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Molecular Biology Reports


Genetic association of insulin receptor substrate‑1 (IRS‑1, rs1801278)

gene with insulin resistant of type 2 diabetes mellitus in a Pakistani
Abdullah Abdo Albegali1 · Muhammad Shahzad1 · Saqib Mahmood2 · Muhammad Ikram Ullah3

Received: 5 May 2019 / Accepted: 20 August 2019

© Springer Nature B.V. 2019

Insulin resistance (IR), a pathological condition of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is characterized by an inability of body’s
tissue to respond the secreted or administered insulin, a necessary step for cellular glucose transportation. The prevalence
of insulin resistance progresses with age, especially in overweight people with central obesity. Insulin receptor substrates
(IRS) are important molecular proteins in the insulin signalling pathway, where IRS-1 plays a key function in cells insulin
sensitivity. The common mutation (rs1801278; r.2963G > A: Gly972Arg) of the IRS-1 gene occurs when residue glycine
changes to arginine at codon 972. The objective of this study was to detect the genetic association of rs1801278 polymorphism
of the IRS-1 gene with insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes from the Lahore region of Pakistan. A total of 322 subjects (161
cases and 161 healthy individuals) were included. DNA was isolated for detection of the genotype distribution and allele
frequencies by PCR–RFLP. The results showed a significant difference in the genotype distribution and allele frequency
between the T2DM cases and controls for single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs1801278 (OR 17.61, 95% CI 8.06–38.4,
p < 0.001). In conclusion, association between rs1801278 polymorphism of the IRS-1 gene and insulin resistance in T2DM
has been established in a Pakistani population.

Keywords Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) · Insulin resistance · Insulin resistance substrate-1 (IRS-1) gene ·
Polymorphism · Pakistani population

Introduction Insulin resistance (IR) along with hypertension and dys-

lipidemia are regarded as the main clustering risk factors of
Insulin is a well known anabolic hormone and is vital for the metabolic syndrome that are strongly related to the progress
appropriate tissue development, growth, and maintenance of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and other illnesses of
of whole-body glucose homeostasis. Insulin’s binding to cardiovascular diseases [14, 24, 27].
its receptor is translated by activation of various docking The IRS protein is mostly found in cytoplasm, but its
proteins like insulin receptor substrates (IRS) which play an nuclear existence may occur in some cell types and under
important role in further signalling pathway [19]. Modifica- specific stimulating factors. IRS is an intracellular signal-
tion of such molecular proteins may result in impairment ling adaptor protein which coordinates and integrates several
of insulin and subsequent reduction in insulin sensitivity. biologically key extracellular signalling cascades within the
cell. The IRS-1 was first recognized as a signalling interme-
diate of insulin receptor [8].
* Muhammad Shahzad The IRS-1 gene is located at chromosome 2q36 and
it encodes a member of the IRS protein substrate family.
Department of Pharmacology, University of Health Sciences, IRS-1 is an endogenous substrate of the insulin receptor,
Khayaban‑e‑Jamia Punjab Street, Lahore 54600, Pakistan plays a crucial role in the insulin signalling pathway, and
Department of Human Genetics and Molecular Biology, is expressed in insulin-sensitive tissues. Several mecha-
University of Health Sciences, Lahore 54600, Pakistan nisms have currently revealed as a potential explanation for
Department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences, Jouf University, IR states. One of which include variations in IRS-1 either
Sakaka 2014, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia because of genetic mutations or serine phosphorylation of

Molecular Biology Reports

IRS protein that would minimize their ability to attract PI according to standard protocols and calibrated methods.
3-kinase, and hence reducing its activation [26]. Insulin resistance (IR) was confirmed using the homeostasis
Previously, some studies described the genetic analysis model assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) equa-
of the IRS-1 gene and have revealed that nucleotide varia- tion ([FPG (mmol/L) × FIRI (mU/mL)]/405) according to
tions like rs1801278 (r.2963G > A: Gly972Arg) considerably the previous guidelines [17]. The cut off value for HOMA-
impaired the function of IRS-1 due to IR, lipid abnormali- IR was considered ≥ 1.6 according to International Diabetes
ties [13, 27], polycystic ovarian syndrome [11] and T2DM Federation [10].
pathologies [4, 16], Zaman [21, 28]. The association of this
common variation Gly972Arg with a significant risk of Genetic studies of IRS‑1 polymorphism
T2DM has also been described in different ethnic groups like
European, Caucasian and Saudi population [1, 13]. Though, Total genomic DNA extraction was performed on the whole
another meta-analysis study has been conducted on a large blood by standard phenol–chloroform method. Single
scale but did not associate the Gly972Arg polymorphism to nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) was carried out by PCR
the risk of T2DM [18]. amplification and restriction fragment length polymorphism
In the present study, we determined the association of (RFLP) of PCR products was performed by a site specific
a genetic variant (Gly972Arg) of IRS-1 gene with insulin restriction enzyme. Amplification of unique oligonucleo-
resistant T2DM in a Pakistani population for the first time tide sequence of primers F-5′-CTT​TCC​ACA​GCT​CAC​CTT​
according to the published data. C-3′ and R-5′-GTT​AGG​CCT​GCA​AAT​GTC​TA-3′ of IRS-
1 gene was done, and genotyping was done as previously
described [22]. Concisely, after amplification, the digestion
Materials and methods of PCR products was performed with 2 μl of SmaI restriction
enzyme (BioLabs, New England, USA) and then digested
Ethical approval for this research was obtained from the products were resolved on 2.0% agarose gel visualized by
Advance Studies and Research Board (AS&RB), Univer- UV illumination after ethidium bromide staining for sized
sity of Health Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan for the inclusion fragments. The size of the bands indicated the interpretation
of human subjects according to the Helsinki guidelines of the fragments for genotype and allele frequency.
(2008). Written informed consent was taken from all the
participants. Statistical analysis

Subjects The data analysis was performed by SPSS 21.0 for the quan-
titative variables by applying Student’s t test for continuous
A total of 322 participants were recruited in this investi- values and by the Chi square (χ2) test for nominal variables.
gation and grouped equally into cases (161) and controls The genotype distributions of the control group, which were
(161). The healthy subjects were enrolled from the Lahore anticipated to be with Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, were
region of Pakistan and the cases were recruited from differ- established using a goodness-of-fit Chi square test. The dif-
ent teaching hospitals of Lahore. The cases were diagnosed ferences in variables and genotype frequency distributions
with T2DM and were not responding to insulin or other oral between the patients and controls were tested using a two-
hypoglycemic agents, but their glucose levels improved with sided Chi square test. The association between the IRS-1
insulin-sensitising agents like metformin were included. The rs1801278 (Gly972Arg) polymorphism and IR in T2DM
blood samples were collected from each participant for bio- was designated by calculating odds ratios and 95% CIs
chemical and molecular studies. through a univariate logistic regression analysis. Statistical
significance was considered if p ≤ 0.05.
Biochemical evaluation for insulin resistance

Anthropometric measurements including, height, weight, Results

and waist were taken using standard techniques. The body
mass index (BMI) of each subject was calculated as the Demographic and biochemical features
weight (Kg) divided by the square of height (in m) at the
time of blood collection. Biochemical analysis was carried The demographic parameters of all participants are shown in
out for fasting plasma glucose (FPG) [Randox, Cat. No: Table 1. The participant’s range of age was 45 to 65 years.
GL1021], lipid profiles (Randox, HDL-Choles, Cat. No: The IR group comprised of 82 (50.9%) male patients and 79
CH3811; Tot. Cholest, Cat No. CH200; TG, TR212) and (49.1%) female patients. There was observed no significant
HbA1c (Randox, Cat No. HA3830) levels were performed difference in gender (p = 1.00) between cases and controls.

Molecular Biology Reports

Table 1  Demographic and clinical characteristics in study groups

Parameter Controls n (%) Cases n (%) χ2 (df) p-value

≤ 50 years 70 (43.5) 111 (68.9) 21.209 (1) < 0.001*
> 50 years 91 (56.5) 50 (31.1)
Body mass index
Under weight 06 (3.7) 00 (0.0) 123.953 (3) < 0.001*
Normal 153 (95.0) 69 (42.9) Fig. 1  PCR product size for IRS-1 (rs1801278; Gly972Arg) polymor-
weight phism. DNA ladder 100 bp, amplified products sizes of 221 bp
Overweight 02 (1.2) 91 (56.5)
Obese 00 (0.0) 01 (0.3)
Association between the IRS‑1 rs1801278
polymorphism and insulin resistance
Males 82 (50.9) 82 (50.9) 0.000 (1) 1.00
Females 79 (49.1) 79 (49.1)
The genotype frequency distribution of the IRS-1
*Significant p-value < 0.05 (Gly972Arg) polymorphism was 46.0% (GG), 7.5% (GA),
and 46.6% (AA) in cases and was 86.3% (GG), 8.7% (GA),
and 5.0% (AA) in controls as presented in Table 3. After
The frequency of BMI in cases revealed 91 (56.5%) patients adjustment for Age, Gender, BMI, HOMA-IR, and lipid
overweight, and 01 (0.3%) patients were obese. The clinical profile parameters, the association between the IRS-1
parameters including waist circumference, HOMA-R, lipid (Gly972Arg) polymorphism and IR in T2DM patients
profile were found to be significantly different in cases as was analyzed. In a co-dominant model, the homozygous
compared to controls (p < 0.001) which describe the meta- AA genotype of IRS-1 Gly972Arg polymorphism was
bolic abnormalities among IR in T2DM patients (Table 2). contributed to 46.6% occurrence of IR (OR 17.61, 95%
CI 8.06–38.4, p < 0.001). In dominant model, the hete-
Genotype distribution of IRS‑1 alleles rozygous GA/AA genotypes of Gly972Arg polymorphism
contributed to 54.0% occurrence of insulin resistance (OR
The amplification products of IRS-1 rs1801278 (Gly972Arg) 7.43, 95% CI 4.30–12.83, p < 0.001) and after adjustment
polymorphism was found to be a band size of 221 bp as (OR 10.64, 95% CI 3.11–36.45, p < 0.001). Concerning
shown in Fig. 1. The RFLP products showed single (221 bp), allele frequency, the A allele was more frequent 87/161
double (190 bp, 31 bp) and triple (221, 190, and 31 bp) (54.1%) in T2DM cases as compared to the controls
bands for GG (wild), GA (heterozygous) and AA (homozy- 22/161 (13.7%) showed significant difference (p < 0.001).
gous) genotypes respectively as shown in Fig. 2.

Table 2  Comparison Parameter Controls Cases t/U* p-value

(Mean ± SD) of biochemical
parameters in patients (T2D) Waist circumference (cm) 77.43 ± 8.7 104.22 ± 8.7 27.479 < 0.001**
and controls
FPG (mg/dL) 73.53 ± 9.1 180.13 ± 16.3 72.453 < 0.001**
HbA1c (mmol/mol) 45 ± 3.8 55 ± 6.6 95.66 < 0.001**
FPI (uU/mL) 6.29 ± 1.1 37.38 ± 3.8 60.610 < 0.001**
HOMA-IR 1.16 ± 0.3 32.00 ± 19.9 63.166 < 0.001**
TC (mg/dL) 171.30 ± 8.7 230.84 ± 60.5 4304.00 < 0.001**
TG (mg/dL) 122.09 ± 12.1 203.12 ± 50.0 825.00 < 0.001**
HDL (mg/dL) 63.32 ± 5.1 38.70 ± 3.3 105.50 < 0.001**
LDL (mg/dL) 210.21 ± 10.9 151.51 ± 61.2 5017.50 < 0.001**
VLDL (mg/dL) 24.41 ± 2.4 40.63 ± 9.6 820.50 < 0.001**

*t-test used for normal distributed data while Mann–Whitney; U test is used for not-normally distributed
data, FPG fasting plasma glucose, FPI fasting plasma insulin
**p-value < 0.05 is significant

Molecular Biology Reports

risk of IR development in T2DM patients. In accordance

of published data, it is the first investigation to search the
association role of IRS-1 genetic polymorphism in insulin
resistance of T2DM patients from the Pakistani popula-
tion. Previously, many studies for the putative associa-
tion between the known IRS-1 polymorphism and T2DM
have been carried out by different researchers in different
A study on Indian and Finnish subjects failed to reveal
Fig. 2  Restriction fragments result for IRS-1 (rs1801278; Gly972Arg) any link of the Arg972 variant with T2DM, however, a com-
polymorphism. Lane M shows 100 bp DNA Ladder, and Lanes 1, 2,
and 3 show single fragment (221 bp). Lane 4 and 5 show the double bined assessment of individuals from French and Danish
fragments (190 bp and 31 bp) and Lane 6 shows the triple fragments ethnic groups revealed an elevated Arg972 polymorphism
(221 bp, 190 bp, and 31 bp) prevalence in patients with T2DM [12]. In a study from
South Indian population indicated that the IRS-1 Gly972Arg
variant was not associated with T2DM among Indian sub-
Discussion jects in which no difference was observed for ‘‘A’’ allele
frequency between the control and diabetic subjects. The
The association between insulin resistance of T2DM and frequency of minor homozygous genotype AA was found
IRS-1 Gly972Argpolymorphism was analyzed in the pre- to be very low in type 2 diabetes (0.1%) subject while the
sent case–control study. The IRS-1 gene has been consid- frequency of combined GA & AA genotypes was not sig-
ered to be a candidate gene for metabolic diseases such nificantly different between the control and type 2 diabe-
as T2DM and obesity. The presence of genetic variation tes groups [5]. In another study from Saudi population, the
of the IRS-1 gene has been reported to be associated with results showed that the variant allele of Arg972 of the IRS-1
the development of IR [15]. The IRS-1 gene is located at gene was significantly associated with T2DM [1]. Also in
chromosome 2q36 encodes a member of the IRS protein Mexican population, the significant role of Arg972 has been
substrate family. IRS-1 is an endogenous substrate of the established with higher allele frequency in T2DM patients
insulin receptor, plays a crucial role in the insulin signal- as compared to the controls [6].
ling pathway, and is expressed in insulin-sensitive tissues The effects of IRS-1 variants might be different because of
[2]. ethnicity or less sample size or even degree of obesity. More-
In our study, a significant association between the IRS-1 over, vast regional differences in the prevalence of Arg972
Gly972Arg polymorphism and IR was observed in patients polymorphism have also been described [7, 25] which fur-
of T2DM (Table 3). The minor AA and combined GA/ ther complicate the mechanism of the association studies
AA genotypes of IRS-1 Gly972Arg established the high of this variant. In this regard, replication studies within the
same ethnicity are a more strong choice, particularly among

Table 3  Allele and genotype distribution of IRS-1 (Gly972Arg; rs1801278) in cases and controls

Genotypes/models Controls Cases p -value OR crude p-value adjusted* OR ­adjusteda

n (%) n (%) [95% CI] [95% CI]

Co-dominant model
GG (wild-type) 139 (86.3) 74 (46.0) < 0.001 1.00 < 0.001 1.00
GA (heterozygous) 14 (8.7) 12 (7.5) 1.61 (0.71–3.66) 0.91 (0.10-8.61)
AA (homozygous) 08 (5.0) 75 (46.6) 17.61 (8.06–38.48) –
A-carrier 22 (13.7) 87 (54.1)
Dominant model
GG 139 (86.3) 74 (46.0) < 0.001 1.00 < 0.001 1.00
GA & AA 22 (13.7) 87 (54.0) 7.43 (4.30–12.83) 10.64 (3.11–36.45)
GG&GA 153 (95.0) 86 (53.4) < 0.001 1.00 < 0.001 1.00
AA 08 (5.0) 75 (46.6) 16.68 (7.68–36.21) --

*p-value < 0.05 is significant

Adjusted for: Age, Gender, BMI, HOMA, TC, TG, HDL, LDL, and VLDL

Molecular Biology Reports

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