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Surface & Coatings Technology 187 (2004) 293 – 299

Electrodeposition of graphite-bronze composite coatings and study

of electroplating characteristics
A. Afshar, M. Ghorbani, M. Mazaheri *
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, P. O. Box 11356-8639, Tehran, 8639, Iran
Received 5 June 2003; accepted in revised form 30 April 2004
Available online 28 August 2004


The aim of this research is to obtain composite coatings of bronze (90% Cu – 10% Sn) with graphite particles. The electrodeposition of
G – Cu (Sn) composites from an alkaline bath containing cyanide is described. Composite coatings consisting of graphite particles and
copper-tin were prepared by means of the conventional electrocodeposition (CECD) and sediment codeposition (SCD) techniques. The
graphite particles involved were less than 10 Am. The dependence of graphite amount in the composite coatings was investigated in relation
to the graphite concentration in bath, cathode current density, stir rate and technique type and it was shown that these parameters strongly
affected the volume percentage of graphite. The deposition efficiency with and without graphite particles in bath was studied. The
morphology and phases of the electrodeposited composite were studied. Composite coatings were obtained with roughness significantly
higher than the bronze alloy coatings. The graphite distribution in composite coatings at low concentrations of graphite in bath was uniform
across the coating, but at high concentrations, graphite particles on the surface were agglomerated. The graphite percentage in composite
coatings obtained was up to 8.5% (vol.) in the CECD and 11.8% (vol.) form the SCD technique.
D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Electrodeposition; Graphite-bronze coating; Sediment codeposition

1. Introduction the duration of the experiment. On the other hand, for the
SCD technique, particles were suspended in the electrolyte
Research into the production of composite coatings by and allowed to settle onto the horizontal cathode as a
electrolytic codeposition of fine particles with metal from sediment. The layer of sedimented particles was periodically
plating baths has been investigated by numerous investi- disturbed by vigorous agitation, and then permitted to settle
gators. Interest in electrodeposited composites has in- again for codeposition [2,3].
creased substantially during the past two decades due Several copper-based composites have been successfully
mainly to the fact that composite coatings can give various produced by occlusion plating. Sediment codeposition
properties, such as wear resistance, high temperature (SCD) has been developed such that it gives a higher
corrosion protection, oxidation resistance and self-lubrica- percentage incorporation of the second phase material and
tion, to a plated surface. Research on electrodeposition of better control of operational parameters [3].
composite coatings has been attention directed towards the Codeposition of particles in a metal matrix is the result of
determination of optimum conditions for their production, adsorption of metal ions at the particle surface and thus
i.e., current density, temperature, particle concentration and making them attracted to the cathode [4]. The influence of
bath composition. the particles presence in the electrolyte on the mass transfer
Occlusion plating of a second phase with a metal matrix enhancement [5] and effect of hydrodynamic conditions on
has been carried out by employing both CECD and SCD the particle content in codeposits has also been investigated
techniques [1]. In the CECD technique, particles were kept [6]. The kinetics of the deposition of inert particles from
in suspension in the bath by continuous agitation throughout electrolytic baths has been investigated by Guglielmi [7]
and Celis and Roos [8]. A mathematical model for electro-
* Corresponding author. Tel: +98-21-8066726; fax: +98-21-8066726. lytic codeposition of particles with a metallic matrix was
E-mail address: (M. Mazaheri). discussed by Celis et al. [9].

0257-8972/$ - see front matter D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
294 A. Afshar et al. / Surface & Coatings Technology 187 (2004) 293–299

Table 1 types were examined by XRD method. The graphite, copper

Composition and deposition parameters of Cu – Sn bath used
and tin content of the composite coating were analyzed by
Deposition parameters Amount the weight method and EDX. Etching of the surface is
CuCN 29 g/l necessary to reveal the presence of graphite particles incor-
K2SnO3 35 g/l porated in the coating. A nitric acid solution (10 vol.%) was
KCN 64 g/l
used during 5 s for experiments.
KOH 10 g/l
Rochelle salt 45 g/l
T 30 – 70 F 2 jC
PH 12 3. Results and discussion
CD 2 – 5 A/dm2
3.1. Bronze coating

Composite coatings have been produced by electrolytic The purpose of this work was to find the dependence of
codeposition of fine inert, semi conductive and conductive the Cu – Sn alloy composition on the different bath param-
particles with metal from plating baths [10]. An overview of eters and also the optimum conditions for the electrodepo-
electrodeposited composite coatings of copper with inert, sition of a 90% Cu –10% Sn coatings. Fig. 1 shows the
semi conductive and conductive particles is done by Stan- chemical composition of matrix as a function of current
kovic and Gojo [10]. density at 40 and 70 jC. An increase in current density at 70
Numerous studies have been devoted to electrodeposited jC from 2 to 7 A/dm2 led to an increase in tin percent from
copper-based composites [11,12], but very few have exam- 10% to 18%, but at 40 jC, the effect of current density on
ined the influence alloying aspects on the codeposition chemical composition was less and the tin percent is
process and the properties of the resulting composite coat- approximately 10% for current densities between 2 and 7
ings. Some experiments have been carried out on electro- A/dm2. Thus, the dependence of chemical composition on
deposition of a-Al2O3, CaF2 and talc particles with Cu – 10 temperature is more significant than current density. Fig. 2
wt.% Sn alloy [13] and graphite with a brass alloy (Cu – 30 shows the XRD pattern of alloy coating. It shows that the
wt.% Zn) [14]. This paper presents results of research into deposit has a mono-phase matrix (a-bronze).
the electrodeposition of graphite-bronze composite coatings
with particular reference to the electroplating parameters of 3.2. Cathode efficiency
the bath used.
Fig. 3 indicates the variation in cathode efficiency of the
bronze bath with current density for two temperatures, 40
2. Experimental and 70 jC. It can be seen that the cathode efficiency
declines with the increase of current density. The efficiency
The electrolyte used in this study was a cyanide system, is higher at 40 jC than at 70 jC at a given current density.
containing graphite particles. The composition of the solu- This can be attributed to polarization at surface of cathode
tion and operating parameters for electrodeposition are with increasing current density and temperature. The cath-
shown in Table 1. The graphite powder used in the process ode efficiency at 40 jC varies from 78% to 47% (related to
has size less than 10 Am and was added to bath with 90% Cu – 10% Sn).
concentration of 20 – 100 g/l.
Cathodes, made of cold-rolled steel, were positioned in
horizontal plane with anode above them (in SCD) and vertical
(in CECD). The distance between anode and cathode was 4
cm. Steel specimens 50  50  0.5 mm were used for the
cathode efficiency determination and other experiments.
Before each experiment, cathode was consecutively
polished up to 600-grain emery paper, washed with deter-
gent, dipped in acid solution (HCl), rinsed with distilled
water and dried. Anode was prepared from bronze (90%
Cu – 10% Sn) and reference electrode was Ag/AgCl.
Occlusion plating of bronze-graphite was carried out by
employing both CECD and SCD techniques. Experiments
were performed in a cell with magnetic stirring in order to
keep particles in suspension. Stirring intensity was up to 200
Surface morphologies of composite coatings were exam- Fig. 1. Chemical composition of matrix as a function of current density at
ined by scanning electron microscope F S.E.M.) and phase 40 and 70 jC.
A. Afshar et al. / Surface & Coatings Technology 187 (2004) 293–299 295

Fig. 2. The XRD pattern of alloy coating (a-bronze).

Fig. 4. The change in cathode efficiency with addition of graphite particles
to bath at 40 jC.
The introduction of graphite to bath gives a variation
cathode efficiency. Fig. 4 shows the change in cathode [1,2]. Also, the graphite amount in coating decreases with
efficiency with addition of graphite particles to bath. When increasing of the stir rating. At a high stir rate, because of
graphite particles collide at the cathode surface because of turbulent flow in bath, graphite particles on the cathode
good conductivity of graphite, the conditions for deposit surface are washed away and thus the graphite percent in
formation are established and so the cathode efficiency composite coating decreases. In terms of the Foster model,
increases. with increase of stir rate resulting in increasing the forces
acting on the particles resting on the cathode surface, this
3.3. Content of graphite embedded in coating decreases Vp. In Fig. 5, it can be seen that with increase of
graphite concentration above 50 g/l in bath, the graphite
The volume fraction of particles in composite coatings percent in composite coating becomes almost constant,
(denoted by Vp) was determined by gravimetric analysis. which is similar to the observed for Al2O3 – Cu (Sn), talc –
Electroplating of the G –Cu (Sn) coating was carried out by Cu (Sn) [15] and G –Cu (Sn) composites [16]. This can be
employing both the CECD and the SCD techniques. The attributed to the effective saturation particle concentration.
graphite percent in composite coating as a function of In high concentrations (50 g/l), because of the agglomera-
graphite concentration and stir rating is shown in Fig. 5. tion of particles in bath, the effective particle concentration
In constant stir rating, an increased concentration of is constant, thus resulting in constant graphite percent in the
particles in the bath corresponded to an increased Vp for composite coating.
composite coating. The results shown in Fig. 5 can be Fig. 6 shows the relationship between current density and
explained by the Guglielmi two-step adsorption model VP for the CECD and the SCD processes at 40 jC where %
where a higher particle concentration in the electrolyte Sn is constant (10 wt.%). An increase in current density
increases the adsorption, thus resulting in a higher Vp

Fig. 3. The variation in cathode efficiency of the bronze bath with current Fig. 5. The graphite percent in composite coating as a function of graphite
density. concentration and stir rating.
296 A. Afshar et al. / Surface & Coatings Technology 187 (2004) 293–299

Fig. 8. The relationship between VP and stir rate in CECD and SCD methods.
Fig. 6. The relationship between current density and VP for the CECD and
the SCD processes at 40 jC.
gravity force on particles and then growth of bronze matrix
around the particles.
The relationship between VP and stir rate in the CECD
from 3 to 6 A/dm2 led to a decrease in VP. This can be
and the SCD methods is shown in Fig. 8. The graphite
explained by the fact that an increase in current density
percent in composite coating decreases with increase of stir
results in a more rapid deposition of metal matrix and less
rate, as shown in Fig. 8. This can be explained in terms of
graphite is embedded in the composite coating, as reported
the Foster theory where the effect of stirring increases the
by Fawzy [15] and Wang et al. [13]. Hence, the metal
forces acting on the particles resting on the cathode surface
deposition dominates over particle deposition in the code-
(which decreases Vp) [16].
position process. To increase the graphite percent in the
coating, the SCD technique is the best process. In Fig. 6, it
3.4. Content of tin in matrix of composite coating
can be seen that at each current density, the graphite amount
in the SCD process is higher than the CECD process.
Fig. 9 shows the dependence of the matrix composi-
Fig. 7 compares the SCD and the CECD techniques. In
tion on temperature at a cathode current density of 3 A/
constant graphite concentration, the amount of graphite in
dm2. The alloy composition substantially affects the color
composite coating is higher in the SCD compared to the
of the deposit. Electrodeposits containing over 92%
CECD technique, which is similar to that observed by
copper demonstrate a rose tint. A golden yellow color
Ghouse for Cu –G and Cu – SiC composite coatings [4,8].
is provided at a copper content of 80% to 90%. The
This results from sedimentation of the graphite particles on
phases in composite coating are a-bronze and graphite.
the horizontal cathode in the SCD technique because of the

Fig. 9. The dependence of the matrix composition with temperature at the

Fig. 7. Comparison of the SCD and the CECD techniques. cathode current density of 3 A/dm2.
A. Afshar et al. / Surface & Coatings Technology 187 (2004) 293–299 297

Fig. 10. The XRD pattern of composite coating containing of mono-phase matrix (a-bronze) with embedded graphite particles.

In Fig. 9, it was found that the presence of graphite in coatings containing of 8.5%G (Figs. 13 and 14) at different
bath increases the tin percent in matrix of composite magnification.
coatings. The morphology of the bronze (Cu– Sn) is uniform
and the deposit has a regular surface. The introduction of
3.5. Study of morphology graphite to coatings in both the CECD and the SCD
caused dendritic growth. The morphology of the G –Cu
Traditional optical microscopy and electronic scanning (Sn) composite coatings is irregular and at a low graphite
microscopy F S.E.M.) are used to realize the surface percent, the graphite particles are clearly visible on the
morphology. surface with a homogeneous distribution but when graph-
The XRD method of G –Cu (Sn) coatings is a suitable ite content in bath increases, the agglomeration of par-
method to determine the phase kind and presence of ticles in coating increases. One of the most reliable
graphite in the alloy matrix. Fig. 10 shows the XRD pattern methods to observe the distribution of the graphite par-
of composite coating. It shows that the deposit has mono- ticles in the bronze matrix consists of taking photographs
phase matrix (a-bronze) with embedded graphite particles. of cross-section.
Fig. 10 shows the comparison of bronze alloy coating with a The micrographies show the presence and distribution of
graphite-bronze composite coating. graphite particles in the metal matrix. Those that appear as
Micrographies presented allow comparison between a Cu black points. The thickness of composite coatings was 20
(10% Sn) coating (Figs. 11 and 12) and Cu (10% Sn)– G Am. Figs. 15 and 16 show agglomeration of graphite

Fig. 11. Micrograph of Cu – Sn alloy coating without graphite particles. Fig. 12. Micrograph of Cu – Sn alloy coating without graphite particles.
298 A. Afshar et al. / Surface & Coatings Technology 187 (2004) 293–299

Fig. 13. Micrograph of G – Cu (Sn) composite coating containing of 5.4% G. Fig. 15. Micrograph of G – Cu (Sn) composite coating containing of
11.8% G.

particles in composite coating in bath containing of 50 g/l G,

where the size of agglomerated graphite particles reach amount of graphite obtained by the SCD technique is
above 20 Am. greater than that obtained by the CECD technique under
all the conditions studied. While the percentage of the
second phase obtained is up to 8.5% (vol.) in the CECD
4. Conclusions process, where it was 11.8% (vol.) for the SCD technique.
The graphite amount in composite coating decreases with
The composition of matrix depends on current density the current density employed for both techniques. The
and temperature. Coatings with 90% Cu – 10% Sn can be extent of incorporation of graphite increases with the
obtained from the cyanide bath at 40 jC. However, the concentration of graphite suspended in the bath. The effect
variation of current density has negligible effect on %Sn in is much more marked at the lower concentrations and it is
matrix at 40 jC. The composite coating has mono-phase less significant at the higher concentrations.
matrix (a-bronze) and graphite particles. The current The distribution of graphite particles in composite coat-
density and graphite content in solution influence the ing at low concentrations is uniform, but at high concen-
cathode efficiency; with decrease of current density or trations of graphite in bath, agglomeration of graphite
increase of the graphite content in bath, the cathode particles takes place on the surface. The bronze alloy
efficiency increases. Graphite particles can be successfully coating has a regular surface. Metallographies of deposits
codeposited with bronze alloy by both the CECD and the obtained for bronze alloy coating without graphite particles
SCD techniques. show a smooth surface. The introduction of graphite par-
The graphite content of the composite coatings depends ticles into solution in both the CECD and the SCD causes
on the particle concentration in bath, current density, stir dendritic growth.
rating and method of deposition (CECD and SCD). The

Fig. 16. Agglomeration of graphite particles in G – Cu (Sn) composite

Fig. 14. Micrograph of G – Cu (Sn) composite coating containing of 5.4% G. coating at bath containing of 50 g/l G.
A. Afshar et al. / Surface & Coatings Technology 187 (2004) 293–299 299

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