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CONCEPTS AND OBJECTIVES IN MATHEMATICS VOLUME - 1A : PART-2 (TRIGONOMETRY) VARSITY® EMPOWERING EDUCATION * ENABLING DREAMS Central ottice : Working Ottice : 4" Floor, Plot # 80, Sri Sai Plaza, D.No, 54-20/9-6, Floor 1,Timmarusu Street, Ayyappa Society, ‘Srinagar Colony, VIJAYAWADA - 520 008. Madhapur, HYDERABAD - 500 081, Ph: 0866-2544369 R.C., Academic Dean, Institutions, Visakhapatnam. Sri Murthy, Sri Chaitanya Educé Dr. Sadiq Basha, S., Professor of Mathematics, ‘Anna University, Chennai Sri Srikanth, P., Lecturer in Mathematics, Sri Chaitanya Educational Institutions, Vijayawada, Printed at ‘SREE VIJAYA GRAPHICS # 43-106-1/1228, Kanaka Durga Nagar \VWAYAWADA - 520 015, Ph : 0866-2402256 CONCEPTS AND OBJECTIVES IN MATHEMATICS VOLUME - IA : PART-2 (TRIGONOMETRY) (Number of pages: 232 + 4 © VEML, Hyderabad All rights reserved First Edition : Mareh 2012 Revised Edition : March 2020 TRIGONOMETRY eT em Ta Trigonometric Ratios Compound Angles Multiple & submultiple angles Transformations and Identities Periodicity, Extreme values and Graphs. Trigonometric Equations Inverse Trigonometric Functions Hyperbolic Functions Properties of Triangles MULTIPLE & SUBMULTIPLE ANGLES © Trigonometric ratios of mubtiple and submutiple angles (24, 3A, A/2) @ Trigonometric ratios ofthe angle Ain terms of cos 2A. @ C+S,C-S results and to find the limits of A/2 TRIGONOMETRY @ Angles of 1 : ae, 2h, 2 [3.1] DEFINITION ii) cost A+B) =c0s cos B~sin Asin B Asan angle, then 2A, 34,4, 00 are called BAS e AA) AA 3A 4A sos Acos A~sin Asin A ‘mulsiple angles” of A and 5A 6 32] T0 FIND THE TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS OF AN ANGLE 24 IN TERMS| 23a 2s PA o 608 A=L 2) are called ‘Submultiple Angles’ of A o OF THOSE OF THE ANGLE A we From (hy ne nave +e042A x Doms’ Ifin the formulae of ratios at (A + B) We put . oe B = A then we have trigonomettie ratios at 24 provided 4 isan angle = From (3), we have |-cox2A=2sin¥ ... (5) tan A ttan ULI ii) tan(A+B) A =2sin Acasa Y AER Ttan Atan tan Astana V AER, cos2A=cos? A-sin? A adidas 2eos? A-L cola 1-2sin? ji) tan2a = 240A ivy cos A+ By= SBC AT ~tan? A ‘cot B+ cot A ( 24 are not odd multiples of x/2) cot Acot A~ Bu A= colAtal cot At cot A +e0t A 2eot A GFA, 24 are not equal to nx, eZ) iy) cot2A » integral.) tegral (On substiting $i place of A in 33, we get he relations 2 in Acos A-+eos Asin A n2A=2sin Acos A 22 INEO SERIES for Sri Chaitanya Jr, NEON Students } MULTIPLE & SUBMULTIPLE ANGLES [> a ii) cosAmoos! 4/2, Aare mt od pe ET! [a72, Ae ot a itgral woe LO mlpes of 8/2 vy tea ameet 4 un (4 is an not an integral muliple of x and AV2is neither an integral muliple of x nor an edd mutpe of x/2). 34] TO EXPRESS sin2A, cos2A, tan 24 IN TERMS OF tan A MATHSA, PART-2. A (On substtaing in 3.4 we have the following sunt {4 isnot an odd} | mutipteof x J Ais nt a od} aan {A mea admutipeo) Letan’ 4 | odd mulipeot n/2 [TO FIND THE TRIGONOMETRIC [RATIOS OF 34 IN TERMS OF THOSE OF A i) sin3A=3sinA—dsin' AV ACR ii) cos3A =4e0s’ A-3cosd V ACR ‘Suppose that is not an odd multiple of ‘Then 2tana » sinza=2anA Tran -tan! A i) cos24= Teton a 2tana tan2a = 7004 = tan A (Here 24 is also not an odd multiple of /2) Proof: 1) sin2A=2sin cosa = 2884 cos Duna 2tana seo Tetum? Similarly we ean also prove the results Gi), (il) [ask (34,4 are not odd multiples of 1) Proof: i) sin3A =sin(A +24) in A c08 2A + c05 A sin 2A *A) + 608 A (2sinA cosa) ‘Similarly we can also prove result (i) i) Suppose A, 2A, 34 are not an odd multiples of Duan A tan? A NEO SERIES for Sti Chaitanya Jr. NEON Students| MULTIPLE & SUBMULTIPLE ANGLES }:!> (cos 0-10.08! + 3e0s0)~ eos sin? O3—4sin”@) 2x5 8-10.08? 8+ 3cor0)— eos (Seon? 8 Aco8'O- = 16008" 8200884 Se080 TO FIND THE TRIGONOMETRIC »[MATHS:1A, PART2] [TO FIND THE TRIGONOMETRIC) FUNCTIONS OF 36° ay 0s 36" 8-(6-2V5) 8 sin36° = V1—cos 16-(6+ V5) 10”, 26=90" 60838 Let 6 = sin 26 =sin(90? ~36) = 2sinB eos = 40s? 030s = cos0[4eos? 0-2sind-3]=0 = cither cosB=0 oF cos? B-2sin8— 8°, cos8=cos 18? 40 no Since @= He re doos? = = 4(1-sin? )-2sin0- = 4sin?@+2sin0—1=0 This isa quadratic equation in sin®, Hence 24.416 _+5- 8 4 since sins” >0, sind= rf ot =P = fp ERE os 54 \ 16 4 (since sin 36° >0) 1) Sinks" = Con! Vora 2) Cont” = Sin * 3) Sin36? = Coss! = MIO=2N5. 7 an 4) Co36" = Sins [TO FIND THE TRIGONOMETRIC uncrions oF 22! J then 2A = 45° sind (sin A> 0) (ince cos22+ >0) NEO SERIES for Sri Chaitanya Jr. NEON Students] MULTIPLE & SUBMULTIPLE ANGLES }:!> (cos 0-10.08! + 3e0s0)~ eos sin? O3—4sin”@) 2x5 8-10.08? 8+ 3cor0)— eos (Seon? 8 Aco8'O- = 16008" 8200884 Se080 TO FIND THE TRIGONOMETRIC »[MATHS:1A, PART2] [TO FIND THE TRIGONOMETRIC) FUNCTIONS OF 36° ay 0s 36" 8-(6-2V5) 8 sin36° = V1—cos 16-(6+ V5) 10”, 26=90" 60838 Let 6 = sin 26 =sin(90? ~36) = 2sinB eos = 40s? 030s = cos0[4eos? 0-2sind-3]=0 = cither cosB=0 oF cos? B-2sin8— 8°, cos8=cos 18? 40 no Since @= He re doos? = = 4(1-sin? )-2sin0- = 4sin?@+2sin0—1=0 This isa quadratic equation in sin®, Hence 24.416 _+5- 8 4 since sins” >0, sind= rf ot =P = fp ERE os 54 \ 16 4 (since sin 36° >0) 1) Sinks" = Con! Vora 2) Cont” = Sin * 3) Sin36? = Coss! = MIO=2N5. 7 an 4) Co36" = Sins [TO FIND THE TRIGONOMETRIC uncrions oF 22! J then 2A = 45° sind (sin A> 0) (ince cos22+ >0) NEO SERIES for Sri Chaitanya Jr. NEON Students] iiiy Tan iv) Cou Nar MULTIPLE & SUBMULTIPLE ANGLES, (on Jinan By adding and then subtracting, we have asin = (evirsina)(evi-sina).. (6) a_n1eVivue A RATIOS OF THE ANGI IN TERMS OF § 3.10] TO EXPRESS THE TRIGONOMETRIC A ‘The signin above equation can only be determined when we know the ange tet 2in ean A A @) 11] IN ANY GENERAL CASE TO SHOW HOW THE SIGNS (+) IN RELATIONS, AID) AND AV)OF 3.410 TO BE LOCATED, Let € [NEO SERIES for Sri Chaitanya Jr. NEON Students [1] MULTIPLE & SUBMULTIPLE ANGLES Proof: A,x C+S> 0-9 ec A commen 24 an SF where ne Z nn EA conn am Bech cn (Ae (2u—8, 200+ 38) it Me (2-8, 20n +38) where nez Similarly we ean prove that A cHs<0 A con +sin ip = cof 44% {$+3) SAE conn ® 40° 2 C-S>0 = 2mn-F 4 ix A x 3 nn cA conn ® 4-2 4 where ne Z 4 4) where me Z (MATHS FART) Similarly we can prove that 4 onma5®) 7 Jwbere ne Z ‘The results ofthis article are shown graphically inthe following figure. ‘Aish inline, OF, OQ. OR. OSbset the anges inthe fs second, third and fourth quadrants respectively Bet. With im what limits (ake {NEO SERIES for Sri Chaitanya Jr. NEON Students MATHS.1A, PART2)\> Ag sn cod rind co 5 4 in what timits 4 must Livsind + Jian, = Vivid + ian Hence JiFsinA = imsina = Onsen (1), a HS ofa gen problem we aise on Therefore The intersection (3) (4 is [24 a} [MULTIPLE & SUBMULTIPLE ANGLES | Rid] TO FIND THE TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS FOR AN ANGLE OF. ‘THEOREM v34v5 -Vs-v5 4 34V5 +V5—V5 a sino” oso) Proof: Vissinis” 099" +sin 9” (os9" +sin9” > 0) = cos" +sin 9! 09! sins" | (since cos” —sin9” > 0) beds +y5—V5. 4 By subvractng (ID from (D, we get v3+v5 ~¥' = cos" 2sin9” sino! o N30 V5 ~V5—V5 7 NEO SERIES for Sti Chaitanya Jr. NEON Students MULTIPLE & SUBMULTIPLE ANGLES }®> [TO FIND TRIGONOMETRIC | FUNCTIONS FOR AN ANGLE OF 75 cot (3 +V2 W240 NOES NE tan a(/8V2\2-0 =V6-Va- 342 Proof: At tan tan (since tan74 >0) aire? _-14 Wo -¥) 2 = -J3-24¥3) aie? van =(3-Vine! -) L cot7, =} 2 Ws-W202-0) (3 + V2(V2 +1) cord = 6 +E EVE ‘SOLVED EXAMPLES }* 1c 20 ‘in20 2sin®6 2sindcos0 sine _, con sina _ cosa. 1 AS SES then prove that asin2a + beos2 (sa): MATHSA, PART: we unt abs sin2a-+beos2a Sot Sot sin28= 2sin oon For what valves xin the fet quadrant or what ales of inthe fst quadrant ‘spostive Sot >0=>1un2s>0 s0 deduce the value of tan15 A 9.) In age .Irany sow that tn ii) If Cos 5 0 . Fy and 270" <0.< 360" Evaluate sik ans cok By 1? 020 and Su 10. i) Prove that Sin®.sin: sons fi) Prove that Cot B4.Coe? 8 Cox? + Cos? story ® fil) Prove that owe sre ()eo'(i5} LONG ANSWER QUESTIONS 1. I sin.x#0, prove that ina) de de Sn Met prove that cos cos cos cos 4% = Bs ss 16 (MARCH.2009) 08x60 2x004.C088e = ‘and henee [ks ©o[MATHS:IA, PART2 Prove the following cos cos % cos Ft 2 78 Qn an 4m Smt ii) cor eon FT cos Freon eos = 5 {1+cos® (1 +6053% | 3) Show that | | LrcosSe | (1eon2t (ten? et ( on ii) Show that (mena oot non h “6 (AP Mareh-2018, May-2015, TS May-2015) Prove that sin sini 60!" +8) 1 60? -8)= 8in30 Hen deduce that sin20?sin4(Psin60?sin80"=3/16 COCRSTINSTS) Show that £603 8.c0s(60" +8) cos(60" -8)=—-c0s38 and hence deduce that 3m on TR cos on con Tam EE 5 B ‘acute angles, then prove that oor o me} (TS. May.2016) If cose 5 ane cosB= > and a, are NEO SERIES for Sti Chaitanya Jr. NEON Student MATHS: ox Show that tan 3e= 1 VERY SHORTANSWER QUESTIONS SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS NEO SERIES for Sri NEON Students So[MULTIPLE & SUBMULTIPLE ANGLES] sy[ADDITIONAL SOLVED EXAMPLES} % Conia) Cos a-0) 0x26 then show that Ta A, Ta ‘Tan Carein GP. = By componendo and dividendo <5 HHCoRB _ ConAC)4 CosiAC) 1 Cae ™ Com =C)=Con(¥C) 2a _ 2CoraCone asin" 2SinASinc =2Cut°B = Cot Cos € = Tan'B = Tan A Tan C Tan Ton 8 Tan Care in GP. <@[ADDITONAL EXERCISE the value of x Sasin® If 0c or<% and cos’ oct sin® at ‘Then find the value of K. sin3A Ifan34= K tana, Then 8.7 sin Te2 tanAscord 2uan(B-A)= cota an B prove that It v+-4=2eos6 then 20838 va show that 0+) Show that cos! @—sin'| 19828 1 tan®= x then show that ax sin 26+ tan 20 =. MULTIPLE & SUBMULTIPLE ANGLES} 4 8. i Ifsinl 180° < @< 270" then find ii) If O 2un> and 180" < 9 <270? then tan = cos a1 wot It xa 29 then ws x 6 1 sing 380 ata) 2) 2 cos Wes e 4) 208 2 bt +1 oe 1sAs3 Foo seose then t= A>e DArB>c 2 2 YA>CoR DC>B>A 2) toot 4) a0 63. Match the following 54. (asec 20°) +5604 1 c60 80) = 1) e020 2) co? 3) an? 1 1+Sin2a we wnfowSooa( $5) po Dt 3) Sin? S 4) Sint 4) cone'(% 56. costatsinta ~ 6sin?a costa Deead Dadbe bacd Deb 1} cos2a 2) sin2a 3) cosdee 4) singer 64, P(a,B)Q1y.8) are two point lie on curve tant +9) # cose + y) + 57. sin 38 .c0s'0 #60530 sin! 2427 <00n 1) 3sin 48 plane, It'd = PQ then cos d = nd. yom a bo 2 (CDn'nen “ae _ 3) tn 4) 2unweN (sake [NEO SERIES for Sri Chaitanya Jr. NEON Students] (MATHS-1A, PART-2)" ANSWERS: 3% 03 92 12 164 212 26)2 32 36)1 ana 46)1 st 56)3 ona tan’o I sing + cosa=m then for m2 22 m4 12)1 m4 22)1 2n2 32)4 a2 42)2 an2 52)4 57)3 62)1 a1 92 191 18)2 231 284 33)2 384 43)1 48)1 59)2 38)3 63) 42 at 14)3 19)2 pay 29)3 343 9)2 “ay 49)1 54)2 59)3 aya Iesin 20=4 th the value of| 52 10)4 15)2 20)1 25)1 30) 3 35)4 40/2 45)1 50)1 55)4 60) 3 10. [MULTIPLE & SUBMULTIPLE ANGLES! 1m (1) fmf 8) eens Le cosd 4 Mee cose “cost +e 2) cosO+e cos0-e 4 Ieee ) Te cos 9) “Coste 2 gM seyg OE con scout sean 1 » at yo Ht a1 1d wn y; coeystan z cose=tan then 1) sin x = sin y = sin = = sin 18? 2) sin x = sin y = sin ¢ = 2sin 18° 3) sin x= sin y = sin ¢ = sin 36? 4) sin x = sin y = sin z= 2sin 36° {tam 20° + 4sin 20° 1 DB DR M1 Ha ‘The value of 4sin27° » Eine ‘Statement-l : In AABC, It sinA-costt = cox then ‘Statement-II: in + cost! > Which of the above statements is correct 1) Only 1 2) Only 1 3) Both 1 & IL 4) Neither I nor It MULTIPLE & SUBMULTIPLE ANGLES 2 13. 14, sin ee B- Eee E a 4 Iollowing: 2) si 3) cost ° 25 4) cos = as pie a y1e 4) b-d.2-a3-b4-e assnion i): Lom'(“) Reason(R): coset cin(ar+ B+ eoslar+2P) +. Seb ett) + eos(et (1B) = 1) A is true, R is true and R is correct explanation of A 2) Ais true, R is true and R is not correct explanation of A 3) Ais tc, Ris false 4) is false, R is true (deus? 9° — 3) 4e0s 27° —3) = 1) Tan 9 2) Tan 27 3) Cox9 [zo js 4) Co 27 n. 18. 20. a. tan 22 + oat Ir dna= x. then the numerical value of Tana TansTan.Tantn— Vive to »- v1 42 {18)= sinhsin 94 sin30) tn 10) is 20 1) > only when a0 2) pO forall real @ 3) > 0 forall real @ 4) < Oonly when 90 ‘ktan270~—tan6) is defined, then k = ® 1 1 x pF yt yt gt Do 2 2 4 7 42 yt se Ir sin’ xsin3r= 3c, 008" x, where Gye are constants, then D ete,tejte,= 0 3) 2es8e,=0 2) ejteyte,= 6 4) c42e2 0 If sina =p, then the quadratic equation whose roots are tan Scot Fis 2 D pe 2uep 2) pesduep =0 S)pvixip=0 4) pxaip = 0 8 yan » Sias os an 3) oot s 4 ca XE ers NEO SERIES for Sti Chaitanya Jr. NEON Students MATHS-IA, PART-2)' 28. For 060.6% ip F= FE Cos0, MULTIPLE & SUBMULTIPLE ANGLES) cots tan ‘ot cot 8 * tama — tan de 3. atanctan ($+ot( e028) oa-stas y= Yisin™*8 and = a (Eamcet-2012) Dore 4 zoe 5. 24. The value of 608 Ecos + sin boy 6 Dy DAF ODT , : asst A= tan ree tihroeeze) 8. It cosh + cos'(120" + A) +0 la} a ala) 16, * 64, 10, are+ b= 2 cos20? then 3+ tan(as® + a) tants et 45° + a) —eot(45"— a) 26. If A and B are acute any eos! A 2eos' Bad and 12, cos36" + cos?72" = then As20 = 13, sin? 228 + sin? 38° + sin22"sin38° = yar Das yar 4) 90" 14, If togs(sinx)—logs (eos x) ANSWERS: Jog, (1—tam.x) tog (1+ tax) 1 then 2 21 392 439 92 tan 2 6)2 72 8)1— 9) 10)4. | AS. At sin(60" +6)sin(60"—0)—1=Ke0s20 then At 1292 131 14)1 199 i Hc oct Sy cagt Ty gggt HI 16)3° 17/319) 1994 20)1 | 16, cos! Reus! SE tea! TE scant 211 22)1 23)3 242 25)2 26)4 v2 24 91 40.9846 NUMERICAL EXERCISE] fz 54 6)-0.666 71.5 8/075 1A n<9<5> the expression Foe Pana i oa a to (2-2) at 8 2 13)0.75 14)1 od NEO SERIES for Sti Chaitanya Jr. NEON Students |"?

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