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2002 © The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry

Electrochemical Behavior of 2′-Halogenated Derivatives of

N,N-Dimethyl-4-aminoazobenzene at Mercury Electrode
Mustafa UÇAR,*† A. Osman SOLAK,* and Necati MENEK**

*Ankara University, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, Tandoğan, 06100 Ankara, Turkey
**Ondokuz Mayıs University, Faculty of Science and Arts, Department of Chemistry,
55139 Kurupelit-Samsun, Turkey

The electrochemical behavior of 2′-halogeno-N,N-dimethyl-4-aminoazobenzene derivatives was investigated using

various polarographic and voltammetric methods. The peak potentials of these derivatives were observed to shift towards
negative values along with an increase in the pH. A reduction of the azo linkage took place via two electrons at pH > 4,
but four electrons at pH < 4 in aqueous–ethanol mixtures. The standard rate constants were determined with (Laviron
technique) or without (Nicholson technique) taking the adsorption phenomena into account. The diffusion coefficients
were calculated from the cyclic voltammetric data using a method developed by Garrido. The amount of adsorbed
substances and transfer coefficients for the electron transfer were also determined. A mechanism for the electrode
reaction is proposed. These compounds can be quantitatively determined between 1 × 10–5 M and 1 × 10–7 with DPP and

(Received May 29, 2002; Accepted July 8, 2002)

voltammetry and constant-potential electrolysis.

Introduction The general structure of the investigated 2′-halogeno-N,N-
dimethyl-4-aminoazobenzene derivatives is
Aromatic azo compounds have attracted great interest in recent
years due to their carcinogenic potency1 and their use in textile2
and pharmaceutical industries as dyes and coloring agents.3
They are also starting materials in the synthesis of many organic
compounds.4,5 Early investigations on the polarographic
reduction of azobenzene and substituted azobenzenes have been where X = Cl (I), Br (II), I (III).
discussed briefly.6
The electrochemical behavior of azo compounds in acidic and
basic media was investigated using constant-potential Experimental
coulometry, differential pulse polarography, ac polarography,
sampled current polarography, cyclic voltammetry, and linear Apparatus
sweep voltammetry.7–12 Polarographic measurements were carried out with a
Although the electrochemical behavior of these compounds in BAS100B Electrochemical Analyzer equipped with a BAS100B
both aqueous and non-aqueous media has been widely studied, Cell Stand, a PAR 303A static mercury drop electrode (SMDE)
there has been no systematic study concerning the effect of and a PAR Model 305 stirrer. All solutions were deaerated for
adsorption on the electrochemistry and kinetics of these 10 min with pure nitrogen, deoxygenated with a vanadium
compounds in the literature. Adsorption plays an important role chloride solution, concentrated HCl and amalgamated zinc, and
in their behavior. The only mention of this effect appeared in blanketed thereafter. The pH values of the solutions were
studies by Florence,13 Pezzatini and Guidelli,14 and Uçar et al.9,12 recorded by an ORION 720A pH-meter. The buffer solutions
This paper mainly concerns the electrochemical behavior and used were the Britton–Robinson (BR) type with pH values of 2 –
mechanism of various 2′-halogeno-N,N-dimethyl-4- 12. Polarographic and voltammetric experiments were carried
aminoazobenzene derivatives in the presence of adsorption out with an SMDE in a three-electrode cell equipped with a Pt
using methods developed by Laviron15 and Garrido.16 Data wire auxiliary and Ag/AgCl reference electrodes. Cyclic
without taking adsorption phenomena into account using the voltammetric and chronoamperometric experiments were
Nicholson17 method are also given. Also, the surface excess performed by hanging a mercury drop electrode (HMDE)
concentration, transfer coefficients, standard heterogeneous rate having a surface area of 0.0145 cm2. Constant-potential
constants (ks) and the number of electrons transferred to 2′- electrolysis was carried out using a mercury pool electrode with
halogeno-N,N-dimethyl-4-aminoazobenzene derivatives (I, II, a surface area of 19.6 cm2. The number of electrons was
III) were determined using chronocoulometry, cyclic calculated from the amount of charge passed (Q = nFN) after
68.15 min of electrolysis, the time for the current to drop by
† To whom correspondence should be addressed.
about 1% of its initial value. All of the measurements were
E-mail: ucar@science.ankara.edu.tr taken at the laboratory temperature (25 ± 1˚C) and no maximum

Fig. 1 Cyclic voltammograms of 1.67 × 10–5 M 2′-I-N,N-dimethyl- Fig. 3 Change in the limiting current of 1.67 × 10–5 M 2′-halogeno-
4-aminoazobenzene in (a) acidic (pH 2.00), (b) basic media (pH 6.83) N,N-dimethyl-4-aminoazobenzene with the pH [EtOH:BR = 1:5 ν/ν,
[EtOH:BR = 1:5 ν/ν, scan rate = 100 mV/s, with HMDE and scan rate = 10 mV/s, drop time = 1 s with SMDE and Ag/AgCl
Ag/AgCl reference electrode)]. reference electrode].

Fig. 4 Change in the ip,c in the 2′-halogeno-N,N-dimethyl-4-

aminoazobenzene derivatives with the concentration in a basic
medium with DPP [EtOH:BR = 1:5 ν/ν, scan rate = 100 mV/s, with
Fig. 2 Change in the half-wave potentials (E1/2) of 1.67 × 10–5 M HMDE, pH 4.9 and Ag/AgCl reference electrode)].
2′-halogeno-N,N-dimethyl-4-aminoazobenzene derivatives with the
pH [EtOH:BR = 1:5 ν/ν, scan rate = 10 mV/s, drop time: 1 s with
SMDE and Ag/AgCl reference electrode)].
given in Figs. 1a and 1b as examples. The first cathodic peak is
due to a reduction of the –N=N– group to –NH–NH– in a basic
medium, and the breakage of the –NH–NH– bond in an acidic
suppressor was used. medium. The second cathodic peak is most probably due to the
catalytic hydrogen wave, as mentioned in the literature.12,20,21
Reagents The first reduction peak of 2′-I-N,N-dimethyl-4-
Acetic acid (BDH, Analar), phosphoric acid (Merck), boric aminoazobenzene was observed at Ep,c = –72 mV in an acidic
acid (Riedel) ammonium metavanadate (Merck), and sodium medium (pH 2.00) and Ep,c = –455 mV in a basic medium (pH
hydroxide (Merck) were used without further purification. The 6.83). An anodic peak appears corresponding to the first
water used in the preparation of the solutions was distilled and reduction peak of 2′-halogeno-N,N-dimethyl-4-
deionized by an ELGASTAT water purification system. aminoazobenzene derivatives above a pH value of 4.0. The
The aromatic azo compounds used were synthesized reduction peak potentials shift to negative values as the medium
according to the literature18 and their purities were checked with becomes more basic.
mp determination, as well as UV, IR and NMR spectroscopy.19 The E1/2–pH graphs of sampled current polarographic
experiments for all derivatives were found to be linear (Fig. 2).
The observed shift in E1/2 with decreasing pH to more positive
Results and Discussion values can be explained by a preliminary protonation of the azo
group, leading to a decrease in the electron density in the region
Characterization of the electrode reaction of the bond between two nitrogen atoms, thus easing the
2′-Halogeno-N,N-dimethyl-4-aminoazobenzene derivatives reduction. This dependence indicates that there is a proton
were found to give two reduction waves in both acidic and basic transfer in the electrode reactions.
media. However, the second peaks are too ill defined to take The limiting currents of N,N-dimethyl-4-aminoazobenzene
into account for quantitative and qualitative purposes. The derivatives with the pH give an S-shaped curve (Fig. 3). It can
cyclic voltammograms of 2′-I-N,N-dimethyl-4- also be seen from Fig. 3 that the limiting current observed in an
aminoazobenzene obtained in both acidic and basic media are acidic medium is roughly twice as large as that in a basic

Table 1 Change of the peak potentials and the peak currents

belonging to the first reduction waves of 2′-chloride-N,N-
dimethyl-4-aminoazobenzene derivatives with the concentration
in an acidic medium (pH 5.5)

C/10–7 mol L–1
Ep/mV ip/10–7 A Ep,c/mV ip,c/10–7 A

16.7 –270 0.76 –299 2.63

33.3 –250 1.44 –285 3.88
83.3 –250 2.86 –279 7.34
133 –260 3.91 –288 9.97
167 –270 3.58 –320 11.3

EtOH:BR = 1:5 ν/ν (EtOH:BR), and Ag/AgCl reference electrode.

Correlation coefficients (R) for C(mol/L)–peak current (A) graphs:
0.976 for DPP and 0.995 for CV.
Fig. 5 Variation of the cathodic peak currents with ν1/2 for 1.67 ×
10–6 M 2′-halogeno-N,N-dimethyl-4-aminoazobenzene derivatives pH
≅ 5.00.
medium, which can be explained by a change in the number of
exchanged electrons upon a transition from an acidic solution to
an alkaline solution. This is in complete accordance with the
The effect of the concentration is shown in Fig. 4. The current
increases with the concentration in a linear fashion at lower
concentration values. It becomes almost constant at higher
concentrations (1 × 10–5 M), which may be attributed to an
adsorption phenomenon. The linear increase in the current with
the concentration at a lower concentration range creates the
possibility of a quantitative determination of these compounds
using differential pulse polarography.
The dependence of the peak heights (DPP and CV tech.) on
the concentration of the depolarizer is linear between 1.67 ×
10–5 to 1.67 × 10–7 M. These results are given in Table 1.
The Nicholson–Shain criteria17 (i.e. a plot of the current
function against the logarithm of the scan rate) revealed that the
reduction of the –N=N– bond is quasi-reversible for all of the
derivatives investigated, and that the degree of reversibility Fig. 6 Variation of the ip,a/ip,c ratio with ν1/2 for 1.67 × 10–6 M 2′-
changed from one derivative to another. This conclusion was halogeno-N,N-dimethyl-4-aminoazobenzene derivatives pH ≅ 5.00.
further verified by the fact that the difference between the half-
wave potential of SCP (E1/2) and the peak potential of DPP (Ep)
was more than 25 mV. The half-wave potentials were observed
to change with the drop time, which indicates that the system is that the adsorption phenomenon has effects.24,25 Also, the linear
not reversible. The graph of the potential against log(id–i)/i is shape of ip,c/C vs. the C graph at low concentrations (Fig. 7) and
supposed to be linear in a reversible case with a slope of 59/n the decrease in the current function (ip,c/Cν1/2) with an increasing
mV. The slope of this linear graph is more than 59/n mV, scan rate are further indications of adsorption.24,25
indicating irreversibility, which may arise from slow electron The adsorptions of 2′-halogeno-N,N-dimethyl-4-
transfer, adsorption or chemical complications. As can be seen aminoazobenzene derivatives on a mercury surface were clearly
from Figs. 5 and 6, the cathodic peak current increased with an observed when the scan rate was increased at 30 V/s.
increase in ν1/2. The ip,a/ip,c ratio tended to 1.24 These results
show that the system is not reversible; moreover, these results Surface concentration measurements
are consistent with a quasi-reversible behavior.24 Cathodic peak The surface concentrations of the adsorbed molecules of 2′-
current increased with an increase in ν1/2 and the ip,a/ip,c ratio halogeno-N,N-dimethyl-4-aminoazobenzene derivatives were
tended to be unity.24 studied by chronocoulometry. The surface excess Γ values
were determined using Q–t1/2 graphs. The extrapolation of the
Effect of adsorption Q–t1/2 graph of the supporting electrolyte and a solution
2′-Halogeno-N,N-dimethyl-4-aminoazobenzene derivatives containing N,N-dimethyl-4-aminoazobenzene derivatives to t1/2
are large-molecule compounds. That is why one has to = 0 point gives us the Qdl and Qt=0 values, respectively. The Qads
determine whether an adsorption phenomenon is present and values are calculated from Qads = Qt=0 – Qdl. The surface excess
affects the electrode reaction. The most useful electroanalytical values are then obtained from Qads = nFAΓ.26
technique to investigate adsorption phenomena is cyclic
voltammetry; there are a few ways to determine adsorption Q = 2nFAC (Dt/π)1/2 + Qdl + nFAΓ, (1)
using this technique.24
The log ip vs. log ν plots are given for each compound. The Here, Qdl is the charge due to the double layer, Γ is the amount
slopes of these graphs are greater than 0.5 and approximately of adsorbed reactant and the other symbols have their usual
0.9 ± 0.01 for all of these derivatives. These results indicate meanings. The amount of reactant adsorbed on the mercury

Table 2 Diffusion coefficients, amount of reactant adsorbed on the mercury surface (Γ , mol cm–2), standard rate constants (ks) values
in 1:5 ν/ν EtOH:BR buffer, C = 1.67 × 10–5 M 2′-halogeno-N,N-dimethyl-4-aminoazobenzene derivatives in acidic media (pH 5.08)

Cottrella Garridob Nicholsonc Lavirond

Diffusion coefficient Diffusion coefficient ks ks
Compound Γ e (mol cm–2)
(D) (cm2 s–1) (D) (cm2 s–1) (cm s–1) (cm s–1)
Γ ± ts/N1/2
D ± ts/N1/2 D ± ts/N1/2 ks ± ts/N1/2 ks ± ts/N1/2

2′-Cl-4-N,N 2.10 × 10–5 ± 7.76 × 10–6 ± 10.41 × 10–3 ± 2.5 × 10–1 ± 1.31 × 10–11 ±
5.25 × 10–6 5.02 × 10–7 2.18 × 10–3 1.5 × 10–2 3.28 × 10–12
2′-Br-4-N,N 1.77 × 10–5 ± 1.83 × 10–6 ± 6.50 × 10–3 ± 2.3 × 10–1 ± 1.79 × 10–11 ±
4.43 × 10–6 1.28 × 10–7 1.37 × 10–3 1.4 × 10–2 4.48 × 10–12
2′-I-4-N,N 1.73 × 10–5 ± 7.92 × 10–6 ± 2.97 × 10–3 ± 1.8 × 10–1 ± 2.40 × 10–12 ±
4.33 × 10–6 5.13 × 10–7 6.24 × 10–4 1.1 × 10–2 6.01 × 10–13

EtOH:BR = 1:5 ν/ν, and Ag/AgCl reference electrode. a. Calculated from Cottrell slope (Eq. (2)), the data were determined by the use of
i–t–1/2 plots in the diffusion region (pulse amplitude 250 ms, E1 = –400 mV and E2 = –900 mV). b. Calculated from Eq. (3), considering
adsorption (tp = 15 s). c. Calculated from Eq. (4), ignoring adsorption. d. C = 1.67 × 10–7 M, calculated from Eq. (5), considering
adsorption (for confidence interval of 95%, mean α value for the cathodic peak is 0.30). e. Qdl = 3.3 × 10–9C (Eq. (1)), (pulse amplitude
250 ms, E1 = –400 mV and E2 = –900 mV).

controlled conditions using the Cottrell equation. The

experimental Cottrell slopes were determined from a
chronoamperometric i vs. t–1/2 plot. In the case of adsorption,
the following equation derived by Garrido et al. at 25˚C is

ip = 1.06 × 106n2ACνD1/2tp1/2, (3)

where a Langmuir-type of adsorption was assumed with a non-

compact monolayer film of the adsorbed molecules on the
mercury surface. Here, tp is the adsorption time from the
beginning of the life of the drop until Ep is reached. The other
symbols have their usual meanings.
Fig. 7 Change of the ip,c/C ratio of 2′-halogeno-N,N-dimethyl-4- The values in basic media, where adsorption has a significant
aminoazobenzene derivatives with the concentration in a basic effect, were found to be lower and more reasonable than those
medium [EtOH:BR = 1:5 ν/ν, scan rate = 100 mV/s, with HMDE and obtained for the uncomplicated case using the Cottrell equation
Ag/AgCl reference electrode)]. (Table 2). Hence, in all equations to calculate the standard rate
constants, diffusion coefficients found by the Garrido methods
were used (Table 2).
In acidic media, it was observed that the difference between
surface (Γ, mol cm–2) is given in Table 2. Foresti et al.27 the values of the diffusion coefficients determined by the
determined the maximum adsorption of azobenzene in water + Cottrell and Garrido methods was not significant. This shows
ethanol to be 2.5 × 10–10 mol cm–2. However, they carried out that adsorption has a smaller effect in acidic media.
their study in the presence of surface-active reagents.
Nicholson method
Determination of standard rate constants The ks value of the electron-transfer reaction was also
The standard rate constants of 2′-halogeno-N,N-dimethyl-4- determined by using a technique developed by Nicholson17 in
aminobenzene derivatives were calculated by two different 1965, using
methods. One of these methods, namely the Nicholson method,
assumes a diffusion-controlled current. The other method, by nFν

Laviron, assumes an adsorption at the electrode surface. In the  DO  RT

 DR  ks
former methods, calculating the diffusion coefficients is Ψ= , (4)
necessary. If the potential applied to the electrode falls into the π nFν DO
diffusion-controlled region, the current is given by the Cottrell RT
where the Ψ values were determined from a working graph
nFACD1/2 given by Nicholson, and DO/DR was taken as unity. The change
i = ————— , (2)
π1/2t1/2 of ∆EP × n vs. the ks values was found to reach a limiting value
at high scan rates in both acidic and basic media (Table 2).
which is very useful to determine the diffusion coefficients. This method requires a continuous equilibrium condition upon
However, it is only applicable for those cases where electrode the electrode surface, and is not suitable for very high or very
reactions are diffusion-controlled and do not have any low scans rates. It is applicable for a peak separation of 60 –
adsorption or chemical complications. Therefore, all of the 220 mV.
diffusion coefficients were elucidated under diffusion-

Laviron method
Since the adsorption phenomenon was found to have an
effect, the rate constants were determined using a method
developed by Laviron, which takes the effect of adsorption into
account.15 The ks values were calculated using

RT  – α (1– α) —
logks = α log(1– α)+(1– α)log α –log — ———,
ν 2.3RT

The α value was determined from the slope of the Ep,c vs. log ν
graph, which is equal to 2.53RT/αnF for the cases ∆Ep,c > 200/n
mV. The number of electrons (n) transferred was taken as two
for a basic medium and four for an acidic medium, as Scheme 1
mentioned above. The ks values, determined by these two
different methods, are tabulated in Table 2. The standard rate
constant determined by the Nicholson method was found to be basic media with two-electron transfer.9,12,23,25,28 A TLC analysis
different from those determined by the Laviron method, which of the bulk electrolysis products gave similar results to the
indicates the presence of adsorption (Table 2). The halogene literature.23,25 The polarographic reduction products of azo
atoms are easily deformed and can act as electron bridges in compounds have also been analyzed by TLC23 and HPLC.29
some electrode reactions, resulting in a change in the values of
the charge-transfer coefficients.
All of these methods were used under the conditions to which Acknowledgements
they respectively apply. In other words, the standard rate
constants for the Nicholson methods were determined at high The authors are grateful to Ankara University Research Fund
concentrations where adsorption had no effect, while the rate for its financial support of this work under Grant No: CHE 95-
constants determined by the use of the Laviron method were 25-00-04. The authors thank Dr. Mehmet Toy for the supplying
those obtained under the conditions where the adsorption the azo compounds.
phenomenon was operative (i.e. at low concentrations).

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