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Task 9.

Choose the right Future Tenses (Future Progressive, Future Simple, Future Perfect,
Future Perfect Progressive) or Present Simple, Present Progressive or be going to.
1. Tracy has bought some cloth. She ____________ (make) a new blouse.
2. If you ______________ (listen) to my friend’s advice, you ___________ (pass) your final exam with
flying colours.
3. Will you join us for dinner? — I’m sorry, I can’t. I __________ (go) to a fitness club.
4. According to the weather forecast it __________ (be) windy and cold tomorrow.
5. By the time we _____________ (get) to the airport Bryan’s plane ________ (already, arrive) and he
____________ (wonder) why we haven’t met him.
6. Jason doesn’t attend lectures. He ____________ (to fail) his exams.
7. Julie _____________ (meet) the boss at four o’clock today. She has to hurry up. Her boss _______ (be)
angry if she ___________ (be) late.
8. Lynda _____________ (play) the leading roles at this theatre for five years by the next summer.
9. If you ___________ (play) sports, you _____________ (be) healthy and strong enough to do hard work.
10. Alison is exhausted. She _____________ (doss) around all day tomorrow.
11. The performance ___________(start) at 8.00 and _________(finish) at 10.00.
12. The doctor _______________(examine) his clients by the time you ___________(get) to a hospital.
13. When Sandy _____________(finish) her breakfast, she ____________ (take) a short walk in the park.
14. The children ____________ (walk) in a nearby playground from 5.00 to 6.00 tomorrow.
15. Do you realize that by the time we ____________(arrive) in Kyiv we ___________(drive) for seven
hours at a stretch.
16. What are your plans for a weekend? — I ___________(visit) my grandparents.
17. What ____________(you, do, definitely) tomorrow? — I ___________(meet) an old friend of mine at
18. The bulb is burnt out and the light doesn’t work. — I ____________(give) you a new light bulb, don’t
19. _______________(you, go) to the box office today? — Yes, why? — Can you buy tickets for me?
20. Spring ____________(last) too long this year. It’s a pity we cannot control the weather.

Task 10. Choose the right Future Tenses (Future Progressive, Future Simple, Future Perfect,
Future Perfect Progressive) or Present Simple, Present Progressive or be going to.
1. I don’t understand this problem. — Ask your father about it. He __________(help) you.
2. Janine _____________(try) to become a professional actress.
3. When Sam retires he _____________(work) for forty years.
4. Look out! We ___________(crash) into the car in front of us!
5. This time tomorrow I ___________ (swim) in the Black Sea.
6. William’s car _____________ (do) fifty thousand miles by the next year.
7. On the next wedding anniversary the Robinsons ___________ (be) married for thirty years.
8. This letter is written in German. I don’t know it. Can you help me? — Of course, I ___________
(translate) it for you.
9. Samantha ____________ (travel) to Turkey next year. She ___________ (save) money for this trip.
10. Rickey has already made his plans. He _____________(leave) at 10.00 tomorrow.
11. The new art museum ___________(open) at 6.00 p.m. tomorrow.
12. Look at the car! It’s _____________(run into) the lamp post.
13. My aunt _______________(buy) presents for all her relatives before she leaves for France.
14. The Parkers _____________(build) an extension to their terrace house next spring.
15. When Lynda ___________(arrive) at the airport the whole family ___________(wait) for her.
16. Look at those awful clouds! When the dinner ___________(be) over, it ___________(rain, probably).
17. When Diana ___________(get) up tomorrow morning the sun __________(shine) and it
___________(not, rain).
18. By the year 2020 Tom ____________(live) in London for fifty years.
19. If it ____________(not, snow) in the evening we ___________(go) out for a walk.
20. Clair _____________ (finish) her report by six and then she ___________ (visit) her aunt Helen.

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