Tugasbing - Fadhilah Apriliyani Rahim

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NAMA : Fadhilah Apriliyani Rahim

NIM : 1131420028
MATA KULIAH : Bahasa Inggris

Lesson 1 | ESTUARIES (I)

Kompetensi Umum
Mahasiswa mampu memahami beberapa pengetahuan dasar tentang Perikanan dan Kelautan
melalui kutipan berbahasa Inggris sekaligus menambah kemampuan mahasiswa memahami
Bahasa Inggris tertulis.

Kompetensi Dasar

- Mahasiswa mampu memahami ekosistem estuary dari teks berbahasa Inggris.

- Mahasiswa mampu memahami beberapa istilah ilmiah mengenai estuary.
- Mahasiswa mampu memahami kutipan tentang estuary dalam bahasa Inggris.
1.1. Preparations

1.1.1. Abstract
The passage explains what an estuary is and how it occurs. It lists several definitions of an
estuary and its effect upon sedimentation etc.

1.1.2. Preliminary Tasks

Before you come to the passage let us check the following points.
In the fourth sentence of the passage, it reads:
“The estuary is an ecotone –a rather complex ‘buffer zone’, sharing some
characteristics of both types of aquatic ecosystems, but identical to neither”.
Find out:
a. The characteristics of fresh water
b. The characteristics of sea water
c. What a buffer zone is.

 Answer :

a. The characteristics of freshwater ecosystems:

- Low salinity, even lower than protoplasm.

- Low temperature variation.

- Less sunlight penetration.

- The existence of water flow as in a river ecosystem.

- by climate and weather.

b. The characteristics of sea water

- It has high salinity, the closer to the equator the higher.

- NaCl dominates marine ecosystem minerals up to 75%.

- Climate and weather have little effect on marine ecosystems.

- Has variations in temperature differences at the surface and at depth.

c. What a buffer zone is.

- A buffer zone is generally an area that stretches between two or more regions (usually a

country, but not necessarily), but depending on the type of buffer zone, the area is made

into a separate area or a common area. Common types of buffer zones are demilitarized

zones, boundary zones and certain delimitation zones and Green Belts. Such zones

include a sovereign state, which forms a buffer state, but not always.

1.2. Estuaries (I)

Most fresh water remains in lakes and streams only temporarily. Standing
waters and streams, for the most part, flow eventually into major rivers, which
in turn flow down to the sea. At and near the region where the fresh water from
the land meets the salt water of the sea, a distinctive aquatic environment
occurs, the estuary.
The estuary is an ecotone, a rather complex ‘buffer zone’ sharing some
characteristics of both types of aquatic ecosystems, but identical to neither.
Standard definition identifies an estuary as a basin in which river water mixes
with and dilutes sea water; an estuary might also be defined as the wide mouth
of a river, or an arm of the sea, where tides ebb and flow as they meet the river
These definitions, incomplete as they are, make it clear that a number of
factors and processes that do not occur in fresh water will be very important in
the ecology of estuaries, and that in estuaries we will find communities with
highly variable environmental conditions. (Source: Nikijuluwet.al. 1985). (To
be continued….).

1.3.Check your understanding

1.3.1. Study the text carefully. Which of the following statements are true, which are
false? Check (√) your answer in the column on the right.
True False

1.a Most fresh water doesn’t remain in lakes and streams 
2. A characteristic aquatic environment is found at and near 
the places where fresh and sea water meet.
3. The estuary shares characteristics of both types of aquatic 
h ecosystems.
4.e Estuary is a basin in which river water mixes with and 
s dilutes sea water.
5.e An estuary can also be a wide mouth of a river or an arm of 
the sea where tides flow in and out as they meet the river
6.s Although the definitions are incomplete it is still clear that a 
e number of factors and processes that do not occur in fresh
waters will be very important in the ecology of estuary

1.3.2. Read these sentences slowly and understand the meaning.

1. Standing water and streams for the most part, flow eventually into major rivers,
which in turn flow down to the sea.
2. The estuary is an ecotone, a rather complex “buffer zone”, sharing some
characteristics of both types of aquatic ecosystems, but identical to neither.
3. A standard definition identifies an estuary as a basin in which river water mixes
and dilutes sea water.

1.4.1. Select the answer that is closest in meaning to the word(s) underlined below, as
they are used in the passage.
1. temporarily
a. eventually
b. actually
c. impermanent
d. characteristically

 Answer : C. impermanent

2. distinctive
a. characteristic
b. temporary
c. eventual
d. considerable
Answer : A. characteristic
3. to occur
a. identify
b. occupy
c. define
d. take place
Answer : D. take place

1.4.2. Match these terms, as they are used in the passage with their definition. Write the
appropriate letter in the box.
a. an estuary [ d ] a hollow or enclosed place containing water
b. sedimentation [ a ] an arm of the sea at the mouth of a river
c. sharing [ e ] the regular rising and falling of the ocean
d. a basin [ c ] having in common
e. tide [ b ] the forming or settling of solid material to the
bottom of a liquid

Find a good map of Indonesia and good reference to make a list of the estuaries in

1.6.Written Assignment
Find the meaning of these words and try to use it in scientific sentences:
aquatic, characteristic, estuary, ecosystem, dilute.

 Answer :
- Aquatic
part of the earth's surface or land that is permanently or periodically covered by water masses
and is formed naturally and/or artificially, whether fresh, brackish, or sea water of a general

- Characteristic

psychological, moral or character traits that distinguish a person from others, character,


- Estuary

semi-enclosed estuary waters that are in free contact with the sea, so that seawater with high

salinity can mix with fresh water from the river.

- Ecosystem

The ecosystem itself is a community unit and its environment that interact with each other and

form reciprocal relationships.

- Dilute

mixed with water, not thick, or very lacking in starch.

arm n cabang, lengan
aquatic adj yang berhubungandengan air, akuatik
basin n baskom, lembah
characteristics n difat-sifat yang khas
currents n arus, aliran
definition n definisi, ketentuan
dilute(s) v mencairkan, menipiskan, melemahkan
distinctive adj khusus, tersendiri
effect n pengaruh
flow n aliran, arus
identifies (identify) v mengenal, memperkenalkan
major adj utama
mix(es) v mencampur
occur v terjadi
region n daerah, wilayah
remains v tinggaltetap
sedimentation n pengendapan
standing adj tenang, tidakmengalir
Lesson 2 |ESTUARIES (II)

Mahasiswa mampu memahami beberapa pengetahuan dasar tentang Perikanan dan Kelautan
melalui kutipan berbahasa Inggris sekaligus menambah kemampuan mahasiswa memahami
Bahasa Inggris tertulis.


- Mahasiswamampumemahamiekosistem estuary
- Mahasiswamampumemahamibeberapaistilahilmiahmengenai estuary
- Mahasiswamampumemahamikutipantentang estuary dalambahasaInggris.

2.1. Preparations
2.1.1. Abstract

The passage explains what an estuary is and how it occurs. It lists several definitions of an
estuary and its effect upon sedimentation etc.

2.1.2. Preliminary Tasks

Before you come to the passage let us check the following points.
In the fourth sentence of the passage, it reads:
“The estuary is an ecotone –a rather complex ‘buffer zone’, sharing some characteristics of both
types of aquatic ecosystems, but identical to neither”.
Find out:
a. The characteristics of fresh water
b. The characteristics of sea water
c. What a buffer zone is.

 Answer :

a. The characteristics of freshwater ecosystems:

- Low salinity, even lower than protoplasm.

- Low temperature variation.

- Less sunlight penetration.

- The existence of water flow as in a river ecosystem.

- by climate and weather.

b. The characteristics of sea water

- It has high salinity, the closer to the equator the higher.

- NaCl dominates marine ecosystem minerals up to 75%.

- Climate and weather have little effect on marine ecosystems.

- Has variations in temperature differences at the surface and at depth.

c. What a buffer zone is.

- A buffer zone is generally an area that stretches between two or more regions (usually a

country, but not necessarily), but depending on the type of buffer zone, the area is made

into a separate area or a common area. Common types of buffer zones are demilitarized

zones, boundary zones and certain delimitation zones and Green Belts. Such zones

include a sovereign state, which forms a buffer state, but not always.

2.2.Estuaries (II)

In the first place, two opposing current systems, the unidirectional stream current
and oscillating tidal currents meet and exert considerable and complicated effect upon
sedimentation, water mixing, and other physical features of the estuary.
These also greatly influence the biota. Secondly, the mixing of salt and fresh water
produces a chemical environment unlike that of the typical sea or river. Thirdly, the
diurnal shifting of the more saline waters with tides may necessitate physiological
adjustment of the inhabitants of the community.
Estuaries are quite varied, not so much in their origins (as are lakes and streams),
but rather in form and extent. Such variation is usually attributable to local
modifications subsequent to original formation. Similarly, the amount and distribution
of salt water in estuaries are functions of stream inflow, tide and the topography of the
The attributes is also vary. The biota, usually a unique assemblage of organism, is
related to the various physical and chemical features of the estuary. (Source:
Nikijuluwet.al. 1985).
2.3.Check your understanding
2.3.1. Study the text carefully. Which of the following statements are true, which are false?
Check (√) your answer in the column on the right.
True False
1. The meeting of two opposing current systems affects the 
sedimentation, water mixing and other physical features
of the estuary.
2. The two opposing systems mentioned in the passage are 
stream and tidal currents.
3. Estuaries do not vary much in their origin. 
4. The amount and distribution of salt water in the estuaries 
are the results of the topography of the area.

2.3.2. Read these sentences slowly and understand the meaning.

1. The mixing of salt and fresh water produces a chemical environmental unlike that
of the typical sea water.
2. Estuaries are quite varied not so much in their origins, but either in form and

2.4.1. Select the answer that is closest in meaning to the word(s) underlined below, as they
are used in the passage.
1. identical
a. different from
b. the same as
c. equal to
d. unlike

 Answer : C. equal to

2. standard
a. typically stated
b. generally accepted
c. regularly ignored
d. currently rejected

 Answer : B. generally accepted

2.4.2. Match these terms, as they are used in the passage with their definition. Write the
appropriate letter in the box.
a. a community [ e ] following after
b. biota [ d ] to give special prominent to
c. to exert [ c ] to bring or put into action
d. to feature [ a ] a natural population of plants and animals
occupying a common area
e. subsequent [ b ] animal or plant life of a particular region
considered as a total ecological entity

Try to find out what kind of fish can be found in the waters.

2.6.Written Assignment
Find the meaning of these words and try to use it in scientific sentences:
process, ecology, biota, topography, chemical

 Answer :
- Process

a sequence of interrelated executions or events that together convert inputs into outputs.

- Ecology

branch of science that studies the interaction of living things or groups of living things with their

- Biota

animal or plant life of a particular region considered as a total ecological entity

- Topography

the study of the shape of the surface of the earth and other celestial bodies, such as planets,
satellites (natural, such as the moon), and asteroids.

- Chemical

Chemistry studies the properties of matter, and in particular the study of reactions that transform

one substance into another.

adjustment n penyesuaiandiri, pencocokan
assemblage n kumpulan
attributes n sifat-sifat
aquatic adj yang berhubungandengan air, akuatik
biota n hewanatautumbuhanpada habitat ataudaerahtertentu
community n masyarakat, himpunan
considerable adj amat, sedapatmungkin, sangat
diurnal adj terjadisetiaphari
exert v menggunakan, mendesak
extent n luas, tingkat
features n roman, keistimewaan, ciri-ciri
influence n pengaruh
opposing adj bertentangan
oscillating adj bergerakbolakbalik
oxygen n oksigen, zatasam
sediments n endapan
sedimentation n pengendapan
shifting n pergesaran

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