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First Quarter Examination in English 8

I. Identify what is asked in each number.

1. This is the prominence given to a certain syllable or word which has a higher pitch or longer.
a. Stress b. Intonation c. slang d. syllabication
2. From what country did the Hands of the Blacks come from? a. America b. Philippines c. Africa d. Japan
3. What is the title of Eku Mcgred’s poem describing and being proud of whoever one is?
a. I am an African Child b. It’s Time for Africa c. We Are the Champions d. I am a Filipino Child
4. Below are the types of adjectives, except for one. a. descriptive b. quantitative c. demonstrative d. past tense
5. This kind of sentence is composed of two simple sentences connected by a conjunction.
a. simple sentence b. compound sentence c. complex sentence d. compound-complex sentence
6. The type of essay which defines a term, compare and contrast something, analyze data, or provide a how-to.
a. informative essay b. narrative essay c. persuasive essay d. descriptive essay
7. In the story The Soul of the Great Bell, who sacrificed to be able to make the great bell and save her father’s life?
a. Yong-Lo b. Kouan-Yu c. Ko-Ngai d. Lafcadio Hearn
8.The word despotic leader means: a. dictator b. humble c. fanatic d. democratic
9. Which of the following sentences is not a conditional sentence?
a. If you had come, you would have seen the fireworks. b. If you study hard, you can pass your exams.
c. If I had money, I would travel around the world. d. I will buy you all you want, just spare me your time.
10. Which among the list below are included in the 7 Rules of Happiness (Japanese Style)?
a. I,II, III, IV, VI b. I, II,IV,V,VI c. II, III, IV, V, VI d. I, II, III, IV, V
I. Honor your ancestors. III. See how art reflects nature V. Appreciate simple beauty
II. Respect sacred places IV. Wear shoes outside, slippers inside VI. Eat, drink and be merry
11. Afro-Asian families are known to be rich in
a. traditions and values b. beliefs c. money and properties d. families and friends
12. An American-Lebanese poet who wrote The Prophet.
a. Rabindranath Togore b. Eku McGred c. Lafcadio Hearn d. Kahlil Gibran
13. Word to connect clauses or sentences or to coordinate words in the same clause.
a. adjective b. verb c. conjunction d. article
14. Indian literature is based on a. education b. religion c. beliefs d. tradition
15. The kind of sentence which asks a question. a. declarative b. interrogative c. imperative d. exclamatory
16. The words Nation, Ancient, Sacrifice and Pleasure are classified to have a stress on the _____
a. first syllable b. second syllable c. third syllable d. last syllable
17. If the words pretty, red, clever are descriptive adjectives, how will you classify the words some, few, little, whole?
a. distributive b. quantitative c. demonstrative d. qualitative
18. “Gold and brass will never meet in wedlock, silver and iron never embrace, until the flesh of a maiden be melted in the crucible; until the blood of a virgin be
mixed with the metals in their fusion.” What does this mean?
a. Gold, brass, silver and iron will never be fused together by a virgin maiden
b. The blood of a virgin maiden mixed with gold, brass, silver and iron.
c. Gold, brass, silver and iron will fuse when mixed with the blood of a virgin
d. Elements will not fused even if they are mixed with flesh and blood.
19. “With the crown of white, there cometh wisdom.” How will you paraphrase the old saying.
a. Having a white crown, you will become all- knowing. b. Being a queen/king is becoming smart.
c. With old age, we become more experienced and knowledgeable. d. The younger you are, the powerful you are.
20. Paraphrase the following sentence into a conditional sentence. “ Study hard and get a reward.”
a. When you study hard, you will be rewarded. b. You will get a reward when you study hard.
c. If you study hard, you will get a reward. d. As you study hard, reward will come.
21.” In the Chines culture, children tend to offer tea to the elders, while people in the lower order are supposed to serve tea to people of higher ranks.” What can you
infer about the statement?
a. Tea is a necessity in the Chinese culture. b. Serving tea is a way to show respect to other people.
c. It is a casual way of life. d. China is rich with tea
22. What is your interpretation of the following line from the selection The Prophet? “ Work is love made visible..”
a. Love is doing special things without expecting in return. b. Loving is not just saying it, it is doing it.
c. sentence A and B d. none of the above
23. In the following excerpt, classify the conjunctions used.
“Work is love made visible. And if you can’t work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take
alms of those who work with joy. Have peace in your heart and love what you do for it is the way to have real happiness.” a. coordinating conjunctions b.
subordinating conjunctions c. correlative conjunctions d. connectors
24. Give the difference/similarity of an Indian Literature with other Afro-Asian Literature.
a. Indian Literature deals mostly about piety while other literatures don’t. b. All literatures are the same.
c. Indian Literature is just the same as any other literature d. Indian Literature deals with human nature.
25. Cite an example of an interrogative sentence.
a. I am Aquila, Grade 8 student. b. Oh my! I’m a fan! c. Kindly open the door for me. d. Are you a sophomore?
26. If you are to use a falling intonation, which of the choices below will you say?
a. Hi. I am your tour guide for today, and I will be happy to serve you all! b. Fire! The booth is on fire. Help!
c. How are you feeling today? d. Are you okay?
27. How will you relate the story of The Hands of the Blacks with life?
a. We are all God’s creation and no one is more superior or inferior from each other.
b. Our individuality depends on the color of our skin.
c. God made us differently so that we will know that we are not the same.
d. We have the same color of our hand’s palms.
28. Use another word or change the italicized word in the sentence, what word will you use? I am an African child; strong and bold; I’m gifted. a. afraid
b. coward c. courageous d. timid
29. What proper adjective will you use to modify the word ocean? a. red b. vast c. scary d. silent
30. Complete the sentence to make it a compound sentence. “ I love dogs __________.
a. since dogs are great b. because they are loveable c. so that I can be a pet lover d. and I have 5 of them
31. If you are to write an informative essay, which topic below is not suitable to use?
a. Polar Ice Caps Melting b. The Life of Corazon Aquino c. Unemployment Rates d. How to Cook Adobo
32. You are the feature editor of Philippine Daily Inquirer. You are tasked to make a write up about the Muslims. You want the public especially the Christians to be
familiar with their customs because it will guide them to understand Muslims better. You will focus on their :
a. history b. culture c. problems of the people d. leaders
33. Complete the sentence by providing the proper connector. They were wearing their seatbelts____they were not injured when the accident happened. a. but
b. however c. then d. therefore
34. Simply relate, what does rule #7: Enjoy the four seasons and the seasonality of life means?
a. Live happily and do whatever you like b. Accept and thrive in every moment, may it be good or bad
c. Live life come what may d. There are four seasons in a year: winter, spring, summer and fall
35. Which of the following words is pronounced differently? a. bear b. lair c. cheer d. dare

36. Categorize the words according to their degree on intensity.

a. cold – freezing – frosty b. frosty – cold – freezing c. cold – frosty – freezing d. freezing – cold – frosty
37. Which part of the sentence is the dependent clause. Though Mitchell prefers watching romantic films, he rented the latest spy thriller, and he enjoyed it very much.
a. Though Mitchell prefers watching filmsb. he rented the latest spy thriller c. he enjoyed it very much d. the latest spy thriller
38. How will you illustrate the character of Ko-Ngai?
a. selfish and cowardb. beautiful and cheerful c. boastful and arrogant d. unselfish and brave
39. Construct a conditional sentence by completing the sentence. If I won the lottery, ___________.
a. let us go to US b. I will buy a new car c. I would travel the world d. I’m a winner
40. Reconstruct the following sentence into an imperative sentence. I shall take you to the cinema.
a. I shall not take you to the cinema. b. Shall I take you to the cinema? c. What a lovely cinema! d. Take me to the cinema, please.
41. Joan said she loved shopping, but she didn’t have enough money to do it as often as she would like. Is an example of what type of sentence?
a. compound-complex b. complex c. compound d. simple
42. What is the difference between revising and editing?
a. editing means rewriting sentences and paragraphs; revising means correcting grammar errors
b. editing must be done by someone else; revising should be done by the writer
c. there is no difference
d. revising involves rewriting sentences; editing means correcting grammar errors
43. When writing an informative essay, what are the most important parts of the introduction?
a. a thesis and compelling way to hook the reader b. a complete description of all the points you will cover
c. your opinion on the subject d. a definition of your topic
44. Naomi is afraid of small spaces, so she always takes the stairs instead of the elevator. What is the SO doing in the sentence?
a. expressing an exception b. showing a choice between two things c. expressing a contrast d. shows a cause and effect
45. Which is a declarative sentence? a. Ouch! b. Stop hurting me! c. That hurts! d. OMG!
46-50. Write a short essay entitled: If I Were A Teacher..

Note: Make sure that your essay has adjectives that will surely describe you as a teacher. (1pt)
You have the proper connectors/conjunctions that will connect your ideas. (3pts)
And, lastly, express your conditions if you were a teacher. (1pt)

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