. Hence,
the firm is in our list of highly regarded Ethiopian origin companies
we are comfortable to work with.

Nahume Yadene
Program Management offcer Ethiopia Strategy
Support Program
Frontieri Consult
Frontieri Consult
Frontieri Consult

South Sudan

E th i o pi a, Ad d i s A b a b a , N a m i b i a St . L i ng o Tow e r , 8t h Fl oor

www. f r o n t i e r i . c om

i n f o @ f r o n t i e r i .c om

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