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HTTP requests involve several phases as data is exchanged between the client and the

server. Here are the typical phases that occur during an HTTP request-response cycle:

1. DNS Resolution: The client translates the domain name (e.g., "")
into an IP address using the Domain Name System (DNS).
2. TCP Connection: The client establishes a TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
connection with the server using the server's IP address and the appropriate port
(usually port 80 for HTTP or port 443 for HTTPS).
3. TLS/SSL Handshake (if using HTTPS): If the request is made over HTTPS, a
secure TLS/SSL handshake is performed to establish an encrypted connection
between the client and the server. This ensures data privacy and integrity.
4. HTTP Request: The client sends an HTTP request to the server. The request
includes information like the HTTP method (GET, POST, etc.), the requested
resource's URL, headers (such as User-Agent, Accept, etc.), and, in the case of
POST requests, the request body containing data.
5. Server Processing: The server receives the HTTP request, processes it, and
generates an appropriate response. This may involve querying a database,
generating dynamic content, or performing other necessary operations.
6. HTTP Response: The server sends back an HTTP response to the client. The
response includes a status code (indicating the outcome of the request, such as
200 OK or 404 Not Found), response headers (like Content-Type, Cache-Control,
etc.), and the response body containing the requested data (e.g., HTML, JSON,
7. TLS/SSL Termination (if using HTTPS): If the request was made over HTTPS,
the encrypted connection is terminated, and the encrypted data is decrypted by
the client.
8. Client Processing: The client receives the HTTP response and processes it. This
might involve rendering HTML content, parsing JSON data, or performing other
actions based on the received response.
9. Connection Closure: After the response is fully received and processed, the
client and server may close the TCP connection, freeing up resources.

Throughout these phases, headers and metadata provide important information about
the request and response. The status codes, headers, and response bodies play a crucial
role in the communication between the client and the server and help ensure the proper
functioning of the web applicatio

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