User Stories

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Things to consider while communicating with stakeholder or PM

- understand the business objective:

- discuss the high-level business objective or problem the user story aims to
- understand the "why" behind the feature
- what business value or benefit is expected?
- user needs and personas:
- dentify the primary users and stakeholders involved
- understand their needs, goals, and pain points
- define user personas if applicable
- acceptance criteria:
- work closely with the project manager and stakeholders to define clear
acceptance criteria
- make sure they align with the business goals
- constraints and dependencies:
- discuss any technical or business constraints that might impact the
implementation of the user story
- identify dependencies on other features or external systems
- prioritization and impact:
- understand the relative priority of the user story compared to other items in
the backlog
- use case scenarios:
- discuss potential use case scenarios or workflows related to the user story
- understand how users will interact with the feature
- user interface (UI) considerations:
- if the user story involves changes to the user interface
- discuss UI design requirements, including wireframes or mockups
- ensure a shared vision of the expected user experience
- data requirements:
- if data is involved, clarify the data sources, data structures, and any data
transformations needed
- error handling and edge cases:
- discuss how errors and edge cases should be handled
- what error messages should be displayed
- what should happen when unexpected situations occur?
- regulatory and compliance requirements
- determine if there are any legal or regulatory requirements that need to be
addressed in the user story
- testing and quality assurance
- discuss testing requirements and quality assurance processes
- determine what should be tested and how it should be tested
- definition of done
- what it means for the user story to be "done."
- this might include criteria such as code review, testing, and documentation
- dependencies and risks
- identify any potential risks or dependencies that might affect the successful
completion of the user story
- discuss mitigation strategies
- performance expectations:
- response time - specify the maximum acceptable response time
- throughput - the rate at which the system can handle a certain number of
requests or transactions per unit of time
- scalability - how the software should scale as the user base or data load
grows. specify when and how additional resources (e.g., servers, databases) should
be added to maintain acceptable performance.
- concurrency and load handling - the maximum number of simultaneous users or
transactions the system can support
- latency - the delay between a request and the corresponding response
- load testing requirements - specify the load testing scenarios that should be
performed to validate performance expectations. Describe the testing environment,
including the number of simulated users or transactions and the duration of the
- response time under load - clarify how response times should behave when the
system is under heavy load. For example, define the maximum response time during
peak traffic hours.
- peak load handling - describe how the system should perform under peak load
conditions, such as during a product launch or a major marketing campaign. Define
the expected behavior and performance during such events.
- performance monitoring and reporting - define the metrics and key performance
indicators (KPIs) that should be continuously monitored. Specify how performance
data should be collected, logged, and reported.
- security and performance - consider the impact of security measures (e.g.,
encryption, authentication) on performance and specify the acceptable trade-offs
between security and performance.

Things to consider while creating a ticket

- create small user stories as possible with 3-7 acceptance criteria
- the acceptance criteria should be about what is needed but not how to do them
- the acceptance criteria should be clear, specific and testable.
- if there is a flow, the create a diagram and put it into the task instead of
writing it with words
- do not mix backend and front end acceptance criteria, put them in seperate

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