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A. Identify the parts of the eyes by choosing from the box.

Cornea Pupil Iris Retina

Nerve Lens

B. Read the sentences. Choose the correct answer and write it on the blank.

______________________1. It is the white part of the eyeball. It is the protective layer of the eye.

A. Cornea B. Sclera

______________________2. It is the colored part of the eye. It can be blue, brown or black.

A. Iris B. Pupil

______________________3. It is the dark dot in the center of the iris. This is bigger in the dark and
smaller in the light.

A. Cornea B. Pupil

______________________4. It is where the images and colors are given.

A. Nerve B. Retina

______________________5. It is the jelly-like substance of the eyeball that gives the eye round

A. Vitreous Humor B. Aqueous Humor

______________________6. The watery liquid found between the lens and the cornea.

A. Vitreous Humor B. Aqueous Humor

B. Label the parts of the ear. Choose your answer from the box.
B. Read the sentences. Choose the correct answer and write it on the blank.

______________________1. It is the outermost part of the ear and catches sound.

A. Pinna B. Ear Canal

______________________2. It is a thin membrane that vibrates and receives sound waves from the
outer ear.

A. Eardrum B. Middle Ear

______________________3. It is the part of the inner ear that looks like a snail shell.

A. Anvil B. Cochlea

______________________4. It is a narrow passageway where dust and dirt is collected.

A. Ear lobe B. Ear canal

______________________5. It is an air-filled space consisting of eardrums and 3 tiny bones.

A. Middle Ear B. Outer Ear

B. Label the parts of the nose. Choose your answer from the box.

B. Read the sentences. Choose the correct answer and write it on the blank.

______________________1. Two openings that are found outside of the nose.

A. Nasal Cavity B. Nostrils

______________________2. These are the passageways that brings signals to the olfactory bulb.

A. Nose B. Olfactory Nerve

______________________3. Parts of the nose that warms and filter the air you breathe in.

A. Nasal Cavity B. Nostrils

______________________4. It is the body part at the middle of our face which allows us to smell

A. Nose B. Nostrils

______________________5. A nerve that interprets the scents that are collected in the air.

A. Nose B. Olfactory bulb

______________________6. It is found inside the nostrils. It catches dust and other things that may
enter the nose.

A. Nose Hair B. Nasal Cavity

______________________7. It is a large open space at the end of the nostrils. It filters and
conditions the air you breathe.

A. Nose Hair B. Nasal Cavity

______________________8. It is the upper portion of the nasal cavity. It brings signal to the
olfactory bulb.

A. Olfactory Nerve B. Nostrils

______________________9. It sends signal to the brain then the brain interprets the scents we

A. Olfactory Nerve B. Olfactory Bulb

A. Label the parts of the tongue. Choose your answer from the box.





B. Read the sentences. Choose the correct answer and write it on the blank.

______________________1. These are inside the papillae that allows you to experience the
different taste of foods.

A. Microvilli B. Taste Buds

______________________2. It is where the sense of taste comes from. It has a rough surface that
helps to grip and move the food around while chewing.

A. Papillae B. Taste Buds

______________________3. It is the largest papillae found at the back of the tongue.

A. Microvilli B. Vallate Papillae

______________________4. It is highly sensitive microscopic hair that distinguish the 5 basic tastes.

A. Taste Buds B. Microvilli

______________________5. This is the fleshy organs inside the mouth use to taste food.

A. Tongue B. Ears

______________________5. It mixes with the food we eat and spreads flavor all over our mouth.

A. Taste Buds B. Saliva

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