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Syllabus from 1st April to 29th May 2020

‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬


Unit 1 : Nazira Qura’an Majeed

Unit 2 : Our Beliefs

Unit 3 : Myself(Introduction to self)

Unit 4 : My Body

Unit 5 : Keeping Ourselves Clean

Unit 6 : My Family and Friends

Chapter 1
Students’ Learning Outcomes
All the students will be able to:
 Learn alphabets in Arabic Language.
 Learn Punctuations in Arabic Language.
 Recite Qura’ani Qaida with correct punctuation.
Home Task
• Practice Basic Qura’ani Qaida with correct Pronunciation .
Chapter 2
(Only for Muslims)
Students’ Learning Outcomes
All the Students will be able to:
 Recognize that Almighty Allah has created us.
 Recognize that everything in the world is created by Almighty Allah.
 Name the creation of Almighty Allah (human begins , animals , plants, trees,
stars, sun etc.)
 Recite Kalimah Tayyaba with its Urdu and English translation.
 Recite Ta’auz and Tasmiyyah with their Urdu and English translation.

All the Muslims recite Kalimah Tayyabah

Before starting recitation of Holy Quran, we recite:

Before starting anything, we recite:

Solved Exercise
• Question:
• Name five thing that Allah Ta’ala has created.
1. Sky
2. Sun
3. Moon
4. Star
5. Flower
Tick the things found in the sky.
Home Task:
Chapter 3:
Students’ Learning Outcomes
All the students will be able to :
 Describe themselves briefly.
 Identify good qualities in themselves (telling the truth ;respecting elder and
listening to their advice; getting up early int the morning)
 Recognize good qualities in others.
 Identify ways in which they are same and different from others with respect to
physical characters and their likes and dislikes.
 Verbally narrate information about themselves and their likes and dislikes.
Oral Work (Reading)
Words Meaning
My self

Solved Exercise:
Q1. Answer the following questions verbally.
1. Talk about your likes and dislikes?
Ans. I like red colour and dislike pink.
2. What are your good qualities?
Ans. I always speak the truth.
3. What are the good qualities of your friends?
Ans. Helping Others and Kind to everyone.
4. How are you and your friends different?
Ans. The colour of my hair is black and my friend’s hair is brown.

Q 2. Fill in the blanks.

1. My name is Ali.
2. I am in class One.
3. I like to eat Fruits.
4. I like to play Football.
5. I want to be a Doctor.
Fill in the balloons with different colors you like.

Match the column:

Home Task

 Write Good qualities of your Parents?

 We are all different from each other ? Give any two examples.
Chapter 4:
Students’ Learning Outcomes
All the students will be able to:
 Name major parts of the human body.
 Identify the functions of various body parts.
 Name five senses.
 Identify the sensory descriptions of each of the five senses.
Part of Human Body:
Functions of human body parts:

Five Senses

Solved Exercise:
Fill in the blanks with correct name of body parts:
Home Task
Name some hard , Soft , Smooth , Rough , Cold , Hot , Warm things.
Chapter 5:
Students’ Learning Outcomes
All the students will be able to:
 Recognize the importance of keeping themselves their cloths and
surroundings clean for the health.
 Identify the causes of illness.
 Identify the unhealthy habits that cause illness ( Cough and diarrhea etc.)
 Recognize the fact that germs can cause disese and list ways to avoid germs.
Four ways of keeping ourselves clean:
Cleanliness and Health Why Cleanliness?
The ways germs are transferred?

List ways to avoid germs?
1. Wash hands with soap.
2. Wear clean cloths.
3. Shower regularly.
4. Brush teeth twist aday.
Match the pictures with words.
Home Task

Discuss the picture what happens in the picture?

Chapter 6:

Solved Exercise
Home Task
 List their friends at home and school as well.
 Write the special qualities of their parents and grand parents.

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