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IT Roles

UX designer Website builders
UI designer
Web Developers Wordpress
Creative director Designers React
CMS Joomla
User researcher Angular
Visual designer Vue.js
DevOps engineer
Web designer JavaScript developer Ember
SRE Infrastructure & Networking
Frontend Developers JavaScript developer
Python developer

Cloud systems engineer JEE

Cloud Specialists Java developer Spring

Software architect Laravel
Software Engineers Backend Developers PHP developer
Systems architect Symfony
Security architect Architects .NET Framework
C# developer
.NET Core
Cybersecurity engineer Ruby developer Ruby on Rails
Security software developer Fullstack Developers Perl developer
Cyber Security Specialists (Backend + Frontend)
Security analyst
iOS app developer
IT support specialist IT Roles Map Native apps
Technical support Source, recruit, attract, Android app developer
and assess with confidence. Kotlin
Application Support Engineer
Support Specialists
Helpdesk Specialist Mobile App Developers React Native
Cross-platform apps JavaScript Ionic
System administrator
Windows administrator Appcelerator
Linux administrator Xamarin
Application developer Flutter
Network administrator Administrators Desktop App Developers
CTO Java developer JSE

Database administrator CIO

Business analyst
IT director Executives
Manual tester System analyst
Specialists Data warehouse analyst
Software tester Analysts
Data analyst
AI/ML engineer
QA engineer
QA manager Database developer
Test automation engineer Testing & QA roles
Database administrator
Automation tester Product manager
Data warehouse (ETL) developer
Senior Software QA Engineer BI analyst Project manager
Quality Assurance Engineer BI architect Technical lead
Data analyst VP of engineering
Data & Business Intelligence Specialists
Data scientist Development lead

Oracle Developer IT project manager

Product owner
Power BI Developer Scrum teams
Scrum master
Business Intelligence Consultant

© 2021 Tech Recruitment Academy


The "IT Roles" Explained

Watch The Video To Learn More About The Most
Common IT Roles... So That You Know Who To Recruit
Even If You've Never Worked In IT And You Don't Know


© 2021 Tech Recruitment Academy

Website builders

Square What Programming Languages
Web Developers
CMS Joomla
Angular Do IT Professionals Use

JavaScript developer Ember

Frontend Developers JavaScript developer
Python developer
Java developer Spring

gineers Laravel
Backend Developers PHP developer
.NET Framework
C# developer

Ruby developer
.NET Core
Ruby on Rails
Fullstack Developers Perl developer map-languages-frameworksayttk1lo
(Backend + Frontend)

iOS app developer
Native apps
Android app developer

Mobile App Developers React Native

Cross-platform apps JavaScript Ionic
Application developer Flutter
Desktop App Developers
Java developer JSE

Business analyst
System analyst
© 2021 Tech Recruitment Academy
Specialists Data warehouse analyst
Data analyst
AI/ML engineer
Website builders
Square Recruiters, Java Is NOT
Web Developers

JavaScript developer Ember

Frontend Developers JavaScript developer
Python developer
Java developer Spring

gineers Laravel
Backend Developers PHP developer
.NET Framework
C# developer

Ruby developer
.NET Core
Ruby on Rails
Fullstack Developers Perl developer not-javascript-sdargnw
(Backend + Frontend)

iOS app developer
Native apps
Android app developer

Mobile App Developers React Native

Cross-platform apps JavaScript Ionic
Application developer Flutter
Desktop App Developers
Java developer JSE

Business analyst
System analyst
© 2021 Tech Recruitment Academy
Specialists Data warehouse analyst
Data analyst
AI/ML engineer
Website builders

Square 15 IT Terms Everyone In Tech
Web Developers
CMS Joomla
Angular Recruitment Should Know

JavaScript developer Ember

Frontend Developers JavaScript developer
Python developer
Java developer Spring

gineers Laravel
Backend Developers PHP developer
.NET Framework
C# developer

Ruby developer
.NET Core
Ruby on Rails
Fullstack Developers Perl developer terms-123987119
(Backend + Frontend)

iOS app developer
Native apps
Android app developer

Mobile App Developers React Native

Cross-platform apps JavaScript Ionic
Application developer Flutter
Desktop App Developers
Java developer JSE

Business analyst
System analyst
© 2021 Tech Recruitment Academy
Specialists Data warehouse analyst
Data analyst
AI/ML engineer
Recently Released Videos

How To Start Recruiting What If Tech Candidates

And Headhunting Tech Are Not Responding?!
How To Recruit IT
Candidates Globally
& THRIVE In 2022

by Michal Juhas
Attention: HR managers, Recruiters, And Staffing Agency Owners!

Read this document to learn…

“How To Start Recruiting IT

Candidates Globally In Only
3 Weeks And With Con dence
…Even If You've Never Worked In IT Before And
You Don't Know The IT Terminology Just Yet!”
If you are like HR managers, TA specialists, headhunters, and recruiters I
work with, you could earn a lot more in commissions and bonuses if
only you could get the right IT candidates—consistently and predictably.
And the changing IT job market makes it even more challenging!
Because most of the software developers can work remotely for just ANY
company around the globe.
It feels like anyone who can code already has a good job… and because
of the huge demand and talent shortage, IT candidates get lots of job
o ers.
Companies are ghting for IT talents. Their salary expectations keep
increasing… and they get a bit spoiled!

The Last Person They Want To Talk To Is a

And when a few CVs nally land on your desk, you don't know what to ask
these candidates to check if they are a good t or not…
What do you say during a screening call so they feel you actually know
what you’re talking about and respect you as an IT recruiter?
Look, I’m sure you’d like to ll a lot more IT vacancies but HOW can you
do it if you cannot nd the right candidates—and match them with the job
requirements e ectively?
How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

I’ve worked with A LOT OF recruiters in the last few years and believe the
biggest problem you face right now in terms of maximizing your
recruitment potential is…
The fact that you cannot e ectively engage with IT hiring managers
and IT candidates – which makes you subconsciously avoid interacting
with them.

You Keep Hiding Behind the Screen and Send

Dozens or Even Hundreds of Messages on
LinkedIn Every Day
And you’re probably frustrated because very few of them actually respond
to your messages. You’ve tried di erent approaches, sent invites, long
messages, short messages, and paid InMails, too.
Probably you tried a few expensive job boards but very few candidates
The truth is you just can’t seem to make it work and you don’t want to
admit it to your colleagues or partners.
Perhaps you’re even feeling a little dissatis ed with your performance
because you know you could do better… just don’t know what’s wrong!
You feel like no matter what you try, it’s not getting the right IT
candidates… even though you know other recruiters keep placing IT
candidates and take home serious bonuses!

But That’s Not the End of the Problem. It Gets

Even Worse!
Why? Because if you don’t learn to “speak the same language” with these
IT pro’s, you’ll struggle to recruit the right IT candidates in the long run.
IT specialists will not take you seriously…
You probably know developers make jokes about recruiters who don’t
know there’s a di erence between Java and JavaScript!
And you’ll keep wondering why do they NOT respond to your emails or
Leaving you frustrated as you chase more and more candidates, not
hitting your KPIs and hiring manager’s expectations.

This Costs You a Lot of Money in the Long Run!

You are not only wasting your time and energy, but also miss out on your
commissions and bonuses!

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

For example, if you joined the recruitment network at Global Talents Hub
as a part-time associate, you could get on average $4,000 commissions
for a successfully placed candidate while working for a few hours per
Multiply it by 10 months… and you could easily get additional $40,000
You’re leaving a lot of money on the table if you don’t know how to take
advantage of all the opportunities in front of you, aren’t you?

That’s Exactly What I Was Thinking 2 Years Ago!

I had a client who was looking for Backend C# developers.
Since I was working in IT for over 15 years, I knew a thing or two about C#
ecosystem, but still I couldn’t remember all the software frameworks that
C# developers used.
Think of .NET Core, Xamarin, UWP, WPF, … pretty confusing even for
someone with extensive IT experience!
I didn’t want to let this opportunity pass through just because I’m not sure
about the IT stu … so I created a simple mind map with programming
languages and related software frameworks:

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

This mind map allowed me to quickly look up IT terminology before a call

with a hiring manager or an IT candidate.
And as thousands of recruiters have downloaded it from my website, I
went on to organize a meetup with 30+ IT attendees… and some of them
volunteered to help us create training material for IT recruiters.
We teamed up with several of these IT professionals, software developers,
and CTOs to create more mind maps to help fellow tech recruiters
understand the complex IT landscape.

They contributed to it because they were also FRUSTRATED with

recruiters who kept approaching them but didn’t know much about IT
roles and IT terminology when they discuss IT vacancies.

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

As a result, the IT Recruiter Mind Maps booklet is the most

comprehensive collection of 41 proven mind maps that help IT recruiters,
HR managers, headhunters, and even sales managers in IT.

As I started training other

recruiters, these mind maps
became the corner stone of my
webinars and seminars.
Every week, I receive several
messages from HR managers,
sales professionals, project
managers, and agency business
owners who write how helpful
these mind maps are.
It’s been so rewarding…

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

And I Realized the IT Terminology Is Just the Start

Based on my experience working with dozens of recruiters and training
thousands of IT and HR professionals, I strongly believe a recruiter who
recruits IT professionals needs to understand the IT terminology.
But that’s just the foundation… the starting point!
The rst essential skill to master is the ability to analyze a technical job

A lot of HR professionals struggle with a

technical job description so I developed a
series of exercises with worksheets
and cheat-sheets where I explain what to
ask hiring managers about a sample JD,
i.e. Backend Java developer, Frontend
React developer, etc.

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

Once you get the Job Description and you understand who EXACTLY to
look for, you’ll want to publish it on a job board or social media.
One of the common mistakes is to copy & paste what you’ve got.
But that no longer works… because candidates have short attention span
and little time to go through lengthy JDs.
Instead, you’ll need to create a powerful, short & sweet “Job Pitch.”
Because these days, when IT professionals have lots of opportunities and
can work for any company around the globe, we need to go an extra mile
and “sell” our job opportunity.

We Need To Cut Through the Noise!

When we recruit for our clients, we need to rewrite to boring job
description to a more compelling “job pitch” that can be shared on
social media. Something like this:

Over time, I’ve developed a step-

by-step methodology with a
checklist and several phrases that
can be re-used to draft these
compelling job pitches.
It’s as simple as 1-2-3… which will
get candidates apply to your JDs.
And then you’ll probably ask me like
other recruiters in the past:

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

“Michal, How Do I SCREEN Those IT Candidates

Who Apply?”
Frankly, this is probably the hardest part.
You either have too many candidates and need to screen them quickly
based on pre-de ned questions…
Or you have just a few candidates and need to hop on a call with them to
ask a few questions to determine if they are a good t for the vacancy.
To help fellow recruiters, I wrote dozens of screening questions for the
most common IT roles such as the Backend C# developer, Frontend React
developer, Fullstack JavaScript developer, Product Manager, etc.
See a few samples below:

Your con dence will signi cantly

increase if you know what to ask
candidates and you’ll also be more
likely to identify who’s the right t!
This approach will help you be
much more productive.

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

Some Say Tech Recruitment Is HARD

…while others say it’s EASY!
Look, it truly depends on who’s asking. It’s super-easy for someone like
me who’s been in the IT industry for over 15 years and it’s super-hard for
someone who’s just transitioning from a non-tech eld…
And over-night expects to engage with IT candidates and screen them!
But I’ve got some good news! ✅
The process is predictable and I’ve developed a methodology that can
take someone who’s never been working in IT and transform such person
to a con dent IT recruiter.
My books and training materials cover the whole recruitment work ow:

And this is the key to UNLOCKING your IT candidates:

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

To make it easier for my colleagues and clients, I created “Professional IT

Recruitment Workbook” which includes lots of exercises and examples:

If you’d like to start recruiting IT candidates globally like my colleagues
and clients, but you don’t know where to start because the IT world is so
overwhelming… or you tried a lot ways and still don’t feel like you can do
it like a Pro, I’ve got something special for you!

The “Three Week International Tech Recruitment Online Program”

This program will help you get to a point where you can start recruiting IT
candidates globally and with con dence in only 3 weeks… Even if you've
never worked in IT and you don't know the IT terminology just yet.
This is great for you if you want to:
• Never fear calling a hiring manager or a developer because you don't
know what would you ask them.
• And if you want to avoid making the same mistakes most of the
recruiters make while screening IT candidates.
• And if you want to take home a lot more in commissions or bonuses as
you nally hit your KPIs!
In addition, you’ll:
• Have more freedom in deciding what clients to work for... because
they’ll start respecting you for your advanced tech recruitment skills.
• You’ll also earn the respect of IT candidates who quickly notice you
are the TOP 1% recruiter who understands IT roles and IT terminology.
How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

• You’ll enjoy the moment when your boss notices you are more
e cient than your colleagues in lling IT vacancies.
As a result, you’ll:
• Gain immediate con dence so that interactions with IT specialists will
not feel awkward anymore.
• You’ll show everyone you can hit your recruitment KPIs like a Pro!
You'll Never Have To Worry About Looking Like a
Fool Again!
Thanks to this proven program—which I organize every 2-3 months—
you’ll nally understand the complex IT world and IT roles.
You’ll learn what technologies, programming languages, and software
frameworks do IT specialists use at work… which means you’ll know what
to talk about next time you meet or call a candidate.
You’ll recognize the standard IT roles so you can quickly categorize
candidates based on selected keywords.
This means you will no longer avoid discussions with hiring managers!
You’ll also experience instant con dence when interacting with any IT
professional you meet… and your colleagues will soon get jealous!

And the Best Part?

You don’t have to spend hours or days watching random YouTube videos
and still not learn anything valuable or actionable…
All this WITHOUT talking to colleagues trying to learn from them only to
realize you are stuck for yet another month with limited results…
Alternatively, you can also do nothing and keep struggling for another year
or two while wasting the gigantic opportunities lying right in front of you!
Now, you might be asking… “Who’s this guy here trying to help me with
maximizing my recruitment potential?!”
Well, let me introduce myself. My name is Michal Juhas and I’ve been
working in the IT industry for 17 years.
At rst as a software developer, then an IT consultant, Tech Lead, and also
a CTO in a fast-growing TravelTech startup…
This allowed me to work directly with 100+ IT professionals. I understand
how do they think, what do they prefer… because I used to be one of

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

I Hired Software Developers From 13 Countries

To Join my IT Teams
And today, my colleagues and I specialize in international tech
recruitment. Our clients include San Francisco-based startups, European
scale-ups, as well as international corporations.
Look, I believe IT recruiters need to continuously learn about IT to be
successful in their jobs. That’s why I've trained over 30,000 IT & HR
professionals online in the last few years:

Some of them are from the largest sta ng agencies like Manpower,
Experis, and Accenture.
From Europe, United States, Canada, India, Singapore… because IT is the
same no matter where you are. And so is IT recruitment!

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

Here’s the Bottom Line With Maximizing YOUR

Recruitment Potential:
The longer you wait, the higher the chance your ideal candidate will get
recruited by another HR professional who has already learned how to do
IT recruitment properly.
Frankly, it’s never been easier to learn about IT roles, the essential IT
terminology, and to speak the same language with IT candidates… than it
is right now!

And Let Me Ask You…

Isn't it frustrating when software developers are not responding to your
emails or InMails?
Just imagine how many more of them could you recruit if you knew how to
cut through the noise with compelling messages!
…how to present the job opportunity so they get excited and engage with
How much more in commissions would you earn if you could source and
attract the right IT candidates and then match them with the right IT
Probably a few thousand euros per quarter, right?
You certainly could because IT candidates’ salaries keep increasing and
recruiters’ commissions as a result, too.
Don’t you want a companion, a mentor, who’s been in the trenches for
several years and can help you get to your next level in IT recruitment?
As I mentioned, I’ve worked with lots of recruiters and I’m best positioned
to help you get better.

Are You Wondering Why I’m So Con dent?

Just think about this for a second:
1. Guess how many recruiters have worked as software developers in the
past which means they understand the IT landscape intimately?
• Hint: Not too many.
2. And out of those who have, how many have also been teaching IT and
IT recruitment strategies to thousands of other IT and HR professionals
• Hint: Very, very few…

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

I can tell you based on a simple search on LinkedIn using the following
lter with basic Boolean operators (you’ll learn them in the program, too!):
• Current Title: “Technical Recruiter” OR “IT Recruiter”
• Keywords: (“Software Developer” OR “Software Engineer”) AND Trainer
• Location: Worldwide
• Years Of Experience: 15+ years
…there’s NO OTHER PERSON IN THE WORLD who has my level of
hands-on experience in the IT industry, PLUS international IT recruitment
experience, PLUS experience teaching all this to thousands of people
around the globe.
Just look what the CEO of a sta ng agency from Germany said:

“Having someone from the industry explain the terminology is the

best solution. We've been with you for over four weeks and we're
very satisfied because I see the progress on my recruiters' side and
I also learnt a lot myself."
–Marat Yakupov, CEO, Berlin (Germany)

And You’re Really Lucky!

…because I’m keen to share my knowledge and everything you need to
know to score more victories in IT recruitment!
I’m doing this because when I was the CTO, I was frustrated with
recruiters who knew nothing about IT and were completely useless to me
as the CTO.
So, years later, here I am, ready to show you how to do it like a Pro!
If you’d like to THRIVE in tech recruitment, and you’re looking for
shortcuts and professional guidance, join my upcoming program and we’ll
take care of it once and for all!
• You’ll NOT have to spend 17 years in the IT industry as I did.
• You’ll NOT have to make all the mistakes in IT recruitment as I did.
• You’ll NOT have to discover it all alone as I did.
Seriously, if this is not a UNIQUE, one-in-a-million opportunity, then
please tell me what would it be!
Join my upcoming program and you’ll soon discover the exact strategies
to cut through the noise, attract IT professionals, and instantly become the
envy of all the other recruiters!

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

Best of all? You’ll start seeing results with the International Tech
Recruitment Online Program in only three weeks…

And You’ll Start Recruiting IT Candidates With

Con dence, Like Svetlana
She’s a seasoned HR Professional with 18+ years of work experience in
local and international companies. In January 2021, she joined Kriptomat
where she was supposed to recruit IT candidates, too.
Svetlana struggled with IT positions because despite her 18 years of HR
experience, she didn’t know much about IT and IT roles.
So she’s decided to join the program where she learned a lot about the IT
landscape, technologies, and IT professionals.
As a result, she’s now recruiting IT candidates for Kriptomat with
con dence and this is what she wrote on Trustpilot:

“I would definitely recommend this course to any recruiter who

would like to shift to IT recruitment field.”
–Svetlana Dinulovic, Talent Acquisition & HR Expert at Kriptomat

Any recruiter can ll IT vacancies with con dence by using strategies from
the Tech Recruitment Program, because it clearly explains the essential IT

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

See What Attendees Said About the Program

“It's just stunning, in eight
days... where I was and where I
am now, how you moved us
—Richard Cowley,
Recruitment Director,
Watch the video testimony here: Thailand

Maria From Spain

“I had very little technical knowledge
so with this course I was able to lay
down a strong foundation. Michal is
great because he's got the best from
both worlds... It was an eye-opener!”
Watch the video testimony here: –Maria Campanella, Tech Recruiter, Spain

Jozef From Slovak Republic

“Since I'm talking to a lot of IT
people, I often get lost in all the
technology. My motivation was to get
deeper understanding about the
technologies and be able to filter out
Watch the video testimony here: the CV. The way Michal presented was catchy and engaging.”
medias/akrjiinzk3 –Jozef Laufer, Recruiter, Slovakia

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

Elena From Russia

“I really like the program, the
materials. We started connecting with
recruiters from the group. I'm very
satisfied, you guys are doing a great
Watch the video testimony here: –Elena Smoykina, HR Director, Russia

Sansary From Singapore

“This is one hub where I can go
through the materials, read
everything, and it saved me a lot of
time." Everything Michal is explaining
is very clear and easy to digest.”
Watch the video testimony here: –Sansary, Recruiter, Singapore

Cynthia From Singapore

“I like the persona aspect in a way
that we have to talk the candidate
–Cynthia Tan, Talent Acquisition
Specialist, Singapore
Watch the video testimony here:

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

Malay From Canada

“I've been in the IT industry for 20
years. ... It went perfectly, very well
organized, and I like the mind maps a
–Malay Kapoor, Recruiter, Canada
Watch the video testimony here:

Rajesh From India

“It's been a great experience because
all our questions were answered.”
–Rajesh Kinnera, Talent Acquisition
Lead, India

Watch the video testimony here:

Luna From Italy

“The knowledge that Michal has
shared was very helpful but
something even more powerful was
the conversations we had.”
–Luna Nguyen, Organization
Watch the video testimony here: Development Coordinator, Italy

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

Abhishek From India

“I love to watch your videos. In the
world, there's no one like you who
can teach us like you.”
–Abhishek, IT Recruiter, India

Watch the video testimony here:

Would you like to experience the same professional growth as Maria,

Malay, Abhishek, Cynthia, and Sansary did?

In This Program, You’ll Learn:

• What are the 52 most common IT roles and what are their speci cs.
• The key to becoming a valuable partner to CTOs & IT hiring
• The six software developer personas EVERY recruiter in IT should
know about!
• The simple video SCRIPT that brings excited IT candidates to your
And you’ll also learn:
• The key to submitting more IT candidates because you’ll be able to
get their attention and screen them e ectively.
• What's the easiest way to di erentiate Frontend, Backend, Fullstack,
Java or JavaScript web developers.
• The secret tactic that helps to recognize IT professionals based on
the software frameworks they use at work.
• How to write ONE compelling sentence in a job pitch that will be SO
intriguing to IT talents they couldn't refuse checking your job

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

• The simple SCRIPT to introduce yourself as a professional IT
recruitment consultant with added credibility.
• How to mention the most important aspects of a job o er in only
three lines on the social media!
• The detailed breakdown of my ideal job advertisement that got me
quali ed candidates in no-time and allowed to ll in a vacancy in less
than two weeks!

You’ll Soon Realize That IT Recruitment Can Be

Fun… and Relatively Easy, Too!
…if you learn to “speak tech.” We’ll follow these steps during the program:
• FIRST, you’ll learn the key IT terms so you can lead discussions with IT
candidates and IT hiring managers with con dence.
Think of the common technical stacks (LAMP, MEAN, MERN),
technologies, common programming languages, and popular software
• SECOND, you’ll learn speci cs of common IT roles. Think of Frontend,
Backend, or Fullstack developers, Data engineers, Cloud or DevOps
specialists, Analysts, Architects, Testers, QA, Scrum roles, Networking
specialists, Technical Support, Data Engineers, IT managers, …
• THIRD, you’ll learn how to analyze IT job requirements so you know
who EXACTLY to look for.
This is crucial because if you underestimate this step, you may waste
days or weeks looking for people who’ll not be a good t for the
• FOURTH, you’ll learn how to screen IT candidates and identify the best
ones. You’ll see exactly what questions do I ask candidates. You’ll look
over my shoulder and see under the hood.
See, you can shift from being an "amateurish" IT recruiter to a professional
who will eventually become a trusted advisor to IT hiring managers.

You Just Need To Lay Down a Strong IT

Foundation and I Will Guide You!
Here are some of the reasons why other recruiters have enjoyed this
training program in 2021:
1. Real-World Examples: I’m recruiting for selected clients, too, and will
show you exactly how do I analyze IT job requirements and how do I

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

screen IT candidates… which means you’ll not learn some boring

theory but instead acquire very practical, ready-to-use skills.
2. Clear Learning Path: I don’t want you to be overwhelmed with
hundreds of IT acronyms and get lost. Instead, you’ll progress step by
step through our proven path to understand the IT concepts… which
means you’ll not waste time going through random stu on the
internet. You’ll get a clear high-level picture and then we’ll dive deeper.
3. IT Terminology Explained In Human Language: Easy to understand
explanations with real-life examples accompanied with worksheets,
mind maps, and slide handouts will help you digest the terms and—
most importantly—use them right away.

Join the Three-Week Online Program Which

1. Eight live video training sessions with Michal Juhas
2. PDF worksheet & slide deck ready to print
3. 24-hour video replays – in case you miss a live session
4. Additional pre-recorded on-demand video training
5. Two live Q&A sessions where you can ask anything
6. Certi cation exam
7. Certi cate of completion (digital PDF or printed/shipped)
8. The “Tech Recruitment Academy” Annual Membership with weekly
calls and 20+ additional courses – VIP ticket holders only
9. Two Role Play sessions – VIP ticket holders only
10. One Job Description Analysis session – VIP ticket holders only
11. 2022 Mind Maps booklet PDF with video explainers – VIP ticket
holders only
12. Unlimited Program video replays – VIP ticket holders only

But Wait… That’s Not All!

If you join the upcoming Three-Week Online Program, you’ll get the
following BONUSES free of charge:

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

BONUS 1: Three Submissions In Three Weeks Challenge

Start earning money on the side! Join our
extended team of IT recruiters and recruit for
Global Talents Hub’s international clients right
away. By joining the challenge, you will get
access to our job portal where you can submit
candidates to our clients.
We will guide you step-by-step so you submit
at least three quali ed candidates in only
three weeks… and can earn THOUSANDS of
euros in commissions for a placed candidate!
You’ll get to know how one of our associates, Zuzana, managed to submit
a great candidate only 20 days after she joined and earned 2,900 EURO in
commissions for her rst placed candidate.
Total Value: €129.00 — included in this amazing o er!

BONUS 2: CTOs Cheat Sheet To IT Terminology Frequently

Used In CVs And JDs
We’ve reviewed hundreds of IT job descriptions
and resumes to identify the most frequent IT
terminology and acronyms. This cheat sheet
will teach you exactly what do you need to
know to analyze IT job descriptions and
candidates’ CVs… so you can engage with
hiring managers and candidates without the
fear of saying something stupid.
You’ll learn what are the MUST-KNOW technical
acronyms every recruiter and HR specialist dealing with IT job
requirements needs to know!
Total Value: €197.00 — included in this amazing o er!

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

BONUS 3: Recruiter’s Guide To Analyzing IT Job

Analyzing technical job requirements is essential to your
success in recruitment. Screw this up and you’ll
waste days or weeks sourcing for candidates
who’ll not be a good t! In this video course, we’ll
teach you step-by-step how to analyze the 15
most common IT job descriptions (Backend,
Frontend, Fullstack developer, Data engineer, etc.)
so you know EXACTLY who to look for.
You’ll learn what four questions you should ask to attract your most
desired IT candidates, and the seven areas you MUST include in every job
Total Value: €197.00 — included in this amazing o er!

BONUS 4: Recruiter’s Client Acquisition System

Learn how to get new clients to start recruiting for. Get access to our
proven lead generation methods, KPIs, and message templates.
Total Value: €197.00 — included in this amazing o er!

BONUS 5: Guide To Sourcing IT Candidates On LinkedIn

Find quali ed candidates on the largest professional
social network in only three simple steps. You’ll learn
how do we nd software developers, data engineers,
mobile developers, or IT managers step-by-step, with
screenshots and ready-to-use keywords.
The case study highlights the keywords that yielded a
candidate who landed a job o er!
Total Value: €197.00 — included in this amazing
o er!

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

BONUS 6: Guide To Sourcing IT Candidates On GitHub

Find software developers on the most popular code hosting service:
GitHub! We’ll teach you how to nd and approach IT professionals based
on what programming language, software framework or library they use.
You’ll learn the key to reaching your candidates where they are already
hanging out, whenever you want!
The case study includes a real-world sourcing sheet with one candidate
who landed a job o er!
Total Value: €97.00 — included in this amazing o er!

BONUS 7: 57 Samples Of Interesting Job Posts On

Get a swipe le with lots of interesting job adverts so you can
swipe through them before you post on Facebook. See what
works on Facebook so you can replicate it.
You’ll learn how to Pitch & Sell your vacancies to IT candidates
so they cannot resist the temptation to submit their CVs.
Total Value: €97.00 — included in this amazing o er!

BONUS 8: 35 Samples Of Interesting Job Posts On LinkedIn

Get a swipe le with lots of interesting job adverts so you can
swipe through them before you post on LinkedIn. See what
works on LinkedIn so you can replicate it.
You’ll learn how to Pitch & Sell your vacancies to IT candidates so
they cannot resist the temptation to submit their CVs.
Total Value: €97.00 — included in this amazing o er!

BONUS 9: Canva Templates For Quick Job Promotions

Get access to our template in Canva so you can create job adverts quickly
and without a graphical designer.


How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

Total Value: €97.00 — included in this amazing o er!

BONUS 10: Recruiter’s Boolean Search Keywords Generator

Get access to our Excel le with Boolean strings so you don’t have to
reinvent the wheel… and just use what works for us when we’re looking
for software developers, Data engineers, product managers, analysts,
architects, or IT managers.
Total Value: €197.00 — included in this amazing o er!

BONUS 11: Recruiter’s Guide To Great Screening Questions

Get access to screening questions for the 15 most
common IT positions so you can screen the IT
candidates quickly and with con dence.
Total Value: €97.00 — included in this
amazing o er!

BONUS 12: Talent Pool Masterclass Ticket

Join our Live masterclass to learn how to build your talent pool of future IT
candidates e ciently… so you can place them to your clients next quarter
and earn decent commissions or bonuses with little e ort!
Total Value: €197.00 — included in this amazing o er!

BONUS 13: Recruiter’s Guide To Starting With Freelancing

Although it’s never been easier to start freelancing,
you don’t have to spend days or weeks wondering
how to set it up. We’ll show you what are the best
ways to approach it so you can focus on recruiting
candidates instead of administration or bureaucracy.
Total Value: €197.00 — included in this amazing
o er!

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

BONUS 14: Recruiter’s Guide To Powerful Submission Notes

Learn how to write high-quality submission notes to your clients that will
get your candidates for an interview.
Total Value: €197.00 — included in this amazing o er!

BONUS 15: Case Study: Powerful Messaging On LinkedIn

Learn how to message potential candidates on LinkedIn so they respond
and you can engage with them.
Total Value: €197.00 — included in this amazing o er!

BONUS 16: Case Study: Getting Candidates On LinkedIn

Using A New Secret Tactic
Learn how to use paid advertisement (not job ads!) to get
quali ed candidates to come your way… so that
you don’t have to send invites or write messages on
LinkedIn all day long!
You’ll learn why sending hundreds of messages or
InMails to IT professionals only leads to frustration
and burnout in the long run.
Total Value: €197.00 — included in this amazing o er!

BONUS 17: Job Fair VIP Pass

Join a virtual job fair at the end of the Tech Recruitment Program to meet
companies that are looking for certi ed IT recruiters. Get a chance to meet
online the best companies to work for.
Total Value: €49.00 — included in this amazing o er!

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

BONUS 18: XLS Spreadsheet With A List Of IT Recruitment

Agencies In Europe
Get access to a list of recruitment agencies with their contact details and
job boards so you can email them if you are looking for a new job.
Total Value: €97.00 — included in this amazing o er!

What’s Next:
Now, you can either continue down the path of least resistance, the path
you have already been traveling, or you can choose the road less traveled.
The path of least resistance will probably result in you getting the same
outcomes you’ve been receiving… or no outcomes at all!
But if you want something di erent—and better—to happen, if you want to
change the direction of your IT recruitment career, you’re going to have to
do something di erent.
Join the Three-Week International Tech Recruitment Online Program
to learn from the industry experts.
Click the button below, choose your ticket (Standard or VIP), ll out the
online checkout form, and you’ll be invited to join the live training sessions
and will immediately receive the bonuses, too.

To Join the Program, Get Your Ticket Today

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

Get your Standard or VIP ticket:

100% Money-Back Guarantee

I personally guarantee your satisfaction and I’m willing
to refund 100% of your payment if you’re not
satis ed!
Do you think I’d still be in business if I gave a
crazy guarantee like this and wasn’t good at what
I did? Now, I’m not guaranteeing you’ll nd and
submit great candidates and earn lots of
commissions because I can’t “eat the food for you,” so
to speak. I can show you what to do and how but you
need to put maximum e ort into it.
If you enroll in this program and for whatever reason
you are not satis ed with this its content, Live sessions, video
replays, additional courseware or strategies, you can get your money
back. Just send an email to my colleagues at and we'll refund 100% of your payment

Hundreds of recruiters from international sta ng agencies joined my
courses and webinars so I’m con dent this program will teach you
everything you need to know about IT if you interact with IT talents.

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

And This Is What They Say:

Read their individual comments below

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

To Join the Program, Get Your Ticket Today

Get your Standard or VIP ticket:

Frequently Asked Questions

• Are group discounts available?
• Yes, if you purchase three or more tickets. Please reach out via email
and we’ll sort it out -
• Do we get an invoice to claim company expenses?
• Yes, sure. You can enter your Tax ID at checkout or reach out via
email and we’ll issue an invoice so you can pay with bank transfer.
• Can I pay in some other currencies?
• Yes, you can also pay online in any other international currency. Your
bank's currency exchange rate will be used.
• Who is this training best for?
• This event is for Talent Hunters (Recruiters, Talent Acquisition
managers, HR specialists) as well as Sales Managers. Essentially
everyone who is helping to ll IT vacancies and needs to interact with
IT candidates or IT hiring managers.
• Do I get only one attempt for the certi cation exam?
How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

• No, you’ll get as many attempts as you need. We’d like you to pass
and are here to help. If you pass, you can decide to start working for
us or our clients so naturally we’d like you to pass.
• What is the nal price including taxes?
• The nal taxes depend on a few factors:
• a) if you purchase on a company in the EU or outside of EU => no
• b) if you purchase as an individual in EU => VAT based on your local
• c) if you purchase outside of EU => 0% tax (there may be a few
• The taxes are calculated at checkout, you can just visit the checkout
form and select your Country in the billing area.
• What are the dates and times?
• This event kicks o on Monday at 16:00 CET timezone. A detailed
schedule is available on the website where you can purchase a ticket.
If you cannot join a Live session, no worries, you can watch a replay.
• Can I get a refund if I can't attend?
• We record all sessions so no worries if you cannot attend. Life is busy,
we know it... and that's why you'll get access to video replays. That's
why there's no need for a refund if you cannot attend Live.
• Will replays be available?
• Yes, replays will be available the next day.
• Have other questions?
• Please, reach out via email to

To Join the Program, Get Your Ticket Today

Get your Standard or VIP ticket:

How To Recruit IT Candidates Globally

If you’d like to ask about group discounts, invoices, or dedicated training
for your team only, send us an email to this address:

Michal Juhas
To learn more about Michal Juhas, visit

Tech Recruitment Agency:

If you’d like me and my team to help you recruit IT professionals for your
team, leave us your contact details at

Tech Recruitment Training For Individuals:

This is a product of the Tech Recruitment Academy. Learn more about our
Membership at

Tech Recruitment Training For Teams:

If you’d like to train your team online via a conference call, please request
our brochure with information about our programs at

Copyright Notice
Copyright © 2021 EdTech Labs Europe j. s. a., All Rights Reserved
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods,
without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of
brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other
noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
For permission requests, write to the publisher, at the address below:

Mind Map With Common IT Roles

Manual tester
Software tester Wix
Website builders
QA engineer Square
QA manager Testing & QA roles Web Developers Wordpress
Test automation engineer CMS Joomla
Automation tester Drupal
Senior Software QA Engineer
React Next.js
Quality Assurance Engineer
JavaScript developer
Database developer TypeScript developer Angular
Database administrator
Frontend Developers
Data warehouse (ETL) developer
BI analyst JavaScript developer
Data & Business Django
BI architect Python developer
Intelligence Specialists Flask
Data analyst
Data scientist
Java developer Spring
Oracle Developer
Power BI Developer Backend Developers
Business Intelligence Consultant PHP developer
Software Engineers
.NET Framework
Business analyst C# developer
.NET Core
System analyst Ruby developer
Ruby on Rails
Data warehouse analyst Analysts Perl developer
Data analyst

Frontend (see above) + Backend (see above)

Fullstack Developers
Software architect
Systems architect Architects
Security architect
Data architect iOS app developer
Native apps
IT Roles Map Java
UX designer Android app developer
Source, recruit, attract,
UI designer Kotlin
and assess with confidence.
Creative director Mobile App Developers
Designers React Native
User researcher
Cross-platform apps JavaScript Ionic
Visual designer
Web designer Appcelerator
IT support specialist Application developer Dart
Desktop App Developers Flutter
Technical support Java developer
Support Specialists JSE
Application Support Engineer
Helpdesk Specialist

System administrator Enterprise App Developers
MS Dynamics
Windows administrator
Linux administrator Administrators

Network administrator

Database administrator

Infrastructure & Networking

Blockchain Developers
Network Engineer Specialists

AI/ML engineer
AI & ML Specialists

CIO Executives Cybersecurity engineer
IT director Cyber Security Specialists Security software developer
Security analyst

Cloud Architect
Product manager
Project manager Cloud Specialists Cloud Engineer

Technical lead Managers Cloud Software Developer

VP of engineering
Cloud Security Engineer
Development lead
DevOps Engineer
IT project manager
Product owner Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)
Scrum master Scrum teams

Head of Software Development

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