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Camille Miller

1. The psychologist had Cindy complete the School Refusal Assessment

Scale-R According to this assessment, which 2 functional conditions
surrounding school refusal behaviors did Cindy manifest?
- She represented the second type. She would go to school, and then
leave mid-day.
2. Four dysfunctional family dynamics are discussed to set the stage for the
development of school refusal behavior in the first place. Identify and briefly
describe each (a total of 4).
- Enmeshment or overinvolvement in a family member's life.
Dependence and hostility.
- Isolation- children don’t spend much time with people outside of the
- Detached- Detached parents often wait a long time to attend to
children's problems, if at all. Poor communication is also common.
- Conflict- Verbal and physical fighting, poor problem solving skills,
and coercion.
3. Several treatment methods were applied to address Cindy’s problems. Briefly
describe 2 of these.
- The psychologist had the parents and Cindy abide by a contract. If
she attended school for one week, she could get paid for her chores.
If she didn’t, she’d have to do them with no pay. They wanted to
increase her attendance rate and healthy social contact.
- She was also recommended to participate more in class, and less
with the friends who were involved in her drug usage.
4. Describe Cindy’s functioning 6 months after the end of active treatment?
- Unfortunately her relationship with her parents remained distant and
her drug usage remained. Her relationship with school maintained
stability though.

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