Learning Styles

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Real communicative activities

-Real communication: there must be information gap

-“Information gap”: one person has information which another does not have, so there is a
need to communicate.

II. Ways of getting students to communicate in class

1. Guessing game

2. Exchanging information

3. Exchanging personal information

*Levels of learners

1. Beginner

-True beginner

-False beginner

2. Elenmentary (sơ cấp)

3. Upper-elementary

4. Lower-intermediate (A2-B1)

5. Intermediate (B1-B2)

6. Upper-intermediate (B2)

7. Advanced level (C1)

8. Proficiency level (C2)

*Learning styles

Visual learner: through watching and looking

Auditory learner: through listening and hearing

Kinaesthetic learner: through activities, moving

Group: through working with others

Individual: through working alone

Impulsive: when respond immediately

Reflective: when given time to consider

Analytic: when given time to analyze

Autonomous: when self deciding what to learn

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