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Process Biochemistry 39 (2004) 1257–1267

A pilot-scale study of total volatile fatty acids production by anaerobic

fermentation of sewage in fixed-bed and suspended biomass reactors
M.F. Colmenarejo a , E. Sánchez b , A. Bustos a , G. Garcı́a a , R. Borja b,∗
a Centro de Ciencias Medioambientals (CSIC), C/Serrano, 115-Duplicado, 28006 Madrid, Spain
b Instituto de la Grasa (CSIC), Avda. Padre Garcı́a Tejero 4, E-41012 Sevilla, Spain

Received 9 May 2003; accepted 26 June 2003


A comparative study of a fermentation process for total volatile fatty acids (TVFA) production using pilot-scale fixed-bed (FAS) and sus-
pended biomass (FER) reactors in which similar operational conditions was carried out. The influence of the changes of ambient temperatures
at fixed operational conditions was also studied. Oxidation–reduction potential (ORP) increased and effluent pH decreased as the hydraulic
retention time (HRT) decreased, which was favourable for TVFA production. Equations describing the ORP and pH variations with the HRT
were obtained. ORP variation with HRT for FAS and FER reactors followed a logarithmic function with a regression coefficient, R2 , equal to
0.98. The variations of pH with HRT followed polynomial functions with regression coefficients of 0.96 and 0.98 for FAS and FER reactors,
respectively. Hydrolysis process increased with the experiment duration. At the beginning of the experiment, effluent soluble COD (SCOD)
decreased with respect to the influent but further effluent SCOD increased showing higher values compared to the influent. Cold temperatures
were more favourable than summer temperatures for the accumulation of TVFA at the liquid effluent. The FAS reactor was more effective in
the production of TVFA than the FER reactor. The maximum yields of TVFA were obtained at an organic volumetric loading rate (BV ) of
1.9 g COD/l per day, corresponding to an HRT of 3.4 h, for both reactors. A maximum increase of ammonia and phosphorus was observed at
the maximum value of HRT coinciding with an increase of pH and a decrease of ORP, as could be previously observed. The average P/SCOD
ratio for the influent and effluent were 0.06 and 0.05, respectively, for FAS and FER reactors. The average Ammonia/SCOD ratio for the
influent and effluent were 0.15 and 0.14, respectively. These results demonstrate that effluent quality was improved by the treatment employed
in case a further process of nutrient removal is carried out.
© 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Hydrolysis; Fermentation; Total volatile fatty acids (TVFA); Fixed-bed reactor (FAS); Suspended biomass reactor (FER); Hydraulic retention time
(HRT); Nutrient biological removal; Organic volumetric loading rate; Ambient temperature

1. Introduction (VFA), mainly acetic and isovaleric acids are the most influ-
ential and lead to a linear relationship between phosphorus
Biological phosphorus removal (BPR) is related to the release during the anaerobic phase and its later capture un-
storage capacity of this element by certain microorganisms der aerobic conditions [5–11]. Unfortunately, not all urban
known as Poly-P organisms [1]. Despite the fact that biolog- wastewater treatment plants receive wastewater which is eas-
ical systems for phosphorus removal have been the subject ily biodegradable. Current methods of increasing the total
of investigation for over a decade and significant progress volatile fatty acids (TVFA) concentration are based on the
has been obtained, an adequate mechanistic model has not fermentation of primary sludge in a reactor designed for this
yet been developed [2–4]. The study of the fermentation purpose located in the sludge line or the addition of prod-
products generated (or added) at the anaerobic zone and ucts from anaerobic digestion [12–19]. With this purpose,
used as suitable substrate by Poly-P microorganisms has the anaerobic fermentation of sewage wastewater is one of
demonstrated that among these products, volatile fatty acids the most promising alternatives [20–22]. Colmenarejo et al.
[23] designed a pre-stage system to directly ferment the in-
fluent wastewater once screened and removed of grit. This
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +34-95-4689654; fax: +34-95-4691262. procedure involves pre-sedimentation of the wastewater at a
E-mail address: (R. Borja). high upward velocity and its subsequent fermentation in an

0032-9592/$ – see front matter © 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1258 M.F. Colmenarejo et al. / Process Biochemistry 39 (2004) 1257–1267

up-flow, fixed-bed reactor which includes two areas in which ume of 0.67 m3 . The reactors with support media (FAS) and
hydrolysis and acidogenesis reactions take place simultane- without support (FER) consisted of cylindrical plastic tanks
ously. In one of the sections, which is packed with a specific with conical bottoms, and had sectional surface areas and
plastic material, microorganisms mainly act upon dissolved operational volumes of 0.71 m2 and 1.21 m3 , respectively.
organic matter and particulate matter. The microorganisms The conical sections had volumes of 0.16 m3 . The support
present in the remaining section are able to use the settled of the reactor FAS, consisted of cubes of polyurethane foam
organic matter found in suspension. Both types of action su- of 2 cm per side. The physical properties of the support ma-
perimpose in the effluent from the fermenter. An increase terial were: 98% porosity; 35 × 103 m2 /m3 specific surface
of 52.7% in acetate concentration was observed when ur- area; and 0.2 g/ml density. The volume occupied by the sup-
ban wastewater was used to feed a laboratory-scale reactor port media was 1.07 m3 . The reactors were constituted by
under a hydraulic retention time of 0.78 h. two sections: a cylindrical one for the liquid fraction and a
The objective of this research was to carry out a com- conical one in which the sludge was hydrolysed.
parative study of the fermentation process of sewage to The pilot plant was situated near of the Guardarrama ur-
TVFA production at a pilot-scale using a fixed- and a ban wastewater purification plant (UWPP) at the vicinity of
suspended-bed reactor operating at similar conditions and Madrid City.
also to study the effect of changes of the ambient tempera-
ture at fixed operational conditions. 2.2. Pilot plant operation

The decanter was fed with raw sewage by using a pump

2. Materials and methods with variable flow-rates in the range of 0.5–5 m3 /h. The su-
pernatant was pumped to the reactors previously described
2.1. Description of the pilot plant (FAS and FER) at flow-rates in the range of 0.2–1 m3 /h.
Both reactors were equipped with recycling connections, for
The pilot-scale plant was composed of three units: sludge recycling at flow-rates in the range of 0.4–1.5 m3 /h.
The experiment duration was 1 year. Fig. 1 shows the
1. A decanter.
variation of the ambient temperature during the 12 month
2. A reactor with support media (FAS).
experiment. Three levels or ranges of temperature could be
3. A reactor without support (FER).
appreciated according to the season: during winter season,
The decanter consisted of a plastic cylindrical tank with from November (month 11) to February (month 2), the
a sectional surface area of 0.39 m2 and an operational vol- temperature ranged from a minimum of close to 0 ◦ C to a



Temperature (ºC)




1 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12

Fig. 1. Temperature distribution during the 12 months of the pilot-scale experiments.

M.F. Colmenarejo et al. / Process Biochemistry 39 (2004) 1257–1267 1259

Average Ambient Temperature (ºC)











Fig. 2. Average temperature for the different months of the experiment.

maximum of around 14 ◦ C with an average value of 7.3 ◦ C; ses of TVFA and sludge solid fraction (SSF) were also de-
during the spring and autumn seasons, from March (month termined in the recycling, which corresponded to the sludge
3) to May (month 5) and October (month 10) to November section of the reactors. All analyses were carried out accord-
(month 11), respectively, the temperature ranged from a min- ing to the recommendations of the Standard Methods for the
imum of around 3 ◦ C up to a maximum of 20 ◦ C with an aver- Examination of Water and Wastewater [24].
age value of 12.8 ◦ C; finally, during the summer period, from
June (month 6) to September (month 9), the temperature
varied between a minimum of around 13 ◦ C and a maximum 3. Results and discussion
of 32 ◦ C with an average value of 22.5 ◦ C. Fig. 2 shows the
variation of the maximum, minimum and medium tempera- 3.1. Effect of the HRT and ambient temperature
tures with the operation time for each seasonal period of this on ORP and pH
The experiment was carried out at hydraulic retention Oxidation–reduction potential is a measure of the degree
times (HRTs) in the range of 1.7–5.2 h, the influent strength of metabolic reactions that take place in the reactor. Hydrol-
being the same for both reactors during the summer. The ysis stage is characterised by oxidation–reduction potential
effect of the ambient temperature was evaluated at HRTs (ORP) values of around −300 mV, while methanogenesis
between 3.0 and 3.7 h. takes place at ORP values lower than −300 mV and close
to −500 mV [25,26]. Fig. 3 illustrates the variation of ORP
2.3. Laboratory analysis and field determinations at different HRT during the summer for the FAS and FER
reactors. The experimental points apparently show that val-
Ambient temperature, pH and oxidation–reduction poten- ues of ORP were not significantly influenced by the type of
tial (ORP) were measured online in the pilot plant during reactor and both FAS and FER behaved in the same way.
the experiment. The following parameters were analysed in The hydraulic retention time apparently had an strong in-
samples of the influent and effluents: total volatile fatty acids fluence on the ORP. Regression tests demonstrated that a
(TVFA), soluble COD (SCOD), phosphorus (P), ammonia logarithmic correlation exists between HRT and ORP. The
nitrogen (NH4 + ) and total suspended solids (TSS). Analy- relationship obtained between both the parameters is given
1260 M.F. Colmenarejo et al. / Process Biochemistry 39 (2004) 1257–1267

0 1 2 3 4 5 6


ORP (mv)

-300 FAS


HRT (d)

Fig. 3. Variation of the ORP with the HRT for FAS and FER reactors.

by the following equation: for FAS reactor during the summer was −397 mV, while
the maximum value during the winter was −374 mV. This
ORP = −267.6[ln(HRT)] − 32.1 (1)
result corresponded with maximum and minimum values of
the regression coefficient, R2 , is 0.98. pHs at 7.31 and 6.49, respectively. In the case of the FER
ORP is the oxidation–reduction potential (mV) and HRT reactor, the minimum and maximum values of ORP were
the hydraulic retention time (h). The equation clearly de- −387 and −442 mV for winter and summer, respectively,
scribes that ORP decreases as the HRT increases favour- corresponding to pH values of 7.28 and 6.97, respectively.
ing the methanogenic stage. Hydrolysis, with the maximum These results can be attributed more to hydrolytic bacteria
production of volatile fatty acids, could be enhanced at adapting to changes in temperature than methane forming
HRTs <3 h. At HRT over 3 h, methane production could be bacteria. The latter microorganisms are more affected by
favoured for decreased ORP values. the changes of temperature than the other groups of bac-
Fig. 4 shows the variation of effluent pH with the HRT for teria involved in the anaerobic decomposition of organic
FAS and FER reactors under summer seasonal temperatures. matter.
It was found that for low HRT values the pH decreased with
respect to the influent pH, but when HRT increased up to 3.2. Effect of the HRT and ambient temperature
values over 3 h, the effluent pH increased with respect to the on TVFA formation
influent pH value. Values of effluent pH were slightly higher
for FAS than for FER reactor, probably because of the fact Fig. 5 shows the variation of the concentration of TVFA
that biomass attachment increased the microbial retention at the influent, the recycling and the effluent as a function
time, favouring the development of methanogenic bacteria, of the experiment duration. These results demonstrated that
specially of acetate consumer microorganisms. Regression TVFA formation was slightly higher in the support zone
curves fixed to the experimental data well, and polynomial of the FAS reactor than in the FER reactor. However, the
empirical equations appear to well describe the process be- TVFA formation was more intense in the sludge zone of
haviour in both reactors. The equations obtained for FAS FER reactor than that observed in the reactor FAS. This
and FER reactors, respectively, were as follows: phenomenon could be attributed to the utilisation of a sup-
port media which contributed to an increase in the rate of
pHFAS = 7.34 − 0.01(HRT)3 + 0.14(HRT)2 − 0.32(HRT) organic matter assimilation and degradation, whereas in the
(2) case of the FER reactor (without support) the degradation is
limited by the contact between the microorganisms and the
pHFER = 7.34 − 0.02(HRT)3 + 0.02(HRT)2 −0.42(HRT) substrate. Hence, the solids accumulated at the bottom of the
(3) FAS reactor were more stabilised than those accumulated at
the bottom of the FER reactor.
the correlation coefficients, R2 , are 0.98 and 0.97 for FAS The production of TVFA appears to be maximum at the
and FER reactors, respectively. lowest values of HRT. The maximum TVFA concentration
The shape of the curves obtained corroborates that the was observed in the recycling zone of the FER reactor at a
optimal conditions for TVFA formation were at HRT of HRT of 1.7 h. For the FAS reactor, the maximum concen-
around 3 h. tration of TVFA was obtained at a HRT of 3.4 h.
The oxidation–reduction potential appears to be affected At approximately constant HRT and variable ambient
by the variations of ambient temperatures at a range of temperature, it was observed that the concentration of TVFA
HRTs between 3.0 and 3.7 h. The minimum value of ORP in the bulk liquid of the FAS and FER reactors increased
M.F. Colmenarejo et al. / Process Biochemistry 39 (2004) 1257–1267 1261




FAS (pH)
FER (pH)




0 1 2 3 4 5 6

HRT (h)
Fig. 4. Variation of the effluent pH with the HRT for FAS and FER reactors.

with decreased ambient temperature and the same behaviour FAS reactor for all the HRTs studied, except at 3.7 h (period
was observed in the recycling zone of both reactors, stress- between 6th August and 13th August). These results can be
ing the fact that accumulation of TVFA was favoured by attributed to an increase of methanogenesis in the FAS reac-
the decrease of temperature. tor, which agrees with previous observations in other works
reported in literature [17–20].
3.3. Effect of HRT and ambient temperature on SCOD, At HRTs in the range of 3.0–3.7 h and variable ambient
TSS and sludge concentration in the recycling temperatures, the SCOD concentration observed in the ef-
fluents of FAS and FER reactors was maximum during the
Fig. 6 shows the values of the influent and effluent SCOD summer and minimum at the beginning of the experiment.
during the experimental period. As can be seen, the hydroly- Fig. 7 shows the variation of the values of TSS for influ-
sis process increased with the experiment duration and with ents and effluents of both reactors with the operation time
the advance of the operation time. During the initial period for the different HRTs studied during the experiment. As
of the experiment, effluent SCOD decreased in relation to can be seen, the effluent total suspended solids (TSS) con-
the observed value for the influent, but in the last period centrations were lower than the TSS concentrations for the
of the experimental time, effluent SCOD increased showing influent in both FAS and FER reactors. These results can
higher values compared to those of the influent. This fact be explained by the solubilisation and degradation of partic-
shows an intensification of the hydrolysis process because ulate organic matter in both reactors. An increase of HRT
of the increase in total COD solubilisation. The concentra- determined an increase of TSS removal which could be ob-
tion of effluent SCOD was higher in the FER than in the served during the periods included between 31 March–5 July
1262 M.F. Colmenarejo et al. / Process Biochemistry 39 (2004) 1257–1267

Fig. 5. Variation of the TVFA concentration and the HRT with the operation time for the liquid and recycling zones of the FAS and FER reactors.

Fig. 6. Variation of the influent and effluent SCOD concentrations and the HRT with the operation time for FAS and FER reactors.
M.F. Colmenarejo et al. / Process Biochemistry 39 (2004) 1257–1267 1263

Fig. 7. Variation of the influent and effluent TSS concentrations and the HRT with the operation time for FAS and FER reactors.

and 14 August–18 September. When the experiment dura- of FAS reactor. As can be seen, the sludge concentration in
tion was increased the reactors performance also increased, the recycling zone of the FER reactor was higher than that
improving the TSS removal in both cases. The initial con- observed in the FAS reactor during the entire experiment,
centration of TSS also influenced the percentage of TSS re- probably due to the higher SCOD and TSS removals ob-
moval, as could be observed during the operational period tained in the FAS reactor, which can be observed in Figs. 6
between 31 March and 5 July. On comparing the perfor- and 7. By fixing the hydraulic retention time and varying the
mance of FAS and FER reactors, lower values of effluent ambient temperature, it was observed that the sludge con-
TSS were obtained for FER at the beginning of the experi- centration increased in winter as compared to summer and
ment (periods between 31 March and 5 August) for the low- spring. This fact could be explained by an increase of the
est HRTs studied. However, the FAS performance was better population of hydrolytic bacteria in relation to methanogenic
than FER during the periods ranging between 6 August and bacteria, which occurred when the temperature decreased,
3 December. These periods also corresponded with higher as was previously described, causing the reduction of gas
SCOD removals in FAS compared to those obtained in the emissions in the process.
FER reactor.
For HRT values in the range from 3.0 to 3.7 h, but by 3.4. Effect of HRT and ambient temperature on total
varying ambient temperature, the concentration of effluent phosphorus, ammonia and on the (P/SCOD) and
TSS was maximum during the winter and minimum during (NH4 /SCOD) ratios
the summer, probably due to the higher concentration of
recycling sludge observed during the winter. Fig. 9 shows the variation in phosphorus and ammonia
Fig. 8 illustrates the effects of the operation time and HRT concentrations at the influent and effluents of FAS and FER
on the sludge concentration in the conical section expressed reactors with the operation time. Phosphorus concentration
as solids which can settle. The shape of this figure demon- in the effluents was higher compared to what was observed in
strates the influence of HRT on the sludge concentration. the influents between July (month 7) and December (month
An increase of HRT determined an increase of sludge con- 12), probably as a consequence of the recycling, which was
centration in the sludge section of both FAS and FER re- able to increase the phosphorus concentration in the reactor.
actors. For an approximately constant value of HRT whilst The effluent phosphorus concentration was higher in the
the sludge concentration remained constant for FER as the reactor FER when compared to the reactor FAS. As can
operational period or experiment duration increased, an in- be expected, ammonia nitrogen in the effluents was higher
crease of the sludge concentration was observed in the case compared to the influent concentration due to the microbial
1264 M.F. Colmenarejo et al. / Process Biochemistry 39 (2004) 1257–1267

Fig. 8. Variation of the solids content of the sludge and the HRT with the operation time for FAS and FER reactors.

Fig. 9. Variation of the influent and effluent phosphorus and ammonia concentrations and the HRT with the operation time for FAS and FER reactors.
M.F. Colmenarejo et al. / Process Biochemistry 39 (2004) 1257–1267 1265

activity. The maximum values of ammonia and phosphorus Table 1

were observed at the maximum value of HRT, coinciding Summary of the experimental data of TVFA concentration in the FAS (2)
and FER (3) reactors
with an increase of pH and a decrease of ORP, previously
Parameter (units) 1 2 3 4 5
observed. Ammonia nitrogen was higher in the effluents of
HRT (h) 1.7 3 3.4 3.7 5.2
FER in all conditions studied except during the minimum BV (g COD/l per day) 3.83 2.17 1.91 1.76 1.25
HRT period, which was used between July (month 7) and S1 (g acetic acid/l) 0.049 0.041 0.047 0.048 0.048
August (month 8), in which the differences in both reactors S2 (g acetic acid/l) 0.050 0.050 0.061 0.051 0.057
were minimum and could be neglected. L2 (g acetic acid/l) 0.057 0.053 0.065 0.060 0.064
SE2 (g acetic acid/l) 0.051 0.050 0.062 0.052 0.058
At HRTs in the range of 3.0 to 3.7 h, ammonia and phos-
S3 (g acetic acid/l) 0.047 0.046 0.062 0.047 0.053
phorus concentrations in the liquid fractions were higher in L3 (g acetic acid/l) 80 57 81 71 68
the spring and summer, than in the winter. An increase of SE3 (g acetic acid/l) 51 48 65 50 55
ambient temperature was probably favourable for ammonia Values of S2 , L2 , SE2 , S3 , L3 , and SE3 are the averages of 150 determi-
and phosphorus production, due to the increase of methano- nations. The differences between the observed values were <5% in all
genesis activity at higher temperatures, as was previously cases. S1 , the TVFA concentration in the influent of both reactors; S2 ,
L2 , SE2 , the TVFA concentration in the liquid section, sludge section and
effluent of the FAS reactor, respectively; S3 , L3 , SE3 , the TVFA con-
The average P/SCOD ratio for the influents was 0.06, centration in the liquid section, sludge section and effluent of the FER
while in the effluents this ratio was found to be 0.05 for FAS reactor, respectively.
and FER reactors. The average ratio of ammonia/SCOD for
the influents and effluents of both reactors were 0.15 and
0.14, respectively. These results demonstrate that effluent TVFA concentration in the effluent of the reactor for each
quality was slightly improved by the treatment employed for experiment was calculated considering the values of TVFA
a further process of nutrient removal. in the sludge and liquid zones of both reactors. Table 1 sum-
marises the experimental results obtained at different HRT
3.5. Determination of TVFA formation rate and organic volumetric loading rates (BV ). Values of TVFA
concentration at the influents (S1 ), in the liquid section of
With the aim of determining the TVFA formation rate, a the FAS reactor (S2 ), in the sludge section (L2 ), and in the
TVFA balance in the reactors was carried out. For this pur- effluent (SE2 ) are shown. The values of the TVFA concen-
pose, the experiments at variable HRT and almost constant tration were also measured in the FER reactor, (liquid sec-
ambient temperature were considered. The determination of tion of reactor (S3 ), sludge section (L3 ), and effluent (SE3 )).

Fig. 10. Variation of the TVFA yield with the organic volumetric loading rate (BV ) for FAS and FER reactors.
1266 M.F. Colmenarejo et al. / Process Biochemistry 39 (2004) 1257–1267

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