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When do aircrew report for work?

No later than 45 mins before departure

Only when they are fit to fly

How much time is allocated to aircrew to complete their post-flight duties?

30 minutes

During a cabin crew pre-flight briefing which topics must be completed?

VPOS updated Discuss:

Security & safety related documents One safety topic
Review SPI's within last 7 days One security topic
Discuss topic of week One first aid topic
Review in-flight service requirements & additional Refresh knowledge of SOP's and drills
information Conducted PRIOR to passengers boarding
Expected passenger load CC shall not participate in any other activities during
Full CRM culture reflected

Where would you find SEP manual?

Both pilots EFB

Each VPOS device
Pdf facility on VPOS

What are the PDIs of No4?

if not at boarding gate

Assigned door checks at R1
Toilet checks at FWD toilet
Cabin checks rows 1-10
PDIs on R1 door, R1 slide, stowage 202, galley stowages 204,206,207 (if required), bulkhead stowage 210/211
If No4 at boarding gate - No1 will complete these checks

What are the PDIs of No3?

Assigned door checks at R2

Jumpseat area check at No3 jumpseat
Toilet checks aft right toilet
Cabin checks rows 11-20
PDIs on R2 door, R2 slide, above No3 jumpseat, under No3 jumpseat, hatbin 14DEF, overwing exits, galley stowage
409/410, 410/411, behind row 33 DEF

What are the PDIs of No2?

Assigned door checks at L2 door

Jumpseat and area check at No2 Jumpseat
Toilet checks aft left toilet
Cabin checks rows 21-33
Galley checks at aft galley including ELS
PA/interphone operational
Check water and waste system
PDIs on L2 door, L2 slide, ELT, under No2 jumpseat, behind 33ABC, hatbin 33ABC, hatbin 33DEF, galley stowage
406/407, galley stowage 415
What are the PDIs of No1?

Assigned door checks at L1 door

Jumpseat area and area check at No1 jumpseat
Galley checks at fwd galley
PA/interphone operational
PDIs on L1 door, L1 slide, flight deck door, under No1 jumpseat, above No1 jumpseat, R1 stowage
No4's PDIs if No4 is at boarding gate

How do you extend the airstairs in normal mode from the inside?

To extend:
1. Open door slightly, check area is safe, leave door at cocked position
2. Press STAIR OPER switch, this illuminates amber indicating power
3. Press and hold EXTEND switch to extend the airstairs
4. When the airstairs are fully extended STAIR OPER light goes out
5. Open the door fully
6. Attach handrails
7. Extend the retract-reel strap and secure around the handrail (both left and right) using the hooks
8. Attach guard rails to forward airstairs as follows:
A. No4 collects guardrails from R1 stowage in FWD galley and passes to No1
B. Attach round end to handle
C. Attach rectangular end to girt bar floor bracket
D. Push round end down to secure guardrail
E. Ensure both guardrails are secure before boarding/disembarking starts

How do you retract the airstairs in normal mode from the inside?

To retract:
1. Ensure PIGS have been detached from airstairs
2. Detach guard rails from forward airstairs as follows:
A. Move round end up to loosen from airstair
B. Detach rectangular end from girt bar floor bracket
C. Detach round end from airstair handle
D. Pass guard rails to No4 to return to R1 stowage in FWD galley
3. Carefully unhook retract reel strap from airstair handrail (both left and right) and let retract
4. Detach the handrails
5. Check the area is safe and PIGS have been detached from airstairs, pull door over and leave at a position which
will allow visual monitoring during retraction
6. Press STAIR OPER switch, this illuminates amber indicating power
7. Press and hold RETRACT switch to retract the airstairs. Monitor airstairs (No1 or No4) if any hazard identified,
retraction must be stopped immediately and appropriate action taken
8. When fully retracted, STAIR OPER light goes out
9. Close door fully

What is a correct standby operation of airstairs from inside?

To retract only:
1. Check the area is safe to retract
2. If the stairs fail to retract, unclip and re-stow handrails once again to ensure they are correctly stowed
3. Press and hold RETRACT switch again
4. If the stairs fail to retract again, No1 inform captain of the situation and ask permission to operate stairs using
STANDBY system
5. Recheck area is safe
6. To use STANDBY system, press and hold RETRACT and STANDBY switches and hold until stairs fully retract and the
"stairs operating" light goes out
7. Close door fully

What has to be considered when operating the stairs in standby mode?

If airstairs fail to retract in normal mode, check handrails are stowed correctly and try to retract again in normal
mode. If they fail to retract again, proceed by:
Asking permission from captain to operate in standby
Check for presence of PIGS, persons, FOD, visible damage etc.
Guardrails are fully removed and stowed correctly
Remain vigilant at all times when extending or retracting the airstairs

How would you evacuate through the flight deck windows?

Open access panel and remove escape rope

Pull on escape rope to ensure it is securely attached
Holding on to escape rope, evacuate using leg, body, leg method and lower yourself to ground

Where are the airstairs located?

Self-stowing under main passenger door (L1)

How do you open a flight deck window?

Squeeze lock release in handle

Rotate handle inwards
Slide window aft until fully open

What is the decompression blow out panel?

Located on the flight deck door - decompression sensors on door activate to open at the top only during a
Equalizes pressure between flight deck and cabin

What are the PDIs on the flight deck door?

Flight crew and CC are responsible for conducting PDI checks on the flight deck door
CC will enter the access code to check if it unlocks the door
Flight crew will check deny feature is operational

When do we use R1 and R2 doors on everyday basis?

R1 - front service door

R2 - rear service door

How do you open doors from inside?

Check door is disarmed before opening & it is safe to do so (in non-emergency situation)
1. Rotate operating handle on door up and towards rear of aircraft
2. Grasp door assist handle and push door out towards front of aircraft
3. Ensure gust lock engages

In which direction does the flight deck door open?

Opens inwards into cabin

What features can we find on the flight deck door?

- One way viewer to allow flight crew to scan the passenger cabin.
- Decompression blow out panel - sensors on door activate to open at the top only to equalise pressure between
flight deck and cabin.
- Collapsible panels feature - bottom panel is primary exit but only used in an emergency and is operated from
inside the flight deck.

When must PAs NOT be made?

Only essential safety related use of the PA/interphone or pre-recorded announcements is permitted once the safety
demonstration has been completed until the captain releases the CC from their seats, and from 10 mins to landing
until the aircraft has vacated the runway

How do the flight crew contact the cabin crew?

By pressing the attendant button once in the pilots overhead panel

What is the purpose of the pre-recorded PA system or PRAM?

Used to play boarding music, safety demonstration and other PA announcements

When does ELS operate electrically?

System controlled by switch in flight deck: 3 positions: OFF, ARMED, ON.

ARMED position prior to departure.

When switched flicked from ARMED to ON, lights will operate

When does ELS operate automatically?

Once aircraft power is lost

Who is calling who if an amber light illuminates in the master call panel?

Passenger call from toilets

Who is calling who, if a pink light illuminates in the master call panel?

Aircrew call (usually flight crew to cabin crew)

When will a blue light illuminate in the master call panel?

Passenger call from seats

If the CC need to make a PA, what should be done?

Remove handset from cradle

Enter number 8 on handset
Push and hold "push to talk" button
Make announcement

If CC need to call CC what should be done?

Dial 55 on interphone - 5, wait for chime, 5 again

If CC need to call flight crew, what should be done?

Dial 2 if non-emergency
Dial 222 if emergency

Where is a master call panel located?

Installed in forward and aft ceiling of passenger cabin (exit signs)

What are the three ways the emergency lighting system works?

In those aircraft without BSI, what setting must the lights be put to when flying in the hours of darkness?

Window: off
Work: off
Galley/work: off
Entry: off
Area: off
Ceiling: night

In those aircraft without BSI, what setting must the lights be put to when flying in the hours of dusk/dawn?

Window: dim
Work: off
Galley: dim
Entry: dim
Area: off
Ceiling: dim

In those aircraft with a BSI, what changes in the onboard equipment can be noticed?

FWD and AFT CSA panels LCD touch screens - used to control LED lighting system
Designed to operate with fingers ONLY
PSU simpler design - call bell button located away from reading lights switch to avoid confusion
LED lights

What are the two types of lighting we have in the aircraft?

Normal and emergency (ELS)

How does the ELS operate manually?

System can be activated by CC manually by use of ELS switch, situated on rear CSA panel. No2 is responsible for ELS

Operation: lift up safety guard, push switch

Bypasses flight deck switch regardless of position

What does JU stand for?


What does CSA stand for?

Cabin Service Agent

What does PU stand for?


What does CSS stand for?

Cabin Service Supervisor

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