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The aim of this experiment is to determine the order of the reaction with respect to each
reactant for the reaction between iodide and iron(III) ions, and subsequently find the rate
expression for the reaction.

Concentration of reactants is one factor which influences the rate of a chemical reaction. The
following reaction will be investigated:

2 I-(aq) + 2Fe3+(aq) → I2(aq) + 2Fe2+(aq)

The concentration of I- and Fe3+ will be systematically varied, and the effect of these changes
in solution absorbance (at λmax = 450 nm, absorbance of Fe2+(aq) ) will be determined using a
spectrophotometer. The rate expression for the reaction will then be determined:

Rate = k[I-]α[Fe3+]β (1)

where k = the rate constant for the reaction (at a particular temperature)
α = the order of the reaction with respect to the iodide ion
β = the order of the reaction with respect to the iron(III) ion

In order to determine the order with respect to each reactant, you will plot a graph of the
progress of the reaction vs. time. The rate of the reaction will be proportional to the slope of
the straight line drawn through the data points. After finding the order with respect to each
reactant, the overall rate expression can be written.
Pre-lab questions
1. Consider the hypothetical reaction: A + B → Product(s)
The rate expression is: Rate = k[A]α[B]β
Determine the values for α and β from the following data:
[A] initial [B] initial Rate
0.10 M 0.10 M 2.0 M min-1
0.10 M 0.20 M 4.0 M min-1
0.20 M 0.10 M 8.0 M min-1

1. Prepare the following two solutions using 50 mL volumetric flasks: 0.02 M aq. iron(III)
chloride and 0.02 M aq. potassium iodide. Record all your weighing data in the data
sheet and calculate the actual molarity of each solution.
2. Set the spectrophotometer at 450 nm and warm it up for about 15 minutes. Meanwhile,
prepare a blank by mixing 2 mL of distilled water and 2 mL of the 0.02 M aq. KI
solution in a cuvet. Use a graduated pipette for all volume measurements.
3. Using the quantities given in table 4.1 below, place the indicated amount of aq. KI
solution and distilled water in another cuvet. Place the indicated amount of aq. FeCl3
solution in a test tube.
4. Pour the FeCl3 solution into the (KI + H2O) solution and begin timing (t = 0 sec).
Cover the cuvet and quickly invert several times to mix the solutions.

5. Insert the cuvet into the spectrophotometer and record the absorbance 15 seconds after
the initial mixing.
6. Continue to record the absorbance every 15 seconds for 2 minutes.
7. Repeat steps 3 - 6 two times for each of the five mixtures (A - E) indicated in table 4.1.
In other words, you will perform three trials for each of the mixtures in the table.
8. Rinse all pipettes, cuvets, and test tubes with distilled water and drain to dry.
Table 4.1: Preparation of different mixtures of KI(aq) and FeCl3(aq)

Volumes added (mL)

Mixture KI(aq) FeCl3 Distilled H2O
A 2 1 1
B 2 0.5 1.5
C 1 2 1
D 1 1 2
E 2 2 0

Analysis of data
1. Average the absorbance readings and record the averages in the data sheet.

2. For each mixture, plot average absorbance on the y-axis and time on the x-axis.
Determine the best straight line and calculate the slope of the line. The slope of the line
is directly proportional to the rate of the reaction.

3. Make a table for [Fe3+(aq)] and [I-(aq)] similar to the table in the pre-lab question. Use
the slope (see step 2 above) as rate of reaction and calculate concentration data for all
five mixtures. From the table, determine α and β, the order of reaction with respect to I-
and Fe3+ respectively, and write the rate expression for the reaction.

4. Discuss possible sources of experimental error and their influence.

Additional questions
1. Explain why it is not possible to calculate the rate constant k from this set of data.

2. What data would be needed to calculate rate constant k.

Kinetic study of the reaction of KI with FeCl3

Surname: ………………………… Initials:……. Student No.: ………………..…

Date: ………………………………….

Partner’s name and Student No.: ………………………………..………………

Preparation of solutions

FeCl3.6H2O KI
Molarity (mol/L) 0.02 0.02
Volume (mL) 50.0 50.0
Molar mass (g/mol) 270.30 166.00
Mass of weighing boat + salt (g)
Mass of weighing boat after transfer (g)
Mass of salt (g)

Molarity of 0.02 M aq. Fe3+ solution:

Molarity of 0.02 M aq. I- solution:

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