Jane 9V Little Red Riding Hood Adaption

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It wasn’t my fault he was devilishly handsome. It wasn’t my fault he was so good with his words.

Therefore, it wasn’t my fault I went along with him. Granny was not at home at the time, and he just
had such charisma. And with his muscular body, sharp jawline, and piercing eyes, what girl would
have done any different? I suppose I should have listened to Mother. But I’m not a child anymore.
And I don’t regret it. And then the interfering woodcutter, thinking he’s all high and mighty, killed
the poor wolf thinking he was forcing me into it. Although, he wasn’t, poor soul. ‘Thank you,’ I said,
to the woodcutter, but I should have told the truth. I felt guilty for thanking him and pretending it
had nothing to do with me, but one can’t relive the past. I’m just glad someone has taken me
seriously. And I don’t regret it.

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