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Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other three.
1. A. photograph B. chronicle C. provoke D. toast
2. A. diameter B. outsider C. visible D. via
3. A. please B. pleasure C. lead-free D. threat
4. A. performed B. interviewed C. delivered D. finished
Pick out the word whose main stress is placed differently from the other three.
5. A. attempt B. maintenance C. conceal D. effectiveness
6. A. maintain B. contain C. complain D. mountain
7. A. visiting B. meaningful C. enthusiasm D. generous
8. A. considerably B. enjoyably C. significantly D. economically
Choose the best answer.
9. It’s only a small flat, but it ………. my needs perfectly.
A. fills B. settles C. supplies D. meets
10. I read a book about Picasso, ………..Spanish painter.
A. is a B. a C. that is a D. who is
11. She showed us the gift she had got, which was a ……….. pencil box.
A. beautiful red wooden B. red beautiful wooden
C. wooden red beautiful D. beautiful wooden red
12. Recently, the company has received a ………… of complaints from the customers about poor products.
A. pack B. barrage C. pool D. bank
13. I have always liked your positive attitude; it has ………. affected our working relationship.
A. adversely B. shamelessly C. extremely D. favorably
14. It never ………. Julie’s mind that she would one day be a star.
A. came B. crossed C. covered D. sunk into
15. ………. have you been such a computer expert?
A. Since when B. When C. What for D. What if
16. She didn’t answer ……… the simple reason that she couldn’t think what ……….. .
A. because / to say B. because of / to say C. for / to say D. with / saying
17. “Is it all right if I play the guitar in here while you’re studying?” “……………”
A. Well, I’d rather not B. Well, if only you didn’t
C. Oh, I wish you wouldn’t D. Well, actually I’d prefer it if you didn’t
18. ……… the whole story, I was at a loss to know what to say.
A. Having not heard B. Not having heard C. Being heard D. Not had I heard
19. The man ………. about his children’s success at school.
A. always boast B. is always boasting C. has always boasted D. has always been boasting
20. I can’t believe I ………… such a ridiculous hard luck story.
A. came across B. came up with C. was taken aback D. fell for
21. ……… there should be more control over handguns has long been a topic of debate in the United States.
A. What B. If C. Whether D. Considering
22. They claim the trade ……….. serious environmental damage.
A. causing B. makes C. takes D. does
23. I often go for a walk in the morning to work ……… an appetite for breakfast.
A. up B. out C. at D. on
24. I didn’t really want him to do that course – I’d rather ……… something more practical.
A. he did B. he had done C. he have done D. he would do
25. His blatant disregard ……… the rules earned him a two-week suspension.
A. of B. with C. to D. from
26. Linda must ………. grey matter if she can’t understand this.
A. lack of B. be lacking C. be a lack of D. be lacking in
27. “Is everybody happy with the decision?” “………..”
A. No. Have you B. Yes, it certainly is C. Not really D. That sounds like fun
28. I haven’t read any medical books or articles on the subject for a long time, so I’m …….. with the recent developments.
A. out of touch B. out of condition C. out of reach D. out of the question
29. To give an effective speech, ………. is the delivery that is most important.
A. it B. which C. and D. there
30. Stanley is so often haughty that he has ……….. friends.
A. little B. a few C. only few D. very few
31. I know you think it was me who told him your secret but ………., it wasn’t.
A. frankly B. honestly C. to be frank D. honest
32. The tourists asked me how ………. to the Citadel.
A. did they get B. would they get C. could they get D. they could get
33. The environmental damage caused by oil spill will most ………. for several years.
A. likely last B. be likely C. last likely D. be likely last
34. It is essential that every student ……… speak English.
A. is able to B. can C. be able to D. are able to
35. Coffee is ……….. popular drink in the world.
A. the two most B. the more C. the second most D. one of the most
36. There used to be a market here, …………?
A. didn’t there B. wasn’t there C. didn’t it D. wasn’t it
37. The accused denied ………. in the vicinity of the murder scene.
A. to have ever been B. ever having been C. having ever been D. have ever been
38. Most teenagers go through a rebellious ………. for a few years, but they soon grow out of it.
A. span B. stint C. phase D. duration
39. Susan is so sick today that it is highly ……… that she will be absent from school tomorrow.
A. essential B. likely C. disastrous D. impossible
40. I think English is ……….. any other language in the world.
A. the most popular B. more popular than C. more popular D. the more popular than
41. My brother confessed to me that he used to cheat …….. cards when we were younger.
A. in B. on C. with D. at
42. The hard reality of the business world was ……… to him.
A. really surprise B. a quite surprise C. really surprised D. quite a surprise
43. Many professionals are complaining that their ……….. is making them ill.
A. workload B. workforce C. workhorse D. workout
44. The salary they offered me exceeded my wildest ………… .
A. expecting B. expect C. expectations D. expectant
45. Because she’s so voluble, she has no trouble meeting new people or talking ………. a crowd.
A. in aid of B. in favor of C. in front of D. on behalf of
46. ……… I could get a job! Then life here would be perfect!
A. If only B. Even if C. Provided that D. Assuming that
47. I know without a ………. of doubt that he would lose.
A. little B. shadow C. shade D. lot
48. It will do you ……… to have a big breakfast.
A. harm B. good C. goodness D. something
49. ………. my knowledge the new project will be starting in June.
A. For B. To the best of C. According to D. As far as
50. Don’t buy things ……….. .
A. on purpose B. on impulse C. without intention D. deliberately
Indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to the original one in the following questions.
51. I’m sure she discussed this with Peter first.
A. She must have a word with Peter about this first. B. She had discussed with Peter about this first.
C. Peter was the first one to discuss this with her. D. She must have had a word with Peter about this first.
52. I don’t think they have forgotten about the meeting.
A. It’s impossible that they forget about the meeting. B. I’m sure they have forgotten about the meeting.
C. They can’t have forgotten about the meeting. D. They mightn’t have forgotten about the meeting.
53. If only I hadn’t believed his lies!
A. I wish I hadn’t been taken in by his lies! B. I would rather not believe his lies.
C. Why didn’t I believe his lies? D. I wish I didn’t believe what he said.
54. He’s never afraid to say what he thinks.
A. He’s never afraid to speak his mind. B. He’s never afraid to speak about what he wants.
C. He’s never afraid and says what is in his mind. D. He’s never afraid to talk about his way of thinking.
Indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.
55. The substance is very toxic. Protective clothing must be worn at all times.
A. The substance is such toxic that protective clothing must be worn at all times.
B. So toxic is the substance that protective clothing must be worn at all times.
C. Since the substance is very toxic, so protective clothing must be worn at all times.
D. The substance is too toxic to wear protective clothing at all times.
56. An eagle soared effortlessly, high in the sky. It was enjoying the sunshine.
A. An eagle soared effortlessly, high in the sky if only it was enjoying the sunshine.
B. High in the sky, an eagle soared effortlessly, enjoyed the sunshine.
C. High in the sky, an eagle soared effortlessly, enjoying the sunshine.
D. High in the sky, an eagle was enjoying the sunshine though it soared effortlessly.
57. I was excited about the job interview. I woke up many times in the night.
A. Even though I was excited about the job interview, I woke up many times in the night.
B. Because of excited about the job interview, I woke up many times in the night.
C. Exciting about the job interview, I woke up many times in the night.
D. Excited about the job interview, I woke up many times in the night.
58. I just don’t trust her. I can’t point out exactly why.
A. I can’t say exactly why so that I don’t trust her.
B. I just don’t trust her because I can’t point out exactly why.
C. I just don’t trust her until I know exactly why.
D. I can’t put my finger on exactly why, but I just don’t trust her somehow.
Read the following passage and indicate the word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
The earliest known drawings, which survive in the depths of caves in Western Europe, date back about 30,000 years. The
fact that some people (59) …. considerable distances along underground passages in (60) …. darkness to create them is evident
enough that the production of such pictures was an (61) …. of great importance to these artists. But what was their (62) …. ?
Perhaps drawing was an essential part of the ceremonials enacted to bring success in hunting. Perhaps the paintings were
intended not to (63) …. the death the creatures portrayed but, on the contrary, to ensure their continued fertility so that people
would have a good supply of meat. We cannot tell. One thing, however, is certain. These drawings are amazingly assured,
wonderfully accurate and often (64) …. beautiful.
This practice of painting (65) ….. of animals on walls has continued throughout our history. Five thousand years ago, when
people in Egypt began to build the world’s first cities, they too inscribed animals on their walls. There is no (66) …. about the
function of at least one of these: the Egyptians (67) …. animals as gods. But they also (68) …. in the natural beauty of the
animals, adorning the walls of their underground tombs with their pictures, so those in the next world would be reminded of the
beauties and delights of this one.
59. A. approached B. crawled C. dawdled D. proceeded
60. A. whole B. entire C. full D. complete
61. A. act B. exploit C. operation D. execution
62. A. profit B. principle C. purpose D. procedure
63. A. take over B. bring about C. put across D. make out
64. A. absolutely B. completely C. breathtakingly D. considerably
65. A. copies B. appearances C. reflections D. images
66. A. difficulty B. reason C. problem D. doubt
67. A. celebrated B. praised C. worshipped D. adored
68. A. delighted B. loved C. enjoyed D. appreciated
Indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following sentences.
69. The primary task of the kidney is to maintain the volume and composition of bodily fluids.
A. preserve B. distribute C. assimilate D. condense
70. He inherited a lucrative business from his father.
A. lucid B. wealthy C. losing D. profitable
Indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following sentences.
71. The idea of a holiday abroad is certainly appealing.
A. exciting B. unattractive C. popular D. advantageous
72. The deer that inhabit the park are flourishing because they have no natural predators.
A. developing healthy B. growing adequately C. doing poorly D. doing very well
Indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.
73. Aristotle believed that everything the universe were composed of four basic elements: earth, water, air, and fire.
A. believed B. were C. basic elements D. fire
74. No wonder he was sacked! He seems to be fiddling the accounts for years.
A. No wonder B. sacked C. be fiddling D. accounts
75. At the building site the carpenters with the most experience were given the most intricate works.
A. building site B. most experience C. intricate D. works
Read the following passage and choose the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Few people can embody the spirit of early America as much as Benjamin Franklin. He lived through almost the whole of the
18th century, being born six years after it began, and dying ten years before it ended. In this time, he saw the American colonies
grow from tiny settlements into a nation, and he also contributed much to the development of the new state.
At the age of 17, Franklin ran away to Philadelphia. He had already received some training as a printer’s apprentice, and this
helped him seven years later, with his first publication, the Pennsylvania Gazette. He also received a contract to do government
printing work, which helped him to rise from his poor background to become a successful entrepreneur. Some of his experience
in business was shared in his famous Poor Richard’s Almanac, which established his reputation throughout the American
colonies. In another of his works, the Autobiography, which was written toward the end of his life, he shows the same quiet
common sense.
He was deeply interested in science and natural history, and his experiments with electricity and lightning led directly to the
invention of the lightning rod. He was also interested in improving the conditions of his fellow men. He was involved in a
number of projects in his native Philadelphia, including the setting up of a library, a university, a philosophical society, and –
because he was a pragmatic man – a fire prevention service. In 1753, he became Postmaster – General of the colonies. Through
his experience he began to develop the idea that the colonies of North America should be a single nation. Later, he went to
London to try to persuade the British government to change the conditions, especially the taxes, that latter led the American
colonists into rebellion.
Whatever Benjamin Franklin’s personal feeling about the rebellion of the American states, he worked hard to make it
succeed. As ambassador to France, he encouraged the French to help George Washington. After the war he attended the
American constitutional congress. This was his last contribution, for he died later that year. He is still fondly remembered by
Americans as one of the creators of the United States.
76. What is a good description of this text?
A. An autobiography of Benjamin Franklin B. The life of Benjamin Franklin
C. The works of Benjamin Franklin D. Franklin and American Independence
77. When was Benjamin Franklin born?
A. In 1806 B. In 1794 C. In 1717 D. In 1706
78. Which of these did he not help create?
A. The lightning rod B. The United States
C. A university D. The Postmaster General of the colonies
79. How did Benjamin Franklin feel about the British Government?
A. It should change its policies. B. It should help the French.
C. It should never have governed America. D. It should make the colonies into a nation.
80. In which countries did Benjamin Franklin live?
A. England and France B. Philadelphia and England
C. London and America D. England, America and France

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