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Subject: Social Studies

Topic: Regional Integration
Sub-topic: The CARICOM Secretariat
Date: April 17, 2023
Class: 55/56
Duration: 50 mins

General objective” Students should be knowledgeable of how the CARICOM. and the
OECS Secretariats contribute to regional integration.
Specific objectives: By the end of the lesson at least 70% of students will be able to:
a) Explain what the word secretariat means
ii) identify the title of the individual who heads the CARICOM Secretariat?
b) State 2 ways in which the CARICOM Secretariat helps members.
c) List at least 3 components of the secretariat
d) Suggest one way to strengthen the CARICOM Secretariat in order to make it more
Resources: internet, computer, textbooks
Methodology: questioning, discovery learning, researching
Engagement: recap of previous lesson
Exploration: Students will read the following paragraphs on the CARICOM Secretariat.
They will use the internet to define the word secretariat, then state its functions in their own
words giving relevant examples. Additionally, they will be given a handout from which they
will choose a function of the CARICOM Secretariat and explain it’s meaning in their own
words. They will also share their views on the organizational structure of the community.
Students will be encouraged to engage in peer discussions so as to cement understanding and
gain clarity.
The CARICOM Secretariat is the principal administrative organ of the Community and is
headed by a Secretary General who is the Chief Executive Officer of the Community. Its
headquarters is based in Georgetown, Guyana. The secretariat also has an office in Barbados
and a small satellite unit in Jamaica. The CARICOM Secretariat services meetings of the
organs and bodies of the community and takes appropriate follow up action on
determinations issuing from such meetings initiates, organises and conducts studies on issues
for the achievement of the objectives of the Community. The following diagram illustrates
the governing structure of CARICOM. The following diagram highlights the structure of the

The main functions of the secretariat are:

Explanation: The teacher will either endorse and/or correct students’ contributions.
Extension: Pretend that you are part of the CARICOM Secretariat, and it is about to hold its
23rd summit, highlight 3 items affecting regional young people that you would put on the
agenda. to be discussed.
Evaluation 1:
a) Explain what the word secretariat means
i) What title is given to the individual who heads the CARICOM Secretariat?
b) State 2 ways in which the CARICOM Secretariat helps members.
c) Outline one way in which CARICOM may be strengthened in order to make it more

Session 2
April 17 2023
From the handout:
a) Identify the constituents of Heads of Government Conference
b) What is the relationship between the CARICOM Chairman and the Heads of Government
c) State 2 functions of the Heads of Government Conference
d) Name the member states that are represented at the Heads of Government Conference by
i) prime minsters
ii) executive presidents
iii) chief ministers
Methodology: Questioning, discussion, discovery learning
Resources: internet, textbooks computer
Recap of previous lesson
Students will read the following facts then discuss the subsequent questions among
Students will research and say what they understand each of the following to mean:
i) The Heads of Government Conference is the supreme organ of CARICOM what does this
mean and what other expression is synonymous with this statement?
ii) The Heads of Government Conference is the final authority for the conclusion of treaties
on behalf of the Community and for entering into relationships between the Community and
international organisations and states.
iii) The Conference is also responsible for making the financial arrangements to meet the
expenses of the CARICOM Community.
iii) The Conference functions like a quasi-cabinet
Explanation: Students will share their understating of the above based on their reading of the
handout and peer discussion, at this point, the teacher will either endorse and/or make
clarifications to students’ input.
The following policies were formulated by COHSOD (The Council for Human and Social
Development) at its 12th special meeting in 2008 in Guyana. Examine the extract below then
make suggestions that are relevant to today’s Caribbean youth.

Evaluation 1
a) What title holders would you find at The Heads of Government Conference?
b) What is the relationship between the CARICOM Chairman and the Heads of Government
c) State 2 functions of the Heads of Government Conference
d) Name the member states that are represented at the Heads of Government Conference by
i) Prime ministers
ii) Executive presidents
iii) Chief Ministers
Date April 24 2023
Topic; OECS Secretariat
General objective: Students should understand the importance of the integration process to
Caribbean development
Specific objectives
At least 70% of students will be able to explain will be able to say what OECS mean
a) What name is given to the highest decision-making body of the OECS?
b) What is the principal organ of the OECS called?
c) State 2 ways in which the OECS Secretariat helps members.
d) List at least 3 components of the organizational structure of the OECS Secretariat
d) Suggest one way to strengthen the CARICOM Secretariat in order to make it more
Resources: text books, internet,
Methodology: questioning, discussion \
Engagement: Recap previous lesson
Exploration: Students will read the attached document and state at least 3 facts
Explanation The teacher will endorse and/or correct students input in addition to
summarizing the document.
Extension A controversy has developed in your class regarding the OECS and
CARICOM. Some are arguing that both are the same and so in a bid to
settle the controversy your SS teacher asked you to construct a table
illustrating the similarities and differences between the two.
Evaluation 1:
c) State 2 ways in which the OECS Secretariat helps members.
c) List at least 3 components of the organizational structure of the OECS Secretariat
d) Suggest one way to strengthen the CARICOM Secretariat in order to make it more
Evaluation 2
Topic: Objectives of Regional Bodies (CARICOM, OECS CSME
Date: April 26, 2023
Specific objectives:
Say what the abbreviation CSM and CSME mean
State the main change under the revised treaty of Chaguaramas
Interpret given stimulus relating to the CSME (please see attached)
State 3 facts on the CSME
State 2 objectives each of the CSME, CSM and CARICOM and OECS
Outline at least 2 challenges which are linked to the CSM
Outline 2 objectives each of the
i) Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS),
iii) The CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME);
Engagement: Recap of previous lesson
Exploration: Students will choose one or more of the following regional bodies and choose
at least one objective and explain in their own words using relevant examples where
(a) OECS and CARICOM (i) functional cooperation; (ii) integration of the economies of
member states; (iii) harmonisation of foreign policy. (b) The CARICOM Single Market (i)
free movement of goods and services; right of establishment
(c) The CARICOM Single Economy harmonisation of: (i) Fiscal (tax) policies; (ii) Monetary
policies (including a single CARICOM currency); (iii) External trade policy (iv) Legislation
(custom, companies); (v) Sectoral policies in agriculture, manufacturing, fisheries. (d) The
Regional Development Fund.
They will also read the attached document on the CSM and create at least one fact.
Explanation: The teacher will endorse, add to or clarify students’ contribution
Extension: Students will interact with the following:

i) Say what the abbreviation CSM and CSME mean
ii) State the main change under the revised treaty of Chaguaramas
iii) Interpret given stimulus relating to the CSME (please see attached)
iv) State 3 facts on the CSME
v) State 2 objectives each of the CSME, CSM and CARICOM and OECS
vi) Outline at least 2 challenges which are linked to the CSM
Evaluation II:

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