OET Speaking Providing Structure

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OET Speaking

Providing Structure

We provide structure in order to make this new information easy for the patient to follow and to
reassure the patient that you understand the situation well and what the outcomes are.

Sequencing the interview purposefully and logically Follow the order of the cue card:

1) It’s difficult to remember what you haven’t

done yet
2) The interlocutor has a script
3) There’s a reason the task is organised this
way – the answers flow into new tasks

• Use sequencing language: Firstly, secondly,

after that, then, the last thing is, and…

Signposting changes in topic

This isn’t signposting:

Student: I’d like to ask you if you take any


This is real signposting:

• I’d like to talk to you about medication, if

that’s ok?

• I’d like to move on to…….., if that’s ok?

• Why don’t we have a chat about……

• Let’s talk about…..

• Looking at my notes, I can see you had a

similar last episode last year. Can we
discuss that?

• In terms of ……., shall we discuss it?

Using organising techniques in speaking ‘Menu’ technique:

First, I’d like to discuss your symptoms, and then

we can have a chat about medication.

treatment / side effects

• I would like to talk about the treatment

and then we can discuss some side effects
of the medication.
• Why don’t we go through the treatment
first and then move onto side effects. How
does that sound?
• Let’s talk about ……. And after that we
can discuss…….
• Firstly we can discuss ……. And secondly
we can talk about ……
• Would it be ok to discuss ….. and then…….
• Before we discuss…….., let’s go
through…… is that ok?
• Before discussing…….., we’ll just go


Changing topic and making the topic 100% clear.

I’d like to discuss your symptoms, is that ok?

Yes no problem.

Ok, in terms of duration, how long do they last?


Emphasising the importance of a specific piece of


• It’s important to remember….

• Now don’t forget, it’s vital to….
• It’s essential to ……
• I’d like to stress the importance of…..
• It’s critical to …….
• Being compliant is extremely important…
• It’s crucial

How to use these techniques

1) Practice some phrases - Don’t be endlessly inventive - get into a routine

2) Use your 3 minutes wisely and choose good places for your structure interventions. Here
are some suggestions:

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