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RWE Power



RWE Power is Germany‘s biggest power producer and a leading player in the extrac-
tion of energy raw materials. Our core business consists of low-cost, environmen-
tally sound, safe and reliable generation of electricity and heat as well as fossil fuel

In our business, we rely on a diversified primary tion in future as well. That is what we are working
energy mix of lignite and hard coal, nuclear power, for – with all our power.
gas and hydropower to produce electricity in the
base, intermediate and peak load ranges. One of the focuses of RWE Power is on the Rhenish
lignite-mining area where the Company mines some
RWE Power operates in a market characterized by 100 million tons of lignite every year, most of which
fierce competition. Our aim is to remain a leading is used to generate electricity. Lignite needs no sub-
national power producer and expand our interna- sidies, offers work and training to many people in
tional position, making a crucial contribution the mining area, underpins spending power with the
toward shaping future energy supplies. salaries and taxes the Company pays, so that it is an
economic asset for the entire region.
A strategy with this focus, underpinned by efficient
cost management, is essential for our success. All
the same, we never lose sight of one important
aspect of our corporate philosophy: environmental
protection. At RWE Power, the responsible use of
nature and its resources is more than mere lip service.
Hard coal
Our healthy financial base, plus the competent and Lignite-fired power plants
Bremen with integrated opencast mines
committed support of some 17,000 employees Natural gas
Nuclear power stations
under the umbrella of RWE Power, enable us to sys- Other conventional
power plants
tematically exploit the opportunities offered by a
Hydropower stations**
liberalized energy market. * in deconstruction
Dortmund ** RWE Power including holdings
Essen as well as plants operated
on behalf of RWE Innogy
In this respect, our business activities are embed- Aachen

ded in a corporate culture that is marked by team

spirit and by internal and external transparency.

With an about 30 per cent share in electricity gener-

ation, we are no. 1 in Germany, and no. 3 in Europe,
with a 9 per cent share. We wish to retain this posi-


BoA 1, the world‘s most modern lignite-fired power-

plant unit, is at the cutting edge of high-tech activity:
the region does the research, the world reaps the benefits.

Germany proposes to increase the share of energy raw material – than old systems. At the same
renewable energy carriers in its power gen- time, the Company is working on technologies and
eration to 20 to 30 per cent by 2020, mean- processes that improve coal-based power generation
ing that 70 per cent of the electricity will in the interest of efficiency, the environment and profit-
still have to be produced from conventional ability.
energy sources. That is why all experts are
agreed that coal will go on playing an In a prototype plant, RWE Power is bringing lignite pre-
important part in our energy mix – not only drying according to the fluidized-bed process – a propri-
in Germany, incidentally, but all over the etary development – to commercial market maturity. The
world. On top of this comes the fact that object is to raise the efficiency of lignite-based power
Germany has large coal deposits of its own. generation by a further four percentage points. Also at
the BoA-1 unit, the high-performance flue-gas desul-
The four German lignite deposits currently phurization system (FGD, or REA in German) REAplus is
secure 25 per cent of the country‘s electric- being built; the research project, costing € 5.5 million,
ity supply; RWE Power and its Rhenish lignite- is designed to open up opportunities for further emis-
fired power plants cover some 13 per cent sion reductions. The CO2-scrubbing pilot plant will soon
of the electricity demand. The figures show: be trialling the capture of carbon dioxide from the flue
Lignite makes Germany a bit less dependent gas. RWE‘s algae project, which is unique worldwide, is
on imported energies, like natural gas and investigating possibilities for binding captured CO2 in
hard coal, and their price risks. plant substances and making this usable.

Yet the undeniable economic advantages RWE Power is concentrating these pioneering activities
alone do not justify using coal. Coal – power- at its old-established power-plant site at Niederaussem/
ed by a technological offensive – also has Germany, turning it into a “Coal Innovation Centre”. In
to become more and more compatible with 2003, Niederaussem saw the commissioning of the world‘s
the environment and the climate, and the most modern lignite-fired power-plant unit, which goes
CO2 emissions from lignite- and hard-coal- by the name of “BoA 1“. All ongoing research projects are
based power generation must be lowered. building up on this station and its technology. So RWE
To get there, RWE Power is building new Power is gaining not only technological experience, but
power plants costing billions that emit 25 also valuable insights into practical operations that can
to 30 per cent less CO2 – depending on the be ported to other projects and plants.


Niederaussem went on stream in 1963 with two 150-megawatt (MW) units, viz.
as Werk IV of the near-by, older Fortuna power station, which was demolished
in 1988.

Between 1965 and 1974, the Niederaussem

power plant was extended by four 300- and
two 600-MW units to give a total capacity
of 2,700 MW. Toward the end of the 1980s,
the units were retrofitted at great expense
with FGD and denox systems. As a by-pro-
duct of FGD, thousands of tons of gypsum
are obtained year after year and further proc-
essed at a facility, built next to the power
plant in the early 1990s, to make standard
products for the construction-material

In 1994, the power plant‘s turbines were

optimized in their fluid dynamics to enable
them to generate more electricity with an
unchanged coal input. This increased total
installed capacity at Niederaussem to 2,840
MW. The same objective is also served by
the planned modernization of the two 600- tions since 2003. Built from 1998 to 2002 at a total cost
MW units, upcoming in 2008 and 2009, in of a good one billion euros, this 1,000-MW plant is cur-
which RWE Power will be investing € 130 rently the most powerful, modern, efficient and envi-
million. ronmentally friendly lignite-based unit worldwide. The
power station employs some 800 people. To this must
The Niederaussem power-plant location is of be added a similarly high job figure among suppliers
special significance, because this is where and service providers. In the adjacent training centre,
the first and, to date, the only BoA unit has RWE Power currently educates some 80 young people
been producing electricity in regular opera- beyond its own needs.


BoA is a German abbreviation standing for “lignite-fired power station with

optimized plant engineering“.

The physical-technical process of convert- bine. After going through the high-, intermediate- and,
ing the chemical energy stored in lignite finally, low-pressure sections of the turbine, the steam
into electrical energy is in principle the has relaxed to such an extent that it becomes water again
same in BoA as in older power-plant units, in the condenser installed below the turbine. The water
though it takes place with much greater then re-enters the water-steam cycle.
When coal is burnt in the boiler, it is not only steam that
At the beginning of this process is always emerges, but also flue gases, nitrous oxides, sulphur diox-
the combustion of raw lignite in the power ide and dust. These substances are air pollutants that must
plant‘s boiler, also referred to more precisely not be allowed to enter the atmosphere except in the very
as steam generator. The BoA unit burns 847 low quantities defined by law. The formation of nitrogen
tons of lignite every hour, generating 2,663 oxide is already reduced in the steam generator, namely
tons of steam, which is equivalent to a ther- by a pinpointed addition of combustion air. Ash residues
mal output of 2,306 MW. The boiler is crossed from the combustion are removed from the flue gases by
by numerous water pipes whose content is charging the dust particles in the so-called electrostatic
converted into superheated steam by the precipitators and by depositing on electrode plates. After
released heat. The steam then flows through this treatment, the flue gases filtered in this way have a
rows of blades arranged on a shaft in a tur- mere 0.1 per cent of the original dust amount. Desulphuri-
bine which, in the case of the BoA unit, has zation takes place using a slurry of fine lime powder and
a capacity of 1,012 MW. The steam‘s energy water, which is sprinkled on the flue gases in the FGD
sets the turbine shaft rotating, so that the plant. In the process, lime and sulphur combine to pro-
generator connected to the shaft produces duce gypsum, which is later used by the construction
power, which is then fed into the supply grid. industry. The thoroughly scrubbed flue gases undercut
the rigorous German threshold values significantly in
When the steam flows through the turbine places and can now be released into the atmosphere via
blades, it naturally loses pressure and tem- the cooling towers.
perature and gives off its energy to the tur-

The lignite-fired power station with optimized plant engineering (BoA): Improvements at many points
in the power-plant process lead to enhanced efficiency overall, improving the use of the fuel, lignite,
while simultaneously lowering CO2 emissions per kilowatt hour of electricity generated.

Mean efficiency gain

in a 950-MW BoA unit

Reduced condenser Waste-gas heat

pressure thanks to utilization
31% 35.5% optimized cooling tower
+ 1.4% + 0.9%

Year 1957: Year 1976: Cooling tower

average net efficiency average net efficiency
of a 150-MW unit of a 600-MW unit

system (FGD)

Efficiency [%]



Increase in steam Process Improved turbine Reduced

parameters optimization efficiency thanks to auxiliary power
Net efficiency
advanced steam turbine requirements
of BoA
+ 1.3% + 1.1% + 1.7% + 1.3%

Year 2003
Steam generator with
integrated NOx removal

Air heater Raw lignite

Turbine Generator


Air Condenser
Dry ash

Wet ash
Combustion air Coal mill Feed heater


At the core of the BoA technology is an increase in the pressure and the
temperature of the superheated main steam.

At 252/60 bar and 580/600°C, the steam process proper, i.e. it is lost to the actual steam-genera-
values are much higher than for older tion process.
lignite-fired power-station units. Another
essential element: The unavoidable heat Upshot: BoA makes much better use of the fuel, which
losses in the power-plant process are low- sets the plant‘s efficiency soaring.
ered by optimizing practically all process
steps. For example, some of the residual Along these lines, all BoA process steps are designed so
heat contained in the flue gases is recov- as to reduce the inevitable heat losses to the technical
ered using additional heat exchangers. The and economic minimum. The particularly efficient cool-
heat is used, e.g., to preheat the combus- ing tower, too, makes a contribution here. Besides these
tion air and the circulating boiler feed- heat-technology savings potentials, auxiliary electricity
water. In older units, the heat required for needs, compared with old plants, have been considerab-
this stems entirely from the combustion ly reduced as well.

Developments in efficiency

Net efficiency


5) 6)



30% 2)


1960 1980 2000 2009

1) Frimmersdorf: 150 MW 3) Niederaussem: 300 MW 5) Niederaussem: BoA 1, 1,000 MW, n > 43%
2) Frimmersdorf: 300 MW 4) Neurath: 600 MW 6) Neurath: BoA 2 & 3, 1,100 MW, n > 43%


The BoA process enables an efficiency of a good 43 per cent to be reached, i.e. this
percentage of the chemical energy contained in the lignite is in fact converted into
electrical energy. Older power-plant units have an efficiency of 31 to 35 per cent.

With the same amount of power generated,

therefore, BoA consumes less coal, so that
it produces less fuel-related pollutants. This
being so, the annual carbon-dioxide (CO2
for short) emissions of the 1,000-MW BoA
unit are up to three million tons lower than
in comparable power generation by older
systems; dust, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen
oxide emissions are down some 30 per cent.

The efforts being made to lower emissions

are not confined to the power-plant pro-
cess alone and to the above air pollutants,
but extend to all other possible emission
forms and sources, specifically noise and
dust formation not related to combustion.
All of these – in the auxiliary infrastructure
systems as well – are being effectively com-
batted in line with the relevant statutory

To this end, all plant sections in the BoA unit

have been encased and all building apertures
fitted with acoustical packs. With these com-
prehensive noise- and dust-abatement meas-
ures, Niederaussem is setting standards
which will apply to other, future BoA loca-
tions as well.


The exertions made by RWE Power to convert lignite into electricity more effi-
ciently and, hence, in a more environmentally friendly manner, do not stop with
BoA technology. The next step is already being taken – at Niederaussem.

Raw lignite has a high natural moisture con- the power-plant boiler‘s flue-gas stream and mixed with moist
tent of up to 60 per cent. This inherent mois- raw lignite. The coal‘s moisture evaporates and finds its way into
ture impedes coal combustion, so that – in the boiler. The evaporation heat expended on drying the coal
any industrial use of this energy raw material is lost. This process costs a fair amount of energy which is not
– it must be dried upstream to remove as available for power generation. The consequence: more coal
much moisture from the coal as possible. needs to be burned altogether which, in turn, entails higher
CO2 emissions. This being so, an energetically more favourable
In conventional lignite-based power plants, drying process would be better in which less waste heat is left
the coal is dried by withdrawing some of unused. We already have such a process and it is expected to
the flue gases which emerge during com- prove its worth at the Niederaussem power station.
bustion – and are 900 to 1,000°C hot – from

BoA concept BoA concept with predried lignite

Integrated Boiler Predrying Boiler

milldrying (WTA)

Heating steam from

Flue gas turbine bleeding Flue gas
1,000°C hot + vapour Vapour for Fluidized-
flue gas boiler feedwater bed drier

Raw coal Raw coal

Dry coal
+ flue gas
+ vapour Condensate Dry coal

Energetic disadvantages: Energetic improvement:

• drying at very high exergy level • drying at low exergy level (low-pressure vapour)
• no use made of vapour energy • use made of vapour energy


The German abbreviation WTA stands for flu- raw coal an hour, has an evapora-
idized-bed drying with internal waste heat tion capacity of 100 tons of water
utilization. WTA technology is a proprietary per hour and is the biggest lignite-
development of RWE Power. It has been suc- drying plant in the world. Located
cessfully trialled in a small facility on the ter- upstream of the Niederaussem BoA
rain of our Frechen upgrading factory since unit, its function is to predry some
1993 and is being continuously improved. 20 to 30 per cent of the raw lignite
2008 saw the commissioning of a large WTA destined for the unit in order to
prototype plant at the Niederaussem power furnish evidence of the economic
station that has a price tag of € 50 million. and technical benefit of fluidized-
The system, which can process 210 tons of bed drying in continuous operations.

How WTA works boiler feedwater. The predried lignite

now has a moisture content of a mere
The central component of the WTA process is the 12 per cent. It cools off, is placed in
fluidized-bed drier in which the pulverized raw lig- interim storage in silos and then co-
nite is kept suspended in a stream of gas of already combusted in the BoA unit.
evaporated coal water. In this state, the coal parti-
cles can be dried at a temperature of just 110°C. The The WTA process enables much better
heat required for this is extracted from the low- energetic use to be made of coal and,
pressure steam of the BoA unit. The unit recovers in future lignite-fired power plants, is
some of the thermal energy since – thanks to the set to lead to a further rise in efficiency
condensation of the evaporated coal water – the of some four percentage points to as
condensation heat released in the process is re-routed much as 48 per cent then.
back to the BoA unit and used there to preheat the

Spec. CO²- Past Future

emissions (without predrying) Power plants with WTA drying
t CO² (DLP/dry lignite-fired power plants)
MWh 1.5
150 MW
300 MW
600 MW

Status quo:

Fall in CO2 emissions

25 30 35 40 45 50 55

Efficiency [%]


Ever since the 1980s, flue-gas desulphurization plants (FGD) have been filtering
sulphur dioxide (SO2) out of the flue gas of lignite-based power plants.

The scrubbing process, in which the SO2 is At RWE Power, though, the high efficacy of
washed out using a limestone solution, is today‘s flue-gas scrubbing is no reason for the
a well-established approach. Today, over company to sit back and relax, but rather an
95 per cent of the desulphurization systems incentive to develop new processes designed
in power stations and industrial facilities to make the conversion of coal into power
worldwide are reliably and successfully oper- even more climate-friendly in future. This is
ated on the basis of this process technology. also where the REAplus concept comes in.
RWE Power is implementing this in a pilot plant
at Niederaussem along with a proficient plant
builder, Austrian Energy & Environment (AE&E).
Process water This concept involves further optimization of
the chemical processes in the desulphurization
to achieve the highest possible degree of SO2
Pure gas separation.

Wet electrostatic
The flue gas is withdrawn from the flue gas
module stream of the BoA-1 power-plant unit and then
Raw gas enters the lower area of the pilot plant‘s absorber
horizontally. There, the SO2-containing gas
flows upward and is heavily sprinkled with a
Mist-eliminator lime slurry of water and pulverized limestone
dissolved in it. The water and the gypsum
produced in a reaction from lime and sulphur
Spraying tower
module collect in the so-called sump of the plant where
the chemical process of gypsum formation is
REAplus module module concluded by blowing in air. The slurry is then
Limestone slurry thickened in hydro-cyclones and the gypsum it
contains is subsequently dewatered on vacuum
Gypsum slurry
belt filters to a residual moisture of 10 per cent
and made available for further processing.

Sump module

Slurry pump

The desulphurized flue gas leaves the ab- for years already. The progress compared Illustration: CCS
sorber and then flows through a mist elimi- with previous methods lies in a staggered Werbeagentur
nator which removes any remaining droplets sequence of the scrubbing process and
of the limestone slurry from the gas. The improved contact between the lime slurry
scrubbed flue gas leaves the plant in this and the flue-gas SO2. The highly efficient
state and re-enters the flue-gas route of REAplus desulphurization renders super-
BoA 1. fluous any pre-treatment of the flue gas
in the CO2-scrubbing pilot plant, which
In the REAplus plant, AE&E and RWE Power will likewise soon be linked up with BoA 1.
can fall back on the tried-and-tested design The combination of REAplus and post-
of the cylindrical absorber tower with inte- combustion capture creates conditions at
grated scrubber sump to make gypsum. This Niederaussem that are unique worldwide
has been successfully deployed at BoA 1 for trialling modern, forward-looking power-
plant technology.


One thing is clear: Lignite is an important, indeed indispensable pillar in

Germany‘s electricity supply.

With BoA and WTA, RWE Power is

currently taking important meas-
ures to enhance the efficiency of
lignite-based power plants and,
hence, lower CO2 emissions in the
long term. The future holds even
greater challenges in store because,
in view of ongoing climate change,
the industrial use of fossil fuels is
expected to take an even more
environmentally friendly shape
than it has today. The aim is for
carbon dioxide, which emerges
quite inevitably in combustion
processes, not to reach the atmos-
phere at all, but to be captured
first. One way of doing this is by
so-called CO2 scrubbing.

How CO2 scrubbing works the flue-gas cleaning systems customary Illustration: CCS Werbeagentur
today. At the core of a CO2-scrubbing facil-
In the chemical industry, CO2 ity is an absorber containing a scrubbing
scrubbing is a tried-and-tested liquid, e.g., a solution of amines (a group of
method with which carbon diox- organic substances) which takes up carbon
ide has been produced for years, dioxide at low temperatures and releases it
e.g. for the beverage or fertilizer at high temperatures. The cooled down
sectors. In the energy industry, flue gas flows through the absorber bot-
however, the process is new. CO2 tom-up and there encounters the scrub-
scrubbing kicks in at the end of bing liquid which flows top-down, taking
the power-plant process, i.e. after up the CO2 in the process. The low-CO2

CO2 flue-gas scrubbing

Absorber CO2
Heat exchanger
Scrubbing At this pilot plant, all aspects of CO2 scrubbing are
liquid to be trialled for 18 months under real power-plant
Low-CO2 flue gas
Desorber conditions to examine their functioning state and gain
experience for later commercial-scale systems. Mainly
used here are improved CO2-scrubbing liquids from
BASF and optimized process technology. One aim is
to minimize the energy outlays for capturing the CO2
from the scrubbing liquid. To operate the pilot plant,
Heating steam
Flue gas a small amount of the flue gas is diverted from the
BoA unit (approx. 0.05 per cent) and fed into the pilot
plant that has all the requisite technical facilities of
a large-scale system. The height of the CO2-scrubbing
Scrubbing solution and CO2 Scrubbing solution pilot plant of roughly 40 metres is equivalent to a
later commercial system, so that all important process-
flue gas is sprinkled with water before leaving the technology data can be precisely established. In the
absorber in order to remove scrubbing liquid residues; envisaged configuration, the pilot can capture up to
it then reaches the atmosphere via the cooling tow- 300 kilograms of CO2 an hour which is equivalent to
er, whereas the scrubbing liquid saturated with CO2 a separation efficiency of 90 per cent for the flue-gas
is fed into a so-called desorber where it is heated to amount processed.
approx. 120°C, which causes it to become detached
again from the liquid; it is now available in high purity. The big advantage of the CO2-scrubbing process
described is that power plants could be retrofitted
The CO2-scrubbing pilot plant in Niederaussem with corresponding systems. RWE Power is design-
ing all new coal-fired power stations to be built for
The BoA unit at Niederaussem with its upstream WTA a retrofit with CO2 scrubbing.
is ideal for testing CO2 scrubbing under ultra-modern
conditions. Within the scope of a cooperation scheme For the CO2-scrubbing pilot project at Niederaussem,
with the companies BASF and Linde, RWE Power is which is promoted by Germany‘s Federal Ministry of
erecting a pilot plant here that is set to be commis- Economics and Technology, planning calls for spending
sioned in mid-2009. of € 9 million, 40 per cent of which borne by the


The CO2 that emerges during the combustion of lignite (and other fossil fuels)
can be turned to good account, and with little environmental impact at that. One
example of this is RWE‘s project for binding CO2 by micro-algae in a pilot plant at
Niederaussem that is unique in the world.

Micro-algae are single-cell or multi-cellular

plant-like beings which need carbon dioxide
to grow. Like all plants, micro-algae absorb
CO2 via photosynthesis, i.e. with the aid of
light, but in doing so grow about 10 times
faster than land-based plants. Micro-algae
on land can be produced in open or closed
systems, also using residential waste water
or brackish water. For the facility, genuine
fallow land can be used on which plants can
no longer be cultivated. An increased growth
rate can be achieved by the controlled addi-
tion of CO2 using carbon-dioxide sources
that have a higher CO2 content than air.
Hence, flue gases from power plants are ide-
al for producing algae. No costly separation
of the CO2 from the flue gas is necessary,
since the flue gas can be used directly.

Before any large-scale micro-algae produc-

tion can commence, however, the required
technology still has to be tested in depth. Dr Jürgen Rüttgers, in November 2008. In its final extension
For this purpose, RWE Power, in coopera- stage, the plant will occupy some 1,000 square metres. Here,
tion with experienced partners, erected at the CO2 contained in the flue gas is dissolved in an algae sus-
the Niederaussem power-plant location a pension and taken up by the algae for growth. The algae bio-
facility for binding carbon dioxide from the mass produced is harvested, analysed and then examined for
power station‘s flue gases; it was commis- optimal conversion into an energy source, fuel or construction
sioned by North Rhine-Westphalia‘s premier, material, with a view to lowering CO2 emissions.

The plant The flue gas liberated from some of the con-
tained carbon dioxide reaches the atmos-
The process starts with the removal of flue phere via a stack, while the algae suspension
gas from the Niederaussem power plant. enriched with CO2 is conducted to the green-
The flue gas is diverted downstream of a house, in which optimal temperature condi-
unit‘s flue-gas desulphurization system (FGD), tions can be set the year round for the algae‘s
so that it is in a cleaned state when it is growth. The heat required for this must have
normally released into the atmosphere. a very low temperature level, so that it can
be made available in a climate-sparing
To ensure that the water vapour in the flue fashion in the form of unused cooling-
gas does not condense in the flue-gas pipe tower waste heat.
connected to the algae-production plant
and clog the pipe, the gas is first cooled The algae suspension flows into numerous
for drying and then compacted in a com- so-called photobioreactors, V-shaped trans-
pressor. The flue-gas pipe is of plastic and parent plastic tubes in which the algae can
some 750 metres long. grow exposed to light. The micro-algae
dissolve the CO2 from the slurry and convert
It ends in a premixing tank, the bubble reac- it via photosynthesis. Each photobioreactor
tor, next to the greenhouse of the algae- contains approx. 30 litres of algae suspen-
production plant. This tank contains the sion, with small tubes continuously letting
algae suspension, consisting of water with in slurry from the top, discharging it at the
a salt content of max. 3 per cent and the bottom and feeding it back to the bubble
micro-algae living in it. Mounted at the reactor. Optical density is measured to
bottom of the bubble reactor is a nozzle establish the algae share in the slurry. As
base through which the flue gas flows soon as it is high enough, the algae can be
into the tank. The flue-gas bubbles pearl harvested and used for other purposes.
through the slurry which takes up CO2 in In this way, the algae-production plant in
the process. Niederaussem can process up to 6 tons of
algae (dry matter) per year, binding 12 tons
of CO2.


Feed-in of
algae suspension
Bubble reactor


Feed-in of air Drain-off of Possible
for stirring algae suspension harvest

Photobioreactors Enriching algae suspension with CO2

within greenhouse from flue gas outside the greenhouse

The study programme

The first phase of the project is A further focus of the study programme is on
designed to investigate an increase the development of concepts for utilizing
in biomass yield using different the algae. Among other things, this involves
algae cultures and improved green- basic investigations into hydrothermal
house technology. Another aim is carbonization, a process to convert the algae
to minimize the energy outlays biomass into energetically usable products,
for the entire process to optimize and into fermentation. Further promising
effective CO2 binding. conversion paths will be established for a
follow-up project phase.


CO2 scrubbing and REAplus are components in the so-called clean-coal strategy
which RWE Power is pursuing to make coal-based power generation clean and,
hence, future-proof. This strategy, which is designed for the long term, follows
ambitious climate-protection goals on three time horizons.

The projects in the first horizon involve ized-bed drying within this time horizon is
those that are being driven forward the so-called 700°C power plant. It involves
now, specifically the renewal of RWE using new materials for operating lignite- and
Power‘s power-plant fleet, involving hard-coal-fired power stations with hotter
the construction and deploying of steam and higher steam pressures. Steam
modern, efficient BoA power-station parameters of 350 bar and 700°C permit a rise
units, as in Niederaussem (BoA 1) and in efficiency to about 50 per cent in the power
Neurath (BoA 2 & 3, under construc- plant concerned. The aim of both projects is
tion). The increase in efficiency to ongoing better utilization of the fuel by having
43 per cent obtained here alone saves a lower coal input – and, hence, lower CO2
3 million tons of CO2 per unit and year emissions – while generating the same amount
compared with old systems. To this of electricity as old systems.
must be added new, highly efficient
hard-coal-based power-plant units at The third horizon is geared to the period 2015
other locations. to 2020. This is where RWE Power is definitely
pursuing the most ambitious goal in its clean-coal
The second time horizon stretches to strategy: the low-CO2 power plant. Here, too,
about 2015 and comprises projects work is on two different technology approaches.
like lignite drying using WTA plants,
e.g. the system at Niederaussem. Such On the one hand, there is the already mentioned
plants are to be deployed later on a CO2 scrubbing, which is being trialled technically
commercial scale in new power-sta- at Niederaussem for the first time. This process
tion units and will bring a further gain is, as described, downstream of the power-plant
in efficiency for the units concerned process and is envisaged as retrofit solution for
to some 48 per cent. Another project modern dry-lignite power stations, as at
being pursued in parallel to fluid- Niederaussem.

Clean-coal strategy 2010 2015 2020

Efficiency increase from renewal

BoA 1, 2 & 3

Dry-lignite-fired power plant 1 & 2, retrofittable with CO2 capture (2015)

WTA prototype plant

Tomorrow DLP
Dry-lignite power-plant technology

Power-plant technology with CCS (after 2014/2020)

First retrofit with

CO2 scrubbing (pilot) Demonstra-
CO2 scrubbing after
for conventional plants tion plant
Day after 2020
tomorrow Larger IGCC
Virtually zero-CO2 power plant with capture & storage
follow-up projects
(IGCC/CCS, 450 MW)
with CCS after 2022

Much greater complexity is found in the interim step, a mixture of hydrogen and car-
second process, known as IGCC/CCS (Inte- bon dioxide is produced. It is easy to sepa-
grated Gasification Combined Cycle and rate the CO2 from this for compression and
Carbon Capture and Storage), which is to transport by pipeline to a storage site. The
be translated into practice as a technological remaining hydrogen is combusted in a gas
beacon project at the Goldenbergwerk turbine, the heat driving a steam turbine in
location in Hürth, North Rhine-Westphalia. the downstream power-plant process. Alter-
Here, CO2 capture is not downstream, but a natively, further conversion processes can
central component in the overall technical also use the hydrogen to make synthetic
process. In coal gasification, after a further natural gas or fuels, like crude oil or diesel.


Lignite is abundantly available in the Rhenish mining area,

although it can only be extracted with great technical and
financial outlays.

The coal seams, which measure 70 metres kilometre-long conveyor belts on the
in places, are covered by even thicker over- opencast-mine terrain to be transport-
burden layers of sand, clay and gravel. The ed bit by bit using the Company‘s own
loose, yielding soil structure in the Rhine- heavy-duty railways to RWE Power‘s
land makes lignite mining in opencast oper- stations and upgrading plants situ-
ations necessary, the most important tool ated between Grevenbroich in the
being the bucket-wheel excavator (BWE). The north and Hürth in the south of the
total of 20 BWEs that RWE Power deploys in its mining area.
three opencast mines are a central compo-
nent in a highly developed, efficient extrac- The 500 million cubic metres or so
tion method that has proved its worth over of overburden extracted in the min-
the last 50 years and more. ing area every year are sent via the
same conveyor belts to huge spread-
After first removing the upper fertile soil ers which backfill the material in the
layer consisting of loess and humus, fol- depleted areas of the three opencast
lowed by the overburden, the BWEs begin mines. Immediately afterwards, RWE
mining the exposed lignite. The biggest Power starts the sustainable reculti-
BWEs in the mining area are 240 metres long, vation of the used landscape. So the
just under 100 metres high and weigh 13,500 Niederaussem power plant was once
tons. Thanks to its electric drive with a con- within sight of the Fortuna-Garsdorf
verted HP of up to 21,700, such a mobile giant opencast mine. At one time one of
unit moves through the opencast mine around the biggest mines on earth, we now
the clock and mines up to 240,000 bank cubic find extensive fields, meadows and
metres of lignite or overburden in one day. forest areas there today.
The coal first reaches the coal bunker via



If the need to use lignite is to be appreciated, but also accepted, you must
provide broad-based information on both the benefits and the problems of
this industry. For this purpose, RWE has set up, among other things, a visitor
centre in the more than 400-year-old Paffendorf castle near Bergheim (Rhein-
Erft county), which displays all aspects of lignite mining and lignite-based
power generation.

Paffendorf castle and the Niederaussem power plant We look forward to welcoming you!
with its BoA unit are just two of nine stops on the
“Energy Trail“ which familiarizes cyclists and motor- Please check the Internet for opening times, route
ists with various features of power generation and planners and further information at www.rwepower.
recultivation. In addition, viewpoints and information com (download brochures on the subjects of opencast
panels have been installed at all opencast mines. Also, mines, recultivation and lignite-fired power plants).
several times a year, the Company invites visitors on
coach tours of the Garzweiler mine. RWE Power wishes
to provide the most comprehensive information
The aim is to obtain agreement on facts. Using these
facts as basis, assessments can then be made. And if
they differ, this need come as no surprise, given the
multi-faceted nature of the subject.
RWE Power
Essen • Cologne
Position: March 2009 • Design: Spohr’s Büro für Kommunikation GmbH, Cologne

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