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BOTH: Good afternoon, sir Rodriguez! Greetings to our classmates!

Dhale: I’m Dhaleniel Lanacos,

Adrian: And I’m Adrian Velarde.

BOTH: We are your reporters today from Group 3!

Dhale: Without any further do, let us present to you our groupmates’ work.

Blood pressure is the force that a person’s blood exerts against walls of their blood vessels and how hard the
heart must work. Certain conditions, medications, and health factors can increase this pressure such as
Hypertension is a primary risk factor for cardiovascular disease. People who are old, diagnosed with
diabetes, are obese, have a high intake of alcohol and salt, and is prone to stress are the ones at high risk of
getting this disease.
The signs and symptoms of this disease are the following:

Severe headaches, chest pain, dizziness, difficulty breathing, blurred vision, anxiety, nosebleeds, and
abnormal heart rhythm.

For treatments, it is advised to see a doctor to check you up, so they can give you the medicines you need.
Other treatments are adjusting your lifestyle. It is the first-line treatment for this disease. Eating a healthy,
low-salt diet, exercising, and losing weight.
The prevention for this disease is, again, having a healthy lifestyle such as being on a healthy diet, avoiding
fat-rich foods, having enough sleep, learning stress and anger management and quitting the intake of alcohol
and tobacco.

For the next page, we’ll be talking about Pneumonia.
Pneumonia is a respiratory disease that affects the air sacs or alveoli in one or both lungs. This disease can
be caused by various infectious agents, but it is commonly caused by Streptococcus Pneumoniae and
Haemophilus Influenzae. People who are infected by this disease may experience coughing, fever, breathing
difficulties, chest pain and extreme fatigue.
The treatments for this depend on the type and severity of pneumonia. It is better to consult a doctor so that
they can provide you with the right prescriptions. They may give you lots of antibiotics but for severe cases,
you may get an oxygen therapy to increase the oxygen in your blood, and they may also put you into a
ventilator. To prevent this disease, always maintain proper hygiene, cover your mouth and nose when
coughing or sneezing, quit smoking and have a healthy diet.

Adrian: This will be the end of our presentation. Again, I’m Adrian Ilarde.

Dhale: And I’m Dhaleniel Lanac.

BOTH: Thank you for listening, see you next time!

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