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Reliable allies in Latin America | 2018 yentina I. Federal government * Adolfo Rubinstein Charge: Minister of Health Background: Epidemiologist. Long academic trajectory. Former CONICET member. Harvard posigraduate studies. Recent incorporation to politics. Profile: Technical profile. * Sergio Bergman ‘Charge: Minister of Enviroment. Background: Rabbi. Strong connections with israeli diplomatic mission, Profile: Political profile. Reliable allies in Latin America 2018 « Patricia Bullrich ‘Charge: Minister of Security Background: Political scientist. Long legislative experience. The leader of the fourth party -Union por la Libertad- member of the government coalition. LI member. Strong connections with US NDL german FPD and israeli and american foreign offices. Profile: Political profile * Francisco Cabrera Charge; Minister of Production Background: Engineer, businessman. Man close to the Pre dent. Former leader of Fundacion Pensar, think tank of the PRO party. Siféing connections with international banking, Profile: Mixted profi + Pablo Avelluto Charge: Minister of Security Background: Journalist and editor. Former Penguin Random House executive. Profile: Mixted profile. Reliable allies in Latin America |2018 * Gustavo Lopetegui Charge: Second Chief of Cabinet. Background: Bussinessman. Former LAN Airlanes CEO. Man close to the President. High authority economic policies Strong connections with american diplomatic mission. Profile: Political profile * Claudio Avruj Charge: State Secretary of Human Rights Background: Institutional direction degree. Preside International Center for Human Rights Promotion. Former president of DAIA -Delegacion de Asociaciones Israelitas de Argentina-. Strong compromise with the OS values. Strong connections with U! american, british,and israeli diplomatic missions: Profile: Technical profile, « Hernan Lombardi Charge: Director of the Federal Public Media System. Background: Engineer, Dominate the vigorous government media holding. Disputes over discrimination Profile: Political profile. Reliable allies in Latin America | 2018 Fernando de Andreis Charge: General Secretary of Presidency Background: Man close to the President. Profile: Political profile. Claudio Presman Charge: President of INADI (National Institute Against Discrimination) Background: Lawyer. Strong compromise with OS values. Strong connection with UN and european diplomatic mission Profile: Technical profile Fabiana Tunez Charge: President of National Institute Background: Feminist activist. Strong connections with UN Profile: Technical profile. Silvana Giudis Charge: President of ENACOM (Regulatory Entity of the private media) Background: Prominent member of Radical Party. Former deputy. Profile: Political profile. Reliable allies in Latin America | 2018 * Laura Alonso Charge: Chief of Anti Corruption Office. Background: Political Scientist. Woman close to the President. Audit PPs local cause. Profile: Political profile. * Ivan Petrella Charge: Director of Argentina 2030 plan. Background: Theologian. Long academic career, including Harvard. Strong connections with US DP. Profile: Political profile. * Pedro Robledo Charge: State Secretary of Youth. Background: Law student. LGTS activist Profile: Political profile. Reliable allies in Latin America |2018 Il. Federal Parliament a. Lower Chamber * Silvia Alejandra Martinez Period: 2015-2019 Background: Deputy (raclical/Cambiemos). President of the Family, Woman & Childwood commission. * Silvana Lospennato Period: 2015-2019 Background: Deputy (PRO/Cambiemos), Strong legislative activity over Gender and anti-discrimination. * Daniel Lipoveteky Period; 2015-2019 Background: Deputy (PRO/Cambiemws). Presides the Commission of General Legislation. Streng legislative activity over anti-discrimination and admission of international normativ Reliable allies in Latin America | 2018 + Fernando Iglesias Period: 2017-2021 Background: Deputy (PRO/Cambiemos), Secretary of Education Comission, Strong legislative activity on institutional control, democratic strengthening, and education. Strong presence in media * Brenda Austin Period: 2017-2021 Background: Deputy (radical /Cambiemos). Science and Technology commission Vice-president. * Daniel Filmus Period: 2017-2021 Background: Deputy (FPV). President of Culture Comission. Former Minister of Education of Cristina Kirchner. Important Opposition figure to the current government 2018 Reliable allies in Latin Ameri « Maria Cristina Alvarez Rodriguez Period: 2(115-2019 Background: Deputy (FPV). « Gabriela Cerruti Period: 2017-2021 Background: Deputy (FPV). Vice president of Political Trial Comission. Important opposition figure. Strong presence in media. * Leopoldo Moreau Period: 2017-2021 Background: Deputy (FPV), President of the Freedom of Speech Commission. Vice president of the Comission of Inspection and intelligence activities. Originally left radical. Former president of lower chamber, former senator. Chief of last kirchnerist campaign * Victoria Donda Period: 2015-2019 Background: Deputy (Libres del Sur). Strong legislative activity over Gender, Minorities, and anti-discrimination. Reliable allies in Latin America | 2018 « Romina del Pla Period: 2017-2021 Background: Deputy (Frente de Izquierda). Communist. * Martin Losteau Period: 2017-2021 © Carla Carrizo Period: 2017-2021 Background: Deputy (Evolucion). Vice President of Bicameral Commission on Girls and Teenage Rights Secretary of the Commission of General Legislation. Strong legislative activity over Gender, Minorities, and:anti- discrimination. Reliable allies in Latin America |2018 * Cecilia Moreau Period: 2015-2019 Background: Deputy (Nueva Argentina) Internal Security Comission. Secretary of Woman, Family & Childwood Comission. Strong legislative activity over anti- discrimination. ice President of b. High Chamber * Miguel Angel Pichetto Period: 2013-2019 Background: Senator (PJ) witha long legislative experience, Chief of peronist group. Leader of Opposition in the Senate. Pragmatic. Fluid dialog with governors. Strong presence in media «* Humberto Schiavonni Period: 2017-2023 Background Senator (PRO/Cambiemos). President of PRO Party Reliable allies in Latin America | 2018 « Luis Petcoff Naidenoff Period: 2017-2023 Background: Senator (Radical /Cambiemos). Chief of Cambiemos group, Leader of Officialism in the Senate. © Maria Magdalena Odarda Period: 2013-2019 Background: Senator (Progresista). Ii. Parlasur (2015-2019) © Jorge Taiana Background: Parliamentary of MERCOSUR (FPV). Former Chancellor of Nestor Kirchner, IV. Political Leaders outside Federal Parliament * Sergio Massa Background: Leader of Frente Renovador / Nueva Argentina. Presidential candidate in 2015 elections, third place, Lawyer. Former Chief of Ministers Cabinet of Cristina Kirchner, Strong connections with US State Department and both parties. Possible president in 2019. Reliable allies iii Latin Anverica | 2018 * Myriam Bregman Background: Leader of PTS/Frente de Izquierda. Deputy of Buenos Aires City local Parliament. Lawyer. Activist for Human Rights. Referent in Gender issues, Communist © Margarita Stolbizer Background: Party leader GEN. former Senator. Lawyer. V. Media Leaders « Jorge Fontevecchia Background: Owner of Perfil Group (Perfil Newspaper, Noticias and Fortuna magazines, soon NET TV). Long trajectory in Human Rights cause and promotion of Institutionality. Strong links with US-DP and International Press organizations. Reliable allies in Latin America |2018 * Daniel Hadad Background: Owner of Infobae. Former TV magnate. Strong links with American and israeli foreign offices. VI. Executive leaders of Civil Society outside the RACI * Horacio Verbitsky Background: Président of CELS (Céntro de Pstidins Legales y Sociales). Journalist: Former director of liberal newspaper Pagina 12, Historical activist for Human Rights. Strong compromise with OS values * Ariel Cohen Sabban Background: President of DAIA (Delegacion de Asociaciones Israelitas de Argentina). Businessman. Strong links with israeli diplomatic mission

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