A2. Unit 4

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The best place in the world! «ap! What is the most beautiful place in your country? Vocabulary w |] took at the pictures. Match them with the words in the box. Write the correct letter. a. island river b. ocean rainforest © continent waterfall 4d, mountain range i, desert e. lake volcano 1 3 ha “ey 2. a 9. oO (0 Listen and check your answers. ff 2 pair work. complete the chart with places you know. Then compare your chart with a partner. fino Waterfalls (eee es 24 w w 7) {hex wonr. Practice the conversion agin ‘The best place in the world! + Unit 4 Conversation ) > ‘1. complete the conversation. Then listen and check your answers. [a raiforest BBs c theAmazon | Chris So, where are you from, Ana? Ana I'm from| 1 Chris Really? I've always wanted to go there. Ana That's nice to hear. Any reason? Chris 1 really want to see | Have you been there? ‘Ana _Of coursel It's one of the most popular places in my country. Chris What's it like? ‘Ana It's amazing! I think it’s the most beautiful in the world! Chris Well, want to go there someday. ‘Ana You're going to love it! txvan rs comvensaon Keep the conversation going Now practice the conversation with a partner. by expressing interest. Its oneof the most popular places in Use the ideas below. Add your own ideas. pecomics Canada Niagara Falls waterfall What's it lke? Indonesia Bali island 25 ‘The best place in the world! « Unit 4 Language Practice on) EE Which ocean is larger, the Atlantic or the Pacific? The Pacific larger than the Atlantic. The Pati the largest cczan inthe wot What is the biggest desert in the world? The Sahara is the biggest desert in the world. Which city is the most beautiful: Venice, Florence, or Rome? | think Venice is the most beautiful city! NOTE: good -> better > best; bad > worse > worst Qian 11 complete the sentences with superlative adjectives. Use the words in the box. © O6e0o6 cold common deep -—_large 1. New York is __the largest _ city in the US. 2. Lake Baikal is lake in Russia, 3. Antarctica is place on earth. 4. Chinese is language in the world. o 2 complete the conversations. Use the adjectives in parentheses. 1. A What's _ the biggest _ city in Japan? (big) B I think it's Tokyo. Isn't it? 2. A Is the Amazon river in the world? (wide) B Yes, but | don't think it's (long) 3. A Russia is country in the world (large) B And Vatican City is (smal) 4. A What's ___ place on earth? (dry) B Iheard its the Atacama Desert in Chile. Pronunciation—Reduction of t © me 1 Listen. Notice how the final t can be reduced when words ending in st are may ™ followed by a consonant sound, Unreduced Reduced 1. the langest city the larges city 2. the driest place the dries place 3. the best way the bes way 4. the most beautiful the mos beautiful 2D tisten again and repest. Be sure to say the reduced sounds. 26 ‘The best place in the world! « Unit 4 Listening Look at the pictures. Do you know the places? 0 1 ‘J Listen to the game show. As you listen, circle the answer you think is correct. 1. a. Africa b. Asia ¢. North America 8 2. a. Africa b. Asia ¢. North America et 4. a. Africa b. Antarctica ¢. Australia 5. a. New York b. Los Angeles ¢. Mexico City Qian i 1, How many people live in Asia? 2, How many countries are there in Africa? 3, Where is the largest desert in the world? 4, How many people live in North America’s largest city? & 19 D Listening PLUS. tisten to more of the game show. Circle the correct answer. 1. In the second round, the teams 8 a. must answer six questions b, choose a number to get a question. 2. The first question is about the world’s longest river and a, both teams give the right answer. b. both teams give the wrong answer. 3. The second question is about a, the highest mountains in the Himalayas. b. the location of the Himalayas. 4. The San Francisco team wins because a, they know where Aconcagua is. ». they know that Argentina is in South America. @ "ERLE The superlative quiz @ Student A: Turn to page 87. ‘Student B: Tum to page 99. 27 ‘The best place in the world! « Unit 4 Reading Look at the title of the article and the pictures. What do you think is the most dangerous place? ‘Australias home to some of the most dangerous creatures on earth. = ‘The Australian taipan, for example, is the most poisonous snake in thew, world. Its venom Is strong enough to kill 100 adults with just one bite. Certain sea creatures are as deadly as those on land. Great white sharks are famous all over the world. Did you know they have around 3,000 teeth? But sharks actually kill very few people. In fact, ‘Australian wild dogs kill more people each year than great whites have killed in 100 years! ‘The mast violent sea creatures are saltwater crocodiles. Some of them are 7 meters (23 feet) long, extremely strong, and very ugly. Although human meat is not their favorite, they attack anything—including sharks. They sleep and swim on the ocean floor, so are difficult to see until it’s too late! They don't swallow people, but they can break them in half. Despite this, saltwater crocodiles are a protected species in Australia. Ifyou kill one, you will be in trouble. On the other hand, they can F» kill you without getting into any trouble! © The most deadly Australian creature of all is the box jellyfish. Its poisonous tentacles can be 3 meters (10 feet) ong. Their fatal sting feels like a powerful electric shock. Your heart stops beating after only three minutes. Box jellyfish have killed ‘more people in Australia than snakes, sharks, and saltwater crocodiles combined. Enjoy Australia, but remember to be carefull 8 1] Read the article. Answer these questions, 11. What is the most poisonous snake in the world? 2. What are the most violent sea creatures? 3. What is the most deadly Australian creature of all? 8 D Read the article again. check (/) True or False. Ci True False 41. The Australian taipan kills 100 adults every year. o 0600 2. Wild dogs are move dangerous than great white sharks. 1 42. Saltwater crocodiles only attack people on land. 1 4. A person can live three days after a box jellyfish sting. a o 4NtB croup work. what dangerous creatures are there in your country? Which is the most dangerous? Have you ever seen one? Tell your group. ED wins 28 ‘The best place in the world! + Unit 4 Conversation PLUS] —Geography quiz! ff 1], pair work. what do you know about world geography? Work with a partner and match the places with superlative phrases. Don’t worry if you don’t know for sure! Wireereateeare ap Th ) Sup erlative Earth 1. LaPaz, Bolivia __ a. the largest population 2. Cairo, Egypt__ b. the biggest ocean 3. China « the largest island 4, Russia 4. the highest capital city 5. The Pacfic_ the largest country 6. Angel Falls Venezuela___f, the most southem capital city 9. the largest city in Arica o 482 crour work. compare your guesses with other pairs. 4N¢B cxrour work. Think of five superlatives about your city, region, or country. Share your information with your group. Cerner tetas reac CCE Now I can... EE cescrine places. cy e use superlative adjectives. stand a geography game show. derstand an article about dangerous animals. Grammar 128 Unit 4 Superlative adjectives: forms and spelling rules ‘We use superlatives to compare a thing/person (or a group of things/people) to the whole group the thing/person belongs to. The superlative is usually preceded by the or a possessive adjective. “Rio's the most exciting city in the world + She's my best frien. ‘+ What is the longest river the world? ‘+ This is our newest car. ‘To form the superlative, we add ~est to one-syllable adjectives and some two-syllable adjectives. ‘Spelling rules: short adjectives ] For most one-syllable adjectives, just add -est | cheap cheapest | new —> newest For short adjectives that end ine, add st large—> largest. |fine—> finest For short adjectives that end in one vowel and one | big» biggest | fat —> fattest consonant, double the consonant and add ~est For short adjectives that end in =y, change the ~y'to | dry—> driest Tazy— laviest ind add est ‘A few adjectives have an iregular form. \good-> best bad» worst ‘With most two-syllable adjectives and with longer adjectives, we use most + adjective. ‘Spelling rules: long adjectives famous most + adjective most famous ‘expensive most + adjective most expensive ‘We can leave out the noun if it has already been mentioneé. ‘+ Which city isthe most beautiful? ‘+ Which movie was the best? Now Practice! 1 Write the superlative form of the adjectives. 1. happy happiest. 5. thin 9. amazing 2, old 6. important 40. sad 3. cute 7. pretty 11. wide 4. angry 8, romantic 32. funny 2 complete the questions with the superlative form of the adjective in parentheses. 1. What car is the _most expensive? (expensive) 2. What is the sport? (dangerous) 3. Whatis the movie you've ever seen? (funny) 4. What kind of music is the (relaxing) 5. Who is the person in your family? (tall) 6. Who in your family is the ? (thin) e Unit 4—7he superlative quiz Student A eo HfL. pam work. answer the questions in the quiz. Then check your answers at the bottom of the page. Give yourself points for each correct answer. The : Superlative Qu IZ |. Which European city has the largest population? (1 point) a. London ©, Madrid bs. Paris d. Moscow Which South American country has the largest population? (2 points) a. Colombia Argentina Brazil 4. Paraguay . What's the heaviest animal on earth? (3 paints) 2. rhinoceros: «, hippopotamu bi elephant d. mountain gor Which country has the most lakes? (4 points) a. China , Canada i, Russia 4. Sweden What's the heaviest snake in the world? (5 points) a. boa constrictor . Burmese python king cobra 4 anaconda ‘Smart Talk + Student A. 2 Ask your partner the questions. Give points for each correct answer. Then compare your scores. ‘A Which European city has the largest population: London, Paris, Madrid, or Moscow? B I'm not sure, but I think Moscow has the largest population, A You're right. That's one point! The Answers (epuoseve us918) epuoreue-p °s (s0ye] s, 10m ay Jo 509 saA0) epeueD "> ueydayeq (vonws 981) ee1a"4 (wom $01) wo>50W'P ” Writing Unit 3 Read this interview with a racecar driver. Then write a similar interview with a celebrity you know. Be creative with the answers! Sports fam: Have you ever driven a Formula One car? Driver: Yes, [have. I drove one in a race in Brazil last year! Sports fam; Have you ever had a car accident? Driver: Yes, have. Actually, I've had many accidents. Sports fan: Have you ever been injured? Driver: Sure, but not seriously. broke my wrist afew ‘years ago. Sports fan: What's your favorite sport? Driver: I'ma big tennis fan. sports fan: Have you everscena tennis match? Tiers Yen Thave Tsaw one in London last month. Sports fan: Who is your favorite sports star? Woll, really like Andre Agassi. Have you ever met him? No, haven't. But | watched him play at the US Open when I was younger. PAIR WORK. Compare interviews with a partner. What else do you want to know about the person? Unit 4 Read the e-mail from a student in the US. Then write a description with similar information about your city. Use superlatives if you can! gee ba Te: norah@gotmail.com subject: Denver > My name is Hannah, and | live in Derwer, Colorado, Denver is 2 record-breaking city! At a mile (1.6 kilometers) above sea level, it’s the highest state capital in the US. That's how it got its nickname, “The Mile-High City.” Denver is also one of the ‘unniest cities in the country! We have 300 days of sunshine ‘every year. I've heard that Tucson, Arizona, has more, but Denver is sunny enough for us!) It also has the biggest airport in the nation. | think the people are the friendliest and most intelligent of any place I've been. It's tue! PAIR WORK. Compare e-mails with a partner. Do you agree with your partner's statements? 109

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