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UNFINISHED HOW LONG oda I've known Karen since 1994. She's lived in London for three years. PERFECT SIMPLE ; Use with: since 2010, since July, for ten years, for three days. UNFINISHED TIME WORD | haven't seen her this month. FINISHED Use with: this week, today, this month, this year. PRESENT RESULT I've lost my keys (so I can't get into my LIFE EXPERIENCE poe I've been to Tokyo. Use with: ever, never. NEWS / RECENT EVENTS The Queen has given a speech. Use with: just / yet / already / recently. Perfect English Grammar Make the past simple. Irregular Verbs Past Simple (Part 1) She (bring) some chocolates to the party. 1 (hear) a new song on the radio. 1 (read) three books last week They (speak) French to the waitress. He (understand) during the class, but now he doesn't understand. 1 (forget) to buy some milk. She (have) a baby in June. You (lose) your keys last week. ‘They (swim) 500m. 1 (give) my mother a CD for Christmas. Atthe age of 23, she (become) a doctor. 1 (know) the answer yesterday. He (tell) me that he lived in Toronto. We (lend) John £200. She (Grink) too much coffee yesterday. ‘The children (sleep) in the car. He (keep) his promise 1 (choose) the steak for dinner. ‘The film, (begin) late. We (fly) to Sydney. They i He (teach) English at the University. 1 (send) you an e-mail earlier. We (leave) the house at 7 am. He (feel) terrible after eating the prawns. perfect ng! ish- grammar com May be rely copied for personal o classroom se onan et AFFECT Ex, “ e, Irregular Past Participles (Part 1) Make the past participle of the verb. 1. Julie wasn't at home. She had ____ (go) to the shops. 2. We've already — (have) lunch. 3. This was the first time she had (do) her homework 4. They have (begin) painting the living room. 5. We have (keep) this secret for three years. 6. He has never (drive) a motorbike before, 7. Thave (be) sick all week. 8. By the time we arrived, the children had (eat) all the chocolate, 9, The books had (fall) off the table, and were all over the floor. 10. A: Are you okay? B: I've (feel) better. Id (lend) my umbrella to John, so I got wet. 12. I've been looking for ages, but I haven't (find) my keys yet. 13, The birds have (ly) south for the winter. 14, She has finally (come). 15, Don't worry, we haven't (forget) about the meeting. 16. Ithad (become) very cold, so we went inside. 17. You have (buy) a lot of new clothes recently. 18. Id (get) a lovely new bike for my birthday, so I was keen tonryit 19, She'd (bring) a cake to the party, but we didn't eat it 20. Have you (choose) your university yet? 21. Have you ever. (drink) Turkish coffee? 22. I've (give) some money to Julia, 23. Had you (hear) of this band before you came to the USA? 24, She has (snow) about the problem for three months. 25. Why has John (leave) already? © perfect english-grammarcom ‘May be rely copied fr petsonal or classroom use nam, te FECT &; “™ Present Perfect Mixed Exercise | Make the present perfect: positive, negative or question. 1. (you/ keep a pet for three years) 2. (you/ come here before?) 3. (it/rain all day?) 4. (who / we / forget to invite? (we / not / hear that song already) 6. (he /not / forget his books) 7. (she / steal all the chocolate!) 8. (/exph it well?) 9. (who / he / meet recently 10. (how / we / finish already?) 11. (he / study Latin) 12. (1/ know him for three months) 13, (where / you / study Arabic?) 14, (what countries / they / visit in Europe?) 1 (© www perfect english grammarcom “May be freely copied fr personal or classroom wse. RAM, ee goto 15, (he / hurt his leg) 16, (she / leave her phone in a taxi) 17. (wwe / not / lose our tickets) 18, (she / call her mother?) 19. (he / take a taxi?) 20, (she / go//to the library) © wee perfec-english-grammarcom ‘May be feel copied for personal or classroom use

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